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                          Forbedringer af katalogsøgning for Webex til Broad Works-integrerede Room OS-enheder
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                                                  Forbedringer af katalogsøgning for Webex til Broad Works-integrerede Room OS-enheder

                                                  Vejledning til enhedsintegration til Webex til Cisco BroadWorks

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                                                  Vejledningen til enhedsintegration fungerer ikke på partnerniveau administratorer. Dokumentet beskriver, hvordan du installerer og administrerer enheder med denne løsning.


                                                  Om denne vejledning

                                                  Dette dokument er beregnet til partneradministratorer i serviceudbyderorganisationer, der installerer Webex til Cisco BroadWorks. Vejledningen beskriver, hvordan du onboarder og servicer Room OS- og MPP-enheder til Webex til Cisco BroadWorks. Vejledningen er opdelt i to kapitler:

                                                  • Onboarding af enheder – beskriver, hvordan du onboarder Room OS-enheder (Room and Room Kit-serien, Desk-serien og Board-serien) og MPP-enheder til Webex til Cisco BroadWorks.
                                                  • Enhedstjenester – beskriver, hvordan du administrerer onboardede enheder i Control Hub.

                                                  Historik for dokumentændring

                                                  Følgende tabel opsummerer ændringshistorikken for dette dokument.



                                                  Beskrivelse af skift

                                                  12. maj 2023


                                                  Tilføjet forbedringer af Webex til Broad Works integrerede Cisco Room OS-enheder og adressebogssøgning for W4B-integrerede lokale OS-enheder under afsnittet Slutbrugerfunktioner for Webex-integrerede enheder.

                                                  27. februar 2023


                                                  Opdateret Konfigurer tjenester til trin for Room OS under Onboarding af enhed.

                                                  17. februar 2023


                                                  Tilføjet Unified opkaldshistorik for Webex-bevidste MPP-telefoner afsnit under Slutbrugerfunktioner for Webex-integrerede enheder.

                                                  14. oktober 2022


                                                  • Opdateret onboardingproces for Room OS under Room OS Onboarding for at inkludere SRV-poster.

                                                  • Opdaterede krav til konfiguration af lokale OS-forudsætninger i afsnittet med markør til løsningsvejledning for krav til flowthrough-klargøring.

                                                  20. juni 2022


                                                  • Opdaterede forudsætninger for Room OS og forudsætninger for MPP-enhed med markør til løsningsvejledning for krav til flowthrough-klargøring.

                                                  • Opdaterede Klargøringslokale OS-enheder og Klargøring MPP-enhed til at inkludere oplysninger om forskellige klargøringsmetoder.

                                                  Den 03. juni 2022


                                                  • Korrigeret aktiveringsnummer for enhedsprofil (02283) i Room OS-forudsætninger og forudsætninger for MPP-enhed

                                                  27. maj 2022


                                                  • Rettet krav for dedikeret DMS-forekomst pr. partnerorganisation.

                                                  • Tilføjet præfiks kapitel.

                                                  • Opdateret titlen som "Vejledning til enhedsintegration".

                                                  20. maj 2022


                                                  • Første udgivelse

                                                  Enhedsintegration for Webex til Cisco BroadWorks

                                                  Device Onboarding Overview

                                                  This chapter describes how to onboard devices to Webex for Cisco BroadWorks. This chapter covers the following use cases:

                                                  • Onboard new Webex Room OS devices (using activation codes)

                                                  • Onboard new MPP devices

                                                  • Add Webex capability to existing MPP devices

                                                  • We recommended that you deploy this feature on Release Independent ADP servers. However, XSP also supports this feature. If you're using XSP, then where this document refers to "ADP", you can substitute "XSP", unless the text specifies ADP only.

                                                  • This feature supports both Personal and Workspace devices.

                                                  Room OS Onboarding

                                                  Webex for Cisco BroadWorks supports activation code onboarding for both shared and workspace Room OS devices.

                                                  Device Onboarding with Activation Codes

                                                  Device Onboarding with activation codes provides a simple and secure way to onboard Room OS devices. An activation code is a 16-digit one-time system-generated passcode that a user must input on a device to onboard the device. The activation code is securely linked to the intended user account and assures that only the intended user onboards a device linked to the same account. After the user enters the correct code, the device connects to both Webex and BroadWorks, completes registration, downloads its configuration file, and is ready to use.

                                                  The following Room OS devices support onboarding with activation codes:

                                                  • Webex Board Series (Room OS)

                                                  • Webex Desk Series (Room OS)

                                                  • Webex Room Series (Room OS)

                                                  Onboarding Process for Room OS

                                                  The following process shows what happens when a Room OS device onboards using activation codes:

                                                  • The partner administrator provisions the primary user and device in BroadWorks and then generates the activation code in BroadWorks.

                                                  • An email that contains the device activation code is sent to the device owner.

                                                  • The device owner starts the device.

                                                  • The device prompts the device owner to enter the activation code.

                                                  • The device owner enters the activation code on the device.

                                                  • The device onboards to BroadWorks and Webex using the following subprocess:

                                                    • The Room OS device sends an activation request to Webex services. The activation code gets validated by GDS and if the code is correct, the device onboards to Webex. Webex returns a machine token to the device.

                                                    • The device sends an activation request to the BroadWorks DM along with the machine token and MAC address.

                                                    • BroadWorks authorizes and onboards the device.

                                                    • The device sends a request to the BroadWorks DM for an updated config. The machine token is included for authorization.

                                                    • BroadWorks authorizes the token, locates the updated config file, and returns an updated configuration file.

                                                    • Room OS will attempt to locate a NAPTR record for the domain specified in the configuration file as it expects to find an SRV entry for _sip._tls.<domain_in_config> if no NAPTR record is present then RoomOS will then try and look for an SRV record followed by an A record respectively.

                                                      The SRV record must be _sip._tls. as roomOS will only support TLS for transport and SRTP for media.

                                                  • The device registers and is ready to use.

                                                  The following diagram provides a simplified overview of the onboarding process.

                                                  For detailed information on Room OS onboarding, including more detailed flow diagrams, see the feature description Cisco BroadWorks Enhancements for Webex-Aware Device Onboarding.

                                                  Device Authentication (via OAuth Bearer Tokens)

                                                  Device authentication for Room OS devices requires that you enable Cisco OAuth Bearer Tokens on BroadWorks. During onboarding, the bearer token gets passed via the Activate Authorization header and serves to identify the device. The IdP validates the bearer token and returns the UUID (a machine UUID for workspace devices or user UUID for personal devices) as bearer subject. BroadWorks saves the UUID as the device name in the Network Server.

                                                  Room OS Prerequisites

                                                  Minimum Room OS Version

                                                  Room OS 10.13 minimum

                                                  BroadWorks Patch Requirements

                                                  This feature is supported as of version 2021.11 of the Release Independent (RI) ADP server with no patch requirements.

                                                  For non-RI servers, you must have installed the following patches (from patch groups ap381367, ap381951, ap382198) in order to use the feature. Install the patches that apply to your release:

                                                  For R22:

                                                  • AP.as.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.as.22.0.1123.ap382236

                                                  • AP.nfm.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.ns.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.platform.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.platform.22.0.1123.ap382198

                                                  • AP.ps.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.xsp.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.xsp.22.0.1123.ap382198

                                                  For R23:

                                                  • AP.as.23.0.1075.ap381367

                                                  • AP.as.23.0.1075.ap382236

                                                  • AP.ns.23.0.1075.ap381367

                                                  • AP.platform.23.0.1075.ap382198

                                                  • AP.platform.23.0.1075.ap381367

                                                  • AP.xsp.23.0.1075.ap381367

                                                  • AP.xsp.23.0.1075.ap382198

                                                  • AP.ps.23.0.1075.ap381367

                                                  For R24:

                                                  • AP.as.24.0.944.ap381367

                                                  • AP.as.24.0.944.ap381951

                                                  • AP.as.24.0.944.ap382236

                                                  BroadWorks Platform Requirements

                                                  This feature is available on:

                                                  • R22: available on XSP only

                                                  • R23: available on XSP or ADP (Release Independent)

                                                  • R24: available on ADP (Release Independent)

                                                  BroadWorks Configuration Requirements
                                                  • To implement this solution, the Flowthrough provisioning must be configured to allow Broadworks to provision devices to Webex.

                                                    While configuring the Flowthrough provisioning, it’s not mandatory to use flowthrough provisioning to provision users i.e., you can continue to use your existing provisioning methods (API, Trusted/Untrusted Email, User self, etc.) to provision users. See "Provisioning Requirements" in the Webex for Cisco BroadWorks Solution Guide.

                                                  • Make sure that the Integrated IM+P service is enabled on BroadWorks and points to the BroadWorks Provisioning Bridge.

                                                    The Provisioning Bridge URL was assigned when the Customer Template was applied to the organization. This should have been completed during your initial Webex for Cisco BroadWorks setup. To find the existing URL in Partner Hub, see Configure Application Server with Provisioning Service URL in the Webex for Cisco BroadWorks Solution Guide.

                                                  • If you have multiple partner organizations, you require a dedicated Device Management Service (DMS) instance per partner.

                                                  Prerequisites for Activation Code Onboarding with Room OS

                                                  Make sure that the following is set:

                                                  • Deploy the Device Activation Service on BroadWorks. For details, see Cisco BroadWorks Secure Onboarding Using Activation Codes.

                                                  • Verify that the DAS URL setting for the BroadWorks cluster is set to the Device Management Services (DMS) URL. To view the current DAS URL setting in Partner Hub, go to Settings > BroadWorks Calling > View Clusters and select the appropriate cluster. The URL appears under Interface settings.

                                                  The following BroadWorks features must be activated on the AS:

                                                  • 101377 Enhancements for Webex and MPP device onboarding

                                                  • 25088 Support Handsets for DECT Devices

                                                  • 24104 Support Multicell Chaining for DECT devices

                                                  • 20077 Device Management Enhancements

                                                  • 19559 Visual Device Management Enhancements

                                                  • 02283 Device Profile Type Customization Enhancements

                                                    For example, run the following command to enable 101377. Change the feature number when activating the other features: AS_CLI/System/ActivatableFeature> activate 101377

                                                  If all the listed patches are installed and an activatable feature is not listed for your particular AS release, it is because it is already included in your AS base release and does not require activation.

                                                  Run the following CLI command on the Network Server:

                                                  NS_CLI/System/DeviceManagement> asLocationLookupEnabled true

                                                  Make sure that the CA that signs your SBC certificate is listed in the Room OS Trust List. You can view the Room OS trust list from the Device Web Portal. On the portal, select Security > Collaboration Edge to view the list of CAs.

                                                  Room OS Onboarding Flow

                                                  Complete the following tasks to configure your system to support Device Onboarding with Activation Codes for the following Webex Room OS devices:
                                                  • Webex Board serie

                                                  • Webex-skrivebordsserien

                                                  • Webex Room serie


                                                  Configure Services for Room OS

                                                  Configure BroadWorks support for Room OS devices.


                                                  Provision Room OS Devices

                                                  Provision the new device on BroadWorks.


                                                  Request Activation Code

                                                  In the Device Profile, request an activation code. The code will be emailed to the primary user automatically.

                                                  Configure Services for Room OS
                                                  Before you can onboard any new Room OS devices, set the following system level parameters to turn on OAuth authentication.

                                                  Raise a Service Request with your onboarding agent or with Cisco TAC to provision Cisco OAuth for your Cisco Identity Provider Federation account. Title your service request "ADP AuthService Configuration".

                                                  If you already obtained Cisco OAuth Identity Provider credentials using one of the flows in this document, there’s no need to create a new request. However, if you obtained Cisco OAuth credentials using a flow that is not in this document, complete a new service request to update your credentials.
                                                  Cisco giver dig et OAuth-klient-id, en klient hemmelighed og en opdateringstoken, der er gyldig i 60 dage. If the token expires before you use it with your ADP, you can raise another request.

                                                  Enable OAuth by using this CLI command:

                                                  ADP_CLI/Applications/BroadworksDms/AccessControl/Authentication/OAuth> set enable true


                                                  Make sure that the OAuth scope includes broadworks-connector-user (the scope is enabled by default). Run this command to check your scopes:

                                                  ADP_CLI/Applications/BroadworksDms/AccessControl/Authentication/OAuth/Scopes> get

                                                  Configure the Cisco Identity Provider parameters using the below CLI commands.

                                                  ADP_CLI/System/CommunicationUtility/DefaultSettings/ExternalAuthentication/CiscoIdentityProvider> set enabled false

                                                  • set clientId <clientId>—see service request response for ID.

                                                  • set clientSecret <clientSecret>—see service request response for secret.

                                                  • set issuerName <URL>—see following table for URL.

                                                  • set issuerUrl <URL>—see following table for URL.

                                                  • set tokenInfoUrl <IdPProxy_URL>—see following tables for URL.

                                                  • indstil ciResponseBodyMaxSizeInBytes 65536

                                                  Tabel 1. Set issuerName and issuerURL
                                                  Hvis CI-klyngen er ...Set issuerName and issuerURL to...

                                                  USA – A




                                                  USA– B


                                                  If you don't know your CI Cluster, you can obtain the information from the Customer details in Help Desk view of Control Hub.
                                                  Tabel 2. Set tokenInfoURL
                                                  Hvis Teams-klynge er ...Set tokenInfoURL to...(IdP Proxy URL)







                                                  • If you don't know your Teams Cluster, you can obtain the information from the Customer details in the Help Desk view of Control Hub.

                                                  • For testing, you can verify that the tokenInfoURL is valid by replacing the "idp/authenticate" portion of the URL with "ping".


                                                  Configure Identity Providers for Cisco Federation using the following commands:

                                                  ADP_CLI/System/CommunicationUtility/DefaultSettings/ExternalAuthentication/CiscoIdentityProvider/Partners> add FederationPartner refreshToken

                                                  New Password: <token from service request>

                                                  Re-type New Password: <token from service request>


                                                  ADP_CLI/System/CommunicationUtility/DefaultSettings/ExternalAuthentication/CiscoIdentityProvider/Partners> get

                                                  Partner Name Refresh Token


                                                  FederationPartner ********

                                                  1 entry found.


                                                  • indstil flsUrl https://cifls.webex.com/federation

                                                  • indstil refreshPeriodInMinutes 60

                                                  • set partnerName FederationPartner

                                                  The refresh token is now under the CiscoIdentityProvider/Partners context and the partnerName from the CiscoIdentityProvider/Federation context needs to match the partner added in the CiscoIdentityProvider/Partners context.

                                                  If you are running an ADP RI load older than 2022.10, an R23 XSP without patch AP.xsp.23.0.1075.ap383838, or an R22 XSP, then:

                                                  • You do not need to set a partner under 'System/CommunicationUtility/DefaultSettings/ExternalAuthentication/CiscoIdentityProvider/Federation>'

                                                  • The refresh token must be set under: System/CommunicationUtility/DefaultSettings/ExternalAuthentication/CiscoIdentityProvider/Federation>


                                                  Clear all existing scopes within the following three contexts under ADP_CLI/System/CommunicationUtility/DefaultSettings/ExternalAuthentication/CiscoIdentityProvider/...

                                                  • Scopes

                                                  • Admin/RolesAllowed

                                                  • Admin/ScopesAllowed

                                                  For each context, run a get to obtain the existing scopes and then delete them. For eksempel:

                                                  ADP_CLI/System/CommunicationUtility/DefaultSettings/ExternalAuthentication/CiscoIdentityProvider/Scopes> get delete <name_of_scope_1> delete <name_of_scope_2>

                                                  ADP_CLI/System/CommunicationUtility/DefaultSettings/ExternalAuthentication/CiscoIdentityProvider/Admin/RolesAllowed> get delete <name_of_scope_1> delete <name_of_scope_2>

                                                  ADP_CLI/System/CommunicationUtility/DefaultSettings/ExternalAuthentication/CiscoIdentityProvider/Admin/ScopesAllowed> get delete <name_of_scope_1> delete <name_of_scope_2>

                                                  Provision Room OS Devices
                                                  On BroadWorks, provision the Room OS device (Webex Board Series, Webex Desk Series, or Webex Room Series).

                                                  On BroadWorks CommPilot, check the Identity/Device Profile Type configuration to see if the device type exists for this Room OS device. If the device type does not exist on BroadWorks, import the device type into BroadWorks using a DTAF file that you download from cisco.com.


                                                  After you import the device type, make sure that the following settings exist within the Identity/Device Profile Type configuration:

                                                  • Check the Allow Activation Code Onboarding check box

                                                  • Check the Send Activation Code Request Through Messaging Server check box.

                                                  • Set Authentication Mode to Bearer.


                                                  Validate that the Device Profile File has the SIP settings that you want to use. In the Identity/Device Profile Type File make sure that Authentication Mode is Bearer.


                                                  Create a Device Profile with the settings for your new device. In the Identity/Device Profile Add/Modify page, leave the MAC address field empty.


                                                  Configure the Primary User. On the Users Add page, check or uncheck the isPlace according to whether you intend the device to be personal or for a shared workspace.

                                                  • Checked—Workspace device

                                                  • Unchecked—Personal device

                                                  Shared workspace devices also require you to assign a primary user. You can assign the primary user that you want.

                                                  Complete the option that corresponds to the device type and provisioning method that you want to use:

                                                  • Device is for shared workspace—Use the Provision a BroadWorks Workspace API to complete provisioning for the workspace device.
                                                  • Device is personal; you want to provision using public APIs—Use the Provision BroadWorks Subscribers API to complete provisioning for the primary user.
                                                  • Device is personal; you want users to use self-activate—Forward the User Activation Portal URL to the user. The user must validate their email address to complete provisioning.
                                                  • Device is personal; you want to use flowthrough provisioning—Go to step 7.

                                                  If the device is for personal use, and you want to use flowthrough provisioning, then for the primary user, assign the Integrated IM+P service. On the User > Profile page, add the IM+P service:

                                                  1. From the Profile page, click Assign Services.

                                                  2. In the list of Available Services, select Integrated IM&P and use the arrow to move the item to the User Services box.

                                                  3. Klik på OK.

                                                  4. Click Profile.

                                                  5. Trusted email flow only. Add the user E-mail address. This setting serves as the IM&P email for flowthrough provisioning to Webex for Cisco BroadWorks. This is not required if you are using the untrusted email flow.

                                                    The Customer Template on Webex must be configured with settings for flowthrough provisioning with trusted emails or untrusted emails. For details, see the Webex for Cisco BroadWorks Solution Guide.

                                                  Næste trin

                                                  Request an activation code for the Room OS device.
                                                  Request Activation Code
                                                  After your device and user is provisioned on BroadWorks, request that an activation code be sent to the user.

                                                  In the Identity/Device Profile page, search for and open the device profile for your new device.


                                                  Click the Device Activation tab.


                                                  Click Request activation code.

                                                  The system generates an activation code and (provided you configured the system properly), the system emails the activation code to the primary user.

                                                  Næste trin

                                                  Provide the device to the user. After the user plugs in the device, they are required to enter the activation code that was sent in the email. This will onboard the device to Webex for Cisco BroadWorks.

                                                  MPP Onboarding to Webex

                                                  This section describes the onboarding of either new or existing MPP devices to Webex for Cisco BroadWorks. Note that 'existing' refers to an MPP device that exists on BroadWorks, but which does not have Webex capability.

                                                  MPP Device Onboarding (New Devices)

                                                  During onboarding, the administrator updates BroadWorks with support for MPP, upgrades the device firmware and provisions the device on BroadWorks to complete onboarding.

                                                  The following diagram provides an overview of the onboarding process after the activation code that the user enters is validated.

                                                  MPP Device Onboarding (Existing Devices)

                                                  For existing MPP devices, where the device exists already on BroadWorks, but is not onboarded to Webex, update BroadWorks and the device firmware to support MPP to Webex onboarding. After the updates, the device onboards to Webex automatically.

                                                  Mere information

                                                  For more information on MPP device onboarding to Webex, refer to the feature description Cisco BroadWorks DMS Enhancements for Webex Enabling MPP Devices.

                                                  MPP Device Prerequisites

                                                  Minimum MPP Version

                                                  MPP firmware 11.3.7 minimum

                                                  BroadWorks Patch Requirements

                                                  This feature is supported as of version 2021.11 of the Release Independent (RI) ADP server with no patch requirements.

                                                  For non-RI servers, you must have installed the following patches (from patch groups ap381367, ap381951, ap382198) in order to use the feature. Install the patches that apply to your release:

                                                  For R22:

                                                  • AP.as.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.as.22.0.1123.ap382236

                                                  • AP.nfm.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.ns.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.platform.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.platform.22.0.1123.ap382198

                                                  • AP.ps.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.xsp.22.0.1123.ap381367

                                                  • AP.xsp.22.0.1123.ap382198

                                                  For R23:

                                                  • AP.as.23.0.1075.ap381367

                                                  • AP.as.23.0.1075.ap382236

                                                  • AP.ns.23.0.1075.ap381367

                                                  • AP.platform.23.0.1075.ap382198

                                                  • AP.platform.23.0.1075.ap381367

                                                  • AP.xsp.23.0.1075.ap381367

                                                  • AP.xsp.23.0.1075.ap382198

                                                  • AP.ps.23.0.1075.ap381367

                                                  For R24:

                                                  • AP.as.24.0.944.ap381367

                                                  • AP.as.24.0.944.ap381951

                                                  • AP.as.24.0.944.ap382236

                                                  BroadWorks Platform Requirements

                                                  This feature is available on:

                                                  • R22: available on XSP only

                                                  • R23: available on XSP or ADP (Release Independent)

                                                  • R24: available on ADP (Release Independent)

                                                  BroadWorks Configuration Requirements
                                                  • To implement this solution, the Flowthrough provisioning must be configured to allow Broadworks to provision devices to Webex.

                                                    While configuring the Flowthrough provisioning, it’s not mandatory to use flowthrough provisioning to provision users i.e., you can continue to use your existing provisioning methods (API, Trusted/Untrusted Email, User self, etc.) to provision users. See "Provisioning Requirements" in the Webex for Cisco BroadWorks Solution Guide.

                                                  • Make sure that the Integrated IM+P service is enabled on BroadWorks and points to the BroadWorks Provisioning Bridge.

                                                    The Provisioning Bridge URL was assigned when the Customer Template was applied to the organization. This should have been completed during your initial Webex for Cisco BroadWorks setup. To find the existing URL in Partner Hub, see Configure Application Server with Provisioning Service URL in the Webex for Cisco BroadWorks Solution Guide.

                                                  • If you have multiple partner organizations, you require a dedicated Device Management Service (DMS) instance per partner.

                                                  Certificates and Firewalls

                                                  Make sure that you have configured the following:

                                                  • Certificate Requirements—MPP devices use mTLS authentication using the device certificate. The device MAC address, which the certificate provides, authenticates the device. Download the required certificates for your MPP device from https://www.cisco.com/security/pki/.

                                                    Upload your certificates to establish trust on the ADP or firewall. For example, if you’re uploading to the ADP, use this command:

                                                    ADP_CLI/Interface/Http/SSLCommonSettings/ClientAuthentication/Trusts/updateTrust> <certificate_filename>

                                                  • Firewall requirements—If ADP is behind a firewall, your firewall must be configured with a rule to extract the MAC address from the device certificate and place it in an Authentication header that is then forwarded to the ADP. For example, the identity pattern .*([0-9a-fA-F]{12}).* can be used to extract the MAC address, which can then be placed in a header that uses a descriptive name (for example, macaddress).

                                                    If ADP is not behind a firewall, the preceding requirement doesn’t exist.

                                                  Feature Activation

                                                  Activate the following BroadWorks features on the AS:

                                                  • 101377 Enhancements for Webex and MPP device onboarding

                                                  • 25088 Support Handsets for DECT Devices

                                                  • 23775 Remote Reset for MPP Devices

                                                  • 24104 Support Multicell Chaining for DECT devices

                                                  • 20077 Device Management Enhancements

                                                  • 19559 Visual Device Management Enhancements

                                                  • 02283 Device Profile Type Customization Enhancements

                                                    For example, run the following command to enable 101377.Change the feature number when activating the other features: AS_CLI/System/ActivatableFeature> activate 101377

                                                  If all the listed patches are installed and an activatable feature is not listed for your particular AS release, it is because it is already included in your AS base release and does not require activation.

                                                  Run the following CLI on the Network Server:

                                                  NS_CLI/System/DeviceManagement> asLocationLookupEnabled true

                                                  Activation Code Requirements

                                                  Valgfri. Activation codes are not mandatory for MPP device onboarding. Howver, if you want to use activation codes, see Request Activation Code for MPP for additional requirements that are specific to activation codes with MPP.

                                                  MPP Device Onboarding Flow

                                                  Complete the following tasks to configure your system to support MPP device onboarding to Webex for Cisco BroadWorks.
                                                  If you’re adding Webex capability to an MPP device that exists on BroadWorks already, complete steps 1 and 2 only.

                                                  Configure Services for MPP

                                                  (New or existing MPP devices). Configure system support for MPP on Webex for Cisco BroadWorks.


                                                  Upgrade MPP Device Firmware

                                                  (Existing MPP devices). For any existing MPP devices for which you want to add Webex capability, upgrade to the latest device firmware.


                                                  Provision MPP Device

                                                  (New MPP devices only). If the device doesn’t exist on BroadWorks, provision the device and primary user on BroadWorks.


                                                  Request Activation Code for MPP

                                                  (Optional). If you want to use activation codes to onboard MPP devices, request an activation code.
                                                  Configure Services for MPP
                                                  Update your BroadWorks system settings to support MPP devices (new or existing) on Webex for Cisco BroadWorks. Complete this step once only. You don’t need to repeat this procedure for each MPP device.

                                                  Før du begynder

                                                  If the ADP is behind a firewall, your firewall must be configured with a rule to extract the MAC address from the device certificate and place it in an Authentication header that is then forwarded to the ADP. For example, the identity pattern .*([0-9a-fA-F]{12}).* can be used to extract the MAC address, which can then be placed in a header that uses a descriptive name (for example, macaddress).

                                                  Refer to your firewall documentation for help with the configurations.


                                                  Raise a Service Request with your onboarding agent or with Cisco TAC to provision Cisco OAuth for your Cisco Identity Provider Federation account. Use "ADP AuthService Configuration" to title your request.

                                                  Cisco giver dig et OAuth-klient-id, en klient hemmelighed og en opdateringstoken, der er gyldig i 60 dage. If the token expires before you use it with your ADP, you can raise another request.

                                                  If you already obtained Cisco OAuth Identity Provider credentials using one of the flows in this document, there’s no need to create a new request. However, if you obtained Cisco OAuth credentials using a flow that is not in this document, complete a new service request to update your credentials.

                                                  Configure the Cisco Identity Provider parameters by running the following CLI commands.

                                                  ADP_CLI/System/CommunicationUtility/DefaultSettings/ExternalAuthentication/CiscoIdentityProvider> set enabled false

                                                  • set clientId <clientId>—see service request response for ID.

                                                  • set clientSecret <clientSecret>—see service request response for secret.

                                                  • set issuerName <URL>—see following table for URL.

                                                  • set issuerUrl <URL>—see following table for URL.

                                                  • indstil ciResponseBodyMaxSizeInBytes 65536

                                                  Tabel 3. Set issuerName and issuerURL
                                                  Hvis CI-klyngen er ...Set issuerName and issuerURL to...

                                                  USA – A




                                                  USA– B


                                                  If you don't know your CI Cluster, you can obtain the information from the Customer details in Help Desk view of Control Hub.

                                                  Set the url of the DM Bridge using the below CLI command. The DM Bridge URL is different for each Teams Cluster (which you pulled in Step 2).

                                                  ADP_CLI/Applications/BroadworksDms/DeviceActivation/DMBridge> set url = <url_of_DM_Bridge> scope = dm-bridge:device_auth 

                                                  Tabel 4. DM_Bridge URL

                                                  Hvis Teams-klynge er ...

                                                  Set DM_Bridge URL to...








                                                  Enable MAC address extraction and authentication using either the Authentication header or Authentication certificate. For security reasons, we recommend that you use one of the options only:

                                                  • Authentication header—If ADP is behind a firewall, use the CLI on the ADP to enable MAC address extraction for the Authentication header. This configuration gives the ADP the ability to recognize the MAC address from the Authentication header. For eksempel:

                                                    ADP_CLI/Applications/BroadworksDms/AccessControl/Authentication/Headers> set enable true

                                                    ADP_CLI/Applications/BroadworksDms/AccessControl/Authentication/Headers> set identityPattern "macaddress:.*([0-9a-fA-F]{12}).*"

                                                    In this example, macaddress is an assigned name with .*([0-9a-fA-F]{12}).* representing the pattern that gets assigned to the header. If you call the header something other than macaddress, adjust your CLI accordingly.
                                                  • Authentication certificate—If ADP is not behind a firewall, authentication occurs between the device and ADP directly. Use the below CLI commands to enable MAC address extraction on the device certificate for authentication:

                                                    ADP_CLI/Applications/BroadworksDms/AccessControl/Authentication/Certificates> set enable true

                                                    ADP_CLI/Applications/BroadworksDms/AccessControl/Authentication/Certificates> set identityPattern ".*([0-9a-fA-F]{12}).*"

                                                  Upgrade MPP Device Firmware

                                                  Før du begynder

                                                  Make sure that BroadWorks is updated with services support for MPP.

                                                  Upgrade the device firmware to the latest version to ensure that tha the MPP device supports Webex capability.

                                                  For more information on firmware upgrades, refer to the Release Notes for your phone model firmware release.

                                                  Næste trin

                                                  • Existing MPP devices—After the upgrade, the device onboards to Webex automatically. The user can start using Webex services on the device.

                                                  • New MPP devices—Provision the new MPP device on BroadWorks.

                                                  Provision MPP Device
                                                  If the new MPP device does not exist on BroadWorks, provision the device on BroadWorks.

                                                  On BroadWorks CommPilot, check the Identity/Device Profile Type configuration to see if the device type exists for this MPP device. If the device type doesn’t exist on BroadWorks, import the device type into BroadWorks using a DTAF file that is downloaded from cisco.com.


                                                  On BroadWorks CommPilot, open the Identity/Device Profile Type and check the Allow Activation Code Onboarding check box.


                                                  Create an Identity/Device Profile Type File with the SIP settings that you want to use.


                                                  Create an Identity/Device Profile with settings for your new device. In the MAC address field, enter the device MAC address.

                                                  If you are using activation codes to onboard MPP devices, leave the MAC address field empty.

                                                  Configure the Primary User. On the Users Add page, set the isPlace check box according to whether the device is personal or for a shared workspace:

                                                  • Checked—Workspace device

                                                  • Unchecked—Personal device


                                                  Complete the option that corresponds to the device type and provisioning method that you want to use:

                                                  • Device is for shared workspace—Use the Provision a BroadWorks Workspace API to complete provisioning for the workspace device.
                                                  • Device is personal; you want to provision using public APIs—Use the Provision BroadWorks Subscribers API to complete provisioning for the primary user.
                                                  • Device is personal; you want users to use self-activate—Forward the User Activation Portal URL to the user. The user must validate their email address to complete provisioning.
                                                  • Device is personal; you want to use flowthrough provisioning—Go to step 7.

                                                  If the device is for personal use, and you want to use flowthrough provisioning, then for the primary user, assign the Integrated IM+P service. On the User > Profile page, add the IM+P service:

                                                  1. From the Profile page, click Assign Services.

                                                  2. In the list of Available Services, select Integrated IM&P and use the arrow to move the item to the User Services box.

                                                  3. Klik på OK.

                                                  4. Click Profile.

                                                  5. Trusted email flow only. Add the user E-mail address. This setting serves as the IM&P email for flowthrough provisioning to Webex for Cisco BroadWorks. This is not required if you are using the untrusted email flow.

                                                    The Customer Template on Webex must be configured with settings for flowthrough provisioning with trusted emails or untrusted emails. For details, see the Webex for Cisco BroadWorks Solution Guide.

                                                  Næste trin

                                                  Valgfri. If you want to use activation codes to onboard MPP devices, request the activation code on BroadWorks.
                                                  Request Activation Code for MPP

                                                  (Optional) Webex for Cisco BroadWorks does not require activation codes to onboard new MPP devices. However, if you do decide to use activation codes, complete the Request Activation Code procedure to request an activation code for a new device.

                                                  Prerequisites for Using Activation Codes with MPP Devices

                                                  If you are using activation code onboarding for MPP devices, make sure that your system meets the following activation code-specific requirements.

                                                  Device Activation Service—Complete the following requirements to enable the Device Activation Service:

                                                  • Deploy the Device Activation Service on BroadWorks. For details, see Cisco BroadWorks Secure Onboarding Using Activation Codes.

                                                  • Point the Device Activation Service (DAS) to Device Management Services (DMS) on BroadWorks AS using the following CLI command:

                                                    AS_CLI/Interface/DAS> set url <url_of_DMS>

                                                  • Verify that the DAS URL setting for the BroadWorks cluster is set to the Device Management Services (DMS) URL. To view the current DAS URL setting in Partner Hub, go to Settings > BroadWorks Calling > View Clusters and select the appropriate cluster. The URL appears under Interface settings.

                                                  Cisco Global Discovery Services (GDS)—GDS is required in order to provision the activation code. Enable GDS on BroadWorks by completing both of the below steps:

                                                  • Create a service request to provision your GDS account. Cisco provides you with the client ID, client secret, refresh token and GDS domain.

                                                  • After your GDS account is provisioned, enable GDS on the ADP using the following CLI:

                                                    ADP_CLI/Applications/BroadworksDms/DeviceActivation/IdentityProviders/Cisco> get set gdsDomain <gds_domain_from service request> e.g. https://activation.webex.com set clientId <id_from_service_request> clientSecret <secret_from_service_request> refreshToken <token_from_service_request>
                                                  In addition to the above activation code-specific prerequisites, your system must meet the general MPP prerequisites in MPP Device Prerequisites.
                                                  Request Activation Code

                                                  Complete the following steps to request an activation code for a new MPP device.

                                                  1. In the Identity/Device Profile page, search for and open the device profile for your new device.

                                                  2. Click the Device Activation tab.

                                                  3. Click Request activation code.

                                                    The system generates the activation code and emails the code to the primary user. The user must enter the code on the device to complete onboarding.


                                                  Oversigt over servicevenlighed

                                                  Control Hub indeholder valgmuligheder for servicevenlighed, der lader administratorer se enhedsstatus sammen med et sæt vedligeholdelsesvalgmuligheder. Administratorer kan:

                                                  • Vis aktuel enhedsstatus

                                                  • Genstart enheden eksternt

                                                  • Send en problemrapport til fejlfinding

                                                  • Slet enheden

                                                  Vis enhedsstatus

                                                  Brug denne procedure til at se en enhedsstatusrapport fra Control Hub. Statussen omfatter oplysninger som registreringsstatus, MAC-adresse, SIP-adresse, IP-adresse og serienummer.

                                                  Log ind på Control Hub-forekomsten for en kundeorganisation.


                                                  Klik på Enheder.


                                                  Klik på den relevante enhed.

                                                  Genstart enhed

                                                  Brug denne procedure til at genstarte en enhed fra Control Hub-grænsefladen.

                                                  Log ind på Control Hub-forekomsten for en kundeorganisation.


                                                  Klik på Enheder.


                                                  Vælg en enhed.


                                                  I rullemenuen Handlinger skal du vælge Genstart.

                                                  Rapporter problem

                                                  Hvis du har problemer med en enhed, skal du bruge denne procedure til at sende en problemrapport til Cisco TAC til fejlfinding.

                                                  Log ind på Control Hub-forekomsten for en kundeorganisation.


                                                  Klik på Enheder.


                                                  Klik på den relevante enhed.


                                                  Fra Handlinger, vælg Rapportproblem.


                                                  Gennemse rapportoversigten.

                                                  Slet enhed

                                                  Brug denne procedure til at slette en enhed fra Control Hub.

                                                  Log ind på Control Hub-forekomsten for en kundeorganisation.


                                                  Klik på Enheder.


                                                  Vælg den relevante enhed.


                                                  I rullemenuen Handlinger skal du vælge Slet.

                                                  Skift enhedsejer

                                                  Brug denne procedure til at flytte en eksisterende enhed, der blev onboardet ved hjælp af aktiveringskoder, til en ny enhedsejer.
                                                  Denne procedure forudsætter, at valgmuligheden Tillad aktiveringskode onboarding er aktiveret for den identitet/enhedsprofil , som denne enhed bruger.

                                                  Slet den eksisterende enhedsregistrering fra Webex:

                                                  1. I Webex Control Hub skal du åbne den kundeorganisation, som den aktuelle enhedsindehaver tilhører.

                                                  2. Klik Enheder under Administration.

                                                  3. Markér afkrydsningsfeltet, der ligger ved siden af den enhed, du vil flytte.

                                                  4. Klik på Slet.

                                                    Enhedsregistrering slettes fra Webex.

                                                  Deaktiver enhedsregistreringen under den eksisterende bruger på Broad Works:

                                                  1. På Broad Works Comm Pilot skal du åbne identitetsprofilen/enhedsprofilen, som enheden bruger.

                                                  2. Klik på fanen Enhedsaktivering .

                                                  3. Klik på Deaktiver enhed.

                                                    Enheden deaktiveres og afregistreres fra BroadWorks. MAC-adressen fjernes fra den gamle konfiguration af identitet/enhedsprofil .

                                                  På Broad Works skal du aktivere enheden ved hjælp af aktiveringskoden fra en anden identitet/enhedsprofil , der bruges af en anden bruger:

                                                  1. På Broad WorksComm Pilot skal du åbne en anden identitetskonfiguration/enhedsprofil for en anden bruger.

                                                  2. Sørg for, at Tillad aktiveringskode onboarding er markeret for den identitetstype/enhedsprofil , der bruges.

                                                  3. Klik på fanen Enhedsaktivering i vinduet Identitet/Enhedsprofil i vinduet.

                                                  4. Klik på Anmod om en aktiveringskode.

                                                    Den nye aktiveringskode vises. Den nye bruger skal indtaste denne kode for at onboarde enheden.

                                                  Næste trin

                                                  • Den nye ejer af enheden indtaster aktiveringskoden på enheden.

                                                  • Enheden registreres igen til både Webex og Broad Works ved hjælp af den nye konfiguration. Den nye identitet/enhedsprofil på Broad Works opdateres automatisk med enhedens MAC-adresse.


                                                  Følgende præstationstæller findes for denne funktion.



                                                  Modul: enterprises.broadsoft.broadworks.deviceActivation.activate


                                                  Det samlede antal aktiverede anmodninger, der blev modtaget. Dette omfatter aktivering afBroad Works-anmodninger og aktivering af Webex-anmodninger.


                                                  Det samlede antal aktiveringsanmodninger, der ikke lykkedes at fuldføre. Dette omfatter aktivering af anmodninger omstore værker, der mislykkedes, og aktivering af Webex-anmodninger, der mislykkedes.

                                                  bwDASA aktiveredeanmodninger om bredeværker

                                                  Antallet af aktiverede Broad Works-anmodninger, der blev modtaget.

                                                  bwDASA aktiveredefejl i bredeværker

                                                  Antallet af aktiverede Broad Works-anmodninger, der ikke kunne fuldføres. Godkendelses- og godkendelsesfejl behandles ikke af denne tæller.

                                                  bwDASA aktivererWebex-anmodninger

                                                  Antallet af aktiverede Webex-anmodninger, der blev modtaget.

                                                  bwDASA aktivererWebex-fejl

                                                  Antallet af aktiverede Webex-anmodninger, der ikke kunne fuldføres.

                                                  Modul: enterprises.broadsoft.broadworks.dms.dmBro


                                                  Antallet af DMB-ridge-anmodninger, der blev sendt.


                                                  Antallet af DMB-ridge-anmodninger, der ikke blev fuldført.

                                                  Slutbrugerfunktioner for Webex-integrerede enheder

                                                  Samlet opkaldshistorik

                                                  Webex-bevidste MPP-telefoner

                                                  Webex Aware Cisco MPP-enheder på Webex for Broad Works-platformen vil nu kunne vise en samlet opkaldshistorik for opkald, der er foretaget/modtaget fra brugerens Webex-klient og deres enheder. Dette giver en forbedret oplevelse for slutbrugerenheden, da de kan observere og bruge de opkald, der er foretaget/modtaget via deres Webex-app via opkaldslogfiler på deres MPP-enheder sammen med alle lokale opkald, der behandles på deres enhed.

                                                  Webex Unified-opkaldshistorikken vil være standardkilden til visning af en brugers opkaldshistorik. Denne opkaldshistorik indeholder opkald foretaget fra alle telefoner, Webex -videoenheder eller Webex -appen.

                                                  Påvirkede IP-telefonmodeller:

                                                  • MPP68xx Serie 6821, 6841, 6851, 6861

                                                  • MPP78xx Serie 7811, 7821, 7841, 7861

                                                  • MPP-88xx serien 8811, 8841, 8845, 8851, 8861, 8865, 8875

                                                  Aktivering af funktion:

                                                  Følgende kriterier skal opfyldes for at aktivere funktionen

                                                  Krav til programrettelse og DTAF:

                                                  • Broadworks – denne funktion afhænger af de relevante Broad Works-programrettelser, der installeres. Detaljer kan findes her.

                                                  • Enhed – De seneste MPP-konfigurationer skal anvendes. Påkrævede CPE Kits kan findes her (log ind med CCO-ID).


                                                  • Primær linje (kun aktuel bruger)

                                                    • Unified opkaldshistorik vil blive understøttet som nævnt.

                                                    • Understøttelse af beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger – beskyt/skjul opkaldshistorik, når brugeradgangskoden er indstillet​.

                                                    • Hvis telefonen ikke er Cloud Aware, vises kun den "lokale historik" for opkald til og fra denne enhed​.

                                                  • Andre linjer (delt eller på anden måde)

                                                    • Kun lokal historik for opkald til og fra en enhed vil blive understøttet.

                                                  • Arbejdsområdeenheder

                                                    • Unified-opkaldshistorik understøttes ikke i dette tilfælde.

                                                  Når funktionen er aktiveret, slettes al lokal opkaldshistorik på MPP (afledt fra Broad Works).

                                                  Webex til Broad Works-integrerede RoomOS-enheder

                                                  Webex til Broad Worksintegrerede Cisco Room OS-enheder vil nu kunne vise en samlet opkaldshistorik for opkald, der er foretaget/modtaget fra brugerens Webex-klient og deres enheder. Dette giver en forbedret oplevelse for slutbrugerenheden, da de kan observere og bruge de opkald, der er foretaget/modtaget via deres Webex-app via opkaldslogfiler på deres Room OS-enheder sammen med alle lokale opkald, der behandles på deres enheder.

                                                  Webex Unified-opkaldshistorikken vil være standardkilden til visning af en brugers opkaldshistorik. Denne opkaldshistorik indeholder opkald foretaget fra alle telefoner, Webex -videoenheder eller Webex -appen.

                                                  Tilgængelig på nedenstående Room OS-enhedsmodeller:

                                                  • RoomOS-enheder

                                                  • Skrivebordsserier: Bord, Desk Mini, Desk Pro

                                                  • Rumserien

                                                  • Room-sæt-serie

                                                  • Webex Board serie

                                                  Aktivering af funktion:

                                                  Krav til programrettelse og DTAF:

                                                  • Broadworks – denne funktion afhænger af de relevante Broad Works-programrettelser, der installeres. Detaljer kan findes her.


                                                  • Nedenstående konfigurationer skal indstilles som angivet

                                                    • Bwks-konfiguration: Feature_Toggle_Webex_Opkald=Ja

                                                  Forbedringer af katalogsøgning for Webex til Broad Works-integrerede Room OS-enheder

                                                  Webex til Broad Works-integrerede brugere af Cisco RoomOS-enhed vil nu kunne søge efter personer, rum og endda enheder i deres Webex-organisation direkte fra deres Room OS-enheder med implementeringen af en ny forbedret Webex-telefonbog-tjeneste. Denne tjeneste giver Webex forbedrede søgning- og opsætningsfunktioner for brugere af brede værker, så de kan finde brugere og ting (arbejdsområder, enheder osv.) i deres Webex-organisation.

                                                  Tilgængelig på nedenstående Room OS-enhedsmodeller:

                                                  • RoomOS-enheder

                                                  • Skrivebordsserier: Bord, Desk Mini, Desk Pro

                                                  • Rumserien

                                                  • Room-sæt-serie

                                                  • Webex Board serie

                                                  Aktivering af funktion:


                                                  • Til/fra-telefonbogsservice "xConfiguration Webex DirectoryService Support" skal være aktiveret på enheden.

                                                  Var denne artikel nyttig?