Set up Personal Call Routing rules when you're away from work and want to forward your calls or send them to a voicemail. Callers hear a greeting with the reason you're away and when you are back.

Enable Personal Call Routing

When users leave the office, the Personal Call Routing feature manages the calls and sets the availability status.


To set the Personal Call Routing, go to the User Hub

From Settings, select Call Setings. The User Hub settings screen displays.

Enable Personal call routing


Click on Call Settings and scroll to Personal Call Routing section. Slide the toggle to enable this option.

If the do-not-disturb (DND), Call Forwarding Always, or Call Forwarding Selective settings are active, then you can't enable the Personal Call Routing feature.


On the Personal Call Routing(away) screen, configure the following settings:

  • Away—When users leave the office, the Personal Call Routing feature manages the calls and sets the user's availability status to Away.
  • Greeting Message—Choose the greeting message to play to the caller when the user is away.
  • Away for—Set the expected duration to play the message when away.
    • Start and end time and the start and end date to display the message.

    • Until turned off—to display the message indefinitely.

      Set personal call routing

  • Send calls to number—Choose from the following to roll over the call:
    • To voicemail—Select Voicemail only option to roll over the call to voicemail.

    • Let callers choose to roll over the call to voice mail or to an attendant​ number—Select the Voicemail or let callers transfer calls option. On selecting the Let callers transfer calls option, specify a number to transfer the call.

  • Notification type—Select the notification option to either send a ring reminder or allow it to ring me before routing the call.

    Choose the type of notification from the following:

    • None

    • Play ring reminder

    • Alert me first—On choosing the Alert me first option, you can enter the number of rings to notify the user.


Click Save to save the settings.