Enable Personal Room

After you enable the Personal Room feature for a Webex site, you can specify the method for creating Personal Room IDs for new users.

Personal Rooms are not available when using the Webex Personal Conference and TelePresence session types.


Sign in to Webex site Administration and go to Configuration > Common Site Settings > Options.


In the Site Options section, check the Enable Personal Room (When enabled, you can turn this on or off for individual users) check box.


Configure the following optional settings:

  • Allow host to start Personal Room meetings from phone

  • Use the host's Personal Room as the home page (This option will override the "Display this service to all users by default" setting)

  • Allow hosts to change their Personal Room URLs


Choose one of the following settings for the Generate Personal Room ID for new users using: option:

  • Email address prefix

  • First initial, last name (When non-Latin characters are used in the user's first and last name, "pr" + a system-generated number will be used.)

  • Username (note: If your site is configured for single sign-on (SSO), using this option to generate Personal Room IDs will make the SSO usernames public. A Personal Room ID and any information in it should be considered to be public.)

  • "pr" plus Personal Room meeting number

  • "pr" plus 12-digit system-generated alphanumeric ID


Choose the locking behavior and other security features under Personal Room Security settings:

  • When a meeting is unlocked—Everyone in your organization can always join unlocked meetings. Choose the experience for guests (Unverified Users and Verified External Users) from outside of your organization. The options are: They can join the meeting, They wait in the lobby until the host admits them, and They can't join the meeting.

  • Automatically lock the meeting [n] minutes after the meeting starts—You can automatically lock the meeting after it starts. Just turn this setting on, and select the number of minutes after which you want the meeting to lock.

    Clicking prevents users from changing this setting.

    This setting applies to meetings when hosts haven't set their own automatic lock preference.

  • When a meeting is locked—Choose whether or not participants wait in the lobby or cannot join when the meeting is locked. The options are: Everyone waits in the lobby until the host admits them, and No one can join the meeting.

  • Show CAPTCHA when attendees enter a host's Personal Room.

  • Allow attendees to notify host that they are waiting in the Personal Room lobby.

  • Automatically remove attendees from the meeting lobby if they haven't been admitted after [n] minutes—Attendees are automatically removed after waiting in the lobby for however many minutes you specify here. Choose a higher number if you typically want hosts to have more time to admit attendees. Choose a lower number if your hosts typically don't plan to admit attendees from the lobby.


Click Update.

Enable a Personal Room for a user

You can also enable Personal Room for a user, when you create their account.

This procedure is for Webex Meetings only.


Sign in to Webex Site Administration and go to User Management > Edit User .


Select a user.


Check the Personal Room check box.


Click Update.

Change the URL for a user's Personal Room

You can change the URL for an existing user's Personal Room.


Sign in to Webex site Administration and go to User Management > Edit User.


Select a user.


Enter the change you want to make in the Personal Room URL field.


Click Update.

Suspend a Personal Room for a user

If you suspect unusual activity on an account, or if the host loses their PIN, you can suspend a Personal Room until the host resets the PIN.

Sign in to Webex Site Administration and go to User Management > Edit User.


Select a user.


In the Privileges section under the Personal Room setting, click Suspend.


Click Update.