You can allow Control Hub to send requests to a specified web service containing information about an event that happened on a device. For example, when the people count value changes. The service can then act based on the incoming webhook, for example store the data, or trigger other events or services.

This feature is a part of the workspace integrations, and you need a service to handle the webhooks. This can be a web server hosting a service to handle webhooks from Control Hub. You can use an existing integration service or create one yourself.

Read more about workspace integrations .

Prerequisites for the external service receiving the webhook:

  • Basic authentication or an authorization token for the receiving server. The authorization token is added as is to the HTTP Authorization header of the webhook request.

  • Must be reachable on public Internet.

  • Must use HTTPS.

  • Must have a valid and trusted certificate. Selfsigned certificates are not supported.

  • Must reply with a 200 OK.


From the customer view on , go to Workspaces and click Integrations .


Click Add integration and select Connect Webhook from the list.


Type in the necessary details of the receiving service. Then save and validate the information.

Keep in mind that you can select certain devices to send the webhooks. Enabling all devices for webhooks may generate many requests from Control Hub.

The webhooks are limited to an approved list of statuses and events. Select the ones that are useful for you to limit traffic.


When Control Hub accepts your input, webhooks start to send information to the specified URL.

It takes a few minutes from when the webhook is created until events start getting posted.

You can at any time change the webhooks source data pool, what events it listens to, and the name and the URL. From the same actions drop down you may also delete the webhook and run a test.

In the Metrics section you can see how much traffic there is and if any errors have occurred.