Definir e modificar as configurações do dispositivo no Webex Calling
Com os recursos de configurações do dispositivo (anteriormente configurações do telefone) no Control Hub, um administrador do Webex Calling pode personalizar as opções de configuração dos dispositivos Cisco MPP, ATA e DECT. As configurações do dispositivo são configuráveis em uma organização, local ou nível de dispositivo e fornecem mais opções de configuração e substituição. Não há opção de nível de dispositivo disponível para dispositivos DECT.
Antes de começar
No Control Hub, defina as configurações do dispositivo para o nível da organização.
A alteração das configurações no nível da organização se aplica a todos os locais.
1 |
Na exibição do cliente em, vá para . |
2 |
Na seção dispositivo, clique em Configurar configurações padrão do dispositivo. |
3 |
Escolha as configurações do dispositivo a serem modificadas na opção de substituição. |
4 |
Siga as etapas para aplicar as alterações de substituição. |
Antes de começar
No Control Hub, defina as configurações do dispositivo para o nível de localização.
Time and date are set by the location address and timezone selected. You can only configure time and date from the local device.
1 |
From the customer view in, go to and select the location you want to update. |
2 |
Select the Calling tab and click Manage next to Device management to configure device settings. |
3 |
Escolha as configurações do dispositivo a serem modificadas na opção de substituição. |
4 |
Siga as etapas para aplicar as alterações de substituição. |
Antes de começar
No Control Hub, defina as configurações no nível do dispositivo para modificações no dispositivo.
Os dispositivos resyncagem após o horário comercial, com a configuração aplicada ao dispositivo.
A configuração para os dispositivos só é boa até o próximo resync do agendamento.
As configurações do Control Hub substituem as configurações manuais nos dispositivos, para as opções listadas.
Time and date are set by the location address and timezone selected. You can only configure time and date from the local device.
1 |
Na exibição do cliente em, vá para Gerenciamento. |
2 |
Selecione Usuários e, em seguida, o usuário a ser modificado. |
3 |
Selecione o dispositivo que você deseja configurar. |
4 |
Clique em Configurações do dispositivo. |
5 |
Escolha as configurações do dispositivo a serem modificadas na opção de substituição. |
802.1X |
Enable or disable Port Based Network Access Control for devices. Misconfigured devices can lose contact with the network, requiring you to revert your changes and do a local factory reset of the devices to bring them back online. |
Accessibility voice feedback |
Sets the availability of the Voice Feedback service on the phone. |
Choose the location of the Call Queue Agent login or logout Softkey on MPP devices. This parameter isn’t supported for MPP 8875 devices. |
Active Call Focus |
Controls the default screen behavior when inbound calls are received. |
Audio Codec Priority |
Choose from one of the three predefined codec priority schemes available for your region. It’s recommended you consult a Certified Cisco Voice engineer before making changes and avoid any impact to voice quality. |
Background Image |
Choose from the image options or select None to use the phone default background. This option only works on phones that have a 800x480 screen size. |
Temporizador de luz de fundo |
Controls the use of the Backlight feature on 6800 and 7800 Series devices. |
Bluetooth Menu |
Controls the use of the Bluetooth option and mode on the phone. |
Call Forward Expanded Softkey |
Sets the default Call Forward Softkey behavior between the multiple menu option and single option versions. |
Calls per Line Limit |
Controls the number of calls supported for each unique line appearance on the phone. |
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) |
Allows you to enable or disable CDP for local devices. Misconfigured devices can lose contact with the network, requiring you to revert your changes and do a local factory reset of the devices to bring them back online. |
Default Volume Settings |
Choose the desired volume level for the MPP devices. |
Default logging level |
Choose the desired logging level for the MPP devices. The debugging level may affect the performance of the phone and it’s advisable to use it during troubleshooting. |
Dial Assist |
Sets the ability to use the Dial Assist feature on the phone. |
Nome de exibição |
Displays the user name on the phone screen or the user phone or location number. If the user doesn't have a phone number, then the location number displays. |
DND Services |
Enable or disable don’t disturb capability on the MPP phones. |
Proxy HTTP |
Displays the number of the HTTP proxy port. The default is 80. |
Interdigit Short Timer |
Defines the amount of time that the phone waits for the user to enter a digit. A smaller timer value requires digits to be entered quickly. |
Interdigit Long Timer |
Defines the amount of time that the phone waits when no digit patterns match before the phone dials the number. A smaller time value causes unmatched dialed digits to be dialed quickly. |
Line Key Label |
Line key labels define the format of what's shown next to line keys. Selecting User Extension or First Name displays the user extension, else if the user doesn’t have an extension, then it displays the user's first name. |
Padrão de LED de teclas de linha |
Padrões de LED definem esquemas de lightning para as teclas de linha no dispositivo MPP. O comportamento LED da tecla de linha nos telefones multiplataforma tem duas configurações opcionais, que são:
CUSTOM option isn’t supported on Webex Calling. This parameter isn’t supported on the MPP 8875 devices. Para obter mais detalhes, consulte o Guia de administração multiplataforma de telefones do Cisco IP Phone 8800 Series. |
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) |
Enable or disable Link Layer Discovery Protocol for local devices. Misconfigured devices can lose contact with the network, requiring you to revert your changes and do a local factory reset of the devices to bring them back online. |
Missed Call Notification |
Controls the option to display a visual indication on the line appearance on missing a call. |
Monitor list |
Controls whether the user’s monitored lines must appear for ALL devices or only the primary device. Default is OFF where the user's monitor list is shown only for the primary device. |
Acesso à web MPP (usuário) |
Enable or disable user-level access to the web interface of Multi-Platform Phones. Habilitar o acesso do usuário à web pode resultar em problemas de segurança. |
Multicast |
Set up Multicast paging to allow users to page to phones. The page can go to all phones or a group of phones in the same network. Any phone in the group can initiate a multicast paging session. The page is received only by the phones that are set to listen for the paging group. Selecione até 10 URLs de grupos multicast (cada uma com uma Porta de escuta exclusiva).
Especificar uma porta de uso comum pode afetar de forma negativa o dispositivo. This parameter isn’t supported on the MPP 8875 devices. |
Nightly Resync |
Controls the phone's default behavior regarding the nightly maintenance synchronization with the Webex Calling platform. |
Noise Cancellation |
Controls the local active noise cancellation on active calls from the device. |
Temporizador fora do gancho |
Specify the amount of time (in seconds) a phone can remain off-hook. |
Passthrough Port |
Controls the use of the computer passthrough ethernet port on supported phone models. |
Peer Firmware Sharing |
The Peer Firmware Sharing feature adds support for image upgrade optimization for the IP Phones. When enabled on a root IP phone, Peer Firmware Sharing designates the phone to make a request for an image file. This establishes a transfer hierarchy and transfers the firmware image file from the root IP phone, down to the other IP phones in the hierarchy. |
Idioma do telefone |
Selecione o idioma do seu telefone MPP. A definição disso substitui a configuração de idioma padrão no lugar do seu local provisionado. Cisco MPP phones don’t support a few languages. |
POE Mode |
Enable or disable the Power-Over-Ethernet mode for Multi-Platform Phones. Misconfigured devices can lose contact with the network, requiring you to revert your changes and do a local factory reset of the devices to bring them back online. |
Qualidade de Serviço (QOS) |
Allows you to enable or disable tagging of packets from the local device to the Webex Calling platform. |
Rear USB Port |
Enable or disn’table the use of the Rear USB port on MPP devices. Disabling this parameter can cause the peripheral devices to stop functioning. This parameter isn’t supported on the MPP 8875 devices. |
Screensaver |
Specify the inactivity time in seconds before the phones screen saver should turn on. This parameter is supported on MPP 8875 devices. |
Show user password menu |
Controls the ability for an end user to set a local password on the phone and restrict access on the device. |
Softkey Layouts |
Softkey layout configuration allows the administrator to manage softkeys that the Cisco IP Phones support. For details on softkey configuration for Webex Calling phones running MPP firmware, see Programmable Softkeys Configuration. |
Specify a numeric VLAN ID for the devices. Dispositivos configurados incorretamente podem perder contato com a rede, exigindo que você reverta suas alterações e faça uma redefinição de fábrica local dos dispositivos para voltarem ao status on-line. |
Wifi Network |
Especifique o SSID da rede Wi-Fi e a senha para telefones MPP habilitados para sem fio.
Dispositivos configurados incorretamente podem perder contato com a rede, exigindo que você reverta suas alterações e faça uma redefinição de fábrica local dos dispositivos para voltarem ao status on-line. |
Webex Meetings |
Enable or disable Webex Meetings on Multi-Platform phones. |
Portas USB |
Enable or disable the use of the USB ports on Multi-Platform phones. Desabilitar esse recurso pode fazer com que os dispositivos periféricos parem de funcionar.
XML application URL |
Enter the XML path for the multicast server. This field allows MPP phones to receive pages from an Informacast Fusion server to display a UI element or an image. An error URL is invalid displays for incorrect URL paths. |
802.1x |
Enable or disable Port-Based Network Access Control for devices. |
Qualidade de Serviço (QOS) |
Enable or disable quality of service tagging of packets from the local device to the Webex Calling platform. |
Enable or Disable CDP & LLDP |
Enable or disable Cisco Discovery Protocol for local devices and Link Layer Discovery Protocol for local devices. Misconfigured devices can lose contact with the network, requiring you to revert your changes and do a local factory reset of the devices to bring them back online. |
Nightly Resync |
Controls the phone's default behavior regarding the nightly maintenance synchronization with the Webex Calling platform. |
Definir o temporizador de associação do convidado de local provisório |
Escolha a duração (em horas) do logon do Convidado de local provisório. |
Definir uma VLan |
Especifique uma ID de LAN virtual numérica para dispositivos. Dispositivos configurados incorretamente podem perder contato com a rede, exigindo que você reverta suas alterações e faça uma redefinição de fábrica local dos dispositivos para voltarem ao status on-line. |
Web Access |
Allows or blocks the access to the phone administration pages:
When set to No, the web page for administrator is inaccessible. Only the web page for user is accessible. If you want to allow the access to the administration web page again after the access is blocked, you need to perform a factory reset from the phone. |
Choose from a list of predefined Codec Priorities — Coming soon |
Escolha até três opções de prioridade de codec predefinidas disponíveis para sua região. Misconfigured devices can lose contact with the network, requiring you to revert your changes and do a local factory reset of the devices to bring them back online. |
Qualidade de Serviço (QOS) |
Enable or disable quality of service tagging of packets from the local device to the Webex Calling platform. |
Enable or Disable CDP & LLDP |
Enable or disable Cisco Discovery Protocol for local devices and Link Layer Discovery Protocol for local devices. Misconfigured devices can lose contact with the network, requiring you to revert your changes and do a local factory reset of the devices to bring them back online. |
Nightly Resync |
Controls the phone's default behavior regarding the nightly maintenance synchronization with the Webex Calling platform. |
Definir o temporizador de associação do convidado de local provisório |
Escolha a duração (em horas) do logon do Convidado de local provisório. |
Definir uma VLan |
Especifique uma ID de LAN virtual numérica para dispositivos. Misconfigured devices can lose contact with the network, requiring you to revert your changes and do a local factory reset of the devices to bring them back online. |
Web Access |
Allows or blocks the access to the phone administration pages:
When set to No, the web page for administrator is inaccessible. Only the web page for user is accessible. To allow access to the administration web page after the access is blocked, perform a factory reset from the phone. |
Choose from a list of predefined Codec Priorities — Coming soon |
Escolha até três opções de prioridade de codec predefinidas disponíveis para sua região. Misconfigured devices can lose contact with the network, requiring you to revert your changes and do a local factory reset of the devices to bring them back online. |
Audio Codec Priority |
Choose from one of the three predefined codec priority schemes available for your region. Cisco recommends you consult a Certified Cisco voice engineer before making changes and avoid any impact to voice quality. |
Phone Security Password |
Administrators can allow users to protect their MPP phones with a password for added security. Enter the password while booting the phone for the first time, or after the phone is reset to its factory default settings to prevent unauthorized changes to the settings of the phone. |
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) |
Enable or disable the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. The IP Phone supports LDAP, which allows a user to search a specified LDAP directory for a name, phone number, or both. LDAP-based directories, such as Microsoft Active Directory 2003 and OpenLDAP-based databases, are supported. |
Web Access |
Allows or blocks the access to the phone administration pages:
When set to No, the web page for administrator is inaccessible. Only the web page for user is accessible. To access the administration web page again after the access is blocked, you need to perform a factory reset from the phone. |