これらの設定は社内ダイヤルに適用されるものであり、最初のセットアップ ウィザードでも設定できます。As you change your dial plan, the example numbers in the Control Hub update to show these changes.



Sign in to Control Hub, go to Services > Calling > Service Settings, and then scroll to Internal Dialing.



  • Location Routing Prefix Length—We recommend this setting if you've multiple locations. 2 ~ 7 桁の長さを入力できます。同じ内線番号を持つ複数のロケーションがある場合、ロケーション間でコールを行うときに、ユーザーはプレフィックスをダイヤルする必要があります。たとえば、複数のストアがある場合、内線 1000 を使用すると、各ストアにルーティング プレフィックスを設定することができます。1 つのストアのプレフィックスが 888 の場合、そのストアに到達するために 8881000 にダイヤルします。

    Routing prefix lengths include the steering digit. For example, if you set the routing prefix length to four, only three digits can be used to specify the site.

    If you assign a routing prefix to a location, all appearances of extensions assigned to that location include the routing prefix in front of the extension number. For example, 888-1000 (routing prefix-extension).

  • Steering Digit in Routing Prefix—Choose the number which will be set as the first digit of every routing prefix.
  • Internal Extension Length—You can enter 2-10 digits and the default is 2.

    After you increase your extension length, existing speed dials to internal extensions aren’t automatically updated.

  • Allow extension dialing between locations—Allows you to customize the extension dialing between locations based on your organization's requirements.
    • Enable the toggle if your organization doesn’t have duplicate extensions across all its locations.

      By default, the toggle is enabled.

    • Disable the toggle if your organization has the same extension in different locations. When the toggle is disabled and the caller dials the extension, the call is routed to a user with matching extension in the same location as the caller. The caller must dial the Enterprise Significant Number (location routing prefix + extension) to reach an extension in other locations.


特定の場所の内部ダイヤルを指定します。Go to Management > Locations, select a location from the list, and click Calling. Scroll to Dialing, and then change internal dialing as needed:

  • Internal Dialing—Specify the routing prefix that users at other locations need to dial in order to contact someone at this location. 各ロケーションのルーティング プレフィックスは固有である必要があります。We recommend that the prefix length matches the length set at the organization level but it must be 2–7 digits long.

Specify external dialing for specific locations. Go to Management > Locations, select a location from the list, and click Calling. Scroll to Dialing, and then change external dialing as needed:

  • External Dialing—You can choose an outbound dial digit that users must dial to reach an outside line. デフォルトは [なし] であり、このダイヤル習慣が必要ない場合には、値を [なし] にしておくことができます。この機能を使用しない場合、組織のステアリング番号とは別の番号を使用することをお勧めします。

    ユーザーは、外線発信を行う際に外線発信番号を含め、レガシー システムでダイヤルしていた方法を真似たものにできます。しかし、すべてのユーザーは、発信ダイアル番号なしで外部通話を発信することができます。

  • Optionally, you have the ability to Enforce dialing the outbound dial digit of this location, ensuring that the user must use the outbound dial digit set by the admin to place external calls.

    Emergency calls can still be dialed with or without the outbound dial digit when this feature is enabled.

    Once enabled, any external destination numbers such as those used for call forwarding will no longer work if an outbound dial digit isn’t included.

    If an extension is same as the national number, then the extension takes precedence over the national number. Hence, we recommend that you enable the outbound dial digit.
    We highly recommend using the E.164 numbering format for incoming and outgoing PSTN calls.


  • Users must restart their phones for changes in dialing preferences to take effect.

  • User extensions shouldn’t start with the same number as the location's steering digit or outbound dial digits.