Enable data compression

Set the data compression to experience the best call quality with a Webex call.

From the https://admin.webex.com, go to Users and then select the user you want to enable or modify the data compression setting.


Enable Compression option from User call Experience.

  • Normal Compression—when selected devices, and applications use the best (highest) negotiated codec for both incoming and outgoing calls. This applies to both video and audio calls. This option is SELECTED by default.

  • Uncompressed—when selected devices, and applications use the G.711 codec and this option only supports audio calls. This option is DESELECTED by default.

Enable data compression for workspaces

Set the data compression to optimize call quality for all your clients and devices.

From the https://admin.webex.com, go to Workspaces and then select the workspace you want to enable or modify the data compression setting.


Go to Calling and scroll to the Compression option from Call Experience.

  • Normal Compression—when selected devices, and applications use the best (highest) negotiated codec for both incoming and outgoing calls. This applies to both video and audio calls. This option is SELECTED by default.

  • Uncompressed—when selected devices, and applications use the G.711 codec and this option only supports audio calls. This option is DESELECTED by default.