Apply the custom wallpaper and logo

The wallpaper and color theme on the phone screen also applies to the attached Key Expansion Modules (KEM). The logo displays only on the phone screen and does not appear on the KEM screen.

To deploy your custom wallpaper and logo to your phones, follow this workflow:

  1. Prepare your wallpaper and logo images
  2. Upload the images files to the TFTP server
  3. Create a general management file List.xml
  4. Upload the List.xml to the TFTP server
  5. Restart the TFTP server
  6. Configure the wallpaper settings on Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration

See the following for procedures:

To get the best experience, keep the following tips in mind when choosing or designing your images:

  • Avoid using clustered images that can make it hard for you to identify phone lines on the home screen. Simplicity is key when selecting wallpapers.
  • Ensure that your chosen wallpapers match your phone's color scheme. Opt for wallpapers that complement either the dark or light color palettes. Dark images are best suited for dark mode, while light images work well for light mode.
  • Avoid using high contrast images as wallpapers. The extreme contrast can make it challenging to see the logo and other screen elements against the background.
  • Avoid using dynamic images as wallpapers.
  • The logo displays on the phone screen only, and it doesn't display on the KEM screen. When multiple lines are configured on Cisco Desk Phone 9841, 9851, and 9861, the logo and the logo setting in the Settings menu are unavailable.
  • To use custom wallpaper on phones with Key Expansion Modules (KEM) attached, prepare both phone wallpaper and KEM wallpaper.
Table 1. The specifications for wallpaper and logo images on different call control systems
ImageSupported format (Unified CM)Supported format (Webex Calling or BroadWorks)Recommended dimensions (pixels)Description


Cisco Desk Phone 9851: 190x125

Cisco Desk Phone 9861: 380x250

Cisco Desk Phone 9871: 494x325 / 418x275

Cisco Video Phone 8875: 380x250

Images that don't match the recommended dimensions will be scaled proportionally.

You don't need to create a separate thumbnail image for the logo. The system automatically scales the logo image to fit the dimensions of the thumbnail.


Cisco Desk Phone 9851: 480x240

Cisco Desk Phone 9861: 800x480

Cisco Desk Phone 9871: 1280x720

Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Key Expansion Module: 480x800

Cisco Video Phone 8875: 1024x600

Images that don't match the recommended dimensions may be scaled to fit the phone screen, which may cause the image to become distorted.
Wallpaper thumbnail

Cisco Desk Phone 9851: 100x56

Cisco Desk Phone 9861: 150x90

Cisco Desk Phone 9871: 228x128

Cisco Video Phone 8875: 180x100

Images that don't match the recommended dimensions may cause certain issues on the phone.
Due to the storage limitation on the Cisco Desk Phone 9851, make sure that the limit size (250KB x 10) is not reached. Otherwise, certain issues might occur on the phones. See the following table for details:
Table 2. Limit size of customized wallpapers on each phone model
Phone ModelMaximum size per imageMaximum number of imagesLimit size
Cisco Desk Phone 9851250KB10250KB x 10
Cisco Desk Phone 98611MB201MB x 20
Cisco Desk Phone 98711MB201MB x 20
Cisco Video Phone 88751MB201MB x 20

Choose your desired logo and wallpaper images.


Format the images to meet the required specifications as described in the table above.


Rename the wallpaper image files in this format:

Do one of the following actions according to the call control system where the phone is deployed:

On Unified CM:

  • For phone wallpaper and KEM wallpaper images , use wallpaper-xxx.png. Replace xxx with your desired name. For example, wallpaper-blue.png, wallpaper-darkgreen.png
  • For phone wallpaper thumbnail images, use thumbnail-xxx.png. Replace xxx with your desired name. For example, thumbnail-blue.png, thumbnail-darkgreen.png
  • The system cannot utilize wallpaper files that are named using different patterns. However, for the logo file, you have the flexibility to name it as per your requirements.
  • Make sure that the phone wallpaper and KEM wallpaper have the same filename. Otherwise, the system will fail to load the KEM wallpaper and use the system default wallpaper for KEM.
  • Thumbnail images for logo and KEM wallpapers are not required.

On Webex Calling or BroadWorks:

No restrictions for the filenames. Therefore, you can rename the wallpaper image files in any format for your convenience.

Thumbnail images for logo and KEM wallpapers are not required.

The system uses the List.xml file to manage the wallpaper and logo files. In the file, you can specify the wallpapers and the logo available in the phone custom wallpaper settings. The List.xml file must be uploaded to the repository where you store the image files for a particular phone model.

Here is an example of the definitions in a general management file:

<CiscoIPPhoneImageList version="1.0">
<!-- Please Add Images to the end of the list-->

<ImageItem Name="Blue"
Theme = "dark"/>

<ImageItem Name="Purple"
Theme = "dark"/>

<ImageItem Name="logo"

Table 3. Elements in the List.xml file
Root element

Make sure you include the root element CiscoIPPhoneImageList in your XML file.

If you upload a new XML file or update the existing one, make sure to do the following actions:

  1. Increment the version number. For example, 1.1, 1.2, and so on.
  2. Restart the TFTP server.
Otherwise, the phone won't download the latest version of the XML file.

<CiscoIPPhoneImageList version="1.0">
Wallpaper item element

You can add multiple ImageItem elements. Each element contains the information for a particular wallpaper file and has the following four parameters:

  • Name=: The display name of the wallpaper in the custom wallpaper settings.

  • Image=: Specifies the TFTP path of the image file as TFTP:Desktops/DP-9871/wallpaper-xxx.png, where replace wallpaper-xxx.png with your wallpaper filename.

  • Thumbnail=: Specifies the file path of the wallpaper thumbnail file as TFTP:Desktops/DP-9871/thumbnail-xxx.png, where replace thumbnail-xxx.png with your actual thumbnail filename.

  • Theme=: Specifies the default color theme when the phone uses the default custom wallpaper that the administrator specifies. If the color mode isn't specified, it defaults to the light theme. This parameter doesn't apply when access to the custom wallpaper settings is enabled.

    Options: dark, light

<ImageItem Name="Blue"
Theme = "dark"/>
Logo item elementYour phone supports only one logo to be added. The logo item element also uses the ImageItem element but has the following two parameters.
  • Name="logo": Include Name="logo" as is in your XML file. Don't change the value. The system uses it to identify the logo file.

  • Image=: Specifies the TFTP path of the logo file as TFTP:Desktops/model-name/xxx.png.

    Replace the model-name with the name of your phoen model, such as DP-9871, DP-9851, DP-9861NR, etc. And, replace xxx.png with your actual logo filename.

<ImageItem Name="logo"

The following figure shows the Logo and Custom wallpaper setting screens:

When multiple lines are configured on Cisco Desk Phone 9841, 9851, and 9861, the logo and the logo setting in the menu are unavailable.

Before you begin

Obtain the file path on the TFTP server that you've uploaded the wallpaper and logo images to.


Create a new file with your text editor or XML editor.


Add the elements with the information of your image files included.

The file path and file names are case-sensitive. Make sure you enter them correctly.

Save the file as List.xml.

Upload the List.xml file and all your wallpaper and logo image files to the TFTP server. After you apply the custom wallpaper settings on Cisco Unified Communications Manager, your phones download the images from the server.

  • Desktops/model-name

    Upload your phone wallpaper images, logo image, and the List.xml file to the model-specific folder. Make sure the folder name matches your phone model. You can find the model name on the back of your phone. For example, DP-9851, DP-9861, DP-9861NR, DP-9871, DP-9871NR.

  • Desktops/480x800x24

    Upload your KEM wallpaper images to this folder.


On Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, select Cisco Unified OS Administration in the Navigation field and click Go.

the graphic for switching to Unified OS Administration

Select Software Updates > TFTP File Management > Upload File.


Click Choose File and select the file to upload in your local drive.


Specify the upload directory for the wallpaper image.


Click Upload File.


Repeat Step 3 through Step 5 to upload more files.

What to do next

Restart the TFTP server.

To apply the changes that you've made, restart the TFTP server.


On Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, select Cisco Unified Serviceability in the Navigation field and click Go.


Navigate to Tools > Control Center - Feature Services.


Select your server and click Go.


Select Cisco TFTP in the CM Services section.


Click Restart.

As an administrator, you can designate the wallpaper image that will be applied to the deployed phones. If you grant users access to the appearance settings on their phones, they can choose whether to display the logo and select their preferred wallpaper from the provided options. However, if you do not grant them access, the appearance settings will be hidden on the phones.

Before you begin

Before you start configuring the wallpaper settings on Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, finish the following actions first:

  • Prepare your wallpaper and logo images
  • Create a general management file (List.xml)
  • Upload the List.xml file and the image files to the TFTP server

Log in to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.


Navigate to Device > Device Settings > Common Phone Profile.


Locate and click the profile that your phones are using.


In the Common Phone Profile Information section, check the check box of Enable End User Access to Phone Background Image Setting if you want to allow users to change the phone screen background image. Otherwise, leave the check box unchecked.


Go to the Product Specific Configuration Layout section and enter the filename of the wallpaper image file in the Background Image field.

It's important to enter the exact filename that you specified in the List.xml file. If you enter a wrong filename, the system will fail to load the wallpaper.

Click Save and then Apply Config.


Restart the phones.

In addition to uploading a prepared XML file to a TFTP server, you can also directly send an XML request to the phone to customize the wallpaper of the phone and KEM screens.


Log in to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.


Do one of the following actions as needed:

  • To configure all deployed phones, go to System > Enterprise Phone Configuration.
  • To configure phones sharing the same phone profile, go to Device > Device Settings > Common Phone Profile.
  • To configure an individual phone, go to Device > Phone. Then find your phone and open the Phone Configuration page.

Set Phone Personalization to Enabled.


Associate the phone to the user.

  1. Select User Management > User.

  2. Find and locate the user that you want to configure.

  3. In the Device Information section, click Device Associate.

  4. Find and select the device, and then click Save Selected/Changes.


Prepare an HTML file that contains the XML information specified for customized wallpaper.

Here's an example of the HTML file:

<FORM action="<Phone_IP_Address>" Method="POST">
<TEXTAREA NAME="XML" Rows="8" Cols="100">
<background name="<Name>" theme="<light/dark>">
<input type="submit" value="POST to bumblebee"/> <P>

FORM IP address of the phone
<FORM action="" Method="POST">
setBackgroundMake sure you include the root element in the HTML file.
backgroundThe value of the attribute "name" will be displayed on the phone.

"theme" defines the default theme of the wallpaper.

<background name="Sunset" theme="light">
imageFile path of the wallpaper image.

The PNG format is only supported.

thumbnailFile path of the wallpaper thumbnail image.
kemFile path of the wallpaper image for the phone Key Expansion Module (KEM). It's an optional element.


Save and file to your local disk, and open it with a web browser, and then click the button.

The wallpaper will be pushed to the phone. When the configuration is complete, the users can view and set the wallpaper as usual on the phone screen.

(Optional) To remove the custom wallpaper from the phone, do the following:

  1. Make sure that the <image> element is empty, other elements can remain the same. For example:

  2. Save the file, open it with a browser, and then click the button.

    The previously downloaded wallpaper will be removed from the phone. The default wallpaper setting will be applied to the phone.

Action button

The Action button is the red button located at the top-right of the phone. It allows users to quickly access designated services, such as emergency or custom services. You can associate the button with up to three services, each with its own trigger.

Associate the Action button with services

When you associate the Action button with a service, the phone users can access the service by the designated trigger, such as a single press, long press, or triple presses on the button. You can add up to three actions and assign each with its own trigger. For example, a long press on the Action button places a call to the designated emergency agent; a single short press on the button post a notification to the phones within the corporation.


Log in to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.


Do one of the following actions as needed:

  • To configure all deployed phones, go to System > Enterprise Phone Configuration.
  • To configure phones sharing the same phone profile, go to Device > Device Settings > Common Phone Profile.
  • To configure an individual phone, go to Device > Phone. Then find your phone and open the Phone Configuration page.

The configuration follows a hierarchical structure:

  • Individual device settings take precedence over settings in the common phone profile and enterprise level
  • Common phone profile settings override enterprise-level settings


Customize the Action button settings with the following parameters.

There are three groups of parameters for the Action button, each corresponding to a service with a unique trigger. If a service trigger is specified in multiple groups, the settings in Group 1 take priority over those in Group 2 and 3, while Group 2 takes priority over Group 3.

Table 4. Parameters for the Action button
ParameterDefault and optionsDescription
Action Button Function 1~3

Default: Off

Options: Off, Emergency Call, Custom

Select the service that phone users can access via the service trigger.

  • Off: When set to Off, the action trigger will not function.
  • Emergency Call: Users can place a call to the designated emergency number via the action trigger.
  • Custom: Users can access the designated service via the action trigger.

    When you set the field to Emergency Call, make sure that you enter the phone number or URI of the emergency service in the Action Button Service Destination field. When set to Custom, make sure that you enter the URL of the service in Action Button Service Destination. If needed, you can enter the customized HTTP data such as method, header, and post content in Custom Content Field.

Action Button Service Name 1~3

Default: Empty

Optionally specify a name for the service associated with the Action button. This name will be displayed in the on-screen message when the user presses the button, indicating which service will be triggered.

If you don't specify a name, the default name will be Emergency call, Silent emergency call, or Custom action based on your selection in the Action Button Function field.

Action Button Service Destination 1~3

Default: Empty

Provide the phone number or the URI for emergency call, or the URL for the custom service.

If you enable the Action button without setting a valid service destination, the user on the phone will see a message prompting for configuration. After the user closes this notification, the warning icon will persist in the header of the phone screen until the button is properly configured or disabled.

If you enter a service URL, the URL must start with http:// or https://. For example,

Phone numbers cannot be used as destinations for Custom services. If you configure the Action Button as Custom and enter a phone number as the service destination, an alert message will display on the phone indicating that the button is unconfigured.

If you are not allowed to input a URL including ampersand (&), use %26 as a replacement. For example, enter instead of
Custom Content Field 1~3

Default: Empty

This setting works only when the Action Button Function is set to Custom.

Enter the HTTP data such as method, header, and post content, with a maximum length of 1024 characters.

If the service requires authentication to access, make sure to enter the authentication secret in the Service Secret field. In the HTTP data, use the macro $SS as a reference to Service Secret.

For examples and the syntax, see HTTP Post request for the Action button.

Service Secret 1~3

Default: Empty

A service secret can be an authentication secret, token or password. The entered secret is displayed as a masked string and can be referenced using the macro $SS in Custom Content Field and Action Button Service Destination.

Service Trigger 1~3

Default: Single Press

Options: Single Press, Long Press, Press 3 times

Choose how users can place an emergency call or initiate a custom service using the phone's Action button.

Single Press: Press the Action button to trigger the associated call or service.

Long Press: Press the Action button down for at least 2 seconds to trigger the associated call or service.

Press 3 times: Press the Action button three times with intervals of less than 2 seconds between each press to trigger the associated call or service.

Don't repeat a trigger across multiple services, as the parameters with lower priority will not function. The priority order, from highest to lowest, is as follows: Group 1, Group 2, Group 3.

Dial Out Delay 1~3

Default: 5

Options: 0 - 30

Set the timeout period, in seconds, for the phone to initiate an emergency call or a custom action after the Action button is pressed.

Set it to 0 if you prefer the phone to place the call or initiate an action immediately upon detecting the trigger, as specified by a single press, long press, or triple presses on the button.

Silent Emergency Call 1~3

Default: Disabled

Options: Enabled, Disabled

This setting works only when the Action Button Function is set to Emergency Call.

Silent emergency call is designed for discreet assistance in dangerous situations. It enables users to seek help without making any noise.

  • When enabled, users are able to place one-way calls with the Action button.

    After the silent emergency call is placed, only the other party can end the call. To avoid drawing attention during the ongoing call, the screen on phone 9841 will freeze, while the screen on phone 9851, 9861, and 9871 will be turned off.

  • When disabled, the emergency call functions as a two-way call, similar to other outgoing calls.


Select Save.


Select Apply Config.

HTTP Post request for the Action button

The Action button on Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series can be configured to trigger XML applications through HTTP Post requests.

In Custom Content Field, enter the request script. You can specify either XML or JSON content type and include macros in the request. For example, $SScan be added to the script to retrieve the authentication secret, token, or password provided in the Service Secret field.

The following examples are in XML and JSON:

Sample #1: XML
--method POST
--header 'Content-Type: application/xml'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer username:$SS'
--body '<MetaData><Trigger>True</Trigger><Description>This is for HTTP POST XML</Description></MetaData>' 

Sample #2: JSON
--method POST
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: $SS'
--body '{"events":[{"evtid":"12345", "parameters": {"trigger":true}, "Description":"This is for HTTP POST JSON"}]}' 

The following example is for an HTTP Post request.

--method POST
--header 'Content-Type: application/xml'
--body '<MetaData><Trigger>True</Trigger><Description>This is for HTTP POST XML</Description></MetaData>'
Table 5. Supported macros
Macro nameMacro expansion
#DEVICENAME#The device name displayed in the calling system; for example, SEP845A3EC21288
$MAMAC address using lowercase hex digits (000e08aabbcc).
$MCASTADDRAddress of multicast paging application.



Product Name; for example, DP-9851, DP-9871.
$SNSerial Number string; for example, FVH28022D0T.
$SSService secret required to access an XML application.

Configure your phone for power saving (Office Hours)

Three power-saving options are available on the phone to reduce power consumption during periods of inactivity.

Display-Off Mode

In Display-Off Mode, the phone turns off the screen to save power outside of the designated working hours. When the Office Hours feature is enabled, the phone goes into Display-Off Mode after working hours. You can light up the display by pressing any key on the phone. The display remains on until the phone has been in idle for a designated length of time, then it turns off automatically.

Deep Sleep Mode

In Deep Sleep Mode, the phone automatically powers down during the designated periods. You can choose to enable Deep Sleep Mode exclusively for non-workdays, or for both non-workdays and non-working hours on workdays. To wake up the phone, press the Select button on the Navigation Cluster.

When the phone is in Deep Sleep Mode, the Action button on the top-right of the device isn't accessible.

By default, the Office Hours feature is enabled on your phone. The default office hours are set to 7:00 to 19:00 from Monday to Friday. The phone turns off the screen outside of the designated hours. You can customize working hours, workdays, and the power-saving mode outside of office hours.


Log in to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.


Do one of the following actions as needed:

  • To configure all deployed phones, go to System > Enterprise Phone Configuration.
  • To configure phones sharing the same phone profile, go to Device > Device Settings > Common Phone Profile.
  • To configure an individual phone, go to Device > Phone. Then find your phone and open the Phone Configuration page.

Customize the office hours settings with the following parameters.

Table 6. Parameters for Office Hours
ParameterDefault and optionsDescription
Enable Office Hours

Default: Enabled

Options: Enabled, Disabled

Check this option to enable the Office Hours feature for Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series. The Office Hours feature is designed to minimize power usage during inactivity periods on the phone.

You can configure the phone to automatically turn off the screen (Display-Off Mode) or power off (Deep Sleep Mode) outside of the designated working periods.

Work Days

Default: Monday through Friday

Customize the workdays by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting the desired days.

During non-workdays, the phone will automatically turn off the screen. By default, workdays are set from Monday to Friday.

This setting also applies to Deep Sleep Mode, if enabled. If you choose to enable Deep Sleep Mode exclusively for non-workdays, the phone will power off during those days. If you enable Deep Sleep Mode for all days, the phone will power off during both non-workdays and non-working hours on workdays.

Set working hours for workdays using the Working Hour Start and Working Hour End fields.

Working Hours Start

Default: 07:00

Set the start time for working hours using the 24-hour format. Outside of the specified working hours, the phone will automatically turn off the screen, or enter Deep Sleep Mode only when Deep Sleep is set to Enabled for All Days.

Examples: 09:00 for 09:00 am; 17:30 for 05:30 pm

Working Hours End

Default: 19:00

Set the end time for working hours using the 24-hour format. Outside of the specified working hours, the phone will automatically turn off the screen, or enter Deep Sleep Mode only when Deep Sleep is set to Enabled for All Days.

Examples: 09:00 for 09:00 am; 17:30 for 05:30 pm

Ensure that the interval between the start and end time longer than 60 minutes.
Display Off Idle Timeout

Default: 5

Options: 1-60

Set the timeout period in minutes for the phone to automatically turn off the screen after being awakened during Display-Off Mode.
LED Indicator In Display Off Mode

Default: Enabled

Options: Enabled, Disabled

This field is available in the Outside Office Hours Display Off section.

This setting determines whether to turn off the Front Arc LED when the phone enters Display Off Mode. When set to enabled, the Front Arc LED is off during non-working hours. When set to disabled, the Front Arc LED remains illuminated after the phone enters Display Off Mode.


To enable and customize the Deep Sleep Mode for your device, configure the following parameters.

Table 7. Parameters for Deep Sleep Mode
ParameterDefault and optionsDescription
Deep Sleep

Default: Disabled

Options: Disabled, Enabled for Non-Workdays Only, Enabled for All Days

Enable or disable Deep Sleep Mode on the phone.

This feature automatically powers off the phone during specified time periods.

This option works only when the Enabled Office Hour option is checked. When disabled, the phone will not enter Deep Sleep Mode. If set to Enabled for Non-Workdays Only, the phone will power off exclusively on non-workdays. For the specified workdays, the phone will turn off the screen outside of the specified working hours. If set to Enabled for All Days, the phone will power off during both non-workdays and non-working hours on workdays.

Set working hours for workdays using the Working Hours Start and Working Hours End fields.

Enter Deep Sleep After Working Hour End

Default: 60

Options: 0 - 360

Set the timeout period, in minutes, for the phone to automatically power off after the time specified in the Working Hours End field. If you want the phone to enter Deep Sleep Mode immediately after working hours, set it to 0.
Wakeup From Deep Sleep Before Working Hour Start

Default: 60

Options: 0 - 360

Set the timeout period for the phone to wake up from Deep Sleep Mode before the time specified in the Working Hours Start field. If you want the phone to wake up until working hours start, set it to 0.
Deep Sleep Idle Timeout

Default: 5

Options: 0 - 60

This setting applies to the following two scenarios:

  • Before the phone enters a scheduled Deep Sleep Mode

    Ten minutes before the scheduled deep sleep, a message pops up to notify the user that the phone will power off in ten minutes, and a countdown starts. When it times out, the phone powers off.

    During the countdown period, if there is any activity such as an incoming call, firmware upgrade, or provisioning resync, the countdown will restart. For example, if you have set this field to 20, the countdown will restart in 20 minutes after the activities are completed.

  • After being manually awakened from Deep Sleep Mode

    For example, if you have set this field to 20, after being idle for 20 minutes, a message pops up to notify the user that the phone will power off in ten minutes, and a countdown starts. When it times out, the phone powers off.

    During the countdown period, if there is any activity such as an incoming call, firmware upgrade, or provisioning resync, the countdown will restart in 20 minutes after the activities are completed.

If a user interacts with the phone during the countdown period, such as answering or declining calls or pressing keys, the phone will not enter Deep Sleep Mode for the rest of the day.

Enable Deep Sleep Audible Alert

Default: Unchecked

Enable or disable the phone to play audio tone to alert the user before it enters Deep Sleep Mode.


Select Save.


Select Apply Config.

Enable ThousandEyes

ThousandEyes enables you to monitor and troubleshoot your devices and network. Endpoint Agent has been integrated into the phone firmware. But you need to enable ThousandEyes on your phones to get the agent registered to the ThousandEyes platform.

ThousandEyes Agent integration for phones supports the following models:

Table 8. Supported phone models
Phone modelFirmware version
Cisco Desk Phone 98613.2.1 and later
Cisco Desk Phone 98713.2.1 and later

Supported features

On ThousandEyes portal, you can view the following information related to phones:

  • Scheduled tests
  • Dynamic tests for meetings on Webex, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom via Office 365 calendar
  • Dynamic tests for SIP calls
  • Local networks

The Webex, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom meetings that you join through the phone are using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). When setting up tests for your phones on the ThousandEyes application, make sure that you use the Webex template, instead of other meeting app templates.


  • Phone Wi-Fi statistics aren't available on the ThousandEyes portal.
  • The Run Once option for instant tests isn't supported in PhoneOS 3.2.1.
  • Real user tests are not supported for phones.

Before you begin


Log in to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.


Do one of the following actions as needed:

  • To enable ThousandEyes Agent for all deployed phones, go to System > Enterprise Phone Configuration.
  • To enable ThousandEyes Agent for phones sharing the same phone profile, go to Device > Device Settings > Common Phone Profile.
  • To enable ThousandEyes Agent for an individual phone, go to Device > Phone. Then find your phone and open the Phone Configuration page.

Set ThousandEyes Enable to True.


Copy the connection string from the ThousandEyes application and paste it into the Connection String field.


Select Save.


Select Apply Config.

Control the settings menu access

The Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series includes the following configuration menus:

  • Recents: Shows the recent calls list where the user can view, edit, or delete the call history.
  • About this device: Shows basic information about the phone device.
  • Issues and diagnostics: Displays whether the phone has any issue. Provides the statistics information of the phone. Provides the menu for the users to submit problem reports.
  • User preferences: Provides settings for the audio, Bluetooth, and screen:
    • Audio: Specifies a different ringtone to a specific line, adjusts audio volume, and configures the noise removal feature.
    • Bluetooth: Enables or disables the Bluetooth connectivity.
    • Screen: Adjusts the phone's default brightness. Customize the appearance, including logo, wall paper, and color theme if available.
  • Network and service:
    • Network settings: Provides options for viewing and configuring network settings such as Wi-Fi and Ethernet.
    • Network status: Provides an overview of the network connectivity.
    • Security setup: Provides options for viewing and configuring security settings such as security mode and Locally Significant Certificate (LSC) update.
  • Restart and reset:
    • Restart: Restarts the phone.
    • Reset security certificate: Resets security certificate to factory defaults.
    • Factory reset: Restores the phone to factory settings. All data will be erased and the user must reactivate the phone after the factory reset.

You can control whether a phone has full or partial access to the Settings menu by using the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Phone Configuration.


In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, select Device > Phone.


Locate the phone that you will set up.


Navigate to the Product Specific Configuration area and set the Settings Access field.

  • Enabled: Allows access to the Settings menu.
  • Disabled: Prevents access to the Settings menu. In this case, the user can't find any menus on the Settings menu.
  • Restricted: Allows access only to the Recents and User preferences menus. This option prevents access to other options on the Settings menu.

Select Save.


Select Apply Config.


Restart the phone.

Set up date and time group

You can select a predefined date and time group for a device pool in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. If your desired group is not in the list, you can create a new group or modify an existing one.


In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, select System > Device Pool.


Locate the device pool that you need to set up.


Navigate to the Roaming Sensitive Settings area and select a group from the Date/Time Group field.


Select Save.


(Optional) If you want to create or modify a Date/Time group, do the following:

  1. Select System > Date/Time Group.

  2. Navigate to the Date/Time Group Information area, set the following parameters:

    • Group Name: Enter a unique for the Date/Time group.
    • Time Zone: Select a proper time zone for the Date/Time group.
    • Time Format: Select a time format that the phone displays.
    For the parameters "Separator" and "Date Format", the settings of them don't take effect.
  3. Select Save.

Set up Do Not Disturb

When Do Not Disturb (DND) is turned on, either no audible rings occur during the ringing-in state of a call, or no audible or visual notifications of any type occur.

You can configure the phone with a softkey template with DND as one of the selected features.

For more information, see the " Configure Software-Based Endpoints" chapter in System Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release 11.5(1) or later.


Sign into Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration as an administrator.


Select Device > Phone.


Locate the phone that you will set up.


Navigate to the Do Not Disturb pane, set the following parameters:

  • Do Not Disturb: This check box allows you to enable or disable DND on the phone.
  • DND Option: Ring Off, Call Reject, or Use Common Phone Profile Setting.

    Do not choose Call Reject if you want priority (MLPP) calls to ring this phone when DND is turned on.

  • DND Incoming Call Alert: Choose the type of alert (Disable, Flash Only or Beep Only) to play on a phone for incoming calls when DND is active.

For the parameters DND Option and DND Incoming Call Alert, both can be found in the Common Phone Profile window (Device > Device Settings > Common Phone Profile) and the Phone Configuration window (Device > Phone). The setting in the Phone Configuration window takes precedence.


Click Save.

Set up forward all

You can set up the phone to redirect incoming calls to another phone number or to your voicemail by using the Cisco Unified Administration Manager.


Sign into Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.


Select Device > Phone.


Locate the phone that you will set up.


Select the target line from the Association pane.


Navigate to the Call Forward and Call Pickup Settings pane, enter a forwarded-to destination number in the field Forward All.


Click Save.

Set up call forward notification

You can control the call forward settings by using the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The Call Forward Notification feature allows you to configure the information that the user sees when receiving a forwarded call.


Sign into Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.


Select Device > Phone.


Locate the phone that you will set up.


Select the target line from the Association pane.


Navigate to the Forwarded Call Information Display on Device pane, set the following parameters:

Caller Name

When this check box is checked, the caller name displays in the notification window.

By default, this check box is checked.

Caller Number

When this check box is checked, the caller number displays in the notification window.

By default, this check box is not checked.

Redirected Number

When this check box is checked, the information about the caller who last forwarded the call displays in the notification window.

Example: If Caller A calls B, but B has forwarded all calls to C and C has forwarded all calls to D, the notification box that D sees contains the phone information for caller C.

By default, this check box is not checked.

Dialed Number

When this check box is checked, the information about the original recipient of the call displays in the notification window.

Example: If Caller A calls B, but B has forwarded all calls to C and C has forwarded all calls to D, then the notification box that D sees contains the phone information for caller B.

By default, this check box is checked.


Select Save.

Add speed-dial numbers

You can set up a phone to add speed-dial numbers from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. So the user can call the people by using the numbers directly.


In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, select Device > Phone.


Locate the phone that you will set up.


In the Phone Configuration window, select Add a new SD.


Enter valid speed-dial numbers in the Number fields.


Enter the related texts in the Label fields.

These texts will display on the phone screen.

Click Save.

Configure park monitoring

Park monitoring is supported only when a phone parks a call. Park monitoring then monitors the status of a parked call. The park monitoring call alert does not clear until the parked call gets retrieved or is abandoned by the parked call. This parked call can be retrieved by using the same call alert on the phone that parked the call.

For more information about how to configure park monitoring in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, see Feature Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release 12.5(1) or later.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration provides three cluster-wide service timer parameters for park monitoring: Park Monitoring Reversion Timer, Park Monitoring Periodic Reversion Timer, and Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Timer. Each service parameter includes a default and requires no special configuration. These timer parameters are for park monitoring only; the Call Park Display Timer and Call Park Reversion Timer are not used for park monitoring. See the following table for descriptions of these parameters.

Configure the timers in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Service Parameters page.


In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose System > Service Parameters.


Select a server for the phone and the service Cisco CallManager (Active).


In the Clusterwide Parameters (Feature - General) section, set the fields as described in the following table.

Table 9. Service parameters for park monitoring
Park Monitoring Reversion Timer

This parameter determines the number of seconds that Cisco Unified Communications Manager waits before prompting the user to retrieve a call that the user parked. This timer starts when the user parks an active call on the phone, and a reminder is issued when the timer expires.

Default is 60 seconds.

You can override the value that this service parameter specifies on a per-line basis in the Park Monitoring section of the Directory Number Configuration window (in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose Call Routing > Directory Number). Specify a value of 0 to immediately utilize the periodic reversion interval that the Park Monitoring Periodic Reversion Timer service parameter specifies. (See the description that follows.) For example, if this parameter is set to zero and the Park Monitoring Periodic Reversion Timer is set to 15, the user is immediately prompted about the parked call and every 15 seconds thereafter until the Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Timer (see the description that follows) expires.

Park Monitoring Periodic Reversion Timer

This parameter determines the interval (in seconds) that Cisco Unified Communications Manager waits before prompting the user again that a call is parked. To connect to the parked call, the user can simply go off-hook during one of these prompts. Cisco Unified Communications Manager continues to prompt the user about the parked call as long as the call remains parked and until the time that the Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Timer (see the description that follows) specifies expires. Specify a value of 0 to disable periodic prompts about the parked call.

Default is 30 seconds.

Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Timer

This parameter determines the number of seconds that park reminder notifications occur before the parked call forwards to the Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve destination that is specified in the parker's Directory Number Configuration window. (If no forward destination is provided in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, the call returns to the line that parked the call.) This timer starts when the time that the call is parked. When Park Monitoring Reversion Timer and Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Timer expire, the call is removed from park and forwards to the specified destination or returns to the parker line.

Default is 300 seconds.

The Directory Number Configuration window contains a Park Monitoring area where you can configure the three parameters.


In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose Call Routing > Directory Number.


Click Find and select the directory number on which you want to configure the park monitoring.


In the Park Monitoring section, set the fields as described in the following table.

Table 10. Park monitoring parameters
Field Description

Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Destination External

When the parkee is an external party, the call forwards to the specified destination in the parker's Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Destination External parameter. If the field is empty, the parkee is redirected to the parker line.

Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Destination Internal

When the parkee is an internal party, the call forwards to the specified destination in the parker’s Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Destination Internal parameter. If the field is empty, the parkee is redirected to the parker line.

Park Monitoring Reversion Timer

This parameter determines the number of seconds that Cisco Unified Communications Manager waits before prompting the user to retrieve a call that the user parked. This timer starts when the user parks a call on the phone, and a reminder is issued when the timer expires.

Default: 60 seconds

If you configure a nonzero value, this value overrides the value of this parameter set in the Service Parameters window. However, if you configure a value of 0 here, then the value in the Service Parameters window is used.

When a call that was routed via the hunt list is parked, the Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Destination parameter value is used (unless it is empty) when the Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Timer expires.


In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Hunt Pilot.


Click Find and select the hunt pilot on which you want to configure the park monitoring.


Set the Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Destination parameter.

If the field is empty, the call forwards to the destination that is configured in the Directory Number Configuration window when the Park Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Timer expires.

Set up hold reversion

When the user places an active call on hold and the configured time limit expires, the Cisco Unified Communications Manager generates an alert on the phone, such as ring or beep, to remind the user to handle the call. The held call becomes a reverted call when the hold duration exceeds the configured time limit. For more information about the Hold Reversion feature, see Features and Services Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Set up password protection for the settings menu

You can secure the phone settings menu with the password protection. Once enabled, the users are required to provide the correct password to access the settings menu.


Sign into Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration as an administrator.


Select Device > Device Settings > Common Phone Profile


Locate the profile that you want to set up.


Navigate to the Common Phone Profile Information pane and set up a password in the Local Phone Unlock Password field.


Click Save.


Click Apply Config.


Restart the phones.

Record call log from shared line

You can determine whether to record a shared line call in the call history. When enabled, users can recognize the shared call in the call history by the keyword "remote".


In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, select Device > Phone.


Locate the phone that you will set up.


In the Product Specific Configuration Layout section, configure the field Record Call Log from Shared Line to enable or disable the feature.

Default value: Disabled

Click Save.

Enable LED indication for missed calls

By default, the Top 360 LED is disabled for missed calls. You can enable the LED indication if you want to receive the missed call alerting more explicitly. Typically, you can find the missed call on the phone screen.

This topic is only available for Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series.

Before you begin


Log in to Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.


Do one of the following actions as needed:

  • To configure all deployed phones, go to System > Enterprise Phone Configuration.
  • To configure phones sharing the same phone profile, go to Device > Device Settings > Common Phone Profile.
  • To configure an individual phone, go to Device > Phone. Then find your phone and open the Phone Configuration page.

Set Missed Call Led Alert to Enabled.

Default: Disabled.

Select Save.


Select Apply Config.

Enable voicemail LED indicators for other lines

By default, the Top 360 LED lights up only on the primary line when the phone has new voicemails. You can also enable the LED indicator for other lines (non-primary lines) on the phone.


In Unified Communications Manager Administration, select Device > Phone.


Locate the phone that you will set up.


In the left Association area, click Add a New DN to create a new directory number or click an existing directory number to modify it.

The Directory Number Configuration window displays.

In the Line <n> on Device section, set the Visual Message Waiting Indicator Policy to Light and Prompt.


Configure the remaining fields in the Directory Number Configuration window.


Click Save.

The setting takes effect on the configured line.

(Optional) If you want to apply the settings on the corporate level, do the following:

  1. Select System > Service Parameters.

  2. Select a node from the Server drop-down list.

  3. Select Cisco CallManager from the Service drop-down list.

  4. In the Clusterwide Parameters (Feature - General) section, set Message Waiting Lamp Policy to Light and Prompt.

  5. Click Save.

Configure the phone to make emergency calls

You can configure the E911 location service on the phone to have an active location URI for emergency calls. The location of the phone can contain the street address, building number, floor number, room number, and other office location information. When you dial an emergency number, the emergency responder receives the phone location and a call-back number. If an emergency call disconnects, the emergency service uses the call-back number to reconnect to the caller.

For more information about the RedSky solution of the emergency calling feature, see Emergency Call Handling with RedSky.

Before you begin

Obtain an E911 location URL and a company ID for the phone from your emergency calling service provider (for example, Redsky admin).


Sign into On Cisco Communication Manager Administration as an administrator.


Configure a service profile:

  1. Select User Management > User Settings > Service Profile.

  2. Create a new service profile with a unique name. For example, "Emergency Calling Profile".

  3. Configure the fields in the Emergency Calling Profile section.

    The Organization ID, Secret, and Location Url are provided by your emergency calling service provider.

    For Emergency Numbers, enter the emergency service numbers, separated by commas. For example, 911,933.

  4. Click Save.


Associate an end user with the service profile (configured in Step 2):

  1. Select User Management > End User.

  2. Create a new user or modify an existing user.

  3. In the Service Settings section, select the service profile that you created from the UC Service Profile drop-down list.

  4. Click Save.


Create or modify an SIP dial rule for the emergency number:

  1. Select Call Routing > Dial Rules > SIP Dial Rules.

  2. Create a new SIP dial rule or modify an existing one.

    If you choose to create a new SIP dial rule, select 7940_7960_OTHER from the Dial Pattern drop-down list.

  3. Enter a name and relevant descriptions for the SIP dial rule.

  4. In the Pattern Information section, add patterns of the emergency number (such as, "911" and "933").

  5. Click Save.


Associate a phone with the user (configured in Step 3) and the SIP dial rule (Configured in Step 4):

  1. Select Device > Phone to find an existing phone.

  2. In the Device Information section, select User for the Owner field, and then select the user from the Owner User ID drop-down list.

  3. In the Protocol Specific Information section, select the SIP dial rule from the SIP Dial Rules drop-down list.

  4. Click Save.


Add the SIP Trunk to a RedSky server:

  1. Select Device > Trunk.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. Select SIP Trunk from the Truck Type drop-down list.

  4. Select SIP from the Protocol Type drop-down list, and click Next.

  5. In the SIP Information section, enter an IPv4 address of the RedSky server, fully qualified domain name, or DNS SRV record for the server or endpoint that you want to connect to the SIP trunk in the Destination Address field.

  6. Assign a security profile from the SIP Trunk Security Profile drop-down list.

    If you don't configure this field, a nonsecure profile will be assigned.
  7. Select a Ping option enabled RedSky SIP profile from the SIP Profile drop-down list.

  8. Click Save.


Configure route pattern to route E911 calls:

  1. Select Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Route pattern.

  2. Click Add New to create a new route pattern for the E911 calls.

  3. Select E911 from the Route Pattern drop-down list.

  4. Select the SIP Trunk (created in Step 6) from the Gateway/Route List drop-down list.

  5. ClickSave.


Upload certificates of RedSky server to CUCM:

  1. Download the certificate file (.pem) from the Location Url (configured in Step 2).

    You can enter a Browser to access the address.
  2. Sign into Cisco Unified OS Administration.

  3. Select Security > Certificate Management.

  4. Click Upload Certificate.

  5. Select Phone Trust from the Certificate Purpose drop-down list.

  6. Click Browse to choose the file that you want to upload.

  7. Click Upload File.

Configure help desk

You can enable the help desk feature and configure quick numbers for the phone users.


In the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, select one of the following windows:

  • Select Device > Phone.
  • Select Device > Device Settings > Common Phone Profile.
  • Select System > Enterprise Phone Configuration.

Navigate to the Product Specific Configuration Layout area and set the following fields:

  • Help Desk: Enable or disable the help desk feature. By default, the feature is disabled. When enabled, the user can press the Favorite button to access help desk screen where lists the quick numbers configured by you.
  • Help Desk Customize Name: Customize the display name of the feature on the phone screen. If it's empty, the default name "Help Desk" is used.
  • Name <n>: Determine the display name of the related quick number, where <n> represents the sequence number of the quick number. If it's empty, it will display the related quick number on the phone.
  • Quick Number <n>: Specify a phone number or URI for the quick number, where <n> represents the sequence number of the quick number.

Click Save.

Configure Cisco IPMA

The Unified Communications Manager Assistant feature is a plug-in that an assistant can use to handle calls on behalf of a manager, intercept manager calls, and route them appropriately.

Manager Assistant supports up to 3500 managers and 3500 assistants. To accommodate this number of users, you can configure up to three Manager Assistant applications in one Unified Communications Manager cluster and assign managers and assistants to each instance of the application.

Manager Assistant supports shared line support and proxy line support.

For information about administration configuration for IPMA, see Manager Assistant in Feature Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager