If users no longer want to receive email notifications about Hybrid Calendar status, you can also disable these notifications for users.


https://admin.webex.com의 고객 보기에서, 서비스 > 하이브리드로 이동한 다음 하이브리드 서비스 카드에서 설정 편집을 클릭합니다.


일반 섹션 아래에서 해당 알림에 대해 사용자의 구독을 신청하십시오.

  • Scroll to Email Notifications, and then enter any email accounts for people who want to receive email notifications about Hybrid Services.

  • If you chose the settings for Hybrid Calendar, scroll to User Email Notifications, and then toggle on or off the email notification to set whether users receive email notifications about new Hybrid Calendar features as they're released.
  • Scroll to Notifications in the Webex App, and then then enter any email accounts for people who want to receive bot notifications in Webex Teams about Hybrid Services.