XML API 39.11.0 Updates

Click here to download the XML API 39.11 schema.

LstSummaryUser can query user accounts by the last modified time

We're upgrading the LstSummaryUser API to be able to let users query user accounts based on the time that they were last modified. Three new elements, modifiedDateStart, modifiedDateEnd, and lastModifiedTime, have been added to the API.

The maximum time scope for this query is 90 days. If you input a time range that's more than 90 days, an error appears: 999999 Maximum date range is 90 days for modified date query.

Affected APIs:

  • LstSummaryUser

LastSummaryUser Request Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<message xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2009/05/service">
<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.user.LstsummaryUser">
<modifiedDateStart>10/01/2019 09:24:54</modifiedDateStart>
<modifiedDateEnd>11/30/2019 09:24:54</modifiedDateEnd>

LstSummaryUser Response Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:use="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/user">
<serv:bodyContent xsi:type="use:lstsummaryUserResponse" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<use:registrationDate>06/19/2016 22:13:06</use:registrationDate>
<use:lastLoginTime>10/19/2019 23:13:14</use:lastLoginTime>
<use:lastModifiedTime>11/11/2019 19:11:11</use:lastModifiedTime>

XML API 39.10.0 Updates

Click here to download the XML API 39.10 schema.

GetSessionInfo and GetUserCard returns a CAPTCHA code when using anonymous access

As a security update, we've enhanced the GetSessionInfo and GetUserCard APIs with CAPTCHA code response protection. If your applications call the APIs using anonymous access, enhance your application to support CAPTCHA code input.

Affected APIs:

  • GetSessionInfo

  • GetUserCard

CAPTCHA Security and Response Updates:

GetSessionInfo Response Without CAPTCHA Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ep="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/ep" xmlns:meet="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/meeting">
<serv:reason>Corresponding Meeting not found</serv:reason>

GetSessionInfo Response With CAPTCHA Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ep="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/ep" xmlns:meet="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/meeting">
<serv:reason>Corresponding Meeting not found</serv:reason>

If you receive a CAPTCHA response and continue calling the API, include the CAPTCHAID and CAPTCHAWord in your API request:

<serv:message xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service">
<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.ep.GetSessionInfo">

GetSessionInfo Response to Incorrect CAPTCHAID and CAPTCHAWord Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ep="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/ep" xmlns:meet="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/meeting">
<serv:reason>CAPTCHA ID and word are invalid or missing</serv:reason>

LstSummaryUser support for returning Personal Room URLs

We've added a new response element, personalMeetingRoomURL, to the LstSummaryUser API.

LstSummaryUser Response Example:

XML API 39.9.0 Updates

Click here to download the XML API 39.9 schema.

Support for Short SIP URLs for Personal Meeting Rooms (PMR)

Support for the short SIP URL format for PMRs impacts the GetSessionInfo, GetMeeting, GetUser, and GetMe APIs. A new response element named displayMeetingUrl was added to the GetUser and GetMe APIs, and is already present in GetSessionInfo and GetMeeting. displayMeetingUrl returns a user's PMR URL.

Affected APIs:

  • GetSessionInfo

  • GetMeeting

  • GetUser

  • GetMe

GetUser Response Example:

GetMe Response Example:

GetSessionInfo returns necessary elements for anonymous access

As a security requirement, only necessary elements can now be returned by GetSessionInfo for anonymous access.

GetSessionInfo Response Example:

<serv:bodyContent xsi:type="ep:getSessionInfoResponse" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<ep:startDate>03/29/2019 11:55:00</ep:startDate>
<ep:timeZone>GMT-07:00, Pacific (San Francisco)</ep:timeZone>

Affected APIs:

  • GetSessionInfo

Schedule meetings and events behavior change

By default, all scheduled meetings are video device-enabled meetings. However, when you schedule a meeting but select None or Others for your meeting's audio, the meeting will be scheduled as a non-video device-enabled Webex meeting.

Affected APIs:

  • CreateMeeting

  • SetMeeting

  • CreateEvent

  • SetEvent

XML API 39.8.0 Updates

Click here to download the XML API 39.8 schema.

LsttrainingattendeeHistory now returns meeting attendee attentiveness

A new response element, attentionToDurationPercentage, was added to the LsttrainingattendeeHistory API. LsttrainingattendeeHistory returns a meeting attendee's attentiveness details. The element is returned in this format:


Affected APIs:

  • LsttrainingattendeeHistory

    • attentionToDurationPercentage

    • attentionToAttendancePercentage

LsttrainingattendeeHistory Response Example:

<history:endTime>04/17/2019 23:37:07</history:endTime>

GetSite now returns license counts

New response elements were provided to return different license counts in the GetSite API.

Affected APIs:

  • GetSite

    • EEActiveUserCount

    • activeCETHost

    • MCActiveUserCount

    • ECActiveUserCount

    • TCActiveUserCount

    • SCActiveUserCount

GetSiteFT and SetSiteFT Redesign

The GetSiteFT and SetSiteFT APIs were redesigned to allow dynamic feature toggles.

Affected APIs:

  • GetSiteFT

  • SetSiteFT

GetSite Request Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<accessToken>{This is machine account access token}</accessToken>
<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.site.GetSiteFT">

GetSite Response Example:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ns1="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/site" xmlns:event="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/event">
<serv:bodyContent xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns1:getSiteFTResponse">

SetSite Request Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<accessToken>{This is machine account access token}</accessToken>
<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.site.SetSiteFT">

SetSiteFT Resonse Example:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ns1="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/site" xmlns:event="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/event">
<serv:bodyContent xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns1:setSiteFTResponse"/>

Meeting description length now limited to 2500 characters

The following APIs now have the meeting description element's content length restricted to 2500 characters:

Affected APIs:

  • CreateEvent

  • SetEvent

  • CreateTrainingSession

  • SetTrainingSession

This is to prevent Cisco Webex from being unable to process the request. If the meeting description is longer than 2500 characters, an error message is returned.

XML API 39.5.0 Updates

New element videoMeshInterclusters added to the SetSite and GetSite schemas

A new element, videoMeshInterclusters, was added to the SetSite element. videoMeshInterclusters also contains three children elements videoMeshHomeCluster1, videoMeshHomeCluster2, and videoMeshHomeCluster3.

Affected APIs:

  • SetSite

    • videoMeshInterclusters

      • videoMeshHomeCluster1

      • videoMeshHomeCluster2

      • videoMeshHomeCluster3

  • GetSite

    • videoMeshInterclusters

      • videoMeshHomeCluster1

      • videoMeshHomeCluster2

      • videoMeshHomeCluster3

SetSite Request Updates:

GetSite Response Updates:

XML API 39.3.0 Updates

Click here to download the XML API 39.3 schema.

Short SIP URL in XML API, new element displayMeetingUrl

Currently, when joining a Webex meeting, the app or device must provide site info, making it difficult to join meetings sometimes. This is especially true when dialing in from a SIP device, because the user must type the meeting_number@sitename.webex.com.

To make joining meetings easier, we removed the requirement to enter the site name from the meeting SIP URI: meeting_number@webex.com. To keep backwards compatibility, the old format works at the sipURL and new the format is appended to the new element displayMeetingUrl.

Affected APIs:

  • GetMeeting

    • displayMeetingUrl

  • GetEvent

    • displayMeetingUrl

  • GetSessionInfo

    • displayMeetingUrl

GetMeeting Response Example:


GetEvent Response Example:


GetSessionInfo Response Example:


Email Example:

Description length now limited to 1024 Characters

The following APIs now have the description element’s content length restricted to 1024 characters:

Affected APIs:

  • CreateTrainingSession

  • SetTrainingSession

  • CreateEvent

  • SetEvent

This change is to prevent Cisco Webex from being unable to process the request. If the description is longer than 1024 characters, an error message is returned: “060067 Illegal input description. The description can't exceed the maximum display characters's length 1024.”

Response Example for Description Length Greater than 1024 Characters:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:sess="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/session" xmlns:train="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/trainingsession" xmlns:qti="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/trainingsessionqti" xmlns:qtiasi="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/trainingsessionqtiasi">
Illegal input description. The description can't exceed the maximum display characters's length 1024

GetSessionInfo now returns only basic information for Personal Rooms when there is an anonymous user using the API

To ensure greater security, we're decreasing the amount of information returned by GetSessionInfo when there's an anonymous attendee user using the API. In this update we'll reduce the following elements in the API response:

Affected APIs:

  • GetSessionInfo

    • <ep:accessControl>

  • <ep:sessionPassword>

    • <ep:telephony>

    • <ep:isAlternateHost>…</ep:isAlternateHost>

    • <ep:isCreator>…</ep:isCreator>

    • <ep:hostKey>…</ep:hostKey>

    • <ep:supportE2E>…</ep:supportE2E>

Response Comparisons:

<serv:bodyContent xsi:type="ep:getSessionInfoResponse" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<ep:sessionPassword></ep:sessionPassword> <!--Removed-->
<ep:confName>Simon Test's Personal Room</ep:confName>
<ep:telephony> <!--Removed-->
<ep:telephonySupport>CALLBACK</ep:telephonySupport> <!--Removed-->
<ep:globalCallInNumbersURL>https://sqdemo6.dmz.webex.com/sqdemo6/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&amp;ED=0</ep:globalCallInNumbersURL> <!--Removed-->
<ep:tollFreeRestrictionsURL>https://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf</ep:tollFreeRestrictionsURL> <!--Removed-->
<ep:dialInSequences>AutoDialInSequence:[AccessNumber],,*00*[AccessCode]#,,,[AttendeeID]#|SilentDialInSequence:[AccessNumber],,*01*[AccessCode]#[AttendeeID]#*01*|AutoLGDialInSequence:[AccessNumber],,*00*[AccessCode]#,,,[ProfileID]#,,,[PIN]#|SilentLGDialInSequence:[AccessNumber],,*01*[AccessCode]#[ProfileID]#[PIN]#*01*|AutoLGPWDialInSequence:[AccessNumber],,*00*[AccessCode]#,,,[ProfileID]#,,,[PIN]#,,,[Password]#|SilentLGPWDialInSequence:[AccessNumber],,*01*[AccessCode]#[ProfileID]#[PIN]#[Password]#*01*</ep:dialInSequences> <!--Removed-->
<ep:callInNum> <!--Removed-->
<serv:tollNum>14085452910</serv:tollNum> <!--Removed-->
<serv:globalNum> <!--Removed-->
<serv:countryAlias>14085452912</serv:countryAlias> <!--Removed-->
<serv:phoneNumber>14085452912</serv:phoneNumber> <!--Removed-->
<serv:tollFree>false</serv:tollFree> <!--Removed-->
<serv:default>false</serv:default> <!--Removed-->
</serv:globalNum> <!--Removed-->
</ep:callInNum> <!--Removed-->
<ep:labels> <!--Removed-->
<ep:tollFreeCallInLabel>Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)</ep:tollFreeCallInLabel> <!--Removed-->
<ep:tollCallInLabel>14085452910</ep:tollCallInLabel> <!--Removed-->
</ep:labels> <!--Removed-->
<ep:isMPAudio>false</ep:isMPAudio> <!--Removed-->
<ep:voip>true</ep:voip> <!--Removed-->
<ep:enableTSP>false</ep:enableTSP> <!--Removed-->
</ep:telephony> <!--Removed-->
<ep:startDate>12/31/2068 13:00:00</ep:startDate>
<ep:timeZone>GMT-08:00, Pacific (San Francisco)</ep:timeZone>
<ep:isAlternateHost>false</ep:isAlternateHost> <!--Removed-->
<ep:isCreator>true</ep:isCreator> <!--Removed-->
<ep:hostKey>954462</ep:hostKey> <!--Removed-->
<ep:supportE2E>false</ep:supportE2E> <!--Removed-->

XML API 39.2.0 Updates

New element lastLoginTime returned in LstSummaryUser response

A new response element, lastLoginTime, was added to the LstSummaryUser API. lastLoginTime returns the last login time for each user. The element is returned in this format:

<lastLoginTime>04/12/2018 22:40:01**</lastLoginTime>

Affected APIs:

  • LstSummaryUser

    • lastLoginTime

LstSummaryUser Response Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:use="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/user">
<serv:bodyContent xsi:type="use:lstsummaryUserResponse" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<use:registrationDate>12/11/2018 14:41:27</use:registrationDate>
<use:lastLoginTime>04/12/2018 22:40:01</use:lastLoginTime>

XML API 39.1.0 Updates

Click here to download the XML API 39.1.0 schema.

New element apiVer added to GetAPIVersion API

A new response element, apiVer, was added to the GetAPIVersion API. With this update, the XML API version naming convention changes to match a unified version number with other Cisco Webex product areas. apiVer returns the new version information, such as 39.1.0 for the January 2019 update.

Affected APIs:

  • GetAPIVersion

    • apiVer

The element apiVersion will be deprecated on May 1, 2019, and the element release will be assigned a new XML API value on May 1, 2019.

GetAPIVersion Response Example:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ep="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/ep" xmlns:meet="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/meeting">
<serv:bodyContent xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ep:getAPIVersionResponse">
<ep:apiVersion>WebEx XML API V11.0.0</ep:apiVersion>

HQ and HD parameters removed from XML API

HQ and HD video properties are now determined at the site level, instead of being determined at the user level. The two options for these parameters are ignored when sending requests from the following APIs:

  • CreateMeeting

  • SetMeeting

  • CreateTrainingSession

  • SetTrainingSession

The GetMeeting and GetTrainingSession APIs still return the two options (decided by site level and user level) to avoid breaking existing code.

New element uploadLogFileUrl added to the site metadata returned to the desktop app

A new element uploadLogFileUrl was added to the response returned to the desktop app when it calls the getSite API in the XML API server. The desktop app can upload the log file to uploadLogFileUrl.

Affected APIs:

  • GetSite

    • uploadLogFileUrl

GetSite Response Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ns1="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/site" xmlns:event="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/event">
<serv:bodyContent xsi:type="ns1:getSiteResponse" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<ns1:serviceType>Meeting Center</ns1:serviceType>
<ns1:serviceType>Event Center</ns1:serviceType>
<ns1:serviceType>Training Center</ns1:serviceType>
<ns1:serviceType>Support Center</ns1:serviceType>
<ns1:currency>French Francs</ns1:currency>
<ns1:timeZone>GMT-08:00, Pacific (San Jose)</ns1:timeZone>
<ns1:myWebExDefaultPage>My Meetings</ns1:myWebExDefaultPage>
<ns1:ucfConfiguration>UCF 2.1</ns1:ucfConfiguration>
<ns1:serviceName>Personal Conference No.</ns1:serviceName>
<ns1:participantAccessCodeLabel>Attendee access code</ns1:participantAccessCodeLabel>
<ns1:subscriberAccessCodeLabel>Host access code</ns1:subscriberAccessCodeLabel>
<ns1:attendeeIDLabel>Attendee ID</ns1:attendeeIDLabel>
<ns1:publicName>Call-in User</ns1:publicName>
<serv:tollFreeLabel>Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)</serv:tollFreeLabel>
<serv:tollLabel>Call-in toll number (US/Canada)</serv:tollLabel>
<serv:tollFreeLabel>Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)</serv:tollFreeLabel>
<serv:tollLabel>Backup call-in toll number (US/Canada)</serv:tollLabel>
<serv:tollFreeLabel>Backup call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)</serv:tollFreeLabel>
<serv:tollLabel>Call-in toll number (US/Canada)</serv:tollLabel>
<serv:tollFreeLabel>Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)</serv:tollFreeLabel>
<serv:tollLabel>Call-in toll number (US/Canada)</serv:tollLabel>
<serv:tollFreeLabel>Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)</serv:tollFreeLabel>
<serv:tollLabel>Backup call-in toll number (US/Canada)</serv:tollLabel>
<serv:tollFreeLabel>Backup call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)</serv:tollFreeLabel>
<ns1:label>Call-in number</ns1:label>
<ns1:label>Call-in toll-free number</ns1:label>
<ns1:label>Call-in number</ns1:label>
<ns1:label>Call-in toll-free number</ns1:label>
<ns1:label>Call-in number</ns1:label>
<ns1:label>Call-in toll-free number</ns1:label>
<ns1:otherTeleServiceName>Other teleconference service</ns1:otherTeleServiceName>
<ns1:serviceName>Meeting Center</ns1:serviceName>
<ns1:serviceName>Event Center</ns1:serviceName>
<ns1:serviceName>Support Center</ns1:serviceName>
<ns1:serviceName>Training Center</ns1:serviceName>
<ns1:serviceName>Site Administration</ns1:serviceName>
<ns1:serviceName>Sales Center</ns1:serviceName>

XML API 11.0.0 SP22 Updates

File size limitation for UploadPMRImage

When uploading avatars using the API UploadPMRImage, a new limitation restricts the file size to 5 MB. Attempts to upload files larger than this will now receive an error message: "010100 Size of the image being uploaded is too big. Try an image smaller than 5MB in size."

XML API 11.0.0 SP21 Updates

Click here to download the XML API 11.0 SP21 schema.

New element autoRecord added to CreateMeeting, SetMeeting, GetMeeting, and LstMeeting

A new element, named autoRecord was added to the CreateMeeting, SetMeeting, GetMeeting, and LstMeeting APIs. autoRecord allows users to automatically record Webex meetings directly from the meeting scheduler. This provides meeting-level granularity, where the previous method to automatically record meetings could only be accessed globally at the site-level.

The autoRecord element only applies to Webex Meetings. It doesn't apply to Webex Events or Webex Training.

Affected APIs:

  • CreateMeeting

    • autoRecord

  • SetMeeting

    • autoRecord

  • GetMeeting

    • autoRecord

  • LstMeeting

    • autoRecord

CreateMeeting Updates:

autoRecord Setting

Behavior when Automatically record all sessions using Network Based Recording is disabled on Site Administration


Automatically start recording when the meeting starts

False (Default) or no element

Doesn't automatically start recording when the meeting starts

If Automatically record all sessions using Network Based Recording is enabled, the element is ignored and recording automatically starts when the meeting starts.

SetMeeting Updates:

autoRecord Setting

Behavior when Automatically record all sessions using Network Based Recording is disabled on Site Administration


Automatically start recording when the meeting starts

False (Default) or no element

Doesn't automatically start recording when the meeting starts

If Automatically record all sessions using Network Based Recording is enabled, the element is ignored and recording automatically starts when the meeting starts.

GetMeeting Updates:

autoRecord Setting

Behavior when Automatically record all sessions using Network Based Recording is disabled on Site Administration


Automatically start recording when the meeting starts


Doesn't automatically start recording when the meeting starts

If Automatically record all sessions using Network Based Recording is enabled, the element is ignored and recording automatically starts when the meeting starts.

GetMeeting Response Example:

LstMeeting Updates:

autoRecord Setting

Behavior when Automatically record all sessions using Network Based Recording is disabled on Site Administration


Automatically start recording when the meeting starts


Doesn't automatically start recording when the meeting starts

If Automatically record all sessions using Network Based Recording is enabled, the element is ignored and recording automatically starts when the meeting starts.

LstMeeting Response Example:

New element isAutoRecord added to GetSessionInfo API

Along with the changes made to the above APIs, a new element, isAutoRecord, was added to the GetSessionInfo API. This element can be used to indicate whether recording automatically starts when a meeting starts.

Affected APIs:

  • GetSessionInfo

    • isAutoRecord

GetSessionInfo Updates:

isAutoRecord Setting

Behavior when Automatically record all sessions using Network Based Recording is disabled on Site Administration


Automatically start recording when the meeting starts


Doesn't automatically start recording when the meeting starts

If Automatically record all sessions using Network Based Recording is enabled, the element is ignored and recording automatically starts when the meeting starts.

GetSessionInfo Response Example:

XML API 11.0.0 SP20 Updates

Click here to download the XML API 11.0 SP20 schema.

New element returnShareToMeRecording added to LstRecording API request

This change was previously announced in XML API 11.0 SP17, but is being applied to this update.

A new element, returnShareToMeRecording, was added to the LstRecording API. returnShareToMeRecording is a Boolean in the request for LstRecording.

This new element was added to support finding attendee or invitee recordings. returnShareToMeRecording is a flag to let the LstRecording API know it must return attendee or invitee recordings.

When returnShareToMeRecording is set to True, LstRecording returns the recording user as the owner, and also returns the recording user as an attendee or invitee shared by the owner.

If auto-share and manual share flags are both OFF, LstRecording returns the user only as the owner of the recordings.

When returnShareToMeRecording is set to False, or this element isn't included in the request, LstRecording follows the same logic as before: it returns the recordings user as the owner.

Affected APIs:

  • LstRecording

    • returnShareToMeRecording

LstRecording Updates:

Element shareToMe added to LstRecording API response

This change was previously announced in XML API 11.0 SP17, but is being applied to this update.

A new element, shareToMe, was added to the LstRecording API. shareToMe is a Boolean in the response for LstRecording.

This new element was added to support finding attendee or invitee recordings. shareToMe is a flag to define if the user is the owner of or an attendee for current recording.

When shareToMe is True, the user isn't the owner of current recording. The user may be an attendee, or the recording is shared by the owner.

When shareToMe is False, or this element isn't in the response, LstRecording follows the same logic as before: the user is the owner of the current recording.

Affected APIs:

  • LstRecording

    • shareToMe

LstRecording Updates:

returnShareToMeRecording and shareToMe Request Examples:

<bodyContent xsi:type=”java.com.webex.service.binding..ep.LstRecording”>
<createTimeStart>08/15/2018 8:0:0</createTimeStart>
<createTimeEnd>09/05/2018 7:59:59</createTimeEnd>

returnShareToMeRecording and shareToMe Response Examples:

New elements added to GetEvent API

Four new elements were added to the GetEvent API:

  • isCETMeeting: a Boolean True/False indicating if the Webex event supports Webex Video platform 2 (CMR 4.0)

  • sipURL: the URL used to join Webex Video meeting from a video conferencing system or application

  • standaloneDialingIPAddress: the IP address that can be used to dial into the Webex Video meeting from a video conferencing system or application

  • panelistNumericPassword: the password for joining the Webex Video meeting from a video conferencing system or application

If the site supports Webex Video, the host has Webex Events video privileges, and the event supports Webex Video platform 2 (CMR 4.0), GetEvent returns these elements. Otherwise, GetEvent doesn't return them.

Affected APIs:

  • GetEvent

    • isCETMeeting

    • sipURL

    • standaloneDialingIPAddress

    • panelistNumericPassword

New element panelistNumericPassword added to GetSessionInfo API

GetSessionInfo has a new element, panelistNumericPassword, which contains the password for joining the Webex Video meeting from a video conferencing system or application.

If the site supports Webex Video, the host has Webex Events video privileges, and the event supports Webex Video platform 2 (CMR 4.0), GetSessionInfo returns these four elements:

  • isCETMeeting: a Boolean True/False indicating if the Webex event supports Webex Video platform 2 (CMR 4.0)

  • sipURL: the URL used to join Webex Video meeting from a video conferencing system or application

  • standaloneDialingIPAddress: the IP address that can be used to dial into the Webex Video meeting from a video conferencing system or application

  • panelistNumericPassword: the password for joining the Webex Video meeting from a video conferencing system or application

For Webex Meetings, these elements already existed in GetSessionInfo:

  • isCETMeeting

  • sipURL

  • standaloneDialingIPAddress

Affected APIs:

  • GetSessionInfo

    • panelistNumericPassword

Schema changes made to GetEvent and GetSessionInfo

GetEvent Updates:

GetSessionInfo Updates:

XML API 11.0.0 SP18 Updates

Click here to download the XML API 11.0 SP18 schema.

New element EnableCloudTelepresence added to getSite API

A new element, EnableCloudTelepresence was added to the getSite API.

When the option EnableCETForAllUsers is enabled, Webex checks to see whether the user supports Webex video (CMR). It now also returns a new element EnableCloudTelepresence in the getSite API.

Affected APIs:

  • getSite

  • EnableCloudTelepresence

getSite Example Response:

XML API 11.0.0 SP17 Updates

New element returnShareToMeRecording added to LstRecording API request

A new element, returnShareToMeRecording, was added to the LstRecording API. returnShareToMeRecording is a Boolean in the request for LstRecording.

This new element was added to support pulling attendee or invitee recordings. returnShareToMeRecording is a flag to let the LstRecording API know it must return attendee or invitee recordings.

When returnShareToMeRecording is set to True, LstRecording returns the recordings user as owner, and also returns the recordings user as an attendee or invitee shared by the owner.

If auto-share and manual share flags are disabled, LstRecording returns only the user as the owner of the recordings.

When returnShareToMeRecording is set to False, or this element isn't included in the request, LstRecording follows the same logic as before: it returns the recordings user as the owner.

Affected APIs:

  • LstRecording

  • returnShareToMeRecording

LstRecording Updates:

New element shareToMe added to LstRecording API response

A new element, shareToMe, was added to the LstRecording API. shareToMe is a Boolean in the response for LstRecording.

This new element was added to support pulling attendee or invitee recordings. shareToMe is a flag to define if the user is the owner, or the attendee or invitee for current recording.

When shareToMe is True, the user isn't the owner of the current recording. The user may be an attendee or invitee, or the recording is shared by the owner.

When shareToMe is False, or this element isn't in the response, LstRecording follows the same logic as before: the user is the owner of the current recording.

Affected APIs:

  • LstRecording

  • shareToMe

LstRecording Updates:

New Elements for Attendee Capacity added to API getSite Response

Four new elements were added to the getSite API to indicate the attendee capacity for the following Webex services:

attendeeCapacityForMC - Webex Meetings

attendeeCapacityForEC – Webex Events

attendeeCapacityForTC – Webex Training

attendeeCapacityForSC – Webex Support

These returned values indicate the maximum number of attendees the meeting, event, or session can have. They are children of the CISiteLicenseInfo element in the response.

Affected APIs:

  • getSite

  • attendeeCapacityForMC

  • attendeeCapacityForEC

  • attendeeCapacityForTC

  • attendeeCapacityForSC

getSite Response Example:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ns1="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/site" xmlns:event="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/event">
<serv:bodyContent xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns1:getSiteResponse">

XML API 11.0.0 SP16 Updates

New API hostStreamURL added to lstRecordingResponse

The element hostStreamURL was added to the LstRecording response as part of the recording details. hostStreamURL returns a URL for the host to use to view the recording without having to sign in first. This URL is valid for 30 minutes after it is generated.

Affected APIs:

  • hostStreamURL

hostStreamURL Response Example:

<xsd:complexType name="recordingType">
<xsd:element name="recordingID" type="xsd:int"/>
<xsd:element name="hostWebExID" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="description" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="createTime" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="timeZoneID" type="xsd:int"/>
<xsd:element name="size" type="xsd:float"/>
<xsd:element name="streamURL" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="hostStreamURL" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="fileURL" type="xsd:string"/>

GetSite API uses new WebDB modeling to return data

By customer request, the API GetSite now retrieves more accurate host license, usage reporting data, and other data using the new WebDB modeling for CI sites.

Affected APIs:

  • GetSite

GetSite Response Example:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ns1="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/site" xmlns:event="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/event">
<serv:bodyContent xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns1:getSiteResponse">

GetSite Response Example for EE sites:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ns1="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/site" xmlns:event="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/event">
<serv:bodyContent xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns1:getSiteResponse">

XML API 11.0.0 SP15 Updates

Return Webex Meetings meeting link using the GetSessionsInfo API

The schema for the GetSessionInfo API has a new return value, meetingLink. You can use a meeting link to start a Webex meeting as a host or by joining a Webex meeting as an attendee.

Affected APIs:

  • GetSessionInfo

  • meetingLink

GetSessionInfo Response Example:


New condition for querying by RecordingID on LstRecording API

You can now use LstRecording to query recordings using recordingID. There are two kinds of recording IDs:

  • Recording IDs for Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training

  • NBR Recording IDs for miscellaneous recordings

If there's a serviceType element in the XML request, then LstRecording returns a Service Recording (Webex Meetings, Webex Events, and Webex Training) only.

If there is no serviceType element in the XML request, then LstRecording returns an NBR Recording only.

Affected APIs:

  • LstRecording

  • RecordingID

LstRecording Response Examples:

Request Example for a Service Recording ID:

<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.ep.LstRecording">

Request Example for an NBR Recording ID:

<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.ep.LstRecording">

XML API 11.0.0 SP14 Updates

Preliminary Usage Summary Reports for Meeting Center

Two new APIs were added for Meeting Center preliminary reports, LstmeetingusagePreliminaryHistory and LstmeetingattendeePreliminaryHistory. These will have the same behavior as LsteventsessionPreliminaryHistory and LsteventattendeePreliminaryHistory in the final report.

Affected APIs:

  • LstmeetingusagePreliminaryHistory

  • LstmeetingattendeePreliminaryHistory

LstmeetingusagePreliminaryHistory Request Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.history.LstmeetingusagePreliminaryHistory">
<sessionStartTimeStart>4/23/2018 00:00:00</sessionStartTimeStart>
<sessionStartTimeEnd>4/24/2018 11:59:59</sessionStartTimeEnd>

LstmeetingusagePreliminaryHistory Response Example:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:history="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/history">
<serv:bodyContent xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="history:lstmeetingusagePreliminaryHistoryResponse">
<history:openTime>04/23/2018 19:16:34</history:openTime>
<history:timeZoneWithDST>San Francisco (Pacific Daylight Time, GMT-07:00)</history:timeZoneWithDST>

LstmeetingattendeePreliminaryHistory Request Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.history.LstmeetingattendeePreliminaryHistory">
<sessionStartTimeStart>4/23/2018 00:00:00</sessionStartTimeStart>
<sessionStartTimeEnd>4/24/2018 11:59:59</sessionStartTimeEnd>

LstmeetingattendeePreliminaryHistory Response Example:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:history="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/history">
<serv:bodyContent xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="history:lstmeetingattendeePreliminaryHistoryResponse">
<history:address1>1 Any Street</history:address1>
<history:name>user test2</history:name>
<history:joinTime>04/23/2018 19:13:06</history:joinTime>
<history:name>zzz zzzz</history:name>
<history:joinTime>04/23/2018 19:14:10</history:joinTime>
<history:name>test host</history:name>
<history:joinTime>04/23/2018 19:12:42</history:joinTime>

Returning SIP URL and Skype URL from GLA GetsessionInfo API

Two new elements, <sipURL> and <skypeURL>, were appended to the response when calling the GLA GetSessionInfo API. These elements are base elements which can be returned for anonymous access.

  • <sipURL> can be used to join meetings from a TelePresence or other Cisco video device. This way, only meetings using Cisco video platform versions 1.0 or 2.0 should GetSessionInfo return the <sipURL> element.

  • <skypeURL> can be used to join meetings from a Microsoft Skype app, without any limitations or conditions, so it can be returned for each call.

Affected APIs:

  • GetSessionInfo

Response Example:

Returning SIP URL and Meeting Link from GetMeeting API

Three new elements, <isCETMeeting>, <meetingLink>, and <sipURL>, were appended to the response when calling the GetMeeting API.

  • <isCETMeeting> returns whether the meeting is using a Cisco video platform (supports TelePresence and video).

  • <meetingLink> can be used to connect to meetings.

  • <sipURL> can be used to join meetings from a TelePresence or other Cisco video device. This way, only meetings using Cisco video platform versions 1.0 or 2.0 should GetMeeting return the element.

Affected APIs:

  • GetMeeting

GetMeeting Response Example:

XML API 11.0.0 SP13 Updates

Announcement of deprecation of the <siteID> element in parent <securityContext>

Cisco plans to deprecate the <siteID> element in the parent <securityContext> element, and replace it with the <siteName>. Due to a large number of <siteID> elements often being changed during site migrations, organizations incur high maintenance costs to keep using this element. This is a two year advance notification.

  • For existing WebEx customers the impact will occur May 1, 2020.

  • New customers must use the <siteName> element beginning May 1, 2018.

  • Customers doing integrations with CI, Spark, or the Atlas system, must use the <siteName> element beginning May 1, 2018.

Affected APIs:

  • <siteName>

  • <securityContext>

Data validation of the <tollCallInData> and <tollFreeCallInData> Elements

Beginning June 1, 2018, both the <tollCallInData> and <tollFreeCallInData> APIs will be data validated. This affects the <CreateUser> and <SetUser> APIs.

Sites that use non-valid strings or improperly-formatted strings in their call in data must correct the strings in order for these elements to pass data validation.

Below are examples of CreateUser and SetUser, tollCallInData and tollFreeCallInData in the correct format:


XML API 11.0.0 SP12 Updates

Two new APIs SetContact and DelContacts

The XML API schema previously only had the two APIs CreateContacts and LstContacts, which did not provide complete management of user contacts. In order to provide better functionality for managing user contact using the XML API, we’ve added these two new APIs, SetContact and DelContacts.




Call this API to modify contact information such as email, name, title, and language.


  • If the contact isn't found by the contactEmail element, the exception 140004 "Contact not found" is returned

  • If the Webex site doesn't support a given language, the exception 030060 "Not a valid language" is returned

  • If the new email address that the user want to change to is a duplicate with another contact in the My Contacts list, the exception 140001 "Email is used by another contact" is returned


Call this API to delete one or more contacts from the My Contacts list based on given emails.

contactID is returned if the given email can be found from the My Contacts list, and ignores the given email if it isn't in the My Contacts list.

If all given emails aren't found in the My Contacts list, the exception 00015 (Sorry, no record found) is returned.

Affected APIs:

  • SetContact

  • DelContacts

SetContact Request Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<serv:message xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service">
<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.ep.SetContact">
<contactEmail>Contact Email adress</contactEmail>
<name>New Contact Name</name>
<email>New Contact Email Address</email>
<title>New Title</title>
<company>New Company</company>
<notes>New Notes</notes>
<url>New Link</url>
<address1>New Address 1</address1>
<address2>New Address 2</address2>
<city>New City</city>
<state>New State</state>
<zipCode>New ZipCode</zipCode>
<country>New Company</country>
<language>New Language</language>

SetContact Response Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ep="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/ep" xmlns:meet="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/meeting">
<serv:bodyContent xsi:type="ep:setContactResponse" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"/>

DelContacts Request Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<serv:message xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service">
<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.ep.DelContacts">

DelContacts Response Examples:

In this example, two existing contacts are deleted from the My Contacts list.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ep="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/ep" xmlns:meet="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/meeting">
<serv:bodyContent xsi:type="ep:delContactsResponse" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

In this example, the emails aren't in the My Contacts list.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:ep="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/ep" xmlns:meet="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/meeting">
<serv:reason>Sorry, no record found</serv:reason>

XML API 11.0.0 SP11 Updates

New API LstTrainingPollResultsHistory

The LstTrainingPollResultsHistory API was originally implemented in the URL API. By customer request, it's now implemented in the XML API.

List polling results are returned by inputting a Training Center sessionKey. The API can be requested by either the Training Center session owner or a site administrator.

The Enhanced TC Polling setting must be enabled before training poll results are stored in the WebEx DB:

Affected APIs:

  • LstTrainingPollResultsHistory

LstTrainingPollResultHistory Request Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- <returnAdditionalInfo>true</returnAdditionalInfo> -->

The request is only for T32/XML API 11.0.0.

LstTrainingPollResultHistory Response Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:history="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/history">
<serv:bodyContent xsi:type="history:lstTrainingPollResultsHistoryResponse" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<history:confName>TC poll test 20171220 1635</history:confName>
<history:host>John Doe</history:host>
<history:startTime>12/20/2017 16:54:48</history:startTime>
<history:endTime>12/20/2017 16:58:07</history:endTime>
<history:questionDesc>test question 1 (multi-choice/single-answer)</history:questionDesc>
<history:answerChoice>test answer 4</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice>test answer 3</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice correct="true">test answer 2</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice>test answer 1</history:answerChoice>
<history:pollResponse>test answer 2</history:pollResponse>
<history:pollResponse>test answer 1</history:pollResponse>
<history:pollResponse>No Answer</history:pollResponse>
<history:questionDesc>test question 2 (multi-choiec.multi-answer)</history:questionDesc>
<history:answerChoice>test answer D</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice>test answer C</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice correct="true">test answer B</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice correct="true">test answer A</history:answerChoice>
<history:pollResponse>test answer B,test answer A</history:pollResponse>
<history:pollResponse>test answer D,test answer C,test answer B,test answer A</history:pollResponse>
<history:pollResponse>No Answer</history:pollResponse>
<history:questionDesc>test question 2 (short answer)</history:questionDesc>
<history:pollResponse>No Answer</history:pollResponse>
<history:startTime>12/20/2017 16:58:57</history:startTime>
<history:endTime>12/20/2017 17:02:39</history:endTime>
<history:questionDesc>survey question 1 (multi-choiec/sinngle-answer)</history:questionDesc>
<history:answerChoice>survey answer 3</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice>survey answer 2</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice>survey answer 1</history:answerChoice>
<history:pollResponse>survey answer 3</history:pollResponse>
<history:pollResponse>survey answer 2</history:pollResponse>
<history:pollResponse>No Answer</history:pollResponse>
<history:questionDesc>survey question 2 (multi-choiec/multi-answer)</history:questionDesc>
<history:answerChoice>survey answer D</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice>survey answer C</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice>survey answer B</history:answerChoice>
<history:answerChoice>survey answer A</history:answerChoice>
<history:pollResponse>survey answer D,survey answer C</history:pollResponse>
<history:pollResponse>survey answer C,survey answer B</history:pollResponse>
<history:pollResponse>No Answer</history:pollResponse>
<history:questionDesc>survey question 3 (short answer)</history:questionDesc>
<history:pollResponse>No Answer</history:pollResponse>

The response is different if the meeting isn't found, doesn't belong to the user requesting it, or if the user requesting it isn't also a site administrator.

Response Example:

<serv:message xmlns:serv="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service" xmlns:com="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/common" xmlns:history="http://www.webex.com/schemas/2002/06/service/history">
<serv:reason>Sorry, no record found</serv:reason>

New attendeeSendVideo option in the APIs CreateTrainingSession, SetTrainingSession, and GetTrainingSession

Because the options available when scheduling a Training Center session include Send Video, the XML API has now added the attendeeSendVideo option to create, get, and set APIs for Training Center sessions.

Affected APIs:

  • CreateTrainingSession

  • SetTrainingSession

  • GetTrainingSession


The option was stored in DB table WbxMMConfParam/paramvalue as paramname = 'optionSupportSendVideo'

CreateTrainingSession Request Updates:

SetTrainingSession Request Updates:

The request is only for T32/XML API11.0.0.

GetTrainingSession Response Updates:

Change ConfName size limit maximum to 128 display characters

The conference name string ConfName is now limited to a maximum of 128 display characters. This change aligns with the J2EE home page limitation. If an API request includes ConfName that is empty or exceeds a 128 display character length, the following error message is displayed:

"060065 Illegal input conference name. The conference name can't be empty or exceed the maximum display character length 128."

Affected APIs:

  • ConfName

Exception message changed in API LstRecording

The exception message thrown when the query time scope exceeds the maximum limit on the API LstRecording was changed. By default, queries support 4 weeks of recordings. Requests of more than four weeks receive the following error message:

"999999 Exceeded maximum querying time scope of 28 days".

Affected APIs:

  • LstRecording

XML API 11.0.0 SP10 Updates

The XML API 11.0 SP10 update has no schema changes.