Error: 'A User Account for the User Name or Email Address Already Exists' when Signing Up for Host Account

The following are possible causes for this issue:

  • The activation process for a pending host account may not occur automatically and could require the approval from your company's Webex site administrator.
  • Your account has been recently deactivated, either automatically due to a lack of usage or manually by the Site Administrator at your company.
To resolve any of the above causes for this issue, you must contact your company's Webex site administrator or Cisco Support to modify or create your account.

See the following:

(Your company's IT department might also access your Webex account information, or they could guide you to your site administrator.)

The cause of the error message 'A user account for the username or email address already exists' when signing up for a host account is that the username or email address has already been registered with an existing account.

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