July 2024

Introducing Webex LTI

Webex LTI is a new integration that uses the latest Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard, LTI 1.3, to integrate Webex inside Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Webex LTI has the same refreshed design as Webex LTI Legacy.

In Webex LTI, instructors can:

  • Schedule and host Webex meetings.

  • View class meeting recordings and attendance.

  • Import existing Webex recordings into a course.

  • Set office hours availability.

  • Create a team in the Webex App for their course, and sync their class roster to the team.

In Webex LTI, students can:

  • Join Webex meetings for their class, and watch recordings of those meetings.

  • View additional Webex recordings imported by their instructor.

  • Schedule office hours sessions with their instructor.

  • Access the Webex team created for their course.

You can install Webex LTI in any LMS that supports LTI 1.3.

To learn more about the features available in Webex LTI, see Webex LTI for teachers.

To learn more about details on the feature similarities and differences between Webex LTI, Webex LTI Legacy, and Webex Education Connector, see Webex LTI, Webex LTI Legacy, and Webex Education Connector feature comparison.

For best practices for a successful migration from Webex LTI Legacy to Webex LTI, see Best practices for Webex LTI Legacy to Webex LTI migration.

Centralized administrative capabilities in Registration Hub

Registration Hub is a new administrative console for the management of Webex LTI and Webex LTI Legacy registrations. To access Registration Hub, you must be a Webex site admin.

Registration Hub includes the functionality previously available in the admin console of Webex Education Connector and the ability to create new registrations.

In Registration Hub, you can:

  • View a list of all your Webex LTI and Webex LTI Legacy registrations in one place.

  • Manage which features are available in each registration for instructors to configure for their courses.

  • Create new Webex LTI registrations.

    • A new Webex LTI registration is an opportunity to start fresh without any previous data or settings.
  • Create a Webex LTI registration that is linked to an existing Webex LTI Legacy registration.

    • A linked Webex LTI registration helps with a smooth transition from Webex LTI Legacy, as the Webex LTI registration inherits the data of its linked Webex LTI Legacy registration, including courses, meetings, and recordings.
  • See identifier information for each of your registrations.

To learn more about Registration Hub, see Webex LTI Registration Hub for admins.

Team membership in Webex LTI

In Webex LTI Legacy, if the classroom collaboration feature was enabled in a course, everyone enrolled was added to the team for that course.

Now in Webex LTI, admins can indicate which LTI context roles are added to the course's team when classroom collaboration is enabled in a course. This is set in the Team membership section of the registration detail page.

An LTI context role is the role that is attributed to a user when they launch an LTI tool in their LMS. The LTI context role is not the same as a user's LMS role, though the names might be similar. Each LMS role has an associated LTI context role, but the mapping is different in each LMS. Your LMS administrator can help determine which LTI context role is associated with each LMS role.

When you first enable classroom collaboration in a course:

  • Webex LTI creates a team when you first enable classroom collaboration in a course.
  • Webex LTI automatically adds users to the team if they are enrolled in the course with a role that is checked in Team membership.
  • Webex LTI does not add users to the team if they are enrolled in the course with a role that is unchecked in Team membership.

After you've enabled classroom collaboration a course:

  • Webex LTI includes users in the class roster sync if they are enrolled in the course with a role that is checked in Team membership.
  • Webex LTI does not include users in the class roster sync if they are enrolled in the course with a role that is unchecked in Team membership.
  • When an admin checks or unchecks a role, Webex LTI adds or removes class members with that role during the next membership sync. Learn more about membership sync settings for classroom collaboration in Webex LTI for teachers.
  • New class members aren't added to the team if their role is not checked in Team membership.

For Canvas admins, the Team membership functionality is still called Canvas course role access in Webex LTI Legacy registrations.

LTI context roles in Webex LTI

Webex LTI uses LTI context roles to determine the user experience in some parts of the tool.

  • Setup—If a user has the context role of instructor in the course where they launch Webex LTI, they see the Setup tab in Webex LTI. All other context roles do not see the Setup tab.

  • Non-instructor roles can create meetings—If enabled in Registration Hub, all class members with a Webex Meetings license can create a meeting in their class. If disabled in Registration Hub, only class members with the instructor context role and a Webex Meetings license can create a meeting.

  • Team membership—In Registration Hub, admins determine which LTI context roles are added to a course's team when classroom collaboration is enabled in a course.


Access to Registration Hub through Control Hub

Currently, Webex administrators access Registration Hub from https://lti.webex.com/admin-login

In the future, Webex administrators can access Registration Hub from a button in Control Hub.

Ability to delete a registration in Registration Hub

We're adding the ability to delete existing registrations in Registration Hub.

Deleting a registration erases all data and information for that registration, including courses, users, meetings, and recordings created in the registration.

If a deleted registration is still installed in your LMS, it becomes unusable.

Deleting a linked registration turns its linked registration into an unlinked registration.

Support for more languages

We're adding support for multiple languages in Webex LTI and Webex LTI Legacy. If you're more comfortable working in a language other than English, you can change the displayed language.

We will provide a full list of supported languages in a future update.

May 2024

Webex LTI coming soon

Webex LTI is a new integration from Cisco that includes full support for Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) 1.3, new features like additional schedule options and improved recordings sync, as well as a refreshed design.

Automatic migration of Webex Education Connector to Webex LTI Legacy

On Sunday, June 2, 2024, every Webex Education Connector registration will be automatically migrated to a special version of Webex LTI, called Webex LTI Legacy.

Webex LTI Legacy will inherit many of Webex LTI's improvements, but will allow you to continue supporting LTI 1.1 environments without needing to take any action.

Following the migration, as of Monday, June 3, 2024, all of your courses, meetings, and settings from Webex Education Connector will be available to you and your users immediately in Webex LTI Legacy.

While you don’t need to take any action as part of this migration, please be aware that in order to use certain features that require Webex user authorization, such as scheduling new meetings, your users will need to log in with Webex again inside of Webex LTI Legacy in your LMS.

Please see Webex LTI, Webex LTI Legacy, and Webex Education Connector feature comparison for details on the feature similarities and differences between Webex LTI, Webex LTI Legacy, and Webex Education Connector.

March 2024

New Webex integration with Learning Management Systems (LMSs) coming soon

We’re excited to announce that a new integration between Webex and LTI-compliant Learning Management Systems is coming this calendar year. This integration will support LTI 1.3 and introduce new features as well as new UI.

Webex Education Connector registrations temporarily provisioned through Cisco TAC

In preparation for the release of our new LMS integration, we are no longer allowing end users to create new Webex Education Connector registrations as of March 27, 2024.

If you are an existing Webex customer with a current Webex Education Connector registration and need help generating new installation credentials for your LMS, please open a support case with Cisco TAC for assistance.

If you are a new Webex customer and have not yet set up Webex Education Connector, please contact your sales or customer success representative.

Existing Webex Education Connector installations are not affected and will operate as normal.

June 2, 2024

Automatic migration from Webex Education Connector to Webex LTI Legacy

On June 2, 2024, every Webex Education Connector registration was automatically migrated to Webex LTI Legacy.

Webex LTI Legacy looks different, but all the courses, meetings, and settings from Webex Education Connector are available to you and your users immediately.

While you don't need to take any action as part of this migration, please be aware that to use certain features that require Webex user authorization, such as scheduling new meetings, you must sign in with Webex inside Webex LTI Legacy in your LMS.

Like Webex Education Connector, Webex LTI Legacy is built using Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) version 1.1. The conversion of Webex Education Connector registrations to Webex LTI Legacy is in preparation for Webex LTI, a new integration built on LTI version 1.3. Webex LTI will be available to you in the coming months.

Please see Webex LTI, Webex LTI Legacy, and Webex Education Connector feature comparison for details on the feature similarities and differences between Webex LTI, Webex LTI Legacy, and Webex Education Connector.

Please see Webex LTI for teachers to learn more about the features available in both Webex LTI Legacy and the upcoming new integration Webex LTI.

Enhanced recording syncing

We've refined and optimized the recording sync process to ensure that your recordings sync back to your LMS faster than ever. In addition to these improvements, we've added a new feature for your convenience—a manual sync option. The manual sync gives you the flexibility to update your courses with the latest meeting recordings on command.

Import recordings from Webex

You can import Webex recordings that aren't part of a specific class meeting into your LMS using the new other recordings feature. When imported, you can to publish these recordings in any class you teach to make them available for your students.

The other recordings feature replaces the recording library feature that was available in Webex Education Connector.

Two-way syncing between Webex and your LMS

Webex LTI Legacy syncs changes made to your recordings in User Hub back to the LMS.

Additional meeting scheduling options

When scheduling a Webex meeting, you have more scheduling options for the meeting:

  • Join rules—Choose what happens for people who aren't on the invite or who aren't signed in:

    • 他们可以加入会议
    • They wait in the lobby until they're admitted.
    • 他们不能加入会议。
  • Auto lock—To lock your meeting after it starts, check this check box and choose how many minutes pass before the meeting locks.

  • Entry and exit tone—Choose the sound that people hear when someone joins or leaves the meeting.

  • Mute attendees—Select any of the following options:

    • Allow attendees to unmute themselves in the meeting—If you choose to mute attendees when they join, select this option so they can unmute themselves.
    • Always mute attendees when they join the meeting—Automatically mute attendees when they join the meeting.Allow attendees to raise their hands so that you can unmute them.
  • Automatic recording—Automatically start recording when the meeting starts.

New classroom collaboration experience

The classroom collaboration experience inside the LMS has changed. Click the classroom collaboration tab to open your class's team in the Webex App for web. Messaging content and space creation are no longer be available directly within the LMS integration itself.

End of support announcement

With the release of Webex LTI Legacy, we are announcing the end of support for the following features:

  • Admin console—Site-wide administration, including the ability to enable or disable specific features, is moving out of the LMS. The new admin console will be available in an upcoming release, and we will provide more details on this new experience in future updates.

  • Analytics—Analytics are not available within the Webex LTI Legacy integration. You can find Webex usage data and analytics in Control Hub.

  • Grading—Meeting attendance only displays the attendance information from User Hub, and instructors can no longer manually mark attendance. With the removal of manual attendance marking in meetings, the grading feature is no longer supported.

  • LMS calendar integration—Meetings that are scheduled with Webex LTI Legacy must be started and joined from within the Webex LTI Legacy integration or from User Hub.

  • ReminderBot—With the enhancements to Webex's upcoming meeting notifications, the ReminderBot feature has been removed.

2021 年 12 月 27 日













2021 年 8 月 31 日


在虚拟会议中安排 Webex 会议时,讲师现在可以为会议指定以下高级安排选项:

  • 未锁定的会议—讲师可以控制学校 Webex 组织外部的用户能否加入未锁定的会议。选择访客是否可以直接加入会议,他们是必须在等候区中等待并得到主持人的允许才能加入,还是无法加入会议。

    管理员必须关闭管理面板中的需要帐户才能加入设置,以允许讲师设置未锁定的会议行为。启用需要帐户才能加入可以防止在学校 Webex 站点上没有帐户的任何人加入会议。

  • 自动锁定—在会议开始后自动锁定会议。

  • 自动录制—会议开始时,自动开始录制。


我们将参考和品牌信息从 Webex Teams 更新为“教室协作、设置和管理”面板上的 Webex。有关 Webex Suite 品牌的更多信息,请参阅新的 Webex Suite 和品牌

2021 年 2 月 15 日


使用此发行版以前版本,安排或修改会议时,您会收到从虚拟会议登录 Webex 的提示。使用此发行版,只要您使用具有过期的 Webex 访问令牌的虚拟会议,都会提示您登录 Webex。确保您的令牌处于激活状态可改进录制文件的同步。

更新 Webex 访问窗口

2021 年 2 月 2 日


在此之前,虚拟会议中的录制文件部分只显示通过 Webex Education Connector 主持的会议的录制文件。现在,通过虚拟会议安排的任何会议都会显示在虚拟会议录制文件中,无论这些会议是否通过 Webex Education Connector 主持。

2021 年 1 月 22 日

课堂协作中的 Canvas 角色支持


Canvas 管理员现在可指示哪些角色可以访问课堂协作。如果已为课程启用课堂协作功能,则管理员可以在管理面板中,取消选中任何他们不想让其访问课堂协作的角色。

当管理员取消选中角色时,Webex Education Connector 将在下一次成员资格同步期间删除团队中没有获得批准角色的任何人。如果新注册的人员没有获得批准角色,他们将不会被添加到团队中。

2020 年 9 月 30 日


适用于 Canvas、D2L、Moodle、Sakai 和 Schoology。讲师可能会将 Webex 会议录制下来,形成录制文件,以备在以后的学期或其他课程中重复使用。通过录制文件库,讲师可以创建录制文件,并将其发布给其他班级的学生。管理员可以在管理控制台控制录制文件库的可用性。


  • 讲师可以查看和删除自己的录制文件。

  • 讲师可以在课程中主持会议并制作会议录制文件,而不会让学生看到会议。

  • 讲师可以制作会议的私密录制文件,然后共享给一个或多个班级的学生。

  • 学生可以观看讲师所共享的录制会议。


讲师可能希望查看谁已加入其 Webex 会议,以及他们何时通过 LMS 加入。他们可以记录每次会议的出席情况,指出缺席的原因,并根据出席情况给学生评分。只记录通过 LMS 加入的学生的出席情况。


  • 讲师可以查看每个会议的出席情况。

  • 讲师可以指出缺席会议的原因,在计算成绩时算作学生已出席。

  • 讲师可以选择是否给会议评分。

  • 讲师可以将会议的出席报告导出为 CSV 文件。



2020 年 7 月 14 日

Meetings 中不再要求完成授权步骤 - Canvas、Moodle 和 D2L


讲师首次尝试创建虚拟会议时,若应用程序未通过 LMS 进行授权,系统将提示其授权应用程序。他们可以选择授权,也可以选择不授权。

如果讲师对应用程序授权,通过虚拟会议创建的会议将同步到 LMS 日历,并且可以激活评分功能。提供辅导时间功能。

如果讲师选择不对应用程序授权,通过虚拟会议创建的会议不会同步到 LMS 日历,同时会禁用评分功能。讲师可以在以后授权应用程序,然后将过去及将来的虚拟会议同步到 LMS 日历。如果讲师选择不授权,可以使用辅导时间。


Meetings 中不再要求完成授权步骤 - Blackboard Learn、Blackboard Ultra 和 Sakai

此发行版推出之前,讲师和管理员需在“设置”标签页中授权应用程序,才能使用 Webex Education Connector 功能。在此发行版中,我们取消了对应用程序进行授权才能使用虚拟会议和辅导时间的要求。但是,要使用 Blackboard 和 Sakai 中的课堂协作功能和 Blackboard 中的打分功能,必须通过“设置标签页”授权。



2020 年 7 月 1 日


我们已将录制文件移至虚拟会议中的新“录制文件”标签页中。“录制文件”标签页会列出在 Webex Education Connector 中发起的会议的所有录制文件。新的“录制文件”标签页还解决了以前将录制文件同步到 Webex Education Connector 的问题。

2020 年 5 月 19 日

LMS 集成管理员面板上的新增功能

管理面板仅在 Canvas、Moodle、D2L 和 Sakai 中可用。

我们在管理员面板中添加了以下选项,使 LMS 管理员可以定义 LMS 站点范围的设置:

  • 辅导时间:管理员可将讲师的辅导时间设置为可用或不可用。

  • 非讲师角色创建会议的功能:管理员可以禁用非讲师角色的创建会议功能。

  • 自定义支持 URL:管理员可以指定自己的自定义支持 URL 来代替标准 Webex Education Connector 支持 URL。


我们修改了安排会议时所用的时区格式,使其与 Webex 中的格式更为一致。

2020 年 4 月 13 日

LMS 集成管理面板

管理面板仅在 Canvas、Moodle、D2L 和 Sakai 中可用。

我们已在“设置”标签页中为 Webex Education Connector 的每个课程添加管理面板。

LMS 管理员可以使用管理面板为 LMS 中的所有课程定义功能可用性,并查看所有课程的使用情况。请查看下面管理面板中的标签页:

Settings—LMS administrators can specify which features to enable for instructors and students in the Webex Education Connector.

Analytics—View top level metrics for usage within the Webex Education Connector.

Webex 站点管理员可以从站点管理或 Control Hub 访问所有站点范围内的分析。

Virtual Meetings—View all virtual meeting recordings for meetings initiated within the Webex Education Connector.

2020 年 3 月 28 日


We're providing a status page to inform customers of any downtime: https://status.educonnector.io.


全新外观与 Webex Meetings 和 Webex 应用程序的使用体验相一致。

改善了 Webex 应用程序引导体验

在讲师启用 Webex 应用程序之后,将自动创建课程团队。




当讲师首次在 Canvas 上启动课堂协作时,将自动为每节课创建团队。通过这种方式,学生可以在课程团队或其课程的专用团队中进行互动。对于已在 Canvas 中使用课堂协作的讲师,将在下次同步时为每节课创建新团队。