Error "Callback to this number is disabled"

Error "Callback to this number is disabled"

"Callback to this number is disabled" when using the Call Me

Beginning August 16, 2021 participants of scheduled meetings without meeting passwords will receive error "Callback to this number is disabled" when using the Call Me function in-meeting. This change will not have any other effect on your meetings. You can still start or join meetings with "Use computer audio" or "Call in" audio options, or from a supported device. If you’re a meeting host who has a scheduled meeting without password protection, the meeting must be deleted and rescheduled to use the “Call me” feature.

Cancel / Schedule a meeting via Desktop App:

Schedule a meeting from the Webex website:

Cancel a scheduled meeting from the Webex website:

Your data security and privacy are always a top priority for Cisco Webex. As such, we require password enforcement for all newly scheduled meetings.

Cisco Webex Best Practices for Secure Meetings:

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