Assistenten ihrem Assistenten-Pool zuweisen


Your administrator must have enabled the executive and executive assistant services for you to access and configure it. If you don’t see this setting, check with your administrator.


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Call settings.

The Calling option is available only for users with the Webex Calling license. If you don’t see the Calling option, it means you don’t have the Webex Calling license.


Go to Executive section and turn on the toggle.


Search and select the users to add to your assistant pool.


Klicken Sie auf Speichern.

An Ihren Assistenten gesendete Anrufe filtern

Mit der Option "Anruffilterung" können Sie entscheiden, welche Anrufe an Ihren Assistenten gehen sollen.


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Call settings.


Go to Executive section and turn on the toggle.


Click More settings, and turn on the Call Filtering toggle.


Wählen Sie eine der folgenden Optionen aus:

  • All Calls—Choose this option to send both internal and external calls to the executive assistant.
  • All Internal Calls—Choose this option to send all the internal calls to the executive assistant.
  • All External Calls—Choose this option to send all the external calls to the executive assistant.
  • Custom Call Filters—Choose this option to ensure that only specific calls are redirected to your executive assistant. If selected, click Add New Filter to develop a custom call filter using the following parameters.
    • Filter Name—Enter the filter name.

    • When—Select your predefined schedule from the drop-down list.

    • Calls from—Select the calls from Any Phone Number, Any Internal, Any External, or Select Phone Numbers that you want to go to the executive assistant. Wenn Sie Auswahl Telefonnummern, geben Sie die zusätzlichen Details ein.

    • Filter or Don't filter—Choose to filter or not to filter the calls that fit within these parameters.


Klicken Sie auf Speichern.

Sie können die Anruffilterungsoption über Ihren Anruffilter aktivieren Telefon. Use the following Feature Access Codes (FAC), which can be entered through the phone keypad to control certain features—to activate or deactivate the call filtering options that you have set up in the User Hub.

  • Activate call filtering (executive) - #61.

  • Deactivate call filtering (executive) - #62.

Anrufbenachrichtigungen an zusätzliche Standorte aktivieren

Sie können zusätzliche Standorte mithilfe des Executive Service warnen. Sie können diese Warnungen auch mit einem Klingelton betonen.


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Call settings.


Go to Executive section and turn on the toggle.


Click More settings, and turn on the Location to ring toggle.


Choose the Alert Type from the drop-down list:

  • Lautlos

  • Hinweiston


Choose the locations that you want to alert:

  • Single Number Reach (Office Anywhere) location—The phone number specified in your Office Anywhere settings.

  • Mobile location—The phone number specified in your mobility settings.

  • Shared call appearance locations—The devices where shared call appearance is configured.


Klicken Sie auf „Speichern“.

Einrichten von Klingeloptionen, Rollover-Optionen und Anrufer-ID-Präsentation

Mit der Warnfunktion können Sie Klingeloptionen für eingehende Anrufe, Rollover-Optionen und Anrufer-ID-Präsentation konfigurieren.


Sign in to User Hub, then click Settings > Calling > Call settings.


Go to Executive section and turn on the toggle.


Click More settings, and choose one of the following Alerting Mode:

  • Simultaneous—Selecting this option rings all the added executive assistant phones at the same time. Any one can pick the call.
  • Sequential—Selecting this option rings the executive assistant phone in the order they appear in the executive assistant table. The call goes to the first executive assistant and then to the second.

Wählen Sie aus, wie Anrufe verarbeitet werden sollen, wenn niemand antwortet:

  • Send to Voicemail—Select this option to send a voicemail to the executive.
  • Forward—Select this option and enter the number to which the calls to be forwarded.
  • Do nothing—Select this option if no action is to be taken.

You can specify the time (in seconds) after which the unanswered calls to be forwarded.


Wählen Sie den Namen und die Nummer der Anrufer-ID aus, die auf dem Telefon des Assistenten für eingehende Anrufe von Ihrer Leitung gezeigt werden.


Klicken Sie auf „Speichern“.

Nächste Schritte

After you've added the assistants into your assistant pool, they can handle your calls the same way they'd handle any other call. Also, assistants can opt in or opt out of the executive assistant service and forward the calls to another destination. For more information, see Manage your executive assistant service.