Error: 'Can't record the meeting' when Attempting to Record a Webex Call or Meeting

Error: 'Can't record the meeting' when attempting to record a Webex call or meeting.

Error: 'Can't record the meeting' when a Webex room member tries to record a meeting.

The meeting sponsor receives an error when trying to record a Webex call.

The following error may appear when the Meeting Sponsor tries to record a Webex meeting or call:


The following error may appear when a member of a Webex room tries to record a meeting or call:

"Can't record the meeting - You can't record the meeting because your recording storage on the meeting sponsor's webex site is full.  Contact the meeting sponsor for this space (Owner) about removing recordings to make space or get more storage. OK"

Cause: The Webex file storage of the Meeting Sponsor's Webex host account is full.

Solution: Try clearing the Webex file storage to resolve this issue. For help with deleting existing recording files to clear the file storage, see: Delete or Recover Your Own Cisco Webex Recordings
  • Note: A deleted recording file cannot be recovered. Ensure all the important recording files are downloaded to the local machine before deleting them. For help with downloading recordings, see: Download Your Webex Recording
The following error appears when there is a problem with connecting to the server:

"Can't record the meeting - We can't record the meeting because we're having problems connecting to the server.  Try again later or restart the recording. OK"

In case of this error, contact technical support for assistance. For help, see:

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