Webex Assistant for Devices



Typical Reply

Example Commands


active_meeting decision That feature is only available when you’re on a call that includes Webex Assistant.

Create a decision to move ahead with the latest proposal

We have made a decision to delay the product launch date

Dodajte tekst nakon ključne reči "odluka" kao "Odluka" istaknuta za sastanak.
active_meeting highlight_that That feature is only available when you’re on a call that includes Webex Assistant.

Highlight that

Make a note of that

Save that as a highlight

Nakon prethodne rečenice u transkriptu kao "Napomena" istaknuta za sastanak.
active_meeting note That feature is only available when you’re on a call that includes Webex Assistant.

Create a note that we updated the proposal

Make a note that the meeting is called to order at 6:20pm

Dodajte tekst nakon ključne reči "napomena" kao "Napomena" istaknuta za sastanak.
active_meeting post_action_item That feature is only available when you’re on a call that includes Webex Assistant.

Create an action-item to review the slide deck

New action-item for Chad to update the report

Take an action for Chad to update the report

Dodajte tekst nakon ključne reči "akciona stavka" kao "Akciona stavka" istaknuta za sastanak.
active_meeting set_agenda That feature is only available when you’re on a call that includes Webex Assistant.

Create an agenda for this meeting to review our go-to-market release

Today's agenda is to decide the next steps in the project

Dodajte tekst nakon ključne reči "raspored" kao "Raspored" istaknuta za sastanak.
active_meeting set_summary That feature is only available when you’re on a call that includes Webex Assistant.

In summary, we are moving ahead with Friday's release plan

To summarize, we need to allot more time to address tech debt

Dodajte tekst nakon ključne reči "rezime" kao "Rezime" istaknuta za sastanak.
active_meeting task That feature is only available when you’re on a call that includes Webex Assistant.

Create a task to review the list of candidates

Generate a support ticket for the network connection issue and assign it to Matt

Dodajte tekst nakon ključne reči "zadatak" kao "Akciona stavka" istaknuta za sastanak.
active_meeting unknown That feature is only available when you’re on a call that includes Webex Assistant.

I'm not sure what he decided to do

i hope these notes are sufficient for the meeting

we already have a few action items listed on our the board

Šalje zahtev za bilo koju drugu nepodržanu akciju povezanu sa istaknutim sastancima.
device decrease_volume

decrease volume

lower the volume

turn down the volume

turn the volume down

volume down

Usmerava sistem na niži nivo izlaznog zvuka, bez isticanja količine.
device disable_bluetooth Bluetooth is disabled. To enable Bluetooth, say "OK Webex, turn on Bluetooth".

disable bluetooth

turn bluetooth off

Usmerava sistem da bi onemogućio bluetooth sistem. Imajte u vidu da je stvarni uticaj onemogućavanje sistema da ne okonča određenu vezu, iako ne očekujemo da korisnici takođe naprave ovo zapažanje.
device disable_camera This device doesn't currently support camera control.

camera off

stop video

turn off camera

Usmerava sistem da zaustavi slanje video strima sa kamere uređaja na poziv.
device disable_do_not_disturb I turned off Do Not Disturb mode. This device can receive incoming calls.

Turn Do Not Disturb off

exit do not disturb

turn off do not disturb mode

Usmerava sistem da izađe iz režima ne uznemiravaj, npr, prekid blokade dolaznih poziva.
device disable_speaker_tracking I turned SpeakerTrack off.

disable speaker track

stop voice tracker

turn off speaker tracking

Usmerava sistem da onemogući SpeakerTrack, koji dinamički skraćuje video fid oko zvučnika (detekcija kretanja + zvuk).
device disable_speakers

mute volume

speakers off

Usmerava sistem da bi onemogućio audio izlaz na uređaju.
device display_information_page I'm not able to help you do that on this device.

Bring up the information page

What's your network settings?

show me device info

software version

Usmerava sistem za prikaz informacija o uređaju, npr, IP adresa, verzija softvera, postavke
device enable_bluetooth I turned on Bluetooth. This device is now discoverable as "Test01 Webex".

connect bluetooth

turn on bluetooth

Usmerava sistem da bi omogućio bluetooth sistem. Imajte u vidu da je stvarni uticaj omogućavanja sistema da ne napravi određenu vezu, iako ne očekujemo da korisnici takođe naprave ovo zapažanje.
device enable_camera This device doesn't currently support camera control.

Start video

turn on my video

turn on the camera

video on

Usmerava sistem da pokrene slanje video strima sa kamere uređaja na poziv.
device enable_do_not_disturb I turned on Do Not Disturb mode. All incoming calls will be automatically rejected.

block all calls

do not disturb

turn on do not disturb mode

Usmerava sistem da uše iz režima ne uznemiravaj, npr, pokretanje blokade dolaznih poziva.
device enable_speaker_tracking I turned SpeakerTrack on.

Turn speaker tracking on

enable speaker tracker

turn on speaker track

Usmerava sistem da omogućio SpeakerTrack, koji dinamički skraćuje video fid oko zvučnika (detekcija kretanja + zvuk).
device enable_speakers

turn speakers on

unmute device

volume on

Usmerava sistem da bi omogućio audio izlaz na uređaju.
device increase_volume

increase the volume

increase volume

raise the volume level

turn up the volume

volume up

Usmerava sistem da bi podigao nivo izlaznog zvuka, bez isticanja količine.
device maximize_selfview

Make self view full screen

full screen self view

maximize my self view

maximize self view

Usmerava sistem za prikaz toka kamere za pregled u režimu celog ekrana.
device minimize_selfview

Minimize my self view

exit full screen

minimize self view

Usmerava sistem za prikaz toka kamere za pregled u malom okviru u uglu ekrana.
device mute_microphone Hmmm. I can't control the microphone when we're not in a meeting.

disable the mic


mute me

mute mic

mute microphone

mute my microphone

mute the microphone

Usmerava sistem za onemogućavanje svih audio ulaza na uređaju (za poziv i za Assistant).
device open_whiteboard This device doesn't support whiteboards.

New whiteboard

close the whiteboard please

delete this whiteboard

delete whiteboards

open a whiteboard please

store this whiteboard

Usmerava sistem za prikaz belih tabli koje su dostupne za otvaranje.
device pause_recording That feature isn't supported on this device yet.

Pause current recording

pause the recording

recording pause

Usmerava sistem za pauziranje snimanja sastanka, npr, privremeno zaustavljanje postupka snimanja bez zatvaranja datoteke za snimanje.
device resume_recording I'm not able to help you with that just yet.

continue recording

return to recording

Usmerava sistem da nastavi snimanje nakon pauze.
device set_volume

Lower the volume to 50 percent

Set the volume to 10

audio at highest

set volume

volume to 8

Usmerava sistem da bi podesio nivo izlaznog zvuka na određenu vrednost.
device start_recording OK! This meeting is now being recorded.

Record the meeting

Start recording this meeting

record meeting

record this meeting

start recording

Usmerava sistem da započne snimanje tekućeg sastanka.
device start_screen_share Hmmm. There aren't any screens to share. You can use your Webex app to share wirelessly, or try plugging in a display cable.

Share my screen

Start sharing my screen

share screen

start screen share

Usmerava sistem da podeli ekran sa povezanog ličnog uređaja na ekran. Imajte u vidu da bežično deljenje ekrana neće raditi dok se autentifikacija ne implementira, ali upiti o bežičnom deljenju ekrana i dalje pripadaju ovoj nameri.
device stop_recording Hmmm. This meeting wasn't being recorded.

Stop recording this meeting

stop recording

turn off recording

Usmerava sistem na završetak snimanja sastanka (zatvara datoteku za snimanje).
device stop_screen_share Hmmm. There aren't any screens being shared. If you're sharing wirelessly, check your Webex app and stop sharing there.

End the screen share

Stop sharing my screen

stop screen share

stop sharing

stop sharing screen

Usmerava sistem da zaustavi deljenje sa ekrana ličnog uređaja na ekran Sobnog uređaja, bez obzira da li je povezan bežično ili sa kablom za ekran.
device turn_off_selfview

Don't show self view

Turn Selfview Off

turn off self View

Usmerava sistem da onemogući pregled fida kamere na ekranu.
device turn_on_selfview

Turn Selfview On

Turn on self view

display self view

show self View

Usmerava sistem za prikaz toka kamere na ekranu za pregled (podrazumevano u smanjenom režimu).
device unmute_microphone I turned the microphone on.

turn microphone on


unmute microphone

Usmerava sistem da omogući sve audio ulaze na uređaju.
general back

Go back



U okviru prikaza za listanje, usmerava sistem da promeni prikaz levo ili gore. Ili, vraća se u status prethodnog dijaloga.
general confirm OK. Adding John Rossi to the call.





Prihvata predloženu akciju.
general dismiss



Go to sleep

Shut down

Usmerava sistem da odmah prekine sa slušanjem, sakriva UI i završava dijalog.
general exit





Usmerava sistem da izađe ili da završi trenutnu aktivnost, bez obzira da li je npr. poziv u toku ili dijalog.
general goodbye Alright, goodbye!



Talk to you later

Šalje pozdrav za odlazak sa sistema, završavajući trenutnu aktivnost, koja god da je.
general greet Hi there!

Good morning




Pozdravlja sistem za dobijanje pažnje.
general greet_goodbye Hello!



Obraća se sistemu sa izrazom koji može da bude pozdrav i oproštaj u skladu sa kontekstom.
general help I'm Webex Assistant. I'm here to help you and your team work better together.


Help me with meetings

How can you help me?

What can you do?

Zahteva opštu pomoć za komande koje su podržane.
general how_are_you I'm doing fine, thanks for asking.

How are you doing today?

How are you?

How is everything?

Pozdravlja sistem izražavajući simpatije za blagostanje.
general more

Next page

Show me the next page

Show more

U okviru prikaza za listanje, usmerava sistem da promeni prikaz desno ili dole. U usmerenom prikazu, usmerava sistem za otkazivanje fokusirane stavke.
general negate Sure thing. Tell me again, who would you like to call?


No no

None of these


Odbija predloženu akciju(e).
general select Got it. I'm adding John Rossi to the call.

Call 8

Option 1

The first one

U okviru numerisanog prikaza vrteške, usmerava sistem da izabere određenu opciju.
general select_page Hmmm. I didn't catch that.

Page 2

Page 5

U okviru prikaza za listanje, usmerava sistem da promeni prikaz na određenu stranu. (Nije podržano)
general specify_number Got it. I'm adding John Rossi to the call.



Obezbeđuje numeričke zahteve za izbor opcije, ili, može da se upotrebi za navođenje vremena u kontekstu kalendarskog toka.
general start_over Sure thing. Tell me again, who would you like to call?

Go back to the start

Start at the beginning

Start over

Try again

U okviru toka dijaloga, usmerava sistem za resetovanje u prvoj fazi toka dijaloga.
general timeout Hmmm. I didn't catch that.

Namera za upite koji su prazni (osim znaka interpunkcije).
general wait OK!

Hold on


Wait a minute

Usmerava sistem da bi napravio kašnjenje a zatim ponovo šalje upit.
general whats_up I'm looking for new ways to help with meetings and collaboration.

What are you up to?

What's happening?

What's up?

Pozdravlja sistem izražavajući interesovanje za aktivnosti.
identity age Well, the concept of age doesn't exist in my world.

How old are you?

What is your age?

Zahteva informacije o starosti sistema.
identity are_you_there I'm Webex Assistant. I can help you work with your team better.

Are you there?

Where are you?

Pita da li je asistent aktivan. Namera za ćaskanje.
identity creator Cisco Systems designed me.

Who created you?

Who is your creator?

Zahteva informacije o razvoju sistema.
identity introduce I'm Webex Assistant. I'm here to help you and your team work better together.

What is your name?

Who are you?

Zahteva informacije o identitetu sistema.
identity other_languages I speak the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Italian and Portuguese

Can you speak French?

What languages do you speak?

show language options

Zahteva informacije o podršci za jezik.
identity other_smart_assistants I'm an assistant for meetings and collaboration, not a personal assistant.

Are you like the other assistants?

Do you know the other assistants?

Zahteva informacije koje upoređuju sistem sa drugim inteligentnim asistentima.
identity spark_and_ai I'm a meeting assistant trained using advanced language and machine learning algorithms.

Are you a genius?

Do you really understand?

Zahteva informacije o inteligenciji sistema.
identity where_are_we We're in Test01 Webex.

What's the name of this room?

Where are we?

Zahteva informacije o lokaciji korisnika.
identity where_from I'm from Cisco Systems, which has offices all over the world.

Where are you from?

Where do you live?

Zahteva informacije o poreklu sistema.
meetings accept_incoming_call Hmmm. There aren't any calls to answer.

Accept incoming call


Answer the call

Get that

Usmerava sistem za povezivanje (odgovor) na dolazni poziv.
meetings call_number OK. Tell me the phone number you'd like to call.

Call number

I want to call a phone number

Start a call to this number

Telephone number

Usmerava sistem da pokrene poziv za nenavedeni broj telefona.
meetings call_person Call 1234562468, right?

Add Robert to this video call


Call John Smith

Call one two three four five six two four six eight

Contact John S M I T H

Dial 123 456 2468

Dial number 1941

Make a call

Usmerava sistem da pokrene poziv za osobu. Osoba možda nije navedena ili identifikovana po imenu, ispisanom imenu ili broju telefona, i potencijalno ograničen prema naslovu posla, afilaciji grupe ili lokaciji.
meetings confirm_name Which one would you like to call?

Carlton Farmer



X U M E I Wang

Navodi ili ponavlja ime osobe.
meetings confirm_title Hmmm. I didn't catch that.

The C S M

The Senior Corporate Counsel

Navodi ili ponavlja ime naslov posla osobe.
meetings end_call

End call

End the meeting

Hang up

Stop the meeting

Usmerava sistem za odlazak ili prekid poziva ili sastanka.
meetings join_meeting Hmmm. Looks like we're already in a meeting. To join a different meeting or place a call, you'll need to end this one first.

Join the 9:00 meeting

Join the meeting

Let's get started

Start meeting

Usmerava sistem da bi se povezao na sastanak na kalendaru uređaja.
meetings join_pmr Hmmm. Looks like we're already in a meeting.

Call John Smith's Personal Room

Join PMR of M A R Y

Join my PMR

Join my Personal Room

Usmerava sistem da se poveže na Webex Personal Room.
meetings lock_meeting I'm not able to help you with that just yet.

Lock meeting

Lock my meeting

Lock my room

Lock this meeting

Usmerava sistem da zaključate sastanak.
meetings reject_incoming_call Hmmm. There aren't any calls to answer.

Decline call

Ignore call

Reject call

Usmerava sistem za odbijanje dolaznog poziva.
meetings show_favorites Hmmm. I'm not sure how to help with that.

Show my favorite contacts

Show my favorites

Speed dial

Usmerava sistem da započne poziv osobi koja je deo liste omiljenih kontakata za tog korisnika.
meetings unlock_meeting That feature isn't supported on this device yet.

Unlock meeting

Unlock my call

Unlock waiting room

Usmerava sistem da otključate sastanak.
meetings unsupported_operation I'm not sure how to help you with that yet.

Browse my org chart

Mute Mary's microphone

Transcribe this meeting, please

Usmerava sistem da izvrši jednu od niza radnji koje (još) nisu podržane, npr. transkribovanje sastanaka, slanje obaveštenja o sastancima, prikaz informacijama o imeniku.
scheduling check_schedule This room is available for the rest of the day. Do you want me to reserve it for you?

Are there any meetings in here?

Is this room available?

Is this room free for 30 minutes?

What meetings are there this morning?

When is my next meeting?

When is this room available?

room schedule

show calendar

show my calendar

Zahteva informacije o dostupnosti sobe prema kalendaru uređaja.
scheduling extend_meeting We’re not in a meeting, so there isn’t a meeting to extend.

Can I extend this room reservation?

book it for 5 more minutes

extend the meeting

extend the meeting by 15 minutes

push the meeting to end in 30 minutes

Usmerava sistem da produži rezervaciju sobe.
scheduling get_date Today is Monday, the 5th of March, 2018

What day is it today?

What's the date?

Zahteva informacije o datumu za određeni dan.
scheduling get_date_time_unsupported I'm not able to help with other dates and timezones just yet.

What time is it in Cleveland?

What's the time in Eastern time?

When is Eid this year?

Which time zone is Alaska in?

Zahteva datum ili vreme za drugu vremensku zonu, drugi dan ili kalendarski događaj bez sastanka, npr. praznici.
scheduling get_time It's 2:30 PM.

What is the current time?

What time is it?

What's the time?

Zahteva trenutno vreme.
scheduling schedule_meeting Got it! I can reserve this room until 2 PM. Is that right?

Can I book this room?

book the room starting at 5:45 pm

make a reservation up to 5 PM

reserve from 3:30 to 4

schedule a 30 minute meeting

schedule a follow-up for tomorrow at 9

set up a meeting at 11 a.m

Usmerava sistem da kreira pozivnicu za sastanak sa drugom osobom.
scheduling specify_time_or_duration Hmmm. I'm not sure how to help with that.

at 10 AM tomorrow

for 3 hours

from 1:30 PM to 4

in 1 hour

until 3 PM

Pruža vremenske zahteve za sastanak ili prikaz kalendara.
scheduling unsupported_scheduling I'm not sure how to help you with that yet.

Can you check someone's availability for me?

When is the meeting over?

cancel the next meeting

postpone the upcoming meeting

reschedule the 9:30 booking

Usmerava sistem da izvrši jednu od niza radnji planiranja koje (još) nisu podržane, npr. otkazivanje sastanaka, premeštanje sastanaka, prikaz informacija o sastanku.
smart_room brighten_lights Hmmm. I'm not sure how to help with that.

brighten the lights

turn up the lights

Usmerava sistem da osvetli svetla u prostoriji.
smart_room close_shades I'm not sure how to help you with that yet.

close the blinds

close the shades

Usmerava sistem da zatvori zastore prozora u prostoriji.
smart_room control_thermostat I'm not designed to control the temperature.

set the thermostat

turn up the temperature

Usmerava sistem da kontroliše termostat u prostoriji.
smart_room dim_lights Hmmm. I'm not sure how to help with that.

dim the lights

turn down the light

Usmerava sistem da priguši svetla u prostoriji.
smart_room open_shades I can't help with that just yet.

open the blinds

open the shades

Usmerava sistem da otvori zastore prozora u prostoriji.
smart_room set_temperature Hmmm. I'm not sure how to help with that.

set the temperature to 68 degrees

turn the heat to 25 degrees

Usmerava sistem da bi podesio temperaturu u sobi na određenu vrednost.
smart_room turn_lights_off I'm not sure how to help you with that yet.

lights off

turn off the lights

turn the lights off

Usmerava sistem da isključi svetla u prostoriji.
smart_room turn_lights_on I'm not sure how to help you with that yet.

lights on

turn on the lights

turn the lights on

Usmerava sistem da uključi svetla u prostoriji.
smart_room turn_party_mode_off I'm not sure how to help you with that yet.

party mode off

stop the party

turn off party mode

Usmerava sistem da isključi režim zabave u prostoriji.
smart_room turn_party_mode_on I can't help with that just yet.

party mode on

start the party

turn on party mode

Usmerava sistem da uključi režim zabave u prostoriji.
unrelated ask_about_ai Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning help computers to learn from experience without being explicitly programmed.

Can I trust artificial intelligence?

How does AI work?

Tell me more about machine learning

What is artificial intelligence?

Zahteva informacije o veštačkoj inteligenciji.
unrelated ask_about_cisco Cisco is a market leader in networking hardware, telecommunication equipment and collaboration technology.

Tell me about Cisco

What does Cisco do?

What's Cisco?

Zahteva informacije o Cisco.
unrelated book_flights_and_hotels Travel booking is outside my area of expertise.

Can you book 3 adult flight tickets to Hawaii?

Get me an economy flight to Maine

Hotels in Boston

Usmerava sistem da organizuje rezervaciju leta ili hotela.
unrelated calculate I'm not a great mathematician.

27 times 77

What is ten minus eleven?

What's 12 divided by 6?

Usmerava sistem da izvrši matematički proračun.
unrelated check_weather I'm not designed to know the weather.

How is the weather in London?

Is it raining?

Weather today

What is the forecast next week for Busan?

Zahteva informacije o vremenskim prognozama.
unrelated compliment Thanks!


Nice job

Well done

Izražava uvažavanje sposobnosti sistema.
unrelated control_timer_and_alarm I'm not built to set timers or alarms.

Erase all alarms tomorrow

Postpone my 8 PM alarm

Set 6 a.m. alarm

Start a 2 minute timer

Stop the timer

Usmerava sistem da podesi ili promeni tajmer ili alarm.
unrelated convert_unit I'm not trained to convert units.

Convert 5 liters to ounces

How many Euros is 500 Pesos?

Usmerava sistem da izvrši konverziju između jedinica.
unrelated get_finance_info I don't know. Finance is not my strong suit.

Latest Euro exchange rate

What's Cisco's stock price?

Zahteva informacije o finansijskim tržištima.
unrelated get_music Music isn't my area of expertise.

Best of Rihanna playlist

Play some music

Something like a 90's punk song that is alternative

Usmerava sistem da pronađe ili pusti muzički album, izvođača ili numeru.
unrelated get_news I'm not a newscaster.

Read me the news feed

Today's sports scores

What's the latest headline from the New York Times?

Zahteva informacije o naslovima vesti.
unrelated get_ride Booking rides isn't my area of expertise.

Call me a ride home

Get us a cab please

Rideshare cost to the airport

Usmerava sistem da organizuje vožnju automobilom.
unrelated get_traffic_navigation I'm not able to help with traffic or navigation.

Directions to Starbucks

How long will it take to get to Chicago?

Traffic report for Highway 10

Zahteva informacije o saobraćaju na putu ili navigaciji.
unrelated insult I'm always trying my best to help you.

That's not a good answer at all

You are not good.

Izražava nezadovoljstvo sa sposobnostima sistema.
unrelated send_feedback Got it!

I found a bug

I want to send feedback

Let me make a suggestion

Usmerava sistem da zabeleži povratne informacije o ponašanju sistema.
unrelated tell_joke I'm not designed to tell jokes.

Can you tell me a joke?

Make me laugh

Tell me a joke

Usmerava sistem da ispriča vic.
unrelated unknown Hmmm. I'm not sure what you meant by that.

Blah blah blah

Do you have any games?

How do you spell Phoenix?

How tall is the tallest pyramid?

I need a wide leather belt

Open houses tomorrow near me

Put on a classic horror movie

Send me 2 large anchovy pizzas

Turn on the TV

What does mindmeld do?

What's your favorite color?

Who is the CEO of Cisco?

Who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird?

Zahteva bilo koju drugu informaciju ili radnju.

Proactive Join Responses






Yes, please


Korisnik potvrđuje proaktivni upit da se pridruži predstojećem sastanku



Oh, no no

Go away

Korisnik odbija proaktivni upit da se pridruži predstojećem sastanku

No Response

" "

Ili nije bilo korisnika u prostoriji u vreme odziva za proaktivno pridruživanje ili je korisnik odlučio da ostane bez odgovora do isteka vremena za upit za 15 sekundi


Looks like there is a

What’s the news?

Došlo je do neočekivanog odgovora na prompt Proaktivno pridruživanje koji se ne može kategorisati ni pod jednim od podržanih namera.

Ovo se obično dešava kada ljudi u prostoriji razgovaraju, a pomoćnik čuje nasumično ćaskanje umesto odgovora na proaktivno pridruživanje.




Korisnik je izašao iz upita za proaktivno pridruživanje tako što je umesto toga dao drugu komandu pomoćniku.


" "

Korisnik nikada nije video ove upite jer su pokrenuti pod pogrešnim uslovima, ali su registrovani kao problematični upiti na uslugama metrike.