Saiba como usar o Webex LTI. A menos que especificamente indicado, todos os recursos são os mesmos no Webex LTI e no Webex LTI Legacy.
Customize feature preferences for your course.
1 |
Open Webex LTI in your LMS and go to the Setup tab. | ||
2 |
Choose the features that you want to enable in your class.
Each feature that you enable appears as its own tab. If you don't see one of the options in the Setup tab, your school’s administrator hasn't enabled it. | ||
3 |
Choose your time zone and click Save. |
The meetings feature allows you to schedule and host a one-time or recurring meeting with your class.
1 |
Go to Meetings and click Schedule meeting. If prompted, sign in with Webex. | ||||
2 |
Insira as seguintes informações:
| ||||
3 |
Click Schedule |
Após você criar uma reunião, ela aparece na sua guia Futuro, onde todos os inscritos no curso podem vê-la. From the Upcoming tab, you can start, edit, or delete meetings
Editing or deleting a recurring meeting will edit or delete the entire meeting series. Recurring meetings can't be individually edited or deleted. |
If there are multiple instructors in a course, you can only start, edit, and delete the meetings that you created.
Start class meetings from your LMS with Webex LTI.
1 |
Go to the Meetings tab. |
2 |
Under the Upcoming tab, find your meeting and click Start. |
You can record a meeting that you scheduled in Webex LTI to make it available for your students.
For recordings to appear in Webex LTI, you must schedule the meeting in Webex LTI and be signed in to Webex from within Webex LTI when you start the meeting.
1 |
During your class meeting, click Record in Webex.
| ||
2 |
Select Record in cloud and then click Record. You and other meeting participants should see a red icon at the top right of your window when a recording is in progress. | ||
3 |
If needed, click Record again and do one of the following:
After your meeting has ended, see a list of participants that joined the meeting.
1 |
Go to the Meetings tab and click Completed. |
2 |
Find the meeting that you want to see the attendance for and click Attendance. |
3 |
(Optional): if there is no attendance yet, click the Sync attendance button. |
O que fazer em seguida
Watch recordings of your class meetings.
1 |
Go to the Meetings tab and click Completed. |
2 |
Find the meeting with the recording you want to watch and click Recording. |
3 |
Click the name of the recording to open it. |
4 |
Copy the recording password and click View recording. Enter the password on the next screen to view the meeting recording.
Your meeting recordings will automatically appear in the meeting content after the meeting has ended and the recording has been processed. If you need the recording to be available before the automatic process happens, you can manually sync the recording.
1 |
Go to the Meetings tab and click Completed. | ||
2 |
Click the Sync recordings button. | ||
3 |
Select a date range during which the recorded meeting happened.
| ||
4 |
Find the meeting with the recording that you want to sync and click Sync now.
| ||
5 |
When the recording has been synced, close the window. |
O que fazer em seguida
Other recordings
Other recordings allows you to import any of your Webex recordings and publish them in your classes. Record yourself teaching a less or explaining a topic without any participants—you can reuse these recordings from semester to semester.
1 |
Go to the Other Recordings tab. |
2 |
Click Import Webex recordings. |
3 |
Select a date range that includes the recording you want to import. |
4 |
Find your recording and click Import recording. |
After you've imported a Webex recording into Other Recordings, you can publish it to any of your courses to make it available to students.
1 |
In the Other Recordings tab, find the recording and click Manage. | ||
2 |
Find the course in which you want to publish your recording and click Publish.
| ||
3 |
Clique em Salvar. |
You can unpublish a recording from a course to make it unavailable to students.
1 |
In the Other Recordings tab, find the recording and click Manage. |
2 |
Find the course in which you want to publish your recording and click Unpublish. |
3 |
Clique em Salvar. |
Deleting a recording removes it from any course that you had published it in and from the Other Recordings tab.
1 |
Go to the Other Recordings tab.
2 |
Find the recording that you want to delete and click Delete. |
Horários de trabalho
You can schedule and host office hours using Webex LTI. Na guia Horários de trabalho, de definir sua disponibilidade e indicar horários em que os alunos podem se reunir com você. As horas de trabalho definidas se aplicam a cada curso para o que você for um instrutor. Se houver vários instrutores para um curso, os alunos deverão escolher você na lista de instrutores para agendar uma reunião com você.
As reuniões no horário comercial permitem que os alunos agendem reuniões diretamente com você. To hold office hours for multiple students at the same time, we recommend that you create a virtual meeting and name it “Office Hours.” |
The Office Hours feature allows you to indicate your availability on different days and times so your students can meet with you.
1 |
Go to the Office Hours tab. |
2 |
In the Availability tab, set the following:
3 |
Role para baixo e clique em Salvar. |
Seus alunos agora podem selecionar um horário para se reunirem com você. When a student successfully schedules an appointment, that time slot isn't available to anyone else. Você receberá um e-mail com o link da reunião e verá a reunião na sua lista Próximas reuniões no site Webex.
Set exceptions to change your availability on a specific date so that your office hours accurately reflect your schedule. Você pode bloquear a disponibilidade para uma data inteira, remover intervalos de tempo de uma data ou adicionar novos intervalos de tempo a uma data.
1 |
Go to the Office Hours tab and click Exceptions. |
2 |
Choose a date and use the following options to change your availability for that date:
3 |
Clique em Salvar. |
O que fazer em seguida
You can have a maximum of 50 future exceptions set at any time. Setting an exception for a date will not affect any office hours meetings that a student scheduled before you set the exception. Se necessário, você pode reagendar estas reuniões no Webex.
Colaboração em sala de aula
Antes de começar
To enable classroom collaboration in Webex LTI Legacy, you must first authorize with your LMS and sign in with Webex.
1 |
In the Setup, go to the classroom collaboration section. | ||
2 |
Click Authorize and follow the on-screen prompts to authorize Webex LTI Legacy in your LMS.
| ||
3 |
Click Sign in with Webex to enable classroom collaboration and enter your Webex credentials.
| ||
4 |
Toggle the switch on to enable classroom collaboration. |
Antes de começar
To enable classroom collaboration in Webex LTI, you must first sign in with Webex.
1 |
In the Setup, go to the classroom collaboration section. | ||
2 |
Click Sign in with Webex to enable classroom collaboration and enter your Webex credentials.
| ||
3 |
Toggle the switch on to enable classroom collaboration. |
Enabling classroom collaboration creates a team for your course in the Webex App and adds everyone in the course as a member of that team. By default, Webex LTI automatically syncs your class roster daily. The automatic sync ensures that the members of the Webex team accurately reflect the list of members enrolled in your course.
Go to the Setup tab and find the classroom collabroation section.
You can disable classroom collaboration if you no longer want to use it in your class.
1 |
Go to the Setup tab and find the classroom collaboration section. |
2 |
Click Disable classroom collaboration. |
3 |
Read the explanation of what happens when you disable classroom collaboration and click OK. |
O que fazer em seguida
Archive the team in the Webex App to make the team and spaces unavailable to your students.