
Once Dedicated Instance service is activated, basic dial plan elements for call routing is configured in the Webex Calling multi-tenant Dedicated Instance calling platform. If you require call routing between the platforms, you must incorporate these elements into the Webex Calling and the Dedicated Instance UCM dial plan accordingly.

  • Konfigurerade Webex Calling element i nummerplanen
    • Plats
    • SIP-trunk
    • Routegrupp
  • Konfigurerade dedikerade instanselement (Cisco Unified Communications Manager) uppringningsplan
    • SIP-trunk
    • Routegrupp
    • Dirigeringslista

De förkonfigurerade nummerplan elementen i plattformen för flera klienter prefixas med "WXC-DI". For example, WXC-DI-<region>-<dial plan element>.

De förkonfigurerade nummerplan i Cisco Unified Communications Manager prefixas med "xWxC". For example, xWxC-<region>-<dial plan element>.

Refer to Dedicated Instance for Webex Calling - Base Configuration for more information on the pre-configured components.

The pre-configured SIP connectivity (certificate-based SIP Trunks) created between Dedicated Instance and Multi-tenant calling platforms is connected over the Cisco Webex backbone. These SIP trunks need to be activated for the calls to work and this document covers the steps, how to activate the inter-op SIP trunks.

For few of the existing Dedicated Instance customers, there will be already deployed SIP trunks with Registration based trunks. So, you need to explicitly link the existing route list and dial plan in multi-tenant to the new certificate-based trunks associated to a route group. This will enable you to switch from your existing routing with the registration-based trunks to certification-based trunks.

As customer administrator you need to configure the Main Number (E.164) for the location created in the multi-tenant, before any calls can be made.

You are advised not to modify or delete any of the above pre-configured inter-operability dial plan elements otherwise it can cause call failures between the platforms.

Configure PSTN connection

You are required to configure a PSTN connection before adding a Main Number.

  1. Logga in på Control Hub på https://admin.webex.com/login.

  2. Go to Management > Locations.

  3. Select the default location created by Cisco (prefixed with "WXC-DI" for a particular region) and click Calling.

  4. Click Manage in the Calling connection section.

  5. On the Connection Type window, select the default Route Group created by Cisco (prefixed with "WXC-DI" for that particular region) from the Routing choice drop-down list, check the disclaimer checkbox and click Next.

  6. Click Done (add number later) if you wish to add the Main Number later else click Add numbers now to continue to add Main Number to make and receive calls.

    You cannot make or receive calls until the main number is added to this default location.

Configure emergency callback number for a location

You can configure locations with a specified Emergency Callback Number (ECBN). När ett nödsamtal har gjorts av en användare presenteras deras konfigurerade NÖDN till PSTN leverantören.

  1. From the customer view in https://admin.webex.com, go to Management, click Locations.

  2. Select the default location created by Cisco (prefixed with "WXC-DI" for a particular region) and click Calling tab.

  3. Click Callback Number in the Emergency Calling section.

  4. Välj ett av de alternativ som anges för att ange som DET amerikanska iska (NI) för platsen.

  5. Klicka på Spara.

Route list configuration on Webex Calling multi-tenant

As part of certification-based trunk add-on configuration, we have created the route groups associated with certification-based trunks. When you are creating the route list and dial plan, you must select this particular certification-based trunk associated route group.

To link the route list and dial plan to the route group that is associated with cert-based trunk:

  1. Logga in på Control Hub på https://admin.webex.com/login.

  2. Go to Services > Calling and select Call Routing.

    under Trunk tab, make sure that the certification-based trunk are listed under Trunk Type column.

    Cert based trunk
  3. Go to Route Group, make note of the route group name that is associated with certification-based trunk.Routegrupp
  4. Go to Route List > Create route list, under Routing choice select the route group associated with certification-based trunk.Route list
  5. Go to Dial Plans > Create a dial plan, under Routing choice select the route group associated with certification-based trunk.Uppringnings plan

Route list configuration on Dedicated Instance

The route pattern that you were pointing to the existing route list must be changed to use the route group that is associated with certification-based trunk. Till exempel: xWxC_<region>_RL should now point to xWxC_MT_<region>_RG.

If you have any route pattern directly pointing to registration-based trunks, those must be moved to certification-based trunks.
Old route list and route groupRedirected route list and route group to multi-tenant
DI Route list 1 DI Route list