Error: 'We could not share this file because this file type is not supported for file sharing' when Sharing a .SWF File in a Meeting

Error: 'We could not share this file because this file type is not supported for file sharing' when sharing a .SWF file in a meeting.

Unable to share .SWF (Shockwave Flash) files using file sharing.

Unable to see an option to share a .SWF file in my meeting.

The following error message appears when a user on Webex Business Suite (WBS) 32.10 and later tries to share a .SWF in a meeting:

User-added image

Update for WBS 32.10 and later:
Cisco Webex will no longer support the sharing of .swf files in meetings. For more information, see: What's New in Webex (WBS32)

As a workaround, the users can convert the .SWF file to MP4/WMV format using a third party converter tool, then share the file using the File Share option in a meeting.

Note: The Webex Technical Support does not support third party converter tools.

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