
Webex supports integration with Mobile Device Management (MDM) tools such as VMware Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM). These tools allow you to provision, configure and control access to mobile applications deployed in your organization. They also allow you to monitor, manage and secure corporate mobile devices used in your organization.

You can use Workspace ONE UEM to enrol and manage Webex on personally owned devices (BYOD) and corporate phones.

This document helps you import the Webex App (for iOS or Android) into your Workspace ONE UEM app catalog, configure the app, and distribute it to users.


  • You need a Workspace ONE UEM administrator account.

  • You need a Webex administrator account.

  • You have Android and/or iOS devices enrolled and compliant with your organization's security policy.

  • Your users must be provisioned in your Webex organization (in Control Hub).

    See Ways to Add Users to your Control Hub Organization.


Login to Workspace ONE UEM console using https://[orgname].awmdm.com/, where orgname is the name assigned to your organization.


From the left pane, click APPS & BOOKS to open the list view page.


Go to the Public tab and then click ADD APPLICATION.


Click ADD APPLICATION and then enter the following information:

  • Platform—Android
  • Source—Search Appstore
  • Name—Cisco Webex

Click Next, then approve the Webex App and the required permissions.


From the Edit Application - Webex page, click SAVE & ASSIGN.


After the Webex Assignment page appears, choose values for Assignment Groups and App Delivery Method.


Click Application Configuration from the Webex – Assignment page, enable Send Configuration option, then choose the App Configuration parameters that you want to apply for the Webex App and then click CREATE.

Table 1. Webex App configuration parameters for Android configurations in Workspace ONE
Configuration nameValueDescription

Enforce FedRAMP login Check or clear the box If checked, Webex directs Android users to sign in to our dedicated cluster for Webex for Government customers.
Enforce MDM Lockscreen Check or clear the box If checked, enables the lock screen requirements for Android users.
MDM Org ID Copy from Control Hub Account > Org ID Configures your Webex organization ID as a unique identifier for the Webex App startup process.
Variable where email addresses can be inserted ${userEmailAddress}

Allows the EMM server to prepopulate the email address for users when they sign in.

Map the email address variable userEmailAddress to the login_hint Webex variable, to prepopulate user email address for sign in.

WebView for Login Check or clear the box If checked, enables the app to use WebView for authorization sign in flow.

Click SAVE the assignment and then PUBLISH to distribute the Webex App to that group's Android devices.

You can use the existing configured Android profile for Webex App, but if you have not created one, follow these steps to create a new profile.


On the Workspace ONE UEM console, go to Devices > Profile & Resources.


Click ADD > Add Profile.


After the Add Profile page appears, choose Android as a platform.


In the New profile configuration, scroll to Restrictions and select the restrictions for Work and personal applications.

See the Supported restrictions section in this article for more detail.


From the left pane, click APPS & BOOKS to open the LIST VIEW page.


Go to the Public tab and then click ADD APPLICATION.


Enter the following information:

  • Platform—Apple iOS
  • Source—Search Appstore
  • Name—Cisco Webex

Click Next, choose Cisco Webex and then the Add Application – Webex page appears.


Click SAVE and ASSIGN.


On the Webex – Assignment, click Distribution and select the Webex user Assignment Group.


Click Application Configuration and enable Send Configuration.


Enter the App Configuration parameters:

Table 2. Configurations for iOS version of Webex App
Configuration KeyValue TypeConfiguration ValueDescription



Your organization's unique identifier

Your organization ID is available in Control Hub: select Management > Account and then get the value from Organization ID.

copyAndPasteDisabledBooleanTRUEDisable copy from WebEx App to other unmanaged app

Map the email address variable userEmailAddress to the login_hint Webex variable, to prepopulate user email address for sign in.

These variables and their usage vary by provider, so refer to vmware product documentation to find the user email address variable.

pinLockDurationInteger"Number" Mention numeric Value in secondsDefines the time in second the Webex app is idle and bring up the PIN lock screen
fedRampEnabledBooleanTRUEOnly allow mobile users to login to Webex FedRamp cluster

Click CREATE assignment, and then SAVE and PUBLISH to user mobile devices.


Allow users to set up a Passcode or TouchID. The user is prompted to enter a passcode when they launch the Webex App from a mobile device.

Maximum PIN attempts

Define the maximum number of times a user can enter an incorrect PIN.

Managed Open-In/Document Sharing

Allow sharing of documents from Webex App to other policy-managed apps.

Prevent App Backup

Prevent users from saving Webex App data to Android/iOS backup service.

Disable Screen Capture

(Android) Block screen capture and Google assistant capabilities.

For iOS users, this restriction is configured at the OS level.

Remotely Wipe App

Lets you remotely wipe the Webex App on a mobile device.

Disable Copy and Paste

Prevent users from using copy and paste between Webex App and other unmanaged apps. However, you can allow copy and paste with other corporate policy-managed applications.