View Recorded Events Overview

If an event host publishes a recorded event on your Webex site, you can view the recording. A host may require that you do one or both of the following to view a recorded event:

  • Register to view a recorded event. In this case, you must provide your name, email address, and any other information that the host requires.

Play or Download a Recorded Event

You can stream or download a recording file, depending on which option the host specifies.

When you play a recording for the first time, your Webex site automatically downloads the Webex Player to your computer.


If the host requires that you have a user account to view a recording, sign in to your Webex site.


Select Webex Events (classic) in the left navigation bar.


On the left navigation bar, select Attend an Event > List of Events.


Select View Event Recordings.


Do one of the following, as appropriate:

  • Select Playback for the recording you want to play.

  • Select Download for the recording you want to download.


If playing or downloading the recording requires a password, enter the password that the host gave to you.


Select Playback or Download, as appropriate.


If viewing the recording requires registration, provide the required information on the form that appears, and then select Submit.

Publish a Recorded Event Overview

If you record an event using the Webex Recorder, you can publish and make available the recording on your event service website's Event Recordings page in one of the following ways:

  • If the recording is made from the integrated or standalone Webex Recorder, upload the recording file, with a .wrf extension, from your local computer to the My Event Recordings page and publish it from that page.

  • If the event was recorded on the server, the Webex server automatically uploads the recording file to the My Event Recordings page. You can maintain and publish the recording from that page.

  • Specify the web address, or URL, at which the recording resides on a publicly accessible web server, such as your organization's website. To use this option, you can ask your organization's Web Administrator to store the recording on the server and provide you with the URL for the recording.

  • Send an email to share the event recording.

  • Send an email to vendors to share an event recording.

Before publishing a recorded event, you can:

  • Specify that users provide registration information before viewing the recording and customize the registration form.

  • Provide information about the recording, such as a description of the recording and the presenter, the duration, and so on.

  • Set an access password for viewing the recording.

Once you publish a recording, you can edit information about it at any time.

Upload a Recording File

If you recorded an event using the integrated or standalone Webex Recorder, you can upload the recording file, with a .wrf extension, from your local computer to the My Event Recordings page and then publish it from that page.

If you recorded an event on the server, the Webex server automatically uploads an MP4 file to the My Event Recordings page after you stop the recorder. You do not need to upload it yourself.


Sign in to your Webex site.


Select Webex Events (classic) in the left navigation bar.


Select My Event Recordings.


Select Add Recording.


On the Add Event Recording page, enter information and specify options.

The maximum file size you may upload is 2 GB.


Select Save.

Publish a Recorded Event

All event recordings are unlisted by default: they appear only on the My Event Recordings page. Sign in to your Webex site to view and maintain the recordings.

To publish a recording and make it available for all visitors to your site, you must list the recording on the Event Recordings page, which is accessible to each site visitor.

After a recording is added to the My Event Recordings page, your event service generates URLs for streaming and downloading the recording. You can copy and paste the URLs in an email message that you send to event participants.

If you require a password for playing or downloading a recording, ensure that you communicate it to the intended viewers, such as in an email message.


Sign in to your Webex site.


Select Webex Events (classic) in the left navigation bar.


On the left navigation bar, select Host an Event > My Event Recordings. Upload your recording, if you have not yet done so.


Select More More next to the recording that you want to edit.


Select Modify.


In the Type drop-down list, select Listed.


Select Save.

The recording appears on the Event Recordings page. Under Attend an Event (left navigation bar) > List of Events > View Event Recordings.


(Optional) Send an email share an event recording.


(Optional) Send an email to vendors to share an event recording and track viewing.

Delete a Published Recording

You can remove a published recording at any time.

When you delete a recording, you delete it from the Event Recordings page, which is accessible to each site visitor.


Sign in to your Webex site.


Select Webex Events (classic) in the left navigation bar.


From the left navigation bar, select My Event Recordings.


Select More next to the recording that you want to edit.


Select Delete.


Select OK to confirm.

Edit Information About a Recorded Event

You can edit information about a recorded event at any time. If you already published a recording, the changes you make to the recording information will appear on the Event Recordings page, which is accessible to all visitors to your Webex site.


Sign in to your Webex site.


Select Webex Events (classic) in the left navigation bar.


From the left navigation bar, select My Event Recordings.


Select More next to the recording that you want to edit.


Select Modify.


Make your changes, then select Save.

Send an Email to Share a Recording


Sign in to your Webex site.


Select Webex Events (classic) in the left navigation bar.


From the left navigation bar, select My Event Recordings.


Select Email next to the recording that you want to share with others.


Select recipients for your email:

  • Select Select Recipients to select contacts from your Contacts list.

  • Type email addresses in the Send to list, separated by commas.


Type a message in the Your message box.


Select Send.

Your email message is sent to the selected recipients, and it includes information about the recording and a link to play the recording.

Send an Email to Vendors and Track Viewing of Recording

You can send an email to up to three vendors and use source IDs to track from which sources attendees view the recording.


Sign in to your Webex site.


Select Webex Events (classic) in the left navigation bar.


From the left navigation bar, select My Event Recordings.


Select More next to the recording you want to share.


Select Send to Vendor.


Specify up to three vendors for your email, then select Send.

Your email message is sent to the specified vendors, and it includes information about the recording and a link to play the recording.