
Webex Go enables the full suite of Webex Calling features, from the phone’s native dialer, with no app required. Webex Go comes in two deployment options that are specifically designed to provide flexibility and choice.

  • Webex Go BYOD – Extend users fixed business number (extension or DID) by adding an eSIM and second line on their personal phone.

  • Webex Go Mobile Operator – Replace a user’s fixed business line with a company provided wireless number and plan.

With Webex Go, you can easily make and answer business calls from your mobile phone’s native dialer and take advantage of enterprise-grade calling features without having to use of the Webex App. Webex Go allows mobile hybrid workers to seamlessly transfer calls between Cisco devices, desk phones, or your computer with Webex App. If you have Webex App on your mobile phone, you can easily elevate any call to a full collaboration meeting or take advantage of the Webex Calling mid-call features like hold, transfer, invite, and video meetings to share content or collaborate with full video.

IT admins can centrally manage provisioning of Webex Go enabled mobile devices in Control Hub and extend and apply any corporate policies to the mobile device, including compliance recording to enhance and increase enterprise-level control and security.



  • Mobile-first collaboration and the convenience of using mobile phone built-in dialer for business calls

  • Гнучкість здійснення та відповіді на бізнес-дзвінки з будь-якого місця

  • Increased call quality via leveraging Mobile 5G HD voice while on the go

  • Наявність функцій корпоративних викликів, таких як додатковий набір, ділова голосова пошта, запис дзвінків тощо

  • Single business number across Webex devices, Webex App, Webex Go, and unified view of user presence across these endpoints.

  • Elevate a mobile call to a feature rich Video Meeting with the Webex App to share content or visually collaborate

  • Easy transfer of call to another Webex Device to continue conversation

  • Centralized access to call history and voicemails in the mobile native dialer and Webex App

IT administrator

  • Easy provisioning and management within Webex Control Hub with access to real-time troubleshooting and analytics

  • Easy provisioning and management within Webex Control Hub with access to real-time troubleshooting and analytics

  • Collaborate with peace of mind knowing your communications are secure and compliant

More about Webex Go deployment options

Webex Go currently supports two deployment options to properly support personal phone and corporate-provided mobile phones.

Webex Go BYOD – Personal mobile phone

Webex Go BYOD integrates Webex Calling with users’ personal mobile device and adds the business phone number as a second line through eSIM to the device. It enables users to manage both personal and business communications on a single mobile device. Users can make and receive business calls with their exiting Webex Calling fixed business number (DID or extension) and take advantage of the enterprise-grade calling features, like compliant call recording without a need for a separate app—all while keeping their personal phone number separate from their business number. All business calls are routed over a mobile network, so users experience a higher media quality compared to calls made through Webex App leveraging Over-the-Top (OTT) Voice-over-IP through the personal data plan.

Webex Go reduces the burden on IT by essentially making personal mobile devices secure endpoints on their business phone system. It provides centralized, enterprise-level control and management within Control Hub, and enables IT admins to apply business compliance policies and view analytics for business calls made with personal mobile devices.

Webex Go Mobile Operator (with AT&T)

Webex Go Mobile Operator, starting with AT&T in the United States, elevates the wireless number to replace the fixed business number of the Webex Calling subscriber. Webex Calling users can now leverage their company provided wireless number and mobile plan, as their single number identity across all their Cisco devices, including their AT&T mobile phone. All Webex Calling enterprise-grade calling capabilities are now available through the native dialer of the AT&T mobile phone, and users now can extend their AT&T wireless number to become their Webex identity for all Webex communications. Users can make and receive calls using their mobile phone’s native dialer and stay connected on the go. All calls are routed through AT&T’s secure, fast, reliable 5G nationwide network so users experience clear audio quality when placing and receiving calls on their business mobile device.

Webex Go Mobile Operator eliminates the need for a traditional fixed business line and helps reduce PSTN spend, while simplifying mobile device management. This provides enterprises with a fully compliant and secure mobile device strategy and improved efficiency through centralized, new mobile number provisioning, and extended device management in Control Hub with access to real-time troubleshooting and analytics.

Feature comparison for Webex on mobile devices

ФункціяWebex App on mobileWebex Go BYODWebex Go Mobile Operator
Mobile device ownershipН/ДEmployee providedCompany provided
ІдентичністьSingle identity (business)Dual identity (personal and business) Single identity (business)*
ExperienceApp onlySecond line through Cisco eSIMPrimary line through mobile operator SIM
Phone number typeBusiness fixed line through app dialerBusiness fixed line through dual SIM (native dialer) Мобільний номер
Dialing interfaceЛише програма WebexMobile native dialerMobile native dialer
VoLTE (high quality voice)НіТакТак
RoamingН/ДBetween Webex Go BYOD countries only (US, UK, France)Yes, based on mobile operator plan
SMSНіBusiness texting through Webex App (US and Canada with Cisco Calling Plans only)Yes, native texting support (Unified messaging is on the roadmap)
Data planНіNo, limited and throttled data only while on Webex CallYes, enabled by mobile operator
Supported on any deviceТакLimited to Webex Go BYOD certified devicesYes, based on mobile operator
Supported on locked phonesТакНіТак
ВимогиWebex App installed on mobile deviceWebex Calling license, PSTN number assigned, Webex Go BYOD add-on, unlocked phoneWebex Calling license, certified mobile plan/number, Webex Go Mobile Operator SKU
Webex Calling add-on license/SKUН/ДA-Webex-Go-CA-Webex-Go-M-C
CostН/Д$9 USD list price per user / monthZero dollar SKU with 100% purchase Adjustment for the $5 USD list price per user / month
стан доступностіUS, UK, France (additional countries pending) US only with AT&T (additional mobile operators pending)

*Webex Go Mobile Operator can support a second personal line on dual eSIM enabled phones, but the focus is on the primary business mobile plan and number.

Передумови для Webex Go

  • Доступно для користувачів, які здійснюють дзвінки Webex у регіоні США або Великобританії, а також у США чи Великобританії

  • Організація повинна мати ліцензії Webex Go (платні або пробні)

  • Підтримується на розблокованих мобільних телефонах, сумісних з eSIM

  • Продається через сертифікованих партнерів Webex Calling

Prerequisites for mobile operator

  • Requires a supported mobile operator plan that supports Webex Go mobile operator.

  • Organizations need a Webex Go mobile operator add-on SKU (A-Webex-Go-M-C).

  • A mobile number must be assigned to Webex Calling subscriber through the Control Hub. Refer to Provision Webex Go for more information.

  • Wi-Fi Calling must be enabled on the Mobile Number (MNO requirement)

    [Settings → Cellular → Mobile Number → Wi-Fi Calling (ON)]

How Webex Go works

Webex Go розширює Webex Calling на вбудований дозвонщик телефону кінцевого користувача, використовуючи технологію eSIM. Після успішної активації Webex Go eSIM кінцеві користувачі матимуть мобільну мережу під брендом Webex, призначену для ділових дзвінків на своєму пристрої. Мережевий провайдер Webex підключається до платформи викликів Webex для маршрутизації ділових дзвінків і надання доступу до функцій дзвінків корпоративного рівня, вбудованих на мобільному телефоні. З точки зору платформи, Webex Go розглядається як пристрій, зареєстрований SIP, що робить його ще однією кінцевою точкою, де доставляються ділові дзвінки Webex.

Webex Go BYOD - Dual identity (personal mobile number and work number)
Webex Go Mobile Operator - Single identity (work number = wireless number)