Before you begin

For import requests, numbers immediately show up under Pending. Your customer can assign these ported numbers to people but the numbers are only usable after they are ported. The PSTN service provider will contact your customer to confirm a date to complete the import request.


From the partner view in, go to Customer and click on a customer.


Perform any of the following steps as needed:

  • Click PSTN Orders & Imports to see more detailed information about the number order status.

    You can click specific order numbers to view the status (in progress, successful, or failed), and search phone numbers that are included in the order.

  • Click Phone Numbers to see how many phone numbers are associated with the customer.

    Pending shows you the new numbers that were ordered. After the numbers are provisioned, they show up under Unassigned or Assigned, depending on whether the customer assigned them to people.