Personal insights on desktop

Personal insights show you your personal data so you can reflect on building better connections, how you are spending your time in meetings, consideration for your colleagues when you're scheduling meetings within quiet hours, and see how your work-life balance can be improved. Your data and insights are never shared with anyone else, even your company or manager. The data used to provide insights that benchmark your behavior against that of your peers is always aggregated and anonymized. To learn more about data privacy, see the Cisco Online Privacy Statement.

Personal insights settings

Change your settings to hide personal insights information, benchmark your insights and metrics against your peers, set your quiet hours and time zone, and configure the minimum length of your focus time.


Go to Personal InsightsPersonal Insights icon to change your settings., and click SettingsSettings button represented by a cog icon.


Configure the following settings:

  • Personal Insights—Turns the personal insights feature ON or OFF. When you opt out of personal insights, you won't see any personal insights data, and that data won't be calculated.

Depending on your administrator's settings, you are asked to opt in or out when you launch personal insights for the first time. It can take up to seven to ten days for your insights to be generated.

  • Goal notifications—Turns notifications ON or OFF. You'll see a badge notification when you meet the goals you set for last week.

  • Peer benchmarking—Turns the peer benchmarking feature ON or OFF. When this feature is turned off, you won't see data on how you compare to your peers in some sections of the personal insights feature.

  • Quiet hours—Set the hours when you are not working, so that the personal insights feature can calculate your schedule more accurately.

  • Time Zone—Select your time zone from the drop-down list.

  • Focus time—Focus time is the minimum amount of time that the personal insights feature counts as undisturbed, focused work that is being completed. Your time is counted as focus time when your time shows as available, and your calendar appointments don't have any invitees.

You can schedule focus time by creating appointments in your calendar with no other invitees for the minimum amount of time you have configured.


Click Save.


When you select the Connections tab in Personal insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., you'll see Build the right connections, which shows the overall number of Total connections and New connections you've made in the last seven days. The number is based on your participation in meetings, and interactions in spaces with your colleagues.

Click the various tiles to learn more about your colleagues and discover new events that are happening in your network.


Go to Personal insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., click Connections, and scroll down to What's new.


In some of the following sections, you can specify what information you see by selecting Close and familiar connections and Distant connections from the drop-down list. Click each section to learn more:

  • Most Messages—People you've sent the most messages to, or have replied to most in spaces in the last seven days.

  • Top collaborators—People you've spent the most time messaging and in meetings with in the last seven days.

  • New collaborators—People you've messaged or met for the first time in the last seven days.

  • In the news—People that were mentioned in the news in the last 30 days.

  • New content—People who have contributed to internal blogs, or other internal sites with posted content, in the last 30 days.

  • New title—People who have been promoted, or given a new job title in the last 30 days.

  • New manager—People who have changed manager in the last 30 days.

  • New location—People who have moved work location in the last 30 days.

This feature shows your familiarity with your connections. You can hover over the profile picture of any person to see more statistics.


Go to Personal insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., select Connections, and scroll down to Your network.


Select All collaboration from the drop-down list, then click the circles to learn more:

  • Close connections—People you have collaborated with most.

  • Familiar connections—People you collaborate with on an average basis.

  • Distant connections—People you rarely collaborate with.

See the cards underneath the circles for tips and trends for your connections.


Select Recent collaboration from the drop-down list to see a graph with the following information:

  • Connection strength—Your connection trends with people over the last 12 weeks.

  • Top 10 collaborators—People which you collaborate the most with.

Your meeting and messaging activity impacts your connection strength.

  • Increase connection strength—If you exchange messages with someone more often or attend more meetings with them, especially one-on-one or small group meetings, your connection strength with that person will increase over time.

  • Decrease connection strength—If you exchange messages with someone less often and attend fewer meetings with them, especially if your only meetings together are in large groups, your connection strength with that person will decrease over time.

See the cards underneath the graph for tips and trends for your connections.

Follow your relationship with specific people to see trends in your collaboration history and connection strength.


Go to Personal insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., select Connections, and scroll down to Keep in touch.

The first time that you use this feature, you'll see some connection suggestions.


Hover over a profile and click Add to keep in touch, or use the search function.

You'll see individual cards for each person showing your collaboration statistics.


To add more people, click Search for people to add, or click Suggestions.

To remove someone, hover over their profile and click Remove from keep in touch.

Keep up to date with your direct reports, and see your collaboration history with them at a glance. You can also set a goal for how often you have 1-on-1 meetings with your direct reports.

Before you begin

You must have direct reports to see this feature.


Go to Personal insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., select Connections, and scroll down to Direct reports.


Use the drop-down list to sort your history with your direct reports:

  • All Meetings—See your interaction with your direct reports in:

    • All meetings

    • 1-on-1 meetings

    • Group meetings

    • All messages

    • 1-on-1 messages

    • Group messages

  • Last week—Statistics for different time periods, including:
    • Last week

    • Last 4 weeks

    • Last 8 weeks

    • Last 12 weeks

The list of your direct reports are displayed in order, from highest amount of meeting time and messages to lowest. Hover over each graph beside your direct reports to see more information.


In the insight card below the list of your direct reports, click Set goal to set your own personal goal for 1-on-1 meetings with your direct reports. Click one of the following:

  • Weekly

  • Every 2 weeks

  • Monthly

You can change your goal at any time by clicking Change goal, and see more information, tips and trends on your collaboration with your direct reports.


Insights related to meetings are calculated based on how many scheduled meetings you've joined in that week, or meetings you've joined via a meeting link. These metrics don't include calling someone via the call button in Webex App.

The three graphs track your meetings over time:

  • Meetings—The total number of meetings you attended compared to the previous seven days.

  • Time spent in meetings—The amount of time you spent in meetings compared to the previous seven days.

  • People in meetings—The number of people you've met in meetings compared to the previous seven days.

See how you can improve your time management, and check how often you join and end meetings on time over a defined period.


Go to Personal Insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., select the Meetings tab, and scroll down to Stay on schedule.


On the top-right of the panel, select the time range for your data from the drop-down list.


The graphs show the following information:

  • Joined on time—The graph represents the ratio of meetings you joined over the selected time range. For some meetings, the start time of the meeting is calculated from when the first person joins. The 2—5 portion is the ratio of meetings you joined between 2—5 minutes late. 5+ minutes is the ratio of meetings you joined 5 minutes or more late.

  • Ended on time—The graph represents the ratio of meetings you host that end before, or within two minutes of the scheduled meeting end time. The 2—5-minute portion is the ratio of meetings you hosted that ended between 2—5 minutes after the scheduled end time.

You can set your own personal goals by clicking Set goal beside each graph, and adjust the percentage of meetings for your goal to join or end on time. You can change your goal and see recent trends by viewing the insight cards to the right of each graph.

See insights into how your meeting habits can help you make the right impression.


Go to Personal Insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., select the Meetings tab, and scroll down to Make the right impression.


On the top-right of the panel, select the time range for your data from the drop-down list.


The graphs show the following information:

  • Video on—The percentage of meetings across the selected time range that your video was on during meetings.

  • Messaging during meetings—The percentage of meetings over the selected time range where you sent 6 or more messages during your meetings, which indicates how focused you are in your meetings.

You can set your own personal goals by clicking Set goal beside each graph, and adjust the percentage for your goals. You can change your goal and see recent trends by viewing the insight cards to the right of each graph.

Check your insights for the last seven days to see if you aren't scheduling meetings with your colleagues outside of their work hours, and whether you're adding agendas to your meetings.


Go to Personal Insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., select the Meetings tab, and scroll down to Be a better meeting host.


The graphs show the following information:

  • Meeting agendas—The percentage of meetings you've hosted to which you've added agendas. Agendas are captured as any additional text you add to the calendar invite.

  • Meetings you scheduled within others' work hours—The percentage of meetings you hosted that were not during another attendee’s quiet hours.

    You can set your own personal goals by clicking Set goal beside each graph, and adjust the percentage for your goals. You can change your goal and see recent trends by viewing the insight cards to the right of each graph.

Assess and reconsider the timing of meetings that you are hosting in the next week that conflict with your attendees' quiet hours.


Go to Personal Insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., select the Meetings tab, and scroll down to Add agendas or consider rescheduling.


View the meetings that you are hosting in the next week at a glance, and consider the following:

  • Add agendas to meetings in the calendar invites that don't currently have any.

  • Reschedule meetings that conflict with your attendees' quiet hours.

Work-life balance

We calculate the amount of time you spend in meetings outside of your set work hours over time. The three graph cards at the top track the weekly change in the number of meetings you've had during quiet hours, the amount of time you spent in meetings during quiet hours, and the meetings you hosted during quiet hours.

To access the Work-life balance tab, go to Personal Insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., and then select the Work-life balance tab.

See all your meetings at a glance to see how you can improve your work-life balance.


Go to Personal Insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., select the Work-life balance tab, and then scroll down to Meetings during your quiet hours.


Change between This week and Next week using the toggle.


The calendar shows the following information in different colors:

  • Meetings during work hours

  • Meetings during quiet hours

  • Multi-day meetings during quiet hours


Under the calendar, click the insight cards for more detailed information on scheduled meetings outside your work hours, and trends over time.

Focus time

Focus time is a block of time in which you can focus on practical work between meetings. We calculate the number of these blocks of time week by week, and the increase or decrease of these blocks of focus time you've had, so you can keep track. You can configure how many minutes are in a focus time block in Personal Insight Settings.

The three graphs track your focus time:

  • Blocks of focus time—This shows the number of blocks of focus time you've had in the previous 7 days.

  • Focus time—This shows your focus time in actual minutes and hours.

  • Available time—This shows the number of minutes and hours of potential extra focus time you could've had in the previous 7 days.

You can set your own personal goal for your focus time by clicking Set goal.

This section shows a bar chart of your activity in the last 7 days, that are divided into different sections:

  • Focus Time—The number of minutes and hours you've had of focus time.

  • Ad hoc meetings—The number of minutes and hours you've spent in meetings that weren't scheduled.

  • Scheduled meetings—The number of minutes and hours you've spent in scheduled meetings.

  • Available time—Time in your calendar that doesn't include focus time, ad hoc meetings, or scheduled meetings.

You can set your own personal goal by clicking Set goal beside the graph. You can also change your goal and see recent trends by viewing the insight cards to the right of each graph.

You can see your calendar for the current week and the next week at a glance, so you can easily add focus time.


Go to Personal Insights Personal Insights icon to change your settings., select the Focus time tab, and scroll down to Schedule focus time.


Change between This week and Next week using the toggle.


The calendar shows the following information in different colored blocks:

  • Meetings

  • Potential focus time

  • Scheduled focus time


To schedule focus time, create an appointment for you only in your calendar for the minimum amount of time you have configured in Personal insights settings.


Beside the calendar, click the insight cards for more detailed information and tips on your schedule and potential focus time.


Choose the goals you want to meet during a week and turn on badge notifications for goals in Personal insights settings.

At the beginning of each week, you'll see a list of the goals you've met from the previous week and you can select different goals.

Set your goals all in one place.


Click Goals, click Set new goals.


Click Set goal for each of the available options to set up new goals and then click Save.