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Network Trace Logger

Network Trace Logger

A trace utility used for case escalations related to DNS/latency/network issues.

Gather the following:

  • Three forward traces
  • Fifteen reverse traces ( Three from each Webex Looking Glass)
  • Pathping
  • Netstat
  • TCPView (Third party Systinternals utility)
  • NSLookup
  • Dig (DNS queries)
  • Proxycfg and misc Proxy reg keys (to see if Proxy is enabled)
  • IPConfig /all and /displaydns
  • System Info (Contains system info but not complete details as when using msinfo32)
  • Netsh (shows misc network and system config)
  • Tasklist (running processes)
  • Misc Webex registry keys

Supported OS/Version
Windows 10

Supported Cisco Webex Product Version
All Versions

Instructions (How to capture logs)
  1. Double-click on wbxlogger2.exe.
  2. Input your Webex URL. (i.e.
  3. Follow onscreen prompts.
  4. Once completed, wbx_supp_log.txt log file will open automatically.  Save the file and email us a copy.

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