Webex App 43.6 and later uses the following dedicated source port ranges to originate media traffic:

Meetings, and Calls on Webex App:

  • Audio and content audio port range: 52,000–52,049
  • Video and content video port range: 52,100–52,199

Calls using Unified CM:

  • Audio and content audio port range: Cisco Unified Communications Manager configuration
  • Video and content video port range: Cisco Unified Communications Manager configuration

Calls using Webex Calling and Calls hosted by a Service Provider:

  • Audio and content audio port range: 8500–8598
  • Video and content video port range: 8600–8698

This allows you to mark media packets for QoS using the source port ranges and properly prioritize network traffic.

If you use Webex App, or Webex App and the Webex Meetings desktop app on Windows, follow the guidance in this article to manually enable it in meetings and calls on Webex App (these instructions aren’t applicable to Webex Calling and calls using Unified CM). This includes enabling the app to use the new source port ranges, configuring your firewall, and setting recommended DSCP values for media traffic using a group policy template.

  • webex.msi: You can choose this option in most situations. The package installs only Webex App. Webex App downloads the desktop meeting app components, if necessary. There are some exceptions when you may need the bundle instead.
  • webexBundle.msi: This package installs both Webex App and the Webex Meetings desktop app. Only use the bundle package in the following situations:
    • You’re installing in a secure environment that blocks the users' computers from downloading software. If Webex App can't download meetings components, people may have usability problems joining meetings with the app.
    • You haven’t yet fully migrated to Webex App and your users still need the separate Webex Meetings desktop app.

You must have Windows administrative privileges to perform the following tasks.

Enable dedicated media source ports while installing webex.msi or webexBundle.msi using a command-line parameter. The parameter adds the required Windows registry settings and the Windows Defender firewall access-control lists (ACLs).

You need the command-line parameter during the initial installation only; webex or webexBundle package retains the configuration after all automatic upgrades.

Before you begin

Perform one of either "During installation" or "After installation" to enable the feature. Perform the "During installation" task if you haven't installed webex.msi or webexBundle.msi on the computer before.

You must have Windows administrative privileges to perform the following tasks.

Go to https://www.webex.com/downloads.html, scroll down to Other download options, click Visit our admin download page, and then select Install webex.


Add one of the following command-line parameter for the MSI install:

  • For the webex.msi installation:
    msiexec /i webex.msi ALLUSERS=1 LOCALPORTRANGE="1"
  • For the webexBundle.msi installation:
    msiexec /i webexBundle.msi ALLUSERS=1 LOCALPORTRANGE="1"

If you download an MSI package with another name, then you must ensure you update the command-line parameter.

Enable dedicated media source ports after installing webex app or webexBundle app using a batch file that you run on the Windows computer. The batch file adds the required Windows registry settings and the Windows Defender firewall ACLs.

Use this procedure to enable dedicated media source ports after an automatic upgrade to webex app or webexBundle app 43.6 or later.

Perform one of either "During installation" or "After installation" to enable the feature. Perform the "After installation" task if you have installed webex.msi or webexBundle.msi on the computer before.

You must have Windows administrative privileges to perform the following tasks.

Open a text editor and paste the following code block into the file:

echo set registry to enable feature
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Cisco Spark Native" /v "LocalPortRange" /t REG_SZ /d "1" /f

echo set firewall inbound policy named "Webex" to avoid pop-ip
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Webex" dir=in program="C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Cisco Spark\CiscoCollabHost.exe" action=allow
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Webex" dir=in program="C:\Program Files\Cisco Spark\CiscoCollabHost.exe" action=allow

If Webex App wasn’t initially installed using the default path, then you must update the EnablePortRangeForWebexApp.bat file with the correct paths to set up the firewall policies.

Save the file as EnablePortRangeForWebexApp.bat.


Run EnablePortRangeForWebexApp.bat on the Windows computer to enable the dedicated media source ports.

Enable dedicated media source ports after installing the WebexBundle app using a batch file that you run on the Windows computer. The batch file adds the required Windows registry settings and the Windows Defender firewall access-control lists (ACLs).

Use this procedure to enable dedicated media source ports after an automatic upgrade to WebexBundle app 43.6 or later.


Open a text editor and paste the following code block into the file:

echo set registry to enable feature
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Webex\Policies" /v "LocalPortRange" /t REG_SZ /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Webex\Policies" /v "LocalPortRange" /t REG_SZ /d "1" /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Cisco Spark Native" /v "LOCALPORTRANGE" /t REG_SZ /d "1" /f

echo delete firewall policy
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Cisco Webex Meetings"
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Webex"

echo set firewall inbound policy named "Cisco Webex Meetings" and "Webex" to avoid pop-up
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Cisco Webex Meetings" dir=in program="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Webex\Webex\Meetings\atmgr.exe" action=allow
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Cisco Webex Meetings" dir=in program="%ProgramFiles%\Webex\Webex\Meetings\atmgr.exe" action=allow
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Cisco Webex Meetings" dir=in program="C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\WebEx\WebEx\Meetings_slow\atmgr.exe" action=allow 
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Cisco Webex Meetings" dir=in program="C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\WebEx\WebEx\Meetings\atmgr.exe" action=allow
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Cisco Webex Meetings" dir=in program="C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\WebEx\WebEx64\Meetings_slow\atmgr.exe" action=allow
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Cisco Webex Meetings" dir=in program="C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\WebEx\WebEx64\Meetings\atmgr.exe" action=allow 
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Webex" dir=in program="C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Cisco Spark\CiscoCollabHost.exe" action=allow
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Webex" dir=in program="C:\Program Files\Cisco Spark\CiscoCollabHost.exe" action=a

If the WebexBundle app wasn’t initially installed using the default path, then you must update the EnablePortRangeForWebexBundle.bat file with the correct paths to set up the firewall policies.

Save the file as EnablePortRangeForWebexBundle.bat.


Run EnablePortRangeForWebexBundle.bat on the Windows computer to enable the dedicated media source ports.

Use a group policy template to set DSCP values in your Windows group policy object (GPO). This ensures Webex App for Windows marks DSCP QoS using the dedicated source ports you enabled in the previous step.

The policy sets DSCP 46 for the audio port range (52,000–52,049) and DSCP 34 for the video port range (52,100–52,199). These are the recommended values; modify them if necessary.


Open a text editor and paste the following code block into the file:

  CATEGORY !!Webex:Cat_Webex
  CATEGORY !!CiscoWebex

    POLICY !!WebexAppAudioDSCP_Policy
      KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\QoS\WebexAppAudioDSCP"
      #if version >= 4
      EXPLAIN !!WebexAppDSCP_Explain
      PART !!WebexAppAudioDSCP_Part EDITTEXT
        VALUENAME "DSCP Value"
        MAXLEN 1000
        DEFAULT "46"
      END PART
      PART !!WebexAppAudioPortRange_Part EDITTEXT
        VALUENAME "Local Port"
        MAXLEN 1000
        DEFAULT "52000:52049"
      END PART
        VALUENAME "Application Name" VALUE !!WebexAppName_Part
        VALUENAME "Local IP" VALUE "*"
        VALUENAME "Local IP Prefix Length" VALUE "*"
        VALUENAME "Protocol" VALUE "*"
        VALUENAME "Remote IP" VALUE "*"
        VALUENAME "Remote IP Prefix Length" VALUE "*"
        VALUENAME "Remote Port" VALUE "*"
        VALUENAME "Throttle Rate" VALUE "-1"
        VALUENAME "Version" VALUE "1.0"

POLICY !!WebexAppVideoDSCP_Policy
   KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\QoS\WebexAppVideoDSCP"
   #if version >= 4
   EXPLAIN !!WebexAppDSCP_Explain
   PART !!WebexAppVideoDSCP_Part EDITTEXT
    MAXLEN 1000
    DEFAULT "34"
   PART !!WebexAppVideoPortRange_Part EDITTEXT
    VALUENAME "Local Port"
    MAXLEN 1000
    DEFAULT "52100:52199"
    VALUENAME "Application Name" VALUE !!WebexAppName_Part
    VALUENAME "Local IP Prefix Length" VALUE "*"
    VALUENAME "Protocol" VALUE "*"
    VALUENAME "Remote IP" VALUE "*"
    VALUENAME "Remote IP Prefix Length" VALUE "*"
    VALUENAME "Remote Port" VALUE "*"
    VALUENAME "Throttle Rate" VALUE "-1"
    VALUENAME "Version" VALUE "1.0"


 CiscoWebex="Webex General Settings" 
 SUPPORTED_WIN7="Microsoft Windows 7 or later" 
 WebexAppDSCP_Explain="Configure DSCP value for Webex App.\n\nIf this value configured, Webex App will use these DSCP value for audio/video/sharing data if these data from dedicate local port range.\n\nAudio port range should be 52000:52049.\n\nVideo port range should be 52100:52199." 
 WebexAppAudioDSCP_Policy="Configure Audio DSCP for Webex App" 
 WebexAppAudioDSCP_Part="Audio DSCP Configuration in Webex App" 
 WebexAppAudioPortRange_Part="Audio data port range" 
 WebexAppVideoDSCP_Policy="Configure Video DSCP for Webex App" 
 WebexAppVideoDSCP_Part="Video DSCP Configuration in Webex App" 
 WebexAppVideoPortRange_Part="Video data port range"

Save the file as WebexAppDSCPPolicy.adm.


On your Windows computer, open the Group Policy Editor.


Go to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration, then right-click on Administrative Templates and select Add/Remove Templates.


Click Add, navigate to the WebexDSCPPolicy.adm file, and then click Open.


Click Close.

A new Webex template appears under Classic Administrative Templates.

Expand Classic Administrative Templates > Webex and then click Webex General Settings.


Double-click Configure Audio DSCP for Webex App.


Select Enabled and then click OK.

This sets DSCP 46 for the audio port range.


Double-click Configure Video DSCP for Webex App.


Select Enabled and then click OK.

This sets DSCP 34 for the video port range.


If you installed WebexBundle app, you must also configure DSCP values for Webex Meetings.


Reboot your computer to make the DSCP configure take effect.

The DSCP configuration is now complete. Alternatively, set DSCP in the network using the dedicated local source port ranges to match the traffic port identifiers and map the appropriate DSCP values. For more information about this, see  Cisco Preferred Architecture for Bandwidth Management for Webex.

Use a batch file to disable the feature on the Windows computer.


Open a text editor and paste the following code block into the file:

echo set registry to disable feature
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Cisco Spark Native" /v "LocalPortRange" /f 

echo delete firewall policy
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Webex"

Save the file as DisablePortRangeForWebexApp.bat.


Run DisablePortRangeForWebexApp.bat on the Windows computer to disable the dedicated media source port feature.

The following actions also disable the feature:
  • Uninstalling Webex App.
  • Re-running the MSI without the LOCALPORTRANGE="1" parameter.

Open a text editor and paste the following code block into the file:

echo set registry to disable feature
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Webex\Policies" /v "LocalPortRange" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Webex\Policies" /v "LocalPortRange" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Cisco Spark Native" /v "LOCALPORTRANGE" /f

echo delete firewall policy
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Cisco Webex Meetings" 
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="Webex" 

Save the file as DisablePortRangeForWebexBundle.bat.


Run DisablePortRangeForWebexBundle.bat on the Windows computer to disable the dedicated media source port feature.

The following actions also disable the feature:
  • Uninstalling Webex App.
  • Re-running the MSI without the LOCALPORTRANGE="1" parameter.