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기존의 Expressway 커넥터를 Cisco Webex 하이브리드 서비스 조직에 다시 등록하지 못함

Registered Expressway Connectors that have stopped communicating with the cloud may cause the following error when attempting to re-register.

User-added image
You will need to access your Expressway console via SSH to remove the previous registration fully. Then you will want to register the Expressway Connector as if it's a new connection. 아래 단계를 따르십시오.

  1. SSH를 사용하고 "admin" 사용자를 사용하여 Expressway의 명령줄 인터페이스에 로그인합니다.
  2. 다음 명령어를 실행합니다. xcommand cafe c_mgmt defuse
  3. Register the Expressway Connector in the Control Hub as a new resource.
  4. Continue the registration via the Expressway's web interface.
The Expressway connector requires a cleanup of previous registrations when attempting to re-register.


For further help with troubleshooting, please see:

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