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Webex from your Service Provider brings together cloud calling from a provider you trust and already do business with, along with the Webex advanced messaging and meetings capabilities, in one elegant app. To get started, contact your Service Provider.





Call anyone with a phone number (audio or video)

Conference calling

Visual voicemail and voicemail-to-email

Call history

Contact lists



Forward your calls

Single number reach

Share screen or application

Call Pull

Group Call Park and Retrieve

Call Pickup

Record your calls

Call queue management

Executive Assistant


Unlimited one-on-one and group messaging

File sharing

Desktop and Application screen sharing

Availability status

Find People, Spaces, Messages, and Files

Message threads and quoting

Share emojis

Add reactions

Share animated GIFs

Do not Disturb

Message notification options

Message external guests

Space moderator controls

Announcement only options


How many people can join a Personal Room meeting?

Up to 100 people

Up to 100 people

Up to 1000 people

How many people can join a Space meeting?

Up to 100 people

Up to 100 people

Up to 300 people

Meeting length

Up to 40 minutes

Up to 24 hours


Share content - screen, application, files, whiteboard

Virtual and blurred background

Remove background noise

Animated meeting reactions and gestures

Interactive whiteboarding


Breakout sessions

Schedule meetings from your Google or Microsoft Outlook Calendar

Schedule meetings from Microsoft Office Suite 365

Meeting recording

Meeting recording transcriptions

Add an alternative meeting host

Host can let others manage your meetings

Remote Desktop Control

Webex Assistant