Connect Cisco Headset 300 Series, 500 Series, or 700 Series to Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series or Cisco Desk Phone 8875 with a USB cable. Depending on the headset models, the following scenarios may occur.

  • Cisco Headset 520 and 530:

    When headset firmware upgrade is available, the phone starts the upgrade process immediately and displays an on-screen upgrade toast. This process may complete in 5 to 10 seconds. Upon completion, the toast disappears and the headset reboots automatically.

  • Cisco Headset 300 Series, 560, and 700 Series:

    When headset firmware upgrade is available, the phone displays an on-screen upgrade alert.

    • Press Postpone and the phone will display the upgrade alert again two hours later.
    • Press Upgrade to start the upgrade process immediately. This process may complete in 4 to 16 minutes.
    • If you don't take any action, the headset starts the upgrade process once the 30 seconds countdown is over.

    During the upgrade process, the phone displays an animated headset icon Headset firmware upgrade icon on the top-right corner of the screen.

Configure firmware upgrade on the phone administration page

To upgrade the headset firmware on Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series or Cisco Desk Phone 8875 that is registered to Cisco BroadWorks or Webex Calling, you need to set up the Cisco Headset upgrade rules on the the phone administration page. After configuration, end users can follow the on-screen instructions of the phone to upgrade the firmware of Cisco Headset 300 Series, 500 Series, and 700 Series.


Download the latest headset firmware package.

  1. Access

  2. Select the latest release in the Latest Release list.

  3. (Optional) Place your mouse pointer on the file name to see the file details and checksum values.

  4. Download the headset firmware package. For example,

    This package consists of a configuration file (ciscoheadsetfirmware.xml) along with all the firmware versions of different headset or accessories models.

  5. Unzip the file and place the files in the appropriate directory on your server.

    The appropriate location is the TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS download folder, depending on the protocol that you want to use for the upgrade.


Access the phone administration web page.


Select Voice > Provisioning.


Under the Cisco Headset Firmware Upgrade section, enter the configuration file name in the Cisco Headset Upgrade Rule parameter.


<upgrade protocol>://<upgrade server ip address>[:<port>]>/<path>/<file name>.xml


Click Submit All Changes.

Configure firmware upgrade on Unified CM

To upgrade the headset firmware on Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Series or Cisco Desk Phone 8875 that is registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM), you need to set up the Cisco Headset Serviceability feature on Unified CM. After configuration, end users can follow the on-screen instructions of the phone to upgrade the firmware of Cisco Headset 300 Series, 500 Series, and 700 Series.

This Help article provides basic guidelines for the Cisco Headset Serviceability feature configuration only. For detailed instructions about how to configure user profiles for headset users, apply user profiles to end users, and manage headset and accessories templates, see the Headset and Accessories Management chapter in Feature Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release 15 and SUs.


Download the latest headset firmware COP file.

  1. Access

  2. Select the latest release in the Latest Release list.

  3. (Optional) Place your mouse pointer on the file name to see the file details and checksum values.

  4. Download the headset firmware COP file to appropriate directory on your server. For example, cmterm-headset.3-3-0001-1.k4.cop.sha512.

    This file contains all the firmware versions of different headset or accessories models along with their configuration data.


Log in to Communications Manager Administration.


On Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, select Cisco Unified Operating System Administration in the Navigation field and click Go.


Navigate to Software upgrades > Install/Upgrade and install the COP file on Unified CM.


Select Cisco Unified Serviceability in the Navigation field and click Go.


Navigate to Tools > Control Center - Feature Services and restart the TFTP server.


Select Cisco Unified CM Administration in the Navigation field and click Go.


Navigate to Device > Headset and Accessories > Headset and Accessories Template. You can see the firmware settings in the Standard Default Headset Configuration Template.

Alternatively, if you hope to use a custom headset configuration template per your deployment needs, you need to configure user profiles for headset users, apply user profiles to end users, associate phone device to end users, add new headset template configuration and assign user profile.