Call-in Numbers Do Not Appear In Alphabetical Order in the Global Call-in Numbers List for CCA-SP Customers

Call-in numbers do not appear In alphabetical order in the Global Call-in Numbers list for CCA-SP customers.

Global call-in numbers are not appearing alphabetically for CCA-SP audio.

How do I alphabetically reorder a Telephony Domain (TD)?

How do I alphabetically reorder a Telephony Domain in the CCA-SP portal?

Known Issue

For a new Telephony Domain (TD), call-in numbers are presented in the same order in which they were submitted in the CCA-SP portal. If a TD is modified and new entries are added (even if new entries are inserted in alphabetical order), those entries will appear at the end of the call-in list.

To alphabetically reorder a Telephony Domain (TD), a new TD has to be built.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the CCA-SP portal.
  2. Export the existing TD as a CSV file.
  3. Sort the TD alphabetically by Phone Label using Excel.
  4. Request a new TD within the Portal.
  5. Import the sorted CSV file.
  6. Submit the request for a new TD with a revised name.
  7. Once the new TD is provisioned, move all sites from the existing TD to the new one.
  8. Request that Operations remove the original TD from the Portal.

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