Error: 'Not able to contact Webex service. A firewall may be blocking the system from connecting.' when Activating a Webex Board


You can configure a Cisco Webex board, room, or desk device running RoomOS to use a Proxy server for HTTPS and WebSocket traffic. If the Proxy server requires authentication and you do not provide a username/password or provide a wrong username/password, your device won’t be able to connect to the internet.

If your device has not been activated yet, the message “Not able to contact Webex service. A firewall may be blocking the system from connecting” appears below the activation code:
User-added image

If your device has already been activated, the message “Offline – no internet connection?” appears in the issues and diagnostics menu:
User-added image

Log messages – Proxy failure due to 407 Authentication required:
User-added image

This is what is seen from the “system logs” web page after enabling extended logging and looking at the file called eventlog/application.log. A 407 Proxy Authentication Required is returned.

To fix this problem, enter the correct username and password during the proxy configuration:
User-added image

Learn more about how to connect your Board, Desk, or Room Series device to a proxy server.

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