Reregistering an Existing Expressway to your Cisco Webex Hybrid Services Organization Failed

Reregistering an existing Expressway to your Cisco Webex Hybrid Services organization failed

If you have existing registrations of Expressway that have stopped communicating with the cloud, you may see the following error when trying to re-register:

User-added image

Previous registrations must be cleaned up, and the device registered again in the Hybrid Services pages in the Cisco Webex Control Hub.

To prepare your existing Expressway for a new registration:

1. Use SSH to log in to the Expressway's command line interface using the "admin" user.
2. Run the following command:
    xcommand cafe c_mgmt defuse

The Expressway is now ready for a new registration attempt.

Register the Expressway as a new resource in the Cisco Webex Control Hub, and continue the registration from the Expressway's web interface as usual.

For help with troubleshooting, see:

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