Your Webex site is now User Hub

getting started with device settings and scheduling meetings

Your Webex site (for example,, is now User Hub. User Hub is a single location that includes everything available on your Webex site, but now also includes account settings and other specific user settings that were previously managed at the following sites:

  • Portal bellende gebruiker

User Hub will continue to update in future updates to add new and existing Webex Suite capabilities.

When you use your Facebook, Google, or Microsoft Office 365 account to sign in to User Hub, it becomes your default sign-in method. Sitebeheerders kunnen deze aanmeldingsfuncties van derden uitschakelen.

Persoonlijke ruimte is alleen beschikbaar voor sites die gebruik hebben Webex Meetings persoonlijke ruimte.

From the Personal Room section of your dashboard, you can select Start to start a meeting in your Personal Room. Before you start a meeting, configure your settings to join meetings in the way that works best for you.

access your personal meeting room URL

Click the Personal Room details icon next to your Personal Room URL to see other ways to join a meeting in your Personal Room, including how to join by phone or from a video device.

Select the Copy icon next to your Personal Room URL to copy this information so you can paste it into an email or conversation.

From the Join or search for a meeting, recording, or transcript text box, you can enter the number or Personal Room ID for the meeting, webinar, training session, or room that you want to join. After you enter the meeting or training session number, or Personal Room ID in the text box, select Join.


U vindt de id van de persoonlijke ruimte van de host in de koppeling voor de persoonlijke ruimte. Als de koppeling voor de persoonlijke ruimte bijvoorbeeld is, is de id van de persoonlijke ruimte jparker.

U vindt het vergaderingnummer met negen cijfers in uw e-mailuitnodiging.


When joining a meeting you're not invited to, you must enter the meeting password before you can join.

After you join the meeting, the meeting details open in the Meetings page of User Hub. You can also join meetings in other ways to suit what works best for you.

From the Meetings tab, you can start or schedule a meeting, or schedule a webinar.

Selecting Start starts a meeting in your Personal Room right now. Kies hoe u toegang tot de vergadering wilt krijgen door met de muis over de vervolgkeuzepijl te gaan en Bureaublad-app gebruiken of Webapp gebruiken te selecteren.

Select Schedule a meeting or Schedule a webinar to go to the scheduling page and enter your meeting or webinar information. Selecteer vervolgens de datum, tijd en duur van uw vergadering of webinar.

Aan de onderzijde van de pagina selecteert u Starten om direct met de vergadering te starten of selecteert u Plannen om uw vergadering of webinar voor later te plannen.

In the Upcoming section of the Meetings tab, you can see up to four upcoming meetings, webinars, or training sessions. Als u de host bent, selecteert u Starten wanneer u klaar bent om uw vergadering te starten. Selecteer Deelnemen als het tijd is om deel te nemen aan de vergadering van iemand anders.

viewing your meetings

To see more upcoming meetings, webinars, or training sessions, you can select All meetings and webinars from the drop-down list. You can sort the list to show only your scheduled meetings, within a specified range of dates.

If your organization allows you to edit your profile information on User Hub, click Profile. On the Profile page, you can update your picture, edit your first name, last name, and display name, and change your address.

Select Update to edit your email address or Reset to change your password.

Uw Mijn Webex bewerken.

Select Recordings from the navigation bar to access your recordings. The My recordings page lists the recordings for meetings, webinars, and training sessions that you hosted. Recordings that other hosts share with you also appear in the list.

Wanneer de vergadering of webinar is beëindigd, begint Webex uw opname te genereren. Naast de opname wordt de status Genereren weergegeven terwijl Webex deze verwerkt.

Webex biedt voor elke opname de volgende informatie:

  • Naam

  • Beveiligingsinstellingen

  • Datum en tijdstempel

  • Duur

  • Bestandsgrootte

  • Indeling

Mijn opgenomen vergaderingen

From the My recordings page, you can do the following:

Select Settings from the navigation bar to edit your preferences. The options that appear depend on what services you have, but may include Calling, Meetings, and Devices.

Change your default language

Changing your default language updates User Hub to appear in the language you choose. Your language and region also update in Settings > Meetings > General.


Sign in to User Hub.


Click your profile picture, then click Language and select the language you want.


In the Meetings tab, you have the following groups of settings:


In the Devices tab, manage your Cisco video devices. You can generate a code to activate your device, set your device name, and set which software release channel you want your device to be on.

The settings you see depend on your account type and permissions allowed by your administrator.

When you're in User Hub, on the bottom-right of the screen, you can click the Webex AI Assistant to ask for help on any User Hub features.

You can also select Help to select some recommended articles from the Webex Help Center. U kunt hier naar Help-artikelen zoeken, release-opmerkingen lezen, zelfstudies bekijken en contact opnemen met een ondersteuningsmedewerker.

Aangepaste ondersteuning en contactgegevens kunnen worden weergegeven voor Webex Control Hub beheerde sites of voor door Webex Sitebeheer beheerde sites die zijn gekoppeld aan Control Hub. Contact your site administrator for more information about your site.


Sign in to User Hub.


Click your profile picture, and then select More features > My reports.


Depending on your Webex plan, My reports may not be available.


Kies het rapport dat u wilt genereren.

  • Alle services
    • Usage report—View usage information for your meetings.


      Deelnemers die twee keer verbinding maken met de audio worden tweemaal weergegeven in het geëxporteerde rapport. De eerste vermelding bevat informatie over de deelnemer, inclusief de status van de deelnemer als uitgenodigd of geregistreerd voor de vergadering. De tweede vermelding bevat het type audioverbinding in de kolom Audiotype .

      Als een deelnemer meerdere audioverbindingen heeft of zijn verbinding heeft gewijzigd, heeft deze voor elk van zijn of haar audioverbindingen toegang.

  • Access Anywhere
    • Access Anywhere Usage Report—View usage information for your Access Anywhere sessions.
  • Webex Meetings
    • Meeting Recording Report—View a list of attendees who have downloaded or viewed a meeting recording.


      If a viewer doesn't sign in to their Webex account, they appear as anonymous in the report. To make sure viewers don't appear as anonymous, turn off the public link to the recording. People you share the recording with must sign in to their Webex account to view it.

    • Session Query Tool—Report on session information for selected Queues or CSRs.

    • CSR Activity—Report on session information for selected CSRs.

  • Webex Webinars (New)
    • Webinar summary report—View a list of webinars with attendance summary.

    • Attendee history report—View a list of webinars for an attendee.

    • Report download history—View report download histories for your meetings and webinars.

  • Webex Events (klassiek)
    • Registration Report—View registration information, and send reminder emails before the event. Na de gebeurtenis kunt u ook zien of een registrant aanwezig of afwezig was.

    • Attendance Report—View attendance information for any event. U kunt follow-up-e-mails verzenden na de gebeurtenis.

    • In-Event Activity Report—View attendee activity information for an event.

      The in-event activity report is only available for events recorded to the cloud.

    • Attendee History Report—View a list of events for an attendee.

    • Event Recording Report—View a list of attendees who have downloaded or viewed an event recording.


      If you don't require registration for an event recording, the report displays viewers as anonymous and only shows how many people viewed it. No other viewer information gets collected. If a viewer doesn't sign in to their Webex account, they appear as anonymous, even if you required registration.

    • Unlisted Program Links Report—View old and updated program links for your unlisted programs.

  • Webex Support
    • Session Query Tool—Report on session information for selected Queues or CSRs.

    • CSR Activity—Report on session information for selected CSRs.

  • Webex-training
    • Live Training Usage Report—View attendance, invitation, and registration information for your training sessions.

    • Recorded Training Access Report—View access and registration information for your recorded training sessions.

    • Registration Report—View registration information for any of your live sessions.


Geef de zoekcriteria op en selecteer Rapport weergeven.


Klik op een koppeling om de rapportdetails te bekijken.


Als u de rapportgegevens wilt exporteren in een indeling met door komma's gescheiden waarden (CSV), klikt u op Rapport exporteren of Exporteren.

You can review a full list of Webex Meetings features in User Hub.

Audio- en videovoorkeuren

If you select the audio connection type, Other teleconference service (in Settings > Meetings > Audio and Video ), the setting won't apply to Personal Room meetings if Webex Personal Conference is selected as the default Meeting type in Settings > Meetings > Scheduling.

Geplande updates

Dit zijn de beperkingen en functies die moeten worden bijgewerkt.

  • Settings– Setting changes made in the Audio and Video tab and the Scheduling tab apply to both Modern View and Classic View. Instellingswijzigingen die in de klassieke weergave worden aangebracht, zijn echter niet van toepassing op de moderne weergave.

Geen geplande updates

Dit zijn de beperkingen en functies die niet worden bijgewerkt.

  • Customer types– Meetings Server and Cisco Unified MeetingPlace sites.

  • Insight– FedRAMP-authorized Meetings sites don't support meeting insights, this includes the Weekly Meeting Report tile, and the Insight page.

  • Site Settings– Sites that have the Webex web app disabled are no longer able to keep this setting. Door de web-app in te schakelen, kunnen gebruikers in de moderne weergave deelnemen aan vergaderingen, ongeacht hun apparaat, platform of besturingssysteem. Gebruikers in de moderne weergave hebben zonder uitzondering toegang tot de web-app.

  • Custom Links– Custom Links will not be available, but site administrators can customize the Support and Downloads links to redirect to their own pages.