I'm Hearing an Echo of My Voice in the Audio Conference

I'm hearing an echo of my voice in the audio conference

I hear my own voice echoing in the audio conference

I'm hearing an echo when I speak in the audio conference

Troubleshooting guide for echo in a conference

Fix an echo in a Webex audio conference

Causes of an echo or feedback noise in an audio conference:

  • A participant has both the computer and telephone audio active.
  • The speakers on participants' computers or telephones are too close to each other.
  • There are multiple computers with active audio in the same conference room.
  • The audio is playing through your speakers/ mobile device into your microphone.

To minimize echo in a conference:

  • Mute all lines in the conference, then unmute only those participants that need to speak.

To identify the source of echo:

  • Mute all participants in the conference.
  • Unmute each participant, one at a time; then talk and listen if any echo from that location.
  • Once the echo source is found, apply the corrective suggestions below.

To correct an echo problem – recommendations apply to any device type:

  • Try lowering the audio output level from your speakers.
  • Try playing the audio from the conference through your headset earphones rather than through desktop speakers. For best results, high-quality headphones with integrated microphones are recommended. Set the audio output at a reasonable level.
  • Within a room, it is recommended that the microphone/s and speaker/s of one device be used. In that room, mute all other microphone and speaker elements from co-located devices such as laptops that joined that same meeting.
  • If within the room there is a strong background noise either from an audio masking noise generator or from say, a fan, please proceed as follows. For the audio masking noise generator, please reduce its level output. For say a fan, as possible please move the microphone to a more distant location from that noise source.

The following steps apply if you are using the 'Call Me' or 'I Will Call In' option to connect to your audio conference:

  • Disconnect from the audio conference, then rejoin using the 'Call Me' or 'I Will Call In' option.
  • Use the handset or a headset to receive audio instead of using the loudspeaker/speaker of the phone or mobile device.

The following steps apply if you are using the 'Call using computer' or VoIP option to connect to your audio conference: 

  • Test your audio after each troubleshooting step below, and proceed to the next step if the echo still occurs.

To correct the problem:

  • Try moving your microphone or headset further away from your speakers.
  • Try playing the audio from the conference through your headset earphones, rather than through desktop speakers. For best results, high-quality headphones with integrated microphones are recommended. Headsets with standard 3.5 mm audio jacks usually work better than USB or wireless headsets.
  • In the Webex Meetings client the audio input control has evolved in such a way that the settings are adjusted automatically.

Webex – Preferred Audio Settings

When using Computer Audio without a headset please check your audio settings to ensure background noise does not come through your line. 

For Windows users:

Muting all other sounds is the preferred setting. To check, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on your speaker icon at the bottom right of your screen.
  2. Click on Sounds. This should open the sound properties window.
  3. Go to Communications tab.
  4. Ensure ‘Mute all other sounds’ is selected.
  5. Click Apply, then OK.

For Mac users:

Ensuring the Input Volume level is at mid-point is the preferred setting. To check, follow these steps:

  1. From Apple menu, select System Preferences.
  2. Double-click the Sound icon
  3. Select Input tab.
  4. Ensure your input device is selected and the ‘Input Volume’ is slides to the mid-point as the preferred setting..
  5. Close the window to save these settings.

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