Email Template Variables for Webex Meetings

The following table lists and defines all the variables used in the Webex Meetings email templates. For more information on the individual variables used in each template, see the Webex Meeting Email Template Variable Matrix.

  • Although some variables appear in multiple email templates, each variable is unique to its own template. Variables are not shared across templates.

  • Each email template contains its own set of variables. Copying and pasting variables between the email subject and body, or from one template to another, is not supported.



Templates used


Email address of the user.



Text on the Subject line of the meeting email

Invitation to Register for a meeting


Meeting topic



Text of description of the meeting

Invitation to Register for a meeting


Full Name of the Meeting Host


%Host Name%

Full Name of the Meeting Host



Disclaimer text used in the footer of templates for meeting hosts



Meeting date or recurrence information, if any

Invitation to Register for a meeting


Time zone for the meeting



Description of the Public Key Infrastructure. This will appear in the template only when the PKI option is enabled for your site.

Invitation to Register for a meeting


Skype for Business link (SIP URI)

MC Meeting Info For Attendee (Productivity Tools)

Invitation to a meeting in progress_PR (Productivity Tools)


URL that provides the meeting information



Meeting information provided in a time zone other than the one in which it was originally scheduled



URL of the service name (e.g. Webex Meetings)

Invitation to Register for a meeting


Phone number of the user who is the host



Description of any promotional text for a free trial of Webex Meetings



URL of the free trial promotional text



Brandable Footer text used in all emails



Webex legal disclaimer text used in the footer



Name of the meeting attendee



Time when the Meeting is scheduled



Identification number assigned to the meeting



Date the meeting will occur



Text label that precedes the %MeetingNumber% variable (e.g. "Meeting Number:")



Combination of a meeting number label and a meeting number



Identification number assigned to the meeting (no space between numbers)



Unique identifier for the user, in the Personal Room URL

Invitation to a Meeting in Progress_PR(Productivity Tools)


Text label that precedes the %MeetingPassword% variable (e.g. "Meeting Password:")



Meeting password



Description of how to use the password



Description of the meeting's alternate host if any



Meeting title text when displayed on smart phones



Description of attendees joining via teleconference



Description of attendees joining via a teleconference



Message indicating attendees to verify rich media player support before joining the meeting


%Meeting Link%

Link to the Meeting page (from where attendees can join the meeting)



Instructions for users to join a meeting from iPhone


%PKI Information%

Information about the Public Key Infrastructure. This information will be present when the PKI option is provisioned for your site.



Description of the teleconference



Information about the teleconference including teleconference numbers, etc



Text label that proceeds telephone information



Telephone information


%Recording Disclaimer%

Webex legal disclaimer text regarding making a recording of the meeting



Message indicating hosts to verify rich media player support before joining the meeting



Information about the conference call moderator



Information about the teleconference attendee

MC Tele MeetingInfo For Attendee


Information about the conference call participant

MC Tele MeetingInfo For Attendee


Information about the teleconference host

MC Tele MeetingInfo For Host


Information about adding meeting to iCalendar

Meeting Information Updated


Link to download the meeting to iCalendar

Meeting Information Updated


Information about the details to be provided for the attendee to join the meeting.

Meeting Information Updated


Information about setting up Meeting Manager

Meeting Registration Confirmed


URL to setup Meeting Manager

Meeting Registration Confirmed


Date and time information of the meeting



Date and time (i.e. schedule) information for meetings that have been rescheduled. Such meetings require compulsory registration.

Meeting Requiring Registration Rescheduled


Contact telephone number of the host for meetings that have been rescheduled

Meeting Requiring Registration Rescheduled


Describes to a host how to start the audio portion of the meeting



Describes to an attendee how to join the audio portion of the meeting



TelePresence information



Audio information for attendee, including phone numbers for joining audio



Meeting password set by the meeting host.

Appears in host template

MC MeetingInfo For Host(Productivity Tools)


Disclaimer text used in the footer of templates for meeting hosts



Phone information to dial to join meeting.

Appears in attendee template

MC MeetingInfo For Attendee(Productivity Tools)


Meeting password set by the meeting host.

Appears in attendee template



Disclaimer text used in the footer of templates for attendees



Description of the meeting's alternate host if any

MC MeetingInfo For Attendee


Information for joining by phone only (HTML email body)



Information for joining by phone only (plain text email body)



Information for joining from a video system (HTML email body)



Information for joining from a video system (plain text email body)


Email Template Variables for Enterprise

The following table lists and defines all the variables used in the Enterprise email templates. For more information on the individual variables used in each template, see the Enterprise Email Template Variable Matrix.

  • Although some variables appear in multiple email templates, each variable is unique to its own template. Variables are not shared across templates.

  • Each email template contains its own set of variables. Copying and pasting variables from one template to another is not supported.



    Templates used


    URL where the user can activate the Webex account

    Automated Responses to Users Not Activated, Multiple


    Customer's Webex account password

    Automated Responses to Users


    Name of the Webex Services Site Administrator


    %allocation queue%

    WebACD queue used in the allocation rule

    WebACD Allocation Rule Error Notification Email


    URL to approve the password request

    Password Request


    End-date of the billing period for the service subscription



    Brand name of the customer's Webex Services site, for example:

    Automated Responses to Users


    Phone number that invitees need to call in to join the meeting



    URL or link that allows users to change their passwords

    Forgot Password Request Notification - Change Password


    URL or link that allows users to change their passwords



    Configurable text seeking additional comments from the user/host

    Feedback To Host One, Multiple


    Name of the company that is subscribed to the service



    Name of the computer on which Access Anywhere is requested

    Access Anywhere Requested


    Unique numerical ID of the conference on this site.



    URL or link that allows users to confirm their Webex accounts

    Require Confirmation Email


    Name (Topic) of the conference.



    Text that describes the account confirmation process

    Require Confirmation Email


    Comments submitted by a user as part of feedback about a service (to the service support group)



    Names of Customer Service Representatives

    Leave Message Email, Multiple


    Customer's email address

    Leave Message Email, Multiple


    Name of the Webex customer



    Customer's phone number

    Leave Message Email, Multiple


    Date that feedback was provided



    Date and time that a support request was queued



    Number of days for which the account was inactive

    Deactivated Account Notice


    Domain where the Site is provisioned.

    Email Notification for failed Critical job


    Text and URL to download the export file



    Text and URL to download the error log for import or export



    URL for users who want to download the meeting information offline to the calendar format of their choice. This option is required to use iCal with Lotus Notes.



    URL or link for users who want to download the meeting information offline to the calendar format of their choice



    Duration of the recording or meeting

    Available Recording Notification

    %Edit Recording URL%

    URL for editing recording information and playback control options.

    Available Recording Notification


    Email address


    %Email Address%

    Contact email address of the person who is sharing the meeting recordings

    Share Recordings


    URL or link that allows the user to confirm the change of email address on their Webex account

    Webex Account Change Confirmation


    Brandable Footer text used in all emails



    Ending-time of the pay-per-use meeting (as supplied with post-meeting billing information)



    URL or link that points to the WebACD entry form for customer requests

    Missing WebACD Queue Email


    Error code of the WebACD routing event

    WebACD Routing Error Notification Email


    Error Message explaining the nature of the job failure

    Email Notification for failed Critical job


    Name of the exported file.

    Export Finished Or Aborted Notification


    URL of the export status page. Displays the status of a request: Queued, In Progress, Aborted or Finished

    Export Finished Or Aborted Notification


    Total count of records that could not be retrieved



    Details of accounts not successfully changed during the site administration event

    Password Security Enhancements Normal Condition


    Number of failed login attempts by a Webex user

    Locked Out Account Notice, Multiple


    Date on which the submitted request was finished processing



    Time when the submitted request was finished processing



    First name of the Webex account owner



    Full name of the Webex user.

    Access Anywhere Requested


    Email address of the Webex Meetings.


    %Host Name%

    Full name of the meeting host



    Full Name of the Meeting Host

    Account Signup Notification for Site Admin, Multiple templates


    ID number of the meeting host

    Failed Auto-Recording notification


    URL or link that allows the meeting host to edit the meeting



    Password provided with the new account setup notification



    Text instructions for downloading the iCal version of the meeting information



    URL of the import status page. Displays the status of a request to import: Pending, Queued, Aborted or Finished

    Import Finished Or Aborted Notification


    Name of the file for which an import request was placed

    Import Finished Or Aborted Notification


    Invoice number provided with the purchase receipt



    Job ID (this will represent the ID of the critical job that failed)

    Email Notification for failed Critical job


    Job Type (indicates the type of the critical job that failed - import or export)

    Email Notification for failed Critical job


    Last name of the Webex account owner



    Cost (excluding tax) of the pay-per-use meeting



    Date on which the meeting will occur



    Date of the Meeting or recurrence information for the meeting



    ID number assigned to the meeting


    %Meeting Password%

    Meeting password set by the meeting host



    Time when the Meeting is scheduled



    Number of days before the temporary password will expire (as supplied with a password change request)

    Reset password


    Email address of the Webex account after the email address is changed

    Webex Account Change Confirmation


    Displays the count of new records successfully added (this indicates a successful import)

    Import Finished Or Aborted Notification, Multiple


    Displays the count of records successfully updated (this indicates a that the database was successfully updated with the imported records)

    Import Finished Or Aborted Notification, Multiple


    Percentage of the total recording storage space that remains available for the site

    Media Storage Capacity Warning


    Email address of the Webex account before the email address was changed

    Webex Account Change Confirmation


    Name of the option that the site administrator changed



    Password or link to the password (provided after a password reset)

    Reset password


    URL or link that allows a customer to purchase or extend the service subscription



    Combined attendance time of all attendees in the pay-per-use meeting



    Percentage of calls allocated to the WebACD queue

    WebACD Allocation Rule Error Notification Email


    Configurable text seeking user's feedback about the meeting performance

    Feedback To Host One, Multiple

    %Personalized Message%

    Message that the host can personalize and include when sharing recordings

    Share Recordings


    Text describing the benefits of the Webex productivity tools



    Email address of the technical support contact person in case user has opted for a Pay Per Use account.



    Phone number of the technical support contact person in case user has opted for a Pay Per Use account.



    Working hours of the technical support contact person in case user has opted for a Pay Per User account.



    User's profile

    Feedback To Host One, Multiple


    Question asked by the customer

    Leave Message Email, Multiple


    Name of the queue for handling customer support requests/messages

    Leave Message Email, Multiple


    Instructions on how to reactivate the locked out Webex account

    Locked Out Account Notice

    %Recording Info URL%

    URL for viewing information about the recording such as options for letting users download the recording and related information.

    Available Recording Notification

    %Recording Link%

    URL or link where the recording is available for playback from the Webex Services site.

    Available Recording Notification

    %Recording Time%

    Start time of the recording.

    Available Recording Notification

    %recursive sub-queue%

    The sub-queue assigned a recursive allocation through the faulty allocation rule

    WebACD Allocation Rule Error Notification Email


    Configurable text seeking user's feedback about the meeting reliability

    Feedback To Host One, Multiple


    Name of the request



    Status of the import or export request



    Status of the request



    Indicates whether the user has any scheduled meetings.

    Locked Out Account Notice, Multiple


    Name of the server where the meeting was hosted

    Feedback To Host One, Multiple

    %Service Center%

    URL of the Webex Services site

    Available Recording Notification, Multiple


    Brandable name of the Webex Service (e.g. Webex Meetings, Webex Training, Webex Support, etc)


    %Service Recording URL%

    URL of the Webex Services site where users can view all the recordings available for the site

    Available Recording Notification


    The Webex service type



    URL of the Webex Services site

    Access Anywhere Setup Information


    Configurable text seeking user's feedback about the meeting setup ease

    Feedback To Host One, Multiple


    URL or link to the site administration home page

    Request for Service Privileges


    Name of the Webex Services Site Administrator

    Deactivated Account Notice, Multiple


    URL of customer's Webex Services site, for example:

    Automated Responses to Users


    URL of the Webex Services site home page

    Account Signup Notification for Site Admin


    Unique numerical ID of the Site (this information is sent to the Site Admin)

    Email Notification for failed Critical job


    URL of the Webex Services site

    Account Signup Notification for Site Admin


    Starting-time of the pay-per-view meeting (as supplied with post-meeting billing information)



    Preliminary status of the user who has signed up for an account with Webex. "Status" is "Accept" or "Reject" depending on the Accept/Reject criteria in place for the SignUp feature in site admin.

    Account Signup Notification for Site Admin


    Action to be taken by the Site Admin on the user's request for a Webex account, either "Accept" or "Reject"

    Account Signup Notification for Site Admin


    Date on which the request was submitted



    Time when the request was submitted



    Text to be used on the subject line



    Subscription type related to the new account



    Number of accounts successfully changed during the site administration event

    Password Security Enhancements Normal Condition


    Technical support email address for the Webex service



    Technical support phone number for the Webex service



    URL of the service name (for e.g. MC, SC, TC, etc)



    Email address of the Site Administrator



    Phone number of the Site Administrator



    Cost of sales tax of the purchase



    Brandable email address of technical support at Webex.

    Automated Responses to Users


    Cost of the teleconferencing portion of the pay-per-use meeting



    Name assigned to the teleconference by the host



    Teleconference information provided to users. Not configurable.



    Number of teleconferencing minutes used in the pay-per-view meeting



    Time zone where the meeting is scheduled. Time zone is configurable by the meeting host



    Meeting Topic


    %Topic Name%

    Name of the topic for which recording is available for playback directly from the Webex Services site.

    Available Recording Notification


    Total cost of the pay-per-view meeting, including meeting, teleconferencing and sales tax costs



    Total count of records retrieved



    End-date of the trial subscription to the Webex service



    URL that points to a website or other location



    Email address of the Webex account



    List of user accounts on the Webex Services Site that were deactivated

    Deactivated Account Notice, Multiple


    The user's "Username", for logging in to Webex Services

    Access Anywhere Setup Information


    The user's "Username", for logging in to Webex Services

    Welcome Emails from WebEx Service_CMR


    Length of time the request waited in queue before the notification was triggered

    Wait Notification Email


    Estimated wait time for the request to be processed and resolved by CSR

    Leave Message Email, Multiple