Unable to Join Meeting Because it has not Been Started

Unable to join meeting because it has not been started.

Host has not yet joined the meeting.

Message: 'Meeting Has Not Been Started'

Unable to join meeting it has not started yet

You can join the meeting as soon as the host starts it.

This is not dependant on the scheduled start time of the meeting. If the meeting is scheduled to start at 1:00 PM PDT and the host does not start the meeting until 1:03 PM PDT, then the attendees will need to refresh the page until the meeting is actually started at 1:03 PM PDT.

An attendee will receive this message if the host has not yet started the meeting.


For meetings where attendees are allowed to 'Join xx minutes before start time'

Attendees who go to the Join meeting page before the official start time, and the host has not started the meeting, will see a countdown timer:


This shows the number of minutes until attendees may join the meeting. Note that this timer counts down to the early join time, and not the official start time of the meeting.

For meetings where 'Join xx minutes before start time' is not enabled

Attendees who go to the Join meeting page before the meeting starts will see a status message:

When the meeting start time arrives, if the host has not started the meeting, the message will change:


Once the host starts the meeting, the Join button will turn green. Meeting hosts must actually start the meeting before any attendees may join.

See following bullet points for possible resolution:

  • Click the Reload or Refresh button in your web browser until you are able to join. Click the Join button once available.
  • If you are unable to join the meeting at the time when the meeting was scheduled to begin, contact the host directly to find out if there has been a delay in starting it.
  • Check with the host to verify the time zone. This may be different from your time zone and even different from the one they set for the meeting. The host may not realize the difference between the time zones as it relates to remote attendees.
  • To verify the time zone for the session, refer to the meeting list or site calendar. The time zone of the site is commonly displayed in the upper-right corner of the Browse Meetings (or Events (Classic)/Sessions) page.

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