Platforma, predtým známa ako platforma na stretnutia pripravená na video sieť , sa teraz nazýva platforma na stretnutia Webex Suite.

Konverguje skúsenosti zo stretnutí naprieč aplikáciami a zariadeniami Webex a otvára potenciál pre nepretržitú spoluprácu pred a po stretnutí s bohatými zážitkami v reálnom čase. Ak chcete získať prehľad, pozrite si článok Vitajte v platforme stretnutí Webex Suite.

Ak vaše stretnutia neprebiehajú na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite, pozrite si časť Čo je nové v stretnutiach.

Takto môžete skontrolovať, či vaše stretnutia už prebiehajú na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite.


Vykonajte jeden z nasledujúcich krokov:

  • Na schôdzi kliknite na položku Informácie o schôdzi > Zabezpečenie.
  • Keď nie ste na schôdzi, prihláste sa na svoju webovú lokalitu, kliknite na položku Prevzaté > Informácie o verzii.

Ak sa zobrazuje Platforma stretnutia: Komerčné (Webex Suite), vaše stretnutia Webex používajú platformu stretnutí Webex Suite.

Ak nevidíte platformu na stretnutia, vaše stretnutia Webex ešte nebežia na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite.
skontrolujte platformu stretnutia

Funkcie, ktoré boli predtým dostupné z panela s ponukami, sú teraz viac kontextové a distribuované v rámci stretnutia. V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze sa pozrite do časti Možnosti zvuku, Možnosti videa, Zdieľať obsah a Ďalšie možnosti , kde nájdete niektoré kľúčové akcie. .

Nasledujúce obrázky vám ukážu, kde nájdete funkcie v novom prostredí. Ak hľadáte konkrétne nastavenie, prečítajte si tabuľku nižšie, ktorá mapuje staré cesty ponuky k novým ovládacím prvkom. Môžete tiež použiť navigáciu pomocou klávesnice a skratky , aby ste ušetrili čas a znížili počet kliknutí myšou.

Ukážte mi nové ovládacie prvky

Optimalizovali sme umiestnenie najobľúbenejších možností na paneli s ponukami. Teraz máte prístup k možnostiam z ponúk Zdieľať, Zobraziť, Zvuk a video, Účastník a Schôdza priamo z ovládacích prvkov schôdze.

Napríklad prejdite do časti Nastavenia zvuku z rozbaľovacej ponuky Možnosti zvuku v . Prejdite do časti Nastavenia videa z rozbaľovacej ponuky Možnosti videa v .

prístup k nastaveniam zvuku a videa počas hovoru alebo schôdze z ovládacích prvkov schôdze

Prejdite na položku Ďalšie možnosti v ovládacích prvkoch schôdze, aby ste získali prístup k možnostiam schôdze a povolili oddelené relácie.

Prístup k možnostiam stretnutia počas stretnutia

Odkaz na panel ponuky

Tabuľka č. 1 Odkaz na panel ponuky schôdzí
Cesta k starej ponukeKde to teraz nájsťPoznámky

Účastník > Ignorovať ma

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Stlmiť

Účastník > Prestať ma ignorovať

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Prestať ignorovať

Účastník > Stlmiť všetko

Kliknite na položku Otvoriť panel účastníkov > Ignorovať všetkých

Účastník > Prestať ignorovať všetkých

Kliknite na položku Otvoriť panel účastníkov > Zrušiť ignorovanie všetkých

Účastník > Ignorovať pri vstupe

Kliknite na položku Otvoriť panel účastníkov > Ďalšie možnosti a začiarknite políčko Ignorovať pri vstupe

Účastník > Povoliť účastníkom zapnúť zvuk

Kliknite na položku Otvoriť panel účastníkov > Ďalšie možnosti a začiarknite políčko Povoliť účastníkom zapnúť zvuk

Účastník > Tón vstupu a výstupu

Otvorte nastavenia zo svojho profilového obrázka a kliknite na položku Upozornenia > Stretnutia. V časti Zvuky akcií schôdze vyberte akciu a zvuk, ktorý chcete počuť.

Účastník > Pozvať a pripomenúť…

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti > Pozvať ľudí

Účastník > Zdieľať môže ktokoľvek

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti > Možnosti schôdze a vyberte možnosť Zdieľať obsah

Účastník > Priradiť oprávnenia...

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti > Možnosti schôdze a vyberte privilégiá

Pre všetkých v ponuke možností schôdze. Individuálne privilégiá nie sú podporované.

Účastník > Zmeniť rolu

Kliknite na položku Otvoriť panel účastníkov a potom vedľa mena účastníka kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti a kliknite na položku Urobiť prezentujúceho, Urobiť hostiteľa alebo Vytvoriť spoluhostiteľa

Účastník > Získať späť rolu hostiteľa

Kliknite na položku Otvoriť panel účastníkov , kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na svoje meno a kliknite na položku Získať späť rolu hostiteľa.

Účastník > Vylúčiť

Kliknite na položku Otvoriť panel účastníkov a potom vedľa mena účastníkov kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti > Vylúčiť

Stretnutie > Informácie

V hornej časti okna schôdze kliknite na položku Informácie o schôdzi > Kopírovať informácie o schôdzi

Stretnutie > Kopírovať odkaz na stretnutie

V hornej časti okna stretnutia kliknite na položku Informácie o stretnutí > Odkaz na stretnutie

Stretnutie > Nastavenia rekordéra

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Nahrať > Možnosti nahrávania

Stretnutie > Uvítacia správa…

Uvítacia správa momentálne nie je k dispozícii

Stretnutie > Možnosti...

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti > Možnosti schôdze

Stretnutie > Nastavenia schôdze…

Otvorte nastavenia zo svojho profilového obrázka a kliknite na položku Stretnutia

Stretnutie > Uzamknúť stretnutie

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti > Uzamknúť schôdzu

Zdieľať > Zdieľať obsah…

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Zdieľať obsah

Zdieľať > Zdieľať webový prehliadač

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Zdieľať obsah a vyberte webový prehliadač

Zdieľať > Zdieľať multimédiá…

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Zdieľať obsah, zdieľajte svoju obrazovku alebo aplikáciu a vyberte možnosť Optimalizovať pre pohyb a video

Zdieľať > Zdieľať vzdialený počítač…

Zdieľať vzdialený počítač nie je k dispozícii

Zdieľať > Zdieľať okno mojej schôdze

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Zdieľať obsah a vyberte možnosť Webex a okno schôdze

Uistite sa, že ste nastavili Zdieľanie obsahu na možnosť Zdieľať všetky okná z aplikácie. V opačnom prípade nebudete môcť zdieľať okno schôdze aplikácie Webex a všetky súvisiace plávajúce okná.

Zobraziť > Automaticky posúvať stránky vpred

Automaticky posúvať stránky nie je k dispozícii

Pomocník > Pomocník

V navigačnej ponuke aplikácie kliknite na položky Pomocník > Centrum pomoci

Pomocník > Klávesové skratky

V navigačnej ponuke aplikácie kliknite na položky Pomocník > Klávesové skratky

Pomocník > Nastavenia zjednodušenia ovládania

Otvorte nastavenia zo svojho profilového obrázka a kliknite na položku Zjednodušenie ovládania

Pomocník > Odoslať správu o probléme

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti > Nahlásiť problém

Pomocník > O

V hlavičke aplikácie kliknite na svoj profilový obrázok a kliknite na položku Pomocník > O

Pomocník > Kontrola stavu

V hlavičke aplikácie kliknite na svoj profilový obrázok a kliknite na položky Pomocník > Kontrola zdravia

Súbor > Otvoriť a zdieľať...

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Zdieľať obsah > Súbor

Súbor > Otvoriť otázky prieskumu...

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Aplikácie > Slido

Súbor > Otvoriť rozhovor...

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Zobraziť rozhovor

Súbor > Otvorené otázky a odpovede...

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Aplikácie > Slido

Súbor > Preniesť…

Kliknite na položku Ďalšie panely > Obsah > Pridať súbory

Súbor > Odoslať prepis…

Nahrajte si stretnutie alebo stiahnite prepis bez nahrávania stretnutia

Súbor > Ukončiť schôdzu

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Opustiť schôdzu alebo ukončiť schôdzu pre všetkých

Neoverení účastníci

Teraz sa vo vstupnej hale aj na paneli Účastníci vedľa mien účastníkov, ktorí nie sú prihlásení do Webexu, zobrazuje Neoverené . Toto vylepšenie vám umožní jednoducho identifikovať účastníkov, ktorých identitu aplikácia nemohla overiť.

ako zobraziť rôznych účastníkov vo vstupnej hale

Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti Zistite, koho povoľujete na schôdzu Webex.

Indikátory zvuku a videa

Keď účastníci zapnú svoje video, budú ľahko viditeľní vo videách účastníkov. Indikátory videa v zozname účastníkov teda nie sú také užitočné a v platforme stretnutí Webex Suite sme ich odstránili.

Keď má niekto vypnutý zvuk, na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite sa vedľa mena danej osoby nezobrazí ikona . Avšak; keď je niekto stlmený, vedľa jeho mena sa zobrazuje ikona . A ak účastník nie je na schôdzi pripojený k zvuku, v zozname účastníkov na platforme schôdzok Webex Suite sa vedľa jeho mena zobrazuje ikona .

Na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite zoznam účastníkov neobsahuje indikátory, ako napríklad , ktoré by ukazovali spôsob pripojenia účastníkov k zvuku.

Karty kontaktov na stretnutiach

Počas stretnutia môžete umiestniť kurzor myši na profilový obrázok niekoho v zozname účastníkov a zobraziť jeho kartu kontaktu.

Na schôdzi a Nie na schôdzi

V prípade plánovaných stretnutí má zoznam účastníkov sekcie s názvom Na schôdzi a Nie na schôdzi. Tieto sekcie vám umožňujú jednoducho zistiť, ktorí účastníci sa už k schôdzi pripojili a ktorí ľudia sú pozvaní, ale ešte sa nepripojili.

V časti Nie som na schôdzi sa nezobrazujú tieto informácie:

  • Ľudia pozvaní na stretnutie, ktorí nemajú účet Webex.
  • Ľudia, ktorí boli pozvaní zo schôdze , ale ešte sa nepripojili.

Účastníci, ktorí sa pripájajú z viacerých zariadení

V zozname účastníkov sa raz zobrazí prihlásený používateľ, aj keď sa pripojí z viacerých zariadení. To umožňuje jednoduchšiu správu používateľov konsolidáciou ich viacerých inštancií pripojenia do jedného účastníka.

Možnosti zoznamu účastníkov

Možnosti v zozname účastníkov sú prehľadnejšie. Ak hľadáte konkrétnu možnosť, prečítajte si nasledujúcu tabuľku, ktorá mapuje staré možnosti ponuky po kliknutí pravým tlačidlom myši na nové ovládacie prvky.

Tabuľka 2 Odkaz na zoznam účastníkov

Stará možnosť v zozname účastníkov

kde je teraz?

Pre viac informácií

Zmeniť rolu > Urobiť prezentujúceho

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na meno účastníka (alebo umiestnite kurzor myši na jeho meno a kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti) a kliknite na položku Urobiť prezentujúceho.

Pozrite si časť Urobte z niekoho prezentujúceho

Zmeniť rolu > Urobiť hostiteľa

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na meno účastníka (alebo umiestnite kurzor myši na jeho meno a kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti) a kliknite na položku Urobiť hostiteľa.

Pozrite si časť Urobte z niekoho iného hostiteľa stretnutia

Zmeniť rolu > Vytvoriť spoluhostiteľa

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na meno účastníka (alebo umiestnite kurzor myši na jeho meno a kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti) a kliknite na položku Vytvoriť spoluhostiteľa.

Pozrite si časť Pridanie alebo odstránenie spoluhostiteľa zo schôdze

Zmeniť rolu > Zapísať poznámku

Nie je k dispozícii

Zmeniť rolu > Urobiť skrytého titulkára

Nie je k dispozícii

Prejdite na ovládanie pomocou klávesnice a myši

Nie je k dispozícii

Povoliť anotáciu

Keď počas schôdze zdieľate obsah, v hornej časti obrazovky vyberte položku Ďalšie možnosti zdieľania tlačidlo viac možností zdieľania > Oprávnenia na anotácie.

Pozrite si časť Označenie zdieľanej obrazovky pomocou poznámok

Prideliť oprávnenia

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti > Možnosti schôdze.

Pozrite si časť Nastavenie možností schôdze ako hostiteľa alebo spoluhostiteľa


Na paneli Účastníci umiestnite kurzor myši na meno účastníka a kliknite na položku Stlmiť.

Pozrite si časť Stlmenie alebo zrušenie ignorovania iných ľudí na schôdzi

Zapnúť zvuk

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite na položku Prestať ignorovať vedľa mena účastníka.

Pozrite si časť Stlmenie alebo zrušenie ignorovania iných ľudí na schôdzi

Stlmiť všetko

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite na položku Stlmiť všetkých.

Pozrite si časť Stlmenie alebo zrušenie ignorovania iných ľudí na schôdzi

Zapnúť zvuk všetkých

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite na položku Zrušiť ignorovanie všetkých.

Pozrite si časť Stlmenie alebo zrušenie ignorovania iných ľudí na schôdzi

Dolná ruka

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite na položku Spodná rukaZdvihnutá ruka vedľa mena účastníka.

Pozrite si časť Pozrite sa, kto zdvihol ruku na schôdzi

Spustite všetky ruky

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na meno ktoréhokoľvek účastníka (alebo umiestnite kurzor myši na meno ktoréhokoľvek účastníka a vyberte položku Ďalšie možnosti) a kliknite na položku Spustiť všetky ruky.

Pozrite si časť Pozrite sa, kto zdvihol ruku na schôdzi

Zastaviť video

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na meno účastníka (alebo umiestnite kurzor myši na jeho meno a kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti) a kliknite na položku Zastaviť video.

Pozrite si časť Vypnutie videa účastníka


Na paneli Účastníci kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na meno účastníka (alebo umiestnite kurzor myši na jeho meno a kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti) a kliknite na položku Priamy rozhovor.

Pozrite si časť Rozhovor na schôdzi alebo oddelenej relácii

Upraviť zobrazovaný názov

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na meno účastníka (alebo umiestnite kurzor myši na jeho meno a kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti) a kliknite na položku Upraviť zobrazované meno.

Pozrite si časť Úprava zobrazovaných mien na stretnutiach a webových seminároch

Presuňte sa do Lobby

Na paneli Účastníci kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na meno účastníka (alebo umiestnite kurzor myši na jeho meno a kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti) a kliknite na položku Presunúť do lobby.

Pozrite si časť Presun účastníkov do haly počas stretnutia

Presuňte sa na scénu

Presuňte miniatúru videa účastníka na scénu alebo v miniatúre účastníka kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti > Presunúť na scénu.

Pozrite si časť Presun účastníkov na scénu


Na paneli Účastníci kliknite pravým tlačidlom myši na meno účastníka (alebo umiestnite kurzor myši na jeho meno a kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti) a kliknite na položku Vylúčiť.

Pozrite si časť Odstránenie niekoho zo schôdze

Zobraziť môj profil People Insights

Kdekoľvek v aplikácii umiestnite kurzor myši na profilovú fotku danej osoby a kliknite na položku Zobraziť profil štatistík ľudí.

Pozrite si časť Zobrazenie profilov štatistík ľudí

Okno môjho stretnutia

Nemáme konkrétnu možnosť Zdieľať okno mojej schôdze .

Existujú dva spôsoby, ako to teraz urobiť, a oba sú dostupné cez možnosť Zdieľať obsah v ovládacích prvkoch schôdze:

  • Vyberte položku Webex a okno schôdze.

    Uistite sa, že ste nastavili Zdieľanie obsahu na možnosť Zdieľať všetky okná z aplikácie. V opačnom prípade nebudete môcť zdieľať okno schôdze aplikácie Webex a všetky súvisiace plávajúce okná.

  • Zdieľanie obrazovky (a prepnutie do okna stretnutia počas zdieľania)

    Počas zdieľania obrazovky z dôvodu ochrany osobných údajov zámerne vylučujeme okná aplikácie Webex. Ak ich chcete zobraziť, prečítajte si článok Zahrnúť aplikáciu Webex pri zdieľaní obrazovky.

Zdieľajte multimediálny obsah

V ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Zdieľať obsah, zdieľajte svoju obrazovku alebo aplikáciu a vyberte možnosť Optimalizovať pre pohyb a video.

Zdieľajte súbor na schôdzi

Odovzdajte alebo otvorte súbor na zdieľanie. Prezentujúci sa môžu v ovládaní obsahu striedať. Každý účastník schôdze môže prechádzať po iných stránkach obsahu, aby si všetko sám zachytil alebo prečítal dopredu.

Nezabudnite si pozrieť zoznam podporovaných typov súborov.

Zdieľanie súborov nie je podporované na stretnutiach so šifrovaním end-to-end.

Viac o zdieľaní obsahu

Keď zdieľate svoju obrazovku, môžete poskytnúť ovládanie vzdialenej pracovnej plochy iným účastníkom alebo môžu požiadať o ovládanie, čo používateľom poskytuje oveľa väčšiu flexibilitu.

Aby sme ušetrili miesto na obrazovke, keď je zdieľaný obsah maximalizovaný, zobrazujeme všetky videá účastníkov na úzkom plávajúcom paneli.

Na plávajúcom paneli nie je možnosť Zobraziť aktívneho rečníka a zobrazenie miniatúry videa k dispozícii na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite. Pomocou možnosti Zobrazenie mriežky zvýraznite aktívneho rečníka a ostatných účastníkov.

Poskytnite ovládanie vzdialenej pracovnej plochy ostatným účastníkom, keď počas schôdze zdieľate svoju obrazovku

Teraz môžete zdieľať iba konkrétnu oblasť obrazovky. Účastníci uvidia iba časť obrazovky, ktorú vyberiete, nie celú vašu obrazovku.

Zjednodušili sme akcie dostupné počas zdieľania, pričom akcie súvisiace so zdieľaním ponechali na ovládacom paneli v hornej časti obrazovky. Ďalšie kľúčové akcie, ktoré sa najčastejšie používajú, ako napríklad stlmenie alebo zapnutie zvuku, sa zobrazujú v plávajúcom okne.

Ak chcete, skryte plávajúce okno. Kliknite na položku Ďalšie možnosti zdieľaniatlačidlo viac možností zdieľania a zrušte začiarknutie políčka Zobraziť video a ovládacie prvky v plávajúcom okne.

Väčšina ľudí sa pripája k schôdzi bez stlmenia. Ak teda na novej platforme schôdzok niekomu zrušíte stlmenie, vedľa mena danej osoby sa nezobrazí znak . Avšak; keď je niekto stlmený, vedľa jeho mena sa zobrazí ikona . Vďaka tomu je oveľa jednoduchšie prehľadať zoznam účastníkov, aby ste videli ľudí, ktorí si stlmili zvuk.

Panely fungujú inak, keď ste na novej platforme.

Namiesto otvárania viacerých panelov a využívania cenného priestoru na obrazovke teraz otvárate jeden panel po druhom a ostatné sa zrútia. Ak ich chcete vidieť spolu, zobrazíte viaceré panely.

Panel účastníkov zobrazuje nielen účastníkov, ktorí sú na schôdzi , ale aj ľudí, ktorí sú pozvaní, ale ešte sa na schôdzi nezúčastňujú . Panel účastníkov je teraz viac zameraný na používateľa, takže používateľ je uvedený iba raz, aj keď sa pripája z viacerých zariadení.

Možnosti schôdze sú zjednodušené a súvisiace položky ponuky sú odstránené z ponuky po kliknutí pravým tlačidlom na paneli účastníkov.

Panel prehliadača multimédií

Panel Multimedia Viewer nie je dostupný na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite. Namiesto toho zdieľajte multimédiá zdieľaním obrazovky alebo aplikácie a výberom položiek Optimalizovať pre pohyb a video a Zdieľať zvuk počítača.

Ak ste na skryté titulky alebo živé tlmočenie použili panel Zobrazovač multimédií, zobrazte skryté titulky alebo použite simultánne tlmočenie, ktoré umožní účastníkom vypočuť si prezentáciu v preferovanom jazyku.

Ak ste na program schôdze použili panel Zobrazovač multimédií, pridajte svoj program do rozhovoru počas schôdze.

Panel poznámok

Panel Poznámky nie je k dispozícii na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite. Namiesto toho získajte písomnú kópiu zvuku stretnutia: buď získajte prepis po schôdzi zaznamenaním schôdze alebo stiahnite prepis schôdze bez zaznamenania schôdze.

Vyťažte zo stretnutia viac pomocou četu a súborov počas stretnutia

Zorganizujte produktívne stretnutie zdieľaním programu stretnutia, poznámok a súhrnu v čete. Aj keď sa k schôdzi pripojíte neskoro, môžete to jednoducho dobehnúť tak, že uvidíte rozhovor schôdze od začiatku schôdze. Zapojte sa a vyjadrite sa pomocou značiek, reakcií alebo obrázkov GIF.

Vaša organizácia si môže vybrať, či sa rozhovor po stretnutí automaticky uloží alebo vymaže. Ak je rozhovor uložený, po skončení stretnutia ho znova navštívte a zdieľajte ho . Momentálne nie je možné stiahnuť rozhovor počas stretnutia. Ak chcete uložiť kópiu četu počas stretnutia mimo aplikácie, vyberte počas stretnutia celý čet a potom ho skopírujte a prilepte do dokumentu.

Pridajte k schôdzi súbory , aby všetci účastníci mohli jednoducho vidieť všetky súbory schôdze na jednom mieste. Každý si môže stiahnuť súbory, ktoré zdieľate. Aj keď sa niekto pripojí k schôdzi neskoro, má prístup k súborom. Hostitelia a spoloční hostitelia môžu vypnúť možnosť pridávať súbory pre každého v ktorejkoľvek fáze schôdze.

Otvorte a chatujte na schôdzi

Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti Rozhovor na schôdzi alebo oddelenej relácii.

Prístup k správam po skončení stretnutia

Po skončení schôdze sa konverzácia schôdze zatvorí, ale uložíme správy s obsahom schôdze. Znova navštívte chat alebo ho zdieľajte s ostatnými. Môžete si odkázať na poznámky zo schôdze, otázky a akčné položky pre následné kroky.

Ak chcete, vaša organizácia sa môže rozhodnúť neukladať správy s obsahom schôdze.

Prepošlite obsah stretnutia do priestoru.

Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti Prístup k správam po stretnutí.

Pošlite správu na stretnutie

Ak ste pozvaní na stretnutie, ale nepripojili ste sa k nemu, stále môžete četovať s každým účastníkom stretnutia. Ak napríklad meškáte na stretnutie, dajte vedieť účastníkom, ktorí sa už pripojili, že sa tam čoskoro dostavíte.

Pošlite správu účastníkom schôdze bez toho, aby ste sa k nej pripojili

Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti Odoslanie správy účastníkom schôdze bez pripojenia k schôdzi.

Teraz vám poskytujeme prieskumy a otázky a odpovede prostredníctvom Slido.

Ak chcete otvoriť aplikáciu Slido, v ovládacích prvkoch schôdze kliknite na položku Aplikácie > Slido.

Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti Ankety v Slido a Otázky a odpovede v Slido.

V zozname účastníkov sa raz zobrazí prihlásený používateľ, aj keď sa pripojí z viacerých zariadení. To umožňuje jednoduchšiu správu používateľov konsolidáciou ich viacerých inštancií pripojenia do jedného účastníka.

Presuňte schôdzu z jedného počítača alebo mobilného zariadenia do druhého

Bezproblémovo presuňte schôdzu z jedného počítača alebo mobilného zariadenia na druhé bez prerušenia alebo odpojenia od stretnutia. Ak napríklad dochádzate do práce a pripojíte sa k schôdzi na svojom mobilnom zariadení, presuňte schôdzu do svojho notebooku, keď sa dostanete do kancelárie.

Presuňte schôdzu do iného zariadenia

Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti Presunutie schôdze do iného počítača alebo mobilného zariadenia.

Ak používate Webex for Government, tu je prehľad toho, ako sa pripojiť k schôdzi organizovanej na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite.

Aplikácia Webex 43.10, 43.11 a 43.12

Pri prvom pripojení k schôdzi postupujte podľa týchto krokov.

  1. Kliknite na odkaz Pripojiť sa v e-mailovej pozvánke alebo v aplikácii Webex.
  2. Vo svojom prehliadači v zobrazenom kontextovom okne Open Webex začiarknite políčko Vždy povoliť doméne otváranie odkazov tohto typu v pridruženej aplikácii a kliknite na tlačidlo Otvoriť Webex. .
  3. V aplikácii Webex začiarknite v zobrazenom kontextovom okne možnosť Túto správu už nezobrazovať.
  4. Kliknite na položku Pripojiť sa v prehliadači.
  5. Vo webovej aplikácii Webex, ktorá sa otvorí vo vašom prehliadači, zadajte svoje zobrazované meno a e-mailovú adresu a kliknite na tlačidlo Ďalej.

    Ak chcete uložiť informácie pre nasledujúce stretnutia, začiarknite políčko Zapamätať si ma .

  6. Pred pripojením k schôdzi vyberte nastavenia zvuku a videa a keď sa budete chcieť k schôdzi pripojiť, kliknite na tlačidlo Pripojiť sa .

Keď sa nabudúce pripojíte k schôdzi, budete musieť vykonať iba kroky 1 a 6.

Aplikácia Webex 44.1

Pri prvom pripojení k schôdzi postupujte podľa týchto krokov.

  1. Kliknite na odkaz Pripojiť sa v e-mailovej pozvánke alebo v aplikácii Webex.
  2. Vo svojom prehliadači v zobrazenom kontextovom okne Open Webex začiarknite políčko Vždy povoliť doméne otváranie odkazov tohto typu v pridruženej aplikácii a kliknite na tlačidlo Otvoriť Webex. .
  3. Vo webovej aplikácii Webex, ktorá sa otvorí vo vašom prehliadači, si pred pripojením k schôdzi vyberte nastavenia zvuku a videa, a keď sa budete chcieť k schôdzi pripojiť, kliknite na tlačidlo Pripojiť sa .

    Nemusíte zadávať svoje zobrazované meno ani e-mailovú adresu.

Keď sa nabudúce pripojíte k schôdzi, budete musieť vykonať iba kroky 1 a 3.

Webex VDI plug-in

Ak sa k vašim stretnutiam pripájajú používatelia VDI na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite, uistite sa, že majú doplnok Webex VDI.

Možnosti schôdze a privilégiá účastníkov

Keď naplánujete stretnutie na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite v aplikácii Webex, môžete nastaviť iba nasledujúce možnosti stretnutia:

  • Zabráňte všetkým účastníkom zapnúť svoje video
  • Vypnúť čet pre všetkých účastníkov
  • Zabráňte všetkým účastníkom, okrem prezentujúceho, pridávať a sťahovať súbory

Keď však naplánujete schôdzu z používateľského centra alebo vašej lokality Webex, môžete nastaviť možnosti schôdze uvedené vyššie a nasledujúce oprávnenia účastníka:

  • Vypnite zdieľanie obsahu
  • Vypnite zoznam účastníkov

Na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite nepodporujeme privilégiá jednotlivých účastníkov.

Počas schôdze môžete tiež nastaviť možnosti schôdze a privilégiá účastníkov uvedené vyššie a nastaviť ďalšie možnosti a privilégiá, napríklad vypnúť reakcie. Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti Aplikácia Webex | Nastavenie možností schôdze a oprávnení účastníkov ako hostiteľa alebo spoluhostiteľa.

Riešenie dočasných súborov (TFS)

Nemôžete sa pripojiť k schôdzi na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite pomocou klienta schôdze TFS. Namiesto toho sa pripojte k stretnutiam pomocou webového klienta.

Oznámte vstupný a výstupný tón mena

Možnosť Oznámiť meno nie je k dispozícii na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite. Namiesto toho prehrajte zvuk upozornenia, keď sa účastník pripojí k schôdzi alebo ju opustí a upravte zobrazované meno účastníkov, ktorí sa pripájajú iba telefonicky, aby sa nezobrazovali ako volajúci používateľ .

Alternatívne môžu hostitelia naplánovať stretnutie pomocou autentifikácie ANI/CLI, ktorá umožňuje identifikovať telefónne čísla účastníkov na stretnutí s ich identitou. Účastníci musia zadať telefónne číslo na overenie volania. Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti Použitie overenia ANI/CLI na zvukové pripojenie na stretnutiach a udalostiach Webex.

Zavolajte z inej aplikácie

Možnosť Zavolať z inej aplikácie nie je dostupná na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite. Namiesto toho manuálne skopírujte a prilepte telefónne číslo do aplikácie tretej strany.

Overenie telefónu Access Anywhere

Na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite nie je pre Access Anywhere podporované overenie telefónu. Namiesto toho použite overenie heslom.

Počas stretnutia ukážte svoju prednú a zadnú kameru súčasne

Na iPhone nemôžete počas schôdze na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite zobraziť prednú a zadnú kameru súčasne. Namiesto toho sa pripojte k schôdzi z dvoch mobilných zariadení a zdieľajte pomocou jednej alebo druhej kamery. Uistite sa, že je vaša predvoľba presunu schôdze nastavená na možnosť Vždy sa znova pripojiť.

Pozvite ľudí a informujte hostiteľa

Po začatí okamžitej schôdze je ľahké pozvať ľudí, aby sa pripojili k schôdzi, priamo z okna schôdze.

Pozvite ľudí priamo na stretnutie

Odstránili sme tlačidlo Upozorniť hostiteľa , pretože hostiteľa automaticky upozorníme, ak čakáte vo vstupnej hale. Nemusíte upozorňovať hostiteľa a hostiteľ nemusí kontrolovať jeho e-maily.

Zvýraznenie manuálu Webex Assistant

Na platforme stretnutí Webex Suite nepodporujeme manuálne vytváranie zvýraznení. Namiesto toho vytvárajte zvýraznenia pomocou hlasových príkazov.

Keď počas stretnutia robíte viac vecí naraz

Keď je okno minimalizované alebo zakryté inými aplikáciami, nad ostatnými aplikáciami, ktoré ste otvorili, sa zobrazí plávajúce mini okno. To vám umožní sledovať, čo sa deje na stretnutí. Ak sa chcete jednoducho vrátiť na schôdzu, kliknite kdekoľvek v plávajúcom mini okne.

Po multitaskingu sa vráťte do okna hovoru alebo stretnutia

Rozloženie a priblíženie

Urobili sme niekoľko zmien, aby sme zlepšili vaše skúsenosti a zlepšili pracovný postup počas stretnutia. Tlačidlá Rozloženie a Lupa sú vhodne umiestnené, takže môžete prepínať na iné rozloženia alebo zobraziť viac účastníkov.

V rozložení zobrazenia mriežky použite ovládacie prvky navigácie na rýchly prechod z jednej stránky na druhú alebo na skok späť na prvú stranu účastníkov.

Vylepšenia siete videí pre stretnutia

Synchronizácia javiska

Zjednodušili sme synchronizáciu javiska. Potom, čo hostiteľ synchronizuje scénu, účastníci nemôžu prispôsobiť scénu a upraviť proporcie scény. Účastníci teraz vždy uvidia pohľad, ktorý im hostiteľ zamýšľal vidieť.

Synchronizujte zobrazenie javiska počas stretnutia

Telekonferenčná služba

Typ zvukového pripojenia Iná telekonferenčná služba nie je podporovaný.

Po naplánovaní stretnutia pošlite pozvaným e-mailom alebo textovou správou číslo telekonferencie a pokyny. Záznam stretnutia nebude mať zvuk.

Stretnutia iba so zvukom

Osobné konferencie a schôdze len so zvukom nie sú podporované.

Ak chcete začať schôdzu len so zvukom, začnite plánovanú schôdzu telefonicky.

Pripojte sa pred hostiteľom

Možnosť zabrániť účastníkom pripojiť sa k zvuku pred začiatkom schôdze už nefunguje. Všetky stretnutia majú zvuk, vrátane stretnutí, ktoré umožňujú účastníkom pripojiť sa pred začiatkom stretnutia.

Autentifikácia Access Anywhere

Overenie telefónu Access Anywhere nie je podporované.

Použite overenie hesla pre prístup kdekoľvek.

Maximálna dĺžka trvania stretnutia

Stretnutia majú časový limit 24 hodín.

Spätné videohovory na video zariadenia

Pripojenie k schôdzi pomocou spätného volania na adresu videa SIP (napríklad <room_video_address> nie je k dispozícii.

Alternatívne je aplikácia Webex schopná po spárovaní rozpoznať schôdzky a pripojiť sa k nim pomocou blízkych videozariadení Cisco založených na RoomOS. Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti Aplikácia Webex | Pripojenie k zariadeniu z aplikácie pre počítač a mobilnej aplikácie.

Vo vyhradenom paneli v aplikácii Webex sú k dispozícii bohatšie ovládacie prvky zariadenia. Pomocou ovládacieho panela zariadenia môžete stlmiť alebo zapnúť zvuk, zastaviť alebo spustiť video, upraviť hlasitosť na zariadení a ovládať, či sa má zobraziť video účastníka v aplikácii aj na zariadení. Ďalšie informácie nájdete v časti Webex App | Ovládací panel zariadenia.

Ak nemáte prístup k videozariadeniu Cisco a chcete sa pripojiť k schôdzi, zadajte adresu videa schôdze (napríklad vo vlastnom používateľskom rozhraní zariadenia a zavolajte na stretnutie.

Instant Help

The in-meeting Instant Help feature is no longer available. Contact Webex Support for any issues or questions encountered during a meeting.

Apple CarPlay

On the Webex Suite meeting platform, you can't listen to meeting recordings from the CarPlay dashboard. Instead, listen to recordings in the desktop or mobile version of Webex App.

Join webinars on mobile

Mobile users need Webex Meetings app for iOS or Webex Meetings app for Android to join webinars and to join meetings that aren't hosted on the Webex Suite meeting platform. These can’t be joined from Webex App mobile app.

Simultaneous interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation is supported only in scheduled meetings.

Headset support

Webex App only supports integrated headset controls with certificated headset models. Use headsets certified for Webex App to get full headset control functions and experience the best voice and audio quality.

If the headset model you’re using isn't on the list, you may not be able to use all available headset functions both in and out of your meetings.

Refer to the What's New tab to determine what features you have, based on your Webex App version. Webex App version determines feature availability.

The Page version that you see under Downloads in User Hub may differ from the Webex App version since releases may roll out at different times. However, the major release version is expected to be the same once the rollout completes.

Minimum required version

Make sure you install Webex App to join and experience meetings on the Webex Suite meeting platform.

The Webex Suite meeting platform is supported on Webex App version 43.6 or later.

Download Webex App for Windows and Mac.

Download Webex App for iPhone and iPad.

Download Webex App for Android.

Here’s your first stop to see what we're releasing each month.

September (44.9)

Move the share control bar to another monitor—Windows and Mac

If you use multiple monitors, now when you share content in a meeting, you can drag the share bar to a second monitor. This lets you focus entirely on presenting on your main screen.

Move share control bar
Move share control bar to another monitor

See Webex App | Move the share control bar to another monitor when you're presenting

Use the system screen sharing picker—Mac

Now you can use the system screen sharing picker instead of Webex controls to share your screen, window, or an app in a meeting. Go to Settings on the navigation sidebar, click Sharing content, and check Use the Mac system screen sharing picker.

When you use the system screen sharing picker, you're unable to share a file, your camera, a portion of your screen, your iPhone or iPad screen, or use the share optimization options.

See Webex App | Use the Mac system screen sharing picker to share content

Personal Conference Number (PCN) meetings

Today, PCN meetings can’t be scheduled on the Webex Suite meeting platform, nor can new PCN accounts be created. However, you can start existing scheduled PCN meetings and use an existing PCN account to start an audio-only meeting.

After August 31, 2024, you’ll no longer be able to start an existing scheduled PCN meeting, nor use an existing PCN account to start a meeting. Make sure to mark your calendar and plan for this change. To start an audio-only meeting, start a scheduled meeting by phone.

Export a whiteboard as a PDF—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows VDI, Mac VDI, and Linux

Now you can save the whiteboard that you’re sharing as a PDF. Once you've saved it, you've got the perfect format for taking your whiteboard on the go, even without an internet connection.

Sharing your whiteboard with others after the meeting is easy, especially if they weren't part of the original group.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Save as PDF
Save PDF file

See Webex App | Share a whiteboard during a meeting

Choose whether to show your Webex App when sharing your screen—Windows and Mac

We now show your Webex App windows, by default, when you share your screen in a meeting. In earlier releases, Webex App was hidden by default. So, if you don’t want the other meeting participants to see Webex App when you share your screen, make sure you hide it.

We made showing or hiding the app more convenient by adding these two new ways:

  • Before the meeting starts, go to Settings > Sharing content and check or uncheck Show my Webex app.
  • When you share your screen, check or uncheck Show my Webex app in the lower left of the Share content dialog.

These methods are in addition to the option to click More sharing options more sharing options button on the share control bar and check or uncheck Show my Webex app.

The check boxes in all three places share the same value. Your selection applies to all your future meetings.

See Webex App | Include Webex App when sharing your screen

Cisco AI Codec—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

We’ve improved audio quality in poor network conditions with Cisco AI Codec! When you have low bandwidth and high packet loss, audio is choppy and difficult to hear. AI Codec encodes at low bit rates and increases redundancies, providing better resiliency and audio quality.

AI Codec is being rolled out to Webex now.

AI Codec encodes at low bit rates and increases redundancies, providing better resiliency and audio quality.

In-meeting chat support for Apple Vision Pro

Great news for Apple Vision Pro users! You can now chat during meetings right within the app. You can chat with everyone or one-on-one. Tap Chat on the right of the video grid.

You can pop out the in-meeting chat window and place it anywhere you like on the infinite canvas.

In-meeting chat support for Apple Vision Pro

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Use Webex on Apple Vision Pro

Custom dictionary

Webex administrators can add up to 100 words that aren’t part of the standard dictionary for transcription to a custom dictionary. These words can then be transcribed more accurately in the closed captions, transcript, and AI Assistant summary when they are spoken in meetings.

Use Citrix Configuration Service for your Webex App VDI plug-in deployment—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

Get your Webex App VDI plug-in up and running smoothly with the help of the Citrix Configuration Service. After you've set up the Citrix Configuration Service, the Webex App VDI plug-in is included as part of your Citrix Workspace App installation process. The plug-in downloads from the Webex App cloud and installs right alongside the Citrix Workspace app. It's a hassle-free setup that gets you connected and ready to go in no time.

Higher resolution videos in meetings—Windows and Mac

During a meeting, the app now smartly adjusts the quality of the videos based on your device's screen resolution. It all depends on the capability of your computer and how large the app window is on your screen. Make the app window bigger and enjoy those crisp, clear videos.

Webex App | Change your video layout during a meeting

Whiteboards in end-to-end encrypted meetings—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

You can now share new whiteboards in end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) meetings.

  • In E2EE meetings, you can't open whiteboards created outside the meeting. This includes private whiteboards, whiteboards shared by others, and whiteboards created in a space.
  • Whiteboards created in E2EE meetings are only available while they're open in the meeting. You can't access them after they're closed.
Create whiteboards in end-to-end-encrypted meetings

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Share a whiteboard during a meeting

Annotations in end-to-end encrypted meetings—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

You can now annotate on content that someone else is sharing in an end-to-end encrypted meeting.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Mark up shared content with annotations

Simplified meeting join page—Web

If you're a guest user joining a meeting from a web browser, we've got some great news! The option to join the meeting through the browser is now as prominent as the option to download the app.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Join a Webex meeting using the meeting link

Better accessibility with fewer pop-ups in meetings—Windows and Mac

We tidied up our meeting interface by removing pop-up messages for features that were introduced before the latest release. This makes the app more accessible and creates a smoother experience for you.

If you're curious about any of the features we released earlier, find all the details in by clicking Help > What's New in the navigation sidebar of the app.

See Webex App | Accessibility support features

Google Pixel Fold support—Android

We fine-tuned Webex App for Android to work with your Pixel Fold phone. Now, you can enjoy the convenience of folded screen mode and then unfold your phone for a more immersive, collaborative experience on a larger screen.

Meetings on the Google Pixel Fold

See Webex App | Download the Desktop or Mobile App

Support new Jabra headset and headset dongle models—Windows and Mac

If you want to upgrade your audio experience in meetings, we now support the Jabra Engage 50 II headset and the Jabra Link 390 headset dongle.

See Webex App | Details about headset support

Remind invited users not in the meeting to join—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web

Have you ever been in a meeting and realized that a few folks you invited haven't shown up yet? If you're hosting or cohosting the meeting, you can give them a gentle nudge to hop in. Take a peek at the list of people who aren't in the meeting and select their names. They get a friendly email reminder that includes a handy link to join the meeting right away.

If you use your Personal Room for the meeting, only invitees from organizations that have Common Identity appear in the list of people who aren’t in the meeting.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Remind invitees to join an in-progress meeting

Let others know when you step away from the meeting—Windows and Mac

If you need to answer the doorbell or grab a glass of water, now you can give the other participants a heads up. Manually set your status to Stepped away or set the app to automatically switch to Stepped away when you move away from your camera for a while.

When you step away, we mute your microphone, turn off your video, and replace your profile picture with an image of a hot beverage step away from a meeting and the text, Stepped away. This lets other participants know you're temporarily away from the meeting.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Step away from a meeting

Easily switch between multiple shared files and a whiteboard during a meeting—Windows and Mac

If you're juggling multiple shared files or bouncing between a whiteboard and the files, things just got a whole lot smoother. Now you can seamlessly switch between different shared files on the fly, without interrupting your presentation.

When you're ready to switch to another file or the whiteboard, click You're sharing… above the shared content.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Switch between shared files and a whiteboard during a meeting

We changed the default value of "Connect to audio without pressing 1"—Windows and Mac

Great news for those who use the Call me option for audio during meetings on Windows and Mac. You no longer have to check Connect to audio without pressing 1. This option is now checked by default. Enjoy your meetings with one less click.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Annotate on camera content shared during a meeting—iPhone, iPad, and Android

Now, when someone shares their camera in a meeting, both the presenter and other participants can annotate on the shared content.

You or the presenter can save a PDF snapshot of the annotations.

When you share a camera, you control who can annotate. Allow all participants to annotate, have others ask for approval to annotate, or block all requests so only you can annotate.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Mark up shared content with annotations

Annotate on files shared during a meeting—iPhone, iPad, and Android

When someone shares a file from a mobile device, you see a preview of that file. Now, you can also annotate on what you see. You or the presenter can save a PDF of the annotated view at any time.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Mark up shared content with annotations

Annotate on files shared during a meeting—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

Now, when someone shares a file in a meeting, both the presenter and other participants can annotate on the file. You can even mark up a different page than the one that the presenter’s currently sharing.

You or the presenter can save a PDF copy of the file that includes all the annotations.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Mark up shared content with annotations

Start multiple calls or meetings simultaneously from Webex App—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

Good news for multitaskers. With the latest update on Webex App VDI, you can make or answer calls right in the middle of a meeting. Or, if you're already on a call, you can hop into a meeting whenever you need to.

And there's more: The performance on your thin client just got a turbo boost. We're talking smoother experiences with CPU, GPU, and memory usage slashed to just a third of what they used to be.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Hear a beep when you mute or unmute yourself—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

The beep provides confirmation that you muted or unmuted yourself. Only you can hear the sound. Not other meeting participants. If you prefer, turn off the beep.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Turn off the beep you hear when you mute or unmute yourself

Keep your meetings and calls going smoothly in Webex App—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

When you're in a meeting or on a call, Webex App prevents sleep mode activation for your virtual desktop (HVD) server or thin client. This makes sure you have a stable and continuous connection throughout the duration of your meeting or call, without interruption.

No more worrying about warning messages for version mismatches in the Health Checker—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

Now, if the Webex App version on your hosted virtual desktop (HVD) and the plug-in version on your thin client play well together, you see a friendly green check mark in the Health Checker—even if they're not the exact same version.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

We’re launching a new experience to share files—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

  • Present with ease when multiple presenters take turns—It can be time consuming to transition among presenters when you’re taking turns to present content in a slide deck. Our new Take control feature makes it easy for multiple presenters to transition seamlessly when they present.
  • Catch-up on what’s presented during a meeting—As an attendee, sometimes you want to go back to a previous slide or read ahead. Now you can, without interrupting the presenter. Switch back to the presenter view when you’re ready.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Share a file in a meeting, Webex App | Take turns presenting a file in a meeting, and Webex App | Browse through a file someone's sharing in a meeting

Answer a call to your video address during a meeting—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

Be in two places at once and answer important calls without leaving a meeting. Just put your audio and video on pause in the meeting and then take the call. When you finish the call, go back to the meeting without having to rejoin.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Answer a call to your video address during a meeting

AI Assistant in meetings—Windows and Mac

Sometimes you may join a meeting late, need to step away for a moment, or you're multitasking and get distracted. With AI Assistant, you can now quickly catch up on what you've missed with meeting summaries, understand what's being discussed, ask questions without disturbing the meeting, and stay on top of the conversation. You also receive a summary and transcript after the meeting, without having to record.

AI Assistant is only available on the Webex Suite meeting platform. Your administrator must also have this feature enabled. It will be on a delayed release schedule.

See Webex App | Cisco AI Assistant in meetings

See higher resolution video thumbnails in meetings—Windows and Mac

In stack and side-by-side layouts, when you drag the resize handle between the video thumbnails and the stage, the app now dynamically adjusts the size of the thumbnails to accommodate higher resolution videos.

See Webex App | Change your video layout during a meeting

External USB camera support—iPad

Great news if you're using Webex App on your iPad—it now supports USB-C external cameras. All you need is to be running iPadOS 17 or later, and you can hook up an external USB camera.

See Webex App | Use an external camera for calls or meetings on your iPad

Allow participants to hear the meeting in their preferred language—Web

As a host, use simultaneous interpretation to create language channels, invite interpreters, and assign them to languages. Interpreters select the source language for interpretation, change the interpretation direction, and hand off interpretation to the next interpreter.

Inactive interpreters can request that the active interpreter hand off to them.

See Simultaneous interpretation in Webex meetings, webinars and Personal Rooms

Show meetings in calendar list view when messaging is unavailable—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

View meetings in your calendar list when messaging is unavailable in the app, this includes all active instant meetings, and Personal Room meetings. For ongoing meetings, you can see the join button and review the participant list.

Enhancements to calendar settings—iPhone, iPad, and Android

We’ve improved the way you view your meetings on mobile. You can choose to just see the meetings that are connected to your Webex account or you can include the calendars that are on your device, for example your calendar app on Apple devices. These toggles are available at Settings > Calendar and they only hide or show the meetings, you’re not disconnected from your calendars.

Annotate on files shared during a meeting—Windows and Mac

Now, when someone shares a file in a meeting, both the presenter and other participants can annotate on the file. You can even mark up a different page than the one that the presenter’s currently sharing.

Don't worry about losing the annotations when the meeting ends. Both you and the presenter can save a PDF copy of the file that includes all the annotations.

When you share a file, you control who can annotate. Allow all participants to annotate, have others ask for approval to annotate, or block all requests so only you can annotate.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Mark up shared content with annotations

Automatically accept requests for remote desktop control—Windows and Mac

If more than one person is training you or helping you to resolve an IT issue, they can now take control of your desktop without each person having to wait for your go-ahead.

A new setting on the share control bar allows you to automatically accept all requests for desktop control. Click More sharing options more sharing options button > Remote control privilege > Automatically accept requests.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Provide or request remote desktop control

Your pronouns now show in meetings—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

If you set your pronouns to show in Webex App, they’re now visible next to your name in the participants panel and in your thumbnail video.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Set your pronouns

Associate a meeting with a space—Windows and Mac

Create a space when you schedule a meeting or add a space when your meeting ends. Everyone invited can share files and collaborate before and after the meeting.

We changed the default panel behavior in the Cisco predefined Session Type "Pro Meeting" with ID = 3—Windows and Mac

Before this release, the panels were set to Open by default. To make the meeting interface more streamlined, we’ve now set the panels to Closed by default.

This is because we’ve changed the default behavior of the panels in the Cisco predefined Session Type "Pro Meeting" with ID = 3. You can think of a Session Type as a meeting template that your Webex administrator uses.

If your organization uses other Session Types or custom Session Types, nothing’s changing there. And the default behavior of all existing custom Session Types doesn’t change either.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Enhance your annotation experience by using the text tool—Windows VDI, Mac VDI, iPhone, iPad, and Android

Good news for VDI and mobile users! Now you can use the text tool when you annotate on shared content. It’s much easier to use your keyboard to type than draw text with your mouse or the pointer.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Mark up shared content with annotations

Annotate on shared content—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

If you want to highlight or point out something that you’re sharing, draw right on the screen or application window. Use the pen or disappearing ink, which fades away after a few seconds. Optionally, allow other participants to annotate on the shared content too.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Mark up shared content with annotations

Access all the meeting controls when you’re presenting—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

Now, when you're presenting content, you can access all the meeting controls, not just a few, from the floating video panel.

If the floating video panel is taking up too much screen space, collapse it. Need it again? Expand it with one click.

With these changes, we aim to give you more control and flexibility during your presentations.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Share content in a meeting

Remote control when sharing an application window—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

During a meeting, you can request or receive control of someone's shared application window.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Provide or request remote desktop control

Join meetings faster with Apple universal link support—Mac

Webex has applied Apple universal link technology to Webex join meeting links. Now, when you click a meeting link from your calendar, email, or Webex App, the meeting preview window opens directly. A browser window doesn’t open first so you join the meeting quicker.

Protect your organization's content by adding watermarks to participant videos and shared content—Windows and Mac

Deter participants from leaking meeting information. As a meeting host, have Webex superimpose a watermark image pattern over all the meeting video and shared content. Each participant who views the meeting sees a watermark image pattern with their own email address. If the participant isn’t signed into Webex, the watermark image pattern includes their display name and their email address. Your organization can choose to add the meeting number as part of the watermark.

You pick the opacity of the watermark, so that the image pattern is an effective deterrent but doesn’t cause too much distraction.

When you add visual watermarks, your organization may prevent recording the meeting.

See Webex App| Add visual watermarks to shared content in a meeting

Request to annotate or remote control from the context menu—Windows and Mac

When someone's sharing content, now there’s another way to ask the presenter for permission to annotate the shared content or control their shared screen. Simply right-click on the shared content and click Annotate or Request remote control.

These options are in addition to the Annotate start annotation and Request control icons that appear above the shared content.

See Webex App | Provide or request remote desktop control and Webex App | Mark up a shared screen with annotations

Upload up to 10 virtual background images—Windows and Mac

Now you can upload up to 10 images to use as virtual backgrounds in your meetings. This is a big step up from the previous limit of three images. So go ahead and choose your favorite images to add some personal flair to your next meeting.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Use a virtual or blurred background in calls and meetings

Meet instantly with a one-time link—Windows and Mac

Start a meeting immediately with a unique one-time meeting link. Invite other people to join by sending them the meeting link without all the steps needed to schedule a meeting.

On the Meetings tab, you see Start a Webex meeting, the default action starts a one-time meeting link or you can click the drop-down list to select Start a Personal Room meeting.

Your administrator configures the available options.

Use Webex on Apple TV 4K (2nd generation or later)

Webex App makes it easy for you to collaborate and engage with your team on your biggest screen, whether it's in the office or your living room. Use your Siri Remote to view your upcoming meetings and join when it's meeting time.

See Webex App | Use Webex on Apple TV 4K (2nd generation or later)

Choose a custom meeting password—Android

When you schedule a meeting, you can choose if you want to use a custom meeting password or a generated password. The custom password is validated to ensure it meets the criteria for a secure password.

See Webex App | Schedule a meeting from the meetings calendar

Use Webex on your Apple Watch

Easily join Webex meetings with just a tap on your wrist device.

See Webex App | Use Webex on your Apple Watch

Customize the lobby—Windows, Mac, and Web

When you host a meeting and have people wait in the lobby before you admit them, create an engaging experience for them while they wait.

Add a welcome message, banner image, logo, and an image or video that promotes your organization or the meeting topic.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Customize the lobby

View embedded apps on passive devices

Passive devices are devices with no touch capabilities, such as Room Series devices.

If you join a meeting on a passive device, when a participant opens an app, you now see a screen share of the app session.

Sharing content takes priority over sharing the app. So, if someone shares content, you no longer see the app session.

This feature is available when someone starts a Stage View app from Webex App for Windows or Mac.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Access all the meeting controls when you’re presenting—Windows and Mac

Now, when you're presenting content, you can access all the meeting controls, not just a few, from the floating video panel. If you want to save some screen space taken by the floating video panel, collapse it. Need it again? Expand it with one click.

With these changes, we aim to give you more control and flexibility during your presentations.

See Webex App | Share content in a meeting

Use Webex on Apple Vision Pro

Connect with others in an immersive Webex meeting environment that fills the space around you. View and join upcoming meetings. Pop out individual participant videos or shared content and resize them to life size.

See Webex App | Use Webex on Apple Vision Pro

Remote control when sharing an application window—Windows and Mac

During a meeting, you can request or receive control of someone's shared application window.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Remote desktop control when sharing an application window

Enhance your annotation experience by using the text tool—Windows and Mac

Good news for desktop users! Now you can use the text tool when you annotate on shared content. It’s much easier to use your keyboard to type than draw text with your mouse.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Mark up a shared screen with annotations

Join a meeting when already on a call—Windows and Mac

When you're on a call with your IT support and they need you to share your screen or give them remote control of your computer, they can request you to join a meeting simultaneously. Your audio remains on the original call, but you can actively participate in the meeting.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Share files with up to 200 pages—Windows and Mac

During a meeting, you can now share files with up to 200 pages. The previous limit of 50 pages is a thing of the past.

If you use an earlier version of Webex App and someone shares a file with more than 50 pages, you'll only be able to see the first 50 pages. We recommend that you update your Webex App to the latest version.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Share a file in a meeting

Participants panel now honors the Session Type settings—Windows and Mac

Your organization administrator can customize Session Type settings, which include setting the default behavior of the participants panel. If the participants panel's default behavior is set as Open in the session type, you see the participants panel when you start or join a meeting.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

We've no meetings features this month. Look through earlier releases below for features.

Use Webex smart audio on macOS Sonoma

In macOS Sonoma (macOS 14), Apple added Mic Modes to the main system bar when there’s an active microphone. This feature appears on Mac models from 2018 and later.

Mic Modes take effect before the audio is provided to Webex App and can conflict with your smart audio settings. To ensure the best audio quality, we recommend you use Standard mic mode with Webex App and control your microphone optimizations with our smart audio settings.

If you select a mic mode that lowers the audio quality of the smart audio setting you select, a prompt appears with a link to change the mic mode.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Access chat while you share your screen—Windows and Mac

If you want to chat with participants while you share your screen, now it's convenient. In the floating window, click More meeting controls > Chat to open the chat panel.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Share content in a meeting

Clean mode when sharing content—Windows and Mac

When you share content during a meeting, you can choose Hide Webex controls and panels from More sharing options more sharing options button. This mode hides the share control bar, the floating video window, and the chat and participants panels. Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+Shift+Q shortcut to switch on or off clean mode, or click Esc to exit clean mode.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Hide the Webex controls and panels while sharing content

Move participants to the lobby from a breakout session—Windows and Mac

If you're the meeting host or cohost and you need to talk privately to some of the participants in a breakout session, temporarily move the other participants to the lobby. Admit them back into the breakout session when ready.

Participants waiting in the lobby can't hear or see any of the shared content or interact with anyone in the main meeting or breakout sessions.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Move participants to the lobby during a meeting

View type of content shared—Windows, Mac, iPhone, and iPad

When somebody shares content, you see more information on the type of content. For example, when the content shared is their screen, you see Viewing [presenter name]’s screen or if it’s an application Viewing [presenter name]’s application.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Share an existing whiteboard in a meeting—VDI

If you prepare a whiteboard before the meeting or previously closed a whiteboard during the meeting, now you can share it in the meeting.

If you scheduled the meeting from a space, participants can view the whiteboards from that space and share them.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Share a whiteboard during a meeting

Use Webex App for Amazon WorkSpaces—Windows VDI and Mac VDI

We now offer extended support for virtual desktops with a dedicated Webex plug-in for Amazon WorkSpaces. The plug-in optimizes your audio and video experience when you use Webex App with an Amazon WorkSpaces Windows client.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Webex App supports built-in meeting scheduler—Web

You can schedule a meeting in Webex App for web. The new layout includes basic settings and advanced settings. If your administrator has configured Hybrid Calendar, you can see invitees and their free or busy calendars.

New device pair settings—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

The device pair settings are redesigned to provide greater flexibility, to decide whether to use the microphone to detect and connect to nearby devices based on your individual needs. You can connect to devices using the redesigned Device panel style available when you click Connect to a device.

In some cases, the options are under the control of the administrator.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex | Connect to a Webex App device

Customizable keyboard shortcuts for reactions in-meeting—Mac

Use keyboard shortcuts to open the reactions panel and navigate the panel using the up and down arrow keys to view the shortcuts. Use keyboard shortcuts to render a reaction in the meeting. Customize keyboard shortcuts for up to 5 reactions from the reactions panel.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Keyboard navigation and shortcuts

Whiteboard can now be used in breakout sessions—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

Whiteboard is available in breakout sessions. You now have the same experience as a meeting, where you and can start a new whiteboard or share an existing one.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Full featured right-click menu on the participants list—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

More actions are added into the "..." on a participants menu, so that when you right click on a participant, the menu shows up.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Manage participants in your meeting

Webex supports sign language interpretation in meetings—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

Host more inclusive, accessible meetings by including sign language interpretation. When you schedule or during a meeting, select a sign language channel and assign interpreters.

If you’re a meeting participant who’s deaf or hard of hearing, select the sign language channel in the meeting. Then, view the interpreter on the stage or, on desktop, you can pop out the sign language interpreter's video and resize it or move it to another screen.

Interpreters can view the participants who select their sign language channel, either on the stage or, on desktop, in a separate window.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Use sign language interpretation in a meeting

New dedicated device controls panel—Windows and Mac

When you join a meeting connected to a device, the device controls panel lets you mute or unmute the device, start or stop the device video, change the device volume, and select a different video layout for the device.

You can conveniently access the device controls from the floating mini window that appears when you're multitasking.

When someone shares content, it now appears both on the device and in the meeting window.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Show participant videos both in the meeting window and on the device—Windows and Mac

When you join a meeting connected to a device, you can now show participant thumbnail videos on both the device and in the meeting window.

This option, which appears on the new device controls panel, lets you have a clearer view of participants on your desktop.

You can change the video layout on both the device and the meeting window.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Claim the host privileges in a meeting with the host key—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

If the meeting host is running late or can’t join a meeting, they can have somebody else take over the host role in the meeting by providing them with the host key.

If someone gives you the host key, enter it after you join the meeting. The host key gives you more privileges than you have as an attendee. For example, you can record the meeting, mute or unmute participants, and end the meeting.

If the original host joins the meeting later, they reclaim the host role from you.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Reclaim the host role in a meeting using the host key

Share Webex App now shares the meeting window and all floating windows—Windows and Mac

If you're training someone or demonstrating how to use Webex App, you want them to see all the Webex App-related controls and dialog boxes. When you share the app, participants can now see the meeting window, share control bar, preview window, and panels.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Share content in a meeting

Hear a beep when you mute or unmute yourself—Windows and Mac

The beep provides confirmation that you muted or unmuted yourself. Only you can hear the sound. Not other meeting participants.

If you prefer, turn off the beep in Settings > Notifications > Meetings.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Turn off the beep you hear when you mute or unmute yourself

Copy and paste text during a remote desktop control session—Windows and Mac

If someone gives you remote access to their computer, now you can copy text from your local computer and paste it into the remote computer. Conversely, you can copy text from the remote computer and paste it into the local computer.

This can help you troubleshoot issues if you’re an IT Support person, and you want to copy commands.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Provide or request remote desktop control

Enhancements to in-app scheduler settings—Windows and Mac

We’ve made some improvements to the wordings for settings available for auto admit. We’ve renamed Auto admit in the advanced settings to Join rules. There are other setting updates to make it clearer who the settings apply to and the corresponding admin settings in Control Hub are also updated. There are no functionality changes.

Enhancements to all day events—iPhone, iPad, and Android

When you have an all-day event, in the Meetings tab you see it in a new All day section at the top. When you have more than one event, on iPhone and iPad, you can drag and move the separator up and down to view more or less all-day events. On Android, you can tap the arrow under All day to expand the view of all day events.

Use picture-in-picture to show your video when you share content—iPhone and iPad

Create a more personal and engaging experience when you share content in a meeting. Turn on picture-in-picture so participants can see your video in a floating window when you share.

If you prefer to hide your video when you share, turn off picture-in-picture.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Hide the floating mini window when multitasking during a call or meeting

Next meeting on top—Android

We've made some improvements to what you see on the Meetings tab. Your latest meeting is on top, this could be an ongoing meeting or one that's about to start. You can still scroll back to see previous meetings or scroll forward to see upcoming meetings.

Share and collaborate on 3D models during a meeting—Android

Showcase your 3D model to a wider audience, such as students, potential customers, investors, or partners. Choose a 3D AR object from your Android phone, Android tablet, Google Drive, or One Drive. As you interact with the model, meeting participants can offer feedback on the design, functionality, and aesthetics.

You can share GL Transmission Format (.glb and .gltf) files. You can't annotate shared 3d models.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Share content in a meeting

VoiceOver and keyboard support for self-view in meetings—Mac

Control your self-view video during a meeting by using the VoiceOver screen reader. If you’re a keyboard user, use the F6 and arrow keys to focus on and then move your self-view video.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Accessibility features for Mac

Share an existing whiteboard in a meeting—Window, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

If you prepare a whiteboard before the meeting or previously closed a whiteboard during the meeting, now you can share it in the meeting.

If you scheduled the meeting from a space, participants can view the whiteboards from that space and share them.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Share a whiteboard during a meeting

Get a better view of the meeting by hiding the meeting controls—Windows and Mac

Maximize the space available for participant videos or shared content during a meeting by hiding the meeting controls. You can always show the meeting controls whenever you want to use them.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Hide the meeting controls during a meeting

Long press to respond to meetings—iPhone, iPad, and Android

In an earlier release, we added the ability to respond to meeting invites in the meeting details page. With this update, you can respond in the Meetings tab. Long press a meeting to respond and choose Accept, Tentative, Decline.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Hear an audio announcement when a meeting transcript is recording

If your Webex administrator has enabled saving transcripts in meetings, and you dial into the meeting using your phone, when someone turns on closed captions or the Webex Assistant, you now hear the audio announcement, "The meeting transcript is being recorded."

The new announcement accompanies the notification that appears in the meeting window.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Respond to meeting invites—iPhone, iPad, and Android

Choose how to respond to meetings from the meetings details. Accept, decline or, if you’re not sure, choose tentative.

Access more options from each participant’s thumbnail video—Windows and Mac

Now, it’s more convenient to chat directly with someone in a meeting or view their people insights profile. In their thumbnail video, right-click or click More options to access these and other options.

See Webex App | Chat in a meeting or breakout session and Webex App | View people insights profiles

Updated first-time experience for Meetings tab—Windows and Mac

We’ve added banners to prompt you to test a Webex meeting and connect a calendar. Click Test a Webex meeting to start a meeting where you can try out the features that are available to you. Click Connect your calendar to step you through connecting your third-party calendar. See Webex App | Connect your Google or Microsoft 365 calendar.

Update a scheduled meeting—Windows and Mac

When your account is set up with Hybrid Calendar, you can update a scheduled meeting in Webex App.

Allow participants to hear the meeting in their preferred language with simultaneous interpretation—VDI

As a host or cohost, use simultaneous interpretation to create language channels, invite interpreters, and assign them to languages. Interpreters select the source language for interpretation, change the interpretation direction, and hand off interpretation to the next interpreter. With our enhanced work flow, inactive interpreters can request that the active interpreter hand off interpretation to them, otherwise they go in the order that the host set.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Simultaneous interpretation in Webex meetings, webinars, and Personal Rooms

Automatically hear the original meeting audio when it’s in your language with simultaneous interpretation—VDI

When the original audio is in the same language as the interpretation channel that you subscribe to, and the interpreter stops speaking in that channel, you automatically hear 100-percent original audio (floor audio) after a few seconds.

When the interpreter starts speaking in that channel again, you hear the volume balance of interpreter/original audio according to what’s set. You can change it according to your preference.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Select your preferred language audio channel in Webex meetings and webinars

Playback bar revamp for the recording player—Windows and Mac

To enhance the ease of playback experience, the playback bar for the recording player is being enhanced to prioritize capabilities that help you skim through a recording faster. This involves changing the position and icons of capabilities like playback speed, follow speaker, edit recording, and volume control for better access.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Updated first-time experience for Meetings tab—iPhone, iPad, and Android

We’ve added banners to prompt you to test a Webex meeting and connect a calendar. Test a Webex meeting starts a meeting where you can try out the features that are available to you. The connect a calendar banner redirects you to the Calendar Settings page in the app where you can better understand your calendar connections and even connect to your device's local calendar app.

Enhancement to meetings settings—Windows and Mac

Meetings settings now include the source for your meetings list. For example, when you’re not connected to a calendar, you’ll see that the meeting list is from your Webex account.

Improvements for scheduler in the Meetings tab—Windows and Mac

When you schedule a meeting, we included the day of the week to make it clearer what day you’re choosing for your meeting.

For custom passwords, we added all the password requirements to make it clearer how to create a secure meeting password.

Link in location—iPhone, iPad, and Android

For any valid URL added in the meeting location field, provide a link in the meetings detail page to make it easy to tap.

More ways to manage participants from their thumbnail video—Windows and Mac

If you’re the meeting host or cohost, no need to search the participants list to make someone the presenter, mute or unmute their audio, or stop their video. Now you can do all that by clicking More options in their thumbnail video.

More options in thumbnail video

See Make someone a presenter

Cohosts can record meetings in the cloud—Windows, Mac, Linux, VDI, iPhone, iPad, and Android

We originally announced this feature in April. It's available on a phased rollout and will be available to all customers by June 20.

We’re excited to announce that we’re allowing cohosts to record a meeting in the cloud. This makes it easy to record a meeting if the host isn’t available or is busy during the meeting.

Cohosts have the same capabilities that a host has. They can start, stop, or pause the recording. After the meeting ends, the host still owns the recording. The recording is shared automatically with the cohosts within the organization.

If you prefer, your Webex administrator can also allow meeting participants to record meetings in the cloud.

See Webex | Record a meeting in the cloud

Annotate on shared content—Windows and Mac

If you want to highlight or point out something that you’re sharing, draw right on the screen or application window. Use the pen or disappearing ink, which fades away after a few seconds.

Optionally, allow other participants to annotate on the shared content too.

Annotation privileges

Annotate the shared content

See Webex App | Mark up a shared screen with annotations

Run two instances of your app side-by-side—iPad

Take advantage of your iPad's ability to multitask so you can focus on specific meeting content. Split shared content, the participants panel, or the chat panel into its own window on your iPad screen so you don't miss anything. If you attached a monitor to your iPad, move the second window to its own screen to give yourself more room to see what's going on. For select iPad models, use the iPad's Stage Manager for easier multitasking.

See Show meeting content in multiple windows on iPad

Play a notification sound when someone’s waiting in the lobby—VDI

If you lock your meeting, sometimes it’s difficult to notice when someone’s waiting in the lobby to join.

Hosts and cohosts can now choose to the app play a sound on their computer when someone enters the lobby.

You only hear the sound when you're the host or cohost. The sound only plays once every 10 seconds, regardless of how many users have entered the lobby.

See Webex App | Play a notification sound when someone is waiting in the lobby

Hide the participant video and meeting control panel when you’re sharing content—VDI

In a meeting, if you prefer to see only the content that you’re sharing, you can now hide the floating panel that contains participant videos and the meeting controls.

In earlier releases, you had the option to collapse the panel but now you can hide it completely if you prefer if you prefer the panel to be out of your way.

To show the panel again, press Ctrl + Alt + P (Windows) or Shift + ⌥ + P (Mac).

See Webex App | Share content in a meeting

Fit your camera video in self view—VDI

In earlier releases, if your camera video used a 4:3 aspect ratio, Webex cropped your self view to a 16:9 aspect ratio to fit the frame. With our new Zoom to fit setting, we preserve your full camera video. Preview what your self-view video looks like in Settings > Video.

If you prefer to preserve the 4:3 aspect ratio, uncheck this setting.

See Webex App | Fit your camera video in self-view

Allow participants to hear the meeting in their preferred language with simultaneous interpretation—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

As a host or cohost, use simultaneous interpretation to create language channels, invite interpreters, and assign them to languages. Interpreters select the source language for interpretation, change the interpretation direction, and hand off interpretation to the next interpreter. With our enhanced work flow, inactive interpreters can request that the active interpreter hand off interpretation to them, otherwise they go in the order that the host set.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Simultaneous interpretation in Webex meetings, webinars, and Personal Rooms

Automatically hear the original meeting audio when it’s in your language with simultaneous interpretation—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

When the original audio is in the same language as the interpretation channel that you subscribe to, and the interpreter stops speaking in that channel, you automatically hear 100 percent original audio (floor audio) after a few seconds.

When the interpreter starts speaking in that channel again, you hear the volume balance of interpreter/original audio according to what’s set. You can change it according to your preference.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Select your preferred language audio channel in Webex meetings and webinars

Start a Slido poll during a meeting—iPhone, iPad, and Android

With Slido, you can easily engage with other participants and the host. Open Slido from Apps or More options from the meeting controls. By default, Slido is available for hosts and cohosts, who can turn it on for attendees in meeting options.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

Move your meeting to a new device—VDI

Seamlessly move a meeting from one desktop or mobile device to another without disrupting or disconnecting from the meeting. For example, if you commute to work and join a meeting on your mobile device, move the meeting to your laptop when you get to the office. Or, if you need to step away from your computer during a meeting, move the meeting to your mobile device.

By default, the meeting moves to the new device, and you leave the meeting on the previous device. If you prefer, change your meeting preference to keep both devices in the meeting.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Move a meeting to another desktop or mobile device

Download a meeting transcript without recording the meeting—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

If you want a written copy of the meeting audio but you don’t want to save the audio and video from the meeting, download a transcript without having to record the meeting.

To download a transcript, turn on closed captions. Then, you can save a transcript any time before the meeting ends. Your Webex administrator must enable saving transcripts.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Download a meeting transcript without recording the meeting

We’re launching a new experience to share files—Windows and Mac

  • Present with ease when multiple presenters take turns—It can be time consuming to transition among presenters when you’re taking turns to present content in a slide deck. Our new Take control feature makes it easy for multiple presenters to transition seamlessly when they present.

  • Catch-up on what’s presented during a meeting—As an attendee, sometimes you want to go back to a previous slide or read ahead. Now you can, without interrupting the presenter. Switch back to the presenter view when you’re ready.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Share a file in a meeting, Webex App | Take turns presenting a file in a meeting, and Webex App | Browse through a file someone's sharing in a meeting

Turn off the raise hand feature for all meeting participants—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

As a host or cohost, if you don’t want to let anyone in the meeting raise their hand, turn off the raise hand feature.

If you turn off raise hand and uncheck Allow attendees to unmute themselves, muted participants won’t be able to raise their hand to request to be unmuted.

This feature isn't supported for Webex for Government.

See Webex App | Turn off the raise hand feature for all meeting participants

Invite any user to an in-progress meeting by email—Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android

As a host or cohost, you can now invite Webex users from outside of your organization and users who don't have a Webex account to join a meeting that’s in progress.

In the meeting window or participants panel, click Invite people and enter their email address. The invitee receives an email invite to join the meeting.

Invite people to an in-progress meeting

Invite people to an in-progress meeting

See Webex App | Add someone to a meeting

Hide the video and controls when you’re sharing content—Windows and Mac

In a meeting, if you prefer to see only the content that you’re sharing, you can now hide the floating window that contains participant videos and the meeting controls.

In earlier releases, you had the option to collapse the window but now you can hide it completely if you prefer the window to be out of your way.

Show video and controls in a floating window

See Webex App | Share content in a meeting

Share application windows directly from your Windows taskbar—VDI

If you use Windows 11, there’s a new way to share content during a call or meeting. Hover over any open app on your taskbar and you see a new button that allows you to share the app window.

Share application windows directly from your Windows taskbar

See Webex App | Share an application window directly from the Windows taskbar

We're sharing details about our planned releases, but keep in mind that we might need to make changes to release dates and the features themselves. Subscribe to this article to get updated about any changes.

Coming in October (44.10)

  • Schedule recurring meetings on mobile
  • Assign cohosts when scheduling or editing an upcoming meeting on mobile

Creating new sites

In the coming weeks, any new Webex site that you create will be on the Webex Suite meeting platform (this becomes the default for all new Webex sites).

Key callouts for administrators

With the Webex Suite meeting platform, features and functionality are tied to the Webex App version. To take advantage of the latest features, users should be on the latest release of Webex App. The page version shown under Downloads on your Webex site page may not always match your Webex App version since releases may roll out at different times. The major release version is expected to be the same once the rollout completes. As such, users may experience differences in features during the meeting if their Webex App versions are different. Previously, all users would be forced to join using the same version of the Webex Meetings client.


The cluster that your Webex site belongs to no longer applies.

Slow channel

Administrators can control the desktop version from Control Hub. See Webex App desktop update controls for details. App version (including slow/latest channel selection), now applies to all the sites in your organization and can no longer be applied at an individual site level.