Publish a Recorded Training Session

You can publish a recorded training session to be available for virtual training.

To publish a recording, you can do one of the following:

  • Upload the recording to the server for your Webex Training website. The file that you upload must reside on your computer or a local server.

  • Specify the web address, or URL, for the recording on a publicly accessible Web Server. Use this option to publish an unlimited number of recordings, or recordings with large file sizes. To use this option, you may need to ask your organization's Web Administrator to store the recording on the server and provide you with its URL.


After signing in to your Webex Training website, select Host a Session > My Training Recordings. Then select Add a Recording.


In the Recording topic box, specify the topic of the recorded training.


Under Type, select an option to specify whether the recording is listed on the Recorded Sessions page on your site and, if it is listed, which types of users can view the recording.


(Optional) If eCommerce is enabled for your Webex Training website, enter the session fee and payment information. Enable Registration to use this feature.


(Optional) Select a category.

Categories are available in WBS31 and later.


Enter presenter and session information. Then under Recording File, publish the recording in one of the following ways:

  • Specify the URL for the file on another server:
    1. Select I will provide a URL.

    2. Type the URL in the box.

  • Upload the recording from your local machine to your Webex Training website:
    1. Select Use the file on my local machine.

    2. Select Browse, and then select the file that you want to publish.

    3. Select Upload file.

  • Upload the recording from the network server:
    1. Select Find the recording from Webex network.

    2. Select Look Up, and then select the file that you want to publish. 


Specify the duration, file size, and date for the recording.


(Optional) Specify a destination URL—That is, a web page that appears automatically once a visitor finishes viewing a recording. Then specify file access options.

These settings protect your recording by requiring user authentication to view or download, and are necessary if eCommerce is enabled.


Select Add. Webex Training automatically generates a URL for each recorded training session that you create. This URL appears on the Recording Information page. You can make the recording available to users in the following ways:

  • Send the URL by email—In the URL section, select the email link.
  • Copy and paste the URL to another location, such as an instant message or to a website—In the URL section, highlight, and copy the URL with your cursor.

Edit Information About a Recorded Training Session

Once you publish a recorded training session, you can edit information about the recording at any time. This information appears on the Recording Information page that users can view if they select a recording to view or download on the Recorded Sessions page.


After signing in to your Webex Training website, select Host a Session > My Training Recordings.


In your list of recordings, select Modify for the recording for which you want to edit information.


Specify new information about the recording and select Save.

Remove a Recorded Training Session from Your Site

You can either:

  • Temporarily remove the recording from the Recorded Sessions page on your site but keep it in your list of recordings on your My Training Recordings page

  • Permanently remove the recording from both the Recorded Sessions page on your site and your My Training Recordings page


After signing in to your Webex Training website, select Host a Session > My Training Recordings.


To permanently remove a recording, select Delete from the drop-down list next to it.


To temporarily remove a recording, select Modify from the drop-down list next to it, and then select Type > Private > Save.

View the Recorded Training Access Detail Report

The Recorded Training Access Detail Report contains access information about recorded training sessions on your Webex Training website. This report includes the following information for each time that your recorded training session is viewed:

  • Viewer's name and email address

  • Registration information

  • Download information

  • Access time and date


Sign in to your Webex Training website, and then select My Webex > My Reports > Recorded Training Access Report.


Specify your search criteria, such as a date range, topic, and sorting preferences, and select Display Report.


Select the Topic for the recorded training session report that you wish to view.


If you wish to print the results, select Printer-friendly format.


If you wish to save the report as a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which you can export into a spreadsheet program, select Export Report.