
With Webex Calling for Microsoft Teams, the Microsoft Teams users can access the enterprise-grade Webex Calling experience directly in the Microsoft Teams app. With a single click from the Microsoft Teams interface, you can access a complete suite of Webex Calling features. The features include directory search, PSTN dialing, speed dial, voicemail, call history, and artificial intelligence-powered background noise removal.

This integrated app works with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (UCM) call-control solution, Webex Calling for cloud deployment or the Dedicated Instance offering.

Integracija Webex poziva sa microsoft timovima


  • Ensure that you’ve installed and signed in to the Webex App on Desktop and Mobile.
  • Your administrator must have granted access for the organization to access the Webex Calling integration.

Prijavi se

To start using Webex Calling, you need to sign in to your Webex account.

Go to Microsoft Teams, click Webex Calling , and then click Continue if you’re using the same Microsoft Teams account for Webex.

If you're using a different account for Webex, then click Use a different account and sign in with your Webex email address and password.

Webex Calling integration Sign In page

After signing in, you can find all the Webex Calling features under Webex Calling option.

Uputite poziv

Make Webex calls using the dial pad, or from chat or channel conversations using Microsoft Teams for Windows, Mac, or web browser.

From dialpad


Click Webex Calling and start typing a name, telephone number, or video address of the person you want to call.


Select the contact and click glasovni poziv or video poziv to connect.

From chat


In direct chat, click Webex Calling below the message window.


From the contact card, select the number from the drop-down list.


Kliknite glasovni poziv ili video poziv za povezivanje.

Aplikacija se otvara u novom prozoru.

From channel

Use Webex Calling to call another member in the channel and without creating a direct space.


In a channel, click Webex Calling in the message window.


Počnite da unosite ime člana u polje Izaberi ili pretraži, a zatim izaberite njegovo ime.

(Optional) Click the drop-down under their name to change the outbound call options.


Kliknite audio poziv ili video poziv za povezivanje.

Manage speed dial

Dodajte do 20 kontakata unutar ili izvan Outlooka ili Azure aktivnog direktorijuma kao brzo biranje broja. Aplikacija čuva vaše brzo biranje broja u Microsoft 365 profilu tako da možete da pozovete najčešće kontakte brzo i lako.


Click Webex Calling and then click Add a speed dial.


Otkucajte ime kataloga kontakata ili prilagođenog kontakta.

  • Dodajte Outlook ili Azure kontakt aktivnog direktorijuma – Izaberite kontakt i odaberite broj sa padajuće strane.

  • Dodajte prilagođeni kontakt – kliknite na dugme Kreiraj novi brzo biranje broja i unesite ime i telefon.

Polje " Ime" ima maksimalno ograničenje znaka 100, a polje "Telefon " ima maksimalno ograničenje znakova od 50.


Kliknite na dugme Dodaj.

You can also edit, re-arrange, and delete the speed dial contact.

Prikaži nedavne pozive

Pogledajte do 20 poziva koje ste obavili, primili i propustili u poslednjih 7 dana u nedavnim pozivima. Čak ih možeš nazvati na isti broj s kojeg su te zvali. Ime kontakta, broj telefona i tip poziva se ne prikazuju za nepoznate brojeve.

Administratori BroadWorks-a moraju da omoguće objedinjenu istoriju poziva kako bi se osiguralo da ova funkcija radi ispravno. Više detalja potražite u vodiču za konfiguraciju Cisco BroadWorks Webex.


Click Webex Calling and then click Recent calls.


Hover over a call and click audio poziv or video poziv to connect.

Recent calls list is auto-refreshed every one minute so that you have the visibiliy of latest recent call records.
For on-prem Unified CM customers, recent calls are listed only when call history is enabled for the cluster where device is registered. For more information, see To enable voicemail, call history and bidirectional presence sync service for on-prem Unified CM customers section of Configure Microsoft Teams for Webex Calling.

Listen to voicemails

You can view up to 20 voice messages received in the last 7 days. A blue badge appears next to the voicemails that are unread.

Pre nego što počnete

Your administrator must have enabled the voicemail feature for you to access it.

Click Webex Calling and then Voicemail.


Select the voicemail and click the Play button.

You can quickly respond to the voicemails by selecting glasovni poziv or video poziv to connect. The voicemail list is auto-refreshed every one minute so that you have the visibility of the latest voicemail records.

Find your work phone number and access call settings

Click Webex Calling and you can find My number at the top left corner which shows your work number.

Access and update Webex App call settings directly from the Webex calling integration in the Microsoft Teams, without having to interact directly with the Webex App.


Click Webex Calling and then click Call Settings.


Update your settings and click Save.

Manage all your phone calls in one place

Manage multiple lines or shared line in a single window. With the multi call window, you can make and answer calls, get a quick view of your line status, and easily access some common Calling features, such as mute, hold, share, conference, park, barge, transfer, and record.

Pre nego što počnete

  • Administrator must have enabled the multi call feature for you to access it.

  • This feature is currently available only on Windows.

Click Webex Calling and then click Call Settings.


Under Multi Call, check the Turn on Multi Call Window check box.


Kliknite na Sačuvaj.

multi call window option

For more information on various features of the multi call window, see Manage all your phone calls in one place.

Forward your phone calls

If you're going to be away but don't want to miss an important call, you can forward your calls to another phone number. Ili, ako ne želite da vas prekidaju, možete poslati sve svoje pozive na govornu poštu umesto toga.


Click Webex Calling and then click Call Settings.


Under Call Forward, click to add a number to forward the calls to or choose Voicemail option to forward the calls to voicemail.

After you've enabled the call forwarding, the call forwarding status appears beside the Call settings option on the landing page.
Currently, the call forwarding status is available only for Webex Calling (Cloud/Multi-Tenant), Dedicated Instance, and UCM users.

Bidirectional presence sync

Before you begin, your administrator must have enabled this feature for you.

As a Microsoft Teams user using Webex Calling integration, you now have the ability to see whether your contacts are currently in a Webex call, Meeting, or in Do not disturb mode. This feature synchronizes the presence status between Microsoft Teams and Webex bidirectionally.

When you make or receive a Webex call, your Microsoft Teams status gets changed to In a call. When you enable Do not disturb in the Webex App or any Webex device, the status is automatically synchronized to Microsoft Teams. Similarly, the In a meeting and Presenting statuses synchronizes between applications.

When Do not disturb is enabled on Webex App or Webex device, you won’t get any notification of incoming calls and messages in Webex App, Webex device or Microsoft Teams.

The following table shows the bidirectional status sync representation between Webex and Microsoft Teams.

Webex status

Microsoft Teams status

Webex On a Call presence On a call Microsoft In a call presence In a call
Webex Presenting presence In a meeting (This status syncs only from Webex to Teams) Microsoft In a call presence In a call
Webex Presenting presence Presenting Microsoft Presenting and Do not disturb presence Presenting
Webex Presenting presence Ne uznemiravaj Microsoft Presenting and Do not disturb presence Ne uznemiravaj

Prijavi se

To start using the Webex Calling integration, you need to sign in to your Webex account.


Go to Microsoft Teams, tap the icon at the bottom, and search and tap the Webex Calling .


Tap Continue if you’re using the same Microsoft Teams account for Webex.

If you're using a different account for Webex, then tap Use a different account and sign in with your Webex email address and password.

Uputite poziv

You can make a call directly from the Microsoft Teams mobile app using the dialpad of the Webex Calling app or using the Webex Calling app as a messaging extension in one-on-one chat and group chat.

From dialpad

To make a call using dialpad of the Webex Calling app:


In Microsoft Teams, tap the More icon at the bottom and tap Webex Calling app .


Enter a phone number and tap glasovni poziv or video poziv to call.

From chat

To make a call from chat using the Webex Calling app as a messaging extension:


In Microsoft Teams, go to Chat and choose a chat.


Tap the MS Teams add icon icon at the bottom and tap the Webex Calling app .

Webex Calling as messaging extension in MS Teams

Izvršite jednu od sledećih radnji:

  • If you’re in a one-on-one chat, choose a phone number.

  • If you’re in a group chat, enter a phone number of the person whom you want to call and tap glasovni poziv or video poziv.