You can create and share a whiteboard during a meeting. If your meetings run on our Webex Suite meeting platform, you can share a whiteboard that you created in another meeting, closed earlier in the current meeting, or prepared using Webex Whiteboards.

Flera personer kan redigera och visa delade whiteboardtavlor samtidigt. People who join in the following ways can only view whiteboards in the meeting:

  • Skype for Business, and other third-party apps

  • Standardbaserade videoslutpunkter (SIP, H.323)

If you're presenting and want to show one or more files while collaborating on a whiteboard, you can switch between shared files and a whiteboard without pausing your presentation.


During a meeting, go to More options and choose Whiteboards.

If your meetings aren't running on our Webex Suite meeting platform, go to More options , choose Start a new whiteboard, and go to step 3.


Click New whiteboard or select a whiteboard, and then click Open for all.

If you're not sure which whiteboard to open, preview it. Hover over a whiteboard and click > Open for preview.

Use the following whiteboard tools:

  • Move Dra whiteboard—Hold and drag the mouse button to move around the whiteboard canvas.
  • Selection whiteboard selection tool—Click the mouse button on an area on the whiteboard, and drag the mouse to select items, and move them on the whiteboard.

    When selected, you can choose from the following actions: bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.
  • Pen tool Whiteboardpenna—Hold and drag the mouse button to draw a line with the pen.

    When selected, you can change the thickness and color of the pen.
  • Magic pen Whiteboardtavla, magipenna—When you select the pen, click the magic pen to make lines or shapes you add with the pen tool automatically smoother and straighter.
  • Eraser Suddgummi för whiteboard—Hold and drag the mouse button to erase any annotation on the whiteboard.
  • Shapes Whiteboard shapes—Select from a circle, square, or diamond. When selected, drag the shape to the area you want, and resize. You can also fill the shape with color. When you right-click the shape, you can choose bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.
  • Text Whiteboard text—When selected, click on the area you want to add text. You can select the color, format, alignment, and choose the size of the text from these choices: small, medium, large, x-large.
  • Stickies Anteckningsnoteringar för whiteboardtavla—When selected, click on the area you want to add sticky notes. Drag the note to the place you want, and select the color of the sticky note. Klicka på +- knappen för att lägga till ytterligare en anteckning.
  • Emojis emojis menu button—Use the emoji picker to select an emoji and place it on the whiteboard. When selected, you can drag to the area you want, and resize. When you right-click the emoji, you can choose to bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.

Use the following whiteboard controls:

  • Undo Knappen Ångra—Click to undo changes made to the whiteboard.
  • Redo Knappen Gör om—Click to redo changes made to the whiteboard.
  • Export to PDF Hämta—Click to save the whiteboard as a PDF.

    This option is available on desktop.

I minimappningen längst ner till höger på whiteboarden:

  • Hide Knappen Dölj—This hides the minimap view. Klicka igen för att öppna minimappningen igen.
  • Zoom to overview Knappen Zooma till översikt—Zoom to the width of the area where participants are making edits.
  • Zoom in/out Zoomkontroller för whiteboard—This controls the view of the entire whiteboard area.

Du kan även använda kortkommandon för att zooma in och ut ur whiteboardområdet:
  • CTRL +/- for Windows.
  • CMD +/- for Mac.

When you finish using the whiteboard, select Close for all > Close whiteboard.


During a meeting, go to More options and tap Whiteboards.

If your meetings aren't running on our Webex Suite meeting platform, tap Start a new whiteboard and go to step 3.


Tap to open a new whiteboard or select an existing whiteboard.

If you're not sure which whiteboard to open, preview it. Tap > Open for preview.

Use the following whiteboard tools:

  • Selector tool whiteboard selection tool—Tap on an area on the whiteboard, and drag to select items, and move them on the whiteboard.

    When selected, tap and choose bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, or delete.
  • Drag/Move Dra whiteboard—Tap and hold to move around the whiteboard canvas.
  • Pen tool Whiteboardpenna—Tap and hold to draw a line with the pen.

    When selected, you can change the thickness and color of the pen.
  • Magic pen Whiteboardtavla, magipenna—When you select the pen, tap the magic pen to make lines or shapes you add with the pen tool automatically smoother and straighter.
  • Eraser Suddgummi för whiteboard—Tap and hold to erase any annotation on the whiteboard.
  • Stickies Anteckningsnoteringar för whiteboardtavla—When selected, tap the area you want to add sticky notes. Drag the note to the place you want, and select the color of the sticky note. Tap the + button to add another sticky note.
  • Text Whiteboard text—When selected, tap the area you want to add text. You can select the color, format, align, and choose the size of the text from these choices: small, medium, large, x-large.
  • Shapes Whiteboard shapes—Select from a circle, square, or diamond. When selected, drag the shape to the area you want to add the shape, and resize. You can fill the shape with color.
  • Emoji emojis menu button—Use the emoji picker to select an emoji and place it on the whiteboard. When selected, you can drag to the area you want, and resize. When you right-click the emoji, you can choose to bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.

Use the following whiteboard controls:

  • Export to PDF Hämta—Tap to save the whiteboard as a PDF.
  • Undo Knappen Ångra—Click to undo changes made to the whiteboard.
  • Redo Knappen Gör om—Click to redo changes made to the whiteboard.

I minimappningen längst ner till höger på whiteboarden:

  • Hide Knappen Dölj—This hides the minimap view. Klicka igen för att öppna minimappningen igen.
  • Zoom to overview Knappen Zooma till översikt—Zoom to the width of the area where participants are making edits.
  • Zoom in/out Zoomkontroller för whiteboard—This controls the view of the entire whiteboard area.

Tap Close for all to stop sharing your whiteboard.


During a meeting, go to , and tap Advanced > Whiteboards.

If your meetings aren't running on our Webex Suite meeting platform, tap Advanced > Start a new whiteboard and go to step 3.


Tap to open a new whiteboard or tap in an existing whiteboard and tap Open for all.

If you're not sure which whiteboard to open, preview it. Tap > Open for preview.

Use the following whiteboard tools:

  • Selector tool whiteboard selection tool—Tap on an area on the whiteboard, and drag to select items, and move them on the whiteboard.

    When selected, tap and choose bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, or delete.
  • Drag/Move Dra whiteboard—Tap and hold to move around the whiteboard canvas.
  • Pen tool Whiteboardpenna—Tap and hold to draw a line with the pen.

    When selected, you can change the thickness and color of the pen.
  • Magic pen Whiteboardtavla, magipenna—When you select the pen, tap the magic pen to make lines or shapes you add with the pen tool automatically smoother and straighter.
  • Eraser Suddgummi för whiteboard—Tap and hold to erase any annotation on the whiteboard.
  • Stickies Anteckningsnoteringar för whiteboardtavla—When selected, tap the area you want to add sticky notes. Drag the note to the place you want, and select the color of the sticky note. Tap the + button to add another sticky note.
  • Text Whiteboard text—When selected, tap the area you want to add text. You can select the color, format, align, and choose the size of the text from these choices: small, medium, large, x-large.
  • Shapes Whiteboard shapes—Select from a circle, square, or diamond. When selected, drag the shape to the area you want to add the shape, and resize. You can fill the shape with color.
  • Emoji emojis menu button—Use the emoji picker to select an emoji and place it on the whiteboard. When selected, you can drag to the area you want, and resize. When you right-click the emoji, you can choose to bring to front, send to back, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete.

Use the following whiteboard controls:

  • Export to PDF Hämta—Tap to save the whiteboard as a PDF.
  • Undo Knappen Ångra—Click to undo changes made to the whiteboard.
  • Redo Knappen Gör om—Click to redo changes made to the whiteboard.

I minimappningen längst ner till höger på whiteboarden:

  • Hide Knappen Dölj—This hides the minimap view. Klicka igen för att öppna minimappningen igen.
  • Zoom to overview Knappen Zooma till översikt—Zoom to the width of the area where participants are making edits.
  • Zoom in/out Zoomkontroller för whiteboard—This controls the view of the entire whiteboard area.

Tap Close for all to stop sharing your whiteboard.