Before you begin

For FedRAMP users, when Hybrid Calendar or O365 isn't configured in Webex App, the only meetings that appear in the calendar are those meetings that are within the FedRAMP boundary (FedRAMP - FedRAMP).

Choose the scheduler that you want to use to schedule meetings.

Go to MeetingsMeetings.


Click Schedule a meetingSchedule a meeting, and then enter your meeting info:

If you don't see Schedule a meeting, your account isn’t set up to host meetings. You can schedule a meeting from a space instead.

  • Edit the meeting topic.

  • Under Date and Time, choose a start and end date and time.

  • Check Recurrence and choose the meeting frequency.

  • Select a Meeting link, choose from:

    • Generate a one-time meeting link

    • Use my Personal Room link

  • To create a space for your meeting, check Create a space with all meeting invitees.

  • Enter a description to include in the email invitation if your administrator has set up your account with Cisco Webex Hybrid Calendar Service.


Add Invitees, enter a name or email address.

When your account is set up with Hybrid Calendar , you see icons beside each person's name to show their availability.

  • Available Available

  • Unavailable Unavailable

  • Unknown availability Unknown availability

To make an invitee a cohost, hover over their name, click , and then click Make cohost. You see this option if the invitee has a host account on the same Webex site as you.


Under Rooms, enter the name of a meeting room.

When your account is set up with Hybrid Calendar , you see icons beside each room name to show the availability.

  • Available Available

  • Unavailable Unavailable

Only meeting rooms listed in your organizations directory are displayed. Hover on the room icon to see the room contact card.


For a one-time meeting link, click Advanced Settings and choose from the available options:

  • Meeting type
  • Security options

    You can add audio watermarks to your participant videos and shared content. Under Audio watermarks, check Add watermarks to meeting audio. The site administrator can upload watermarked meetings to Control Hub, which then analyzes the recording and looks up the unique identifiers. They can look at the results to see which source client or device recorded the meeting.

    You can add visual watermarks to participant videos and shared content.

  • Audio connection
  • Scheduling options

    Enable breakout sessions

    Automatically start recording when the meeting starts

    Set meeting options such as turn off chat and turn off the ability to add or download files.


Click Schedule.

The meeting is created and added to your calendar. An email invitation is sent to everyone invited to the meeting.

If you need to make changes, you can update the meeting details or cancel the meeting.


Go to MeetingsMeetings.


Tap the global action button Global action button > Schedule a meeting.


Enter your meeting info:

  • Edit the meeting topic.

  • Tap Invitees and add people by name, email, or choose from the Recents list.

    To make an invitee a cohost, tap More options next to the person's name and tap Make cohost. You see this option if the invitee has a host account on the same Webex site as you.

    Tap Check Calendar to see what time everyone's free and drag your meeting to that time slot. You can also:

    • See a list of who's available at the selected time.

    • Tap and hold the meeting, to drag and drop it to a different time slot.

    • Tap and drag the meeting tabs, to change the meeting duration. Any changes are reflected in the scheduler start and end times.

  • Choose a Start and End date and time.

  • Tap Recurrence, to schedule the meeting to repeat regularly, choose from daily, weekly, or monthly increments.

  • Tap Add a Room, search for a room by name and tap room to add. Tap Check Calendar to see the room availability.

    Tap and hold the room to open the room contact card.

  • Tap Meeting Link and choose One-time meeting link or Personal room link.

  • To create a custom meeting password or generate a new password, tap the password. Then, delete the existing password and enter a new password, or tap Refresh icon indicating that an update is available. to generate a new password.

  • Enter a description.


Tap Schedule to schedule your meeting.


Go to MeetingsMeetings.


Tap the floating action button add scheduled meeting button > Schedule a meeting.


Enter your meeting info:

  • Edit the meeting topic.

  • Choose a Start and End date and time.

  • Tap Recurrence to schedule the meeting to repeat regularly, choose from daily, weekly, or monthly increments.

  • Tap Invitees and add people by name, email, or choose from the Recents list.

    Tap Check Calendar to see what time everyone's free and drag your meeting to that time slot. You can also:

    • See a list of who's available at the selected time.

    • Tap and hold the meeting, to drag and drop it to a different time slot.

    • Tap and drag the meeting tabs, to change the meeting duration. Any changes are reflected in the scheduler start and end times.

      To make an invitee a cohost, tap More menu next to the person's name and tap Make Cohost. To see this option, the invitee must have a host account on the same Webex site as you.

  • Tap Add a room, search for a room by name and tap room to add. Tap Check Calendar to see the room availability.

    Tap and hold the room to open the room contact card.

  • Tap Meeting Link and choose One-time meeting link or Personal room link.

  • To create a custom meeting password or generate a new password, tap the password. Then, delete the existing password and enter a new password, or tap Refresh icon indicating that an update is available. to generate a new password, and click Save.

  • Enter a description.


Tap Schedule to schedule your meeting.

Once you schedule your meeting, the people you invited get an email sent to them automatically to let them know. If you edit the invite or cancel it, a new email is sent to everyone invited so they stay up to date.


Sign in to Webex, click Meetings > Schedule.

If you've saved meeting templates before, you can select one from the Meeting templates drop-down list.


Select a Meeting type from the drop-down list, if your account has more than one associated with it. Meeting types are the default or customized sets of meeting features available for your organization.


Enter a name for the meeting in Meeting topic, add or change the password, if necessary, and select the Date and time for your meeting.


You can set the meeting to repeat by checking the Reccurence check box. You can schedule your meeting to happen daily, biweekly, monthly, and more.


In the Invitees section, enter the name or email address of the person you're inviting. The Attendees field suggests people who you've invited before, existing accounts on your Cisco Webex organization, and contacts in your address book. If the person has a host account in your organization, you can make them an alternate host by clicking Assign cohost assign cohost button next to their name.


For other options, select Advanced Settings.

Your Cisco Webex options may be set to include:

  • In Audio connection options:

    • Audio connection type—Choose one of the following

      • Webex Audio—Includes call-in, call-back, and computer audio options. Phone options may include toll-free and global call-in numbers, as well as the ability to set entry and exit tones.

      • Use VoIP only—Limits all attendees to using computer audio.

      • Other teleconfrence service—Allows you to enter third-party teleconference information.

        Users who prefer to use non-integrated audio teleconferencing can do so for Webex and video device-enabled meetings. To use this feature for Webex, your organization must be managed in or linked to Webex Control Hub.

      • None

    • Entry and exit tone—Select a tone to hear when a guest joins or leaves the meeting.

      When using the Webex Audio option, if the Announce Name feature is selected, those joining using the Use computer for audio option don't get the option to record and announce their name.

    • Mute attendees—Automatically mute attendees upon entry of the meeting and allow attendees to mute themselves.

  • In Agenda, enter any context or details you want your attendees to have about the upcoming meeting.

  • In Scheduling Options, you can do the following:

    • Cohost—Cohosts can start meetings on your behalf. If you want to assign a cohost before the meeting, select one of the options in the section.

    • Video Systems—Authenticated video systems in this organizations can start and join this meeting without prompt.

    • Autmatic recording—Automatically start recording when the meeting starts.

    • Exclude password—Exclude the password from the email invitation, for extra security.

    • Join before host—Check the box to allow attendees to join the meeting before you start the meeting. Choose to allow attendees to join 0–15 minutes before the meeting starts.

    • Breakout sessions—Breakout sessions are smaller groups that are split off from the main Webex meeting. They allow a subset of meeting participants to collaborate and share ideas over audio and video.

    • Invited only—Restrict the meeting to invited attendees only.

    • Unlocked meetings—Decide what happens to guests when they join a meeting.

    • Automatic lock—Decide how long after the meeting to starts to automatically lock the meeting.

    • Registration—Select Require attendee registration to require attendees to register and receive host approval before attending the meeting. Select the detailed registration information that you require attendees to provide. Each attendee who registers will have to provide that information.

    • Email reminder—Choose to send an email reminder 10–50 minutes before the start of the meeting.

    • Meeting options—Select Edit meeting options and select the options that you want participants to have when the meeting begins.

    • Attendee privileges—Select Edit attendee privileges and select the privileges that you want attendees to have when the meeting begins.


If you want to save these settings to use as a template in the future, click Save as template. Otherwise, click Start to start your meeting right away, or click Schedule if you're meeting later.

Schedule a meeting page

For schedule meetings, you can add the meeting to your calendar by opening the meeting from the Meetings tab and clicking Add to my calendarAdd to my calendar next to the name of the meeting.

An iCalender (.ics) file downloads. Select the .ics file and accept the meeting. To invite others to your meeting, send the .ics file as an email attachment.