September 21, 2024 | 3252 view(s) | 24 people thought this was helpful
Create Webex Meetings Templates for Your Virtual Class
When you schedule a Webex meeting for your virtual class, you want to make sure that only your students and invited guests can join. You can create a meeting template that makes sure only students that have accounts on your site can join. You can create another template to use for classes where you invited someone who doesn't have an account, like a guest lecturer.
Give your meeting a meeting topic. This is the default meeting topic for any meeting you schedule using this template.
Click Show advanced options and then click Scheduling Options.
Set whether or not you want to allow guests from outside your organization to join your meetings.
If you see Require account, check the box so that only attendees with accounts on your Webex site can join. Uncheck it to allow guests without an account join.
If you see External attendee, select one of the following options:
Can join the meeting—Allow guests without an account to join.
Can join the meeting only if I let them in—Guests without an account wait in the lobby until you admit them.
Can't join the meeting—Prevent guests without an account from joining.
Click Save as template.
Give your template a name that lets you know what type of class it is, like Schedule a class or Schedule with guest. and click OK.
If you want to make your template available to everyone on your site, check to box next to Save as a standard template.
Finish scheduling your meeting or click Cancel.
The next time you schedule a meeting, you can choose your new template from the meeting templates list.