About using tracking codes

If you don't see tracking codes in Control Hub, contact Cisco support.

Tracking codes are alphanumeric codes that identify categories of users on a Webex site. With tracking codes, you can analyze usage by various groups within an organization—For example, by Department or Division. Tracking codes appear as part of the user information in usage reports, which you can obtain for your Webex site. You can use the data in these reports for cost accounting or other internal billing processes.

You can require that users do one or more of the following:

  • Provide a code value in their user profiles when they sign up for an account.

  • Provide a code value when scheduling an event, a meeting, or a session.

  • Select a code value from a list of values that you specify.

    You can create a list of code values using one of the following methods:

    • Type the list of code values.

    • Import the list of code values from a comma-separated value (CSV) file that you create.

Alternatively, you can specify code values in a user’s profile when you add or edit a user account in Control Hub. Thus, users need not type or select codes values for their profiles or when they schedule events, meetings, or sessions.

If you completed the site linking procedure, then manage tracking codes for your site in Webex Site Administration.

Specify Tracking Codes

You can specify tracking codes that let you track usage of your Webex site. For example, you can specify the tracking codes Project, Division, and Department.

The tracking code labels, or group names, that you specify can appear on any of the following pages on your Webex site:

  • My Profile page: A page that contains personal information about each user who has an account. A user can maintain personal information on this page.

  • Schedule a Meeting page: (Webex Meetings) The pages on which users provide information when scheduling a meeting.

  • Schedule Training Session page: (Webex Training) The page on which users provide information when scheduling a training session.

  • Schedule an Event page: (Webex Events) The page on which users provide information when scheduling an event.


Sign into Webex Site Administration and go to Configuration > Common Site Settings > Tracking Codes.


In the Tracking Code Group column, type the label, or group name, for the new tracking code. For example, enter Region or Department.


In the Input Mode column, select an option for how users can provide a code value, such as entering text or selecting from a list of options you set.


(Optional) If you require users to select a tracking code from a list of values that you specify, do one of the following:

  • To create a list of code values by typing them, click Add/Edit to open the Tracking Codes List page. Then manually type the code values. For Region, you might enter West or California. For Department, you might enter Sales or Engineering.
  • To create a list of code values by importing them from a CSV (comma-separated values) file that contains the code values, click Batch Add.

In the Host Profile column, specify whether the tracking code is required and will appear in user profiles.


In the Schedule/start page to column, specify the services where tracking codes will appear in the drop-down list during scheduling and then specify whether the tracking code is Optional, Required, or Not used. If Optional, the host can select a different tracking code value.


Repeat steps 2 to 6 to add more tracking codes, and then click Update to save your changes.

Specify Tracking Codes for a User


Sign in to Webex Site Administration and go to User Management > Add User or Edit User.


Once you've selected the user or begun to add, go to Tracking Codes and specify the user's tracking codes, such as West for Region and Sales for Department.


Click Update and then select OK.

Manage Tracking Codes in Bulk

You can manage multiple tracking code values for users by downloading and editing a CSV file in a CSV editor like Microsoft Excel, and then reimporting the file into Webex Site Administration. Go here for more information.

Sign in to Webex Site Administration and go to User Management > Import/Export Users.


On the Batch Import/Export Users page, select Export.


Click the link in the email message and open the exported file in a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel.


If you want to only add new user accounts, delete any account data that the exported file contains. Deleting this data does not affect any existing accounts when you upload the CSV file to Webex Site Administration.


Manage the tracking codes for your users, and then save the CSV file.


Once finished editing, go to User Management > Import/Export Users, click Import, and select your updated CSV file.

Importing of tracking code values

If you specified tracking code labels, you can import tracking code values instead of typing the values on the Tracking Codes List page. To use this process, first create a CSV (comma-separated values) file that contains the tracking code values.

This option is useful if your organization uses many tracking codes and you want to maintain a list outside of Control Hub.

  • If you specify code values incorrectly, Control Hub cannot add those values to the list. In that case, a list of records is generated for the values that it couldn't add, including the cause for each error. You can download a file containing these records to your computer for reference or to correct the errors directly in that file.

  • You can correct errors directly in the file that is created for you. Ensure that you delete the last column, labeled Comments, before you upload the file to create the remaining code values.

  • After you upload a CSV file, you can edit values individually on the Tracking Codes List page. Or, you can contact your Webex account manager for assistance.