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Помилка: "Не вдається підключитися до аудіо" під час приєднання до аудіоконференції Webex.

Participants attempting to join a Webex audio conference may experience an error message stating, "Can't connect to Audio." This issue prevents users from successfully connecting to the audio portion of the conference, hindering their ability to participate in the meeting.

To resolve the "Can't connect to Audio" error during a Webex audio conference.

  • Check the Webex Status Information page for any open incidents, try a workaround if available on the status page, and then retry.

The "Can't connect to Audio" error can occur for several reasons, including network connectivity issues, problems with user audio devices, or service disruptions. However, when this error coincides with an open incident reported on the Webex Status Information page, the issue is likely related to a known problem affecting the Webex service.

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