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Business Rules
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Contact Routing
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      About Skills-based Routing
      Routing of Parked Contacts
      Set Up Skills-Based Routing
      Agent-based Routing
      About global routing overrides
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      Call Control Block Descriptions
      Copying or Modifying a Call Control Script
      Uploading a Custom Control Script
      Updating a Custom Control Script
      Uploading and Updating a Custom Control Script Image File
      Viewing and Exporting References to a Control Script
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      Play or Download a .wav File
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      Configure a Predefined Chat Template
      Create a Predefined Chat Response
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      View the current routing strategies
      View routing strategies by time zone
      Create a routing strategy
      Assigning Call Control Scripts and Parameters
      Assigning Skill Requirements to Incoming Calls
      Modify a Routing Strategy
      Routing Strategies Deletion and Restoration
      Audio on Hold
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Working with Flow Designer
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Call Monitoring
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      Monitoring Overview
      Monitor Calls
      Coach an Agent
      Barge in on a Call
      Viewing Call Monitoring Information
      Working with Monitoring Schedules
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Call Recording
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      Segment Recording
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      Stereo Recording
    Search for and Play Recordings
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Digital Channels
    Supported Digital Channels
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Opt Out When in Queue
    Task Flow to Set Up the Opt-Out Functionality
    View Opt-out-of-Queue Report
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Blended Multimedia Profiles
    Configure a Multimedia Profile
    Associate a Multimedia Profile to an Agent, Team, or Site
    Assign Contacts to Agents
    View Agent Details
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Courtesy Callback
    About Courtesy Callback
    Configure the Callback Flow
    Make a Courtesy Callback
    View Courtesy Callback Reports
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Self Service
    Configure Entry Point and Select the Flow in Routing Strategy
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    Enable a Virtual Agent
      Build a Dialogflow Agent
      Configure Virtual Agent
      Add Virtual Agent activity in Flow Designer
    Blind Transfer
    Disconnect Contact
    IVR Transcript and global Variables in Agent Desktop
    IVR and CVA Dialog Flow Report in Analyzer
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      Create a Service Account for Google Connector
      Configure a Google Connector
      Text-to-Speech Toggle
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Cisco Webex Experience Management Post Call Survey
    Webex Experience Management Account Setup
    Create a Webex Experience Management Connector
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    Create Feedback Activity in the Flow Designer
      Configure an IVR Post-call Survey
      Configure SMS or Email Post-Call Survey
    View Agent Desktop Widgets
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      Management Portal Problems
      Reporting Management Portal Issues to Customer Support
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      Network Interruptions
      Desktop Application Problems
      Audio Problems
      Reporting Agent Desktop Issues to Customer Support
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Report Parameters
    Call Report Parameters
    Agent Report Parameters
    Historical Skill Report Parameters
    Historical Threshold Alerts Report Parameters
    Usage Metrics Report Parameters

Webex Contact Center Setup and Administration Guide

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Webex Contact Center is a cloud-based solution that enhances customer experience by providing a seamless, intuitive, and flexible platform for managing customer interactions. This guide acts as your navigational compass, offering administrators a clear path through Webex Contact Center setup and management.

Business Rules

About Business Rules Engine

Business Rules Engine (BRE) provides a means for tenants to incorporate their data into the Webex Contact Center environment for custom routing and for general implementation. Administrators can use the BRE solution with Webex Contact Center to use business data for their organization in flows.

For more information about BRE, visit the Webex Contact Center Business Rules Engine User Guide.

Contact Routing

About Contact Routing

The Routing Strategy module provides a flexible environment for routing contacts to the best resource, regardless of location. Each incoming contact arrives at an entry point, from where it’s sent to queue for distribution among teams at contact center sites according to scheduled routing strategies, scheduled team capacity strategies, and queue precedence settings specified in the Routing Strategy module.

In addition, if your enterprise uses the outdial feature, each outdial call passes through an outdial entry point and outdial queue according to routing strategies in the Routing Strategy module.

Although the examples in the following sections refer to phone contacts, the same contact routing options are available to other media types.

Each contact arrives at an entry point, where a routing strategy applies business logic. Based on the evaluated criteria in the routing strategy, the system selects an appropriate queue to distribute the contact to one of the available teams.

About Skills-based Routing

This section covers the following topics:

Skill based routing types

Longest available agent

Rank queues

Skills-based Routing (SBR) is an optional feature that matches the needs of contacts with agents who have the skills to best meet those needs. SBR is available for voice contacts as well as digital channel contacts. When calls arrive at an entry point, SBR classifies the calls into subsets. You can route the calls in each subset to agents who possess a required set of skills, such as language fluency or product expertise.

SBR assigns skill requirements to calls in a flow. Based on the assigned skill requirements, the calls enter a queue for distribution to agents who have matching skills. You can configure SBR in a way that removes or reduces the skill requirements of agents if an agent is not available within a time interval that is specified in the queue. For more information, see Skill Definitions. To remove or reduce the skill requirements, specify the skill relaxations in the Queue Contact activity.

SBR matches all skill requirements of contacts with the skills of agents. If one of the skill requirements of a contact is invalid because skill values are not properly defined in the flow, SBR cannot find a matching agent. In such cases, the call is routed to the longest available agent.

SBR provides the following capabilities:

  • Match skill requirements of contacts with agents who have those specific skills.

  • Add skill requirements to contacts and route contacts with the same skill requirements to a single queue. For more information, see Queue Contact activity.

  • Configure different agent teams with a set of agents to serve a queue. For more information, see Create a Queue and an Outdial Queue.

  • Map various skills to the profiles of these agents. For more information, see Agent Profiles.

Skills based routing illustration example.

In the preceding example, contact C1 requires skill A and contact C2 requires both skill A and skill B. When C2 enters the queue, it requires agents with both skill A and skill B. For best customer service, map C2 to the team that has both skill A and skill B. Do not map C2 to a team that has only skill A or skill B. If you map C2 to a team that has only skill A or skill B, C2 becomes the longest contact in the parked state.

Skills-based Routing Types

SBR routes contacts to agents based on the contact’s skill requirements that are configured in the flow. For more information, see About Skills-based Routing.

You can enable SBR in the Queue Routing Type settings when creating a queue. For more information, see Create a Queue and an Outdial Queue. SBR routes contacts to agents in one of the following ways when more than one agent with the required skill set is available:

  • Longest Available Agent

  • Best Available Agent

Longest Available Agent: SBR routes contacts to the agent who has been available for the longest duration.

Best Available Agent: SBR routes contacts to the agent who has the highest level of proficiency in the skill. To route contacts to the best available agent:

  • Configure the contact’s skill requirements with the necessary condition so that the contact is always routed to an agent with the highest level of proficiency:

    • If you choose <= condition for the contact’s skill requirements, a lower value indicates a better match with the contact's requirement.

    • If you choose >= condition for the contact’s skill requirements, a higher value indicates a better match with the contact's requirement.

    • If you choose IS condition for the contact’s skill requirements, a higher value indicates a better match with the contact's requirement.

    For more information, see Skill Requirements in Queue Contact activity.

  • Assign the proficiency level to an agent when creating Skill Definitions and Agent Profiles.

For example, you can route contacts to agents with English speaking skill as a language proficiency. Consider two agents: Agent 1 with an English language proficiency level of 3 and Agent 2 with an English language proficiency level of 6. Both agents are available in the queue.

  • If you configure the contact’s skill requirement with <= condition in the flow, Agent 1 with an English language proficiency level of 3 is the best available agent in the queue to connect to the contact.

  • If you configure the contact’s skill requirement with >= condition in the flow, Agent 2 with an English language proficiency level of 6 is the best available agent in the queue to connect to the contact.

Longest Available Agent (LAA)

Contacts are routed to the agents who have been available for the longest time since handling their last contact in all teams that are assigned to the queue in the Call Distribution section. In Webex Contact Center, the Longest Available algorithm ensures a fair way to distribute contacts to the longest available agent across all media channels such as voice and digital (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Livechat, Email, and SMS).

Agents lose their LAA positions across all channels when they are offered a contact of any media-type, that means after an agent handles a contact, the next contact of any media type queued will be assigned to the next longest available agent.

Longest available agent based contact routing illustration example.

In the above diagram, Agent 1 logged in first at T0 and by virtue of it Agent 1 is the longest available agent. Similarly, Agent 2 and Agent 3 log in at T1 and T2, so their LAA positions are 2 and 3 respectively.

Let's consider a scenario where Contact 1 (a voice contact) is put in Queue 1 at T0, Contact 2 (a Chat contact) is put in Queue 2 at T1, and Contact 3 (again a voice contact) is put in Queue 3 at T2. Here, Agent 1 handles Contact 1, Agent 2 handles Contact 2, and Agent 3 handles Contact3.

By virtue of Agent 1 being offered Contact 1, Agent 1 loses the LAA position. This ensures a fair distribution of contacts in LAA queues across all media types such as voice and non-voice contacts.

There is a possibility that a single longest available agent can get multiple contacts when contacts matching this agent are queued at the same time.

Rank queues

Queue ranking allows you to prioritize which queues a team's agents handle first. This ranking takes precedence over contact priority and length of time of a contact in queue. This function allows administrators to define queue rankings that sets the order in which calls are routed from queues to teams, on a per-team basis. If you set the queue ranking, it overrides any previously configured contact priority settings.

For example, suppose that Team A can take calls from queues Billing and Sales. You could use queue ranking to assign a higher ranking to the Billing queue, so when calls come in to the queues, those from Billing will be routed to Team A ahead of those from Sales.

The following are some of the important characteristics of queue ranking:

  • If you assign a rank only to some of the queues, calls in those queues will take precedence over calls in the queues for which no rank is specified.

  • You can set queue ranking on a maximum of 50 queues across all media types with a value ranging between 1 and 50 with 1 as the highest rank.

  • You can assign the same rank to multiple queues.

  • If you enable queue ranking, queues that are not selected are treated lower than all ranked queues.

  • Queue Ranking works within same media type.

    For example, if Queue Sale is a voice media type queue with rank 2 and Queue Billing Support is a chat queue with rank 1 for Team A, then agents available in Team A get voice call first even though the rank is 2.

    However, consider two chats queues for Team B - Queue Credit Card with queue rank 2 and Queue Debit Card with queue rank 1. Then the available agents in Team B will be offered contacts from Queue Debit Card first.

  • The queue ranking configuration page shows all queues within the selected media. The Assigned column indicates whether the team is currently part of the queue.

  • For telephony, you can rank and blend both inbound and outbound queues.

  • Queue ranking doesn't apply to capacity-based teams.

Before you begin

  • Queues must be created.
  • Teams must be assigned to the queue to set routing changes.

Sign in to your customer organization using the Control Hub URL


Go to Contact Center > Customer Experience > User Management > Teams.


Click Create Team.


In the Team Settings section, choose Agent Based as the Team Type.


In the Queue Ranking section, enable the Rank queues for this team toggle button.

The queue ranking section appears.

Choose the media type tab for which you want to configure the queue ranking such as Telephony, Chat, Email, and Social Channels.


Click Select Queues.

A pop up appears showing the list of queues available for the selected media type. For example, if you choose Telephony as the media type, the Select telephony queues to rank page appears.

Choose the required queues from the list.

Optionally, you can use the Search by name and All queues fields to filter your search result by their names and queue direction types such as inbound and outbound.

You can select up to a maximum of 50 queues across all media types for ranking.


In the Rank column, assign the required rank for each queue.

You can assign the same rank you multiple queues. Unranked queues appear with the default value as None.

(Optional) In the Queue ranking section, click Select queues to choose any other queues that are not assigned to the current team.


(Optional) Click the delete icon of a queue row to remove that queue from the ranking.


Click Select queues after you rank all selected queues.


Click Save.

A message appears that says the team is successfully created.

What to do next

Advanced Queue Information

The Advanced Queue Information feature allows you to assess if the skills of the logged in and available agents in a queue match the contact's skill requirement without queueing the contacts for a long duration. The GetQueueInfo activity provides the number of agents that are logged on and available. However, this activity doesn't provide information about any logged in agents who have specific skills that match the requirement of a specific contact. For more information about the GetQueueInfo activity, see Get Queue Info.

At some time of the day, there may be no agents who are adequately skilled to match the skill requirement of a specific contact. The administrator needs information about such agents before and after queuing a contact to initiate alternative action such as playing a message, providing a callback option, or escalating to a different queue.

The administrator can do the following:

  • If this activity is invoked before queuing the contact, the flow uses the skill requirements that are configured in the and the teams from the last call distribution group. This determines the number of logged in and available agents and populates the LoggedOnAgentsAll and AvailableAgentsAll output variables. The system sets the output variable CurrentGroup to –1.

    A value of -1 for the CurrentGroup indicates that the contact isn't yet queued when the activity is invoked. Flow designers can use the output variable CurrentGroup and determine if the contact isn't queued.

  • If this activity is invoked after queuing the contact, the system considers the current skills of the contact. The skills in the current skill relaxation cycle and the teams from the current call distribution group will be used to calculate the available and logged in agents. These values are populated in the LoggedOnAgentsCurrent and AvailableAgentsCurrent output variables. The system uses skills from the current skill relaxation cycle and the last call distribution group to calculate logged in and available agents and stores these values in the LoggedOnAgentsAll and AvailableAgentsAll output variables. The system also stores values in the PIQ, CurrentGroup, and TotalGroups output variables.

You can invoke this activity for LAA-based queues. However, skill requirements that are configured for this activity aren't applicable for LAA-based queues. You can use this activity in a loop. The Flow Designer invokes the Advanced Queue Information activity when executing the flow.

In the Flow Designer, you can create flows using the Advanced Queue Information activity only if the feature flag is enabled for this feature. You can't work with flows that have the Advanced Queue Information activity in the Flow Designer, if the feature flag is disabled. Ensure that the feature flag is enabled for the Advanced Queue Information activity.

As part of the Advanced Queue Information when a contact is parked in a queue and you use the Advanced Queue Information to query another queue stack, this will not be supported and will result in an error. For more information on the error response code, see Advanced Queue Information.

Escalate Call Distribution Group

The application uses the Escalate Call Distribution Group activity in the post queuing loop to quickly move to the next call distribution group or the last. Typically, administrators use this activity to identify the contacts that are parked against escalation groups. These escalation groups have at least one logged in agent who has matching skills or no logged in agents.

The application uses the QueueContact activity and calls the advanced GetQueueInfo activity to determine if there are any agents logged in to a specific call distribution group. If no agents are logged in to a specific call distribution group, the flow designer uses the EscalateCallDistribution activity to move ahead to either the next or the last call distribution group in the series. If an agent is available in the escalated group, Webex Contact Center routes the contact to that agent. If not, Webex Contact Center parks the contact immediately in that call distribution group.

For more information about the QueueContact activity, see Queue Contact.

A customer use case is a queue that has many call distribution groups. If an agent is not available in the first call distribution group to answer a call, the flow designer redirects the call to another call distribution group within the queue. At each level, the number of agents in the call distribution group increases so that there is a greater chance of the call getting answered. At certain times of the day, agents from this group or other groups might not be available.

For SBR and LAA-based queues, if you invoke the EscalateCallDistribution activity on a contact that is not yet queued, it results in an error and exits the error path in the flow activity.

Escalate Call Distribution Group is an independent activity. You can use this activity along with the AdvancedQueueInformation and the GetQueueInformation activities to escalate the call distribution group on a queue. The CheckAgentAvailability parameter in the QueueContact activity results in escalation of call distribution groups. Don't use the EscalateCallDistributionGroup activity along with the CheckAgentAvailability parameter in the QueueContact activity.

In the Flow Designer, you can create flows using the EscalateCallDistributionGroup activity only if the feature flag is enabled for this feature. You can't work with flows that have the EscalateCallDistributionGroup activity in the Flow Designer, if the feature flag is disabled. Ensure that the feature flag is enabled for the EscalateCallDistributionGroup activity.

Routing of Parked Contacts

SBR parks contacts in a queue until an agent connects with the contacts.

When agents become available, SBR routes contacts by using one of the following selection methods:

  • Skills-based Contact Selection

  • First In, First Out (FIFO) based Contact Selection

By default, Skills-based contact selection is enabled for your organization.

Skills-based Contact Selection

In skills-based contact selection, contacts are selected based on the exact match between the skill requirements of the contact and the skills of the agent. Skills-based contact selection does not assign contacts to agents on FIFO basis. If the contact's skill requirements match exactly with the agent's skill, the contact connects to the agent irrespective of its position in the queue. If there are many such contacts with the same skill requirements, skills-based contact selection filters contacts in the queue and assigns them to the agent in the following order:

  1. Priority

  2. Timestamp (oldest to newest)

For example, consider that contact C1 which requires an agent with skill A and contact C2 which requires an agent with skill B are waiting in the queue to connect to an agent. Contact C3 which requires an agent with skill C also enters the queue. If an agent with skill C becomes available, C3 does not wait for C1 and C2 to connect to agents, as the skill requirements of C3 match exactly with the agent who has skill C.

First In, First Out (FIFO) based Contact Selection

The first contact that enters the queue has the highest priority to connect to an agent. The first contact connects to an agent when an agent with matching skills becomes available. If the agent’s skill does not match the skill requirement of the first contact that is parked in the queue, the agent does not connect to the first contact. Even though the agent’s skill matches the skill requirements of other contacts in the queue, the contacts remain parked until the first contact finds an agent.

For example, consider two contacts: C1 is the first contact to enter the queue which requires an agent with skill A and C2 is the second contact to enter the queue which requires an agent with skill B. When an agent with skill B becomes available, C2 does not connect to skill B. Since C1 is the first contact to enter the queue, SBR waits for an agent with skill A to be available to connect to C1 first. C2 connects to skill B only after C1 finds an agent.

To enable FIFO-based contact selection for your organization, contact Cisco Support.

Set Up Skills-Based Routing


Define the skills. For more information, see Skill Definitions.


Define the skill profiles. For more information, see Skill Profiles.


Assign the skill profiles to teams or agents. You can assign a skill profile to each agent-based team. All agents logged in to the team are associated with that skill profile. However, you can also assign a skill profile to an individual agent, which overrides the skill profile of the team.

For more information, see Create a team and. View the Details of a User

Assign the skill profiles to agents. You can assign a skill profile to an individual agent or a team. For more information, see View the Details of a User.


Create Entry Points and Queues.


Create a queue with a channel type as Telephony and Queue Routing Type as Skills-Based.


Create or upload a call control script that defines how to treat the call. For more information, see Working with Call Control Scripts.


Add a Queue Contact activity and select the queue for which Skills-Based Routing is configured. For more information, see Queue Contact.


Create an entry point and queue routing strategy. In the entry point routing strategy, you assign skill requirements to calls during call treatment defined in the call control script. For more information, see Assigning Skill Requirements to Incoming Calls. The calls are then distributed to the specified queue where they wait for an agent with the required skills.

In the queue routing strategy, you specify options for identifying agents to service the incoming calls. If an agent with the required skills doesn't become available within a specified time interval, you can remove or reduce the skill requirement.

For more information, see Create a Desktop Profile.


Create an entry point routing strategy and select the flow that you created. For more information, see Create a routing strategy.

Agent-based Routing

Agent-based Routing is an optional feature that routes or queues a contact to the preferred agent directly. An agent lookup with agent's email address or agent's ID routes a contact to the preferred agent. The Queue To Agent activity in the flow helps to achieve Agent-based Routing. For more information, see the section Queue To Agent activity.

A contact can have one or more preferred agents. The mapping between the contacts and their preferred agents is managed in an external application outside Webex Contact Center. The preferred agent lookup for any contact is performed using the HTTP Request activity in the flow. The HTTP Request activity retrieves the mapping from the external application. To route or park the contact against that preferred agent, you can configure the Queue To Agent activity in the flow. The Queue To Agent activity allows you to specify the agent by their Webex Contact Center agent ID or email address. You can also park the contact against a preferred agent if that preferred agent isn't immediately available.

You can consider chaining an activity within the flow to route or queue contacts.

For example, you can chain one Queue To Agent activity to another Queue To Agent activity to queue a contact to multiple preferred agents. You can chain a Queue Contact activity to the Queue To Agent activity to route a contact if none of the preferred agents are available for that contact.

Agent-based Routing is useful in the following scenarios:

  • Preferred agent routing: The customer can assign contacts to dedicated agents or relationship executives. In such scenarios, the Agent-based Routing routes the contacts directly to that preferred agent.

  • Last agent routing: When a contact calls back the contact center multiple times to interact with an agent, Agent-based Routing can route the contact to the last agent who handled that contact.

In both use cases, the details of the contact and the agent mapping are stored outside the Webex Contact Center. The HTTP activity retrieves the data. The Queue To Agent activity routes the contact to the preferred agent or the last agent.

In case of Blended Real-time or Exclusive Multimedia Profiles, if Preferred Agent is already handling one real-time channel, the agent will be considered busy, and the call won't be routed to the preferred agent immediately.

To set up Agent-based Routing:

Before you begin:

You must export the Webex Contact Center agent ID and agent email address from Webex Contact Center to an external application. Webex Contact Center doesn't store the mapping between the agent and its contacts.

  1. Retrieve the mapping between the agent and the contact from the external application using the HTTP Request activity in the Flow Designer (From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy > Flow and click New to create a new flow). For more information, see the HTTP Request section.

  2. Configure the Queue To Agent Activity in the Flow Designer. You can provide the general settings and the contact handling details to route the contact. For more information, see the Queue To Agent activity.

About global routing overrides

A global routing override is a routing strategy that applies to one or more Telephony entry points. When a call arrives at an entry point, the routing engine checks whether a Global Routing Override exists for that entry point. If a Global Routing Override exists, it becomes the current routing strategy for the entry point, overriding any standard routing strategies associated with that entry point.

Creating a global routing override enables you to change the routing strategies quickly and easily for many entry points simultaneously in urgent situations, rather than changing each routing strategy individually.

Global routing overrides operate in the Tenant time zone.

Configure Multimedia Profiles

If your enterprise uses social channels, chat, and email routing in addition to voice, then Multimedia profiles are enabled. You can associate sites and agents with multimedia profiles.


Define the multimedia profiles. If your enterprise subscribes to the Multimedia feature, each agent is associated with a multimedia profile, which specifies how many contacts of each media type the agent can handle concurrently. For more information, see Multimedia Profiles.


Assign multimedia profiles to sites, teams, or agents. When Multimedia is enabled, every site is associated with a multimedia profile. Each agent-based team at a given site is associated with the profile assigned to that site unless the team is assigned a different multimedia profile. Similarly, each agent logged in to a team is associated with the team's profile unless the agent is assigned a different multimedia profile. For more information, see Sites, Create a team, and Users.


Create separate entry points and queues for each media type. For more information, see Create an Entry Point.


Work with Webex Contact Center Operations to create routing strategies configured to use a specialized call control script.


Work with your specific CRM vendor to configure the multimedia interaction at the agent level.

Alternately you can configure the queue routing strategy to assign multimedia contacts (Chat, Email, Social Channels) to your agents.

Working with Call Control Scripts

A call control script defines how a call is handled when it arrives at an entry point or queue. The Control Scripts page in the Routing Strategy module displays a list of call control scripts and provides authorized users with an interface for creating and editing control scripts.

After you create a control script, you can associate it with a routing strategy for an entry point or queue and specify values for any configurable parameters that are in the script, such as which sound file to play when a call arrives, or the timeout value for entering digits in response to a prompt (see Assigning Call Control Scripts and Parameters).

When you update an existing call control script, the value in the Skill Requirements field gets reset. in the Call Flow Paths dialog box. For configuring the skill requirement, see Assigning Skill Requirements to Incoming Calls

The following topics are covered:

Creating Call Control Scripts

The New button on the Control Scripts page provides access to the call flow builder interface where authorized users can create a control script for an entry point or queue.

To create a call control script:


Open the Routing Strategy module and click the Control Scripts button.

The page displays the list of control scripts and associated image files.


Click New.

The New Call Flow page appears, displaying a Start block in the canvas area. The panel on the left side of the page displays the building blocks for constructing a call flow. You can drag a block from this panel to the canvas to add it to the call flow.


Enter a name and optionally, a description for the control script in the fields at the top of the page.

The name you enter will be displayed in the Control Script drop-down list for selection when users create or edit a routing strategy (see Assigning Call Control Scripts and Parameters).


Double-click the Start block and specify the call flow type (entry point or queue) and other parameters in the dialog box that opens. For a description of each parameter, see Start Block.


Drag flow control blocks to the canvas to add them to the call flow. To remove a block from the canvas, click the x on the upper right side of the block.


After adding a flow control block, double-click the block and enter the required parameters in the dialog box that opens. For a description of each block and its parameters, see Call Control Block Descriptions.


To connect the blocks, drag each output connector to the appropriate input connector.

All blocks except the Start block have one input connector, represented by a black-filled circle at the top of the block. All blocks except the EP/Queue, Callback, Queue Call, and End Call blocks have one or more output connectors, represented by empty circles at the bottom and sides of the block.

In the following example, the Start block is connected to a Menu block that plays an audio file prompting the caller to enter one of two options. The Menu block in this example has four outputs: one for each of two branches, plus Timeout and Invalid outputs, which are connected back to the Menu blocks input connector.


Each connector represents a call flow path. To specify a name for a path, click a green connector line and in the dialog box that opens, enter a name and optional description.


After you have finished adding and connecting blocks, click Save to save the control script.

The system automatically performs validation. If errors are found, they are listed in a message at the top of the page. In the following example, a connection is missing for the Menu blocks Timeout output. A control script cannot be saved until all errors are corrected.

Call Control Block Descriptions

Call control blocks and their parameters are described in the following sections.

Start Block

The Start block signifies the beginning of a call flow. All call control scripts must begin with a Start block. The Start block has the following parameters.




Select the call flow type: Entry Point or Queue.

If you select Queue, the symbol for the Start block changes as shown below after you click OK.

Call Associated Data

Specifies a comma-separated list of call-associated data (CAD) variables that are guaranteed to be associated with the call when it is delivered to the Agent Desktop, regardless of whether they are collected in IVR. This enables agent-editable fields that are not collected in IVR, such as a case number. (Note that these can still be filtered out by Agent Desktop settings provisioned for your enterprise.)

Select or type the name of a CAD variable, then click + to add it to the list. Repeat for each additional CAD variable.

If you create a CAD variable in one of the call control blocks in the call flow, it will be delivered to the Agent Desktop along with the call.

On IVR error go to

Specifies the destination to which calls are distributed when there is an error in IVR. By default, this is the overflow number provisioned for the entry point or queue, but you can select an entry point or queue from the drop-down list instead.

On Overflow go to

Specifies the destination to which calls are distributed when they exceed the Maximum Time in Queue setting specified in the routing strategy. By default, this is the overflow number provisioned for the entry point or queue, but you can select an entry point or queue from the drop-down list instead.

Maximum Calls

This parameter appears only if an entry point or queue other than the provisioned overflow number is selected for the On Overflow go to parameter. If the value entered here is smaller than the Maximum Calls in Queue provisioned for an entry point or queue, then when the number of calls in queue reaches this value, they will be sent to the entry point or queue specified in the On Overflow go to parameter.


Optionally enter a description for the block.

Play Block

The Play block plays an uninterruptible message to the caller and has the following parameters.




Enter a name for the play block or accept the default name.


Select an audio file to play as a prompt.


Optionally enter a description for the block.

Menu Block

The Menu block plays an interruptible prompt, allowing the caller to enter a DTMF digit or symbol and take the configured branch for the entered digit or symbol. A menu can have from 1 to 10 branches.

The Menu block has the following parameters and outputs.




Enter a name for the menu or accept the default name.


Select an audio file to play as a prompt.


Specify the number of seconds to wait after prompting. If the caller does not enter data before the timeout, the call will take the Timeout path configured in the control script.

Number of Branches

Select the number of output branches.

Branch <N>

For each branch, select the DTMF digit or symbol that must be entered for the call to take that branch.


Optionally enter a description for the block.



Branch <N>

Path to take if the caller enters a matching DTMF digit or symbol.


Path to take if the caller does not enter data before the specified Timeout.


Path to take if the caller enters a DTMF digit or symbol that does not match a branch.

Condition Block

The Condition block embodies a condition for example, AccountLevel equals Gold. The call takes the True or False path depending on whether or not the condition is met.

The Condition block has the following parameters and outputs.



Operand 1

Select a CAD variable from the drop-down list.


Select an operator from the drop-down list:

< (less than)

!= (not equal)

> (greater than)

== (equal to)

>= (greater than or equal to)

<= (less than or equal to)


Operand Type

Select an option to specify whether Operand 2 is an existing CAD variable or a literal value that you specify.

Operand 2

Select an existing CAD variable name from the drop-down list or click the User specified button and type a literal value.


Optionally enter a description for the block.




Path to take if the condition is met.


Path to take if the condition is not met.

Counter Block

The Counter block counts the number of times the call reaches this block. The Counter block has the following parameters and outputs.




Enter a name for the counter.


Enter the number of times the call can pass through this block before taking the alternate path.


Optionally enter a description for the block.




Path to take if the threshold is not reached.


Path to take if the threshold is reached.

Collect Digits Block

The Collect Digits block plays an interruptible prompt and collects a DTMF string (digits 0 - 9) of a specified length from the caller.

The # character signifies end of input.

The Collect Digits block has the following parameters and outputs.



Call Associated Data

Select the name of the call-associated data (CAD) variable to which the entered data will be stored.


Select an audio file to play as a prompt.


Specify the number of additional seconds the user has to enter the requested string after the audio message has finished playing or after the last key press, whichever comes later. If the timeout is reached, the call takes the Timeout path configured in the control script.

Maximum Number of Digits

Specify the maximum DTMF string length.

Minimum Number of Digits

Specify the minimum DTMF string length.


Optionally enter a description for the block.




Path to take if the caller enters an acceptable DTMF string.


Path to take if the caller does not enter acceptable data before the timeout is reached.


Path to take if the caller enters a DTMF string that is too long or too short.

Set Variable Block

The Set Variable block sets a variable and gives it a literal value. The Set Variable block has the following parameters.



CAD Name

Select or enter the name of a call associated data (CAD) variable.


Enter the value to set on the CAD variable.


Optionally enter a description for the block.

Fetch Variable Block

Use the Fetch Variable block to send the HTTP request to an external source with OAuth 2.0 or HTTP basic authentication. For example, use this block to retrieve information from an external HTTP URL based on an account number that is retrieved (through a preceding Collect Digits block). And, then associate the retrieved information with the call.

The Fetch Variables block has the following parameters and outputs.




Name of the Fetch Variable Block. This is mandatory.


Enter a description for the block. This is optional.



Select the connector from the drop-down list. This field fetches the connectors that are configured under Integrations on the Control Hub.

To configure a connector on Control Hub, see the Set Up Connectors for Cisco Webex Contact Center article.


Enter the URL from which the variables are to be retrieved.

Request Variables

Specifies a comma-separated list of CAD variables to be sent on the request.

Select the name of a CAD variable, then click + to add it to the list. Repeat for each additional CAD variable.

Response Variables

Specifies a comma-separated list of CAD variables to be returned from the external source.

Select or type the name of a CAD variable, then click + to add it to the list. Repeat for each additional CAD variable.


Path to take if there’s no response or if the response isn’t valid.

Method Types:



Select the method and enter the request URL. Supports CAD substitution in the URL. In the below example URLs, mandatory text is in bold:

  • Salesforce: #{instance_url}/services/data/v47.0/query/${ANI}

    The #{instance_url} gets replaced by the intance_url value that is received along with the access token from Salesforce during the call.

  • Other: https://subdomain.#{domain_name}/api/data/${ANI}

    The #{domain_name} gets replaced by the domain_name value that is configured in the selected connector during the call.

  • None:

Enter the following optional fields:

  • Params—Accepts the request parameters. You can right-click on the value field to insert the CAD variables.

    To add a new Key-Value pair, click the + icon.

  • Header—Accepts the required HTTP header.

    To add a new Key-Value pair, click the + icon.

  • Body—Accepts the request body to perform the operation. You can right-click to insert the CAD variables.


Enter the following fields:

  • JSON Path—Enter JSON Path to extract value from the JSON response.

    Ensure the JSON path syntax adheres as mentioned here

  • CAD Variables—Enter or right-click and select CAD variable to which extracted value gets assigned.

Supports CAD extraction from complex JSON response using the JSON path. To know more about the JSON Path, see the website

EP/Queue Block

The EP/Queue block transfers control of the call to a queue or entry point and has the following parameters and no outputs.




Enter a name for the block or accept the default name.


Select an entry point or queue from the drop-down list.

If you select an entry point, the symbol for the call control block changes as shown below after you click OK.


Optionally enter a description for the block.

Reset Counter Block

The Reset Counter block resets the internal counter of a Counter block. The Reset Counter block has the following parameters.




Select the name of the counter to be reset.


Optionally enter a description for the block.

Callback Block

The Callback block is available only if the Voice Callback feature is enabled for your enterprise.

The Callback block sends a callback request to the Web callback entry point where it is queued until an agent is available. This block has the following parameters and no outputs.




Enter a name for the block or accept the default name.

Outdial EP

Select an outdial entry point for Web callback from the drop-down list.

Callback Number

Select the CAD variable containing the callback number, such as the ANI that came in with the call or a number collected in a Collect Digits block in the call flow. If no selection is made, the caller's ANI will be used.


Optionally you can select other CAD values that came in with the call for delivery along with the callback request.


Optionally enter a description for the block.

Queue Call Block

The Queue Call block places the call in the queue. This block can only be used in queue scripts and has the following parameters and no outputs.




Enter a name for the block or accept the default name.

Music in Queue

Select a media file from the drop-down list.


Optionally enter a description for the block.

End Call Block

The End block terminates the call. This block has no parameters and no outputs.

Copying or Modifying a Call Control Script

You can copy or modify a control script that was created using the call flow builder interface available when you select the New button on the Control Scripts page. Custom control scripts can be modified only by Professional Services, after which they must be updated as described in Uploading a Custom Control Script.

To copy or modify a call control script:


Open the Routing Strategy module and click the Control Scripts button.

The page displays the list of control scripts and associated image files along with creation date, date of last update, and source-Custom or Call Flow Builder. You can copy or modify a control script.


Click the ellipsis icon to the left of a listed control script and select Copy or Edit.


Make your changes. For details about available settings and how to add, remove, and configure call control blocks see Creating Call Control Scripts and Call Control Block Descriptions.


Click Save. The system automatically performs a validation.

If errors are found, they are listed in a message at the top of the page. You must correct the errors before you can save the script.


If you are modifying a control script that has been assigned to a routing strategy, it must be reassigned to the routing strategy as follows:

  1. Click the Call Routing button on the menu bar, select the routing strategy to which the control script was previously assigned, and click Edit.

  2. In the Call Control section of the page, re-select the control script from the drop-down list, edit parameters if necessary, and then click Apply.

  3. Click Update to save your changes to the routing strategy.

Uploading a Custom Control Script

Custom control script are created by Professional Services and must be uploaded to the Management Portal before they can be assigned to routing strategies. If a custom control script changes, it must be re-uploaded to the Portal for changes to take effect.

To upload a custom control script :


Open the Routing Strategy module and click the Control Scripts button on the menu bar.

The page displays the list of scripts and associated image files.


Click Upload. The Upload Control Script page appears.


Enter a name and optionally, a description for the script in the data fields.


Click the Browse button to the right of the Control Script File field and, in the dialog box that opens, navigate to the script file in your system and click Open.

The dialog box closes and the File field displays the path and file name of the uploaded file. If you entered a different file name in the Control Script Name field, it is overwritten by the name of the file you uploaded. You can change the text in the Control Script Name field if you want to.


Optionally, upload the associated control script image file as follows: click the Browse button to the right of the Control Script Image field and, in the dialog box that opens, navigate to the image file in your system and click Open. Only GIF and JPEG file formats are supported.


Click Save. The script is uploaded and available for selection from the control script list (see Assigning Call Control Scripts and Parameters ).

To copy a custom control script, upload it as described, but enter a different name in the Control Script Name field. The control script will be uploaded and saved under the new name.

Updating a Custom Control Script

To update a custom control script:


Open the Routing Strategy module and click the Control Scripts button on the menu bar.


Click the ellipsis icon to the left of the custom control script that has been changed and select Edit. The Edit Control Script page appears.


Leave the Name field unchanged and enter a new description if desired.


Click the Browse button in the Control Script File field and, in the dialog box that opens, navigate to the control script file in your system and click Open.


Optionally, upload the associated control script image file as follows: click the Browse button in the Control Script Image field and, in the dialog box that opens, navigate to the image file in your system and click Open. Only GIF and JPEG file formats are supported.


Click Save to save your changes.


Click the Call Routing button on the menu bar, select the routing strategy to which the control script was previously assigned, and click Edit.


In the Call Control section of the page, re-select the control script from the drop-down list, edit parameters if necessary, and then click Apply.


Click Update to save your changes to the routing strategy.

Uploading and Updating a Custom Control Script Image File

You can view the image file associated with a control script on the Control Scripts page or by clicking the Image link in the Call Control section of the Create Routing Strategy or Edit Routing Strategy page (see Assigning Call Control Scripts and Parameters). Only GIF and JPEG file formats are supported.

When a control script is created or modified using the call flow builder interface available through the New button on the Control Scripts page, the associated image file is available in the Routing Strategy module when the control script is saved. However, image files associated with custom control scripts created by Professional Services must be manually uploaded and updated.

To upload or update the image file associated with a custom control script:


Open the Routing Strategy module and click the Control Scripts button on the menu bar.

The page displays the list of uploaded scripts and associated image files.


Click the Image button in the Image column that corresponds to the custom control script for which you want to view, upload, or update the associated image file.


Do one of the following:

  • In the Call Flow Image dialog box, click the Browse button and in the dialog box that opens, navigate to the image file in your system and click Open.


  • Open the directory on your system where the image file is located and then drag and drop it into the designated area of the Call Flow Image dialog box.


In the Call Flow Image dialog box, click Save to upload the image.

Viewing and Exporting References to a Control Script

You can view or export a list that shows the name of each routing strategy that references a specified control script and the name of the associated entry point or queue. In the case of a global routing strategy, the list shows 0 instead of the name of an entry point or queue.


Open the Routing Strategy module and click the Control Scripts button on the menu bar.

The page displays the list of control scripts and associated image files.


Click the horizontal ellipsis button to the left of a listed control script and select Excel or CSV.


In the dialog box that opens, specify whether to open or save the file.

Working with Resource Files

To view the resources, choose Routing Strategy from the Management Portal navigation bar.

You can choose to see the audio files, predefined emails, or predefined chat responses.

Upload an Audio Resource File

Webex Contact Center supports uploading .wav audio files with the following specifications:

  • Channels: 1

  • Sample Rate: 8000

  • Sample Encoding: 8-bit u-law


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


From the Routing Strategy page, choose Resources > Audio Files.


Click New.


On the Upload Resource page, click Browse.


Navigate to the file in your system, and click Open.

The File field displays the path and file name of the uploaded file, and the Resource Name field displays the file name.


Click Save.

Edit an Audio Resource File

Do not update resources that are currently used by the system.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


From the Routing Strategy page, choose Resources > Audio Files.


Click the Ellipsis button beside the resource name and click Edit.


On the Overwrite Resource page, click Browse.


Navigate to the file in your system, and click Open.

The File field displays the path and file name of the uploaded file, and the Resource Name field displays the file name.

For audio file specifications, see Upload an Audio Resource File.


Click Save.


Click Yes to confirm overwriting the audio file.

Play or Download a .wav File


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


From the Routing Strategy page, choose Resources > Audio Files.


Click the ellipsis button beside the file name and click Play.


In the dialog box that opens, specify whether you want to open or save the file. When you click Open, the media player installed on your computer opens and plays the file. If a compatible media player is not installed, a dialog box opens and prompts you to download a player.

Update a Resource File


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


From the Routing Strategy page, choose Resources > Audio Files.


Click the ellipsis button beside the file name and click Edit.


Make the necessary changes to the resource.


Click Save.

Copy a Resource File

The copy function enables you to create backup copies of prompts and other resource files. Only files with the .wav extension can be copied.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


From the Routing Strategy page, choose Resources > Audio Files.


Click the ellipsis button beside the file name and click Copy.


On the page that appears, enter a name for the copied file or leave the default name (Copy_ is prepended to the original name).


Click Save.

Export References to a Media File

You can view or export a list showing the name of each routing strategy that references a specified media file along with the name of the associated entry point or queue. In the case of a global routing strategy, the list shows 0 instead of the name of an entry point or queue.

To view or export the references to a media file:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


From the Routing Strategy page, choose Resources > Audio Files.


Click the ellipsis button beside the file name and click Excel or CSV.


In the dialog box that opens, specify whether to open or save the file.

Create a Predefined Email Template

You can predefine the email template that agents use to communicate with customers. An organization can have a single predefined template for email.

To edit or delete the template, click the ellipsis button beside the template in the Predefined Emails page.

You cannot use the predefined email templates for quick-reply emails.

To create an email template:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


From the Routing Strategy page, choose Resources > Predefined Emails.


Click New.

The New button is disabled if your organization already has a predefined email template.


In the New Predefined Email dialog box, do the following:

  1. Enter a name for the email template.

  2. Set the status for the template.

    Set the status as Active to use it as a default template for all email communications between agents and customers.

    Set the status to Not Active to save it as draft. You can later change the status to Active to use it.

  3. Enter the email body. You can use the formatting tools to draft the email body.

  4. (Optional) Add macros to the email body.

    You can use the macro to add variables for Customer Name or Agent Name to the email. You can set a default value for the variable type you choose. You can use the macros multiple times in the template as per your requirement.

    • To add the macro variables, place the cursor where you want the variable. Choose the type of macro you want to add and click the Insert to Text Editor button.

    • To set a default value for a macro, enter the default value in the field Default Value before you insert the macro to the text editor.

  5. Click Save to save the email template.

Configure a Predefined Chat Template

Before you begin

Ensure that you create an entry point before you configure a chat template.

Entry points are the initial landing place for all channel types in Webex Contact Center. The system sends the contact to an agent based on the routing strategy that is set for an entry point.

You can configure one chat template for each entry point. For more information, see Entry Points and Queues.

Only customers whose organization is provisioned on an existing Webex Calling Integrated Platform can configure a chat template for their contact center.


Log in to the customer organization at


From the navigation pane on the left, in the Services section, click Contact Center > Features.


Choose one of the following options:

  • To create a new chat template, click New > Chat Template.
  • To edit an existing chat template, double-click the card.

The system displays the Chat Template wizard.


In the Define Template page:

  1. Enter a unique name that identifies the purpose of your template.

  2. Choose a preconfigured entry point from the drop-down list.

  3. Choose the following customization options and click Next. You can choose multiple options depending on what you want your customers to see when they chat with your organization.

    • Proactive Prompt: The message that appears in the chat box when the customer opens the website of your organization. You can customize this message. You can configure the time to prompt the message to the customer. You can also change the title and the default welcome message.

    • Off-Hours: The non-business hours of your organization. You can set the availability of the chat support by configuring the business hours and time zone of your organization. You can also add an away message for customers.

    • Virtual Agent: The preconfigured chatbot that starts the conversation with the customer. You can choose from the available virtual agents and add a welcome message.

      Configure the customer information form, the visual display of the agents, and the status messages for the chat window. For more information, see Configure a Virtual Agent for Webex Contact Center.

    • Feedback: The feedback form that appears after the chat ends. You can add a message inviting customers to give their feedback about their chat experience.

    Based on the selected options, the subsequent steps appear in the wizard.


In the Proactive Prompt, Off-Hours page:

  1. In the Proactive Prompt section, enter the wait time, title, and message for the prompt.

  2. In the Off-Hours section, enter the message for the prompt, and choose the business hours and time zone from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Next.

The Proactive Prompt doesn’t pop up during the off-hours or when agents aren’t available to assist.


In the Customer Information page, click each of the fields in the Preview card and modify the attributes. The customer uses these attributes to fill the form.

It's mandatory to enter at least one category in the Type Attributes section for customers to choose the category from the drop-down list.


In the Virtual Agent page:

  1. Choose a preconfigured Virtual Agent (that can provide initial automated support in your customer chat experience) from the drop-down list and enter a message.

  2. Enter a welcome message and click Next.


In the Branding and Identity, Status Messages page:

  1. In the Branding and Identity section, choose one of the following Profile Type:

    • Organization: Use a single profile to represent all agents in your organization. For example, the name of the organization.

    • Virtual Agent or Agents: Use unique profiles to represent different agents in your organization.

      Choose one of the following options:

      • Show agent's display name: Displays the agent's full name.

      • Show agent's alias: Displays the agent's alias name.

  2. In the Status Messages section, enter the messages (that appear to the customer) and then click Next.


In the Feedback page, enter Label and Hint Text in the Attributes card to receive customer feedback.


In the Done page, click Finish.

After you successfully configure the chat template, a code snippet appears. To use the newly configured chat template in your organization's website, you can copy and paste the code snippet within the <head> or <body> HTML tag of your webpage's source file.

You can close the code snippet and download it later from the Contact Center > Features page.

Create a Predefined Chat Response

You can define a set of chat responses that your agents can use to communicate with the customers. You can configure the chat responses for a specific queue or for all the queues. We support the following languages:
  • US English

  • Japanese

  • Italian

  • French

  • German

  • Spanish

You can configure 50 responses per language, per queue, for a total of 300 responses per queue. Agents can see the responses in their queue based on the language settings in their local browser. Thus, agents can see only 50 responses at a time.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


From the Routing Strategy page, choose Resources > Predefined Chat Responses.


Click New.


Enter the following details:



Response Name

Contains the name of the predefined chat response. You can enter a name of maximum 40 characters.


Contains the status of the predefined chat response. Deactivate the status to hide it from the agents in Agent Desktop.


Choose the language of the predefined chat response from the drop-down list.

You cannot edit the language of the chat reponse.


Choose the queue for which you want to define the chat response. If you select All from the drop-down list, all agents in all the queues in your organization can use the chat response.

However, if any queue has reached the capacity of 50 messages, the system displays an error message with the names of the queues that have reached the limit. The system disables the queues that have reached the limit and you cannot choose them.


Contains the text for the chat response. You can enter a maximum of 150 characters.


Click Save.

Configure Routing Resources

You can choose either a routing resource or a flow. If you choose a routing resource, you can't customize flow control configurations such as Customize ANI, Screen pop, Global variable and so on, as part of the outdial experience. We recommend that you use flows instead of routing resources to avail any advanced configurations such as Screen pop, Customize ANI and so on. For more information, see Create a Flow.

Routing strategies will be obsolete in the future. It is recommended to use flows configured with business hours and outdial entry points.

If you want to proceed with routing strategies, consider the following aspects. For each entry point and queue, you should create a set of default routing strategies that cover all time intervals. In addition, you can schedule an alternate strategy beyond the default strategy for any time interval. For example, Queue 1 could have a BusyHourStrategy for the normal day shift and an OffHoursStrategy for non-business hours.

Flag the normal daily schedule as the default strategy. You can create a non-default strategy, such as a holiday schedule for a time interval that overlaps the default strategy. A strategy that is not flagged as default overrides a default strategy and is used as an exception to the default schedule. This means that the system first checks for a strategy that is not flagged as default, and if none exists, the system uses the default strategy.

When the default strategy is the current strategy (that is, the strategy that is currently running), the system checks every three minutes for a non-default strategy and if one is found, it becomes the current strategy.

If no strategy is specified for a time interval, and there is no default strategy for the time interval, the last strategy used by the system may continue as the current strategy even though it has expired. In this case, the system checks every minute for a valid strategy and as soon as it finds one, that strategy becomes the current strategy.

About Team Types

When you create or modify a queue routing strategy, the following options appear:

  • Agent-Based teams have a known number of agents assigned to teams. Authorized users assign a desktop profile to one or more teams. These agents use the Agent Desktop to interface with the Webex Contact Center system.

  • Capacity-Based teams don’t have specific agents assigned to them, and the agents don’t use the Agent Desktop. For example, an outsourcer could have teams that use a PBX or an ACD to handle calls. You can use a capacity-based team to represent a voicemail box or an agent group, which Webex Contact Center doesn’t manage.

    The capacity of these teams is based on the provisioned team capacity setting, which can override the team capacity strategies. For more information, see Scheduling Team Capacity. If the team's actual capacity is higher or lower than the value currently used by the system, the result is either not enough or too many calls for agents to handle. This makes strategy design more challenging.

When you use the getNumAgentsLoggedIn API, the response includes the number of agents logged in along with the number of capacity-based teams that are considered as active.

When you create a routing strategy, you can mix team types. Remember that the accuracy of call routing to capacity-based teams depends on the capacity number specified.

Limitations of Capacity Based Teams when using Classic platform

Webex Contact Center assigns calls to the capacity-based team by transferring the call to a Dial Number (DN). After the call transfers to a DN, Webex Contact Center disconnects from the call. Webex Contact Center is not aware of the call status; that is, whether the capacity-based team answers, handles, or rejects the call.

This limitation causes the following behaviors:

  • Tracking the contact after the call transfer is not possible.

  • Detecting RONA or call failures is not possible

  • Recording the call is not possible.

  • Getting the Connect Time and Handled Time values is not possible. Call report shows the value as zero (0).

  • Setting the capacity is not applicable, hence more calls could go to the capacity-based team.

When using Next Generation media platform, Webex Contact Center assigns calls to the capacity-based teams, wherein the Webex Contact Center:

  • Handles the call status and determines whether the call routed to capacity-based team is answered, handled, or rejected.

  • Monitors the overall status of calls, including call termination, and decides when to update the consumption value of the capacity-based team. For example, if the call is terminated, capacity must be increased and vice versa.

  • Obtain the Connect Time and Handled Time values.

When a static load-balancing strategy includes both agent-based and capacity-based teams, the system distributes the calls to either agent-based teams or capacity-based teams, in the order that they are configured. Once the capacity of the capacity-based teams reaches the maximum limit, calls are routed to agent-based teams, if agents are available. If the call is in queue, it can be routed to either agent-based or capacity-based teams, depending on which team has resources available. If no team has capacity, calls are queued until capacity becomes available. This load-balancing strategy ensures that calls are handled efficiently and that no team is overloaded.

View routing strategies for an entry point or queue

To view all routing strategies for an entry point or queue:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


Choose an entry point or queue from the Select Entry Point drop-down list to display the routing strategies for that entry point or queue.

For more information on the parameters that display on the Routing Strategy page, see Routing strategy parameters.

The upper section of the list view displays a table that lists all routing strategies available for the selected entry point or queue.

(Optional) Use the sort button at the end of the table to chronologically sort the strategies.


To see details for a strategy, click the ellipsis beside the routing strategy and click Edit.

The lower section of the Routing Strategy page displays the Routing Strategy Mapping Details table, which:

  • lists destination queues and entry points, which are based on the active routing strategies that you define for the selected entry point.

  • lists the teams to which the system routes calls, chats, or emails, which are based on the active routing strategies that you define for the selected queue. Mapping details aren't provided for a queue routing strategy that simply redirects the call to another entry point or queue.

    Your access privileges determine what you see in the Mapping Details table. For example, if the system routes calls for the Sales queue to Teams A and B, and you have access rights only to Team A, the mapping table shows only Team A as the destination for incoming calls.


Click Save.

Routing strategy parameters

The following table describes the parameters that appear on the Routing Strategy page.




Displays the name you assign to the strategy. You can't change the strategy name after you create it.


Displays the system-assigned number of the strategy.


Indicates the status of the strategy.

  • Current (appears in Red) means this is a snapshot of the currently running strategy. You can't copy the current strategy, but you can modify any setting that does not affect execution time or date. Changes to the strategy don't affect the recurring scheduled version of the strategy.

    You can delete the current strategy, but don't delete it before you create a different strategy for the same time interval. If you delete a strategy without having another one in place, the last strategy used by the system becomes the default strategy although the start and end times and dates have expired. If this occurs, either create a new strategy for the current time period, or copy the default strategy and correct the time settings.

  • Active means that the strategy is in effect at the specified start time on the specified start date. This is the default status.

  • Not Active means the strategy isn't in effect regardless of the specified start time and date. This status lets you save a strategy for future use or as a draft to continue with later.


Indicates whether the strategy is the default. A strategy not flagged as the default overrides a default strategy and potentially replaces the default schedule.

Chat Template

Identifies the chat template used for the routing strategy.


Specifies whether the strategy repeats daily or only on specific days of the week.

Start Date

Displays the date on which the strategy starts.

End Date

Displays the date on which the strategy ends.

Start Time

Displays the time at which the strategy starts (in 24-hour format) for any given day in the specified date range.

End Time

Displays the time at which the strategy ends (in 24-hour format) for any given day in the specified date range.

Time Zone

Displays the time zone if you enable the Multiple Time Zone feature when you create the entry point or queue.


Lists the associated call flows when a routing strategy is executing.

View the current routing strategies

You can view a list of currently deployed routing strategies for multiple entry points or queues.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


From the Routing Strategy page, choose Current Routing Strategies.


Choose All from the drop-down list to view current strategies for all entry points or queues.


Click Apply.

table provides details about the current routing strategies for the selected entry points or queues. The Control Script column displays the names of the call control scripts that are associated with the listed entry points or queues.

table provides details about the current routing strategies for the selected entry points or queues. The Flow column displays the names of the call flows associated with the listed entry points or queues.

View routing strategies by time zone

If you enable the Multiple Time Zone feature for your enterprise, you can configure entry points and queues with time zones. Time values that are used in the routing strategies are based on the time zone you configure for the entry point or queue. If you don't configure time zones with entry points and queues, the system uses the time zone that you configure for your enterprise (typically headquarters).

When you click your name button on the upper-right side of the Routing Strategy page, any time zones you configure for entry points or queues appear in a drop-down list.

If you do not enable the Multiple Time Zone feature for your enterprise, time values in routing strategies are based on the time zone you configure for your enterprise.

If the time zone observes daylight-saving time, the time adjusts automatically when the daylight-saving time changes.


On the Management Portal, click the gears icon in the upper-right corner to view the three or four Tab keyed settings panel.


Click the gears icon. Select a time zone from the Time Zone drop-down list.


Click Apply.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy to view the routing strategies based on the selected time zone.

Create a routing strategy

Use this procedure to create new routing strategies. You can also create a new strategy by editing an existing strategy and changing the parameters in accordance with the requirements.

Before you create new strategies:

  • Always create an active strategy for every time interval. If you don't specify an active strategy for a time interval, the system uses the default. If there’s no default strategy, the last strategy that the system used may continue as the current strategy although it has expired.

  • You can easily create a new strategy from an existing strategy, change some settings, and save it as a new strategy.

  • You can have only one routing strategy for each chat or email entry point.

    You can't have a global routing strategy for Chat and Email entry points.

  • You can't save changes to an active strategy when the scheduled dates or times conflict with an existing active strategy.

Before you begin

You must Create a Chat Template before you create a Chat Routing Strategy.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


At the Routing Strategy page, choose Routing > Routing Strategies.


Choose an entry point from the Select Entry Point drop-down list.


Do one of the following in the list view:

  • Click New Strategy.

    Global Routing Overrides only apply to Telephony channel type.

    - OR -

  • Click the ellipsis button beside an existing routing strategy with Active status and click Copy.


Enter or modify the settings as described in the following tables.

You can create more than one strategy for a Telephony or Social channel.

Table 1. General settings applicable in routing strategy



General Settings


Enter a name for the strategy, such as US Holiday or Weekends. You can’t edit this field after you save the strategy.

Enterprise Name

Shows the tenant name.


Click Active if you want the strategy to become effective on the start date that you specify in the Start Date field.

Click Not Active if you want to save the strategy for future use or as a draft to work on later.

The status is always Active for chat and email routing strategies as you can configure only one routing strategy for each entry point or queue.

Call Distribution (only applicable to queues)

Add Group

If this is an inbound queue routing strategy, specify the teams that you must associate with this strategy and organize them into groups. See Specifying Call Distribution Settings for details. In addition, do the following (as described in Assigning Teams and Skill-Relaxation Settings to Groups):

  • If the routing type is Load Balance, assign percentage spreads or capacities to each team in Group 1. You can add more groups, but you can’t assign percentage spreads or capacities to the teams in those additional groups.

  • If the routing type is Priority, assign priorities. Assign a specific priority to only one team within the strategy (for example, only one team can have a priority of 1 assigned to it).

  • If the routing type is Skills Based, specify skill relaxation settings if appropriate.

If this is a routing strategy for an outdial queue, you must specify a team in the Call Distribution section. The specified team is only a placeholder and not used. In addition, be sure to create only one group for an outdial queue routing strategy.

Table 2. Settings applicable in routing strategy for Telephony and Social Channel Entry Point



Entry Point

This field shows the entry point for which you’re creating the strategy. Select the entry points or queues that are associated with this routing strategy.


This field shows the queue for which you’re creating the strategy. Select the entry points or queues that are associated with this routing strategy.

Time Settings

Start Date

End Date

Click in each of these fields and use the calendar controls to specify the start date (the date strategy becomes effective) and the end date (the date strategy expires).

Start Time

End Time

Enter in 24-hour format (0000–2400) the time of day you want the strategy to start and end.

Day of Week

From the drop-down list:

  • Choose All Days if you want to schedule the strategy to run every day.

  • Choose Weekdays if you want to schedule the strategy to run from Monday through Friday only.

  • Choose Specific Days, and click on the icons representing weekdays if you want to schedule the strategy to run on specific days of the week.

Advanced Settings

Music on Hold

Select the name of the audio (.wav) file to play for calls when they arrive or are waiting in a queue. This isn’t applicable for email and chat routing strategies.

Maximum Time in Queue

For a standard Webex Contact Center queue routing strategy, specify the duration in seconds before a queued call routes to the overflow destination number provisioned for the queue. Cisco recommends setting this to 1800 (30 minutes) or to three times the average queue length during busy hours.

If this is an email routing strategy, set this to a high value to avoid overflow.

By default, this field adopts the value that is configured for the queue.

The cumulative specified queue time for all groups in the Call Distribution section of the routing strategy mustn’t be greater than the value specified here. See Specifying Call Distribution Settings for more information.

Retries within the Cisco Webex Teams

For a standard Webex Contact Center queue routing strategy, specify the maximum number of times to attempt sending a call to a team before the call gets routed to the next available team. The system makes no further attempts to send the call to that team again.


  • This setting doesn’t apply to Skills Based routing strategies. For Skills Based routing, if the call is in the last group, the call overflows if the system finds no matching agent.

  • In a load balance strategy using percentage allocation, the system doesn't route a call to a second team when the first team is unavailable. Instead, the system retries the first team's DN according to the specified number of times for the strategy and then overflows the call.

Flag as Default Routing Strategy


Update as Default Routing Strategy

This setting is available only if you’re creating a new strategy or copying an existing one.

Set to Yes if you want this to be the default routing strategy for the specified time interval for this entry point or queue.

Set to No if you’re creating an exception to the default schedule, such as a holiday. A strategy that has no default flag overrides the default strategy. That is, the system checks first for a strategy that has no default flag, and if none exists, the system uses the default strategy.

Call Control

Virtual Agent

If a Virtual Agent is not active, you can use the Control Script.

If a Virtual Agent is active, all interactions begin with an automated conversational IVR in place of Control Scripts.

Before enabling the Virtual Agent feature, ensure that you have configured at least one Virtual Agent or chat template on the Cisco Webex Control Hub. To configure a Virtual Agent or chat template on the Control Hub, see the following articles:

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select a Virtual Agent from the drop-down list.

  2. Default Queue: Choose a default queue to escalate when self-service fails.

  3. Exit Intent Mapping: Map the intents from Dialogflow virtual agents to queues. If the last intent causes the customer to exit the conversational IVR, then escalate the interaction (Telephony or Social Channel) to the specified queue. There’s a limit of 100 exit intents rules.

    • IF intent is: Select the intents that are defined in the Dialog flow.

    • THEN queue to: Select the queue to escalate.

      The Add Condition option provides an OR logic when you add new intents.

This is applicable also for Social Channel (Facebook Messenger and SMS) routing rules.

Control Script

Select a call control script in the drop-down list. Every strategy must have an associated control script, which defines how the system handles calls. If appropriate, change the script's default parameters in the fields displayed. For more information, see Assigning Call Control Scripts and Parameters.

When you create an Inbound Queue and select a Control Script, then the Music in Queue setting gets reset.

If you’re editing an existing strategy, selecting a different call control script can significantly change how the system handles calls. It’s important that you’re clear on what you want to do before changing scripts or script parameters.

If this is an entry point strategy for Skills-Based routing, assign skills requirements as described in Assigning Skill Requirements to Incoming Calls.

Call Distribution

Business Metrics & Queue Escalation (applicable only to cross-ACD entry points)

If this routing strategy is for a cross-ACD entry point, organize the queues that the entry point serves into one or more groups and specify the call routing algorithm and applicable parameters as described in Specifying Call Distribution Settings.

Table 3. Settings applicable in routing strategy for Telephony Queue




Select the queue that you plan to associate with this routing strategy.

Routing Type

This option is not available for proxy queues:

  • Longest Available Agent: The system routes calls to the agent who has been available for the longest time among all the agents on all the teams assigned to the strategy in the Call Distribution section.

  • Load Balance: The system routes calls to agents based on load-balancing conditions that you set in the Mode and Type fields and in the settings you specified in the Call Distribution section.

    • Mode: If you specified Load Balance in the Routing Type field, select one of the following values to specify how to handle the call load:

      • Percentage: The system routes calls to selected teams based on a percentage allocation that you specify for each team in the Call Distribution section. The percentage spread total must equal 100 across all teams selected for Group 1. For more information, see Specifying Call Distribution Settings.

      • Number: The system routes calls to selected teams based on the value you specify for each team in the Call Distribution section. This value reflects the call capacity for that team. After the system sends the specified number of calls to a particular team, it sends no additional calls to that team. In other words, this strategy allows you to specify an upper limit on the total number of calls the system sends to a particular team. This allows you to meet any contractual obligations not to exceed certain targets.

    • Type: If you specified Load Balance in the Routing Type field, select one of the following values in the Type field:

      • Dynamic: Calls routed dynamically result in a single virtual queue. The system queues callers for the longest available agent across all associated teams instead of routing them immediately at the time of call arrival to a team specified in the load balance strategy (based on active call conditions).

      • Static: The system routes calls to specific teams on the basis of a predefined percentage or numeric allocation at the time of call arrival. In static routing, the system assigns calls to a team based on the allowable number of calls specified for that team in the Call Distribution section (either a percentage or number of calls). In dynamic routing, the system assigns calls to a team based on the current allocation of calls among the teams based on the day's tally.

  • Priority Based: The system routes calls to agent teams based on a priority scheme that you set in the Call Distribution section.

  • Skills Based: The system routes calls to agents based on skill requirements that are specified in the Call Distribution section of the routing strategy for the entry point that sends calls to this queue. The Skills Based routing type is available only if your enterprise has the optional Skills-Based Routing feature provisioned.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two more settings appear for you to specify how to route a call when more than one agent has the required skill set:

    • Longest Available Agent: The system routes the call to the agent who has been available the longest.

    • Best Available Agent: When you select this setting, a Skill drop-down list appears. The system routes the call to the agent with the highest proficiency in the skill you select from the drop-down list.

Time Settings (These are read-only for proxy queues.)

Start Date

End Date

Click in each of these fields and use the calendar controls to specify the start date (the date the strategy becomes effective) and end date (the date the strategy expires).

Start Time

End Time

Enter in 24-hour format (0000–2400) the time of day you want the strategy to start and end.

Day of Week

From the drop-down list, select All Days if you want to schedule the strategy for every day or Weekdays if you want to schedule the strategy for Monday through Friday only.


Select each icon that represents a day on which you want to schedule the strategy.

Advanced Settings

Music on Hold

Select the name of the audio (.wav) file to play for calls when they arrive or are waiting in a queue. This isn’t applicable for email and chat routing strategies.

Maximum Time in Queue

If this is a standard Webex Contact Center queue routing strategy, enter the length of time to wait, in seconds, before the system routes a queued call to the overflow destination number provisioned for the queue. Cisco recommends setting this to 1800 (30 minutes) or to three times the average queue length during busy hours.

If this is an email routing strategy, set this parameter to a value high enough to avoid overflow.

By default, this field adopts the value provisioned for the queue.

The cumulative total queue time configured for all groups in the Call Distribution section of the routing strategy mustn’t exceed the value specified here. See Specifying Call Distribution Settings for more information.

Retries within the Team

If this is a standard Webex Contact Center queue routing strategy, specify the maximum number of attempts the system makes to send a call to a team before it routes the call to the next available team. The system makes no further attempts to send the call to that team again.


  • This setting doesn’t apply to Skills-Based routing strategies. For Skills Based routing, if the call is in the last group, the call overflows if the system finds no matching agent. If the call is in any other group, and if it’s sent to an agent who doesn’t answer, the system continues to try matching other available agents any number of times, without regard to this setting.

  • In a load balance strategy using percentage allocation, the system does not route a call to a second team when the first team is unavailable. Instead, the system retries the first team's DN for the number of times that are specified for the strategy, and then overflows the call.

Flag as Default Routing Strategy


Update as Default Routing Strategy

This setting is available only if you’re creating a new strategy or copying an existing one.

Set to Yes if you want this to be the default routing strategy for the specified time interval for this entry point or queue.

Set to No if you’re creating an exception to the default schedule, such as a holiday. A strategy that isn’t configured as default overrides the default strategy. That is, the system first checks for a strategy that isn’t flagged as default, and if none exists, the default strategy is used.

Call Control

Control Script

Select a call control script from the drop-down list. Every strategy must have a control script associated with it, which defines how calls are handled. If appropriate, change the script's default parameters in the fields displayed. For more information, see Assigning Call Control Scripts and Parameters.

When you create an Inbound Queue, if a Control Script is selected, then the Music in Queue setting gets reset.

If you’re editing an existing strategy, selecting a different call control script can significantly change how calls are handled. It’s important that you’re clear on what you want to do before changing scripts or script parameters.

If this is an entry point strategy for Skills-Based routing, assign skills requirements as described in Assigning Skill Requirements to Incoming Calls.

Table 4. General settings applicable in routing strategy



General Settings


Enter a name for the strategy, such as US Holiday or Weekends. You can’t edit this field after you save the strategy.

Enterprise Name

Shows the tenant name.


Click Active if you want the strategy to become effective on the start date that you specify in the Start Date field.

Click Not Active if you want to save the strategy for future use or as a draft to work on later.

The status is always Active for chat and email routing strategies as you can configure only one routing strategy for each entry point or queue.

Table 5. Settings applicable in routing strategy for Telephony



Time Settings (These are read-only for proxy queues.)

Start Date

End Date

Click in each of these fields and use the calendar controls to specify the start date (the date that the strategy becomes effective) and the end date (the date that the strategy expires).

Start Time

End Time

Enter in 24-hour format (0000–2400) the time of day that you want the strategy to start and end.

Day of Week

From the drop-down list, choose All Days if you want to schedule the strategy for every day or Weekdays if you want to schedule the strategy for Monday through Friday only.


Click each icon that represents a day on which you want to schedule the strategy.

Advanced Settings

Music on Hold

Select the name of the audio (.wav) file to play for calls when an agent puts a call on hold. Music in Queue (MIQ) is handled from Flow. When a contact is queued and if no agent is available, the customer is engaged with MIQ.

Call Control

Flag as Default Routing Strategy


Update as Default Routing Strategy

Choose the Routing Strategy. This setting is available only if you create a new strategy or copy an existing one.

Set to Yes if you want this routing strategy to be the default routing strategy for the specified time interval for this entry point or queue.

Set to No to create an exception to the default schedule, such as a holiday. This strategy overrides the default strategy. That is, the system first checks for a strategy that isn’t flagged as default, and if none exists, the system uses the default strategy.

Various routing strategies may be configured for a given time interval, but only one can be considered the current routing strategy. Webex Contact Center uses the following order of preference to decide the current routing strategy at any given time:

  1. Global Routing Overrides
  2. Default Global Routing Overrides
  3. Routing Strategy
  4. Default Routing Strategy


Select the flow from the drop-down list.

Table 6. Settings applicable in routing strategy for Email Entry Point and Queue



Email Account

You can add only one email account for each entry point. You can edit or delete the email account using the icons beside the email account name.

Add Email Account

Click the Add Email Account button to open the Add Email Account dialog box. Enter the following details:

Email Address:
Enter the email address to contact your organization.
Inbound Server Settings:
Enter the following server details for incoming emails:
  • Incoming Protocol

  • Incoming Host

  • Inbound Encryption

  • Inbound Port Number

Outbound Server Settings:
Enter the following server details for outgoing emails:
  • SMTP Server

  • Outbound Encryption

  • Outbound Port Number

Server Authentication:
Enter the username and password to connect to the email account.

Ensure you use only secure access to mail servers, such as:

  • SMTP, IMAP, or POP over SSL

  • SMTP, IMAP, or POP over TLS

Mandatory steps to use a Gmail account for an email channel are as follows:

  1. Enable the IMAP option if you provide IMAP server to fetch mails in the server in the Gmail settings.

  2. Enable the Less Secure Apps flag in the Gmail account settings.

  3. Disable the captcha by logging into

  4. Update the credentials in the routing strategy and click Save.

Advanced Email Account Settings:
Enter the following advanced settings for the email account:
  • Maximum Attachment Size

  • Number of Attachment Limit

  • Mail Delay

  • Maximum Messages/Cycle

Email Routing Rules

You can add up to 20 email routing rules. Use the icon beside the rule to edit or delete the rule.

Routing Rule

Click the Add Routing Rule button to open the Add Routing Rule dialog box. Enter the following details to add a rule:

Routing Rule Name:
Enter the name for the rule.
IF Email Subject Contains:
Enter the text in the email subject to set the condition for the rule. You can add up to 10 conditions using the AND or OR operators. However, you can mix the AND and OR operators in a rule.
Select the email queue to which the email is queued if it satisfies any condition.

The email can remain in a queue for a maximum of 240 days. After 240 days, the system removes the email from Webex Contact Center.

Default Routing Rule

Select an email queue for the default routing rule in case none of the defined rules satisfy the criteria.

Table 7. Settings applicable in routing strategy for Chat



Chat Routing Experience

Chat Template

Shows that the name of the Chat Template used. To edit, you must log in to Control Hub.

Chat Reason Mapping Details

Associate the preconfigured chat reasons. For more information, see Create a Chat Template.

Assigning Call Control Scripts and Parameters

Call control scripts define how a call is handled. If a control script is not assigned to a routing strategy, the default control script provisioned for the entry point or queue is used.

Flows define how a call is handled. If a flow is not assigned to an entry point routing strategy, the default flow provisioned for the entry point is used.

The Call Control settings for a routing strategy allow you to assign a control script to the routing strategy and set values for configurable parameters if any are specified in the control script.

If your enterprise uses the optional Skills-Based Routing feature, the Call Control settings for an entry point strategy can also include controls for specifying skill requirements for calls that arrive at the entry point, as described in Assigning Skill Requirements to Incoming Calls.

Note the following:

Assigning a different control script to an existing routing strategy can significantly change how calls are handled. Be sure that you are clear on what you want to do before changing a control script or control script parameters.

Assigning a different flow to an existing routing strategy can significantly change how calls are handled. Be sure that you are clear on what you want to do before changing a flow.

To assign a control script and parameters to a routing strategy:


Open the Routing Strategy module and on the Call Routing Strategy page, display the list view.


Select an entry point or queue from the Select Entry Point/Queue drop-down list.


Do one of the following:

  • To create a new strategy, follow the instructions in Create a routing strategy, and then return to this procedure for instructions on assigning a control script to the strategy.
  • To assign a control script to an existing strategy, from the list view, click the horizontal ellipsis button to the left of the listed strategy you want to modify and select Edit.

In the Call Control section of the page, make a selection from the Control Scripts drop-down list. If an image associated with the control script is available, you can click the Image button to the right of the Control Script list box to display it.

The configurable parameters for your selection are displayed beneath the control script name. You must set a value for every parameter.

If any call-associated data (CAD) variables are specified in the selected control script, their names are displayed in the Call-Associated Data list on the lower left side of the Call Control section. The system will capture data for a CAD variable as part of the call record only if it matches the name of an inactive CAD variable provisioned for your enterprise.

The color of a CAD variable name indicates the status of the variable.


Variable Status


A matching active variable exists.


An inactive matching variable exists; the system does not store data for inactive variables.


No matching variable exists; thus no data will be stored for the variable.


Specify a value for each parameter. To reset the parameter fields to the default values, click the Reset button beneath the parameter fields.

Parameters for a proxy queue include site and team. For these parameters, you must select a dummy site and dummy team that is not agent-based.


If the control script uses skills-based routing, a Manage button is displayed to the right of the Reset button. For details about adding skill requirements to a routing strategy, see the next section Assigning Skill Requirements to Incoming Calls.


Click Apply to apply your control script and parameter settings.


To save your settings to the routing strategy, click Save.

Assigning Skill Requirements to Incoming Calls

Skills-based routing is an optional Webex Contact Center feature that matches the needs of callers with agents who have the skills to best meet those needs. When calls arrive at an entry point, they are assigned skill requirements based on call paths specified in the call control script associated with the routing strategy for the entry point. The calls are then distributed to the specified queue for distribution to agents who possess a matching set of skills.

To assign skill requirements to incoming calls:


Display the routing strategy page for the entry point to which you want to assign or modify skill requirements.


In the Call Control section of the page, select the appropriate call control script and set any parameters as described in Assigning Call Control Scripts and Parameters.


Click the Manage button to display the Call Flow Paths window.


Click the check box to the left of a call path for which you want to assign skills, and then click the Edit Skills button.


On the Skill Assignment Page that appears, click the Add Skill button.


Select a skill from the drop-down list and use the controls that are displayed to the right of the skill name to specify a value for the skill.

The controls for assigning a value to the skill vary depending on the skill type. The four skill types are described in the table that follows. (For more information about skill types, see About Skills Based Routing section.)

  • When you update an existing call control script, the value in the Skill Requirements field is reset. Ensure that you take note of the configuration so that you can re-enter the right values for the Skill Requirements field in case the call control script is modified.

  • Skill requirements specified for the default path will be used for any path that doesn’t have skill requirements assigned to it.

Skill Type



Select the >= (greater than or equal to) button or the <= (less than or equal to) button, and then drag the slider to the right or left to assign a value between 0 (lowest) and 10 (highest) that represents the required level of expertise in the skill.


Select True or False to indicate whether the agent handling the call is required to have or required not to have this skill.


Enter a value in the text box and select the is or is NOT button to indicate whether the agent handling the call must have or must not have a matching value.


Select a value from the drop-down list.


To add another skill requirement for the selected path, repeat the previous step. To delete a skill requirement mapping, click the Delete button to the right of the setting for that skill.


When you’re finished adding skill requirements for the selected path, click the Save button to save your changes and close the Skills Assignment Page.


To add skill requirements for another path, start again at step 4.


When you’re finished, click the Apply button at the bottom of the Call Flow Paths window.


To save your settings to the routing strategy, click Save.

Modify a Routing Strategy

Before you modify a routing strategy, be aware of the following:

  • Although you cannot copy the current strategy, you can modify any of its settings except those that affect execution time or date. These changes have no effect on the recurring scheduled version of the strategy.

  • When you modify the current strategy, your changes take effect immediately for new calls and remain in effect until the current strategy ends. If there are calls in the queue when the modifications are made, the existing queued calls follow the original strategy unless you check the Apply changes to current calls in queue check box to the right of the Save button.

    Changes made to the current Email or Chat entry point routing strategy are also applied to the corresponding active routing strategies.

  • When you modify a strategy that is not the current strategy, your changes take effect according to the scheduled times specified in the strategy.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


On the Routing Strategy page, choose an entry point or queue from the Select Entry Point/Queue drop-down list.


Click the ellipsis button beside the strategy that you want to modify and choose Edit.


If you are modifying a global routing strategy:

  1. Click the Routing button on the menu bar, select Global Routing Strategies, select the Entry Point or Queue button on the upper-left side page.

  2. If you are modifying a strategy for cross-ACD entry points or for proxy queues, set the CC-one ACD field to False.

  3. Click the horizontal ellipsis button to the left of a the strategy you want to modify and select Edit.


Make your changes. For information about each setting, see the setting descriptions table in Create a routing strategy.


If you modify the current strategy and want the changes to apply to calls currently in queue, check the Apply changes to current calls in queue check box on the lower right side of the page. If you don't check this check box, the changes only apply to new calls.


Click Save to save your changes.

Routing Strategies Deletion and Restoration

When you delete a routing strategy, the system moves the strategy to the Deleted Routing Strategies or Deleted Global Routing Overrides page where it can be restored or permanently deleted within 30 days. After 30 days, the system permanently deletes the routing strategy.

When you delete a current strategy, the system activates the next strategy scheduled for that time period. Do not delete a current strategy unless an alternate strategy is available.

Delete a Standard Routing Strategy

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


On the Routing Strategy page, choose an entry point or queue from the Select Entry Point/Queue drop-down list.


Click the ellipsis button beside the routing strategy that you want to delete and click Delete.


Click Yes to confirm.

The system moves the strategy to the Deleted Routing Strategies page where it can be restored or permanently deleted (see Restore or Permanently Delete a Routing Strategy).

Restore or Permanently Delete a Routing Strategy

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.


On the Routing Strategy page, click Deleted Strategies.


Choose an entry point or queue from the Select Entry Point/Queue drop-down list.


Click the ellipsis button beside the strategy that you want to either restore or permanently delete and do one of the following:

  • To permanently delete the strategy, click Delete. Click Yes to confirm.

    - OR -

  • To restore the strategy, click Restore.


If you are restoring a strategy, modify the settings as required, and click Restore.

You cannot restore a deleted Chat Entry Point Routing Strategy, if a Routing Strategy is assigned to the Entry Point.

If any settings conflict with an existing routing strategy, a message informs you. In this case, you must modify the settings before you can restore the strategy.

Audio on Hold

When a call is queued on the network, an audio file continues to play until the call is distributed to a team with available capacity. If the call is queued for longer than the length of the audio content, the audio file loops back and restarts from the beginning.

We recommend that the audio file include a brief delay message followed by music. The message should announce the name of the associated queue, instruct the caller to hold for the next available agent, and include a warning that calls may be monitored.

You can record one audio file for each strategy, so the message can vary by time of day, day of week, holiday schedule, and other factors.

Working with Global Routing Overrides

A global routing override is a routing strategy that applies to one or more Telephony entry points. When a call arrives at an entry point, the routing engine checks whether a Global Routing Override exists for that entry point. If a Global Routing Override exists, it becomes the current routing strategy for the entry point, overriding any standard routing strategies associated with that entry point.

Creating a global routing override enables you to change the routing strategies quickly and easily for many entry points simultaneously in urgent situations, rather than changing each routing strategy individually.

Global routing overrides operate in the Tenant time zone.

View global routing overrides

Use this procedure to view a list of global routing overrides.

Before you begin

You require Administrator access privileges to perform this procedure.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.

The Routing Strategy page opens.


From the menu bar, choose Routing > Global Routing Overrides.

The Global Routing Overrides page opens to display the Global Routing Overrides List. This page displays all existing global routing overrides. You can use the Search function at the top-right of the List area to find your target. See Global routing override parameters for a description of the parameters that are visible on the page.


(Optional) To export the list of global routing overrides for data analysis, click the ellipsis button near the top-right side of the page and click Excel or CSV.


(Optional) To display the details of a routing overrides or to edit it, click the ellipsis button at the left of the listed overrides and then click Edit. See Edit a global routing override for further detail on editing a routing override.

Create global routing overrides

You can change the contact handling flow for multiple telephony entry points at the same time, such as for a holiday or emergency situation. Preconfigure one or more flows that you can apply quickly as an override when needed. When it becomes active, the global routing override only applies to new calls, while active calls follow the current entry point routing strategies.

By default, you create global routing overrides in the Tenant time zone. All the data that are displayed on the Global Routing Overrides page or dashboard are based on the Tenant time zone.

You can choose between two methods to create a global routing override:

Create a global routing override

Use this procedure to create a global routing override.

Before you begin

You require Administrator access privileges to perform this procedure.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.

The Routing Strategy page opens.


From the menu bar, choose Routing > Global Routing Overrides.

The Global Routing Overrides page opens to display the Global Routing Overrides List. This page shows all existing global routing overrides.


From the Global Routing Overrides page, click + New Override.

The Create Global Routing Override page opens.


Configure the new global routing override as described in Global routing override parameters.


Click Save or Cancel.

Create a global routing override from a copy

Use this procedure to create a global routing override from a copy of an existing override.

Before you begin

You require Administrator access privileges to perform this procedure.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.

The Routing Strategy page opens.


From the menu bar, choose Routing > Global Routing Overrides.

The Global Routing Overrides page opens to display the Global Routing Overrides List. This page shows all existing global routing overrides.


Locate the global routing override you want to copy to create a new override. You can use the Search function at the top-right of the Global Routing Overrides List area to find your target.


Click the ellipsis button to the left of a listed override, and then click Copy.

The Copy Global Routing Override page opens.


Change the settings as required, and in accordance with instructions provided in Global routing override parameters.


Click Save or Cancel.

Edit a global routing override

Use this procedure to edit an existing global routing override.

Before you begin

You require Administrator access privileges to perform this procedure.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.

The Routing Strategy page opens.


From the menu bar, choose Routing > Global Routing Overrides.

The Global Routing Overrides page opens to display the Global Routing Overrides List. This page shows all existing global routing overrides.


Locate the global routing override you want to edit. You can use the Search function at the top-right of the Global Routing Overrides List area to find your target.


Click the ellipsis button at the left of the entry point you want to modify, and then click Edit.

The Overwrite Global Routing Override page opens.


Edit the routing override parameters in accordance with the information provided in Global routing override parameters.


Click Save or Cancel.

Global routing override parameters

The following sections describe the parameters you see on the various pages that constitute the global routing override user interface.
Parameters for Global Routing Overrides page

The following table lists and describes the parameters you see in the Global Routing Overrides List area on the Global Routing Overrides page.




Displays the name you assign to the override. You can't change the override name after you create it.


Displays the system-assigned number of the override.


Indicates the status of the override.

  • Current (appears in Red) means this is a snapshot of the currently running override. You can't copy the current override, but you can modify any setting that doesn't affect execution time or date. Changes to the override don't affect the recurring scheduled version of the override.

    You can delete the current override, but don't delete it before you create a different override for the same time interval. If you delete an override without having another one in place, the last override used by the system becomes the default override although the start and end times and dates have expired. If this occurs, either create a new override for the current time period, or copy the default override and correct the time settings.

  • Active means that the override is in effect at the specified start time on the specified start date. This is the default status.

  • Not Active means the override isn't in effect regardless of the specified start time and date. This status lets you save an override for future use or as a draft to continue with later.


Indicates whether the global routing override is the default routing strategy (Yes) or isn't the default routing strategy (No).


Specifies whether the override repeats daily or only on specific days of the week.

Start Date

Displays the date on which the override starts.

End Date

Displays the date on which the override ends.

Start Time

Displays the time at which the override starts (in 24-hour format) for any given day in the specified date range.

End Time

Displays the time at which the override ends (in 24-hour format) for any given day in the specified date range.

Time Zone

Displays the Tenant time zone.

Global routing overrides operate in the Tenant time zone.


Lists the associated call flows when a routing override is executing.

Parameters for Create, Overwrite, Copy, and Restore Gobal Routing Override pages

The following table lists and describes the parameters that you see on the:

  • Create Global Routing Override page

  • Overwrite Global Routing Override page

  • Copy Global Routing Override page

  • Restore Global Routing Override page

Use this information to configure new or copied overrides and edit existing ones.



General Settings


Enter the name for the global routing override. You can't change the name after it's created.

If you copy an override, you can change the name of the copy.

Enterprise Name

Displays the name of the Tenant.

Channel Type

Displays the only valid channel type: Telephony

Entry Points or Queues

This field appears only if you are creating or copying a global routing override.

Choose the entry points or queues to which the global routing override applies.

Routing Type

This option is available only for queues. It is not available for proxy queues.

  • Longest Available Agent: The system routes calls to the agent who has been available for the longest time among all the agents on all the teams assigned to the strategy in the Call Distribution section.

  • Load Balance: The system routes calls to agents based on load-balancing conditions that you set in the Mode and Type fields and in the settings you specified in the Call Distribution section.

    • Mode: If you specified Load Balance in the Routing Type field, select one of the following values to specify how to handle the call load:

      • Percentage: The system routes calls to selected teams based on a percentage allocation that you specify for each team in the Call Distribution section. The percentage spread total must equal 100 across all teams selected for Group 1. For more information, see Specifying Call Distribution Settings.

      • Number: The system routes calls to selected teams based on the value you specify for each team in the Call Distribution section. This value reflects the call capacity for that team. After the system sends the specified number of calls to a particular team, it sends no additional calls to that team. In other words, this strategy allows you to specify an upper limit on the total number of calls the system sends to a particular team. This allows you to meet any contractual obligations not to exceed certain targets.

    • Type: If you specified Load Balance in the Routing Type field, select one of the following values in the Type field:

      • Dynamic: Calls routed dynamically result in a single virtual queue. The system queues callers for the longest available agent across all associated teams instead of routing them immediately at the time of call arrival to a team specified in the load balance strategy (based on active call conditions).

      • Static: The system routes calls to specific teams on the basis of a predefined percentage or numeric allocation at the time of call arrival. In static routing, the system assigns calls to a team based on the allowable number of calls specified for that team in the Call Distribution section (either a percentage or number of calls). In dynamic routing, the system assigns calls to a team based on the current allocation of calls among the teams based on the day's tally.

Routing Type (cont'd)

  • Priority Based: The system routes calls to agent teams based on a priority scheme that you set in the Call Distribution section.

  • Skills Based: The system routes calls to agents based on skill requirements that are specified in the Call Distribution section of the routing strategy for the entry point that sends calls to this queue. The Skills Based routing type is available only if your enterprise has the optional Skills-Based Routing feature provisioned.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two more settings appear for you to specify how to route a call when more than one agent has the required skill set:

    • Longest Available Agent: The system routes the call to the agent who has been available the longest.

    • Best Available Agent: When you select this setting, a Skill drop-down list appears. The system routes the call to the agent with the highest proficiency in the skill you select from the drop-down list.


Click the Status toggle button to set the status of the global routing override to either Active or Not Active.

When set to Active, the routing override activates and deactivates on the dates and at the times specified in the related Start and End Date and Start and End Time fields.

Time Settings

Time zone

Displays the Tenant time zone.

Global routing overrides operate in the Tenant time zone.

Start Date

End Date

Click in each of these fields and use the calendar controls to specify the start date (the date the global routing override becomes effective) and end date (the date the global routing override expires).

Start Time

End Time

Enter in 24-hour format (0000–2400) the time of day you want the global routing override to start and end.

Day of Week

From the drop-down list:

  • Choose All Days if you want to schedule the global routing override to run every day.

  • Choose Weekdays if you want to schedule the global routing override to run from Monday through Friday only.

  • Choose Specific Days, and click the icons representing weekdays if you want to schedule the global routing override to run on specific days of the week.

Advanced Settings

Music on Hold

From the drop-down list, choose the name of the audio (.wav) file to play for calls when an agent puts a call on hold. Music in Queue (MIQ) is handled from Flow. When a contact is queued and if no agent is available, the customer is engaged with MIQ.

Maximum Time in Queue

If this is a standard Webex Contact Center queue routing strategy, enter the length of time to wait, in seconds, before the system routes a queued call to the overflow destination number provisioned for the queue. Cisco recommends setting this to 1800 (30 minutes) or to three times the average queue length during busy hours.

If this is an email routing strategy, set this parameter to a value high enough to avoid overflow.

By default, this field adopts the value provisioned for the queue.

The cumulative total queue time configured for all groups in the Call Distribution section of the routing strategy mustn’t exceed the value specified here. See Specifying Call Distribution Settings for more information.

Retries within the Team

If this is a standard Webex Contact Center queue routing strategy, specify the maximum number of attempts the system makes to send a call to a team before it routes the call to the next available team. The system makes no further attempts to send the call to that team again.


  • This setting doesn’t apply to Skills-Based routing strategies. For Skills Based routing, if the call is in the last group, the call overflows if the system finds no matching agent. If the call is in any other group, and if it’s sent to an agent who doesn’t answer, the system continues to try matching other available agents any number of times, without regard to this setting.

  • In a load balance strategy using percentage allocation, the system does not route a call to a second team when the first team is unavailable. Instead, the system retries the first team's DN for the number of times that are specified for the strategy, and then overflows the call.

Flag as Default Routing Strategy

This setting is available only if you create a new override or copy an existing one.

Set to Yes if you want this global routing override to be the default global routing override for the specified time interval for this entry point or queue.

Set to No to create an exception to the default schedule, such as a holiday. This override overrides the default override. That is, the system first checks for a override that isn’t flagged as default, and if none exists, the system uses the default override.

You can configure different routing strategies for a given time interval. However, Webex Contact Center prioritizes only one routing strategy. Webex Contact Center uses the following order of prioritization to decide the current routing strategy at any given time:

  1. Global Routing Overrides
  2. Default Global Routing Overrides
  3. Routing Strategy
  4. Default Routing Strategy

Call Control

Control Script

Select a call control script from the drop-down list. Every strategy must have a control script associated with it, which defines how calls are handled. If appropriate, change the script's default parameters in the fields displayed. For more information, see Assigning Call Control Scripts and Parameters.

When you create an Inbound Queue, if a Control Script is selected, then the Music in Queue setting gets reset.

If you’re editing an existing strategy, selecting a different call control script can significantly change how calls are handled. It’s important that you’re clear on what you want to do before changing scripts or script parameters.

If this is an entry point strategy for Skills-Based routing, assign skills requirements as described in Assigning Skill Requirements to Incoming Calls.


Choose a flow to override the contact handling behavior for the selected entry points during the configured time period.

Call Distribution

This parameter applies to queues only. It does not apply to proxy queues.

If this is a standard queue routing strategy, specify which teams you want to associate with this strategy and organize them into groups. See “Specifying Call Distribution Settings” on page 166 for details. In addition, do the following (as described in “Assigning Teams and Skill-Relaxation Settings to Groups” beginning on page 168):

• If the routing type is Load Balance, assign percentage spreads or capacities to each team in Group 1. You can add additional groups, but you cannot assign percentage spreads or capacities to the teams in those additional groups.

• If the routing type is Priority, assign priorities. Note that a specific priority can be assigned to only one team within the strategy (for example, only one team can have a priority of 1 assigned to it).

• If the routing type is Skills Based, specify skill relaxation settings if appropriate.

If this is a routing strategy for an outdial queue, you must specify a team in the Call Distribution section. The specified team is only a placeholder and is not used. In addition, be sure to create only one group for an outdial queue routing strategy.

Delete a global routing override

Use this procedure to delete a global routing strategy.

Before you begin

You require Administrator access privileges to complete this procedure.

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.

The Routing Strategy page opens.


From the menu bar, choose Routing > Global Routing Overrides.

The Global Routing Overrides page opens to display the Global Routing Overrides List. This page shows all existing global routing overrides. See Global routing override parameters for a description of the elements that are visible on the page.


Locate the global routing override you want to edit. You can use the Search function at the top-right of the Global Routing Overrides List area to find your target.


Click the ellipsis button to the left of the routing override you want to delete, then click Delete. In the confirmation dialog box that opens, click OK.

The routing override moves to the Deleted Global Routing Overrides page where it awaits restoration or permanent deletion. For more information, see Restore or Permanently Delete a Routing Strategy.

Restore or permanently delete a global routing override

Use this procedure to restore or permanently delete a global routing override.

Before you begin

You require Administrator access privileges to perform this procedure.

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.

The Routing Strategy page opens.


From the menu bar, choose Routing > Global Routing Override.

The Global Routing Overrides page opens to display the Global Routing Overrides List. This page shows all existing global routing overrides. See Global routing override parameters for a description of the parameters that are visible on the page.


Click the Deleted Global Routing Overrides button at the top-right side of the page.

The Deleted Global Routing Overrides page opens displaying a list of deleted routing overrides, if any exist.


In the Deleted Global Routing Overrides List view, locate the routing override you want to either restore or permanently delete. You can use the Search function at the far-right of the page to locate your target.


Click the ellipsis button to the left of the routing override you want to either restore or permanently delete and do one of the following:

  1. (Optional) To permanently delete the override, click the Delete icon. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box to commit.

    The Deleted Global Routing Overrides page immediately refreshes, excluding the deleted routing override.

  2. (Optional) To restore the override, click the Restore icon. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box to commit.

    The Restore Global Routing Override page appears, displaying the settings for the routing override.

    You can change some of the settings in accordance with the information that is provided in Global routing override parameters.

    Click Restore to save changes and confirm reactivation of the override.

    If any settings conflict with an existing routing override, a message informs you. In this case, you must modify the settings before the override restores.

    The Deleted Global Routing Overrides page immediately refreshes, excluding the restored routing override.

Introduction to Webex Contact Center

Welcome to Webex Contact Center. The following topics provide a brief insight about Webex Contact Center.

Webex Contact Center Overview

Contact centers of multisourcing enterprises leverage a combination of sourcing solutions, including captive, outsourced, and offshore. The typical multisource contact-center environment is organizationally complex, consisting of sites located all over the world, and staffed by direct company employees and/or outsourced agents.

In this environment, most locations operate independently and use disparate contact center technologies, including routing, administrative solutions, and reporting tools. This combination of tools and technologies makes both management and quality monitoring across different locations extremely challenging.

Cisco’s Webex Contact Center offers a unique solution that combines contact center and IP technologies in a global call management service. The Webex Contact Center solution is built on the Cisco Midpoint Call Management ® technology, a centralized control point for managing and monitoring calls and contacts across a heterogeneous contact center environment.

Offered as a cloud service, Webex Contact Center provides enterprises with full control over their global contact center queues and creates the appearance of a single, unified contact center environment. Calls, chats, and emails are distributed to the contact center sites where agents are available. When agents are occupied, contacts are queued centrally so they can be serviced by the next available agent irrespective of the physical location of the agent.

In the voice context, by queuing calls centrally, enterprises can offload the queuing function from their premises-based equipment, thus achieving substantial cost savings in telecom hardware, toll charges, and bandwidth use. More importantly, a call can be directed to the next available agent at any site because the endpoint of the call can be anywhere around the globe, Webex Contact Center seamlessly integrates remote agents and at-home agents into the enterprise’s multisource contact center environment.

About Sites, Teams, Entry Points, and Queues

A Webex Contact Center tenant is an enterprise that has contact centers at one or more sites. The enterprise also has entry points for incoming contacts that are associated with queues. Incoming contacts can be toll-free numbers for voice calls, designated email addresses for emails, or chats with agents. For example, an enterprise that is named Acme might have an entry point that is named Welcome. Welcome classifies contacts into AcmeBilling and distributes to teams of agents in Chicago, Manila, and Bangalore.

Each Webex Contact Center tenant profile consists of sites, teams, entry points, and queues.

  • A site is a physical contact center location under the control of the enterprise or an outsourcer. For example, Acme might have sites in Chicago, Manila, and Bangalore.

  • A team is a group of agents at a specific site who handle a particular type of contact. For example, Acme might have teams at their Chicago site that are named Chi_Billing, Chi_Sales, and Chi_GoldCustomerService, and teams at their Bangalore site named Bgl_Billing, Bgl_GoldCustomerService, and Bgl_Experts. Agents can be assigned to more than one team, but an agent can service only one team at a time.

  • An entry point is the initial landing place for the customer contacts on the Webex Contact Center system. For the voice contacts, typically one or more toll-free or dial numbers are associated with an entry point. IVR call treatment is performed while a call is in the entry point.

  • A queue is where active contacts are kept while they await handling by an agent. Contacts are moved from the entry point into a queue and are distributed to agents.

Tenants that use the outdial feature are also configured with at least one outdial entry point and one outdial queue.

Telecom managers, contact center managers, and other representatives of the enterprise who are authorized to access the Webex Contact Center service have a view of contact center activity at their enterprise through the Webex Contact Center Management Portal.

In addition to sites, teams, entry points, and queues, the Provisioning module of the Webex Contact Center Management Portal provides an interface to add agents and assign them to teams. Each agent is configured with a desktop profile , a value that determines the agent’s permission levels and Agent Desktop behaviors, including which wrap-up and idle codes are available to the agent. Thus, you should add wrap-up and idle codes before you define desktop profiles and define desktop profiles before you define agents. If your enterprise is provisioned with the optional skills-based routing feature, you should also add skills and skill profiles before you define teams and agents.

Webex Contact Center Management Portal

You can access the Webex Contact Center Management Portal through a web browser. The Portal provides access to Webex Contact Center modules that enable authorized users to perform various tasks such as:

  • View real-time and historical contact center data

  • Silently monitor interactions directed to destination sites

  • Create agent accounts and other contact center resources

  • Create and edit scheduled contact routing strategies and team capacity strategies to control contact treatment and distribution

In addition, the Webex Contact Center Management Portal landing page displays graphs of real-time and historical call activity and current agent status.

Your assigned user profile determines your access to Webex Contact Center modules and functionality.

For information about how to access and work with the Webex Contact Center Management Portal, see Supported Browsers for Management Portal.

Webex Contact Center Modules

After you sign in to the Management Portal, click the module on the navigation bar that you want to access. If the navigation bar is collapsed, click the navigation button on the top-left corner of the Management Portal landing page to expand it. If you can't see a module in your interface, then either you don’t have the appropriate permissions to access the module, or it’s an optional module that your enterprise doesn’t have license to.

The following table describes the modules that authorized users can access through the Webex Contact Center Management Portal.




Allows authorized users to create, view, and edit the settings that are provisioned for the enterprise. The module provides access to the Audit Trail, Agent Skills Report, Provisioned Items Report, and Provisioned Skills Report.

Reporting and Analytics

Allows authorized users to segment, profile, and visualize the data in contact center systems. The module also helps to identify the key variables that impact productivity and desired business outcomes. For more information, see Webex Contact Center Analyzer User Guide.

Business Rules

Allows authorized users of the Analyzer module to incorporate customer data into the Webex Contact Center environment for custom routing.

Agent Desktop

Allows authorized users to access the Desktop interface for handling customer contacts and supervisor capabilities. For more information, see all the articles related to Agent Desktop and Supervisor Desktop.

Routing Strategy

Provides a web-based user interface to manage and configure contact handling strategies. Authorized users can create and schedule global routing and team capacity strategies, and alter them in real time in response to changes in business dynamics. For more information, see Contact Routing.

Call Monitoring

Allows authorized users to silently monitor the quality of service being delivered across their multisource contact centers. The power of the Webex Contact Center service lies in the unique ability to monitor any call across any site. Through a simplified web interface, users can select the queue, team, site, or agent that they want to silently monitor. Authorized users can provide instructions to the monitored agent without being heard by the caller, and can join a call being monitored and participate in the conversation. For more information, see Monitor Calls.

Call Recording

Optional module that allows authorized users to record calls.

Recording Management

Optional module that allows authorized users to search for and play calls recorded through the Webex Contact Center Call Recording feature. For more information, see About Recording Management.

Audit Trail

Allows authorized users to view details about provisioning changes made for their enterprise and export the data to a data analysis tool, such as Microsoft Excel. For more information, see Access Audit Trail Reports.

About Time Zones

All dates and times displayed on the Webex Contact Center Management Portal and in the Webex Contact Center modules reflect the time zone that is provisioned for the enterprise with the following exceptions:

  • Dates and times displayed on the main pages of the Real-Time Reports and Call Monitoring modules reflect the browser time.

  • Time values in routing strategies are based on the time zone that is provisioned for the entry point or queue. If no time zone is specified, the time zone is provisioned for the enterprise.

Dates are converted to UTC time when they are saved to the database, so the system behavior, such as time-of-day routing, is applied universally across the multi-site contact center network, regardless of which time zones the sites are located in. The system filters the historical reports based on the enterprise time zone.

To specify a different time zone for displaying the time values in routing strategies, see View routing strategies by time zone.

When you edit a tenant time zone, you must relogin to see the changes.

PCI compliance

Webex Contact Center is fully Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant to protect customer organizations from data loss while using voice and digital channels. We protect and secure PCI data and related information in strict adherence to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This compliance enables you to:

  • Prevent logging and storing of any sensitive information that is related to PCI data.

  • Mask and encrypt customer sensitive information such as debit or credit card details.

  • Drop attachments if PCI data is detected.

  • Restrict attachments in the email and chat services if it contains cardholder information.

  • Allow administrators to configure either to reject or drop the email or chat content if it has PCI data in the email subject line or email or chat body.

For more information, see Webex Contact Center Privacy Data Sheet from Cisco Trust Portal.

In Webex Contact Center, PCI is enabled by default. To know more about the file types that are supported across all digital channels for regular attachments, see Supported attachment types for digital channels in Webex Contact Center.

Embedded images aren’t supported in attachments.

Get Started with Webex Contact Center

This chapter describes the tasks that you need to do the first time you login to the Webex Contact Center .

System Requirements

This section details system requirements for various contact center applications.

Supported Browsers for Management Portal

The following table lists the supported operating systems and browsers for various client devices to access the Webex Contact Center Management Portal:


Microsoft Windows 10

Microsoft Windows 11

Mac OS X


Google Chrome



76.0.3809 or higher

76.0.3809 or higher

Mozilla Firefox

ESR 68 or higher ESRs

ESR V102.0 or higher ESRs

ESR 68 and higher ESRs


Microsoft Edge

42.17134 or higher

103.0.1264.44 or higher







79 or higher

Domain Access Required for Desktop

To ensure that the Desktop responds as expected on your network, add the following domains to the Firewall/VPN (Virtual Private Network) allowed list:

An * shown at the beginning of a URL (e.g., * indicates that services in the top level domain and all subdomains must be accessible.

Domain / URLDescription
Webex Contact Center Services URLs



Content Delivery Network (CDN) services to efficiently deliver static files.



Contact Center micro-services.




Webex micro-services.

Additional services related to Webex Contact Center—Third Party domains


Webex Experience Management platform (Formerly known as Cloud Cherry).


Digital channels.





Performance tracking, error and crash capture, and session metrics.

Public IPs and Domain details

To enhance security and minimize unauthorized access, you can view the list of static IP addresses we support on Webex Engage and Webex Connect that you can allowlist to access the necessary information.

Table 1. Public IPs
Data centerWebex EngageWebex Connect
AWS Ireland

AWS Oregon (US)

AWS Canada

AWS London

AWS Sydney

AWS India/Mumbai

AWS Singapore

Azure US20.55.248.119



System Limits in Webex Contact Center

This section on system limits contains all the configurations and visualization limits that apply to the Webex Contact Center Management Portal.

The table lists the maximum system limits for configuration object types and configuration object attributes. For details of attributes within each entity, see Provisioning. Some values of system limits may vary based on specific platforms. The Service Details section on your Control Hub organization will show the voice channel service as Classic or Next Generation.

Table 2. Maximum System Limits for Configuration Object Types and Attributes

Configuration Object Type

Configuration Object Attribute

Maximum Allowed Limit for Tenants





Agent based



Agent based - Users



Capacity based



Capacity based - Active



Capacity based - Inactive


Auxiliary code



Auxiliary codes



Entry points



Oudial entry points




Active 20000







Multimedia profiles



Desktop layouts









Text length



Enum limits



Enum length


Skill profiles


Skill profiles



QueuesSkill requirements 50
QueuesSkill-based routing type500
QueuesTeam-based routing type10500

Global variables



Threshold rule



Desktop profiles



Desktop profiles

Maximum autowrapup timeout

600000 miliseconds

Desktop profiles

Auxiliary codes - wrapup codes


Desktop profiles

Auxiliary codes - idle codes


Desktop profiles

Transfer targets


Desktop profiles

Buddy teams


Desktop profiles

Dial plans


Desktop profiles

Agent Dial number validation criteria


Desktop profiles

Viewable statistics queues


Desktop profiles

Viewable statistics teams


User profiles



User profiles

Access rights - sites


User profiles

Access rights - teams


User profiles

Access rights - entry points


User profiles

Access rights - queues


Routing Strategy



Routing Strategy

Global entry points


Routing Strategy

Per entry point


Dialed numbers

Entry Point


Dialed numbers

Per entry point


Contact service queue



Contact service queue



Contact service queue

Distribution groups


Contact service queue

Distribution groups - teams


Contact service queue

Distribution groups - total teams


Contact service queue

Service level threshold - telephony

86400 seconds

Contact service queue

Service level threshold - chat

86400 seconds

Contact service queue

Service level threshold - digital

604800 seconds

Contact service queue

Service level threshold - email

1209600 seconds

Contact service queue

Maximum time in queue - telephony

86400 seconds

Contact service queue

Maximum time in queue - chats

86400 seconds

Contact service queue

Maximum time in queue - digital

604800 seconds

Contact service queue

Maximum time in queue - email

1209600 seconds

Call recording schedule

Per queue


Call monitoring Schedule


Call monitoring Schedule



Call monitoring Schedule



Call monitoring Schedule



Call monitoring Schedule



Call recording Schedule



Call recording Schedule



Call recording Schedule



Address Book


Address Book



Address Book

Total entries


Outdial ANI


Outdial ANI



Outdial ANI

Total entries


Audio file


Audio file

Size in bytes


Audio file

Total size in bytes


Call monitoring

Dashboard - queues


Call monitoring

Dashboard - sites


Call monitoring

Dashboard - teams


Call monitoring

Dashboard - agents


Recording management



Recording management



Recording management



Recording management



Recording management

Wrapup codes


Recording management



Call monitoring

Maximum concurrent sessions


Maximum concurrent supervisor sessions

Maximum concurrent supervisor sessions


Business Hours





Holiday list


Business Hours

Working hours





Holiday list


Number of Connectors

Per connector Type


CCAI Config


The table lists the system limits for visualization of filters on the UI of the Management Portal for recording management, call recording and call monitoring schedules features:

Table 3. Maximum System Limits for Filters


Object Types with Filters


Maximum Allowed Limit

Recording Management


The maximum number of filters for queues.



The maximum number of filters for sites.



The maximum number of filters for teams.



The maximum number of filters for agents.


Wrap-Up Codes

The maximum number of filters for wrap-up codes.



The maximum number of filters for tags.


Call Recording Schedules


The maximum number of filters for sites.



The maximum number of filters for teams.



The maximum number of filters for agents.


Call Monitoring Dashboard


The maximum number of filters for queues.



The maximum number of filters for sites.



The maximum number of filters for teams.



The maximum number of filters for agents.


Call Monitoring Schedules


The maximum number of filters for queues.



The maximum number of filters for sites.



The maximum number of filters for teams.



The maximum number of filters for agents.


The listed entities have a maximum limit on the number of characters that can be used for the Name field.

  • Entry Point

  • Queue

  • Outdial Entry Point

  • Outdial Queue

  • Site

  • Team

  • Users

  • User Profiles

  • Work Types

  • Auxilary Code

  • Desktop Profiles

  • Address Book

  • Outdial ANI

  • Skills Definition

  • Skill Profile

  • Entry Point Mappings

  • Audio Files

The Name cannot exceed 80 characters. It can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.

The table lists the supported configuration limits for routing and queuing. Active limits are the operable limits for configurations to work optimally. Maximum limits are the threshold limits for configurations to work at maximum capacity. We recommend that you use configuration values that are within the parameters mentioned in the Maximum Limits column of this table.

Table 4. Active and maximum configuration limits


Active Limits

Maximum number of agents for a team


Maximum number of teams for a Call Distribution Group


Maximum Call Distribution Groups in a queue


Maximum number of teams in a queue, across all Call Distribution Groups


Maximum number of agents for a queue (maximum agents in a team x maximum teams for a Call Distribution Group x maximum Call Distribution Groups in the queue)


Maximum time in a queue (voice)

1 day

Maximum skills for a skill profile


Maximum number for a Capacity-Based Team


Maximum Capacity-Based Teams for an organization


Maximum number of concurrent calls for Capacity-Based Teams (maximum number for a Capacity-Based Team x maximum number of Capacity-Based Teams for an organization)


Maximum skill requirements for a contact


Maximum number of concurrent calls for call monitoring


Maximum number of agents in a campaign


Sign in to Management Portal

Sign in to the Webex Contact Center Management Portal through a web browser with your sign in credentials. You can access the modules and functionalities that your administrator grants access to.

To sign in to the Management Portal:


Sign in to


Click Services from the left pane.


On the Contact Center card, click Settings.


Under the Advance Configuration section, click the Management Portal link. You can bookmark this link and access the portal directly with this link.

The Management Portal landing page appears. For more information, see About Management Portal Components.

After you sign out, close all Webex Contact Center windows before you sign in again.

About Management Portal Components

The Webex Contact Center Management Portal landing page has multiple components that you can access based on your authorization.

The following table describes the components of the Management Portal landing page:



Navigation bar

Displays the modules that you are authorized to access. For more information, see Webex Contact Center Modules

You can see either the name of the module or, if the navigation bar is collapsed, an icon that represents the module. Hover the mouse pointer over an icon to display the module name.

To expand or collapse the navigation bar, click the button on the upper-left side of the landing page.


Displays the number of calls that are currently in IVR, in queue, connected, and the number of currently available agents.

The rest of this panel displays four charts. Three of them provide real-time statistics for the current call activity, interval call activity, and site-level agent activity. The fourth chart provides historical statistics.

You can click the icon at the top of a chart to display the corresponding report in the Reporting and Analytics module window.

To change the size of a chart, point to a corner or edge and when the mouse pointer changes to a two-headed arrow, drag the corner or edge to shrink or enlarge the chart.

To restore the original size of resized charts, click Reset Widgets.

Settings button

Expands and collapses a panel where you can do the following:

Your name button

Displays the following options in a drop-down list:

  • Help: Opens the Management Portal online help document in a separate window.

  • Sign Out: Closes all of the open modules and signs you out of the Management Portal.

About Dashboards

The Webex Contact Center Management Portal landing page provides the following dashboards:

  • Entry Point - Site level Dashboard (default)

  • Contact Center Overview - Realtime

  • Contact Center Overview - Historical

  • Agent State Data - Realtime

For detailed information about the visualizations available in each dashboard, see the Visualizations section in the Cisco Webex Contact Center Analyzer User Guide.

You can access the dashboards from the drop-down list at the top-left corner of the Dashboard tab.

  • Access to the above listed dashboards is based on access privileges configured in the User Profile settings in the management portal. For more information, see User Profiles.

  • The dashboard summary view is available to all the users who access the Management Portal.

Entry Point - Site Level Dashboard

Displays information about the number of contacts that are in IVR and Queues.

  • Snapshot Entry Point IVR Realtime - Chart: Indicates the number of calls that are in the IVR.

  • Entry Point Interval Realtime - Chart: Indicates the number of contacts (voice, email, and chat) per entry point in real time for a specific interval. By default, the interval is 30 minutes and the duration is from the start of the day.

  • Site Interval Realtime - Chart: Indicates the number of connected contacts (voice, email, and chat) per site in real time since the start of the day.

  • Entry Point Contact Volume - Chart: Indicates the number of connected contacts per entry point on a daily interval, for the last seven days.

Contact Center Overview - Historical

Displays information about contacts handled, contacts abandoned, and contacts in queues for a specified duration and time interval. You can use the Interval and Duration drop-down lists in the dashboard to filter the data based on the selected time interval and duration. To refresh the data, use the Refresh icon.

The following information is available:

  • Average Service Level: Indicates the percentage of contacts that are handled within the configured service level for the queue.

  • Total Contacts Handled: Indicates the total number of contacts (voice, email, social, and chat) handled.

  • Total Contacts Abandoned: Indicates the total number of contacts (voice, email, social, and chat) abandoned.

  • Average Handled Time: Indicates the average time that is taken to handle a contact (voice, email, social, and chat).

  • Longest Contact in Queue: Indicates the time in queue for the contact (voice, email, social, or chat) with the longest waiting time.

  • Contact Details in Queue: Shows the details of contacts (voice, email, social, and chat) that are currently in queue.

In addition, the Team Details - Historical dashboard displays the following information in a specified duration and time interval:

  • Teams

  • Agents in Teams

  • Agent Login

  • Contacts handled by the agents

You can filter the data using the following filters available in the dashboard:

  • Agent Name

  • Team Name

  • Interval

  • Duration

Agent State Data - Realtime

As an administrator or supervisor, you can monitor the agent state data using the Agent State Data - Realtime dashboard. The dashboard displays the following information:

  • The name of the agent.

  • The site and team to which the agent is assigned.

  • The login time of the agent.

  • The most recent known state of the agent.

  • The duration for which the agent has been in the most recent state.

  • The idle code, if the agent is in the Idle state.

The filters at the top of the dashboard enable you to display the agent state data for selected sites, teams, or agents. The list of sites, teams, or agents available in the filters depends on the teams or sites to which the administrator or supervisor has access rights. For more information, see Access Rights.

Agent State Data - Realtime dashboard provides you the ability to sign out agents based on the agent state. The most recent agent states and descriptions are available in the following table.

Most Recent State

Indicates that


The agent is connected to at least one channel. This state includes Ringing and Wrap-Up also. An icon indicates the most recently connected channel in the State Duration field.


The agent is available on the desktop, but hasn’t received an active contact.


The agent has set an Idle state. Check the Idle Code field for more information.

An option to forcefully sign out an agent is available, if a regular sign out is not possible. The administrator or supervisor should exercise caution while forcefully signing out the agent, as the agent's current contacts are cleared.

For Chat and Email channels, when the supervisor tries to forcefully sign out an agent from the Management Portal, the agent gets signed out; but the chat session remains open. The contact clean up functionality is not available for these channels.

To sign out an agent, click Sign Out in the Action field. You receive a notification that the agent is successfully signed out.

You can access the Agent State Data - Realtime dashboard only if you have View or Edit permissions to the Logout Agents module. To sign out agents, you must have Edit permissions to the module. For more information, see Module Settings.

  • The Social channel type appears in the reports if your enterprise has purchased the Social Channel add-on.

  • The Deployment Name filter appears only for Cloud Connect users.

For more information about reports, see the Types of Records Available in Each Repository section in the Webex Contact Center Analyzer User Guide.

Change User Interface Colors

You can set colors or skins in the selection panel and in the banner on the pages:


Click the Gears icon at the top-right corner of the Management Portal.


Click the tab displaying the Wrench icon, and select a skin.

The colors change immediately.

(Optional) Click the Reset icon to restore the default color.

Create a Custom Theme

You can customize the banner color and images for the Management Portal user interface by creating a custom theme. You must have proper authorization to customize the user interface.

To create a custom theme:


Click the Gears icon at the top-right corner of the Management Portal.


Click the tab displaying the Custom Theme icon.


In Banner Color, enter the HTML (hexadecimal) code for a color or click the small box on the right and select a color.


(Optional) Click the folder button for each listed image type, navigate to the image file in your system that you want to use, and click Open. The supported file types are PNG, JPG, JPEG, and GIF.


Click Save.

The user interface updates with the new theme.

(Optional) Click Reset to revert your changes.

View and Regenerate Your API Key

To view or regenerate your API key:


Click the Gears icon at the top-right corner of the Management Portal.


Click the tab displaying the API Key icon.


(Optional) Click the link to view the API key.


Click Regenerate Key to regenerate your API key.

Access Audit Trail Reports

The Audit Trail page provides an interface where you can view details about the provisioning module changes to your account in last three years. However, you can fetch data for a seven-day period only. You can also download the details in a Microsoft Excel or an Adobe PDF file. Ensure that you have permission to view the reports.

To display an audit trail report:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Audit Trail.


Select the filters:

Call Status



Select the entity from the drop-down. Entities are the items in the provisioning database tables.


Select the action performed on the selected entity, such as Create, Delete, and Update.

Time Period

Select a date range of seven days from the calender controls.


Click Apply Filters.


(optional) Click Download PDF or Download EXCEL to download the report.

Provisioning Webex Contact Center Resources

Tenant Settings

You can now access tenant settings directly from the Control Hub of newly enhanced Webex Contact Center. For more information, visit Tenant Settings help on Webex Help Center.

If you are still accessing tenant settings through Webex Contact Center Management Portal, you can continue with the following instructions.

You can use the Webex Contact Center Management Portal to configure the tenants that your administrator provisions for your enterprise. To view the tenant settings for your enterprise, click your enterprise name under the Provisioning module in the navigation bar.

Click the following tabs to configure the tenant settings:

General Settings

The General Settings tab displays the following settings.

In the following table, the check mark (✓) at the Tenant column indicates the settings that the authorized users of your enterprise specify. Similarly the ✓ mark in the Partner column identifies the settings that the partner administrator specifies. The ✓ in the Webex Contact Center column identifies the settings that the Webex Contact Center administrator specifies.

To modify the settings, click Edit at the bottom of the page.





Webex Contact Center

Tenant Details


The name of your enterprise.


(Optional) The description for your enterprise.

Time Zone

The time zone that you provision for your enterprise. For more information, see About Time Zones.


The status of the tenant. You cannot change the status of the tenant.

Desktop settings

The Desktop section displays the following settings.

  • Agent experience: Set the inactivity timeout and auto wrap-up interval.

  • Voice features: Enable or disable force default DN, end call, and end consult.

  • RONA timeouts: Configure RONA (Redirection on No Answer) timeouts for unanswered calls.

  • System settings: Set lost connection recovery timeouts.

Manage RONA timeouts

The contact center administrators can manage the Redirection on No Answer (RONA) timeout settings for agents and customers.

To configure the RONA timeout settings for both inbound and outbound call scenarios:


Log in to the customer organization on Control Hub.


Navigate to Services > Contact Center > Settings > Desktop.


In the RONA timeouts section, enter the timeout values in seconds, for the channels.

The table shows the default value and the allowed range for the RONA timeout settings.

ChannelsDefault Value (seconds)Minimum Value (seconds)

Maximum Value (seconds)

Telephony (inbound and outbound)
















  • For inbound call scenarios, Webex Contact Center connects the customer call to the agent session for the duration of the unanswered call. The call is then redirected to another agent or skill group. For example, if the Telephony default value is set to 18 seconds and the agent does not receive the call within the specified time, the call goes to RONA state. Webex Contact Center returns the call to the queue and re-routes it to another agent or skill group.

  • For outbound call scenarios, the configured time is inclusive of both agent and customer accepting the expected call for the specified duration. Webex Contact Center will first connect to the agent for the time specified and the remaning time will be utilized to connect to the customer. For example, if the Telephony default value is set to18 seconds and it takes 2 seconds to connect to the agent, the remaining 16 seconds will be utilized to connect to the customer. It is recommended to set an optimal time that balances both the time of the agent and the customer/devices handling the calls.


Click Save.


The Provisioning tab displays the following settings. The partner administrator and the Webex Contact Center administrator specify these settings.

To modify the settings, click Edit at the bottom of the page.



System Profile

Workforce Options

Allows the supervisors to manage the human resources. Supervisors can proactively analyze and adjust for daily realities and make smarter decisions to manage resources to optimize service levels.

Workforce Options enable one or more of the following Workforce Optimization options for your enterprise:

  • Quality Management

  • Workforce Management

  • WFO Analytics

  • Workforce Analytics with Transcriptions

  • Workforce Optimization Bundle

The availability of these features depends on your license. Contact your organization administrator for more information.

Campaign Management

Enables the third-party software List and the Campaign Manager (LCM) module for a tenant. LCM manages the upload, selection, and rescheduling of contacts. It also provides campaign manager reports.

The availability of this feature depends on your license. Contact your organization administrator for more information.

Speech Enabled IVR

If this setting is Yes, your enterprise allows customers to post questions or concerns in plain language to the system.

The availability of this feature depends on your license. Contact your organization administrator for more information.


The Settings tab displays the following settings. An asterisk (*) indicates that the settings are not available to tenants with standard licenses.

In the table below, the ✓ mark in the Tenant column indicates the settings that authorized users of your enterprise specify. Similarly, the ✓ mark in the Partner column identifies the settings that the partner administrator specifies. The ✓ in the Webex Contact Center column identifies the settings that the Webex Contact Center administrator specifies.

To modify the settings, click Edit at the bottom of the page.





Webex Contact Center

Call Settings

Short Call Threshold

The time interval, in seconds, to determine whether the call is short or abandoned.

Sudden Disconnect Threshold

The time interval in seconds to determine whether the agent handles the call or the call ends. The time determines if there is an issue with the connectivity or with the behavior of the agent. You can consider a call as disconnected, if the call terminates within this time interval after it reaches a destination site.

Default Outdial ANI

The default dial number for the tenant to make outdial calls. The default dial number is displayed in the customer's caller ID, if an agent does not select a specific outdial ANI (Automatic Number Identification) for an outdial call.

  • To be available as the default outdial ANI, the dial number must be mapped to an entry point. For more information, see Entry Point Mappings.

  • By default, the first dial number that is mapped to an entry point is displayed as the default outdial ANI. If a dial number is not mapped to an entry point, the Default Outdial ANI field indicates Not Configured.

To select a default outdial ANI for the tenant, click Edit at the bottom of the page. The Default Outdial ANI drop-down list contains all of the existing dial numbers that are mapped to entry points. To set a dial number as the default outdial ANI, select the dial number from the drop-down list.

Timeout Settings

Desktop Inactivity Timeout

Desktop Inactivity Timeout enables you to automatically sign out an agent from the desktop after being inactive for the specified time. An agent is considered inactive for not performing any activity on the Agent Desktop while in the Idle state. Agent activity includes handling contacts, working on custom widgets, or performing any task on the Agent Desktop.

The default setting is set to No. If the setting remains at No, then the agents who are signed in will be charged for agent license usage until their session is explicitly signed out.

If the setting is Yes, system automatically signs out an agent after being idle for the provided timeout duration.

You can provide an idle timeout value from 3 to 10,000 minutes.

Concurrent Voice Contact Settings

Concurrent Voice Contact Entitlements

The number of concurrent voice contact sessions that the tenant is entitled to.

This entitlement is based on the following formula:

((Number of committed Standard Agent licenses + Number of committed Premium Agent licenses) x 3) + Number of Add-on IVR port licenses

One session (interaction) in surge protection includes all the inbound and outbound calls related to that session.

  • For zero commitment orders, the default value of Concurrent Voice Contact Entitlements is:

    100 + Number of Add-on IVR port licenses

  • You cannot modify the value of Concurrent Voice Contact Entitlements.

Voice Contact Surge Percentage

The percentage of voice contact sessions that the tenant can have, over and above the Concurrent Voice Contact Entitlements.

The default surge percentage is 30%.

Maximum Concurrent Voice Contact Threshold

The maximum number of concurrent voice contact sessions that are allowed for the tenant. The contact center drops any inbound or outbound voice contacts after reaching this threshold.

This value is derived from the Concurrent Voice Contact Entitlements and the Voice Contact Surge Percentage fields.

For example, if the concurrent voice contact entitlements is 300 and the surge percentage is 30% (default value), the Maximum Concurrent Voice Contact Threshold is calculated as:

300 x 1.3 = 390

  • If the Maximum Concurrent Voice Contact Threshold is insufficient for your business requirements for a short duration, submit a service request to Cisco Support to have the value adjusted. Cisco Support will adjust the surge percentage to ensure that the required Maximum Concurrent Voice Contact Threshold is available for your tenant.

  • This field is for production traffic only and reverts to the previous entitlement unless you purchase license in 7 days. This feature is not meant for load testing or any non-production use.

  • Use this field only if there is evidence of calls being rejected. Be wary that if you increase the surge percentage then your monthly invoice may also increase as per the overage.

Concurrent Digital Contact Settings

Concurrent Digital Contact Entitlements

The number of concurrent digital contact sessions that the tenant is entitled to.

This entitlement is based on the following formula:

(Number of committed Standard Agent licenses + Number of committed Premium Agent licenses) x 2 x 15

  • For zero commitment orders, the default value of concurrent digital contact entitlements is:

    100 x 15

  • You cannot modify the value of concurrent digital contact entitlements.

Digital Contact Surge Percentage

The percentage of digital contact sessions that the tenant can have, over and above the concurrent digital contact entitlements.

The default surge percentage is 30%.

Maximum Concurrent Digital Contact Threshold

The maximum number of concurrent digital contact sessions that are allowed for the tenant. The contact center drops any new digital contacts after reaching this threshold.

The value of Maximum Concurrent Digital Contact Threshold is set to 30% higher than the concurrent digital contact entitlements.

Maximum Concurrent Digital Threshold = Concurrent Digital Contact Entitlements * 1.3.

This value is derived from the Concurrent Digital Contact Entitlements and the Digital Contact Surge Percentage fields:

Maximum Concurrent Digital Threshold =

(Number of committed Standard Agent licenses + Number of committed Premium Agent licenses) x 2 x 15 x 1.3

For example, if the concurrent digital contact entitlements is 300 and the surge percentage is 30% (default value), the maximum concurrent digital contact threshold is calculated as:

300*1.3 = 390

  • For zero commitment orders, the maximum concurrent digital contact threshold is:

    Max Concurrent Digital Contact Threshold = Concurrent Digital Contact Entitlement * 1.3 =

    1500 * 1.3

  • When incoming contacts are rejected because of the surge, the associated flow generates a flow error on its node. You can find the details of the error in the Surge Protection Statistics report.

  • If the maximum concurrent digital contact threshold is insufficient for your business requirements for a short duration, submit a service request to Cisco Support to have the value adjusted. Cisco Support will adjust the surge percentage to ensure that the required maximum concurrent digital contact threshold is available for your tenant.

  • This field is for production traffic only and reverts to the previous entitlement unless you purchase a license in 7 days. This feature is not meant for load testing or any non-production use.

  • Use this field only if there is evidence of calls being rejected. Be wary that if you increase the surge percentage then your monthly invoice may also increase as per the overage.

Other Settings

Maximum Callback Attempts

The number of times the system attempts a requested callback if the initial callback attempt fails.

Retry Callback Interval

The number of seconds between the callback attempts in case the initial callback attempt fails.

Pause/Resume Enabled

If this setting is Yes, agents can pause and resume recording a call. For example, the agent can pause a call recording while obtaining sensitive information from the customer, such as credit card information.

If this setting is No, you can enable this feature for individual queues at another time.

You can use this feature only if your administrator enables the Privacy Shield feature for your enterprise. For more information, contact your administrator.

Recording Pause Duration

This setting specifies the amount of time for which the system pauses the call recording. After the time has elapsed, the system automatically starts recording the call.

Check Agent Availability

If this setting is Yes, the system does not route any contacts to the teams with no logged-in agents.

If this setting is No, you can enable this setting for individual queues. For more information, see Adding an Entry Point or Queue.

Record All Calls

If this setting is Yes, the system records all inbound and outdial calls.

If this setting is No, the system records calls based on the settings for each queue.

Entry Points and Queues

Entry points and queues are types of virtual teams. A virtual team is a holding place for incoming customer requests.

You can create entry points and queues depending on how the Webex Contact Center administrator has configured your profile.

Entry Point

The inbound entry point is the initial landing place for a customer contact in the Webex Contact Center system. For the customer calls, you can associate one or more toll-free or dial numbers with a given entry point. The system performs IVR call treatment for a call while the call is in the entry point.

You can assign a flow to an entry point. Moreover, if you want to implement the business hours to define the working and nonworking hours for your contact center, you can choose a flow that has the business hours activity configured, and assign it to the entry point.

We strongly recommend you to assign new flows directly to an entry point using the business hours activity. For the existing flows, you should also plan to migrate the routing strategy flow configurations to entry point using business hours.

If a flow is associated to an entry point and uses business hours, it will take precedence over the same flow that is associated with a routing strategy as well.

For more information on how to configure Business Hours in a flow, see Business Hours activity.

To use entry points for the telephony channel type, ensure that you do the following:

  • Map a dial number (DN) to the entry point. For more information, see Entry Point Mappings.

  • Assign a flow to an entry point. For more information, see Create an Entry Point.

  • Contact your Webex Contact Center administrator for other Provisioning configurations.


An inbound queue is where the customer contact waits before the system assigns the customer to an agent or DN.

The inbound queue that represents a third-party Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) is known as a proxy queue. Calls that are sent to an external ACD are distributed to agents by the external ACD. Webex Contact Center uses proxy queues to track the call activity that occurs on the external ACD queues. There are two types of proxy queues: dedicated and shared. Agents signed in to a dedicated proxy queue serve only the Webex Contact Center customer; agents signed in to a shared queue serve multiple customers.

Outdial Entry Point

The outdial entry point is provisioned for outbound (outdial) customer calls in the Webex Contact Center system.

In the Outdial Entry Point list, a system-generated Outdial Transfer to Queue entry point is automatically created. If the outdial calls need to be transferred to the queue, map the DN to the Outdial Transfer to Queue entry point. For more information on mapping an outdial entry point, see Map an Entry Point.

You can’t edit the system-generated Outdial Transfer to Queue entry point.

Outdial Queue

The outdial queue where the customer contact waits for the system to assign the customer to an agent or DN.

Create an Entry Point

To create an entry point:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Entry Point.


Click + New Entry Point.


In the General Settings area, enter the following settings:




The name of the entry point.

The Name can’t exceed 80 characters. It can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.


A short description of the entry point.

Channel Type

Choose a channel type, such as Telephony, Email, and Chat.

The default channel type is Telephony.

Outdial Primary DID URL

The full pathname of the DID .xml file that supports outbound dialing. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Outdial Backup DID URL

The full pathname of the backup DID .xml file. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.


In the Advanced Settings area, enter the following settings:



Service Level Threshold

The service level threshold field has no functional impact on the system's calculations, you may enter any dummy number for the threshold duration.

Control Script URL

The system automatically populates this field with the URL for this entry point or the default control script of the queue. It happens when you don’t configure the control script using the Webex Contact Center Routing Strategy module.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

IVR Requeue URL

Currently we don’t support this setting.

Overflow Number

Enter the destination phone number to which the system diverts the customer calls when they exceed the Maximum Time in Queue that you have set in the routing strategy.

This setting is applicable only for the Telephony channel type.

Vendor ID

Enter the unique alphanumeric string that maps this entry point to the vendor.

Currently, we don’t support this setting.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) Enter the time zone that routing strategies use for this entry point.

The default time zone is the time zone of the tenant.

DN List


Enter the DN pool list numbers if you want to integrate this entry point with an external IVR.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.


Choose a flow from the drop-down list to assign that flow to this entry point.

This list contains all flows that are created in the Routing Strategy > Flow page of Management Portal.

If you want to implement the business hours entities to define working and non-working hours for your organization, we recommend you to choose only those flows in which the Business Hours activity is configured. The Business Hours activity takes the appropriate branch based on the business hours configuration associated with it. For more information about creating business hours entities in Control Hub, see Set up Business Hours in Webex Contact Center.

For more information on how to configure Business Hours activity, see Business Hours.


Click Save.

View the Details of an Entry Point

To view an entry point:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Entry Point .


Click the ellipsis icon beside an entry point and click View. You can view the following details:




The name of the entry point.

The Name can’t exceed 80 characters. It can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.


A short description of the entry point.

Channel Type

Choose a channel type, such as Telephony, Email, and Chat.

The default channel type is Telephony.

Outdial Primary DID URL

The full pathname of the DID .xml file that supports outbound dialing. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Outdial Backup DID URL

The full pathname of the backup DID .xml file. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Edit an Entry Point

To edit an entry point or an outdial entry point:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Entry Point.


Click the ellipsis icon beside an entry point and click Edit.


You can edit the following fields:

Vendor ID

Enter the unique alphanumeric string that maps this entry point to the vendor. You use this setting in the following scenario:

  • If the queue is a proxy queue.

  • If it is an entry point that you use for any channel except Telephony.

Currently, we do not support this setting.




The name of the entry point.

The Name can’t exceed 80 characters. It can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.


A short description of the entry point.

Channel Type

Choose a channel type, such as Telephony, Email, and Chat.

The default channel type is Telephony.

Outdial Primary DID URL

The full pathname of the DID .xml file that supports outbound dialing. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Outdial Backup DID URL

The full pathname of the backup DID .xml file. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

If you are viewing a proxy queue, you can click the search button in the DNIS Pool Data field to open a pop-up window displaying the list of DNIS entries for the queue. You can click a button bottom of the pop-up window to print the list or download the data as a .csv file.

If you are editing a proxy queue configured to use the blocked area codes feature, you can click the edit button to edit the list of blocked area codes. For more information, see Block an Area Code

Copy an Entry Point

To copy an entry point:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Entry Point.


Click the ellipsis icon beside an entry point and click Copy.

A copy of the selected entry point appears. The fields have the same values as the original entry point.

You can save the same entry point with a different name or edit and save the entry point.


You can edit the following details:

There are some settings that you cannot edit. You can edit the Chat Template settings from




The name of the entry point.

The Name can’t exceed 80 characters. It can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.


A short description of the entry point.

Channel Type

Choose a channel type, such as Telephony, Email, and Chat.

The default channel type is Telephony.

Outdial Primary DID URL

The full pathname of the DID .xml file that supports outbound dialing. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Outdial Backup DID URL

The full pathname of the backup DID .xml file. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Create an Outdial Entry Point

To create an outdial entry point:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Outdial Entry Point.


Click + Outdial Entry Point.


In the General Settings area, enter the following settings:




The name of the outdial entry point.

The Name cannot exceed 80 characters. It can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.


A short description of the outdial entry point.

Channel Type

Choose a channel type as Telephony.

The default channel type is Telephony.

Outdial Primary DID URL

The full pathname of the DID .xml file that supports outbound dialing. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Outdial Backup DID URL

The full pathname of the backup DID .xml file. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.


In the Advanced Settings area, enter the following settings:



Service Level Threshold

Enter the duration for which a customer request can be in a queue before the system flags it as outside the service level. If the agent completes a customer service request within this time interval, the system considers it within the service level.

Control Script URL

The system automatically populates this field with the URL for this entry point or the default control script of the queue. It happens when you do not configure the control script using the Webex Contact Center Routing Strategy module.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

IVR Requeue URL

Currently we do not support this setting.

Overflow Number

Enter the destination phone number to which the system diverts the customer calls when they exceed the Maximum Time in Queue that you have set in the routing strategy.

This setting is applicable only for the Telephony channel type.

Vendor ID

Enter the unique alphanumeric string that maps this entry point to the vendor.

Currently, we do not support this setting.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) Enter the time zone that routing strategies use for this outdial entry point.


Contact Center supports building flows and event flows using the flow designer. You can use these flows in an Outdial Entry Point.

Choose the flow that you want to assign for the Outdial Entry Point.

  • This outdial queue will be used for reporting purposes.

  • You can choose either a routing strategy or a flow for any outdial entry point. If you choose a routing strategy, you can't customize the outdial features such as selecting flow, music, and outdial queues. You can't use flow control configurations such as Customize ANI, Screen pop, Global variable and so on, as part of the outdial experience. We recommend that you use flows instead of routing strategies to avail any advanced configurations such as Screen pop, Customize ANI and so on.

  • For activities that are supported, see Support for workflows in Outdial Entry Point.

Music on Hold

Select the music file that you want use in the Outdial Entry Point.

Outdial Queue

Select the outdial queue from the list for the Outdial Entry Point.

DN List


Enter the DN pool list numbers if you want to integrate this entry point with an external IVR.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.


Click Save.

View the Details of an Outdial Entry Point

To view an outdial entry point:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Outdial Entry Point.


Click the ellipsis icon beside an entry point and click View. You can view the following details:




The name of the outdial entry point.

The Name cannot exceed 80 characters. It can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.


A short description of the outdial entry point.

Channel Type

Choose a channel type as Telephony.

The default channel type is Telephony.

Outdial Primary DID URL

The full pathname of the DID .xml file that supports outbound dialing. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Outdial Backup DID URL

The full pathname of the backup DID .xml file. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Edit an Outdial Entry Point

To edit an outdial entry point:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Outdial Entry Point.


Click the ellipsis icon beside an outdial entry point and click Edit.


You can edit the following fields:

Vendor ID

Enter the unique alphanumeric string that maps this entry point to the vendor. You use this setting in the following scenario:

  • If the queue is a proxy queue.

  • If it is an entry point that you use for any channel except Telephony.

Currently, we do not support this setting.




The name of the outdial entry point.

The Name cannot exceed 80 characters. It can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.


A short description of the outdial entry point.

Channel Type

Choose a channel type as Telephony.

The default channel type is Telephony.

Outdial Primary DID URL

The full pathname of the DID .xml file that supports outbound dialing. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Outdial Backup DID URL

The full pathname of the backup DID .xml file. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Copy an Outdial Entry Point

To copy an outdial entry point:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Outdial Entry Point.


Click the ellipsis icon beside an entry point and click Copy.

A copy of the selected outdial entry point appears. The fields have the same values as the original outdial entry point.

You can save the same outdial entry point with a different name or edit and save the outdial entry point.

You can edit the following details:




The name of the outdial entry point.

The Name cannot exceed 80 characters. It can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.


A short description of the outdial entry point.

Channel Type

Choose a channel type as Telephony.

The default channel type is Telephony.

Outdial Primary DID URL

The full pathname of the DID .xml file that supports outbound dialing. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

Outdial Backup DID URL

The full pathname of the backup DID .xml file. The Webex Contact Center administrator configures this field.

This setting is applicable only for Outdial Entry Point.

You cannot edit certain settings. You can edit the Chat Template settings from

Create a Queue and an Outdial Queue

To create a queue:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Queue or Outdial Queue.


Click + New Queue or + New Outdial Queue.


Enter the following settings for the queue and click Save:

Table 1. Configuration for Channel Type Telephony



General Settings


Enter a name for the queue.


(Optional) Enter a short description for the queue.


(Read-only) This read-only field displays whether the settings are for an entry point, a queue, an outdial entry point, or an outdial queue.

Channel Type

The available channel types are:

The default channel type.
Email channel.
Chat channel.

For outdial queues, the only channel type that is supported is Telephony.

Contact Routing Settings

If Campaign Management is enabled in the System Profile (see Provisioning), then the Contact Routing Settings section is displayed for the Outdial queues.

Queue Routing Type

The supported queue routing types are:

  • Longest Available Agent: Calls are routed to the agent who has been available for the longest time in all teams assigned to the queue in the Call Distribution section. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

  • Skills Based: Calls are routed to agents based on skill requirements configured in the Flow that is associated with the entry point.

    The Skills Based routing type is available only if your queue is provisioned with Channel Type as Telephony.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two other options appear for you to specify how to route a call when more than one agent with the required skill set is available:

    Longest Available Agent: The call is routed to the agent who has been available for the longest duration.

    Best Available Agent: The call is routed to the agent with the highest proficiency across all skills for the contact. This setting is applicable if at least one of the skills in the skill requirement list is of type Proficiency. For more information, see Skills-based Routing Types.

You cannot edit the Queue Routing Type after the queue is saved.

Outbound Campaign Enabled

This toggle button is displayed for outdial queues.

If the toggle button is enabled, then the Call Distribution and Queue Routing Type fields are displayed. This field cannot be edited later. The Longest Available Agent is the only supported queue routing type for outdial queues.

Call Distribution

Add Group

Add a Call Distribution Group to associate one or more teams with this queue. Add multiple groups to distribute calls to more teams as time in queue progresses.

Advanced Settings

Permit Monitoring

Click Yes or No to specify whether users can monitor the calls.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Permit Recording

Click Yes or No to specify whether the system can record the calls.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Record All Calls

This setting is available if you enable Permit Recording.

Click Yes or No to indicate whether the system can record all the calls for this queue.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Pause/Resume Enabled

Click Yes or No to specify whether the agents can pause and resume a call recording. For example, the agent can pause call recording while discussing sensitive information from the customer, such as credit card details.

If you enable the Pause/Resume Enabled feature in the Tenant settings, the system overrides a No setting here. For more information, see Tenant Settings.

Agents can use this feature if your organization administrator enables the Privacy Shield feature in the Webex Contact Center service configuration.

Recording Pause Duration

This setting is available if you set Pause/Resume Enabled to Yes.

This setting specifies the time in seconds, after which the recording resumes automatically.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Service Level Threshold

Enter the time that a customer request can be in a queue before the system flags it as outside the service level. If you complete a customer service request within this time interval, the system considers it within the service level.

Maximum Time in Queue

Enter the time after which the contact (all media types) is terminated.

Default Music in Queue

Select the name of the audio (.wav) file to play for calls when the calls arrive or wait in the queue. This is the default audio file.

If Play Music is not configured in the Queue Contact activity, then the default music file is played.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multiple Time Zone for your enterprise, you can select the time zone of the entry point.

Table 2. Configuration for Channel Type Chat



General Settings


Enter a name for the queue.


(Optional) Enter a short description for the queue.


(Read-only) This read-only field displays whether the settings are for an entry point, a queue, an outdial entry point, or an outdial queue.

Channel Type

The channel type is: Chat

For outdial queues, the only channel type supported is Telephony.

Contact Routing Settings

Queue Routing Type

The supported queue routing types are:

  • Longest Available Agent: Chats are routed to the agent who has been available for the longest time over all teams assigned to the queue in the Chat Distribution section. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

  • Skills Based: Chats are routed to agents based on skill requirements configured in the Webex Connect flow.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two other options appear for you to specify how to route a chat when more than one agent with the required skill set is available:

    Longest Available Agent: The chat is routed to the agent who has been available for the longest duration. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

    Best Available Agent: When you select this setting, the chat is routed to the agent with the highest proficiency across all skills for the contact. This setting is applicable if at least one of the skills in the skill requirement list is of type Proficiency. For more information, see Skills-based Routing Types.

You cannot edit the Queue Routing Type after the queue is saved.

Add Group

Add a Chat Distribution Group to associate one or more teams with this queue. Add multiple groups to distribute chats to more teams as time in queue progresses.

Advanced Settings

Service Level Threshold

Enter the time that a customer request can be in a queue before the system flags it as outside the service level. If you complete a customer service request within this time interval, the system considers it within the service level.

Maximum Time in Queue

Enter the time after which the contact (all media types) is terminated.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multiple Time Zone for your enterprise, you can select the time zone of the entry point.

Table 3. Configuration for Channel Type Email



General Settings


Enter a name for the queue.


(Optional) Enter a short description for the queue.


(Read-only) This read-only field displays whether the settings are for an entry point, a queue, an outdial entry point, or an outdial queue.

Channel Type

The channel type is: Email

For outdial queues, the only channel type supported is Telephony.

Contact Routing Settings

Queue Routing Type

The supported queue routing types are:

  • Longest Available Agent: Emails are routed to the agent who has been available for the longest time over all teams assigned to the queue in the Email Distribution section. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

  • Skills Based: Emails are routed to agents based on skill requirements configured in the Webex Connect flow.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two other options appear for you to specify how to route an email when more than one agent with the required skill set is available:

    Longest Available Agent: The email is routed to the agent who has been available for the longest duration.

    Best Available Agent: When you select this setting, the email is routed to the agent with the highest proficiency across all skills for the contact. This setting is applicable if at least one of the skills in the skill requirement list is of type Proficiency. For more information, see Skills-based Routing Types.

You cannot edit the Queue Routing Type after the queue is saved.

Add Group

Add an Email Distribution Group to associate one or more teams with this queue. Add multiple groups to distribute emails to more teams as time in queue progresses.

Advanced Settings

Service Level Threshold

Enter the time that a customer request can be in a queue before the system flags it as outside the service level. If you complete a customer service request within this time interval, the system considers it within the service level.

Maximum Time in Queue

Enter the time after which the contact (all media types) is terminated.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multiple Time Zone for your enterprise, you can select the time zone of the entry point.

View the Details of a Queue or an Outdial Queue

To view a queue or an outdial queue:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Queue or Outdial Queue.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a queue and click View. You can view the following details:

Table 4. Configuration for Channel Type Telephony



General Settings


Enter a name for the queue.


(Optional) Enter a short description for the queue.


(Read-only) This read-only field displays whether the settings are for an entry point, a queue, an outdial entry point, or an outdial queue.

Channel Type

The available channel types are:

The default channel type.
Email channel.
Chat channel.

For outdial queues, the only channel type that is supported is Telephony.

Contact Routing Settings

If Campaign Management is enabled in the System Profile (see Provisioning), then the Contact Routing Settings section is displayed for the Outdial queues.

Queue Routing Type

The supported queue routing types are:

  • Longest Available Agent: Calls are routed to the agent who has been available for the longest time in all teams assigned to the queue in the Call Distribution section. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

  • Skills Based: Calls are routed to agents based on skill requirements configured in the Flow that is associated with the entry point.

    The Skills Based routing type is available only if your queue is provisioned with Channel Type as Telephony.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two other options appear for you to specify how to route a call when more than one agent with the required skill set is available:

    Longest Available Agent: The call is routed to the agent who has been available for the longest duration.

    Best Available Agent: The call is routed to the agent with the highest proficiency across all skills for the contact. This setting is applicable if at least one of the skills in the skill requirement list is of type Proficiency. For more information, see Skills-based Routing Types.

You cannot edit the Queue Routing Type after the queue is saved.

Outbound Campaign Enabled

This toggle button is displayed for outdial queues.

If the toggle button is enabled, then the Call Distribution and Queue Routing Type fields are displayed. This field cannot be edited later. The Longest Available Agent is the only supported queue routing type for outdial queues.

Call Distribution

Add Group

Add a Call Distribution Group to associate one or more teams with this queue. Add multiple groups to distribute calls to more teams as time in queue progresses.

Advanced Settings

Permit Monitoring

Click Yes or No to specify whether users can monitor the calls.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Permit Recording

Click Yes or No to specify whether the system can record the calls.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Record All Calls

This setting is available if you enable Permit Recording.

Click Yes or No to indicate whether the system can record all the calls for this queue.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Pause/Resume Enabled

Click Yes or No to specify whether the agents can pause and resume a call recording. For example, the agent can pause call recording while discussing sensitive information from the customer, such as credit card details.

If you enable the Pause/Resume Enabled feature in the Tenant settings, the system overrides a No setting here. For more information, see Tenant Settings.

Agents can use this feature if your organization administrator enables the Privacy Shield feature in the Webex Contact Center service configuration.

Recording Pause Duration

This setting is available if you set Pause/Resume Enabled to Yes.

This setting specifies the time in seconds, after which the recording resumes automatically.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Service Level Threshold

Enter the time that a customer request can be in a queue before the system flags it as outside the service level. If you complete a customer service request within this time interval, the system considers it within the service level.

Maximum Time in Queue

Enter the time after which the contact (all media types) is terminated.

Default Music in Queue

Select the name of the audio (.wav) file to play for calls when the calls arrive or wait in the queue. This is the default audio file.

If Play Music is not configured in the Queue Contact activity, then the default music file is played.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multiple Time Zone for your enterprise, you can select the time zone of the entry point.

Table 5. Configuration for Channel Type Chat



General Settings


Enter a name for the queue.


(Optional) Enter a short description for the queue.


(Read-only) This read-only field displays whether the settings are for an entry point, a queue, an outdial entry point, or an outdial queue.

Channel Type

The channel type is: Chat

For outdial queues, the only channel type supported is Telephony.

Contact Routing Settings

Queue Routing Type

The supported queue routing types are:

  • Longest Available Agent: Chats are routed to the agent who has been available for the longest time over all teams assigned to the queue in the Chat Distribution section. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

  • Skills Based: Chats are routed to agents based on skill requirements configured in the Webex Connect flow.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two other options appear for you to specify how to route a chat when more than one agent with the required skill set is available:

    Longest Available Agent: The chat is routed to the agent who has been available for the longest duration. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

    Best Available Agent: When you select this setting, the chat is routed to the agent with the highest proficiency across all skills for the contact. This setting is applicable if at least one of the skills in the skill requirement list is of type Proficiency. For more information, see Skills-based Routing Types.

You cannot edit the Queue Routing Type after the queue is saved.

Add Group

Add a Chat Distribution Group to associate one or more teams with this queue. Add multiple groups to distribute chats to more teams as time in queue progresses.

Advanced Settings

Service Level Threshold

Enter the time that a customer request can be in a queue before the system flags it as outside the service level. If you complete a customer service request within this time interval, the system considers it within the service level.

Maximum Time in Queue

Enter the time after which the contact (all media types) is terminated.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multiple Time Zone for your enterprise, you can select the time zone of the entry point.

Table 6. Configuration for Channel Type Email



General Settings


Enter a name for the queue.


(Optional) Enter a short description for the queue.


(Read-only) This read-only field displays whether the settings are for an entry point, a queue, an outdial entry point, or an outdial queue.

Channel Type

The channel type is: Email

For outdial queues, the only channel type supported is Telephony.

Contact Routing Settings

Queue Routing Type

The supported queue routing types are:

  • Longest Available Agent: Emails are routed to the agent who has been available for the longest time over all teams assigned to the queue in the Email Distribution section. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

  • Skills Based: Emails are routed to agents based on skill requirements configured in the Webex Connect flow.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two other options appear for you to specify how to route an email when more than one agent with the required skill set is available:

    Longest Available Agent: The email is routed to the agent who has been available for the longest duration.

    Best Available Agent: When you select this setting, the email is routed to the agent with the highest proficiency across all skills for the contact. This setting is applicable if at least one of the skills in the skill requirement list is of type Proficiency. For more information, see Skills-based Routing Types.

You cannot edit the Queue Routing Type after the queue is saved.

Add Group

Add an Email Distribution Group to associate one or more teams with this queue. Add multiple groups to distribute emails to more teams as time in queue progresses.

Advanced Settings

Service Level Threshold

Enter the time that a customer request can be in a queue before the system flags it as outside the service level. If you complete a customer service request within this time interval, the system considers it within the service level.

Maximum Time in Queue

Enter the time after which the contact (all media types) is terminated.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multiple Time Zone for your enterprise, you can select the time zone of the entry point.

Edit a Queue or an Outdial Queue

To edit a queue or an outdial queue:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Queue or Outdial Queue.


Click the ellipsis icon to beside a queue and click Edit.


You can edit the following fields:

You cannot edit some settings. You can edit the Chat Template settings from Cisco Webex Control Hub.

Table 7. Configuration for Channel Type Telephony



General Settings


Enter a name for the queue.


(Optional) Enter a short description for the queue.


(Read-only) This read-only field displays whether the settings are for an entry point, a queue, an outdial entry point, or an outdial queue.

Channel Type

The available channel types are:

The default channel type.
Email channel.
Chat channel.

For outdial queues, the only channel type that is supported is Telephony.

Contact Routing Settings

If Campaign Management is enabled in the System Profile (see Provisioning), then the Contact Routing Settings section is displayed for the Outdial queues.

Queue Routing Type

The supported queue routing types are:

  • Longest Available Agent: Calls are routed to the agent who has been available for the longest time in all teams assigned to the queue in the Call Distribution section. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

  • Skills Based: Calls are routed to agents based on skill requirements configured in the Flow that is associated with the entry point.

    The Skills Based routing type is available only if your queue is provisioned with Channel Type as Telephony.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two other options appear for you to specify how to route a call when more than one agent with the required skill set is available:

    Longest Available Agent: The call is routed to the agent who has been available for the longest duration.

    Best Available Agent: The call is routed to the agent with the highest proficiency across all skills for the contact. This setting is applicable if at least one of the skills in the skill requirement list is of type Proficiency. For more information, see Skills-based Routing Types.

You cannot edit the Queue Routing Type after the queue is saved.

Outbound Campaign Enabled

This toggle button is displayed for outdial queues.

If the toggle button is enabled, then the Call Distribution and Queue Routing Type fields are displayed. This field cannot be edited later. The Longest Available Agent is the only supported queue routing type for outdial queues.

Call Distribution

Add Group

Add a Call Distribution Group to associate one or more teams with this queue. Add multiple groups to distribute calls to more teams as time in queue progresses.

Advanced Settings

Permit Monitoring

Click Yes or No to specify whether users can monitor the calls.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Permit Recording

Click Yes or No to specify whether the system can record the calls.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Record All Calls

This setting is available if you enable Permit Recording.

Click Yes or No to indicate whether the system can record all the calls for this queue.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Pause/Resume Enabled

Click Yes or No to specify whether the agents can pause and resume a call recording. For example, the agent can pause call recording while discussing sensitive information from the customer, such as credit card details.

If you enable the Pause/Resume Enabled feature in the Tenant settings, the system overrides a No setting here. For more information, see Tenant Settings.

Agents can use this feature if your organization administrator enables the Privacy Shield feature in the Webex Contact Center service configuration.

Recording Pause Duration

This setting is available if you set Pause/Resume Enabled to Yes.

This setting specifies the time in seconds, after which the recording resumes automatically.

This setting is available for the Telephony channel type.

Service Level Threshold

Enter the time that a customer request can be in a queue before the system flags it as outside the service level. If you complete a customer service request within this time interval, the system considers it within the service level.

Maximum Time in Queue

Enter the time after which the contact (all media types) is terminated.

Default Music in Queue

Select the name of the audio (.wav) file to play for calls when the calls arrive or wait in the queue. This is the default audio file.

If Play Music is not configured in the Queue Contact activity, then the default music file is played.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multiple Time Zone for your enterprise, you can select the time zone of the entry point.

Table 8. Configuration for Channel Type Chat



General Settings


Enter a name for the queue.


(Optional) Enter a short description for the queue.


(Read-only) This read-only field displays whether the settings are for an entry point, a queue, an outdial entry point, or an outdial queue.

Channel Type

The channel type is: Chat

For outdial queues, the only channel type supported is Telephony.

Contact Routing Settings

Queue Routing Type

The supported queue routing types are:

  • Longest Available Agent: Chats are routed to the agent who has been available for the longest time over all teams assigned to the queue in the Chat Distribution section. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

  • Skills Based: Chats are routed to agents based on skill requirements configured in the Webex Connect flow.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two other options appear for you to specify how to route a chat when more than one agent with the required skill set is available:

    Longest Available Agent: The chat is routed to the agent who has been available for the longest duration. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

    Best Available Agent: When you select this setting, the chat is routed to the agent with the highest proficiency across all skills for the contact. This setting is applicable if at least one of the skills in the skill requirement list is of type Proficiency. For more information, see Skills-based Routing Types.

You cannot edit the Queue Routing Type after the queue is saved.

Add Group

Add a Chat Distribution Group to associate one or more teams with this queue. Add multiple groups to distribute chats to more teams as time in queue progresses.

Advanced Settings

Service Level Threshold

Enter the time that a customer request can be in a queue before the system flags it as outside the service level. If you complete a customer service request within this time interval, the system considers it within the service level.

Maximum Time in Queue

Enter the time after which the contact (all media types) is terminated.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multiple Time Zone for your enterprise, you can select the time zone of the entry point.

Table 9. Configuration for Channel Type Email



General Settings


Enter a name for the queue.


(Optional) Enter a short description for the queue.


(Read-only) This read-only field displays whether the settings are for an entry point, a queue, an outdial entry point, or an outdial queue.

Channel Type

The channel type is: Email

For outdial queues, the only channel type supported is Telephony.

Contact Routing Settings

Queue Routing Type

The supported queue routing types are:

  • Longest Available Agent: Emails are routed to the agent who has been available for the longest time over all teams assigned to the queue in the Email Distribution section. For more information, see Longest Available Agent (LAA).

  • Skills Based: Emails are routed to agents based on skill requirements configured in the Webex Connect flow.

    When you select Skills Based as the routing type, two other options appear for you to specify how to route an email when more than one agent with the required skill set is available:

    Longest Available Agent: The email is routed to the agent who has been available for the longest duration.

    Best Available Agent: When you select this setting, the email is routed to the agent with the highest proficiency across all skills for the contact. This setting is applicable if at least one of the skills in the skill requirement list is of type Proficiency. For more information, see Skills-based Routing Types.

You cannot edit the Queue Routing Type after the queue is saved.

Add Group

Add an Email Distribution Group to associate one or more teams with this queue. Add multiple groups to distribute emails to more teams as time in queue progresses.

Advanced Settings

Service Level Threshold

Enter the time that a customer request can be in a queue before the system flags it as outside the service level. If you complete a customer service request within this time interval, the system considers it within the service level.

Maximum Time in Queue

Enter the time after which the contact (all media types) is terminated.

Time Zone (Routing Strategies Only)

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multiple Time Zone for your enterprise, you can select the time zone of the entry point.

Copy a Queue or an Outdial Queue

To copy a queue:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose Queue or Outdial Queue.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a queue and click Copy.

A copy of the queue page appears. The fields have the same values as the original queue.

You can save the same queue with a different name or edit the queue.

You can edit the following details:

Deactivate an Entry Point or a Queue

You cannot deactivate an entry point or queue if you associate it with any other entities such as dial numbers or other routing strategy. When you try to deactivate these entry points or queues, you get an error message. Click the information icon at the end of the message to view the list of all the associated entities.

After you deactivate an entry point or queue, you can still see it in the Entry Points/Queues page as Not Active. Historical reports also display details of the deactivated entry points or queues.

In the Entry Points/Queues page, you can click the ellipsis icon and then the restore icon to reactivate an entry point or queue.

To deactivate an entry point or queue:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose the type of entry point or queue that you want to deactivate.


Click the ellipsis icon beside an entry point or queue and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate an Entry Point or a Queue


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.


Choose the type of entry point or queue that you want to activate.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the entry point or queue with the status Not Active and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the entry point or queue changes to Active.


A site is a physical contact center location under the control of your enterprise. For example, enterprise Acme can have sites in Chicago, Manila, and Bangalore with agents to handle customer contacts.

When you create a site, the system automatically adds a team and a multimedia profile to the new site. You can change the team name and other settings, but cannot change the team type from Capacity based to Agent based. Do not delete the team without adding another team for the new site.

Create a Site

To create a site:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Site.


Click + New Site.


Enter the following details and click Save:



General Settings


Enter a name for the site.

Advanced Settings

Multimedia Profile

This setting is available, if your administrator enables Multimedia for your enterprise.

Select a multimedia profile for the site. If you do not assign, the system assigns the Default_Telephony_Profile. For more information, see Multimedia Profiles.

View the Details of a Site

To view the details of a site:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Site.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the site that you want to view, and click View.


You can view the following settings:

Edit a Site

To edit a site:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Site.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the site that you want to edit, and click Edit.


You can edit the following settings. Click Save after you have made the changes:



General Settings


Edit the name of the site. Generally, it is the name of the geographical location.

Advanced Settings


Modify the status of the site.

Multimedia Profile

Modify the multimedia profile for the site.

If you do not assign a profile to the site, the system assigns the Default_Telephony_Profile. This setting is available if the administrator has enabled Multimedia for your enterprise. For more information, see Multimedia Profiles.

Deactivate a Site

You cannot deactivate a site if agents or active teams are associated with the site. If you try to deactivate such a site, a message informs you that you cannot deactivate the site. You can click the information icon in the message to view the list of entities that are associated with this site.

If you deactivate a site, you can still see it in the Sites page as Not Active. Historical reports also display details of the deactivated sites.

To deactivate a site:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Site.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the site you want to deactivate, and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the site changes to Not Active.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate a Site

To activate a site:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Site.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the site that you want to activate and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the site changes to Active.


A team is a group of people who support a specific group of functions. For example, supporting the Gold customers or managing billing, and so on. A team consists of agents and is associated with a specific site.

Create a team


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Team.


Click + New Team.


Enter the following details:



General Settings


Choose the site from the drop-down list. You can’t edit the site later.


Enter a name for the team. Use names that indicate the function of the team, such as Billing or Customer Support.


Choose a team type:

  • Agent Based: You assign a specific number of agents to the team.

  • Capacity Based: You don’t assign any specific number of agents to the team. You use capacity-based teams for voice mailboxes or agent groups that Webex Contact Center does not manage.

Advanced Settings


Enter the dial number where the system distributes the calls for this team. This setting is applicable only for capacity-based teams.


If Capacity Based is specified in the Team Type field, specify the maximum number of simultaneous calls that this team can handle.You can specify a maximum of up to 10,000. Calls will be routed toother sites or will be queued after the team capacity has beenreached.


The priority of the team. Currently Cisco doesn’t support this feature.

Skill Profile

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables the optional Skills-based Routing feature for your enterprise, you can select a skill profile for this team. For more information, see Skill Profiles.

  • As an administrator, you can update the skill profile of agents. These changes are applied to all relevant agents without the need for these agents to sign out and sign in again to the Desktop.

  • You can’t assign this setting to a capacity-based team.

Multimedia Profile

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multimedia for your enterprise, you can select a multimedia profile for this team. For more information, see Multimedia Profiles. This profile overrides the multimedia profile that you assign to the site of this team.

You can’t assign this profile to a capacity-based team.


From the drop-down list, choose the agents you want to add to the team. You can assign only the agents that your organization administrator configures for your enterprise. For more information, see View the Details of a User.

You can’t assign this profile to a capacity-based team.

Desktop Layout

(Optional) For agent-based teams, choose a desktop layout from the drop-down list. To create a desktop layout for agent-based teams, see Create a Desktop Layout.

  • If the team uses an unmodified layout, the new layout-based features appear automatically on the Desktop. The Desktop users can view the new layout-based features when they sign in or reload the browser.

  • This setting is not applicable for a capacity-based team.


Click Save.

View a team


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Team.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the team that you want to view, and click View. You can view all of the configured details.

Edit a team


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Team.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the team that you want to edit, and click Edit. You can edit the following settings:



General Settings


Displays the site chosen for creating a team. This field cannot be edited.


Enter a name for the team. Use names that indicate the function of the team, such as Billing or Customer Support.


Choose a team type:

  • Agent Based: You assign a specific number of agents to the team.

  • Capacity Based: You don’t assign any specific number of agents to the team. You use capacity-based teams for voice mailboxes or agent groups that Webex Contact Center does not manage.

Advanced Settings


Enter the dial number where the system distributes the calls for this team. This setting is applicable only for capacity-based teams.


The priority of the team. Currently Cisco doesn’t support this feature.

Skill Profile

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables the optional Skills-based Routing feature for your enterprise, you can select a skill profile for this team. For more information, see Skill Profiles.

As an administrator, you can update the skill profile of agents. These changes are applied to all relevant agents without the need for these agents to sign out and sign in again to the Desktop.

Multimedia Profile

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multimedia for your enterprise, you can select a multimedia profile for this team. For more information, see Multimedia Profiles. This profile overrides the multimedia profile that you assign to the site of this team.

You can’t assign this profile to a capacity-based team.


From the drop-down list, choose the agents you want to add to the team. You can assign only the agents that your organization administrator configures for your enterprise. For more information, see View the Details of a User.

You can’t assign this profile to a capacity-based team.

Desktop Layout

(Optional) For agent-based teams, choose a desktop layout from the drop-down list. To create a desktop layout for agent-based teams, see Create a Desktop Layout.

If the team uses an unmodified layout, the new layout-based features appear automatically on the Desktop. The Desktop users can view the new layout-based features when they sign in or reload the browser.


Click Save.

Deactivate a team

You cannot deactivate teams associated with agents or active routing strategies. When you try to deactivate such teams, Management Portal displays a message that the team cannot be deactivated. You can click the information icon in the message to view the list of entities associated with a team.

If you deactivate a team, you still see the Teams page as Not Active. Historical reports also display details of deactivated teams.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Team.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the team that you want to deactivate, and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the team changes to Not Active.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate a Team


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Team.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the team that you want to activate and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the team changes to Active.


Users of a contact center are agents, supervisors, and managers. A user profile defines a user's access privileges for the Management Portal. Management Portal modules provide users with real-time visibility and control over resources for which they are responsible.

An agent user account must include a user profile granting access to the Agent Desktop module, and must include a desktop profile, as described in Desktop Profiles. Agents use the Webex Contact Center Desktop to manage customer interactions and supervisors to manage supervisor capabilities.

You can create and delete users through Control Hub.

Management Portal synchronizes users with contact center licenses from Control Hub, irrespective of their status.

By default, you are shown only active users. To view inactive users, check the Show Inactive Users check box.

View the Details of a User


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Users.


To view the details of a user, click the ellipsis icon beside the first name, and then click View.


You can search users using one of the following parameters:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

The search results display 20 users per page. Enter any three characters in the Search box. The search results display the users that match the search criteria. Follow one of these steps to navigate the user list page:

  • Click Next to navigate to the next page.

  • Click Last to navigate to the last page.

  • Click Previous to navigate to the previous page.

  • Click First to navigate to the first page.

You can view the following details of the user:



General Settings


The name the user uses to log in to the Webex Contact Center Management Portal.

First Name

The first name of the user.

Last Name

The last name of the user.


The email address of the user.


The work phone number of the user.


The mobile phone number of the user. The system displays the number as a string without dashes; for example, 4155551212.

User Profile

The profile of the user. For more information, see Manage a User Profile.

Contact Center Enabled

The setting to access the Agent Desktop and handle customer requests.


The status of the user.

Agent Settings


The site of the agent. For more information, see Create a Site.


The teams to which the agent belongs. For more information, see Create a team

If a user doesn't belong to any team, then the user is a supervisor.

If a user belongs to any team, then the user is both a supervisor and an agent.

Skill Profile

The skill profile of the agent.

This feature is available if your administrator has enabled the optional Skills-Based Routing feature for your enterprise. This profile overrides any skill profile at the team level that is associated with the agent. For more information, see Skill Profiles.

Desktop Profile

The profile of the agent. For more information, see Desktop Profiles.

An agent can belong to several teams, but can have only one desktop profile.

Multimedia Profile

The multimedia profile of the agent.

This feature is available if your administrator enables the optional Multimedia feature for your enterprise. This profile overrides the multimedia profile of the team that the agent uses to sign in to the Desktop. For more information, see Multimedia Profiles.

External ID

Agent identification details, such as the employee number.

Default DN

The dial number of the agent.

The dial number can be in one of the following formats:

  • E.164 number format: [+][Country Code][Number]

    Example: +11234567890

  • IDD (International Direct Dialing) format: [IDD][Country Code][Number]

    Example: 01161123456789

Edit a User


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Users.


To edit the details of a user, click the ellipsis button next to the first name of the user and then click Edit. You can edit the following settings:



General Settings


Enter the name that the user uses to log in to the Webex Contact Center system. The username must be a valid email address. You can’t edit this setting.

First Name

Enter the first name of the user.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the user.


Optionally, enter the email address of the user.

Agent Settings

External ID

Optionally, enter another means of identifying the agent, such as an employee number.



General Settings


Edit the country in which the user resides.


Edit the state in which the user resides.


Edit the city in which the user resides.


Edit the street in which the user resides.


Edit the work phone number of the user.


Edit the mobile phone number of the user.

Zip Code

Edit the postal code of the user.

User Profile

Edit the profile of the user. For more information, see Manage a User Profile.

Contact Center Enabled

Click On to provide the user access to Agent Desktop.


Edit the status of the user.

Supervisor Settings

Primary Team

Edit the team for the supervisor.

Agent Settings


The site of the agent. For more information, see Create a Site.

Ensure that the following conditions are met when you change the site of a user:

  • The agent isn’t signed in to the Agent Desktop when the site is changed. You can sign out the agent explicitly or change the site during a scheduled maintenance.

  • If the site attribute is changed while an agent is signed in, the agent experiences errors and unexpected desktop behavior.

When you change the site:

  • The team assigned to the agent is automatically reset. You must assign a new team to the agent.

  • The desktop profileis reset if its parent type attribute is Site. The desktop profile isn’t reset if its parent type attribute is Tenant.

  • The agent can't see the data that is related to the previously assigned site in the Agent Performance Statistics Reports on the Agent Desktop.


The teams to which the agent belongs. To assign the agent to one or more teams, choose the teams from the drop-down list.

Skill Profile

Edit the skill profile of the agent. Choose a profile from the drop-down list.

This feature is available if your administrator enables the optional Skills-Based Routing feature for your enterprise. This profile overrides any skill profile at the team level that is associated with the agent. For more information, see Skill Profiles.

Desktop Profile

Edit the profile of the agent. Choose a profile from the drop-down list. For more information, see Desktop Profiles.

Note: An agent can belong to several teams, but has a single desktop profile.

Multimedia Profile

Edit the multimedia profile of the agent. Choose a profile from the drop-down list.

You can't assign custom multimedia profiles to standard agents. This field is grayed out by default when you choose a standard agent.

This feature is available if your administrator enables the optional Multimedia feature for your enterprise. This profile overrides the multimedia profile of the team that the agent uses to log in to the Agent Desktop. For more information, see Multimedia Profiles.

Default DN

(Optional) Edit the dial number of the agent. If a dial number isn’t specified for the agent, you can add a dial number.

Enter the dial number in one of the following formats:

  • E.164 number format: [+][Country Code][Number]

    Example: +11234567890

  • IDD (International Direct Dialing) format: [IDD][Country Code][Number]

    Example: 01161123456789

External ID

(Optional) Edit the identification details of the agent, such as the employee number.

You can edit the following settings from Cisco Webex Control Hub:



General Settings


The name that the user uses to log in to Management Portal.

First Name

The first name of the user.

Last Name

The last name of the user.


The email address of the user.

Export Items Provisioned for a User

To export the details of the items that you have provisioned for a user:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Users.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a username and click Excel or PDF. The report contains details of the following items:



Active Inbound Entry Point Details

The details of the entry points that you map to the user.

Outdial Entry Points

The details of outdial entry points that you map to the user.

Inbound Queues

The details of inbound queues that you map to the user.

Outdial Queues

The details of outdial queues that you map to the user.


The details of the sites that you map to the user.


The details of the teams that you map to the user.


The details of the agents that you map to the user.

Revoke API Key for a User

To revoke API key for a user:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Users.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the required user and click Revoke API Key.

A message appears that you have successfully revoked the API Key for the user.

If you do not map an API key to the profile of that user, an error message appears that the user does not have an API key.

Update and Upload Agent Template

To upload the details of multiple agents simultaneously:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Users.


To download the template, click the Export as CSV (Export icon) icon.


Click Bulk Update (Bulk update icon) icon.


Browse the Agent Update template from your local system and choose the template.


Click Upload.


(Optional) Check the status of the upload from Bulk Operations Status in Provisioning.

User Profiles

User profiles determine the features accessible to a user in Cisco Contact Center.

Manage a User Profile

To create a user profile:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > User Profiles.


Click the + New User Profile.


Enter the details in the following tabs and click Save in each tab.


From the User Profiles page, you can also do the following:

  • To view the settings for a profile, click the ellipsis beside the user profile that you want to view, and click View.

  • To edit the settings for a profile, click the ellipsis icon beside the user profile that you want to edit, and click Edit. Modify the settings and click Save.

  • To export the settings for a profile, click the button to the left of the user profile and click Excel or PDF.

  • To revoke the API key for the profile, click the button to the left of the user profile and click Revoke API Key.

General Settings

When you configure a new user profile or edit an existing user profile, you can change the following settings in the General Settings tab.




Enter a name for the user profile.

When you copy a user profile, the system appends the words copy_of before the name of the original user profile. You can keep the same name or edit it as per your requirement.


(Optional) Enter a description for the profile.

Profile Type

Choose a type to determine the privilege level for this profile.

For Management Portal, generic profile and module mapping are:

  • Standard Agent—Has access to Desktop module.

  • Premium Agent—Has access to Desktop and Multimedia module.

  • Supervisor—Has access to all modules but can't manage tenants in the Provisioning module.

  • Administrator—Has access to all modules.

  • Administration Only—Has access to the Provisioning, Routing Strategy, and Call Recording modules.

Multimedia mode access to Standard Agent is only applicable if you have subscribed to Flex 3.0 plan. For more information, refer to Flex 3.0 Contact Center Ordering Guide.

You can’t edit the profile type later.


You can view and change this setting only when you edit or copy a user profile.

Module Settings

You can use user profiles to control access to Management Portal. The Module Settings tab allows you to specify permissions to the Management Portal modules. You can set module access when you create a new user profile, or edit or copy an existing user profile.

The Module Access has the following options:

If you click All for Module Access, then the user profile can access all of the modules. Click Specific if you want to provide the user access to selected modules only.

You can specify access to the following specific modules.



Additional Supervisory Features

Allows the administrator to manage additional supervisory features for the agents.

To enable the following setting, click the toggle button:

  • Send Messages: Allows the supervisor to send a message to an agent from the Team Performance Details page.

  • Change Agent States: Allows the supervisor to change the agent state from the Team Performance Details page.

Agent Desktop

Allows the user to access the Desktop.

Call Monitoring

Allows the user to silently monitor the quality of service that is delivered to customers across multisource contact centers. The user can silently monitor a selected queue, team, site, or agent if you enable Call Monitoring for the user.

To enable the following settings, click the toggle button:

  • Whisper Coach: Allows the user who is monitoring the call to speak to the agent (who is handling the call), without the customer hearing the conversation.

    Whisper Coach is not available through Extensible Supervisor Desktop (ESD).

  • Restricted Monitor Only: Prevents the user from viewing and editing monitoring schedules that the user did not create.

  • View Blind Monitor Requests: Allows the user to view blind monitoring requests of other users.

Call Recording

Allows the user to record any active Webex Contact Center call. The user can select the call from a queue, team, site, or agent, and specify the duration for which to record the call.


Allows authorized users to choose a multimedia profile for the user, that includes all types of media such as voice, chat, email, and social. If Multimedia is not enabled, when you edit the user's details via Provisioning > Users, the Multimedia Profile drop-down list displays only the default telephony profile.

Users who have subscribed to Flex 3.0 plan can access the following:

• Digital Channels - Access to chat and email only

• Social Channels - Access to social integrations

Users with Standard Agent user profile have access to Digital Channels only.


Provides the user access to the Provisioning module. The user can perform provisioning activities for the enterprise only if you select Edit in the Provisioning drop-down list. You can control access for an administrator user to perform the following provisioning activities for the enterprise:

  • Manage Entry Points/Queues: Allows the user to manage Webex Contact Center entry points and queues.

  • Manage Sites: Allows the user to manage Webex Contact Center sites.

  • Manage Teams: Allows the user to manage Webex Contact Center teams.

  • Manage Users: Allows the user to manage Webex Contact Center users.

  • Manage User Profiles: Allows the user to manage Webex Contact Center user profiles.

  • Entry PointDN Mappings: Allows the user to map DNs to entry points.

  • Manage Dial Plans: Allows the user to create and edit dial plans.

  • Audit Trail: Allows the user to access the Audit Trail interface. This interface allows users to view details of the provisioning changes for the enterprise.

  • Branding: Provides the user access to the Custom Theme settings on the Management Portal landing page. The user can customize the banner color and images on the Management Portal pages.

  • Manage Tenants: Allows the user to edit some of the tenant settings.

  • Revoke API Key: Allows the user to revoke the API key of a Webex Contact Center user.

  • Manage Desktop profiles: Allows the user to manage desktop profiles.

  • Manage Skill Definitions: Allows the user to manage skill definitions.

  • Manage Skill Profiles: Allows the user to manage skill profiles.

  • Mange Work Types : Allows the user to manage work types.

  • Manage Auxilliary Codes: Allows the user to manage auxilliary codes.

  • Manage Outdial ANIs: Allows the user to manage Outdial ANIs.

  • Manage Desktop Layout : Allows the user to manage desktop layouts.

  • Manage Multimedia Profile: Allows the user to manage multimedia profiles.

  • Manage Address Books: Allows the user to manage address books.

Recording Management

Provides access to the Recording Management module, which allows the user to search for and play audio files recorded through the Webex Contact Center Call Recording feature. You can enable the following permissions to the Recording Management module:

  • Tags: Allows the user to access the Tags tab to view, create, and edit tags that can be assigned to audio files. You can use these tags as search criteria.

  • Security Keys: Allows the user to access the Security Keys tab to view and change the schedule for generating security key pairs.

This setting allows Supervisors to access Quality Management widget through Desktop.

Reporting and Analytics

Provides access to the Reporting and Analytics module. The Reporting and Analytics module allows the user to segment, profile, and visualize the data in contact center systems. This module also helps to identify the key variables that impact productivity and desired business outcomes. Users can configure and modify the Analyzer schemas using this module.

You can provide the user access to Business Rules if you have enabled View or Edit permissions for the Reporting and Analytics module. Business Rules enable the user to incorporate customer data into the Webex Contact Center environment for custom routing and other generic implementation.

Routing Resources

Provides you access to the web-based user interface for managing and configuring call handling strategies.

You can create and schedule global call routing and team capacity strategies and alter them in real-time in response to changes in business dynamics.

You can enable the following permissions to the Routing Strategy module:

  • Manage Call Flow Scripts: Allows you to upload and update call control scripts. A control script defines how calls are handled.

  • Manage Flows: Allows you to create and manage flows. A flow defines how you handle the calls.

  • Manage Audio Files: Allows you to upload and update media resources such as audio-on-hold files for use in routing strategies. Resource files with .wav, .ulaw, .au, .php, and .xml extensions are supported along with other formats, depending on how the tenant’s system is configured.

Provides you access to the Flow Control module based on the option selected such as None, View, and Edit. You can provide the user access to Manage Call Flow Scripts and if you have enabled the View or Edit permission for the Routing Strategy module.

  • View: If you set Routing Strategy to View, the portal provides only the Open option in the flows table.

    When this configuration is set to View, the Copy and Delete options are not provided in the Flows tab even when you set the Manage Call Flow Scripts toggle to On.

  • Edit: If you set Routing Strategy to Edit, you can configure the following settings:

    • Using this toggle, you can either enable or disable access to the Flow Control module.

      If you disable the permission in the portal for a user, then the portal blocks the Flow Control module to load by stating- "Flow access denied - You do not have permission to edit flows for your organization".

      If you enable the permission in the portal for a user, then the portal allows such user to work with the Flow Control module.

    • Allows you to upload and update media resources such as audio-on-hold files for use in routing strategies. Resource files with .wav, .ulaw, .au, .php, and .xml extensions are supported along with other formats, depending on how the tenant’s system is configured.

Workforce Optimization

Allows supervisor to access the workforce optimization features to manage human resources. Supervisors can proactively analyze and manage resources for optimizing service levels.

The availability of workforce optimization features depends on your license.

Access Rights

You can configure the following settings from the Access Rights tab when you configure a new user profile or edit an existing user profile:

  • Entry Points

  • Queues

  • Sites

  • Teams

From the drop-down list, choose the specific entities that the user can access. You can choose All to provide access to all entities of that type.

View the Details of a User Profile

To view the details of a user profile:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > User Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a user profile and click View.


You can view the following details:

Edit a User Profile

To edit a user profile:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > User Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a user profile that you want to edit and click Edit.


You can edit the details in the following tabs and click Save in each tab:

Deactivate a User Profile

Before you begin

Ensure that you do not associate the user profile to any entity before you deactivate the user profile.

To deactivate a user profile:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > User Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a user profile and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the user profile changes to Not Active.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate a User Profile


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > User Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the user profile that you want to activate and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the user profile changes to Active.

Copy a User Profile

You can copy an existing user profile, update the details, and save the profile with a different name.

To copy a user profile:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > User Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a user profile that you want to copy, and click Copy.


Enter the details in the following tabs and click Save in each tab.

Work Types

When you create an idle or wrap-up code, you associate it with a work type. Work types group idle and wrap-up codes in auxiliary reports.

Create a Work Type

To create a work type:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Work Types.


Click + New Work Type.


Enter the following details and click Save:




Enter a name for the work type.


(Optional) Enter a description of the work type.


Specify the type of auxiliary code to associate with the work type.

Edit a Work Type

To edit a work type:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Work Types.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the work type that you want to edit and click Edit. Except the Type, you can edit the following settings:




Edit the name for the work type.


You cannot edit the status. It can only be changed if the Restore option is used.

You cannot assign an inactive work type to an auxiliary code.


(Optionally) Edit the description of the work type.


Specifies the type of auxiliary code. You cannot edit this setting.

Deactivate a Work Type

You cannot deactivate a work type if there are any auxiliary codes that are associated with the work type. When you try to deactivate such a work type, a message informs you that you cannot deactivate the work type. You can click the information icon in the message to view the list of entities that you have associated with this work type.

After you deactivate a work type, you can still see it in the Work Types page as Not Active work types. Historical reports also display details of the deactivated work types.

To deactivate a work type:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Work Types.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the work type that you want to deactivate and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the work type changes to Not Active.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate a Work Type

To activate a work type:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Work Types.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the work type that you want to activate and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the work type changes to Active.

Auxiliary Codes

Idle or wrap up codes are two types of Auxiliary codes. Agents select Idle or Wrap-Up codes in Webex Contact Center Agent Desktop to indicate their unavailability or status of the customer contacts. Idle codes typically indicate why an agent is not available to take customer contacts, such as during a lunch break or meeting. Wrap-up codes indicate the result of the customer contacts, for example, the agent escalated the contact, or sold a service.

You associate each idle or wrap-up code with a work type. Work types are values that the system uses to group idle and wrap-up codes in auxiliary reports. For more information, see Create a Work Type.

Agents can use an idle or wrap-up code if you assign the code to their profile.You must add at least one idle code and one wrap-up code in a desktop profile. For more information, see Desktop Profiles.

If your enterprise uses the outdial feature, it is recommended that you create a wrap-up code such as Outdial Failed. Agents can use this code when they are in the wrap-up state after initiating an outdial call that fails to connect.

Create Idle or Wrap-Up Codes

To create an idle or wrap-up code:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Auxiliary Codes.

The Aux Codes Idle Codes page appears. To view the list of wrap-up codes, click Wrap Up Codes at the top of the page.

Click + New Idle Code or + New Wrap Up Code.


Enter the following details and click Save.

Is System Auxiliary Code

Click Yes or No to indicate whether this is the system code. System auxiliary codes are used by the multimedia subsystem.


Displayed on the View and Edit pages to specify whether the code is Active or Not Active.




Enter the code name.


(Optional) Enter a description of the code.

Is Default

Click Yes or No to indicate whether this is the default code.

  • If this is the first idle or wrap-up code for your organization, you must make it the default. You can modify it later after you create more codes.

  • When you make a code default, the system overrides the existing default code. At one point, there can be only one default code each for Idle and wrap-up.

You must assign the default idle and wrap-up codes in desktop profiles. For more information, see Desktop Profiles.

  • The default wrap-up code is used when the agent’s profile specifies Auto Wrap Up. These agents do not enter wrap-up codes. Instead, they automatically go into the Available state after completing an incoming call and automatically go into the Idle state after making an outdial call.

  • The default idle code is used when the agent initially logs in and after the agent makes an outdial call if the agent’s profile specifies Auto wrap-up.

Work Type

Select the work type that you want to associate with this code.

Edit Idle or Wrap-Up Codes


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Auxiliary Codes.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the idle or wrap-up code that you want to edit and click Edit.


Enter the following details and click Save.




Enter the code name.


(Optional) Enter a description of the code.

Is Default

Click Yes or No to indicate whether this code is the default code.

  • If this code is the first idle or wrap-up code that you create, you must make it the default code. You can modify it later after you create other codes.

You must include the default idle and wrap-up codes in desktop profiles. For more information, see Desktop Profiles.

  • The system uses the default wrap-up code when the profile of the agent specifies Auto Wrap Up. These agents do not enter wrap-up codes. Instead, they automatically go into the Available state after completing an incoming call and automatically go into the Idle state after making an outdial call.

  • The system uses the default idle code when the desktop profile has Auto Wrap enabled.

Is System Auxiliary Code

Click Yes or No to indicate whether this code is the system code. The multimedia subsystem uses the System auxiliary codes.

Work Type

Select the work type that you want to associate with this code.

Delete Idle or Wrap-up Codes

You cannot delete the idle or wrap-up code that is set as default. A message informs you that you cannot suspend or delete the default aux-code if you try to delete it. You must set another idle or wrap-up code to default before deleting the chosen wrap-up or idle code. See Edit Idle or Wrap-Up Codes to change the default setting.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Auxiliary Codes.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the idle or wrap-up code and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the idle or wrap-up code changes to Not Active.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Desktop Profiles

Desktop Profile is a group of permissions and Desktop behaviors that you assign to agents and supervisors. Each desktop profile specifies the following permissions and settings:

  • Queue Transfer

  • Agent Consult and Transfer

  • Wrap-up and Idle Codes

  • Wrap-up Timeout Values

  • Agent Auto Available

  • Dialing Capabilities

  • Dial Number Capabilities

  • Access to the agent personal statistics

  • Auto Answer

For reports in the Agent Personal Statistics (APS) pane on Agent Desktop, desktop profile settings are applied.

Create a Desktop Profile

To create a desktop profile:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Desktop Profiles .


Click the + New Desktop Profile and enter the following settings:

General Information

The General Information tab displays the following settings.




Enter a name for the desktop profile. You can create a desktop profile from a copy of another desktop profile. When you copy a profile, the system renames the copy. The copy name consists of the name of the profile from which the copy is made and the words copy_of appended as a prefix. You can retain the name the system assigned to the file or rename it.


(Optional) Enter a description for the profile.


This setting appears only on the Edit page to indicate if the profile is active.

  • Active: You can assign the profile to an agent.

  • Not Active: You can't assign the profile to an agent.

Parent Type

Choose a parent type:

  • Tenant: The desktop profile is available to all sites at your enterprise.

  • Site: The desktop profile is available to a specific site.

Parent Name

This setting is available if you choose Parent Type as Site. Choose the site for which this desktop profile is available.

Screen Popups

Click On or Off to specify whether you want to allow external pop-up screens.

Auto Answer

Click Yes or No to specify whether incoming and outgoing calls on the Agent Desktop must automatically answer for an agent.

If you choose Yes, Auto Answer works in both the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: On Next Generation voice media platform, the agent uses Desktop as the voice channel option.

Scenario 2: All the following conditions are met:

If you choose Yes, Auto Answer works when all of the following conditions exist:

  • The deployment type is either a Webex Calling Cloud Connected PSTN or Local Gateway configuration.

  • On Control Hub, the Webex Contact Center Telephony option is Webex Calling.

  • On Control Hub, the setting enableAutoAnswer is on.

  • Agents use only one device.

    If agents use a Multiplatform Phone (MPP), you don't configure Webex App for the user on Control Hub.

    If agents use the Webex App, you configure the Desktop option for the user on Control Hub.

When all the preceding conditions exist, calls are automatically answered for agents with only one device. Agents with more than one device must answer calls manually. Incoming calls to an agent are automatically answered and appear on the Agent Desktop. With outdial calls, the branch to the agent is automatically answered. The system doesn't invoke Auto Answer for simultaneous ring destinations, or if the agent forwards or redirects the call.

In Webex Contact Center, you must not configure voicemail on agent devices, because if an agent declines a call and it is subsequently redirected to voicemail, the system will categorize the call as 'answered'.

Auxiliary Codes

The Desktop Profile > Auxiliary Codes page displays settings for the wrap up and idle codes and permissions that are related to wrap up and agent availability.



Wrap Up Settings

When you click Auto Wrap Up with Time Out Of and enter the time, the system automatically enters the default wrap-up code after an agent completes a conversation. The agent, however, can select a different code within the time period that you specify here.

Click Manual Wrap Up if you want the agent to select a wrap-up code after completing a call. No timeout is associated with manual wrap-up.

Agent Available After Outdial

Click On if you want the agent to go into the Available state after completing and wrapping up an outdial call.

By default, an agent becomes available after the outdial call. However, if the agent does not want to be available after the outdial call, He/she can select an idle state from the Agent Availability State drop down list on the Desktop before the call is wrapped up.

Click Off if you want the agent to go into the Idle state after completing and wrapping up an outdial call.

Allow Auto Wrap Up Extension

Click On if you want agents to cancel the auto wrap-up time and extend the wrap-up time.

When this option set to On, the system displays the Cancel Auto Wrap Up option when the agent is in auto wrap-up mode.

Wrap Up Codes

Specify the wrap-up codes that the agents can select when they wrap up a contact:

  • Click All to make all wrap-up codes available.

  • Click Specific to make specific codes available; then choose codes from the drop-down list. To remove a code, click X on the left side of the listed code name.

You must add the default wrap-up code in the Selected Codes list. The system uses the default code when you have enabled Auto Wrap Up in the profile of the agent. These agents do not enter wrap-up codes.

Idle Codes

Specify the Idle codes that the agents can select in Agent Desktop:

  • Click All to make all idle codes available.

  • Click Specific to make specific codes available; then select codes from the drop-down list. To remove a code, click X on the left side of the listed code name.

You must add the default idle code in the Selected list. The system uses default codes in the following scenarios:

  • When the agent initially logs in.

  • After the agent makes an outdial call if you have enabled Auto Wrap Up in the profile of the agent.


The Desktop Profile > Collaboration page displays the following settings:



Entry Point/Queue Transfer Targets

Specify the entry points or queues that the agents can choose from the Queue drop-down list on the Agent Desktop:

  • Click All to make all entry points and queues available.

    A maximum of 1000 entry points or queues are listed for an organization.

  • Click Specific to make specific entry points and queues available; then choose entry points and queues from the drop-down list.

  • Click None if you do not want to make any entry points or queues available as transfer targets.

Buddy Teams

Specify the teams that the agents can choose from the Agent drop-down list on the Agent Desktop.

Agents can consult with, conference with, and transfer calls to the agents from the teams that they choose.

  • Click All to make the agents on all teams available.

  • Click Specific to make agents on specific teams available; then select teams from the drop-down list.

  • Click None if you do not want to make any teams available for consultation, conference, or call transfer.

Consult To Queue

Click On if you want the agent to be able to select a queue in the Queue drop-down list as a target for a consultation. The target must be an inbound Webex Contact Center queue.

  • If the agent selects an entry point as the target, the system disables the Consult button.

  • The system supports Consult to Queue only for queues that have teams serving them. If the agent attempts to consult to a queue that only redirects to another entry point or queue, the system displays a Consult Failed message.

Dial Plan

The Desktop Profile> Dial Plan page allows you to configure settings related to agent outdialing. The following table describes these settings.



Outdial Enabled

If you want the agent to be able to make outdial calls, click the Outdial Enabled field to toggle to Yes.

If you don't want the agent to make outdial calls, click the Outdial Enabled field to toggle to No. This setting prevents the dial pad from appearing on the Agent Desktop.

To display the dial pad, you must have an appropriate setup. Contact the full administrator for the setup.

Outdial Entry Points

If you set Outdial Enabled to Yes, choose an entry point that the agent can use to make outdial calls from the drop-down list in the Outdial Entry Point field.

Address Book

Choose an address book from the drop-down list in the Address Book field. An address book includes the speed-dial numbers that the agent can choose from to make outdial and consult calls.

If you set Outdial Enabled to No and you choose an address book, the agent can select a name from the address book for consults and transfers, but can't make outdial calls.

Choose None if you don't want to make an address book available to the agent.

See Create an Address Book for more information.

Dial Plan Enabled

If you want the agent to be able to make ad-hoc outdial calls, click the Dial Plan Enabled field to toggle to Yes.

If you don't want the agent to be able to make ad-hoc outdial calls, click the Dial Plan Enabled field to toggle to No.

When the Dial Plan Enabled setting is No, and the Outdial Enabled setting is Yes, the agent can make an outdial call, but only by either selecting an entry from the address book or typing a name from the address book in the Enter number to call field on the dial pad.

Select Dial Plan

This setting appears only if you set Dial Plan Enabled to Yes. Choose one or more dial plans for the system to use to validate the Dial Numbers (DN) that the agent enters in the Enter number to call field.

Two default dial plans are available. You can also create custom dial plans for your enterprise. The default dial plans are:

  • US accepts input text such as the following:

1 (800) 555-1234

  • Any Format accepts input such as the following:

(800) 555-1234

Outdial ANI

This setting appears only if you set Outdial Enabled to Yes. Optionally, from the drop-down list in the Outdial ANI field, choose the name associated with the list of phone numbers that the agent can use to make an outdial call. The system uses the number that the agent uses as the caller ID for the call. For more information, see Create an Outdial ANI.

Agent DN validation

The Desktop Profile > Voice Channel options page displays the following settings.



Voice Channel options

Agent DN — Allows agents to sign in using a DN

Extension — Allows agents to sign in through a specific extension number

Validation for Agent DN

Click Unrestricted to allow agents to use any DN to sign in through the Station Credentials prompt on the Agent Desktop.

If an agent enters an ad-hoc DN and the entry does not meet the sign-in syntax rules, the system rejects the agent sign-in.

To restrict the DN that the agent can enter, click one of the following:

  • Provisioned Value restricts the sign-in DN to the default value you provision for the agent.

    Note: To provision or change an agent's default DN, edit the agent's user settings. Choose Provisioning > User > Edit > Agent Settings and enter a DN in the Default DN field. If you do not provision a DN, the agent can enter any DN to sign in.

  • Validation Criteria (Select from list) restricts the sign-in DN to the one or more dial plans you specify in the Validation Criteria setting.

Validation Criteria

This setting appears only if you set Validation for Agent DN to Validation Criteria.

Select the dial plan to use for the DN validation:

  • Click All to validate the DN against all available dial plan formats.

  • Click Specific to validate the DN against one or more dial plans that you can choose from the Select Validation Criteria drop-down list. For more information, see Dial Plan.

Agent Statistics

The Desktop Profile > Agent Statistics page displays the following settings.



Agent Statistics

Click On or Off to specify whether you want the agents to view their personal statistics in Agent Desktop.

Queue Statistics

This setting controls whether the agent can display statistics for all or some queues in the Agent Personal Statistics tab. Do one of the following:

  • Click All to enable the agent to display statistics for all queues.

  • Click Specific and then choose the queues from the Select Queues drop-down list to enable the agent to display statistics for specific queues.

  • Click None to prevent the agent from displaying queue statistics.

Logged-in Team Statistics

Click On or Off to specify whether the agent can view statistics for the team.

  • Settings for Logged-in Team Statistics and Team Statistics are independent of each other.

  • This toggle has no impact on Analyzer user reports.

Team Statistics

This setting controls whether the agent can display statistics for all or some teams in the Agent Personal Statistics tab. Do one of the following:

  • Click All to enable the agent to display statistics for all teams.

  • Click Specific and then choose the teams from the Select Teams drop-down list to enable the agent to display statistics for specific teams.

  • Click None to prevent the agent from displaying teams statistics.

Access To Recordings

This feature is currently not supported. By default, it's set to No.

Agent Thresholds

The Agent Thresholds page appears only if your enterprise uses the Threshold Alerts feature. This page provides settings to specify the alerts that the agent can display in the Agent Personal Statistics tab on the Agent Desktop.

This feature is not supported. Enabling or disabling the Allow Agent Threshold under tenant settings to show the agent threshold on the desktop profile page will be removed in sometime.

If your enterprise uses the Agent Threshold Alerts feature, the page also provides settings to specify the thresholds associated with the agent.

For more information, see Threshold Rules.



Agent Viewable Threshold Alerts

Choose rules from the drop-down list to specify the alerts that you want the agent to receive.

When an agent breaches a threshold rule, the system generates an alert and displays it in the Agent Personal Statistics tab in Agent Desktop.

Enable Agent Threshold Alerts

This setting appears only if your enterprise uses the Agent Threshold Alerts feature.

Click On or Off to specify whether you want the agent and the supervisor to receive alerts when the agent breaches specified threshold rules.

If the agent breaches a selected rule, the system generates the alert and displays it in the Agent Threshold Alerts section of the Agent Personal Statistics tab. The supervisor also receives the alert in their Webex Contact Center Management Portal.

Threshold Alerts

This is available if you enable threshold alerts. If agent viewable threshold alerts are available, choose the rules for triggering the alerts from the drop-down list.

Choose rules from the drop-down list to specify the alerts that you want the agent and supervisor to receive.

Agent Timeout

Agent Timeout enables you to automatically sign out an agent from the desktop after being inactive for the specified time. An agent is considered inactive if not performing any activity on the Agent Desktop while in the Idle state. Agent activity includes handling contacts, working on custom widgets, or performing any task on the Agent Desktop.



Desktop Inactivity Timeout

Choose an idle timeout setting for an agent from the following options:

Default Value: Select this to inherit the values given in Timeout Settings at the tenant level configuration.

Custom Value: Type the value in minutes to set the idle timeout. Enter any value from 3 to 10,000 minutes in the text box. This overrides the value given in Timeout Settings at the tenant level configuration.

Deactivate a Desktop Profile

You cannot deactivate a desktop profile if you associate it with any other entities such as, dial numbers or any other routing strategy. When you try to deactivate these desktop profiles, you get an error message. Click the information icon at the end of the message to view the list of all the associated entities.

After you deactivate a desktop profile, you can still see it in the Desktop Profiles page as Not Active. Historical reports also display details of the deactivated desktop profile.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Desktop Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a desktop profile and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the desktop profile changes to Not Active.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate a Desktop Profile

To activate a desktop profile:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Desktop Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a desktop profile with the status Not Active and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the desktop profile changes to Active.

Address Books

Address books contain entries with phone numbers. Instead of entering a number manually when starting a call, agents can use the address book to select an entry to dial. Agents can access an address book after you add it to their Desktop Profile. For more information, see Dial Plan in Desktop Profiles.

You can create address books that are available to all sites or only to a specific site. The value of Maximum Address Books in the tenant settings of your enterprise determines the number of address books that you can create. For more information, see Tenant Settings.

When an address book is updated, the administrator must inform the agents to reload the bowser or sign out and sign in again to view the updates.

Create an Address Book

To create a new address book:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Address Book.


Click + New Address Book.


Enter the following details and click Save.




Enter a name for the address book.


(Optional) Enter a description for the address book.

Parent Type

Select a parent type:

  • Tenant: The address book is available to all sites at your enterprise.

  • Site: The address book is only available for a specific site.

Parent Name

Select the site for the address book to be available. This field is available only if you select the Parent Type as Site.


(Optional) In the Entry List, click the + icon to add new entries in the address book.


In the Add Address Book dialog box, enter the following details:




Enter the name of the entry.

Phone Number

Enter the phone number for the entry.

You can specify the phone number in one of the following formats:

  • E.164 number format: [+][Country Code][Number]

    Example: +11234567890

  • IDD (International Direct Dialing) format: [IDD][Country Code][Number]

    Example: 01161123456789

The maximum number of entries in an address book is 6000. For more information on bulk operations on an address book, see Bulk operations in Webex Contact Center.

Edit an Address Book

You can edit the general settings and the entries of an address book.

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Address Book.


Click the ellipsis button beside the address book that you want to edit and click Edit.

You can edit the following fields in the General Settings tab:




Edit the name of the address book.


Edit the description of the address book.

Parent Name

Edit the site for the address book. This field is available only if the parent type is Site.


In the Entry List section, under the Action column, click the edit button to edit an entry.


You can edit the following in the Edit Address Book dialog box:




Edit the name of the entry.

Phone Number

Edit the phone number of the entry.

You can specify the phone number in one of the following formats:

  • E.164 number format: [+][Country Code][Number]

    Example: +11234567890

  • IDD (International Direct Dialing) format: [IDD][Country Code][Number]

    Example: 01161123456789


(Optional) In the Entry List section, under the Action column, click Delete to delete an entry.


(Optional) Click the + icon to add a new entry to the entry list.


Click Save.

Delete an Address Book

You cannot delete an address book if you associate it with any other entities such as, desktop profile. When you try to delete these address books, you get an error message. Click the information icon at the end of the message to view the list of all the associated entities.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Address Book.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the address book that you want to delete and click Delete.


Click Yes to confirm.

Outdial Automatic Number Identification (ANI)

The Outdial Automatic Number Identification (ANI) feature allows an agent to select a phone number as the caller ID for an outdial call.

To make an outdial ANI list available to an agent, add the outdial ANI list to a Desktop Profile, and assign the profile to the agent. For more information, see Desktop Profiles.

Create an Outdial ANI

To create an outdial ANI:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Outdial ANI.


Click + New Outdial ANI.


Enter the following details in the General Settings section:




Enter a name for the outdial ANI.


(Optional) Enter a description for the outdial ANI.

The Name and Description fields allow alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen (-), and underscore ( _ ).


Click the + icon in the Outdial ANI Entry List section to add a new outdial ANI entry.


Enter the following details in the Add Outdial ANI dialog:




Enter a name for the outdial ANI entry.

The field allows alphanumeric characters, space, hyphen (-), and underscore ( _ ).


Choose a dial number from the drop-down list. The drop-down list displays only the dial numbers that are mapped to entry points. For more information, see Entry Point Mappings.


Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 to add another outdial ANI entry to the list.


Click Save.

Newly added entries are in the Outdial ANI Entry List section.

Edit an Outdial ANI

To edit an outdial ANI:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Outdial ANI.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the outdial ANI that you want to edit and click Edit.


You can edit the following:

  • General Settings section—Edit the Name or Description of the outdial ANI.

  • Outdial ANI Entry List section—Edit the name or dial number of an outdial ANI entry.

    1. In the Action column, click the Edit icon next to an entry.

    2. Edit the outdial ANI entry Name or Number.

    3. (Optional) To delete an entry, click the corresponding Delete icon in the Action column.

      Click Yes to the prompt message to confirm the deletion.


Click Save.

Delete an Outdial ANI

You cannot delete an outdial ANI if you have associated it with any entity, for example, a desktop profile.

To delete an outdial ANI:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Outdial ANI.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the outdial ANI that you want to delete and click Delete.


Click Yes to confirm.

Dial Plans

The Dial Plan page allows you to define validation criteria for the:

  • Dial Number (DN) that an agent uses to sign in to the Agent Desktop.

  • DN that an agent uses for outdialing.

If you satisfy the validation prerequisites, the system validates DNs that agents enter in the Desktop environment against the syntax rules that are defined in one or more dial plans. The following table describes the validation prerequisites.

DN usage

Validation prerequisites

Agent Desktop sign-in

Configure Desktop Profiles > Agent DN Validation as follows:

  • Set Validation for Agent DN to Validation Criteria (Select from list).

  • Set Validation Criteria field to Specific.

  • Choose a dial plan from the drop-down list in the Select Validation Criteria field. Default dial plans and any dial plan you create appear in this list.

Outdial calls

Configure Desktop Profiles > Dial Plan as follows:

  • Set Outdial Enabled to Yes.

  • Set Dial Plan Enabled to Yes.

  • Choose a dial plan from the drop-down list in the Select Dial Plan field. Default dial plans and any dial plan you create appear in this list.

Note: Agents use the Desktop dial pad to make outbound calls. To display the dial pad, you must have the correct setup. Contact your administrator for the setup.

If you allow agents to enter DNs without requiring validation and their entries don't comply with valid syntax, the Desktop rejects sign-ins and outbound calls fail.

You can choose from two default dial plans and create new dial plans. The default dial plans are:

  • US

  • Any Format

The default US dial plan accepts entries such as:

  • 1-800-555-1234

  • 1 (800) 555-1234

  • 18005551234

  • 18005551234,,,222

    In this example, commas indicate pauses before entry of an extension number.

The default Any Format dial plan accepts entries such as:

  • 123

  • 5551234

  • 555-1234

  • 8005551234

  • 1800FLOWERS

  • bruce.matthews

You can use the Any Format dial plan to validate a DN, the first part of an email address, or a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) uniform resource identifier (URI).

All dial plans require a regular expression for the system to recognize what defines a valid entry. The regular expression comprises the syntax rules that the system uses to interpret what is valid.

You can create separate dial plans with appropriate regular expressions to specify the required syntax for the:

  • DN that an agent uses to sign in to the Desktop Station Credentials pop-up window.

  • DN an agent enters in the Enter number to call field of the Desktop dial pad.

    Optionally, you can specify a prefix and characters that the system must strip from the entry in the dial pad.

The regular expressions of the default dial plans are described in the following sections. You can refer to the syntax rules that are described in these sections to guide you in formulating regular expressions for the dial plans you create.

For an outdial call, the system performs the following steps to determine the validity of an entry an agent makes in the Enter number to call field of the Desktop dial pad:

  1. Strip the characters specified in the dial plan’s Stripped Characters field from the entry in the Enter number to call field.

    In the default US and Any Format dial plans, the specified Stripped Characters are left parenthesis, right parenthesis, space, and hyphen.

  2. Validate the resulting entry according to the criteria defined in the regular expression of the chosen dial plan. If the entry meets the criteria, it's deemed valid.

  3. If the entry is invalid, prepend the entry that is specified in the Prefix field.

    In the US dial plan, the specified prefix is number 1.

  4. Validate the resulting entry according to the defined regular expression again.

Regular expression for the default US dial plan

The regular expression that is specified for the US dial plan is:


Following is a description of what this regular expression specifies.

  • The first digit must be 1.

  • Three digits in the range of 0–9 must follow.

    {3} means 3 digits in the preceding range [0-9]

  • One digit in the range of 2-9 must follow.

  • Six digits in the range of 0-9 must follow.

    {6} means six digits in the preceding range [0-9]

  • Zero or one occurrence of the following sequence can follow: between one and ten commas [,] followed by one or more digits [0-9].

    {1,10} means one to ten pauses as specified by one comma [,] per pause

    + means one or more digits in the preceding range [0-9]

    {0,1} means zero or one occurrence of the sequence of pauses [,] followed by one or more digits in the preceding range [0-9]

Regular expression for the default Any Format dial plan

The regular expression that is specified for the Any Format dial plan is:


Following is a description of what this regular expression specifies.

  • The dial pad entry can start with zero or more sets of the following sequence:

    one or more alphanumeric characters [0-9a-zA-Z] followed by one hyphen, period, or underscore [-._].

    • + means one or more alphanumeric characters in the preceding range [0-9a-zA-Z]

    • * means zero or more of the preceding sequence of alphanumeric characters [0-9a-zA-Z] followed by one hyphen, period, or underscore [-._].

  • One or more alphanumeric characters [0-9a-zA-Z] must follow.

Create a Dial Plan

Before you begin

You require Administrator privileges to complete this procedure.

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Dial Plan.

The Dial Plan page appears. This page displays a list of existing dial plans.


Click + New Dial Plan.


Configure the following settings.




Enter a name for the Dial Plan. You can assign one or more dial plans to an agent when you create or edit the agent's profile, and when you configure Agent DN validation.

Regular Expression

Enter a regular expression. The regular expression comprises the valid syntax for dial numbers (DN) the agent enters in the Desktop environment. Each dial plan requires a regular expression.

For examples of the regular expressions of the default dial plans, see the following sections. Use the examples shown in these sections to formulate regular expressions for the dial plans you create.


(Optional) Enter a prefix that the system automatically adds to the phone number that the agent enters. For example, enter the digit 1 for long-distance calls within the United States.

The system adds a prefix only if the agent does not add it when entering a DN in the Desktop environment.

Stripped Character

Enter the characters that the system removes from the DN that an agent enters in the Desktop environment.

The system automatically removes the following characters from the number that an agent enters: left and right parentheses, space, and hyphen.


Click Save.

Edit a Dial Plan

Before you begin

You require Administrator privileges to complete this procedure.

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Dial Plan.

The Dial Plan page appears. This page displays a list of existing dial plans.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the dial plan you want to edit and choose Edit.

The Edit Dial Plan page appears.

You can edit the settings described in the following table. When you are done editing, click Save.




Edit the name of the Dial Plan.

Regular Expression

Edit the Regular Expression.

The regular expression comprises the valid syntax for dial numbers (DN) the agent enters in the Desktop environment. Each dial plan requires a regular expression.


Enter a DN in the Desktop environment.

Stripped Character

Edit the Stripped Character. The system automatically removes the following characters from the number that the agent enters: left and right parentheses, space, and hyphen.

Delete a Dial Plan

Before you begin

  • You require Administrator privileges to complete this procedure.

  • Before deleting a dial plan, ensure that it isn't provisioned for a desktop profile or used to validate an agent's sign-in Dial Number (DN). If you can't delete a dial plan, contact your Full Administrator.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Dial Plan

The Dial Plan page appears. This page displays a list of all existing dial plans.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the dial plan you want to delete and choose Delete.

The Heads Up! dialog box appears.

Click Yes to confirm.

Global Variables

Global variables are custom variables defined in the Provisioning module and accessible throughout a flow. Flow developers can add global variables to the flow as required. For more information, see Global Variables in Flow Designer.

Global variables are specific to the Webex Contact Center voice channel. They collect one of the following types of data values:

  • Caller-entered data: Data that a customer enters using IVR during a call, such as an account number.

  • Agent-entered data: Data that an agent enters into the Interaction Control pane of the Desktop during an active call with a customer, such as a case number or action code.

You can create any number of global variables. However, you can enable only up to 100 global variables for reporting at a time.

For more information, see Create a Global Variable.

By default, you’re shown only active global variables. To view inactive global variables, check the Show Inactive Global Variables check box.

  • Global variable values are visible to users who have access to historical records on the Management Portal. Never store secure data such as credit card numbers, personal identification numbers, or social security numbers using global variables.

  • You can't delete Global variables; but you can deactivate a global variable that isn’t in use in any flow. You can’t use an inactive global variable to store data. For more information on how to deactivate a global variable, see Create a Global Variable.

  • During the transfer of call to an entry point, the global variable values with the same name and data type are copied to the new flow associated with the selected entry point selected. Any global variables in the first flow that don't match the name and data type of global variables in the new flow aren't carried over. For example:
    • If both flow1 and flow2 have a global variable customerID of type Integer and flow2 is active, the value of the global variable customerID gets copied from flow1 to flow2.

    • If flow1 and flow2 have variable var1 with data type Integer in flow1 and String in flow2, then var1 isn't carried over from flow1 to flow2.

    • If both flow1 and flow2 have a global variable var1 of type Integer, and activities such as Set Variable or HTTP Request update the value of var1 in flow2, then var1 in flow2 has the new value.

Secure Global Variables

Secure Global Variables in Webex Contact Center provide enhanced security in terms of marking global variables as sensitive to prevent logging of Personally Identifiable information (PII). The system restricts download of secure global variable data in the logs and reports. This feature is primarily applicable to the global variables that are injected from the Campaign Manager LCM application or external usages of the CreateTaskAPI.

All the existing variables will have Contains sensitive information toggle turned off by default. As an administrator, you can enable this toggle button to mark global variables as secured, and allow the system to encrypt these variables.

Secure global variables have the following characteristics:

  • This feature is applicable for voice channel only. It supports both inbound and outbound calls.

  • You cannot mark a secure global variable as reportable.

  • You can mark a secure global variable as agent viewable.

  • You can mark a secure global variable as Editable. Flow developers can edit these variables while creating a flow in Flow Designer. Agents can also edit these variables on the Desktop.

  • A secure global variable can have approximately 50 characters in length or 1024 bytes in size.

If the number of characters exceeds this limit,

  • For Preview campaign calls, Desktop displays an error while initiating a campaign call and prompts the agent to try again. This triggers a request for another contact or pull from LCM.
  • For Progressive and Predictive campaign calls, Desktop does not display any error. However, the contact with higher variable is dropped and a new contact is dialed.

System-defined variables

System-defined variables are the predefined global variables used by the Webex Contact Center.

You can edit the system-defined variables in the Provisioning module; but you can’t create or deactivate system-defined variables.

Webex Contact Center uses the following system-defined variables:

  • Global_FeedbackSurveyOptin: Indicates whether the customer chooses to participate in (opt-in) or not participate in (opt-out) a post call survey. The Variable Type is defined as String; while the default value is uninitialized, meaning there’s no initial value.

  • Global_Language: Indicates the language that a customer uses in the flow. The Variable Type is defined as String; and the default value is en-US. For more information, see Supported Languages and Voices for Text-to-Speech (TTS) in Webex Contact Center.

  • Global_VoiceName: Indicates the output-recorded name used in the flow. The Variable Type is defined as String; while the default value is Automatic. When the value is Automatic, Google Dialogflow chooses the voice name for a given language.

Create a Global Variable


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Global Variables.


Click + New Global Variable.

The Global Variable window appears.

Enter a Name for the variable.

  • You can't edit a name after it's created.

  • The name supports only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Spaces are not supported.

  • The name supports a maximum of 80 characters, but only 50 characters are displayed. If you hover the mouse pointer, the tooltip displays the complete name.

  • Secure global variables supports approximately 50 characters in length or 1024 bytes in size.


Enter a Description for the variable.


Choose one of the following types from the Variable Type drop-down list and specify the variable value.

Variable TypeDefault Value


Select True or False.


Enter a string value. The string can be a maximum of 256 characters long for each variable. Strings support alphanumeric characters, special characters and spaces.


Enter an integer value.


Enter a decimal value.

Date Time

Enter a date in Tenant Timezone in one of the supported formats:


  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm

You can’t edit the variable type after the variable is created.


(Optional) Disable the Status toggle button to make the variable Not Active.


(Optional) Enable the Make Reportable toggle button to display the variable in the Analyzer for reporting purposes.

You can enable up to 100 global variables for reporting.


(Optional) Enable the Contains Sensitive Information toggle button to mark the variable as sensitive and secured. This blocks the download of this global variable in all reports and logs.

If you enable the Contains Sensitive Information toggle button, the Make Reportable toggle button will be greyed out and vice versa.


(Optional) Enable the Make Agent Viewable toggle button to display the variable on the Desktop along with the value entered as part of the flow.

When you enable the Make Agent Viewable toggle button, the following configurations appear:

  • Desktop Label: This label appears on the Desktop in place of the variable name. Enter a clearer label than the variable name itself, so that agents can understand the data that is being passed to them.

    The desktop label supports a maximum of 50 characters.

  • Agent Editable: Enable this toggle button when you want the agent to be able to edit the value of the variable as part of the interaction session. Any updates to the variable that is made in the Desktop are available in the flow. The agent can edit the variable and click the Save button in the Desktop. If the call gets disconnected before the edits are saved, the variable update doesn’t take place.


Click Save.

Edit a Global Variable

To edit a global variable:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Global Variables.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the required global variable and click Edit.


Make the necessary changes and click Save.

  • You can’t edit the Name and Variable Type fields of a global variable.

  • You can enable up to 100 global variables for reporting. For more information, see Create a Global Variable.

Deactivate a Global Variable


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Global Variables.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the global variable that you want to deactivate and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the global variable changes to Not Active.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate a Global Variable


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Global Variables.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the required global variable and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status changes from Not Active to Active.

Multimedia Profiles

If your administrator enables multimedia for your enterprise, you can assign each agent with a multimedia profile. Each profile specifies the number of each type of media, such as email, chat, or telephone, that the agent can handle simultaneously.

The optional multimedia feature enables the Webex Contact Center system to manage routing strategies for email, telephone, and chat contacts.

You can assign multimedia profiles to sites, teams, or individual agents. By default, the system assigns the Default_Telephony_Profile to every site. You cannot edit or delete this profile, but can re-assign a different multimedia profile to the site.

All of the teams under a site have the same multimedia profile as that of the site, unless you assign a different profile to the teams. Similarly, all of the agents under the teams have the same profile as that of the team, unless you change the profile for the agents.

Create a Multimedia Profile

To configure a multimedia profile:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Multimedia Profiles


Click + New Multimedia Profile.


Do the following:

  1. In the Profile Details area, enter the following details:




    Enter a name for the multimedia profile.


    (Optional) Enter a description for the profile.

  2. In the Media Details area, enter the following details:




    Allows agents to handle multiple contacts simultaneously for different channel types. Set the number for each channel type.

    Number of contacts that you can set:

    • Voice: 0–1

    • Chat, Email, and Social Channel: 0–5

    Blended Real-time

    Allows agents to handle one mandatory real-time channel, either Voice or Chat, and in addition you can set the limit for Email.

    Number of contacts that you can set:

    • Voice: 1 (mandatory)

    • Chat: 1–5

    • Email: 0–5


    Allows agents to focus on one customer contact at a time. Check the channel types for which the agents receive contacts.


Click Save.

View the Details of a Multimedia Profile

To view the details of a multimedia profile:

From the Webex Contact Center Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a multimedia profile and click View.

  1. In the Profile Details area, view the following information about the multimedia profile:




    The name of the multimedia profile.


    The description of the profile.


    The status of the multimedia profile. The status can be either Active or Inactive.

  2. In the Media Details area, view the following information about the multimedia profile:




    Displays the number of contacts for the voice channel.


    Displays the number of contacts for the chat channel.


    Displays the number of contacts for the email channel.

    You can define the maximum number of media types in Maximum Channels Per Profile in the Module Permissions page of the tenant settings for your enterprise. For more information, see Tenant Settings.


(Optional) Click Edit to change the settings. For more information, see Edit a Multimedia Profile.


(Optional) Click Delete to deactivate the settings. For more information, see Deactivate a Multimedia Profile.

Edit a Multimedia Profile

To edit a multimedia profile:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Multimedia Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a multimedia profile and click Edit.


Do the following:

  1. In the Profile Details area, edit the following details:




    Enter a name for the multimedia profile.


    (Optional) Enter a description for the profile.

  2. In the Media Details area, edit the following details:




    Allows agents to handle multiple contacts simultaneously for different channel types. Set the number for each channel type.

    Number of contacts that you can set:

    • Voice: 0–1

    • Chat, Email: 0–5

    Blended Real-time

    Allows agents to handle one mandatory real-time channel, either Voice or Chat, and in addition you can set the limit for Email.

    Number of contacts that you can set:

    • Voice: 1 (mandatory)

    • Chat: 1–5

    • Email: 0–5


    Allows agents to focus on one customer contact at a time. Check the channel types for which the agents receive contacts.


Click Save.

Deactivate a Multimedia Profile

You cannot deactivate a multimedia profile if you associate it with any entity.

To delete a multimedia profile:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Multimedia Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the multimedia profile that you want to deactivate, and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the multimedia profile changes to Not Active.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate a Multimedia Profile


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Multimedia Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a multimedia profile with the status Not Active and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the multimedia profile changes to Active.

Desktop Layout

The Desktop Layout feature allows you to configure the Webex Contact Center Desktop as per your business requirements. You can customize elements such as logo, title, and widgets. For the complete list of elements that you can customize, see Define a Custom Desktop Layout. You can create a desktop layout and assign it to a team. This layout generates the agent experience on the desktop for all agents who sign in as part of that team.

There are two types of layouts:

  • Global Layout: This layout is a system-generated layout that gets assigned by default when you create a team. For more information, see Create a team. When you create a team, the Global Layout is automatically set as the desktop layout for the team. You cannot delete this layout.

  • Custom Layout: A layout that provides a customized desktop experience. You can create a custom layout for one or more teams.

If you assign a new desktop layout when an agent is signed in, the agent must reload the page to see the new layout.

The Webex Contact Center Desktop supports three personas:

  • Agent

  • Supervisor

  • Supervisor and an Agent

The JSON layout file has separate sections for each of the personas. The administrator should configure the settings for each persona in the corresponding section of the JSON layout file. For more information about a sample JSON layout file, see JSON Layout Top-Level Properties.

When Cisco adds a new feature to the Desktop Layout, the unmodified layout is updated automatically with the new features. The updated desktop layout is automatically available to the existing teams that use the unmodified desktop layout. The Desktop users using the unmodified desktop layout receive the new layout-based features when they sign in or reload the browser.

If you are using the Default Desktop Layout.json file without any modification, then it is considered an unmodified layout. However, if you download the Default Desktop Layout.json file and upload it again, it is considered a modified layout even if the file content or filename is not modified.

Create a Desktop Layout

To create a custom desktop layout:

Before you begin

Ensure that you have a custom JSON layout file that defines your layout. To create a custom JSON layout file, download the Default Desktop Layout.json file from the Desktop Layout page and customize the layout as described in Define a Custom Desktop Layout.

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Desktop Layout.


Click New Layout.


Enter the following details:




Enter a name that identifies the purpose of the layout.


Enter a description.


Choose a team name from the drop-down list.

  • If a custom layout is already assigned to a team, then that team name doesn’t appear in this drop-down list. For more information on the Team settings, see Create a team.
  • If you assign a custom layout on this page, you overwrite the global layout, which is the default layout for all teams.
JSON FileClick to download the Default Desktop Layout.json file and customize the layout as described in Define a Custom Desktop Layout.

If you use the unmodified layout, the new layout-based features appear automatically on the Desktop. The Desktop users can view the new layout-based features when they sign in or reload the browser.


Upload the JSON file that you customized to define the custom desktop layout.

  • The system validates the JSON file for errors and an appropriate message appears. The system enables the Save button when the validation is complete.
  • To integrate Webex Experience Management widgets, see the Webex Experience Management documentation.

If the uploaded custom layout has validation errors, click Restore to restore the default layout.


Click Save to save the configuration.


To verify the layout experience, see View Layout Experience on Desktop.

View Layout Experience on Desktop

Create a test team. For more information, see Create a team.


Assign yourself to the test team.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Desktop Agent Desktop.


Select the test team and validate the experience.

Define a Custom Desktop Layout

This topic discusses how to create a custom layout by editing the JSON file and provides sample use cases to get started with widgets such as the Customer Experience Management Metrics widget and Customer Experience Journey widget.

Before You Begin

The following are good-to-have skills to customize the Desktop layout:

  1. Understanding of the HTML structure

  2. Understanding of the document tree model in a browser

  3. Understanding of the JSON format

Desktop Layout Overview

In the Desktop, there are two types of widgets—iframe-based and web component-based. The header, navigation (custom page), persistent area, headless area, and aux panel are the customizable area in a Desktop. These are not widgets.

The following list details the spaces that you can configure. The images illustrates the layout of the Desktop:

  1. Title and Logo area: This space displays the Webex Contact Center logo and name (default) at the top-left corner of your screen.

  2. Horizontal Header area: This space has a configurable area that is populated with custom widgets. These widgets can display, for example, inline information and drop-down menus. As the height of this header is only 64 pixels, the widget height cannot cross the header height.

  3. Workspace area: This space changes as per the selection on the navigation bar or when an agent is interacting with customers. When an agent is on a call, this area displays the interaction control and auxiliary information pane (that includes custom widgets and persistent widgets). When an agent is interacting on email, chat, or social channels, this area displays the workspace area and auxiliary information pane (that includes the persistent widget area).

    Custom Page displays on the Desktop interface in the workspace pane. You can access the custom page through icons on the navigation bar. Each custom page can contain one or more custom widgets.

    Custom Widget is a third-party application that is configured in the JSON layout. You can place the custom widget on the custom page, custom tab (Auxiliary Information pane), or on the horizontal header of the Desktop.

  4. Navigation Bar area: Use this space to add navigation items to access custom pages.

Sample Webex Contact Center Desktop user interface for voice, showing the areas that are customizable including page icons, page labels, page level widgets, tab icons, tab labels, table level widgets, logo, title, drag and drop/resize/maximize/minimize ability, header customization, and other header widgets.
Sample Desktop UI for Voice
Sample Webex Contact Center Desktop user interface for new digital channels, showing the areas that are customizable including page icons, page labels, page level widgets, tab icons, tab labels, table level widgets, logo, title, drag and drop/resize/maximize/minimize ability, header customization, and other header widgets.
Sample Desktop UI for New Digital Channels
JSON Layout Top-Level Properties


The default JSON layout has following three roles.

  • agent—To set the Desktop Layout to be displayed when an agent signs in to the Webex Contact Center Desktop to handle agent activities.

  • supervisor—To set the Desktop Layout to be displayed when a supervisor signs in to the Webex Contact Center Desktop to handle only supervisor capabilities.

    When a supervisor signs in to the Desktop, the desktop layout that is specified for the primary team is applied. If you do not provide a primary team, the global layout applies. By default, APS reports are disabled.

  • supervisorAgent—To set the Desktop Layout to be displayed when a supervisor signs in to the Webex Contact Center Desktop to handle both supervisor capabilities and agent activities.

You can either add or modify widgets for each role in the corresponding persona of the relevant JSON layout file.

The following are the top-level properties for JSON layout based on the role:

    "agent": {
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "appTitle": "Webex Contact Center",
        "logo": "",
        "taskPageIllustration": "",
        "stopNavigateOnAcceptTask": false,
        "dragDropEnabled": false,
        "notificationTimer": 8,
        "maximumNotificationCount": 3,
        "browserNotificationTimer": 8,
        "wxmConfigured": false,
        "desktopChatApp": {
            "webexConfigured": false,
        "headerActions": ["outdial", "notification"],
        "area": {
            "advancedHeader": {
            "panel": {
            "navigation": {
            "persistent": {
            "headless": {
    "supervisor": {
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "appTitle": "Webex Contact Center",
        "logo": "",
        "taskPageIllustration": "",
        "stopNavigateOnAcceptTask": false,
        "dragDropEnabled": false,
        "notificationTimer": 8,
        "maximumNotificationCount": 3,
        "browserNotificationTimer": 8,
        "wxmConfigured": false,
        "desktopChatApp": {
            "webexConfigured": false,
        "headerActions": ["outdial", "notification"],
        "area": {
            "advancedHeader": {
            "panel": {
            "navigation": {
            "persistent": {
            "headless": {
            "homePage": {
    "supervisorAgent": {
        "version": "0.1.0",
        "appTitle": "Webex Contact Center",
        "logo": "",
        "taskPageIllustration": "",
        "stopNavigateOnAcceptTask": false,
        "dragDropEnabled": false,
        "notificationTimer": 8,
        "maximumNotificationCount": 3,
        "browserNotificationTimer": 8,
        "wxmConfigured": false,
        "desktopChatApp": {
            "webexConfigured": false,
        "headerActions": ["outdial", "notification"],
        "area": {
            "advancedHeader": {
            "panel": {
            "navigation": {
            "persistent": {
            "headless": {
  • The changes made to the JSON layout properties take effect when the Desktop browser is refreshed.
  • If a feature that you enabled on JSON layout is not available on the Desktop, contact Cisco Support to enable the feature.
  • All the properties in the JSON layout are case sensitive.


To specify a title on the horizontal header of the Desktop. The default title is Webex Contact Center.


"appTitle": "Webex Contact Center"

The default appTitle is changed from Contact Center Desktop to Webex Contact Center. There is no impact on the existing custom layouts that use the old default appTitle (Contact Center Desktop). To use the new appTitle, you must modify the custom layout. However, the new global layout uses the default appTitle as Webex Contact Center.

The title can either be text, an image, or an empty string. The title text appears in two rows. If the text extends beyond the second row, an ellipsis icon is displayed, and the tooltip displays the complete title. Styles cannot be applied to the title.

You can either use data URIs (Uniform Resource Identifier) or host a custom title image on a content delivery network (CDN), Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket, or a similar hosting service, and then specify the URL to the hosted image. The supported title image formats are PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, SVG, and WebP. The supported title image size is 184 x 32 pixels (width x height).


To specify a URL for the company logo. If you do not provide a URL, then the Webex Contact Center logo appears by default.


"logo": ""

You can host a custom logo image on a CDN, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket, or a similar hosting service, and then specify the URL to the hosted image. The supported logo image formats are PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, SVG, and WebP. The supported logo image size is 96 x 32 pixels (width x height).

Table 10. Display Matrix for appTitle and logo Based on the Desktop Layout Configuration
Condition Example appTitle logo
If appTitle and logo are not configured
"appTitle": "",
  "logo": "",
No title Default logo
If appTitle and logo are configured
"appTitle": "ABC Company",
  "logo": "",
Configured text Configured logo
If appTitle is configured and logo is not configured
"appTitle": "ABC Company",
  "logo": "",
Configured text Default logo

If appTitle is not configured and logo is configured

"appTitle": "",
  "logo": "",
No title Configured logo
If appTitle is configured and logo is not preferred
"appTitle": "ABC Company",
  "logo": "no-logo",
Configured text No logo

If appTitle is not configured and logo is not preferred

"appTitle": "",
  "logo": "no-logo",
No title No logo
If appTitle is added as an image and logo is configured
"appTitle": " ",
  "logo": "",
Configured image Configured logo

If appTitle is added as an image and logo is not configured

"appTitle": " ",
  "logo": "",
Configured image Default logo

If appTitle is added as an image and logo is not preferred

"appTitle": " ",
  "logo": "no-logo",
Configured image No logo
  • The custom image size is adjusted based on the aspect ratio. The custom title text that is configured earlier may now appear in two rows on the Desktop. To avoid this, you can modify the custom title text.
  • If title and logo are not configured in the horizontal header of the Desktop, that space is used by the header widgets. The header widgets must be configured correctly to use the title and logo space.
  • The title and logo together cannot exceed the maximum width of 304 pixels (including padding). If the logo width is lesser than 96 pixels, the remaining width can be used for the title.
  • If the custom image size is higher than the supported size, the image size is adjusted based on the aspect ratio in the horizontal header. If the custom image size is lesser than the supported size, the actual image size is retained in the horizontal header.


To specify a custom illustration for the task page based on organization preferences and brand alignment. When an agent signs in, the task page displays the configured illustration as a background. By default, the task page appears without illustration.


"taskPageIllustration": "",

You can either use data URIs or host a custom illustration on a content delivery network (CDN), Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket, or a similar hosting service, and then specify the URL to the hosted illustration. The illustration can be configured at the global or team level based on the layout definition. Ensure to configure the correct URL to prevent the broken image from being displayed on the Desktop.

The supported task page illustration formats are PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, SVG, and WebP. The recommended illustration size is 400 x 400 pixels (width x height). If the custom illustration size is larger than the recommended size, the illustration size is adjusted based on the aspect ratio in the task page. If the custom illustration size is smaller than the recommended size, the actual illustration size is retained in the task page.

Webex Contact Center interface example of a custom illustration retraining the actual size.
Sample example for a custom illustration retaining the actual size
Webex Contact Center interface example of a custom illustration adjusted based on the aspect ratio.
Sample example for a custom illustration adjusted based on the aspect ratio


To determine whether to shift the focus to a newly accepted task, when the agent accepts the new task while working on a previous task. The default value is false.


"stopNavigateOnAcceptTask": false

If the value is set as true, when the user accepts a new task on the Desktop, the focus is retained on the previous task and does not shift to the newly accepted task. This setting prevents the user from losing any data when accepting a new request.

For example, consider that Agent 1 is on chat with Customer 1 and simultaneously on a voice call with Customer 2. During the voice call, Agent 1 is updating the details of Customer 2 in the Interaction Control pane. Currently, Agent 1 has two active tasks in the Task List pane, and the focus is on the Interaction Control pane. When Agent 1 accepts a new chat request from Customer 3, the focus remains on the Interaction Control pane with Customer 2 and does not shift to the newly accepted chat request.

To retain the focus on the previous task and not to shift to the newly accepted task, select the custom layout with the stopNavigateOnAcceptTask property value set to true.

If the stopNavigateOnAcceptTask property value is not entered in the JSON layout, the Desktop shifts the focus to the newly accepted task. The behavior is similar to when the stopNavigateOnAcceptTask property value is set to false.

  • The setting applies to all tasks (voice and digital channels) performed on the Desktop—such as accepting a task, conference, consult, or transfer, and for outdial calls, outbound campaign calls, auto wrap up, and so on.
  • The setting does not apply if the Desktop user is on the Home page, with no active task in the Task List pane. In such a case, when a new task is accepted, the focus is shifted from the Home page to the newly accepted task.


To enable the drag-and-drop and resizing of the widgets on the custom pages, set the value to true. The default value is false.


"dragDropEnabled": false

For more information about enabling the drag-and-drop feature for the tabs in the Auxiliary Information pane, see Auxiliary Information Pane.


To set the duration (in seconds) after which the desktop notifications on the Desktop are automatically dismissed. The notification appears at the top-right corner of the Desktop. The default timeout value is 8 seconds. The valid range for timeout values is 1-10 seconds. For the timeout changes to take effect, the browser must be refreshed after the changes are made.


"notificationTimer": 8


To set the number of desktop notifications to be displayed at a time on the Desktop. The default value is 3. The range for desktop notifications is 1-10. The desktop notifications are stacked. If there are many notifications, they appear with a slight delay depending on the notificationTimer settings.


"maximumNotificationCount": 3


To set the duration (in seconds) after which the browser toaster notifications on the Desktop are automatically dismissed. Toaster is a native browser notification that appears only if the Desktop is not the active browser window or tab. The Desktop browser window or tab is inactive when

  • You are working on other browser windows or tabs.

  • You are working on other applications.

  • You have minimized the Desktop browser window.

The notification appears at the top-right corner of the Desktop. The default timeout value is 8 seconds. The recommended range for timeout values is 5-15 seconds. For the timeout changes to take effect, the browser must be refreshed after the changes are made.


"browserNotificationTimer": 8

The configured timeout for browser notifications depends on the operating system and browser settings. The timeout value is honored in the Chrome browser across Windows OS, Chrome OS, and macOS. However, the other supported browsers do not honor the configured notification timeout value consistently.


(Optional) To configure Webex Experience Management, set the value to true. The default value is false. For more information, see Add Widgets to Webex Contact Center.


"wxmConfigured": true


To configure multiple Cisco-offered chat applications such as Webex App.


Webex App along with its messaging and meeting functionalities can be configured within the Desktop. This configuration allows agents to collaborate with other agents, supervisors, and subject matter experts (SMEs) in their organization without navigating away from the Desktop.

  • The site administrator manages Webex Meeting users and assigns privileges only if the users have Webex Enterprise Edition. For more information, see Manage Webex Meetings Users in Cisco Webex Control Hub.
  • The supervisors and SMEs must download the Webex Client on their system (personal device) or access Webex App using Webex App for Web ( For more information, see Download the App.
  • You can access the Webex App within the Agent Desktop to collaborate with other agents, supervisors, and subject matter experts (SMEs) of your organization without navigating away from the Agent Desktop. The call control feature isn't available. To receive and make calls, you require the external, non-embedded Webex App. For more information, see Calling Apps.

To configure Webex App within the Desktop:

  • In Cisco Webex Control Hub, when adding services for a user, select the Advanced Messaging check box (Users > Manage Users > Services > Messaging). For more information, see Manage User Accounts in Cisco Webex Site Administration.

  • In the custom Desktop Layout, set the webexConfigured property value to true.


    "desktopChatApp": {
        "webexConfigured": true

    The default value of the webexConfigured property is false.

    Webex App is available for the agent, supervisor, and supervisorAgent roles only if you set the webexConfigured property value to true for each of these roles. The agent, supervisor, or supervisorAgent can't sign out of Webex App.

    To display the Webex icon (Webex) icon on the horizontal header of the Desktop, enter the value webex in the headerActions property. For more information, see headerActions.

    To enable Webex App for a specific team, select the custom layout with the webexConfigured property value set to true. For more information, see Create a team.

You can configure Webex App in the Auxiliary Information pane, custom page, and custom widget also. For more information, see Auxiliary Information Pane.

Webex App Notification

The values that are specified using the notificationTimer and browserNotificationTimer properties for the notification timer are applicable for Webex App. The default timeout value is 8 seconds for these properties. For more information, see notificationTimer and browserNotificationTimer.


To change the order of the icons on the horizontal header of the Desktop. The default order is as follows:

  1. Webex icon (Webex)

  2. Use phone for audio indicator (Outdial Call)

  3. Notification icon. (Notification Center)

Set the value of the headerActions property as follows:

Icon Name

headerActions Property Value

Webex App


Outdial Call


Notification Center



"headerActions": ["webex", "outdial", "notification"],

The headerActions property value is case sensitive.

To change the default order of the icons, enter the headerActions property and the values in the custom layout accordingly.


"headerActions": ["notification", "outdial", "webex"],
  • If you do not enter the headerActions property and values in the custom layout, the icons are displayed in the default order.
  • To remove the header icons and the associated functionalities from the Desktop, set an empty value for the headerActions property ("headerActions": []). However, if you have added Webex App to the Auxiliary Information pane or a custom page, or as a custom widget, the agent can still access Webex App although Webex App is not available in the horizontal header of the Desktop.
  • If the webexConfigured property value is set as false, the Webex App icon is not displayed on the horizontal header of the Desktop, even if the webex value is added in the headerActions property. For more information, see webexConfigured.


The area property is the core section of the Desktop Layout. You can define the layout as per the area.

"area": {
    "header": {
    "advancedHeader: {
          "comp": "widget-1",
          "attributes": { ... },
          "script": ....
    "panel": {
    "navigation": {
    "persistent": {
    "headless": {

You can configure the following area objects:

  • Panel: Represents the second panel or the right-most panel in the Auxiliary Information pane.

  • Navigation: Represents custom pages and their navigation elements that are related to the pages.

  • Persistent: Represents the page-level widgets that are persistent and display on all pages of the Desktop.

  • Headless: Represents the widgets that do not have a visual interface, but execute logic in the background.

If advancedHeader property is configured, the header and headerActions properties must be removed.


To customise the visibility and change the order of the icons on the horizontal header of the Desktop. The default order is as follows:

  1. Webex icon (Webex)

  2. Use phone for audio indicator (Outdial Call)

  3. Notification icon. (Notification Center)

  4. Webex Contact Center agent state selector. (Agent State Selector)

Set the value of the advancedHeader property as follows:

Icon Name

headerActions Property Value

Webex App


Outdial Call


Notification Center


Agent State Selector



"advancedHeader": [
          "comp": "agentx-webex"
          "comp": "agentx-outdial"
          "comp": "agentx-notification"
          "comp": "agentx-state-selector"
          "comp": "widget-1",
          "attributes": { ... },
          "script": ....

The advancedHeader property value is case sensitive.

To change the default order of the icons, enter the advancedHeader property and the values in the custom layout accordingly.

The widgets flow into the dropdown menu from left to right.

  • If you do not enter the advancedHeader property in the custom layout, the default header is displayed.

  • When advanced header is enabled, you should move the widgets from the exisiting header to the advanced header as per the example.

  • When advanced header is enabled, old header will not be displayed.

  • Every widget icon has a default padding and margin that is defined through CSS and cannot be customised through desktop.

  • The location of the logo, title, and profile icons are fixed and cannot be customised.

  • To remove the header icons and the associated functionalities from the Desktop, set an empty value for the associated component in the advancedHeader property ("advancedHeader": []).

    If you have added Webex App to the Auxiliary Information pane or a custom page, or as a custom widget, the agent can still access Webex App although Webex App is not available in the horizontal header of the Desktop.

  • If you add a widget with a long label, a truncated label name is displayed according to the space available.

    You can use the attribute textContent to add a label to a widget.


              "comp": "timer-widget",
              "attributes": { "duration": "08:00:00" },
              "textContent": "Count Down Timer for Current Shift",
              "script": ""

    The label "Count Down Timer for Current Shift" will be truncated and displayed according to the space available.

    • Avoid adding widgets with a long label.

    • When a widget flows to the drop-down, only the widget icon is clickable.

  • If the webexConfigured property value is set as false, the Webex App icon is not displayed on the horizontal header of the Desktop, even if the webex value is added in the advancedHeader property. For more information, see webexConfigured.

Home Page

When you sign in to the Desktop, you land on the Home Page.

The Home Page is only applicable to Supervisors and SupervisorAgent persona.

You can view the following widgets on the Home Page. Analyzer widgets are provided by default, but the administrator can also configure Persistent and Custom widgets. For more information, see JSON Layout Top-Level Properties.

Analyzer Widgets

By default, Analyzer widget displays on the Desktop Home Page.

Home Page Layout Configuration

You can configure the Home Page of the Desktop to display layout that is based on your organization preferences and brand alignment. Edit the Homepage field to configure the home page. You can configure the following components to be displayed in the Home Page when a user signs in to the Desktop:

  • A Welcome message

  • The Task icon on the Navigation bar to navigate to the Task pane. The Task icon is displayed for the Supervisor and Supervisor & Agent role with the call monitoring feature enabled. Task pane displays incoming customer requests, active and past customer interactions, and active monitoring requests.

  • Filter sections such as Queue Name, Channel Type, and Managed Teams.

The following table describes the page properties that are required to configure the Home Page:

Table 11. Dynamic Home Page Layout—page Properties


Description and Code

page > useFlexLayout

Flex layout is a new web component. It doesn't change the existing widgets. The new flex layout uses the same layout configuration format in a simplified way. It's backward compatible and doesn't impact existing widgets. You need to configure the JSON layout. To configure the JSON layout, provide the height and width of the widget. The widget is rendered in the same sequence as it's configured inside the JSON layout. Widgets have a default margin of 8 px.

The JSON layout is based on the dimensions (width x height) and coordinates (X, Y, and Z) of the widgets.

The flexible layout supports capabilities such as individual widget resize, maximize widgets, and so on.

The height of individual widgets is measured in pixels. 1 unit of height = 40 pixels. The width of the widget depends on the number of columns in the container and the number of columns that change based on the container width.

Widgets are displayed from the left to the right. The advanced layout engine uses custom logic to apply both horizontal and vertical space adjustment of widgets. Initially, the layout loads horizontally. After loading horizontally, the widget loads vertically and ensures that space utilization is optimal.

Configure the widgets based on the screen size. You can either increase or decrease the width of the widgets, based on the screen size. This renders the widgets more readable and usable.

Flex layout provides standard breakpoints such as large, medium, small, and extra small.

  • Large widgets have a resolution of 1360 px or more. For large widgets, specify the column value as 12.

  • Medium widgets have a resolution of 1070 px to 1360 px. For medium widgets, specify the column value as 10.

  • Small widgets have a resolution of 850 px to 1070 px. For small widgets, specify the column value as 6.

  • Extra small widgets have a resolution of 500 px. For extra small widgets, specify the column value as 4.

These pixels might vary based on the operating system and the broswer.

"page": {
          "id": "landing",
          "useFlexLayout": true,
          "widgets": {
            "comp1": {
              "comp": "div",
              "width": 4,
              "height": 4,
              "textContent": "Widget 1",
              "attributes": {
                "style": "width: max-content; margin: 80px 240px; color: white;"
            "comp2": {
              "comp": "div",
              "width": 4,
              "height": 4,
              "textContent": "Widget 2",
              "attributes": {
                "style": "width: max-content; margin: 80px 240px;color: white;"

page > comp

Ensure you provide a unique custom component.

"comp": "page-title",

The page-title component represents level 2 heading <h2> of the custom HTML element.

page > pageHeader

Ensure to specify a title string that can be static, dynamic, or both.

The page-title component represents level 2 heading <h2> in the custom HTML element.

  • Static string: For example, Hey, Welcome!

    "comp": "page-title",
    "attributes": {
        "pageTitle": "Hey, Welcome!"
  • Dynamic string: To fetch the value from the STORE. For example, Jane Doe.

    "comp": "page-title",
    "attributes": {
        "pageTitle": "$STORE.agent.agentName"

  • Both: The combination of static and dynamic strings. For example, Hey Jane Doe, Welcome!

    "comp": "page-title",
    "attributes": {
        "pageTitle": "Hey {$STORE.agent.agentName}, Welcome!"

    You must enclose the dynamic part of the string within the closed curly brackets {} and prefix with the structure $.

page > pageSubHeader

Ensure to add Sub Header that displays on the Desktop. The user can add Go to Analyzer in the Sub Header.

  • Code block for Sub Header

    "useFlexLayout": true,
              "pageSubHeader": {
                "comp": "div",
                "attributes": {
                  "style": "display: flex; float:right;margin:16px 0px 16px 16px"
                "children": [
                    "comp": "div",
                    "children": [
                        "comp": "md-label",
                        "textContent": "$I18N.pageSubHeader.queueName",
                        "attributes": {
                          "style": "margin-bottom:8px;"
  • Code block for Go to Analyzer in Sub Header

                    "comp": "div",
                    "children": [
                        "comp": "agentx-more-actions-wrapper",
                        "properties": {
                          "actionList": [
                              "comp": "agentx-wc-goto-analyzer"
Header Widgets

The header is used to display inline information, to add drop-down menus, and so on. As the header container has limited vertical space, the overall header height is only 64 pixels. For more information on the layout alignment, see the layout property section.


      "areas":[[ "head1", "head2" ]], 
      "size": { "cols": [1, 1], "rows": [1] } 

To add a tooltip for a header widget, wrap the component with md-tooltip. Enter tooltip information in the message property.


"header": {
    "id": "dw-header",
    "widgets": {
        "head1": {
            "comp": "md-tooltip",
            "attributes": {
                "message": "Netlify"
            "children": [{
                "comp": "agentx-wc-iframe",
                "attributes": {
                    "src": ""


You must add the style attributes display and height to configure any widgets through iFrame in the customizable widget area in the header. The best fit value of the height attribute is 64 pixels.

Ensure that you add the style attributes to the existing header widgets for them to load as expected within the iFrame.


"head1": {
    "comp": "agentx-wc-iframe",
    "attributes": {
        "src": "",
        "style": "height:64px;display:flex;"


We recommend that you use only a single row with multiple columns for the header because the header height is only 64 pixels. For more information on the alignment, see the layout property section.

Navigation (Custom Pages)

In this section, you can add pages that appear on the left navigation bar. You specify a navigation icon and a unique URL for the widget to appear on the navigation bar. We recommend using a specific prefix for the URL to avoid conflicts. For more details, see the nav property section.

You can also have a collection of widgets that can display on this page. The page can have a single widget that appears on the screen or a collection of widgets in a grid. For more details on grid arrangement, see the layout property section.

You do not need to add a dynamic-area wrapper to the widget tree. This means that you can drag and drop and resize widgets on custom pages when you enable this option.


    "nav": {
        "label": “Custom Page”,
        "icon": "stored-info",
        "iconType": "momentum",
        "navigateTo": "dynamic-tabs",
        "align": "top",
        "isDefaultLandingPage": true
    "page": {
        "id": “my - custom - page“,
        "useFlexLayout": true,
        "widgets": {
            comp1”: {
                "comp": "md-tabs",
                "children": [{
                        "comp": "md-tab",
                        "textContent": "Shift Timer",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "tab"
                        "comp": "md-tab-panel",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "panel"
                        "children": [{
                            "comp": “my - custom - timer”,
                            “source”: http: //
                                "wrapper": {
                                    "title": "Shift Timer",
                                    "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"
                        "comp": "md-tab",
                        "textContent": "Stock Market",
                        "responsive": "false"
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "tab"
                        "comp": "md-tab-panel",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "panel"
                        "children": [{
                            "comp": "agentx-wc-iframe",
                            "responsive": "false"
                            "attributes": {
                                "src": ""
                            "wrapper": {
                                "title": "Stock Market",
                                "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"
                        "comp": "md-tab",
                        "textContent": "Widget3",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "tab"
                        "comp": "md-tab-panel",
                        "textContent": "Three Content",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "panel"
            “comp2”: {
                "comp": “my - google - maps - component“,
                “source”: "
                "wrapper": {
                    "title": "Google Map",
                    "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"
        "layout": {
            "areas": [
                ["left", "right"]
            "size": {
                "cols": [1, 1],
                "rows": [1]

The following table describes nav and page properties along with their child properties:

Table 12. nav Property Details


Description and Code

nav > label

This property indicates the page navigation identifier. The screen reader reads this property and it appears in the tooltip.

These parameters are necessary to display your custom page on the navigation bar.

type Navigation.Item = {
    label: string;
    iconType: "momentum" | "other";
    icon: string;
    align: "top" | "bottom";
    navigateTo: string;
    iconSize ? : number;
    isResponsive ? : boolean;

The label property is the title of the custom page.

nav > iconType

This property represents the type of icon that displays in the navigation bar for the custom page.

The following types of icons are available:

  • Momentum: You can choose any available icons in the collection: The advantage of using Momentum is that it provides a few icons with an “active” version.

    Use case of an active version:

    For example, if you choose a Momentum icon type announcement, you can see the default icon on the navigation bar. When you navigate to the custom page (linked to the icon), the icon changes to the announcement-active version automatically. Ensure that you verify whether it has an active version of this same icon in the icon library.

  • Other: You can provide a custom image URL (hosted on a CDN) that appears on the navigation bar. If you use a black or white custom icon, the icon isn't visible when you switch between light and dark modes.

nav > icon

This property represents the name of the icon in the Momentum library or the CDN URL.

type Navigation.Item ={
// OR //
type Navigation.Item ={

nav > align

This property helps you align the icon to the top or bottom of the navigation bar.

Currently, the property allows top alignment only.

nav > isDefaultLandingPage

This property specifies the default landing page for the agents in Agent Desktop. Set this property to true to make the navigation bar page the default Landing page that appears for the agents after signing in to the Agent Desktop. If more than one navigation bar page has this property set to true, the system considers the first navigation bar page to become the default Landing page.

If no navigation bar page has this property set to true, the Home page acts as the default Landing page.

You can't set Agent Performance Statistics reports as the default landing page.

nav > navigateTo

This property specifies the name of the custom page. This name appears in the address bar when the agent navigates.

The navigateTo must not include the following values: images, fonts, css, build_info, help, app, i18n, icons, images-mfe-wc, and sounds.

type Navigation.Item = {
    navigateTo: “my - custom - page”;
Table 13. page Property Details


Description and Code

page > id

In page property, you specify the custom page (dynamic widget) object.

The id property represents a unique page identifier. For example, my-custom-page-1. Agent can’t see this identifier on the Desktop.

type DynamicWidgets.Page = {
    id: string;
    widgets: Record < string,
    DynamicWidget.Options > ;
    layout: Layout;

page > useFlexLayout

Flex layout is a new web component. It doesn't change the existing widgets. The new flex layout uses the same layout configuration format in a simplified way. It's backward compatible and doesn't impact existing widgets. You need to configure the JSON layout. To configure the JSON layout, provide the height and width of the widget. The widget is rendered in the same sequence as it's configured inside the JSON layout. Widgets have a default margin of 8 px.

The JSON layout is based on the dimensions (width x height) and coordinates (X, Y, and Z) of the widgets.

The flexible layout supports capabilities such as individual widget resize, maximize widgets, and so on.

The height of individual widgets is measured in pixels. 1 unit of height = 40 pixels. The width of the widget depends on the number of columns in the container and the number of columns that change based on the container width.

Widgets are displayed from the left to the right. The advanced layout engine uses custom logic to apply both horizontal and vertical space adjustment of widgets. Initially, the layout loads horizontally. After loading horizontally, the widget loads vertically and ensures that space utilization is optimal.

Configure the widgets based on the screen size. You can either increase or decrease the width of the widgets, based on the screen size. This renders the widgets more readable and usable.

Flex layout provides standard breakpoints such as large, medium, small, and extra small.

  • Large widgets have a resolution of 1360 px or more. For large widgets, specify the column value as 12.

  • Medium widgets have a resolution of 1070 px to 1360 px. For medium widgets, specify the column value as 10.

  • Small widgets have a resolution of 850 px to 1070 px. For small widgets, specify the column value as 6.

  • Extra small widgets have a resolution of 500 px. For extra small widgets, specify the column value as 4.

These pixels might vary based on the operating system and the broswer.

"page": {
          "id": "landing",
          "useFlexLayout": true,
          "widgets": {
            "comp1": {
              "comp": "div",
              "width": 4,
              "height": 4,
              "textContent": "Widget 1",
              "attributes": {
                "style": "width: max-content; margin: 80px 240px; color: white;"
            "comp2": {
              "comp": "div",
              "width": 4,
              "height": 4,
              "textContent": "Widget 2",
              "attributes": {
                "style": "width: max-content; margin: 80px 240px;color: white;"

page > widgets

page > comp

Helps you define your custom widgets. To place multiple widgets, specify widget options in sequence. Ensure that you give each widget a unique area name. Use it in the layout section later.

"widgets": {
    "comp1": {
    "comp2": {

This property represents the name of the custom HTML element (known as a Web Component or any other element - if you want to use it as a wrapper). For more information, see Sample Use Case Examples. Enter your custom element name here without angular brackets (“<” or “>”). For example, “my-custom-element.”

Each entry under the widgets section supports the following format:

type Options = {
    comp: string;
    script ? : string;
    properties ? : Record < string,
    any > ;
    attributes ? : Record < string,
    string > ;
    children ? : Options[];
    textContent ? : string;
    style ? : Partial < CSSStyleDeclaration > ;
    wrapper ? : {
        title: string;
        maximizeAreaName: string;

page > script

(Optional) This property is required only when you load the widget or component from a remote location such as a CDN.

"comp1": {
    "comp": "widget-one",
    "script": "http:/ /
        dynamic - widgets / widget - one.js ",

Don’t change the script URL for the same component. If you need to change the script URL for the same component, do one of the following:

  • Notify the agent to clear the browser cache and reload the Agent Desktop.

  • Retain the existing URL. Dynamically import the new bundle URL using the javascript hosted in the existing URL.


    (function() {
              var script = document.createElement("script");
                  script.src = <Your JS Script URL>
                  script.type = "text/javascript";
                  script.async = true;
                  document.getElementsByTagName ("head").item(0).appendchild(script);
                } ) ()

page > properties

You can specify properties that you must pass for the Web component.

"properties": {
    "user": "admin",

page > responsive

Determines whether a web component or an iFrame based widget that is added in the custom layout at the page level or the comp level is responsive. Responsive web components make your web page visually appealing on all devices and are easy to use. You must use responsive iFrame widgets.

Configure this property with one of the following values:

  • True: Enables responsiveness of the widget. By default, all widgets are responsive based on the progressive screen sizes, orientation, and viewing areas of the device in use.

  • False: Disables responsiveness of the widget. If the widgets do not support viewing on different devices, mark them as nonresponsive.

    "comp": "md-tab",
    "responsive": true,
    "attributes": {
        "slot": "tab",
        "class": "widget-pane-tab"
    "children": [{
        "comp": "slot",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "SCREEN_POP_TAB"
    "visibility": "SCREEN_POP"
}, {
    "comp": "md-tab-panel",
    "responsive": false,
    "attributes": {
        "slot": "panel",
        "class": "widget-pane"
    "children": [{
        "comp": "slot",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "CALL_GUIDE"
    "visibility": "CALL_GUIDE"

Nonresponsive widgets cannot ensure the best user experience and are not displayed in the smaller view. The agent must increase the size of the browser window to view any widgets that are configured as nonresponsive.

page > attributes

You can specify the Web component attributes in this section.

"attributes": {
         "disabled": "false",

page > visibility

Specifies whether the Cisco-offered widgets added in the custom layout at the page level or the comp level are visible or not.

Cisco-offered widgets are Contact History, Cisco Webex Experience Management, IVR Transcript, Preview Campaign Call Guide, and Screen Pop.

  • The visibility property values are built in and defined in the default JSON file of the Desktop Layout. The administrator cannot modify the visibility property values of the Cisco-offered widgets.

  • The visibility property value NOT_RESPONSIVE is deprecated. You can continue to use it only for backward compatibility. Any value set as NOT_RESPONSIVE previously doesn't require modification, as the functionality remains the same.

    To set a newly created widget as responsive or not responsive, you must use the responsive property. For more information, see responsive property.

page > children

This property is the core part of the layout. In the children section, you can nest as many levels as required if the Web Component-based widget allows you to pass children. To make that possible, the developer must programmatically handle the slotted content. For more information, see Cisco Webex Contact Center Desktop Developer Guide.

To know about passing STORE values as properties, see Share Data from Desktop to Widgets.

"children": [{
        "comp": "div",
        "textContent": "Test"
        "comp": "div",
        "textContent": “Test”
        "comp": "div",
        "textContent": "Test"
        "comp": "div",
        "textContent": "Test"
        "comp": "div",
        "children": [{
                "comp": "div",
                "textContent": “Test”
                "comp": "div",
                "textContent": "Test"
                "comp": "div",
                "textContent": "Test"

The advantage of the “children” array section is that you can use existing Web Components in your layout specification, which is already part of the Desktop bundle. A few of the Desktop bundle Web Components include:

  • agentx-wc-iframe: A widget that allows you to place any web page into an iFrame as a widget.

  • dynamic-area: A component that allows you to enable the drag-and-drop feature for Agents in a place other than custom pages. The custom pages can also have this capability if you enable drag-and-drop by default.

  • Any component in the momentum-ui-web-component library. For more information, see GitHub. For example:

    • md-tabs: Tabs container wrapper

    • md-tab: Single tab header

    • md-tab-panel: Single tab content

For more information on the attributes for the persistent tab, see Attributes for Persistent Tabs.

page > textContent

Helps you to add your text content.

"textContent": "My Text Content",

page > style

Helps you to assign a particular CSS style to your component.

"style": {
    "backgroundColor": "#CBD",
    "overflow": "scroll"

page > wrapper

Widget wrapper allows you to add a toolbar on top of your widget. The toolbar can contain a title and the Maximize icon (Maximize) icon on top of the widget. When the widget has occupied a small space on the page, the maximize icon allows the agent to see the widget in full workspace.

Ensure that you use the default value as "app-maximize-area". Currently, only the default value is available.

"wrapper": {
    "title": My Widget Title ",
    "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"

page > wrapper> id

(Optional) The web component widget wrapper allows you to update the dynamic widget title using a unique identifier. Enter the widget wrapper id property value as unique-id-to-update-title.

"wrapper": {
    "title": My Widget Title ",
    "id": "unique-id-to-update-title",
    "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"

Ensure that you use the same unique identifier for the JavaScript CustomEvent. For more information, see the Asynchronous Events section in the Agent Contact Module chapter of the Cisco Webex Contact Center Desktop Developer.

To update the iFrame-based widget title, use the iFrame content from the same domain. The following is a sample example:

script type = "text/javascript" >
    var title = "";
window.addEventListener("update-title-event", function(e) {
    title = e.detail.title;
document.querySelector('#customEvent').onclick = function() {
    const e = new CustomEvent("update-title-event", {
        bubbles: true,
        detail: {
            title: "new title"
}; <
/script> <
button id = "customEvent" > New Title < /button> <
    iframe src = "" > < /iframe>

page > agentx-wc-iframe

Allows you to embed a web page in an iFrame that appears as a widget on the Desktop. You can use the iFrame widget called “agentx-wc-iframe”.

"comp1": {
    "comp": "agentx-wc-iframe",
    "attributes": {
        "src": " /
            the - ultimate - guide - to - iframes / "
    "wrapper": {
        "title": "AgentX iFrame",
        "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"

page > layout

Allows you to arrange the widgets on a page.

The following format represents a grid layout:

type Layout = {
    areas: string[][];
    size: {
        rows: number[];
        cols: number[];

Here you can define the grid with the area names that you defined in the widgets section.

The following example shows how the layout of three rows and three columns is specified:

"layout": {
    "areas": [
    "size": {
        "cols": [1, 1, 1],
        "rows": [1, 1, 1]
Equal Distribution of a 3x3 Layout
Equal distribution of a 3x3 layout for Webex contact Center Desktop layout configuration.

In the size section, numbers represent the fraction of space that a widget can occupy, relative to the other widgets. All three columns occupy equal 1 fraction of space. With 100% as available width, each widget occupies 33.33% of horizontal space.

With Equal Column Width
Equal column width layout for Webex Contact Center Desktop layout configuration.

Another use case example, if you set as "cols": [1, 2, 2], it means that overall space is divided by 5 (1+2+2) and the first widget occupies 20% of horizontal space. The second and third widgets take 40% each. For more information, see Basic Concepts of Grid Layout.

Unequal column width layout for Webex Contact Center Desktop layout configuration.
After Changing the Column Width

page > ROOT

Nesting of layouts is called a sublayout. In case you have nested layouts in your layout configuration, you must have a single "ROOT" object as a parent for sublayouts. Otherwise, your layout configuration can be flat if no nesting is required.

This sublayout provides more control over the layout resize behavior. The page layout property must be of type Record<string, Layout>. The layout property allows you to arrange the widgets on a page.

    "id": "some-id",
    "widgets": {
        "c1": {
            "comp": "div",
            "textContent": "c1"
        "c2": {
            "comp": "div",
            "textContent": "c2"
        "c3": {
            "comp": "div",
            "textContent": "c3"
        "c4": {
            "comp": "div",
            "textContent": "c4"
        "c5": {
            "comp": "div",
            "textContent": "c5"
    "layout": {
        "ROOT": {
            "areas": [
                ["c1", "sub1"],
                ["c2", "sub2"],
            "size": {
                "cols": [1, 1],
                "rows": [1, 1]
        "sub1": {
            "areas": [
                ["c3", "c4"]
            "size": {
                "cols": [1, 1],
                "rows": [1]
        "sub2": {
            "areas": [
            "size": {
                "cols": [1],
                "rows": [1, 1]

This setup creates a grid in the ROOT layout with two subgrids that you can resize independently.

Sub-layout appearance for Webex Contact Center Desktop layout configuration.
Sub-layout Appearance

Resizing a component affects the components within that sublayout.

Sub-layout appearance, after resizing both sub-layouts, for Webex Contact Center Desktop layout configuration.
After Resizing both Sub-layouts

Be aware of the following cases:

Infinite loop: If you include ROOT layout as a sublayout of ROOT, it causes a "call stack exceeded" error and runs into an infinite loop.

    "layout": {
        "ROOT": {
            "areas": [
                ["c1", "c2"],
                ["c3", "ROOT"],
            "size": {
                "cols": [1, 1],
                "rows": [1, 1]
Sub-layout appearance with infinite loop for Webex Contact Center Desktop layout configuration.
Sub-layout With Infinite Loop

Same Sub-Layout (N) times: If you include the sublayout into your grid more than once with the same name, and if you resize one of them, all the sublayouts get resized automatically.

If this is not the desired behavior, rename each of the sublayouts with a unique name.

    "layout": {
        "ROOT": {
            "areas": [
                ["c1", "sub1"],
                ["c2", "sub1"],
            "size": {
                "cols": [1, 1],
                "rows": [1, 1]
        "sub1": {
            "areas": [
                ["c3", "c4"]
            "size": {
                "cols": [1, 1],
                "rows": [1]
Sub-layout appearance with N times for Webex Contact Center Desktop layout configuration.
Sub-layout with N times

Attributes for Persistent Tabs

To set the tabs in the custom pages and custom widgets as persistent, enter the attributes for md-tabs in the custom layout.

Example: Set Tabs as Persistent

    "comp": "md-tabs",
    "attributes": {
        "persist-selection": true,
        "tabs-id": "unique-id for all the tabs together in the container"




To set md-tabs to be persistent. The default value is true.


Unique identification for all the tabs together in the container.

When you set md-tabs to be persistent (persist-selection: true), Agent Desktop retains the tab selection even if an agent switches between pages or widgets in the Desktop.

  • The persist-selection property is not applicable for the tabs in the Auxiliary Information pane and Agent Performance Statistics reports page, because the persistent tab behavior is already set in the Desktop.
  • The tab selection is reset to the default tab when you sign out of the Desktop, reload/refresh the browser, or clear the browser cache.
Persistent Widgets Configuration

You can configure any custom widget to be persistent. Persistent widgets display on all pages of the Desktop. Persistent widgets display as a new tab in the Auxiliary Information pane only when you have an active contact request or conversation. For example, Sample Persistent widget.

Persistent widgets do not display on the Home page in the way they display on the other pages. However, if you have an active interaction, the persistent widgets display in the Home page as part of the Auxiliary Information pane. For example, when you have answered a call, the Interaction Control pane displays, and the Sample Persistent widget displays as part of the Auxiliary Information pane.


"area": {
    "persistent": [{
            "comp": "md-tab",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "tab"
            "children": [{
                    "comp": "md-icon",
                    "attributes": {
                        "name": "emoticons_16"
                    "comp": "span",
                    "textContent": "Custom Page Widget"
            "comp": "md-tab-panel",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "panel"
            "children": [{
                "comp": "dynamic-area",
                "properties": {
                    "area": {
                        "id": "dw-panel-two",
                        "widgets": {
                            "comp1": {
                                "comp": "agentx-wc-iframe",
                                "attributes": {
                                    "src": ""
                                "wrapper": {
                                    "title": "AgentX iFrame",
                                    "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"
                            "comp2": {
                                "comp": "uuip-widget-two",
                                "script": "./dynamic-widgets/widget-two.js",
                                "attributes": {
                                    "title": "WIDGET 2 content"
                                "wrapper": {
                                    "title": "Widget 2 title",
                                    "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"
                        "layout": {
                            "areas": [
                                ["comp1", "comp2"]
                            "size": {
                                "cols": [1, 1],
                                "rows": [1]

When you customize a widget, you can choose either one of the options:

  • Host an application on a web page that can be embedded within an iframe.

  • Build a custom widget.

The technical widget requirements are described in the Desktop Widget Development Documentation. As a layout editor, ensure that you have these details:

  • What is the name of the custom HTML element (known as Web Component)?

  • What is the URL to the content delivery network (CDN) source that hosts the JavaScript bundle?

Auxiliary Information Pane

The Auxiliary Information pane of the Desktop displays the tabs which include the Cisco-offered (default) widgets and custom widgets. The following Cisco-offered widgets appear in the predefined tabs:

  • Contact History

  • IVR Transcript

  • Customer Experience Journey

  • Screen Pop

You can use the Auxiliary Information pane to:

  • Add tabs

  • Change the tab order

  • Remove predefined tabs

  • Mark the custom tabs as draggable

  • Add tooltips to the custom tabs

  • Add the Reset Tab Order option


"panel": {
    "comp": "md-tabs",
    "attributes": {
        "class": "widget-tabs"
    "children": [{
            "comp": "md-tab",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "tab",
                "class": "widget-pane-tab"
            "children": [{
                "comp": "slot",
                "attributes": {
                    "name": "CONTACT_HISTORY_TAB"
            "comp": "md-tab-panel",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "panel",
                "class": "widget-pane"
            "children": [{
                "comp": "slot",
                "attributes": {
                    "name": "CONTACT_HISTORY"
            "comp": "md-tab",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "tab",
                "class": "widget-pane-tab"
            "children": [{
                    "comp": "md-icon",
                    "attributes": {
                        "name": "pop-out_16"
                    "comp": "span",
                    "textContent": "Screen Pop"
            "visibility": "SCREEN_POP"
            "comp": "md-tab-panel",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "panel",
                "class": "widget-pane"
            "children": [{
                "comp": "#SCREEN_POP"
            "comp": "md-tab",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "tab"
            "children": [{
                    "comp": "md-icon",
                    "attributes": {
                        "name": "emoticons_16"
                    "comp": "span",
                    "textContent": "Custom Widget"
            "comp": "md-tab-panel",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "panel"
            "children": [{
                "comp": "dynamic-area",
                "properties": {
                    "area": {
                        "id": "dw-panel-two",
                        "widgets": {
                            "comp1": {
                                "comp": "agentx-wc-iframe",
                                "attributes": {
                                    "src": ""
                                "wrapper": {
                                    "title": "AgentX iFrame",
                                    "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"
                            "comp2": {
                                "comp": "widget-one",
                                "script": "",
                                "wrapper": {
                                    "title": "Widget title",
                                    "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"
                        "layout": {
                            "areas": [
                            "size": {
                                "cols": [1],
                                "rows": [1, 1]

You can configure the Customer Experience Journey widget after you enable the Customer Experience Management Metrics on the Management Portal.

In the Auxiliary Information pane, add new tabs to place your custom widgets. No special rules apply here and the component nesting is as expected and described in the children section. For more information, see the Children property of the page.

The following are the specific examples to customize your tab headers:

Example to Place Icons and Labels in the Children Property

    "comp": "md-tab",
    "attributes": {
        "slot": "tab",
        "class": "widget-pane-tab"
    "children": [{
            "comp": "md-icon",
            "attributes": {
                "name": "transcript_16"
            "comp": "span",
            "textContent": “My Widget Tab”

Example to Place Image (with CSS) and Labels in the Children Property

    "comp": "md-tab",
    "attributes": {
        "slot": "tab"
    "children": [{
        "comp": "span",
        "attributes": {
            "style": "align-items: center; display: flex;"
        "children": [{
                "comp": "img",
                "attributes": {
                    "src": “http: //”,
                        "width": 16,
                    "height": 16,
                    "style": "margin-right: 0.5rem;"
                "comp": "span",
                "textContent": “My Widget Tab”

The More Tabs drop-down list appears automatically when the Auxiliary Information pane contains multiple tabs.

You must add a custom tab tooltip for readability and accessibility. To add a tooltip for a custom tab, wrap the component with md-tooltip. Enter the tooltip information in the message property and apply the style property values as shown in the following example.

"comp": "md-tooltip",
"attributes": {
    "class": "widget-tabs",
    "message": "Sample Tab 1",
    "style": "max-width: 252px; min-width: 110px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: -10px;"

For a custom tab, we recommend a maximum width of 252 pixels and a minimum width of 110 pixels.

To enable the drag-and-drop feature within the custom tab, add the following property within the attributes:

"comp": "md-tabs",
"attributes": {
    "class": "widget-tabs",
    "draggable": true,
    "comp-unique-id": "sample-dynamic-custom-tabs"
  • draggable: Set the draggable property value to true.

  • comp-unique-id: Enter a unique value to identify the component.


    "comp-unique-id": "sample-dynamic-custom-tabs"

If you enable drag-and-drop for a custom tab, the agent can drag and drop the tab to the required position within the Auxiliary Information pane. To reset the tabs to the default tab order, add the following property:

"comp": "agentx-wc-more-actions-widget",
"attributes": {
    "slot": "settings",
    "class": "widget-pane",
    "tabs-unique-id": "sample-dynamic-custom-tabs"
  • agentx-wc-more-actions-widget: Enter the component that is displayed as the More Actions (More actions icon) icon in the Auxiliary Information pane.

  • slot="settings": Enter an attribute within the component that is displayed as the Reset Tab Order option in the More Actions drop-down list. Agents can reset the tabs in the Auxiliary Information pane to the default order by clicking the More actions icon > Reset Tab Order.

  • tabs-unique-id: Enter the same unique value defined for the comp-unique-id property to map and reset the md-tabs components.

The following sample code uses the More Actions and Reset Tab Order functions.

"comp": "agentx-wc-more-actions-widget",
"attributes": {
    "slot": "settings",
    "class": "widget-pane",
    "tabs-unique-id": "sample-dynamic-custom-tabs"
"children": [{
    "comp": "div",
    "attributes": {
        "textContent": "custom action",
        "slot": "custom-action"
    "children": [{
            "comp": "agentx-wc-notes-header-widget"
            "comp": "agentx-wc-menu-notification"

Webex Contact Center more actions menu example, showing the 'Reset Tab Order' option.

By default, the tooltip, ellipsis icon, and tab order reset for predefined tabs are defined.

The More Actions drop-down list can be extended to add additional custom components or widgets after the Reset Tab Order option. The following is a sample set of style property values that can be applied to additional components.

"comp": "md-tooltip",
"attributes": {
    "class": "widget-tabs",
    "message": "Sample Element",
    "style": "max-width: 252px; min-width: 110px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: -10px;"
Webex Contact Center more actions menu example, showing additional, custom options that can be added after the 'Reset Tab Order' option.

The drag-and-drop feature is not supported for the additional custom components or widgets that are added to the More Actions drop-down list.

Headless Widgets

In the headless section, you can add widgets that are hidden and do not appear on the Agent Desktop. These widgets are used to execute logic in the background. This section is useful to trigger events that occur on the Desktop and execute widget-specific logic. For example, opening a custom CRM Screen Pop for an SMS on its arrival.


      "areas":[[ "comp1", comp2" ]], 
      "size": { "cols": [1, 1], "rows": [1] } 
Share Data from Desktop to Widgets

To receive real-time data through properties or attributes inside a custom widget, assign appropriate STORE values in the layout JSON configuration.

In addition, to access the data through JavaScript SDK subscribers, you can also pass the data through properties or attributes. If your component is built to react to property or attribute changes, you get real-time data updates from Agent Desktop, which is called a data provider.

Currently, we have a single data provider under a key STORE. For more information, see the Data Provider—Widget Properties and Attributes section in the Cisco Webex Contact Center Desktop Developer Guide.

Preview Campaign Call

The administrator creates campaigns, configures the dialing mode (preview), and assigns the campaigns to teams. If an agent is part of a team to which campaigns are assigned, then the agent can make an outbound preview campaign call. For more information, see Configure Voice Outbound Campaign Modes in Webex Contact Center.

The administrator configures the following in the custom layout to enable preview campaign contact for an agent.

Campaign Contact

The administrator adds the Campaign Contact widget in the header container of the custom layout. The campaign contact displays the customer's contact information based on the defined properties. For more information on the layout alignment, see the layout property row of the page Property Details table.


"advancedHeader": [
    "comp": "agentx-preview-campaign",
    "properties": {
      "isCampaignManagementEnabled": "$STORE.agent.isCampaignManagementEnabled",
      "agentDbId": "$STORE.agent.acqueonAgentId",
      "lcmUrl": "$STORE.agent.lcmUrl",
      "isCallInProgress": "$STORE.agentContact.isActiveCall",
      "outdialEntryPointId": "$STORE.agent.outDialEp",
      "teamId": "$STORE.agent.getAcqueonTeamId",
      "campaignManagerAdditionalInfo": "$STORE.agent.campaignManagerAdditionalInfo",
      "orgId": "$STORE.agent.orgId",
      "dialerProxyHost": "$STORE.envVariables.serviceUrls.dialerProxyHost",
      "isProgressiveCampaignEnabled": "$"    }
    "comp": "agentx-webex"
    "comp": "agentx-outdial"
    "comp": "agentx-notification"
    "comp": "agentx-state-selector"

Call Guide

The Call Guide widget displays in the Auxiliary Information pane on the Desktop. The call guide displays the questions and answers at the campaign level. The agent is prompted to read through the set of questions in the call guide and submit the responses.


               "attributes":{ "name":"icon-note_16"
               "comp":"span", "textContent":"Call Guide"
            "slot":"panel", "class":"widget-pane"
               "comp": "acqueon-call-guide",
               "script": "http://localhost:5555//index.js", // include CDN link here
                  "title":"Call Guide", "maximizeAreaName":"app-maximize-area"
                  "orgId": "$STORE.agent.orgId",
                  "dialerProxyHost": "$STORE.envVaribles.serviceUrls.dialerProxyHost",
                  "isProgressiveCampaignEnabled": "$"
  • The following comp property references have changed. agentx in the property value is replaced with acqueon:
    • agentx-preview-campaign is renamed to acqueon-preview-campaign
    • agentx-call-guide is renamed to acqueon-call-guide
  • You must host List and Campaign Manager (LCM) on a CDN and then specify the URL in the script property.
Screen Pop

In the Desktop Layout, you can configure Screen Pop in one of the following ways:

  • As a custom page

  • As one of the widgets in the custom page

  • As a tab in the Auxiliary Information pane

The Screen Pop is displayed on the Desktop based on the following factors:

For the Voice channel:

  • The configuration defined in the Desktop Layout

  • The Screen Pop activity defined in the Flow Designer

For the New Digital Channels:

  • The configuration defined in the Desktop Layout

  • The Screen Pop node defined in the Connect Flow Builder

For more information on configuring Screen Pop, see Screen Pop.

Configuring Screen Pop in the Navigation Bar

You can configure Screen Pop as a custom page, or as one of the widgets in a custom page. To access the Screen Pop custom page, click the Screen Pop icon on the Navigation bar. To access the Screen Pop widget in the custom page, click the custom icon on the Navigation bar. For more information on nav properties, see Navigation (Custom Pages).

Example: Screen Pop as a Custom Page

    "nav": {
        "label": "Screen Pop",
        "icon": "pop-out",
        "iconType": "momentum",
        "navigateTo": "/screenpop",
        "align": "top"
    "page": {
        "id": "agentx-wc-screen-pop",
        "widgets": {
            "comp1": {
                "comp": "agentx-wc-screen-pop",
                "properties": {
                    "screenPopUrl": "$STORE.session.screenpop.screenPopSelector"
        "layout": {
            "areas": [
            "size": {
                "cols": [1],
                "rows": [1]
    "visibility": "SCREEN_POP"

Example: Screen Pop as a Widget in the Custom Page

"comp1": {
    "comp": "agentx-wc-screen-pop",
    "properties": {
        "screenPopUrl": "$STORE.session.screenpop.screenPopSelector"

If the Screen Pop is not configured in the Flow Designer, the custom page appears blank. For more information on configuring Screen Pop in the Flow Designer, see Screen Pop.

Configuring Screen Pop in the Auxiliary Information Pane

You can configure Screen Pop to appear as a tab in the Auxiliary Information pane.

By default, Screen Pop appears as a new sub tab in the Screen Pop tab of the Auxiliary Information pane if Screen Pop is configured to be displayed as Inside Desktop in the Flow Designer.

Add the following attribute in the panel section to include Screen Pop as a tab in the Auxiliary Information pane. For more information on panel details, see Auxiliary Information Pane.

Example: Screen Pop as a tab in the Auxiliary Information Pane

            { "comp": "md-icon", "attributes": { "name": "pop-out_16" }},
            { "comp": "span", "textContent": "Screen Pop" }], 
          "visibility": "SCREEN_POP" 
          "comp": "md-tab-panel", 
          "attributes": { "slot": "panel", "class": "widget-pane" }, 
          "children": [{ "comp": "#SCREEN_POP"

The Screen Pop display option defined in the Flow Designer takes precedence over the configuration defined in the Desktop Layout.

For example, consider you have configured the following Screen Pop settings:

  • Flow Designer—Display settings as In the new browser tab
  • Desktop Layout—As a tab in the Auxiliary Information pane

When the event for which screen pop is configured occurs, the Screen Pop is displayed outside the Desktop - that is, in a new browser tab.

Sample Use Case Examples
The following sections provide a few examples for your reference:

Configure and Access Customer Experience Management Metrics Widget From the Navigation Bar


    "nav": {
        "label": "Customer Experience Management Metrics",
        "icon": "/app/images/wxm.bcd45cc3.svg",
        "iconType": "other",
        "navigateTo": "wxm-metrics",
        "align": "top"
    "page": {
        "id": "wxm-metrics",
        "widgets": {
            "comp1": {
                "comp": "agentx-wc-cloudcherry-widget",
                "attributes": {
                    "metrics": true
                "properties": {
                    "userModel": "$",
                    "spaceId": "",
                    "metricsId": "",
                    "teamId": "$STORE.agent.teamName",
                    "ani": "$STORE.agentContact.taskSelected.ani",
                    "isDarkMode": "$"
                "wrapper": {
                    "title": "Customer Experience Journey",
                    "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"
        "layout": {
            "areas": [
            "size": {
                "cols": [1],
                "rows": [1]

To get the spaceId and metricsId, see the Webex Experience Management documentation.

Using Tabs on the Custom Page


    "nav": {
        "label": "Dynamic Tabs",
        "icon": "stored-info",
        "iconType": "momentum",
        "navigateTo": "dynamic-tabs",
        "align": "top"
    "page": {
        "id": "page-id-tabs",
        "widgets": {
            "comp1": {
                "comp": "md-tabs",
                "children": [{
                        "comp": "md-tab",
                        "textContent": "One",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "tab"
                        "comp": "md-tab-panel",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "panel"
                        "children": [{
                            "comp": "widget-two",
                            "script": "http:/"
                        "comp": "md-tab",
                        "textContent": "Two",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "tab"
                        "comp": "md-tab-panel",
                        "textContent": "Two Content",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "panel"
            "comp2": {
                "comp": "widget-two",
                "script": " http:/"
        "layout": {
            "areas": [
                ["comp1", "comp2"]
            "size": {
                "cols": [1, 1],
                "rows": [1]

Default Auxiliary Information Pane with Contact History and Screen Pop


"panel": {
    "comp": "md-tabs",
    "attributes": {
        "class": "widget-tabs"
    "children": [{
            "comp": "md-tab",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "tab",
                "class": "widget-pane-tab"
            "children": [{
                "comp": "slot",
                "attributes": {
                    "name": "CONTACT_HISTORY_TAB"
            "comp": "md-tab-panel",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "panel",
                "class": "widget-pane"
            "children": [{
                "comp": "slot",
                "attributes": {
                    "name": "CONTACT_HISTORY"
}, {
    "comp": "md-tab",
    "attributes": {
        "slot": "tab",
        "class": "widget-pane-tab"
        "comp": "md-tab",
        "attributes": {
            "slot": "tab",
            "class": "widget-pane-tab"
        "children": [{
            "comp": "slot",
            "attributes": {
                "name": "SCREEN_POP_TAB"
        "visibility": "SCREEN_POP"
        "comp": "md-tab-panel",
        "attributes": {
            "slot": "panel",
            "class": "widget-pane"
        "children": [{
            "comp": "slot",
            "attributes": {
                "name": "SCREEN_POP"
        "visibility": "SCREEN_POP"

Auxiliary Information Pane with Customer Experience Journey Widget


"panel": {
    "comp": "md-tabs",
    "attributes": {
        "class": "widget-tabs"
    "children": [{
                "comp": "md-tab",
                "attributes": {
                    "slot": "tab"
                "children": [{
                    "comp": "slot",
                    "attributes": {
                        "name": "WXM_JOURNEY_TAB"
                "visibility": "WXM_JOURNEY"
                "comp": "md-tab-panel",
                "attributes": {
                    "slot": "panel",
                    "class": "widget-pane"
                "children": [{
                    "comp": "agentx-wc-cloudcherry-widget",
                    "properties": {
                        "userModel": "$",
                        "spaceId": "",
                        "metricsId": "",
                        "teamId": "$STORE.agent.teamName",
                        "ani": "$STORE.agentContact.taskSelected.ani",
                        "isDarkMode": "$"
                    "wrapper": {
                        "title": "Customer Experience Journey",
                        "maximizeAreaName": "app-maximize-area"
                    "comp": "md-tab",
                    "attributes": {
                        "slot": "tab",
                        "class": "widget-pane-tab"
                    "children": {
                        "comp": "md-tab",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "tab",
                            "class": "widget-pane-tab"
                        "children": [{
                            "comp": "slot",
                            "attributes": {
                                "name": "CONTACT_HISTORY_TAB"
                        "comp": "md-tab-panel",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "panel",
                            "class": "widget-pane"
                        "children": [{
                            "comp": "slot",
                            "attributes": {
                                "name": "CONTACT_HISTORY"
                        "comp": "md-tab",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "tab",
                            "class": "widget-pane-tab"
                        "children": [{
                            "comp": "slot",
                            "attributes": {
                                "name": "SCREEN_POP_TAB"
                        "visibility": "SCREEN_POP"
                        "comp": "md-tab-panel",
                        "attributes": {
                            "slot": "panel",
                            "class": "widget-pane"
                        "children": [{
                            "comp": "slot",
                            "attributes": {
                                "name": "SCREEN_POP"
                        "visibility": "SCREEN_POP"
                    "visibility": "SCREEN_POP"
Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts define an alternative way to perform a specific action on the desktop. For more information on the system-defined keyboard shortcuts, see the Access keyboard shortcuts section in the Accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts in Webex Contact Center Desktop article.

The order of the shortcut key number in the Agent Desktop navigation bar is based on the order in which the related widget or custom page is configured in the Desktop Layout. For example, if the Cisco Webex Experience Management icon is the third item in your navigation bar, the Ctrl + Alt + 3 opens the Cisco Webex Experience Management page.

The developer can register the keyboard shortcuts for custom widgets using the Shortcut Key module. For more information, see Cisco Webex Contact Center Desktop Developer Guide.

Keyboard Shortcut Conflicts

Keyboard shortcut conflicts occur if multiple widgets use the same keyboard shortcut. This causes the keyboard shortcut to be disabled until the conflict is resolved.

Keyboard shortcut conflicts can occur in the following scenarios:



Conflicts can occur when two widgets (custom widget or Cisco-provided desktop widget) have the same keyboard shortcut, and both are on the same page.

Move one of the widgets (custom widget) to another page. The resolution is applicable for all non-page-level widgets.

Conflicts can occur when the keyboard shortcut is the same for a custom widget and a page-level widget.

This conflict cannot be resolved by the Agent Desktop administrator.

  • When there are multiple instances of the same widget with the same keyboard shortcut, the system ignores the duplicate key registration for the widget. When the keyboard shortcut is used, all instances of the widget are triggered.
  • The administrator cannot create new keyboard shortcuts or modify the existing (out-of-the-box) keyboard shortcuts.
  • Any conflict of the Agent Desktop keyboard shortcuts with the browser or operating system keyboard shortcuts cannot be resolved. The behavior depends on the browser or the operating system. When the conflicting keyboard shortcut is used, both the Agent Desktop functionality and the browser or operating system functionality might be executed.
The Desktop UI supports localization in 29 languages.

The following are the supported languages:

Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (UK), English (US), Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.

The Desktop UI language is based on the language preference settings on your browser. For example, let us consider that you have selected the preferred language as French on the Firefox browser. When you launch the Desktop in the Firefox browser, the Desktop UI appears in Français (French). However, the horizontal header, navigation bar, and other components added in the Desktop Layout are not localized based on the language preference settings on your browser.

Localize Desktop Components

To localize desktop components,

  • Use the existing localization keys set in the app.json file. If the localization keys are not set, the default language English (US) is used. You can submit a service request to Cisco Support to add a localization key to the app.json file.

    Example: Localization Key

        "common": {
            "buttonTitle": "Stop Timer"
  • Enter the following case-sensitive property in the Desktop Layout JSON file to localize a component:

    "textContent": "$I18N.<key>",

    where <key> refers to the corresponding localization key in the app.json file.

Example: Localize Header Component

"header": {
    "id": "header",
    "widgets": {
        "head1": {
            "comp": "md-button",
            "attributes": {
                "slot": "menu-trigger",
                "style": "height: 64px"
            "children": [{
                    "comp": "span",
                    "textContent": "$I18N.common.buttonTitle",


Example: Localize Tab Component in the Auxiliary Information Pane

"panel": {
    "comp": "md-tab",
    "attributes": {
        "slot": "tab"
    "children": [{
        "comp": "span",
        "textContent": "$I18N.panelTwo.screenPopTitle"

View a Desktop Layout

To view a desktop layout:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Desktop Layout.


Select the ellipsis icon next to the Desktop Layout name that you need to view, and click View.


View the following details:




Shows the name of the layout.


Shows the description for the layout.


Shows the team name that is assigned to this layout.

JSON FileShows the JSON file that is used for this layout.

Edit a Desktop Layout

You can edit the Global Layout or a custom desktop layout. To edit a desktop layout:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Desktop Layout.


Select the ellipsis icon next to the Desktop Layout that you need to edit, and click Edit.


Edit the following details:




Enter a name that identifies the purpose of the layout.


Enter a description.


Choose a team name from the drop-down list.

  • If a custom layout is already assigned to a team, then that team name doesn’t appear in this drop-down list. For more information on the Team settings, see Create a team.
  • If you assign a custom layout on this page, you overwrite the global layout, which is the default layout for all teams.
JSON FileClick to download the Default Desktop Layout.json file and customize the layout as described in Define a Custom Desktop Layout.

If you use the unmodified layout, the new layout-based features appear automatically on the Desktop. The Desktop users can view the new layout-based features when they sign in or reload the browser.


Once you've customized the file, click Upload to upload the customized JSON file.

  • The system validates the JSON file for errors and an appropriate message appears. The system enables the Save button when the validation is complete.
  • To integrate Webex Experience Management widgets, see the Webex Experience Management documentation.

(Optional) Click Restore to restore the default layout.


Click Save to save the configuration.


To verify the layout experience, see View Layout Experience on Desktop.

Copy a Desktop Layout

To copy a desktop layout:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Desktop Layout.


Select the ellipsis icon next to the Desktop Layout that you need to copy, and click Copy.

When you copy a desktop layout, the Team field is not copied. Ensure that you configure the Team field.


Edit the following details:




Enter a name that identifies the purpose of the layout.


Enter a description.


Choose a team name from the drop-down list.

  • If a custom layout is already assigned to a team, then that team name doesn’t appear in this drop-down list. For more information on the Team settings, see Create a team.
  • If you assign a custom layout on this page, you overwrite the global layout, which is the default layout for all teams.
JSON FileClick to download the Default Desktop Layout.json file and customize the layout as described in Define a Custom Desktop Layout.

If you use the unmodified layout, the new layout-based features appear automatically on the Desktop. The Desktop users can view the new layout-based features when they sign in or reload the browser.


Once you've customized the JSON file locally, click Upload to upload the file. The Webex Contact Center system starts to validate the JSON file.

  • The system validates the JSON file for errors and an appropriate message appears. The system enables the Save button when the validation is complete.
  • To integrate Webex Experience Management widgets, see the Webex Experience Management documentation.

(Optional) Click Restore to restore the default layout.


Click Save to save the configuration.

Deactivate a Desktop Layout

You cannot deactivate a desktop layout if the layout is assigned to a team. When you try to deactivate such a layout, a message informs you that you cannot deactivate the desktop layout. You can click the information icon in the message to view the list of entities that you have associated with this desktop layout.

After you deactivate a desktop layout, you can still see it in the desktop layout page as Not Active.

To deactivate a Desktop Layout:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Desktop Layout.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the desktop layout you want to deactivate, and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the desktop layout changes to Not Active.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate a Desktop Layout


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Desktop Layout.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the desktop layout that you want to activate and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the desktop layout changes to Active.

Skill Definitions

Skills-based routing is an optional Webex Contact Center feature that enables you to assign skill requirements, such as language fluency or product expertise, to incoming calls so they can be distributed to agents with a matching set of skills.

The Skill Definitions page provides an interface for viewing, creating, and editing the skills that can be assigned to calls and to skill profiles, which can then be assigned to teams or individual agents. For more information, see see About Skills-based Routing and Skill Profiles.

The maximum number of active skills that you can create is determined by the Maximum Skills and Maximum Text Skills values provisioned for your enterprise. For more information, see Tenant Settings.

Create a Skill Definition


On the Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Skills > Skill Definition.


On the Skill Definitions page, click + New Skill Definition.


Specify the skill settings as described in this table.




Enter a name for the skill.


Optionally, enter a description of the skill.

Service Level Threshold

Specify how many seconds a customer call can be in queue for this skill before being flagged as outside the service level. If a call is completed within this time interval, it is considered to have been handled within service level for this skill.


If you are creating a new skill, specify the skill type:

  • Text: A free-form text skill that must be matched exactly. For example, you might define a skill named Extension that will let you route a call to a specific agent’s extension number based on digits entered by the caller in response to a prompt. The text value can include up to 40 characters, including spaces.

  • Proficiency: Can have a value ranging from 0 to 10 that represents the agent’s level of expertise in the skill. For example, you might define a skill for each language that your agents speak.

  • Boolean: Can have the value of True or False to indicate whether or not the agent has the skill. For example, you might define a skill named PremierService to ensure that your most valuable customers get the best service. Your most experienced agents can be assigned a value of True, and your least experienced agents can be assigned a value of False

  • Enum: A named set of predefined values. For example, a skill named Line of Business might have a set of three values: Sales, Service, and Billing. Each value can include up to 20 characters, including spaces.

You can't change the skill type later.


Select Active or Not Active. You can't inactivate a skill, if it is used in a skill profile or a routing strategy.


Click Save.


To reset the settings in all fields, click Reset.

Edit a Skill Definition

To view and edit a skill definition:

To view and edit a skill definition:


On the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Skills > Skill Definition.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the skill that you want to edit and click Edit.


Edit the skill settings as described in this table.




Displays the name of the skill. You can't edit the name of the skill.


Optionally, enter a description of the skill.

Service Level Threshold

Specify how many seconds a customer call can be in the queue for this skill before being flagged as outside the service level. If a call is completed within this time interval, it is considered to have been handled within the service level for this skill.


Displays the skill type. You can't edit the skill type.

List Values

This field is displayed only if the skill type is enum. Specify the values that can be associated with this skill. For example, for an enum skill named Operating System, you might define three values: Windows, Linux, and Unix. Each value is limited to a maximum length of 20 characters, including spaces.

  • To add a value, type the value name in the List Value field and then press Enter. Repeat for each value you want to add.

  • To delete a value, click x on the value entry.


Select Active or Not Active. You can't inactivate a skill, if it is used in a skill profile or a routing strategy.


Click Save.

Deactivate a Skill Definition


On the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Skills > Skill Definition.


Click the ellipsis icon besides the skill that you want to delete and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate a Skill Definition


On the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Skills > Skill Definition.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a skill with the status Not Active and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the skill changes to Active.

Skill Profiles

A skill profile is a set of skills, each with an assigned value, that you assign to an agent-based team or to an individual agent. For example, you can assign a skill of English a high level of proficiency in one skill profile and a lower level in another profile.

If you assign a skill profile to a team, all agents that are logged in to that team are associated with that skill profile unless an agent is assigned a specific skill profile.

  • As an administrator, you can update the skill profile of agents. These changes are applied to all relevant agents without the need for these agents to sign out and sign back in to the Agent Desktop.

  • The number of agents who share the same skill profile is limited to 500 to ensure effective performance of the system. You can assign the skill profile to the agent directly or to a team (Choose Provisioning > Skills > Skill Profiles). When you add an agent to a team, the agent is assigned the team’s skill profile.

Create a Skill Profile


On the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Skills > Skill Profiles.


On the Skill Profiles page, click + New Skill Profile.


Enter the name of the skill profile and description.


Select the active skills you want to assign from the Active skills list.


Provide the appropriate skill value. For more information, see Skill definitions.


Click Save to save the skill profile.


(Optional) Click Reset to reset the values in all fields.

Edit a Skill Profile


On the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Skills > Skill Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the skill profile and click Edit.


Edit the name, description, and active skills.


Click Save to save the skill profile.

Copy a Skill Profile


On the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Skills > Skill Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a skill profile and click Copy.


Edit the necessary details.


Click Save to save the skill profile.

Delete a Skill Profile


On the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Skills > Skill Profiles.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the skill profile that you want to delete and choose Delete.


Click Yes to confirm.

Threshold Rules

If your enterprise uses the Threshold Alerts feature, authorized users can create threshold rules to monitor agent and call data.

Call Metrics

You can configure threshold rules for call metrics. For each rule, specify a value that triggers the alert. Configure call metrics as described in this table.

Table 14. Call Metrics


Entity Type

Trigger Value Type

Abandoned Calls



Average Queue Time



Average Speed of Answer



Blind Transferred Calls



IVR Calls

Entry Point


Longest Time in Queue



Number of Calls in Queue



Overflow Calls



Service Level Threshold



Short Calls

Entry Point


Transferred Calls



Agent Metrics

You can configure rules for agent metrics. For each rule, specify a value that triggers the alert. Configure agent metrics as described in this table.

Table 15. Agent Metrics


Entity Type

Trigger Value Type

Available Agents

Site or Team


Connected Agents

Site or Team


IB Average Handle Time

Site or Team


Idle Agents

Site or Team


Not Responding Agents

Site or Team


Number of Agents in Outdial

Site or Team


Number of Logged in Agents

Site or Team


OB Average Handle Time

Site or Team



Site or Team


By default, the maximum number of rules that are allowed for a tenant is 50. To increase this to a higher limit, contact Cisco Support.

Create a Threshold Rule

A threshold alert is displayed in the Agent Peformance Statistics report on the Agent Desktop if you set Agent Viewable to Yes for the threshold rule and select the threshold alert in the desktop profile. For more information, see Desktop Profiles.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Threshold Rules.


On the Threshold Rules page:

  • Click + New Threshold Rule.

  • To delete a threshold rule, click the ellipsis button beside a listed rule and click Delete. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.


Specify or change the settings for the rule. You can specify or change the following settings in the General Settings area:




Enter a name for the rule.


Enter a short description for the rule.

Entity Type

You can specify or change the following settings in the Entity Information area:



Metric Type

Specify whether this is an Agent Threshold or a Call Threshold.


Choose the entry point, queue, site, or team to which the rule is applicable. This setting is not applicable if the entity type is Agent.

You can specify or change the following settings in the Threshold Information area:



Threshold Metric

Choose a value from the drop-down list. The list displays only those metrics that are applicable to the selected entity type.


Choose a value from the drop-down list:

  • > (greater than)

  • >= (greater than or equal to)

  • < (less than)

  • <= (less than or equal to)

  • = (equal to)

Trigger Value

Specify the value that triggers a threshold alert. The value type (duration, count, or percentage) is based on the metric selected.

The trigger value must be greater than 0.

Trigger Interval

Specify the interval, in seconds, during which the system generates only one alert for the threshold rule check.

You can specify or change the following settings in the Email Information area:



Notification Receivers

If you want an individual to receive an email alert in the HTML format when the threshold is triggered, enter the email address in the Notification Receivers field and press Enter. Repeat for each address that you want to add.

To remove an address, click x on the left side of the listed address.

Text Notification Receivers

If you want an individual to receive an email alert in the text format when the threshold is triggered, enter the email address in the Text Notification Receivers field and press Enter. Repeat for each address that you want to add.

To remove an address, click x on the left side of the listed address.


Click Save.

Copy a Threshold Rule


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Threshold Rules.


On the Threshold Rules page, click the ellipsis button beside a listed rule and click Copy.


Specify or change the settings for the rule. You can specify or change the following settings in the General Settings area:




Enter a name for the rule.


Enter a short description for the rule.

Entity Type

Choose the entity type to which the threshold rule is applicable: Entry Point, Queue, Site, Team, or Agent (if your enterprise uses the Agent Threshold Alerts feature).


You can specify or change the following settings in the Entity Information area:



Metric Type

Specify whether this is an Agent Threshold or a Call Threshold.


Choose the entry point, queue, site, or team to which the rule is applicable. This setting is not applicable if the entity type is Agent.


You can specify or change the following settings in the Threshold Information area:



Threshold Metric

Choose a value from the drop-down list. The list displays only those metrics that are applicable to the selected entity type.


Choose a value from the drop-down list:

  • > (greater than)

  • >= (greater than or equal to)

  • < (less than)

  • <= (less than or equal to)

  • = (equal to)

Trigger Value

Specify the value that triggers a threshold alert. The value type (duration, count, or percentage) is based on the metric selected.

The trigger value must be greater than 0 for all metrics.

Trigger Interval

Specify the interval, in seconds, during which the system generates only one alert for the threshold rule check.


You can specify or change the following settings in the Email Information area:



Notification Receivers

If you want an individual to receive an email alert in the HTML format when the threshold is triggered, enter the email address in the Notification Receivers field and press Enter. Repeat for each address that you want to add.

To remove an address, click x on the left side of the listed address.

Text Notification Receivers

If you want an individual to receive an email alert in the text format when the threshold is triggered, enter the email address in the Text Notification Receivers field and press Enter. Repeat for each address that you want to add.

To remove an address, click x on the left side of the listed address.


Click Save.

Edit a Threshold Rule


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Threshold Rules.


On the Threshold Rules page:

  • To edit the settings for a threshold rule, click the ellipsis icon beside a listed rule and click Edit.

    After you create the Entity Information while creating a Threshold Rule, you cannot edit Metric Type and Entity options in this field.


Specify or change the settings for the rule. You can specify or change the following settings in the General Settings area:




Enter a name for the rule.


Enter a short description for the rule.

Entity Type

Choose the entity type to which the threshold rule is applicable: Entry Point, Queue, Site, Team, or Agent (if your enterprise uses the Agent Threshold Alerts feature).


You can specify or change the following settings in the Threshold Information area:



Threshold Metric

Choose a value from the drop-down list. The list displays only those metrics that are applicable to the selected entity type.


Choose a value from the drop-down list:

  • > (greater than)

  • >= (greater than or equal to)

  • < (less than)

  • <= (less than or equal to)

  • = (equal to)

Trigger Value

Specify the value that triggers a threshold alert. The value type (duration, count, or percentage) is based on the metric selected.

The trigger value must be greater than 0 for all metrics.

Trigger Interval

Specify the interval, in seconds, during which the system generates only one alert for the threshold rule check.


You can specify or change the following settings in the Email Information area:



Notification Receivers

If you want an individual to receive an email alert in the HTML format when the threshold is triggered, enter the email address in the Notification Receivers field and press Enter. Repeat for each address that you want to add.

To remove an address, click x on the left side of the listed address.

Text Notification Receivers

If you want an individual to receive an email alert in the text format when the threshold is triggered, enter the email address in the Text Notification Receivers field and press Enter. Repeat for each address that you want to add.

To remove an address, click x on the left side of the listed address.


Click Save.

Deactivate a Threshold Rule

Before you begin


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Threshold Rules.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the threshold rule that you want to deactivate and click Mark Inactive.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the threshold rule changes to Not Active.

Once the object is marked inactive, it can be permanently deleted. For more information, see Delete inactive objects permanently.

Activate a Threshold Rule


On the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Threshold Rules.


Click the ellipsis icon beside a threshold rule with the status Not Active and click Restore.


Click Yes to confirm.

The status of the threshold rule changes to Active.

Entry Point Mappings

The Entry Point Mappings page is an interface for managing the mappings between entry points and the following:

  • Dial Numbers (DN)

    • Webex Contact Center PSTN

    • Voice POP bridge

    • Webex Calling

  • Social Messaging

By default, all the DN to entry point mappings are listed. If required, you can filter the list by selecting an entry from the Select Entry Point drop-down list. The list displays DN, Entry Point, Number Type, and ID.

If an incoming Entry Point DN is not in the correct format, the call fails to connect. For example, if the Entry Point DN is in the format (xxx xxx xxx) and the incoming Entry Point DN format is (+1 xxx xxx xxx), the call fails to connect.

The following points apply if you've a Cisco PSTN add-on:

  • The Number Type column displays if the number is a toll number or toll-free number.
  • If your tenant contains any DN that is recognized as toll-free and you do not have Cisco Bundle 2: Inbound toll-free number access add-on, then a banner appears saying "Some mappings need to be deleted". Remove the toll-free numbers as the entitlement does not exist.
  • If you forward or redirect the DN from a service provider to Cisco PSTN, the delay in media path between agents and callers increases, thereby impacting the agent and caller experience.

To use an entry point, you must map a dial number to the entry point.

Map an Entry Point

To map an entry point:


On the Management Portal navigation bar, click Provisioning > Entry Point Mappings.


Click Entry Point Mappings and choose the appropriate mapping list:DN to Entry Point Mappings.

  • Dialed Numbers: Map dialed numbers to entry points.
  • Social Messaging: Map social channel connectors to entry points.

Click + New DN to EP Mapping.


Enter the following fields:

  • For DN mapping:



    Location (Only for Webex Calling)

    Choose a location from the drop-down list. The list of locations appears as configured on Webex Calling.

    Ensure that you've created a location in Webex Calling and added the required numbers. For more details on adding numbers in Webex Calling, see the article Manage Numbers in Locations.

    Available Numbers / DN

    • For Webex Calling:

    Select the number that you want to map to this entry point.

    • The Webex Calling location main number doesn’t appear in this list. If you need to use that main number for mapping, change the main number. For details on managing numbers, see the article Manage Numbers in Locations.

    • A toll-free number can’t be used for Entry Point mapping without the appropriate entitlement. If the Telephony type is Cisco PSTN and you don’t have a Cisco Bundle 2: Inbound toll-free number access add-on, use a toll number to map an entry point.

    Entry Point

    Choose the entry point to which you want to map the DN.

    PSTN Region

    Choose a region in which you want to enable regional voice media services. The dial number (DN) must be configured in the selected region to accept incoming calls. The entry point is mapped to the dial number that belongs to the selected region. Mapping the dialed number to a region keeps the voice media local to that region.

    If you don’t choose a region, the Default region is selected. The default region is the data center corresponding to the country of operation that is configured on Control Hub when you provision the contact center tenant.

    EP mapping configurations example for Webex Contact Center.

    Example 1: For home region you can select a local location and, for PSTN region you can select default.

    For an organization in Japan, you can select the location as Tokyo or Osaka and select a number within that location as an entry point and PSTN region must be default.

    To allow the agent to transfer an outbound call to a queue in Agent Desktop, map the Outdial Transfer to Queue entry point to a DN.

  • For Social Messaging mapping:
    • From the Connector drop-down list, choose a connector.
    • From the Entry Point drop-down list, choose the entry point to which you want to map the connector.

(Only for SMS) After you choose the Entry Point, a Webhook URL gets populated on the page. Copy the Webhook URL and configure MessageBird. This configuration helps exchange SMS messages with MessageBird.


Click Save.

Edit Dial Number to Entry Point Mappings

To edit the mapping of a dial number or social messaging channel to an entry point:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, click Provisioning > Entry Point Mappings.


Choose the appropriate list:

  • Dialed Numbers

  • Social Messaging

For dial numbers, you can do the following:
  • In the Select Entry Point drop-down list, search for the dial number that you have mapped to an entry point.
  • From the Select Entry Point drop-down list, choose Not Mapped. All of dial numbers that are not mapped to entry points display. You can then map a dial number to an entry point as required.
  • (Optional) To export the dial numbers and the related entry points as a CSV file, click Export as CSV.

To edit a mapping, click the ellipsis icon beside a dial number or social messaging channel, and click Edit.


Make the edits and click Save.

You cannot edit a Dial Number to Entry Point mapping if the dial number is the default outdial ANI of the tenant. For more information on default outdial ANI, see Settings.

Delete Dial Number to Entry Point Mappings

To delete the mapping of a dial number or social messaging channel to an entry point:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, click Provisioning > Entry Point Mappings.


Choose the appropriate list:

  • Dialed Numbers

  • Social Messaging


Click DN to Entry Point Mappings.


Click the ellipsis icon beside the entry that you want to delete and click Delete.


Click Yes to confirm.

  • You can't delete a Dial Number to Entry Point mapping if the dial number is the default outdial ANI of the tenant and if its not the only remaining Dial Number to Entry Point mapping. For more information on default outdial ANI, see Settings.

  • You can't delete a mapping if the dial number is referenced by any other entities (for example, Outdial ANI List Entry).

    Click the Information icon (Information) icon in the error message to view the list of entities associated with the selected dial number. You can delete the Dial Number to Entry Point mapping only if the associated entities are deleted.

Reports for the Provisioned Items

Use the Management Portal to generate reports about the active resources that the Webex Contact Center administrator provisions for your enterprise.You can view the following reports:



Site Report

The details of the sites for your enterprise.

For more information, see About Sites, Teams, Entry Points, and Queues

Team Report

The details of the teams for your enterprise.

For more information, see About Sites, Teams, Entry Points, and Queues

Agent Report

The details of the agents for your enterprise.

For more information, see Desktop Profiles.

Inbound EP Report

The details of the entry points for your enterprise.

For more information, see Entry Points and Queues.

Inbound Queues Report

The details of the queues for your enterprise.

For more information, see Entry Points and Queues.

Outdial EP Report

The details of the outdial entry points for your enterprise.

For more information, see Entry Points and Queues.

Outdial Queues Report

The details of the outdial queues for your enterprise.

For more information, see Entry Points and Queues.

Desktop Profile Report

The details of the desktop profiles for your enterprise.

For more information, see Desktop Profiles.

Skill Report

The details of the skills that are available for your enterprise.

This report is available if your enterprise uses the Skill-Based Routing.

For more information on how to define the skills for your enterprise, see Skill Definitions.

Currently we do not support Skill-Based Routing.

Skill Profile Report

The details of the mapping of the skills and the corresponding profiles.

This report is available if your enterprise uses the Skill-Based Routing.

For more information on how to define the profiles for the skills, see Skill Profiles.

Routing Report

The details about the mapping of the routing strategies with the entry points, queues, and teams.

For more information on how to define routing strategies, see About Contact Routing.

Agent Skills Report

The details about the agents and their corresponding skills.

This report is available if your enterprise uses the Skill-Based Routing.

For more information on how to define the skills for your enterprise and Desktop Profiles, see Skill Definitions and Desktop Profiles.

Note: Currently we do not support Skill-Based Routing.

Manage Reports for the Provisioned Items

To email the report or download the report for any provisioned item:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Reports.


Select the required type of report.

For more information on the types of the reports, see Reports for the Provisioned Items.


Download the report as either an Excel sheet or PDF.

For the Routing Report, you have to select the type of the routing strategy for which you want to generate the report. The options are:

  • Current

  • Active

  • All

Delete inactive objects permanently

Webex Contact Center allows administrators to permanently delete configuration objects that have been marked inactive. This helps customers remove unwanted configurations, keep a lightweight configuration footprint, and improve application performance. Before deleting a configuration object permanently, you will need to mark it inactive. You can also periodically delete inactive objects using an automatic purge tenant level setting.

You can permanently delete the following configuration object types:

  • Users

  • User Profiles

  • Desktop Profiles

  • Work Types

  • Auxiliary Codes

  • Threshold Rules

  • Skill Profile

  • Teams

  • Sites

  • Entry Points

  • Outdial Entry Points

  • Queues

  • Outdial Queues

  • Desktop Layouts

  • Global Variables

  • Multimedia Profiles

  • Skill Definitions

The maximum number of inactive users is 5000. The maximum inactive objects for all other object types is 100. If this limit is reached, you must delete inactive objects to be able to deactivate more objects. If the configuration object has associated objects, you must inactivate all the referenced objects.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning.


Select an entity.


To permanently delete a configuration object manually, on the entity page, click the ellipsis icon beside the object. Select Delete.


On the dialog box that informs you that the object will be permanently deleted and can't be recovered, click Yes. A message appears that the object is permanently deleted.

To configure an automatic purge of inactive objects for permanent deletion, see the article Configure auto-purge of inactive entities.

Working with Flow Designer

Flow Designer

For more information about the Flow Designer module and the configuration details, visit the Flow Designer Guide in the Webex Help Center.

Call Monitoring

Monitor Calls

The Call Monitoring module enables authorized users to silently monitor any active call that is managed by the Webex Contact Center service at any time, across any site, and to verify that customers are being served in a professional manner. Authorized users can also create monitoring schedules, coach an agent who is connected to a call by providing comments that only the agent can hear, and barge in on calls as needed.

Monitoring Overview

The Webex Contact Center Call Monitoring module enables contact center managers to monitor the quality of service being delivered across their multisource contact centers. Through a simplified Web interface, authorized users can select a combination of one or more queues, sites, and teams, as well as a specific agent that they want to monitor. After these criteria are entered, the system places a request to monitor the next call that matches the combination of all the criteria when the call is distributed to the destination site. Monitoring can be done on a continuous, one time only (ad hoc), or scheduled basis, and authorized users can monitor a call that is already in progress.

The audio for the call is delivered through an inbound phone call using a phone number associated with the user engaged in monitoring. Authorized supervisors can coach an agent during a connected call by providing comments that only the agent can hear and can barge in on a call and become part of the conversation between the agent and the customer.

Note the following:

  • You cannot make a continuous monitoring request and an ad-hoc request for the same target at the same time.

  • If a scheduled request and a continuous request are made for the same target, the continuous request takes precedence. When the continuous request is paused or canceled, the scheduled request is enabled.

  • If a scheduled request and an ad-hoc request are made for the same target, the ad-hoc request takes precedence. When the ad-hoc request is either canceled or completed, the scheduled request is enabled.

  • If you sign out of the Management Portal while a monitoring request is still active, a message asks if you want to cancel the monitor request or continue monitoring.

    If you select Yes, any active ad-hoc, or continuous monitoring requests are canceled after you log out. Any scheduled requests are suspended.

Monitor Calls

The Call Monitoring page provides an interface for monitoring a call on a continuous or one-time only basis.


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Call Monitoring.


In the Monitoring Filter panel, specify one or more queues, sites, teams, and agents that you want to monitor. If you set a queue, site, team, or agent list to All, it includes only entities to which you have access in the request.


In the Callback Number field, enter the phone number and click Register. If you must update a number, enter the new callback number and click Update.

Enter the callback number in one of the following formats:

  • E.164 number format: [+][Country Code][Number]

    Example: +11234567890

  • IDD (International Direct Dialing) format: [IDD][Country Code][Number]

    Example: 01161123456789

  • Enter all the digits to connect the call, without hyphens or other special characters. For example, if the phone number is 415-555-1234, enter 4155551234.
  • The callback number used for monitoring must be the same as the one used by the supervisor when signing in to the Desktop.
  • On Classic platform also known as CTI, when a supervisor registers a call monitoring number on the portal or creates a monitoring schedule, the system sends a monitoring callback request to the recent number associated with the user who set up the schedule. If the supervisor updates the call monitoring number on the portal or signs in to the desktop with a different number, the callback for monitoring routes to the new number.
  • On Next Generation platform also known as RTMS, when a supervisor registers a call monitoring number on the portal and creates a monitoring schedule, the system sends monitoring callback requests to the callback number associated with the monitoring schedule. However, if the supervisor signs in to the desktop with an updated dial number, all callbacks route to the dial number associated with the desktop.
  • If a Webex Calling number is associated with your user profile, the number automatically appears as the Callback Number on the Call Monitoring page. If necessary, you can edit this number by entering a new available number. The new number is then associated with the supervisor.

    You can't register an internal Webex Calling extension number as the monitoring DN. You can use a full Direct Inward Dialing (DID) number to associate with that user in Webex Calling.


To prevent this monitoring session from being displayed on the Management Portal for other users, check the Use Invisible Mode check box.


Click one of the options in the following table to submit your call monitoring request.

The system disables these options if you don't have a callback number registered.

Choose this option

To do this

Monitor Next Call

Monitor the next incoming call that fits the specified criteria.

Continuous Monitor

Continuously monitor calls that fit the specified criteria. After you click this button, a dialog box appears. In this dialog box, enter the duration of the monitoring session in minutes or retain the default value Unlimited. Click Monitor to close the dialog box and submit your request.

After the monitoring duration expires, the system takes up to five minutes to remove the call monitoring request. During this time, you receive one more call.

Your request appears in the Monitor Requests list along with any pending requests from other agents. The monitored call appears in the Calls Being Monitored list.

For more information about the Call Monitoring page, see Viewing Call Monitoring Information.


If your user profile has authorization, you can click the Coach or Barge In button in the Action column to coach the agent or barge in on the monitored call. For details, see Barge in on a Call.


When the call ends, click Monitor Next Call to monitor the next call in the queue. Alternatively, if you choose the Continuous Monitor option, the system sends the next call in the queue to you.


Click Cancel to cancel the monitoring activity for that request. If you choose Continuous Monitor, click the Pause button to temporarily halt incoming calls. You can click the Resume button to resume call monitoring.

If an agent goes into the Not Responding state, the call goes back to the queue and the caller hears music on hold. The Desktop disconnects the supervisor who is monitoring the call during this time. If the supervisor is scheduled to monitor a call but has not picked up the call, the call widget disappears from the Monitor Requests list, and the phone stops ringing.

Coach an Agent

If the Whisper Coach feature is enabled in your user profile, you can speak to an agent who is being monitored without being heard by the customer.

  • The coaching session continues, even if the call is transferred to another agent, until the call either ends or is transferred to another number (agent-to-DN transfer).

  • If the coached agent consults with another agent, you hear music on hold and are not able to continue coaching the agent until the caller is taken off hold.

Whisper Coach is not available through Extensible Supervisor Desktop (ESD).

While coaching an agent, you can barge in on the call if the Barge In feature is enabled in your user profile.

To silently coach an agent:


While you monitor a call (as described in Monitor Calls) and the call is connected to an agent, click Coach.

Do not click Coach if the call is waiting in a queue after being transferred by the agent to another queue. Doing so causes your coach request to fail.

The Coach button is not available when the agent transfers the call to another number (DN transfer).


Provide verbal instructions to the agent.


To remove yourself from the call, hang up. The call is removed from the Calls Being Monitored list.

Barge in on a Call

Authorized users can use the Barge-In function to join a call they are monitoring and participate in the conversation between the agent and the customer unless the call is transferred to another number (agent-to-DN transfer), after which the call is removed from the Calls Being Monitored list. To barge in on a call:

While you are monitoring or coaching a call, and the call is connected to an agent (and not waiting in a queue), click Barge In.

You are immediately connected to the call. The Barge In button disappears from the page.


To remove yourself from the call, hang up. The call is removed from the Calls Being Monitored list.

Viewing Call Monitoring Information

To view call monitoring information, from the Management Portal navigation bar, click Call Monitoring

The Call Monitoring page displays the following:

  • Controls for requesting a monitoring session. For more information, see Monitor Calls.

  • A chart of active and queued calls for the queue that is currently selected in the Monitoring Filter panel on the left side of the page.

  • The Monitoring Requests/Calls Being Monitored table, which displays the two lists described in the following sections.

    If you resize the Call Monitoring window to a very narrow size, the Monitoring Requests/Calls Being Monitored table displays at the bottom of the window. It might appear that the table is missing, but you can see it if your scroll to the bottom of the window.
Calls Being Monitored List

The Calls Being Monitored list displays information about all calls currently being monitored in your enterprise.

When a monitored call is transferred to a specific phone number (agent-to-DN transfer), it is removed from the Calls Being Monitored list and thus, the Coach and Barge In buttons are no longer available.

Table 1. Calls Being Monitored List




The queue that received the call.


The contact center location to which the call was distributed.


The team to which the call was distributed.


The name of the agent being monitored or a numeric ID code if the call was answered by a capacity-based team resource instead of by a Webex Contact Center agent.

Monitoring Status

The status of the monitoring session:

  • monitoring-started: The monitoring supervisor has picked up the phone.

  • connected: The agent has picked up the call.

  • CoachStarted: The monitoring supervisor has started coaching the agent.

  • barged: The monitoring supervisor has barged in on the call.

Supervisor Name

The name of the person monitoring the call.

Supervisor Number

The phone number of the person monitoring the call.

Duration (mm:ss)

The number of minutes and seconds since the call arrived.


Buttons that you can click to coach or barge in on a call that is being monitored, if authorized by your user profile.

Monitoring Requests List

The Monitor Requests list displays information about all monitoring requests in your enterprise.

If a monitoring request includes multiple queues, sites, teams, or agents, you can display a list of them in a tool tip by placing your mouse on a value in the Queue, Site, Team, or Agent column.

Table 2. Monitoring Requests List



Request Type

The request types are:

  • Continuous: The specified target (queue, team, site, or agent) is continuously monitored until the request is paused or canceled or until the monitoring duration is reached if the monitoring user specified a duration. You can point to the word Continuous to display a tooltip showing the duration of the monitoring request or Unlimited if no duration was specified.

  • Scheduled: A call monitoring schedule for the specified target is set up and running.

  • Ad-Hoc: The next call that matches the specified criteria is monitored.


The queues included in the request. If multiple queues are included, you can display a list of them by pointing to the value displayed in the column.


The sites included in the request. If multiple sites are included, you can display a list of them by pointing to the value displayed in the column.


The teams included in the request. If multiple teams are included, you can display a list of them by pointing to the value displayed in the column.


The agents included in the request. If multiple agents are included, you can display a list of them by pointing to the value displayed in the column.

Monitoring Status

The status of the monitoring session:

  • Request Pending: The request is submitted.

  • Monitoring: The supervisor has picked up the phone.

Supervisor Name

The name of the person who submitted the request.

Supervisor Number

The phone number of the person who submitted the request.


Buttons that you can click to pause, resume, or cancel a monitoring request.

Working with Monitoring Schedules

The Monitoring Schedules page in the Call Monitoring module enables authorized users to schedule call monitoring requests at specific times of the day or week. Note the following:

  • Monitoring schedules will be re-assigned to the user who edits a schedule, even if the creator of the schedule is a different user. Please ensure that users editing monitoring schedules are able to monitor agents.
  • The start and end times specified in the Call Monitoring Schedule use the enterprise time. However, calls are monitored in local time. Be sure to adjust for this when you specify the start and end times in your monitoring schedules.

Create or Edit a Monitoring Schedule

To create a new monitoring schedule or edit an existing schedule:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Call Monitoring > Schedule.


To create a new schedule:

  • From the list view, click New Schedule.

    - OR -

  • From the calendar view, point to the beginning date of the schedule and click the Create link that appears at the upper-left corner of the date box.


To copy or edit an existing schedule from the list view, click the ellipsis button beside a listed schedule and choose Copy or Edit.


On the page that appears, specify the appropriate settings as described in the following table:




Enter a name for the schedule.

Start Date and End Date

To select the start date (the date on which the schedule becomes effective) and end date (the date on which the schedule expires), click the appropriate calendar icon in the Start Date or End Date field, and then select a date from the calendar that appears.

Start Time and End Time

Enter the time of the day that you want the schedule to start and end. Specify the time in the 24-hour format (0000–2400).

Note that the time that you specify in the Call Monitoring Schedule is based on the enterprise time. However, calls are monitored in the local time.

Pending monitor requests are checked every 'n' number of seconds as configured in your system. The default interval is five minutes. When the checking starts, each monitor request is checked and validated. If the request is past the scheduled deadline (that is, the End Time value), it is removed from the pending monitor requests list. Because of this added functionality, the scheduled end time may actually occur a few minutes later than specified.

Day of Week

From the drop-down list, select All Days if you want the schedule to run every day, or Weekdays if you want the schedule to run from Monday through Friday only.


Click each icon that represents a day during which you want the schedule to run.


Click Active if you want the schedule to become effective at the specified start time on the specified start date. Otherwise, click Not Active.

Callback Number

This field displays the phone number to which the audio is sent.

The callback number can be in one of the following formats:

  • E.164 number format: [+][Country Code][Number]

    Example: +11234567890

  • IDD (International Direct Dialing) format: [IDD][Country Code][Number]

    Example: 01161123456789

Filter By

Select the queues, sites, teams, and agents that you want to be monitored as part of this schedule.


Click Save.

Activate or Deactivate Monitoring Schedules

You can activate or deactivate a monitoring schedule by editing the Status field in the settings for the schedule, or you can click a button in the list view Monitoring Schedules page as follows:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Call Monitoring > Schedule.


Click the ellipsis button beside a listed schedule and click Activate or Deactivate.

Export the Monitoring Schedule List

To export the monitoring schedule list to a data analysis tool such as Microsoft Excel:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Call Monitoring > Schedule.


In the list view, click Action on the upper-right side of the page header and choose Excel or CSV.


In the dialog box that opens, either click Open to open the file, or click Save, navigate to the directory where you want to save the file, and then click Save.

Delete a Monitoring Schedule

To delete a monitoring schedule:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Call Monitoring > Schedule.


In the list view, click the ellipsis button beside a listed schedule and click Delete.


Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Call Recording

Call Recording

The optional Call Recording module enables authorized users to record any active call that Webex Contact Center manages.

Authorized users can create recording schedules with a time period. Choose queue, team, site, and agent for which you want to record voice calls. The system then starts recording the calls that match the criteria.

You can also record calls after you obtain customer consent and configure this setting at a flow level. For more information, see Recording Control. The flow level recording configuration will override any other recording configuration.

Because you can't determine the total number of incoming calls and the number of calls to be recorded, Webex Contact Center uses predictive modeling to decide which calls to record. The models include pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) or deterministic random bit generator (DRBG). The accuracy in the percentage of calls that are recorded increases with the number of contacts.

Regardless of the call recording duration, the first two hours of each call recording is available in Webex Contact Center.

Recordings are transferred daily to your enterprise's recording repository over a secure encrypted virtual private network (VPN). The recording repository is a standalone server housed at a location of your enterprise's choosing, such as the contact center premise location or data facility. Your enterprise has full control over the length of storage for these recordings.

The recordings are in standard .wav format and only authorized users can access these recordings directly and review these using standard third-party utilities. External or partner administrators can't download or play these recordings.

You can also use the features of the optional Webex Contact Center Recording Management module to search for and play recorded files.

  • The Webex Contact Center Recording Management module records the calls routed to the overflow destination number, but doesn't list them in the user interface.

  • There may be a mismatch between call duration and recording duration for the following reasons:

    • The recording duration is different from the call duration if Pause Resume is used in the call. The Pause Resume duration is subtracted from the recording duration.

    • The recording start time is different from the call start time if the call is waiting in queue, or moves between the flows, EPs, and queues before connecting to an agent.

  • In Classic media platform, when an agent puts a caller on hold, recording of the caller's audio continues. However, in Next Generation media platform, only the music on hold is recorded and not the caller's audio.

  • For blind transfer to Dial Number (DN), and Entry Point (EP) to Dial Number (DN) call patterns there may be a mismatch in speech and record duration of calls displayed on user interface.

    • During a blind transfer, the agent who receives the call is in reserved state for a short period while the call is transferred to another agent. Based on the configuration set at each organization level the call recording either continues or ends.

    • Call recording is enabled by default when the Record All Calls setting is Yes (selected). If this setting is No (not selected), call recording is determined by the individual queue settings. For calls involving multiple queues, recording occurs based on the individual queue level.

    • When an agent performs a blind transfer between two queues, one with a recording schedule and the other without, the recording in the scheduled queue will stop. However, the reported recording duration may differ from the actual recorded file duration due to variations in recording schedules across different queues involved in a call.


      • Agent in Queue A (Recording Schedule): The call is recorded for the first 5 minutes.
      • Blind Transfer to Queue B (No Recording Schedule): The agent transfers the call to Queue B, which does not have a recording schedule. The recording stops when the call is transferred to Queue B, but the call continues for another 5 minutes.
      • Call Termination: After a total of 10 minutes, the customer ends the call.
      The reported recording duration reflects only the time spent in the queue with the active recording schedule — in this case Queue A for 5 minutes.

    • For EP-DN, the call is recorded for consult and conference, and not for transfer of the child call (when transferred to another EP-DN number).

  • In the Next Generation media platform, if an active call is being recorded, all consult calls initiated during the active call are automatically recorded. The consult call recordings are available in the Recording Management portal.

Segment Recording

Segment recording refers to the functionality that allows for the recording of interactions in separate, discrete segments based on certain conditions or triggers. This is useful for ensuring compliance monitoring and quality management. In the context of segment recording, there are a few differences between Classic media platform and Next Generation media platform that are highlighted in the following table:


Classic media platform

Next Generation media platform

File Name of the segment

In the format combined-n.wavIn the format <RecordingId>-segment.wav

Music on Hold (MoH) handling

Segment recording is audibleSegment recordings feature silence during MOH periods, while the combined recordings retain the MOH.

Channel Designation

Channel 1 is assigned to the Agent, and Channel 2 to all other parties in segment recordingsChannel 1 is assigned to the Caller, and Channel 2 to all other parties in segment recordings

Create or Edit a Recording Schedule

To create or edit a call recording schedule:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose the Call Recording module.


On the Recording Schedules page, select a queue from the Queue drop-down list.

All call recording schedules for that queue are displayed. From here, you can:

  • Add a new schedule

  • Edit or view an existing schedule

  • Delete an existing schedule

  • Copy an existing schedule

  • Switch between a list view and calendar view of all schedules for this queue.


To create a new schedule:

  • From the list view, click New Schedule.

    - OR -

  • From the calendar view, point to the schedule’s beginning date and click the Create link that appears in the upper-left corner of the date box.


To copy or edit an existing schedule, from the list view, click the ellipsis button beside a listed schedule and click Copy or Edit.


On the page that appears, specify the appropriate settings as described in the following table, and then click Save.




Enter a name for the schedule.

Start Date and End Date

To select the start date (the date on which the schedule becomes effective) and end date (the date on which the schedule expires), click the appropriate calendar icon, and then select a date from the calendar that appears.

Start Time and End Time

Enter in 24-hour format (0000 to 2400) the time of day you want the schedule to start and end.

Days of Week

From the drop-down list, choose All Days if you want the schedule to run every day or Weekdays if you want the schedule to run from Monday through Friday only.


Click each icon corresponding to the day on which you want the schedule to run.


Click Active if you want the schedule to become effective at the specified start time on the specified start date. Otherwise, click Not Active.

Stop Recording on Transferred Out Calls

Click On if you want recording to stop when a call is transferred.

Enable Pause Resume

Click On if you want the agent to have access to the Privacy Shield icon during call recording so that the agent can pause and resume recording. For example, the agent might need to pause potential call recording when obtaining a credit card number or other protected information. Be sure to instruct agents regarding when to use this feature.

The Privacy Shield icon is displayed on the Agent Desktop only if the Privacy Shield feature is enabled in your Webex Contact Center service configuration.

Pause Duration (in Sec)

If you set Enable Pause Resume to On, enter the number of seconds for which the recording will be paused if the user had not clicked the Turn Off Privacy Shield button earlier.


Specify the percentage of the total number of current calls you want recorded for this queue.

Filter By

Select the sites, teams, and agents you want to include in your recording schedule.

Outdial call recording is based on the site, team, and agent who makes the outdial call. For example, if a recording schedule is created for the Outdial queue and a site named Chicago, then only those outdial calls made by teams under the Chicago site are recorded, and not calls made from other sites.

Deleting a Recording Schedule

To delete a recording schedule:

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose the Call Recording module.


On the Recording Schedules page, select a queue from the Queue drop-down list.


Click the ellipsis button beside a listed schedule and click Delete.

Recording Management

About Recording Management

The optional Webex Contact Center Recording Management module enables authorized users to search for and play audio files that are recorded through the Webex Contact Center Call Recording feature. In addition, authorized users can create tags that can be assigned to audio files for use as search criteria, specify which global (previously known as CAD) variables to store with recordings, and view recent Recording Management activity.

For configuration objects that have been deleted, an option to filter data using the deleted object names will not be available. It is recommended to query and fetch the data by a date range. The result set will contain details of calls handled for those configuration objects which are permanently deleted.

Stereo Recording

The Stereo Recording feature replaces the combined mono output file with a stereo output file. The stereo file provides the audio streams of the agent and the other participant (the caller or the called party) as two separate audio channels within a single recording. This enables better voice analytics than in a mono file, where the audio is mixed into a single stream.

To play a stereo recorded file, the Webex Contact Center Recording Management module enables authorized users to search for and play stereo recorded audio files. For more information, see Search for and Play Recordings.

Search for and Play Recordings

To search for and play a recording:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Recording Management.

By default, the search page lists the recordings for the previous 13 months from the current date. To search based on specific criteria, use the following search fields on the left pane to filter the recordings:

  • Queues: Choose one or more queues to filter the recordings returned by queue.

  • Sites: Choose one or more sites. The teams and agents associated with the selected sites display in the Teams and Agents lists.

  • Teams: Choose one or more teams. Only the agents associated with the selected teams appear on the Agents list. If the Teams field is empty, then all agents associated with the selected sites appear.

  • Agents: Choose one or more agents to filter the recordings based on active agent ID.

  • Wrap Up Codes: Choose one or more codes from the list to filter the search based on the wrap-up codes.

  • Tags: Define a text string and assign it to the recording. You can filter the search based on tags by selecting them in the Tags list. For more information, see the section Assign and Remove Tags and Create and Export Tags.

  • Exclude Deleted Agents: Check the check box to exclude recordings for deleted agents from the search.

  • Search Deleted Files: Check the check box to search audio files that were deleted within 30 days. The system permanently removes deleted files older than 30 days. To play a deleted audio file, restore the file as described in Restore a recording.

  • The Queues, Sites, and other lists appear based on your access privileges.

  • To reset all lists and fields, and start over again, click Reset.


To filter the list based on more criteria, click the Advanced Search button.

In the dialog box that appears, you can filter the search results based on Recording Duration and Call Attributes:

  • Filter by Recording Duration: You can enter values in the Recording Duration fields to specify the minimum and maximum length of the recording to search for. You can also check the Unlimited check box to search for a recording of any length.

  • Filter by Call Attributes: You can enter values that appear under the Call Attributes field to filter the search results based on the following attributes:

    • Session ID

    • DNIS

    • ANI number


Click the Search button to search.

If the search criteria match, then the Search Results page lists the recordings.


Click the ellipsis button beside an entry. The following options appear:




Play a recording by selecting the Stereo icon. It plays the full audio conversation of the agent and caller.

If the Leg Recording option is enabled for your enterprise, three play buttons are available when you click the button. Select Agent to play just the agent audio; select Caller to play just the caller audio.

This option allows you to play a recording for the entire call that includes any transfers and conferences.

The system also provides a separate file for each call event, such as pause, resume, transfer, and conference. You can access these individual files by clicking the arrow button to the left of a listed recording.


Download a recording.


Assign a tag to a recording or remove a tag from a recording. For more information, see Assign and Remove Tags.

  • Recordings only display for active Queues. Before searching for any recordings, it may be helpful to check, first, whether the Queue is active or inactive.

Assign and Remove Tags

You can assign the same tag to multiple recordings and you can assign multiple tags to an individual recording.

To assign a tag to a recording or remove a tag from a recording:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Recording Management.


On the Search page, perform a search for the recordings you want to either assign tags to or remove tags from, as described.


Click the ellipsis button beside a listed recording on the Search Results page and click Tags.

On the upper part of the dialog box that opens, the list of tags assigned to the recording is displayed on the right and a list of tags that are available is displayed on the left.


To assign a tag to the recording, select a tag in list on the left and click Assign Tag to move it to the list on the right.


To remove a tag from the recording, select a tag in the list on the right and click Remove Tag to move it to the list on the right.


When you are finished, click Save.

Search Attributes

The Recording Management > Search Attributes page provides access to controls where you can perform the tasks described in the following topics:

Create and Export Tags

The Tags section of the Recording Management > Search Attributes page enables authorized users to create and export a list of tags that can be assigned to recordings (see Assign and Remove Tags).

To create a tag or export a list of tags:


From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Recording Management > Search Attributes.


In the Tags section of the page that appears, do one of the following:

  • To create a tag, click Add. Enter a name for the tag and click Save.

  • To export the list of tags, click the Excel or CSV link beneath the tags list. In the dialog box that opens, click Open to open the file, or click Save, navigate to the directory where you want to save the file, and then click Save.

Digital Channels

Webex Contact Center supports various digital channels like Facebook Messenger, LiveChat, Email, SMS, Apple Messages for Business, and WhatsApp. With changing habits and lifestyle preferences, these digital channels offer consumers an opportunity to connect with businesses through their preferred channels.

Opt Out When in Queue

Queue is where the contact waits before the system assigns to an agent or a dial number. The queue is created in the Provisioning module of the Management Portal.

The customer is presented with the opt-out of the queue menu with information about the estimated wait time and the position in the queue. The customer can choose to opt out and exit the queue.

Task Flow to Set Up the Opt-Out Functionality

View Opt-out-of-Queue Report

Task Flow to Set Up the Opt-Out Functionality

To set up the opt-out functionality:


Create new opt-out-of-queue flow from the Cisco Webex Contact Center Management Portal (Routing Strategy > Flows > New).


Configure the Play Music activity in the Flow Designer. Specify the audio file, music duration, and the start offset.


Configure the Queue Contact activity to place the contact in a queue or the Queue to Agent activity to route the contact directly to a preferred agent.


Configure the Get Queue Info activity to know the current position in the queue and the estimated wait time.


Configure the Menu activity for the wait-in-queue prompt or the opt-out-of-queue prompt with the Text-to-Speech functionality enabled.


Configure the Callback flow if the contact selects to opt out of the queue and registers for a callback in the opt-out-of-queue prompt selection.


Click Publish Flow.

For more information, see Publish a Flow.

View Opt-out-of-Queue Report

The Opt-out-of-Queue report captures the average wait time in a queue after the customer chooses to opt out of the queue. For more information about how to view the Opt-out-of-Queue report, see the Webex Contact Center Analyzer User Guide.

Blended Multimedia Profiles


If you are using Multimedia Profiles from Webex Contact Center Control Hub, see Manage multimedia profiles article for the latest updates. However, if you are accessing multimedia profiles through Management portal, you can proceed with this section of Setup and Admin Guide.

Blended Multimedia Profiles offer Webex Contact Center administrators the ability to configure the media channel types (voice, chat, email, and social) and the number of contacts of each media channel that an agent can handle simultaneously.

Administrators can configure multimedia profiles of the following types:

  • Blended

  • Blended Real-time

  • Exclusive

The administrator can then associate the multimedia profile to agents at the site, team, or agent level.

Advantages of Blended Multimedia Profiles

Blended Multimedia Profiles enable organizations to provide dedicated attention to customers, promoting better quality of service, improved customer experience, and better conversion rates. Also, organizations can balance the load across media channels when experiencing uneven load in some channels, enabling efficient utilization of agents.

Setting Up Blended Multimedia Profiles

To set up Blended Multimedia Profiles:

  1. The administrator configures the Blended Multimedia Profile using the Multimedia settings in the Provisioning module of the Management Portal.

  2. The administrator associates the Blended Multimedia Profile to an agent, team, or site.

In the Agent Desktop, agents are assigned contacts based on the multimedia profile associated with them at any point in time.

Administrators and supervisors can view multimedia profile settings of agents and the number of contacts of each media channel type that the agents handled, via the Agent Details report. This report is available in the Webex Contact Center Analyzer.

Configure a Multimedia Profile

As an administrator, do the following to configure a multimedia profile:

  1. From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Multimedia Profiles.

  2. On the Multimedia Profiles page, click + to create a new multimedia profile or click the ellipsis button to edit an existing multimedia profile.

  3. In the Media Details section, select the blended multimedia profile as required. The available multimedia profile types are:

    • Blended: Allows you to specify the media channels and the number of contacts per media channel that an agent can handle simultaneously (for example, 1 voice, 3 chats and 5 emails).

    • Blended Real-time: Contacts of only one real-time media channel (either voice or chat) will be assigned to an agent at a point in time, along with contacts of other media channel types (email and social).

      For Blended and Blended Real-time multimedia profiles, the maximum number of contacts that can be assigned to an agent is 1 for voice, and 5 for chat, email and social.

    • Exclusive: Select this profile type to assign only one contact to the agent across all media channels, at a point in time.

For more information, see Create a Multimedia Profile.

Associate a Multimedia Profile to an Agent, Team, or Site

After you configure the multimedia profile, associate the profile to a site, team, or agent via the Provisioning module in the Management Portal. For more information, see Sites, Teams, and Users.

A multimedia profile associated with an agent takes precedence over the multimedia profile of the agent's team. A multimedia profile of the team takes precedence over the multimedia profile associated with the site.

Assign Contacts to Agents

In the Agent Desktop, contacts are assigned to an agent based on the multimedia profile associated with the agent.

View Agent Details

As an administrator or supervisor, you can view the multimedia profile settings of agents and the number of contacts of each channel type handled by the agents, via the Agent Details report in the Webex Contact Center Analyzer.

For more information, see Agent Details Report in the Visualization chapter in the Cisco Webex Contact Center Analyzer User Guide.

Courtesy Callback

About Courtesy Callback

A customer calling the contact center can be offered an option to receive a callback rather than waiting in the queue to connect to an agent. The customer can be offered the callback option during peak hours when the wait time is longer, or during non-working hours of the contact center.

Advantages of Courtesy Callback

Courtesy callback enables the contact center to offer better quality of service, and increase customer retention. The customer experience is enhanced, because the contact receives a proactive call from an agent rather than having to wait to connect to the agent.

Setting Up Courtesy Callback

To set up courtesy callback, the flow developer needs to configure the callback flow using the Flow Designer.

  • Prior to configuring the courtesy callback flow, the contact center administrator must configure the inbound entry point and queue for courtesy callback.

  • Courtesy callback isn't supported with capacity-based teams (CBT). CBTs have no individual agents assigned to them, and courtesy callback requires an Agent ID to function. Therefore, if the courtesy callback flows to an entry point or a queue served by a CBT, the call fails.

  • Courtesy callback should be configured after a queuing activity. This should not be used as a first-class queuing activity in a flow.

When a customer dials in to the contact center and waits in queue for an agent, the customer can be provided with the option to opt out of the queue and receive a callback instead. The customer's position in the queue is retained for receiving the callback. The contact will remain in a queue based on the duration set in MAX_TIME_IN_QUEUE configuration. When an agent is available, the agent is offered the callback request in the Agent Desktop, based on the customer’s position in the queue. After the agent accepts the callback request, the call is dialed out to the customer. When the interaction ends, the agent chooses a wrap-up code to wrap up the call.

A Courtesy Callback report is available in Webex Contact Center Analyzer, for the supervisor and administrator to view callback statistics. In addition, agents can gain insights on their callback statistics via the Team Stats- Historic Agent Performance Statistics (APS) report.

Configure the Callback Flow

Ensure that the administrator has set up the inbound entry point and queue for courtesy callback. For more information about how to set up entry points and queues, see Entry Points and Queues.

As a flow developer, set up the courtesy callback flow using the Flow Designer. The following figure illustrates a sample courtesy callback flow:

Webex Contact Center Flow Designer example illustrating a courtesy callback flow.

For more information on how to configure a flow using the Flow Designer, see Flow Designer Overview.

The following steps summarize the sample courtesy callback flow:

  1. The customer dials into the IVR.

  2. The customer contact is routed to an appropriate queue in accordance with the Menu and Queue Contact configuration. The sample flow and the sequence of steps depicted here are based on this scenario.

    Alternatively, you can enable the customer to opt out of the call and receive a callback before the call is routed to a queue; for example, during non-working hours of the contact center. The contact can then be routed to an appropriate queue by configuring the Callback activity.

    When the customer waits in a queue (call is parked) for an agent, you can engage the customer with the following activities:

    • Play Music: Plays a static .wav file as the customer waits in queue.

    • Play Message: Informs the customer of the position in queue (PIQ) and the estimated wait time (EWT) using this activity. Use the Get Queue Info activity to fetch the EWT/PIQ.

    You can configure the Play Music activity and the Play Message activity to play the audio files intermittently, until an agent is available or until the customer opts out of the queue.

  3. The customer can be offered an Opt Out of Queue menu option, based on the EWT/PIQ. You can configure any of the following options when the customer opts out of the queue:

    • Leave a voice mail: Configure a Blind Transfer activity to enable the customer to leave a voice mail when the customer opts out of the queue.

    • Receive a courtesy callback: The customer's position in queue is retained to receive a courtesy callback.

      The following activities enable you to configure the callback:

      • Menu: Configure a callback menu to enable the customer to choose a callback number.

        The customer can provide the callback number, or the customer's ANI (Automatic Number Identification) number is used as the default callback number.

        You can use the Collect Digits and Set Variable activities to set the callback number, as illustrated in the callback flow.

      • Callback: Configure the Callback activity to make the courtesy callback. You can configure the Callback activity to use the same queue as the inbound call, or a different queue to make the callback.

        Do not configure callback to use a queue served by a capacity-based team (CBT) as it results in call failure. Callback processing requires an Agent ID, and CBTs have no individual agents assigned to them.

        If you select the same queue to make the callback, the customer is called back when the agent is available in the queue, based on the customer's position in queue.

        If you select a different queue to make the callback, the callback request is placed at the end of the new queue.

        You can select a static queue or a variable queue when you configure the Callback activity. For more information on setting the Callback activity parameters, see Callback.

    You can configure a confirmation message that the callback is registered and then disconnect the contact, by using the Play Message and the Disconnect Contact activities.

  • When you design a flow, a Consult interaction can't include a Courtesy Callback activity.

  • You can use a Play Message activity after a Callback activity in a flow. If an agent is found during Callback registration or a Play Message period, the customer is immediately connected to the agent.

Make a Courtesy Callback

After the customer opts out of the queue, a callback request to the customer is initiated when an agent is available in the queue, based on the contact's position in the queue. The agent is offered the callback request in the Agent Desktop.

  • If the agent does not accept the request, the request is routed to another available agent, or continues to wait in the queue until an agent is available.

  • Only a single attempt is made for the courtesy callback. If the call is not successfully connected to the customer, or is rejected by the customer, it isn't retried.

After the agent accepts the call, the call is dialed out to the customer. The customer receives the call from an ANI associated with the contact center. For more information on ANI, see Outdial Automatic Number Identification (ANI).

If the customer does not respond to the call or rejects the call, the callback request is canceled. If the customer answers the call, the callback request is marked as processed.

When the interaction ends, the agent chooses a wrap-up code to wrap up the call.

For more information on how to process a callback request via the Agent Desktop, see Callback section in the Manage your calls in Agent Desktop article.

View Courtesy Callback Reports

The following reports are available for courtesy callback:

  • Courtesy Callback Report: Enables administrators and supervisors to view callback statistics. For more information, see Courtesy Callback Report in the Visualization chapter in the Cisco Webex Contact Center Analyzer User Guide.

  • Team Stats - Historic Report: Enables agents to gain insights on their performance with respect to callback contacts. The APS report is available in the Agent Desktop. For more information, see the Team statistics - historical reports section of the Agent Performance Statistics Reports in the View and manage agent performance reports article.

Self Service

The Webex Contact Center offers Self Service functionality to handle the customer requests without involving human agents. Self Service uses the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system in the call flow. This IVR includes basic activities such as Play Message, Collect Digits, and Menu. All of these activities can also play the audio dynamically through Text-to-Speech functionality.

The maximum file size supported for audio files is 8 MB. The supported file format is .wav. For more information, see Working with Resource Files.

You can extend interactions in Self Service to have Virtual Agents in the flow. The Virtual Agent can understand caller utterances to deliver a conversational Self Service experience.

You can use the Flow Designer to script any possible use cases in the Self Service space. For more information, see Activities in Flow Designer.

Configure Entry Point and Select the Flow in Routing Strategy

You configure the Entry Point and select the flow in Routing Strategy in the Management Portal.

For more information on how to configure the Entry Point, see Entry Point and Queues. For more information on how to select the flow in Routing Strategy, see Configure Routing Resources.

Enable a Virtual Agent

A virtual agent handles conversations with your customers. The virtual agent understands the intent of the conversation and assists the customer as part of the IVR experience. The virtual agent is powered by Google's Dialogflow capabilities. The administrator has access to the Conversational IVR transcript.

The virtual agent supports the following audio codecs:

  • G711A for A-law
  • G711U for µ-law

Create a Dialogflow agent to integrate the conversational experience into the IVR system. For more information, see Build a Dialogflow Agent.

Include Hello as a training phrase in the preferred language for the Dialogflow agent to start a conversation with the caller. You can add this training phrase in the default welcome intent or in any other intent of the Dialogflow agent. For more information, see Intents.


Configure a virtual agent in the Control Hub. For more information, see Configure Virtual Agent.


Add a Virtual Agent activity to the call flow to handle customer queries in conversational format. For more information, see Add Virtual Agent Activity in Flow Designer.

Build a Dialogflow Agent

Configure Google Dialogflow:

Build a Dialogflow agent that provides automated responses.

  1. Use the Google Cloud console.

  2. Download the JSON file that contains the Authentication Key. For more information, see About Service Account Keys.

  3. Ensure that you create the JSON file using the Dialogflow API Admin role.

Configure Virtual Agent

After you download the Authentication Key, upload the Authentication Key by choosing the JSON file to create the Virtual Agent in the Control Hub.

The administrator must Configure a Virtual Agent in the Control Hub.

After configuring a Virtual Agent on the Control Hub, the administrator can configure the Virtual Agent activity in the Flow Designer.

Add Virtual Agent activity in Flow Designer

After configuring the Virtual Agent on Control Hub, add the Virtual Agent activity in the Flow Designer.

You can add a Virtual Agent to a call flow to handle customer queries in a conversational format. The Virtual Agent understands the intent of the conversation and assists the customer as part of the IVR experience. For more information, see Virtual Agent.

Blind Transfer

The Blind Transfer activity refers to a process wherein a contact is transferred to an external Dial Number (DN) and entry point through the IVR, without agent intervention.

The Blind Transfer activity is applicable when a call should be transferred to an external Dial Number and entry point. The transfer can also be initiated to an external bridge. For more information, see Blind Transfer.

Disconnect Contact

This activity is used to disconnect the contact from the call. This refers to the end of a contact in IVR.

For more information, see Disconnect Contact.

IVR Transcript and global Variables in Agent Desktop

The administrator can provide access to an agent to view the Conversational IVR transcript and to view or edit the global (previously known as CAD) variables based on the configurations set in the call flow.

An agent can view the Conversational IVR transcript and the global variables extracted from the Conversational IVR transcript based on the permissions set in the call flow by the administrator. For more information on the Conversational IVR transcript in Agent Desktop, see IVR Transcript Widget.

For more information on the global variables in Agent Desktop, see Enter call-associated data variables.

IVR and CVA Dialog Flow Report in Analyzer

The IVR and CVA Dialog Flow report enables the administrators and supervisors to view the Self-service operational metrics.

For more information on the IVR and CVA Dialog Flow report in Analyzer, see the section IVR and CVA Dialog Flow Report in the Cisco Webex Contact Center Analyzer User Guide.


The Text-to-Speech capability is powered by Google's Text-to-Speech APIs. To enable this functionality, you must set up a Google Cloud account and configure the Text-to-Speech service.

With Text-to-Speech, you can convert arbitrary strings, words, sentences, and variables into an actual human speech that is played dynamically to the caller. This is in place of playing a prerecorded audio.

To enable Text-to-Speech, follow this task flow:


Create a Service Account to download the private key. For more information, see Create a Service Account for Google Connector.


Configure the Google Connector in Control Hub to enable the Text-to-Speech capability in Flow Designer. For more information, see Configure a Google Connector.


To use Text-to-Speech in your prompt, enable the Text-to-Speech toggle. For more information, see Text-to-Speech Toggle.

Create a Service Account for Google Connector

Complete the following procedure to configure the Google Connector:

Create a service account and download the JSON file that contains the Authentication Key.

  1. Create a Service account.

  2. Download the JSON file that contains the Authentication Key.

Configure a Google Connector

After you download the Authentication Key, upload the Authentication Key by choosing the JSON file to configure the Google Connector in the Control Hub.

  • The administrator must Configure a Connector (see the Google tab) in the Control Hub.

  • Add the ability to read dynamic messages. These messages can contain variables and can be used in a sequence with audio files.

  • If you are using variables, use this syntax: {{ variable }}. You can also use SSML to construct the message. If you are using SSML, insert it inside the <speak></speak> tags.

  • To learn more about Google tags, see:

After creating the connector, the administrator can enable the Text-To-Speech functionality.

Text-to-Speech Toggle

The Text-to-Speech toggle allows you to create natural-sounding, synthetic human speech as part of activities in your flow that can play messages to the caller, including Menu, Play Message, and Collect Digits. With Text-to-Speech, you can convert arbitrary strings, words, sentences, and variables into an actual human speech. This is in place of playing a pre‐recorded audio.

Text-to-Speech takes two types of input: raw text (plain text) or Speech Synthesis Markup Language-formatted (SSML-formatted) data.

After creating the Google connector, enable the Text-To-Speech toggle in IVR activities in the Flow Designer. For more information, see Menu, Play Message, Collect Digits.

Cisco Webex Experience Management Post Call Survey

Webex Experience Management is a Customer Experience Management (CEM) platform that enables you to see your business from your customers' perspective and see their experience with the brand. Webex Experience Management powers customer journey mapping, text analytics, and predictive modeling using the feedback collected from customers through different channels such as email, SMS, and Interactive Voice Response (IVR). For more information, see Cisco Webex Experience Management Overview.

  • Customer experience survey: Administrators can configure and send post-call surveys to customers, after an interaction, to collect feedback about their interaction.

  • Customer Experience Journey (CEJ) gadget: Displays all the past survey responses from a customer in a chronological list. The agent and supervisor use this gadget to gain context about the customer's past experiences with the business and engage with them appropriately. Administrators can configure and add the CEJ widget on the Webex Contact Center Agent Desktop.

  • Customer Experience Analytics (CEA) gadget: Displays the overall experience of the customer interaction with agents using industry-standard metrics such as NPS, CSAT, and CES or other KPIs tracked within Webex Experience Management. Administrators can configure and add the CEA widget on the Webex Contact Center Agent Desktop.

Webex Experience Management Post Call Survey

Webex Experience Management Post Call surveys collect feedback from customers to determine the performance of the contact center and the relevant services. With Webex Experience Management, you can do one of the following:

  • Configure post-call surveys and initiate them over IVR when agents end the calls in the Webex Contact Center Agent Desktop.
  • Send post-call surveys to the customer through email or SMS after the call ends.

For a survey over IVR, after an agent ends the call, Webex Contact Center transfers the call to Webex Experience Management and the customer receives the inline survey. The customer can barge-in during the inline survey and use the keypad to answer the survey.

For a survey through email or SMS, you can configure Webex Contact Center to send out an email or SMS that contains a message along with a link to launch the survey.

You can collect, analyze, and present the data from various surveys as widgets on the Webex Contact Center Agent Desktop.

Webex Experience Management Account Setup

To create an Webex Experience Management account:


Submit the form Assurance to Quality(A2Q) process for Cisco Webex Experience Management. Provide a correct provisioning administrator email address in the A2Q form to ensure that provisioning notification and service access information is received.


As part of the account creation process, the following actions are performed:

  1. Creates an account for you and provisions the account.

  2. Creates default spaces and metric groups for your account. For more information about creating spaces, see Space Creation.

  3. Creates standard questionnaires for Webex Experience Management Post Call Surveys and publishes the same. For more information about creating questionnaires, see Questionnaires.


After the account is created and provisioned, the handover information is sent to the admin email address provided in the A2Q form. The handover emails contain credentials and other essential information about your account.

Initially, Spaces and Widgets are created as part of the Webex Experience Management account provisioning. To know more about the different default Widgets within Experience Management, how to use the Metric Library to create additional Experience Management Widgets, and how to export and derive meaningful insights from them, see Webex Experience Management Widgets.


Add the Webex Experience Management widgets as an Agent Desktop widget into the Agent Desktop layout. For more information, see Cisco Webex Experience Management Widgets and Gadgets.

Create a Webex Experience Management Connector

After you receive the handover emails with credentials and other essential information about your Webex Experience Management account, use the credentials to create a Webex Experience Management connector in Control Hub.


Configure the Webex Experience Management Connector on Control Hub.


Create the feedback activity in the Webex Contact Center Management Portal.

Create Feedback Activity in the Flow Designer

After you create the Webex Experience Management connector, you configure the post-call surveys.

Configure an IVR Post-call Survey

The steps to enable IVR post-call survey in Webex Contact Center are as follows:


Create and configure the questionnaires in Webex Experience Management for sending IVR surveys to the customer.

Webex Experience Management questionnaires are cached for 24 hours, and any modifications to them would reflect after that period. This applies to any PII-handling metadata as well, because the metadata is associated with each questionnaire.


Create a voice-based feedback activity in Flow Designer.

For more information, see Feedback activity.

Validate DTMF Input Response in IVR Post-call Survey

Webex Contact Center validates Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) input responses from the customers during IVR post-call surveys.

You can configure the maximum number of retry attempts in case of invalid or no DTMF input, as well as audio notification messages (for invalid input, timeout, and maximum retries exceeded) for questionnaires by using Webex Experience Management.

For more information, see Retry And Timeout Settings In Post Call IVR Survey in Webex Experience Management documentation.

If the customer enters an invalid DTMF input or does not enter any DTMF input to a survey question within the specified duration (Timeout parameter in the Feedback activity), the contact center:

  1. Notifies the customer about the invalid entry or timeout by playing the audio message that is configured in the survey questionnaire in Webex Experience Management.

  2. Plays the same survey question to the customer based on the number of retry attempts that is configured in the survey questionnaire in Webex Experience Management.

When the maximum number of retry attempts for invalid input and timeout exceeds, the contact center:

  1. Notifies the customer that the maximum retries have exceeded, by playing the audio message that is configured in the survey questionnaire in Webex Experience Management.

  2. Skips the remaining survey questions and plays the Thank You message (if a Thank You note is configured in Webex Experience Management) to end the survey.

  • By default, the maximum number of retry attempts for invalid input and timeout is 0. For the customer to attempt for a specific number of times (for example, 3 attempts), the maximum number of retry attempts for invalid input and timeout must be set to 2 in Webex Experience Management.

  • If the audio messages for invalid input, timeout and maximum retry exceeded are not configured in Webex Experience Management, the contact center plays the survey questions without any notification messages to the customer.

Configure SMS or Email Post-Call Survey

To configure the Webex Experience Management Invitation module for sending SMS/Email surveys to the customer:

Before you begin

The partner hosted module in the Webex Experience Management Invitations solution is mandatory for the SMS/Email surveys to work.

For information about partner hosted module, see Cisco Webex Experience Management Invitations Module Architecture Document.


Provision the infrastructure required to deploy the partner hosted components of the Webex Experience Management Invitations module.


Deploy the partner-hosted components.

For information about how to deploy the partner hosted components, see Deployment Guide for Invitations Module.


Create dispatch templates on Webex Experience Management.

For more information, see Dispatch User Guide.


Create a SMS/Email Based feedback activity in Webex Contact Center Management Portal.

For more information, see Feedback.

View Agent Desktop Widgets

After you configure the Agent Desktop widgets, you can view the Customer Experience Journey (CEJ) and Customer Experience Analytics (CEA) widgets. For more information on how to configure widgets, see Cisco Webex Experience Management Widgets.

View the CEJ and CEA widgets in the Agent Desktop. For more information, see the Webex Experience Management widget section in the Get started with Agent Desktop article.


Troubleshooting Management Portal Problems

Management Portal Problems

If you experience a problem with the Management Portal, the following table may help you solve the problem.



You cannot log in to the Management Portal.

Check to make sure that you enetered the correct user name and password.

You cannot access a module from the Management Portal, or you cannot see some entry points or queues.

You do not have the correct privileges to access these modules, entry points, or queues. Contact your Webex Contact Center administrator.

The Management Portal does not display data for agents or calls, or shows that no agents are logged in.

Make sure that the privacy setting for Internet Explorer is set to Medium.

Occasionally the message Please Refresh the Page appears in the Real-Time Reports module.

Log out of the current Webex Contact Center session. Close any remaining Webex Contact Center windows and log in again.

When you resize the Agent view of a real-time agent report, tooltips for idle and wrap-up codes are sometimes displayed in the graph area instead of near the cursor.

Maximize the window to display the tooltip near the cursor.

Too many abandoned calls are being reported.

Escalate to Customer Support.

While you view a chart in a report or on a monitoring page, you see the following message Communication Interruption on <date> at <time>.

The system has been unable to refresh the data in the chart since the time indicated in the message, typically because of an intermittent network interruption or server issue. If the problem persists for several minutes, notify your system administrator.

The real-time reports are not refreshing on the Management Portal.

Escalate to Customer Support.

The real-time report statistics are not displayed.

Escalate to Customer Support.

In a real-time agent report, the wrap-up count and number of entered wrap-up codes do not match.

This discrepancy occurs when an agent logs out while still in the Wrap-up state without selecting a wrap-up code. Instruct agents to always go into the Idle state and then click the Log Out button to log out rather than closing the browser while logged in.

Changes to the names of existing idle and wrap-up codes do not appear immediately in agent reports. Instead, agent reports display the previous code names before they were edited or N/A for a new code.

Log out and then log in again to see the changes.

When exported to CSV format, data in the Agent View of a current snapshot agent report displays incorrectly.

The Time Value displays in two cells instead of one when exported to CSV format. This is because a comma separates the day from the date and time in the Login Time field.

When you export historical report data to Microsoft Excel that includes date and time in the hh:mm:ss format, Excel displays only the hours and minutes, and not the seconds.

By default, Excel displays the data in hh:mm format. However, you can double-click in the cell to see the data in hh:mm:ss format.

For a new team, data in the agent interval report displays in half-hour intervals from the time an agent on the team logs in after system restart.

This is transient for teams that log in for the first time. Normally, data displays in half-hour intervals from midnight.

In the Historical Reports module, occasionally the parameters for a customized default report are not saved after you log out and log in again.

After you save a custom report, wait 10-15 seconds before logging out.

You cannot make a monitoring request.

Ensure that you use the correct DN and prefix.

Monitoring session left open for an hour or longer displays a blank page or unexpected behavior

Close the module and re-open it.

Supervisor phone rings even when the monitoring request is for a different queue.

If a monitoring request is made for a team and if multiple queues use the same team for routing, any of the queue's calls for that team can be monitored.

A call ends, but the monitoring screen indicates that the call is still in progress.

Escalate to Customer Support

Signed in agents cannot see changes made to Skill profile.

The agent needs to sign in again to view the changes.

Reporting Management Portal Issues to Customer Support

When you escalate a Management Portal issue to Cisco Webex Contact Center Customer Support, make sure to provide the following information:

  • The login and user name of the person experiencing the problem.

  • The time that the issue was first observed.

  • If the problem occurred in the Monitoring module, the number that the supervisor was attempting to call and a call session ID, if available.

Troubleshooting Desktop Problems

Network Interruptions

If a network interruption occurs that lasts for less than two minutes, the Desktop display a Reconnecting message and then successfully reconnect.

If a network interruption lasts longer than two minutes, instruct agents to close the current Desktop window, and then sign in using the primary URL. If the sign in fails with the primary URL, instruct agents to use the backup application center sign in.

Escalate all network interruptions; report the time that the problem occurred and the number of agents affected.

If the network to the primary application center is down, Management Portal users cannot view any statistics.

Desktop Application Problems

If you experience a problem with the Desktop application, the following table may help you solve the problem.



You are not able to sign in to the Desktop.

  1. Check to make sure that cookies are enabled in Internet Explorer.

  2. Ensure that you enter the correct user name and password in the sign-in screen.

During sign in, the error message Invalid phone number appears after you click Go.

Check the format of the DN that you entered and make sure that the number is valid.

You accidentally closed the browser window while on a call.

If you close the browser window while on a call, you cannot sign in again until you complete the call. If you close the browser window while the call is on hold, the system automatically takes the call off hold.

When you refresh the Desktop window, you are signed out and the sign-in screen displays.

Sign in again. Avoid refreshing the window while signed in.

The status bar on the Desktop displays Not Responding and your phone does not ring.

  1. Check the volume setting on the phone and make sure that the ringer is set to high.

  2. Check the DN (dial number), including the dialing prefix, and make sure it is correct.

  3. After resolving the problem, click one of the buttons on the message to change your state to Available or Idle .

After reconnecting to the system following a network interruption, you are suddenly signed out.

Sign in to the Desktop again. If you are unable to sign in, escalate to Customer Support.

Re-launching the Desktop while you are signed in may create problems

Do not open more than one Desktop application at a time on the desktop.

The Desktop becomes very slow.

This can happen when you leave the Desktop open for long periods of time. Close both the Desktop and the browser after you sign out of the system. If this does not help, end the process from the Windows Task Manager.

The Desktop occasionally signs out agents following a network interruption.

Sign in to the Desktop again.

The Desktop is not displayed.

Minimize the Desktop, and then restore it from the taskbar.

Launch pages and graphs do not display properly.

Make sure that in Internet Explorer, the Show Pictures option is selected in the Advanced tab of the Internet Options dialog box.

You are available but no calls are sent to you.

Make sure you are in the Available state and are signed in to the correct team.

You are talking to a customer, but the Desktop status bar displays Reserved.

Report the incident to Customer Support.

Your agent softphone is not ringing, but the Desktop status bar displays Not Responding.

Make sure that you entered the correct DN.

The Desktop status bar displays Re-connecting.

Check to see if the computer network cable has been disconnected or loosened. If you do not see a message indicating that there has been a network problem, escalate to Customer Support.

You answer a call, but the call disconnects after 30 seconds.

If Not Responding displays in the Desktop status bar, change to the Available state and wait for the next call.

The Internet Explorer browser freezes.

Open Windows Task Manager and end all browser processes.

Pop-up blockers appear.

From the Internet Explorer Tools menu, disable pop-up blockers.

The Desktop status bar displays a connected state while the phone is ringing.

Report the incident to Customer Support.

An outbound call fails.

Make sure you entered the correct DN and prefix.

During a blind transfer, call details do not display on the Desktop of the receiving agent while that agent is in the Reserved state.

The Reserved state is transient. Call details display when the second agent answers the call.

Audio Problems

If you experience audio problems with the Desktop, the following table helps to resolve the problems.



Echo or low volume

Check the phone settings. If using a softphone, check the Microsoft Windows and softphone settings.

Jitter/Stutter audio


High latency

Bad connectivity, probably due to a network problem. Check to make sure that your PC is not also running other software that uses audio. Escalate to Customer Support.

Cross talk

Escalate to Customer Support.

One-way audio

Make sure you are not on mute. If not, escalate to Customer Support.

Background noise

The background noise removal feature is enabled by default for your organization. In situations where the agent wants to hear background noise from the customer, contact Customer Support to disable the feature flag.

This feature is available only for Flex 3 premium agents on Webex Contact Centers with regional media support on the Next Generation media platform.

Reporting Agent Desktop Issues to Customer Support

When you escalate an Agent Desktop issue to Webex Contact Center Customer Support, make sure to provide the following information:

  • Ask the agent to provide a screen capture of the Agent Desktop screen.

  • Include the time that the issue was first observed.

Report Parameters

Call Report Parameters

The following table describes the parameters available in Webex Contact Center real-time and historical call reports. In the table, CSR is an abbreviation for Customer Session Record.




% Abandoned

The percentage of calls that were abandoned during the report interval.

(Abandoned/Total) * 100

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues

% Answered

The number of answered calls divided by the number of calls that entered the queue minus short calls multiplied by 100.

(Answered/(Answered + Abandoned)) * 100

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues


The number of calls that were abandoned during the report interval. An abandoned call is a call that was terminated without being distributed to a destination site, but that was in the system for longer than the time specified by the Short Call threshold provisioned for the enterprise.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues

Abandoned Time

The cumulative amount of time that calls were in the system for longer than the time specified by the Short Call threshold, but terminated before being distributed to an agent or other resource.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues

Abandoned within SL

The number of calls that were terminated while in queue within the Service Level threshold provisioned for the queue or skill (in a skills interval by queue report).

Although this metric is visible for outdial calls, it is not meaningful for outdial calls.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues

Adjusted Service Level %

The number of calls that were either answered or abandoned within the Service Level threshold provisioned for the queue or skill (in a skills interval by queue report), divided by total calls (including abandoned calls) multiplied by 100.

((In Service Level + Abandoned within SL)/(Answered + Abandoned)) * 100

Although this metric is visible for outdial calls, it is not meaningful for such calls.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams


The name of the agent who handled the call or a numeric ID code if the call was handled by a capacity-based team resource instead of by a Webex Contact Center agent.


Agent Start Time

The time the agent picked up the phone and began talking with the caller.



The ANI digits delivered with the call. ANI, or Automatic Number Identification, is a service provided by the phone company that delivers the caller's phone number along with the call.



The number of calls that were routed from the queue to an agent or available resource and were answered by the agent or resource.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Answered Time

The cumulative amount of time between when calls entered the queue and when they were answered (connected to an agent or other resource) during the report interval. Because answered time is calculated after the call is answered, answered time for calls that are waiting to be answered is not reflected in the report.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Available Agents

The number of logged-in agents who are currently in the Available state.

Call Snapshot report

Avg Abandoned Time

The total amount of time that calls were in the system before they were abandoned divided by the total number of calls that were abandoned:

Abandoned Time/Abandoned

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues

Avg Connected Time

The total connected time divided by the total number of calls that were answered during the report interval:

Connected Time/(Answered + Secondary Answered)

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Avg Handle Time

The average length of time spent handling a call (connected time plus wrap-up time), divided by number of answered calls:

Connected Time+Wrap Up Time/(Answered + Secondary Answered)

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Avg IVR Time

The total amount of time that calls were in the IVR system divided by the total number of calls that were in the IVR system.

Real-time Call Interval & Historical Call reports for Entry Points

Avg Queued Time

The total amount of time that calls were in queue divided by the total number of calls that were queued:

Queued Time/Queued

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues.

Avg Speed of Answer

The total answered time divided by the total number of answered calls:

Answered Time/Answered

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Avg Wrap Up Time

The total amount of time agents spent in the Wrap-up state divided by the total number of answered calls:

Wrap Up Time/(Answered + Secondary Answered)

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Blind Transfer Count

The number of times the call was transferred out of the queue by the agent without the first agent consulting or conferencing with the party to whom the call was transferred


Blind Transfers

The subset of transferred out calls that were transferred by the agent to another agent or an external DN without the first agent consulting or conferencing with the party to whom the call was transferred.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Call Duration

The amount of time between when the call arrived at the entry point or queue and when it was terminated.


Call End Time

The time the call was terminated.


Call Start Time

The time the call arrived at the entry point or queue.



The number of calls that ended during the report interval. Answered, abandoned, and disconnected calls are included in this count. Transferred and short calls are not counted.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Conference Count

The number of times the agent established a conference call with the caller and another agent.


Conference Count

The number of times agents initiated a conference call to an agent or external number.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Conference Time

The amount of time an agent spent in conference with the caller and another agent.



The number of calls currently connected to an agent.

Call Snapshot report

Connected Time

The time interval between when calls were answered by an agent or other resource and when the calls were terminated. Because connected time is not calculated until the call is terminated, the connected time for a call that is still in progress is not reflected in the report.

Real-time call interval reports for Sites, Teams, Queues, & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Connected Time

The total amount of time the call was connected to an agent (talk time plus hold time).


Consult Count

The number of times agents initiated a consult with another agent or someone at an external number during a call.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Consult Count

The number of times the agent consulted another agent during the call.


Consult Errors

The number of times agents did not respond to a consult invitation.


Consult Time

The amount of time an agent spent consulting with another agent during this call.


CTQ Answer Count

The number of times consult-to-queue requests were answered.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

CTQ Answer Time

The cumulative amount of time between when consult-to-queue requests were answered and when the consultations ended.

Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

CTQ Request Count

The number of times consult-to-queue requests were initiated.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams; CSR

CTQ Request Time

The cumulative amount of time between when consult-to-queue requests were initiated and when the consultations ended.

Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams; CSR

Current Service Level %

The percentage of calls in queue that have not yet reached the Service Level threshold provisioned for the queue (in a queue report) or skill (in the skill rows of a skills-by-queue report).

Although this metric is visible for outdial calls, it is not meaningful for outdial calls.

Call Snapshot report


The number of calls that were answered (that is, connected to an agent or distributed to and accepted by a destination site), but that were then immediately disconnected within the Sudden Disconnect threshold provisioned for the enterprise.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams


The number the caller dialed (DNIS).

All DN Canned report


The DNIS digits delivered with the call. DNIS, or Dialed Number Identification Service, is a service provided by the phone company that delivers a digit string indicating the number the caller dialed along with the call.


Entry Point

The name of the entry point associated with the call.


From Entry Point

The number of calls that entered this queue after having been classified into the queue from an entry point by the IVR call control script.

The number of calls that entered this queue after having been classified into the queue from an entry point by the IVR flow.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues

From Entry Point

The number of calls that came in to this entry point from another entry point.

Real-time Call Interval & Historical Call reports for Entry Points

Full Monitored Calls

The number of calls that were monitored from beginning to end.

Monitored Calls report

Handle Time

The amount of time spent handling the call (Connected Time + Wrap Up Time).


Handle Time

The cumulative amount of time spent handling calls:

Connected Time + Wrap Up Time

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Handle Type

How the call was handled. Possible values:

  • overflow:

    The call was transferred to the overflow destination number provisioned for the queue. Typically, the transfer is because the call was queued for longer than the maximum queue time specified in the routing strategy or because an error occurred when the call was sent to an agent.

  • short_call: The call was never connected, and the total duration of the call was less than the specified Short Call threshold.

  • sudden disconnect: The call was connected, but the agent talk time for the call was less than the specified Sudden Disconnect threshold.

  • self_service: The call ended in the IVR.

  • abandoned: The call was terminated before being distributed to a destination site, but was in the system for longer than the time specified in the Short Call threshold provisioned for the enterprise.

  • normal: The call ended normally.

  • park: The call was queued in the Webex Contact Center network and subsequently ended without being distributed to a site.

  • park_and_transfer: The call was queued in the Webex Contact Center network and subsequently distributed to a site.

  • straight_transfer: The call was distributed to a site upon arrival without being queued in the Webex Contact Center network.

  • ivr: The call was handled by the IVR but the caller disconnected before the call was transferred or parked.

  • unknown: This is the default value when no other value overrides it.

Termination type is about the last step before the call ended, whereas handle type is about the overall handling by contact center.

For example, the termination type of a call can be abandoned, while the handle type can be normal in the following case:

An incoming call to the contact center was handled by an agent, but was later transferred to another queue and the call ended while the caller was waiting in this queue.


Hold Count

The number of times the call was put on hold.

  • CSR

  • Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Hold Time

The amount of time the call was on hold in this queue (for a queue CSR) or in all underlying queues (for an entry point CSR).



The number of calls that are currently in the IVR system.

Call Snapshot report

In Queue

The number of calls currently in the queues that are covered in the report. In the case of entry-point reports, this is the number of calls that are currently in queues fed by the entry point.

In entry point and queue reports, you can click a number in this column to display the Age of Calls in Queue pie chart in a pop-up window. The chart displays the number of calls that have been in the queue for the length of time represented by three time segments. The time segments are derived by dividing the Longest Time in Queue value by three, rounding the resulting value down to the nearest 10 seconds, and then multiplying that value by 1, 2, and 3. For example, if the Longest Time in Queue value is 85 seconds, then 85/3=28.3, which is rounded down to 20, and the chart displays time segments of 20, 40, and 60 seconds.

Call Snapshot report

In Service Level

The number of calls that were answered within the Service Level threshold provisioned for this queue or skill (in a skills interval by queue report).

Although this metric is visible for outdial calls, it is not meaningful for outdial calls.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Invisible Monitored Calls

The number of calls that were monitored using the Invisible mode, which prevents the monitoring session from being displayed on Management Portals other than that of the initiating supervisor.

Monitored Calls report

IVR Ended

The number of calls that ended in the IVR but were not short calls.

Real-time Call Interval & Historical Call reports for Entry Points

IVR Time

The amount of time the call was in the IVR system.


IVR Time

The cumulative amount of time calls were in the IVR system.

Real-time Call Interval & Historical Call reports for Entry Points

Logged-in Agents

The number of agents who are currently logged in to this team or to all teams at this site. At the queue level, this is the number of agents logged in to all teams at the sites serving this queue.

Call Snapshot report

Longest Call In Queue Time

The longest amount of time a call has been in each queue covered in the report.

Call Snapshot report

Maximum Wait Time

The longest amount of time a call was in the queue waiting to be answered.

Historical Call reports for Queues

Midcall Monitored Calls

The number of calls for which monitoring began after the call was already in progress.

Monitored Calls report

Monitor Flag

Whether or not the call was monitored, coached, or barged in on. Possible values:

  • Not Monitored. The call was not monitored

  • Monitored. The call was monitored.

  • Whisper-Coach. While the call was monitored, the monitoring supervisor coached the agent, but did not barge in on the call.

    Whisper Coach is not available through Extensible Supervisor Desktop (ESD).

  • Barged-In. While the call was monitored, the monitoring supervisor barged in on the call. The supervisor might have also coached the agent. (If the call was both coached and barged-in on, the value of this parameter is Barged-In).

For information about monitoring, see Monitor Calls.



The number of external calls that came in to the entry point.

Real-time Call Interval & Historical Call reports for Entry Points


The number of calls that came into the system by way of a specific dialed number.

All DN Canned report

No. of Transfers

The number of times the call was transferred by an agent.



The number of calls that were sent to the overflow number provisioned for the queue and were answered. Typically, a call is sent to an overflow number if it is queued for longer than the maximum time specified in the routing strategy or because an error occurred when the call was sent to an agent. If the call is not answered, it is included in the Abandoned or Disconnected count when the call ends.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues


The name of the queue associated with the call.



The name of the queue that was monitored.

Calls Monitored report

Queue Time

The amount of time the call was in a queue waiting to be sent to a destination site.



The number of calls that entered the queue during this interval.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues

Queued Time

The cumulative amount of time calls were in queue, waiting to be sent to an agent or other resource. Because queued time is calculated after the call leaves the queue, the queued time for a call that is still in the queue is not reflected in the report.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues

Record Flag

Whether or not the call was recorded by Webex Contact Center through the optional call recording feature.



The number of calls that left this queue after having been transferred by the agent to another queue. For calls to be requeued, the first agent clicks the Queue button, selects a queue from the drop-down list, and clicks Transfer.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

S No.

A sequence number identifying each leg of a call as it moves through the Webex Contact Center system. Click an entry in this column to open a window that displays the history of the call throughout its life cycle.


Secondary Answered

The number of calls that were answered by an agent after being transferred to the agent by another agent.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Service Level %

The number of calls that were answered within the Service Level threshold provisioned for the queue or skill (in a skills interval by queue report), divided by total calls (including abandoned calls) multiplied by 100:

((In Service Level)/(Answered + Abandoned)) * 100

Although this metric is visible for outdial calls, it is not meaningful for outdial calls.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams.

Session ID

A value assigned by the system that uniquely identifies a call during its life cycle.



The number of calls that were terminated within the Short Call threshold provisioned for the enterprise without being distributed to a destination site or connected to an agent.

Real-time Call Interval & Historical Call reports for Entry Points


The number of calls that were terminated within the Short Call threshold provisioned for the enterprise without being connected to an agent.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues


The contact center location to which the call was distributed.



The name of the site that was monitored.

Monitored Calls report


The name of the team to which the call was distributed.



The name of the team that was monitored.

Monitored Calls report

Terminating Party

Who terminated the call: Agent or Caller


Termination Type

How the call was terminated. Possible values:

  • abandoned: The call was terminated before being distributed to a destination site, but was in the system for longer than the time specified in the Short Call threshold provisioned for the enterprise.

  • agent_transfer: The call was transferred from one agent to another.

  • transfer_error: The call could not be transferred to the agent.

  • normal: The call ended normally.

  • reclassified: The call was sent to another entry point.

  • transferred: The call was transferred by an agent.

  • self_service: The call ended in the IVR.

  • short_call: The call was never connected and the total duration of the call was less than the specified Short Call threshold.

  • sudden_disconnect: The call was connected, but the agent talk time for the call was less than the specified Sudden Disconnect threshold.

  • overflow: The call was transferred to the overflow destination number provisioned for the queue. Typically, the transfer is because the call was queued for longer than the maximum queue time specified in the routing strategy or because an error occurred when the call was sent to an agent.


To Entry Point

The number of calls that were transferred to another entry point.

Real-time Call Interval & Historical Call reports for Entry Points

To Queue

The number of calls that were sent to a queue.

Real-time Call Interval & Historical Call reports for Entry Points

Total Monitored Calls

The total number of calls monitored during the report time interval.

Monitored Calls report

Transfer Errors

The number of times an error occurred during the transfer process.



The sum of all calls transferred from this queue to an agent, external DN, or another Webex Contact Center queue:

Transferred Out + Requeued

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Transferred In

The number of calls that were transferred to this entry point by an agent.

Real-time Call Interval & Historical Call reports for Entry Points

Transferred In

The number of calls that entered this queue after being transferred into the queue by an agent who clicked the Queue button, selected a queue from the drop-down list, and clicked Transfer.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues & Skills by Queue; Historical Call reports for Queues

Transferred Number

The phone number to which the agent transferred the call in an agent-to-DN transfer. This parameter appears in the Webex Contact Center window that opens when you click an entry in the S No. (sequence number) column of either an entry point or queue call detail record (CSR).


Transferred Out

The number of calls that left this queue after being transferred by an agent to an external DN or to another agent. Transferred-out calls result when an agent clicks the Agent button, selects an agent from the drop-down list, and clicks Transfer, or when the agent clicks the DN button, enters a phone number, and clicks Transfer. Transferred-out calls may begin as a consultation or conference, but are counted as transferred-out only when the first agent completes the transfer to the second party.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Wrap Up

The wrap-up code that the agent gave for the call. Note that if the agent wraps up the call after the CSR is generated, the corresponding CSR is updated after the agent selects the wrap-up code for that call.


Wrap Up Time

The amount of time an agent spent in the Wrap-up state during the call.


Wrap Up Time

The cumulative amount of time agents spent in the Wrap-up state during the call.

Real-time Call Interval reports for Queues, Skills by Queue, Sites, & Teams; Historical Call reports for Queues, Sites, & Teams

Agent Report Parameters

The following table describes the parameters available in Webex Contact Center real-time and historical agent reports. In the table, ADR is an abbreviation for Agent Detail Report.





Icons you can click to perform an action:

  • Click the Logout icon to sign out the agent.

  • Click the Monitor icon to open the Call Monitoring module where you can monitor the agent's call by when you enter your callback number and clicking the Midcall Monitor button.

    This icon displays only in the Team view and only if the agent is in the Connected state and your user profile authorizes midcall monitoring. For more information, see Monitor Calls.

Snapshot/Team & Skill views


The name of an agent in the report.

If your enterprise uses the Multimedia feature and the report includes more than one media channel, you can click the a collapse arrow or expand arrow to the left of an agent name to collapse or expand the data grouped by channel type.

Snapshot/Agent view; Real-time Agent Interval/Agent-level

Agent Requeue

The number of times an agent requeued an inbound call.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Snapshot/Agent view; Agent Trace report

Agent Transfer

The number of times an agent transferred an inbound call to another agent.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report


Count: The number of times an agent went into the Available state.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent in the Available state.

Average Time: (Not in ADR or Snapshot/Agent view or Agent Trace report) The average length of time agents were in the Available state (Total Available Time divided by Available Count).

% Time: (Only in ADR) The percentage of time the agent was in the Available state.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR & Snapshot/Agent view; Agent Trace report


The number of agents currently in the Available state or, in the Skill view, the number of agents in the Available state who possess the skill.

Snapshot/Site, Skill, & Skills by Team views

Available Time

The amount of time agents were in the Available state during the time interval.

Real-time Agent Interval reports

Average Connected Time

The connected time divided by the number of calls that were connected during the time interval.

Real-time Skills Interval by Team

Average Handle Time

The average length of time spent handling a call (connected time plus wrap-up time, divided by number of calls).

Real-time Skills Interval by Team

Blind Transfer

The number of times an agent transferred an inbound call without consulting first.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Snapshot/Agent view; Agent Trace report

Calls Handled

The number of calls the agent handled (or, for the Skill view, the number of calls the agent handled for that skill) since logging in. Rest the cursor over a number in this column to display a pop-up showing the wrap-up codes the agent entered and how many times each code was entered.

Snapshot/Team view & Skill view

Calls Handled

The total number of inbound and outdial calls handled.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports


The media channel associated with the activity. (Appears only if your enterprise uses the Multimedia feature.)

ADR; Agent Trace report


The number of times the agent initiated a conference call.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Snapshot/Agent view; Agent Trace report


The number of agents currently connected to an inbound call, or in the Skill view, the number of agents connected to a call who possess the skill.

Snapshot/Site, Skill, & Skills by Team views

Connected Time

The amount of time inbound calls were connected to an agent during the time interval (talk time plus hold time).

Real-time Skills Interval by Team


Count: The number of times an agent answered a consult request plus the number of times an agent consulted other agents.

Total Time: Total Consult Answer Time plus Total Consult Request Time.

Average Time: (Not in ADR or Agent Trace report) The average length of consulting time (Total Consult Time divided by Consult Count).

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report

Consult Answer

Count: The number of times an agent answered a consult request from another agent.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent answering consult requests from agents.

Average Time: (Not in ADR or Agent Trace report) The average length of time agents spent answering consult requests (Total Consult Answer Time divided by Consult Answer Count).

% Time: (Only in ADR and Agent Trace report) The percentage of time the agent spent answering consult requests.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report

Consult Request

Count: The number of times an agent sent a consult request to another agent.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent consulting other agents.

Average Time: (Not in ADR or Agent Trace report) The average length of time agents spent consulting other agents (Total Consult Request Time divided by Consult Request Count).

% Time: (Only in ADR and Agent Trace report) The percentage of time the agent spent consulting other agents while on an inbound call.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report


The number of agents currently consulting with another agent.

Snapshot/Site & Skills by Team views


The number of agents currently consulting with another agent after initiating or answering a consult-to-queue request.

Snapshot/Site view

Current State

The agent's current state.

In Team and Skill views, if the current state is Idle, the idle code the agent selected is shown in parentheses. No code shows if the agent has just signed in and has not selected an idle code.

Snapshot/Team, Skill, & Agent views

Disconnected Count

The number of calls that were connected to an agent, but that were then immediately disconnected within the Sudden Disconnect threshold provisioned for the enterprise.

Historical Agent Summary & Agent Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report

Disconnected Hold Count

The number of times an inbound call was disconnected while the caller was on hold.

Snapshot/Agent view


The dial number the agent used to log in to the Agent Desktop.

Snapshot/Team, Agent, & Skill views; ADR; Agent Trace report


The amount of time the agent was in the state.

Agent Trace Report

Final Logout Time

The date and time the agent logged out. This column appears only in agent-level summary reports.

Historical Agent Summary/Agent level


The number of agents in the Connected state who have placed the caller on hold.

Snapshot/Site view & Skills by Team view

Hold Time

The amount of time callers were on hold during the time interval.

Real-time Skills Interval by Team


The number of times the agent went into the Idle state from a different state. Rest the cursor over a number in this column to display a pop-up showing the idle codes the agent entered and how many times each code was entered.

Because an agent can change the idle code while in the Idle state, the number of idle codes displayed in the pop-up can exceed the number of times the agent went into the Idle state. For example, an agent might move from Idle-Break to Idle-Email.

Snapshot/Team & Skill views


The number of agents currently in the Idle state.

Snapshot/Site & Skills by Team views


Count: The number of times an agent went into the Idle state.

Total Time: The total amount of time agents spent in the Idle state.

Average Time:(Not available in ADR or Agent Trace report) The average length of time agents were in the Idle state (Total Idle Time divided by Idle Count).

% Time.:(Not available in Agent Summary and Interval reports) The percentage of time the agent was in the Idle state.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report


Count: The number of times the agent went into the Idle state from a different state. Rest the cursor over the number in this field to see the idle codes the agent entered and how many times each code was used.

Because an agent can change the idle code while in the Idle state, the number of idle codes can exceed the number of times the agent went into the Idle state. For example, an agent might move from Idle-Break to Idle-Email.

Total Time: The total amount of time the agent spent in the Idle state.

Snapshot/Agent view

Idle Time

The amount of time agents were in the Idle state during the time interval.

Real-time Agent Interval reports

In Outdial

The number of agents who are connected to or are wrapping up an outdial call.

Snapshot/Site view & Skills by Team view

In Outdial

The number of times the agent was connected to or was wrapping up an outdial call.

Snapshot/Team view

In Time

The time the agent entered the state.

Agent Trace report


Reserved Time: The amount of time agents were in the Reserved state, during which incoming calls were ringing but had not yet been answered.

Answered Count: The number of inbound calls that were answered by an agent during the time interval.

Talk Time: The amount of time agents were talking on inbound calls during the time interval.

Hold Time: The amount of time inbound calls were on hold during the time interval.

Connected Time: The amount of time inbound calls were connected to an agent during the time interval (inbound talk time plus inbound hold time).

Wrap Up Time: The amount of time agents spent in the Wrap-up state after an inbound call during the time interval.

Average Connected Time: Inbound connected time divided by the number of inbound calls that were connected during the time interval.

Average Handle Time: The average length of time spent handling an inbound call (inbound connected time plus inbound wrap-up time, divided by number of inbound calls).

Real-time Agent Interval reports

Inbound Average Handle Time

The average length of time spent handling a call (total connected time plus total hold time and total wrap-up time, divided by connected count).

Snapshot/Agent view

Inbound Avg Handle Time

The average length of time spent handling an inbound call (Total Inbound Connected Time plus Total Wrap Up Time, divided by Inbound Connected Count).

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report

Inbound Connected

Hold Count: The number of times an agent put an inbound caller on hold.

Connected Count: The number of inbound calls that were connected to an agent.

Total Talk Time: The total amount of time an agent was talking with a caller.

Total Hold Time: The total amount of time inbound calls were on hold.

Total Time: The total amount of time agents were connected to inbound calls.

Average Hold Time: (Not in ADR or Snapshot/Agent view or Agent Trace report) The average hold time for inbound calls (Total Hold Time divided by Hold Count).

Average Time: (Not in ADR or Snapshot/Agent view) The average inbound connected time (Total Time divided by Connected Count).

% Talk Time: (Only in ADR and Agent Trace report) The percentage of inbound connected time the agent was talking with the caller.

% Hold Time: (Only in ADR) The percentage of inbound connected time the caller was on hold.

% Time: (Only in ADR) The percentage of time the agent was connected to an inbound call.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Snapshot/Agent view; Agent Trace report

Inbound Consult

Count: The number of times an agent answered a consult request plus the number of times an agent consulted other agents.

Total Time: Total Consult Answer Time plus Total Consult Request Time.

Snapshot/Agent view

Inbound Consult Answer

Count: The number of times an agent answered a consult request from another agent handling an inbound call.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent answering consult requests from agents handling inbound calls.

Snapshot/Agent view

Inbound Consult Request

Count: The number of times an agent sent a consult request to another agent during an inbound call.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent consulting other agents during inbound calls.

Snapshot/Agent view

Inbound CTQ

Count: Inbound CTQ Answer Count plus Inbound CTQ Request Count.

Total Time: Total Inbound CTQ Answer Time plus Total Inbound CTQ Request Time.

Snapshot/Agent view

Inbound CTQ Answer

Count: The number of times an agent answered a consult-to-queue request from an agent who was handling an inbound call.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent answering consult-to-queue requests from agents handling inbound calls.

Snapshot/Agent view; Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR

Inbound CTQ Request

Count: The number of times an agent initiated a consult to queue while handling an inbound call.

Total Time: The total amount of time between when an agent initiated consult-to-queue requests while handling inbound calls and when the consultations ended.

Snapshot/Agent view; Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR

Inbound Reserved

Count: (Not in ADR or Agent Trace report) The number of times an agent went into the Inbound Reserved state, during which a call is coming in to an agent’s station but has not yet been answered.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent in the Reserved state.

Average Time: The average length of time agents were in the Inbound Reserved state (Total Available Time divided by Available Count).

% Time: (Only in ADR and Agent Trace report) The percentage of time the agent was in the Inbound Reserved state.

Snapshot/Agent view

Inbound Transfers

The number of inbound calls the agent transferred to another agent, queue, or number.

Snapshot/Agent view

Inbound Wrap Up

Count: The number of times an agent went into the Wrap-up state after an inbound call.

In the Snapshot/Agent view, you can rest the cursor over a number in this column to see the wrap-up codes the agent entered and how many times each code was used.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent in the Wrap-up state after an inbound call.

Average Time: (Not in ADR, Agent Trace report, or Snapshot/Agent view) The average length of time agents were in the Wrap-up state after an inbound call (Total Wrap Up Time divided by Wrap Up Count).

% Time: (Only in ADR and Agent Trace report) The percentage of time the agent was in the Wrap-up state after an inbound call.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report; Snapshot/Agent view

Initial Login Time

The date and time the agent signed in.

Historical Agent Summary/Agent level

Login Count

Total number of times an agent sined in on that day. Appears only if Agents is selected in the Display Results By drop-down list.

Historical Agent Summary/Agent level

Login Time

The date and time the agent logged in to the Agent Desktop.

Snapshot/Team, Agent, & Skill views; ADR; Agent Trace report

Logout Time

The date and time the agent signed out of the Agent Desktop.

ADR; Agent Trace report

Not Responding

The number of agents currently in the Not Responding state.

Snapshot/Site & Skills by Team views

Not Responding

Count: The number of times an agent was in the Not Responding state.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent in the Not Responding state.

Average Time: (Not in ADR or Snapshot/Agent view or Agent Trace report) The average length of time agents were in the Not Responding state (Total Not Responding Time divided by Not Responding Count).

% Time: (Only in ADR and Agent Trace report) The percentage of time the agent was in the Not Responding state.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report; Snapshot/Agent view

Not Responding Time

The amount of time agents spent in the Not Responding state during the time interval.

Real-time Agent Interval reports

Number of Calls

The number of inbound calls that were connected to the site or team during the time interval.

Real-time Skills Interval by Team


The measure of time the agent spent on calls compared to available and idle time, calculated by dividing total connected time (inbound connected time plus outdial connected time) plus total wrap up time (inbound wrap-up time plus outdial wrap up time) by staff hours.

Snapshot/Agent view; Real-time Agent Interval reports; Historical Agent Summary, Agent Interval, ADR, & Agent Trace report


The measure of time the agent spent on calls compared to available and idle time, calculated by dividing inbound connected time plus inbound wrap up time by staff hours.

Real-time Skills Interval by Team

Out Time

The time the agent left the state.

Agent Trace report


Attempted: The number of calls that agents initiated during the time interval.

Connected: The number of outdial calls that were connected to an agent during the time interval.

Reserved Time: The amount of time agents were in the Outdial Reserved state, a state indicating that the agent has initiated an outdial call, but the call is not connected yet.

Talk Time: The amount of time agents were talking on outdial calls during the time interval.

Hold Tim: The amount of time outdial calls were on hold during the time interval.

Connected Time: The amount of time outdial calls were connected to an agent during the time interval (outdial talk time plus outdial hold time).

Average Connected Time: Outdial connected time divided by the number of outdial calls that were connected during the time interval.

Wrap Up Time: The amount of time agents spent in the Wrap-up state after an outdial call during the time interval.

Average Handle Time: The average length of time spent handling an outdial call (outdial connected time plus outdial wrap up time, divided by number of outdial calls).

Real-time Agent Interval reports

Outdial Avg Handle Time

The average length of time spent handling an outdial call (Total Outdial Connected Time plus Total Outdial Wrap Up Time, divided by Outdial Connected Count).

Historical Agent Summary, Agent Interval, ADR, & Agent Trace report

Outdial Conference

The number of outdial calls the agent conferenced with another party.

Snapshot/Agent view

Outdial Connected

Attempted Count: The number of times an agent attempted to make an outdial call.

Connected Count: The number of outdial calls that were connected to an agent.

Hold Count: The number of times an agent put an outdial call on hold.

Total Talk Time: The total amount of time an agent was talking with a party on an outdial call.

Total Hold Time: The total amount of time outdial calls were on hold.

Total Time: The total amount of time agents were connected to outdial calls.

Average Hold Time: (Not in ADR, Agent Trace report, or Snapshot/Agent view) The average hold time for outdial calls (Total Hold Time divided by Hold Count).

Average Time. (Not in ADR, Agent Trace report, or Snapshot/Agent view) The average outdial connected time (Total Time divided by Connected Count).

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report; Snapshot/Agent view

Outdial Consult

Count: Outdial Consult Answer count plus Outdial Consult Request count.

Total Time: Total Outdial Consult Answer Time plus Total Outdial Consult Request Time.

Snapshot/Agent view

Outdial Consult Answer

Count: The number of times the agent answered a consult request from another agent who was on an outdial call.

Total Time: The amount of time the agent was consulted by another agent who was on an outdial call.

Snapshot/Agent view

Outdial Consult Request

Count: The number of times the agent consulted another agent while on an outdial call.

Total Time: The amount of time the agent consulted another agent during an outdial call.

Snapshot/Agent view

Outdial CTQ

Count: Outdial CTQ Answer Count plus Outdial CTQ Request Count.

Total Time: Total Outdial CTQ Answer Time plus Total Outdial CTQ Request Time

Snapshot/Agent view

Outdial CTQ Answer

Count: The number of times an agent answered a consult-to-queue request from an agent who was handling an outdial call.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent answering consult-to-queue requests from agents handling outdial calls.

Snapshot/Agent view; Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR

Outdial CTQ Request

Count: The number of times an agent initiated a consult to queue while handling an inbound call.

Total Time: The total amount of time between when an agent initiated consult-to-queue requests while handling inbound calls and when the consultations ended.

Snapshot/Agent view; Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR

Outdial Reserved

Count: The number of times an agent was in the Outdial Reserved state, a state indicating that the agent has initiated an outdial call, but the call is not connected yet.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent was in the Outdial Reserved state.

Average Time: (Not in ADR, Agent Trace report, or Snapshot/Agent view) The average amount of time agents were in the Outdial Reserved state (Total Time divided by Count).

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report; Snapshot/Agent view

Outdial Transfers

The number of outdial calls the agent transferred to another agent, queue, or number.

Snapshot/Agent view

Outdial Wrap Up

Count: The number of times an agent went into the Wrap-up state after an outdial call.

Total Time: The total amount of time an agent spent in the Wrap-up state after an outdial call.

Average Time: (Not in ADR, Agent Trace report, or Snapshot/Agent view) The average length of time agents were in the Wrap-up state after an outdial call (Total Outdial Wrap Up Time divided by Outdial Wrap Up Count).

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports; ADR; Agent Trace report; Snapshot/Agent view


If the agent is currently handling a call, the name of the queue that the call came in on.

Snapshot/Team, Agent, & Skill views


The reason the agent logged out. For example:

  • Desktop browser closed. The browser window in which the Agent Desktop application was running was closed while the agent was logged in.

  • LoggingInAnotherInstance. The system logged the agent out because the agent logged in to another instance of the Agent Desktop.

  • Lost network connection. The agent was logged out because of a network interruption that exceeded two minutes (unless a different timeout is specified for your system).

  • Normal logout. The agent clicked the Log Out button in the Agent Desktop window.

  • Operational logout. The system logged the agent out in response to a command initiated by Webex Contact Center Operations or Technical Support.

  • Supervisory logout. The supervisor logged the agent out.

Other reasons can occasionally occur.

ADR; Agent Trace report


The number of agents currently in the Reserved state, during which a call is coming in but has not yet been answered.

Snapshot/Site view & Skills by Team view


The number of agents in the Reserved state who possess the skill.

Snapshot/Skill view


The name of a site.

If your enterprise uses the Multimedia feature and the report includes more than one media channel, you can click the a collapse arrow or expand arrow to the left of a team name to collapse or expand the data grouped by channel type.

In the Site view of a current snapshot agent report, you can do the following:

  • Click a collapse arrow or expand arrow next to a site name to collapse or expand the list of logged-in teams at the site.

  • Click the name of a team to drill-down to the Team view for that team.

Snapshot/Site view; Real-time Agent Interval reports (except Agent-level)


The site where the team the agent was handling calls for is located.

ADR; Agent Trace report


The name of the skill.

In the Skill view of the current snapshot agent report you can do the following:

  • Click a collapse arrow or expand arrow next to a skill name to collapse or expand the list of logged-in agents who possess the skill.

  • Click the name of an agent to drill-down to the Agent view for that agent.

  • If your enterprise uses the Multimedia feature and the report includes more than one media channel, you can click the collapse or expand arrow to the left of an agent name to collapse or expand the data grouped by channel type.

Snapshot/Skill view; Real-time Skills Interval by Team

Staff Hours

The amount of time the agent has been logged in.

Snapshot/Team, Agent, & Skill views

Staff Hours

The amount of time the agent was logged in during the time interval.

Real-time Agent Interval reports & Skills Interval by Team

Staff Hours

The total amount of time agents were logged in.

Historical Agent Summary & Interval reports

Staff Hours

The amount of time the agent was logged in during each login session.

ADR; Agent Trace report


The time the agent logged in and logged out and each state the agent was in during the login session:

  • Available: The agent was available and waiting for calls.

  • Conference: The agent conferenced a call with another party.

  • Consult-Answer: The agent answered a consult request from another agent.

  • Consult-Request: The agent initiated a consultation with another agent.

  • Idle: The phone rang but was not answered within a specified period of time.

  • Not Responding: The agent’s phone rang but the agent did not answer within a specified period of time.

  • Hold: The agent placed a connected call on hold.

  • Talk: The agent was talking on an inbound call.

  • Wrap Up: The call ended but the agent was not ready for the next call.

Agent Trace report


The number of agents in the Connected state who are currently talking with a caller.

Snapshot/Site & Skills by Team views

Talk Time

The amount of time agents were talking with callers during the time interval.

Real-time Skills Interval by Team


The name of a team in the report.

In the Team view and Skills by Team view of a current snapshot agent report you can do the following:

  • Click a collapse arrow or expand arrow next to a team name to collapse or expand the list of logged-in agents on the team.

  • If your enterprise uses the Multimedia feature and the report includes more than one media channel, you can click the a collapse or expand arrow to the left of an agent name to collapse or expand the data grouped by channel type.

In the Team view, you can click the name of an agent to drill-down to the Agent view for that agent.

Snapshot/Team view & Skills by Team view; Real-time Agent Interval report/Team & Skills by Team level


The team the agent was handling calls for.

ADR; Agent Trace report

Time in Current State

The amount of time the agent has been in the current state.

Snapshot/Team, Agent, & Skill views

Total Calls

Inbound Answered calls plus Outdial Attempted calls.

Real-time Agent Interval reports

Total Logged In

The number of agents currently logged in or, in the Skill view, the number of agents currently logged in who possess the skill.

Snapshot/Site, Team, Skill, & Skills by Team views

Channels Logged In

The number of media channels to which agents are currently logged in. Appears only if your enterprise uses the Multimedia feature.

Snapshot/Site, Team, Skill, & Skills by Team views

Wrap Up

The number of agents currently in the Wrap-up state.

Snapshot/Site & Skills by Team view

Wrap Up Time

The amount of time agents spent in the Wrap-up state after an inbound call during the time interval.

Real-time Skills Interval by Team

Historical Skill Report Parameters

The following table describes the parameters available in Webex Contact Center historical Skills by Queues reports. Asterisks (*) mark parameters that are available only in a skill summary report, which you can display by drilling down on a skill name in a Skills by Queue report.




% Calls Matched

The percentage of calls for which the initial value of the skill required by the call was equal to the final value when the call was distributed to an agent.

(Matched Calls * 100)/ (Connected + Abandoned + Reclassified)

Skills by Queue


The number of calls with this skill requirement that were abandoned during the report interval.

Skills by Queue

Abandoned within SL

The number of calls that were terminated while in queue within the Service Level threshold provisioned for this skill.

Skills by Queue

Avg Handle Time

The average length of time spent handling a call with this skill requirement (total connected time plus total wrap-up time, divided by calls handled).

Skills by Queue & Skills by Agents


The number of calls with this skill requirement that were connected during the report interval.

Skills by Queue & Skills by Agents

Connected within SL

The number of calls with this skill requirement that were connected within the Service Level threshold provisioned for this skill.

Skills by Queue & Skills by Agents

Final Operand*

The skill operand type that was assigned to the call when it was distributed to an agent with a matching skill.

Skills by Queue

Final Value*

The value of the skill requirement assigned to the call when the call was distributed to an agent.

Skills by Queue

Initial Operand*

The skill operand type that was assigned to the call when it was distributed to the queue. Possible values:

  • eq (equal to)

  • neq (not equal to)

  • gte (greater than or equal to)

  • lte (less than or equal to)

Skills by Queue

Initial Value*

The value of the skill requirement assigned to the call when it arrived in the queue.

Skills by Queue


The skill operand type that was assigned to the call when it was distributed to the agent. Possible values:

  • eq (equal to)

  • neq (not equal to)

  • gte (greater than or equal to)

  • lte (less than or equal to)

Skills by Agents


The number of calls with this skill requirement that were transferred from the queue by the system.

Skills by Queue

Reclassified within SL

The number of calls with this skill requirement that were transferred from the queue by the system within the Service Level threshold provisioned for the skill.

Skills by Queue


The name of a skill.

In a Skills by Queue report, you can click an entry in this column to drill down to view daily activity for the month (from a monthly summary) or to view half-hourly data for a day (from a daily summary).

Skills by Queue Skills by Agents


The total number of calls.

Skills by Queue


The value of the skill requirement assigned to the call when the call was distributed to the agent.

Skills by Agents

Historical Threshold Alerts Report Parameters

If your enterprise uses the threshold alerts feature and your user profile authorizes you to view alerts, you can use the controls on the Threshold Alerts page of the Historical Reports module to display details about threshold alerts that were triggered between midnight of the current day and three months ago. The following table describes the available parameters.




Whether or not a supervisor acknowledged the alert.

Acknowledged Time

The time the alert was acknowledged.

Actual Value

The actual value that triggered the alert.


Whether or not a supervisor archived the alert.


Optional comments, if any, entered by the supervisor who acknowledged the alert.


The metric that the threshold is associated with.


> (greater than)

>= (greater than or equal to)

< (less than)

<= (less than or equal to)

= (equal to)


The name of the supervisor who acknowledged the alert.


The date and time that the threshold alert was triggered.

Trigger Interval

The number of seconds specified in the threshold rule as the interval during which the system should generate only one alert for the threshold rule check.

Trigger Value

The value that the threshold rule defined as the trigger.

Usage Metrics Report Parameters

The following table describes the parameters available in the Usage Metrics Report.



Calls Duration (min)

The total amount of time between when inbound calls arrived or outdial calls were placed and when they were terminated.


Total Calls: The total number of inbound calls.

Connected Calls: The number of inbound calls that were connected to an agent.

IVR Duration (min): The number of minutes during which calls were in the IVR system.

Queue Duration (sec): The number of seconds during which calls were in a queue.

Talk Time (min): The number of minutes during which agents were talking with callers.

Hold Time (min): The number of minutes during which inbound calls were on hold.


The month during which the call activity occurred.


Total Calls: The total number of outdial calls.

Connected Calls: The number of outdial calls that were connected to an agent.

Talk Time (min): The number of minutes during which an agent was talking with a party on an outdial call.

Hold Time (min): The number of minutes during which outdial calls were on hold.

Recorded Calls

The number of calls that were recorded.

Total Calls

The total number of inbound and outdial calls.

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