Error: 'Connection Failed' when Attempting to Play a Recorded File from a Playback URL

Users encounter a 'Connection Failed' error when playing a recorded file from a playback URL. This issue can manifest in different ways, including an inability to play the file or receiving a 'Connection Failed' message during playback attempts.


  • Rename the file without special characters.
  • If you are attempting to view the file from the Internet, it must be posted on a server that is publicly accessible and without security restrictions.
  • Verify with the host that the file was uploaded successfully.
The Connection Failed error can occur due to one or more of the following reasons:
  1. The recorded file's name includes special characters (e.g., #, &) that have specific functions within URLs and can disrupt the link.
  2. The file is stored on an intranet and is protected by a firewall, making it inaccessible from the public internet.

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