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Opties voor beller-id's voor gebruikers en workspaces opgeven
In Control Hub kunt u de CLID-gegevens (beller-id) specificeren die worden getoond wanneer een extern gesprek wordt gemaakt vanuit een werkruimte of wanneer een gebruiker een extern gesprek tot zich heeft genomen. U kunt ook de naam van de externe beller-id voor een locatie opgeven en deze vervolgens toewijzen aan gebruikers of werkplekken.
Configure a caller ID for a location
Configure the external caller ID name for a location. Then choose the location’s external caller ID name for the users and workspaces assigned to that location.
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From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to . |
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Selecteer de locatie die u wilt wijzigen. |
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Selecteer Externe beller-id in het rechterpaneel en voer de naam in. When using the Cloud Connected PSTN, the admin must contact the service provider to update the CNAM databases. Setting the External Caller ID Name in the Control Hub doesn’t update the public CNAM database. |
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Klik op Opslaan. |
Beller-id configureren voor een gebruiker
You can specify the caller ID information that is shown when a user makes an external call. Users have the option of showing their own name or phone number, or main number or name of the location for external calls. beller-id voor gebruikers kan ook in bulk worden beheerd.
The username remains for internal calls.
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Sign in to Control Hub and go to . |
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Select a user for whom you want to specify the caller ID information for and click the Calling tab. |
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Go to the Numbers section and select Caller ID. |
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Choose which External Caller ID Phone Number is displayed for this user to select when they make an outgoing call.
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Choose which Additional external caller ID phone numbers are displayed for this user to select when they make an outgoing call.
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Choose which External caller ID name is displayed when this user makes an outgoing call.
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(Optioneel) Wijzig de voor- en achternaam van de beller-id van de gebruiker. Sommige PSTN providers eren de naam van de beller-ID mogelijk niet via Webex Calling . |
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(Optional) Toggle Block caller ID for received calls on to block this user's identity when receiving a call. |
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Choose one of the following Connected Line Identity for Redirected Calls options to keep the identity of the person receiving the redirected call private.
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Klik op Opslaan. |
Beller-ID voor een Workspace configureren
You can specify the caller ID information shown when making an external call from a workspace. Een werkruimte kan voor externe gesprekken een eigen stationnaam of telefoonnummer laten zien, of de hoofdnaam of het hoofdnummer van de locatie tonen.
The workspace name is shown for internal calls.
You may observe a .
appended to the last name in the Caller ID of the workspace, which can’t be removed.
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Sign in to Control Hub and go to . |
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Select the workspace you wish to specify the caller ID information and click the Calling tab. |
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Go to the Numbers section and select Caller ID. |
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Choose which External caller ID phone number is displayed when a person makes a call from this workspace device.
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Choose which External caller ID name is displayed when a person makes a call from this workspace device.
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(Optioneel) Wijzig de naam en details van de werkplek. Sommige PSTN providers eren de naam van de beller-ID mogelijk niet via Webex Calling . |
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(Optional) Toggle Block caller ID for received calls on to block this workspace's identity when receiving a call. |
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Choose one of the following Connected Line Identity for Redirected Calls options to keep the identity of the workspace receiving the redirected call private.
The Connected Line Identity for Redirected Calls option is available only for workspaces with a professional license assigned. |
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Klik op Opslaan. |
After you've configured the caller ID options, the users can choose the required caller ID from the multiple caller IDs that you've configured when they make an outgoing call. For more information, see Change your caller ID and Choose your caller ID for outgoing calls on mobile.