Create working hours

You can configure working hours to define one or more shifts. A shift is a duration which you must identify for the operation of a specific contact center. Use a shift to define regular work hours, peak hours, off-peak hours based on your business requirements.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Navigate to Services > Contact Center .


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Customer Experience > Business Hours.


In the Working Hours section, click Create new working hours.


In General settings, enter a name and description of the working hours.


Choose time zone details from the drop-down list.


In Define working hours, select Add shift. You can add shifts for every day of the week or for specific days. You can create single or multiple shifts within a day.


In the Add shift pop-up window, provide an appropriate name for the shift based on your business requirement.


All days of the week are selected by default. If there is a need to define working hours for specific days, you check the check box against the days that you want to apply the working hours.

  • You can't create shifts with overlapping time range. In such cases, an error notification informs that you must adjust the date and time.

  • You can create multiple shifts for a single day without the overlap of time duration.


Choose the start and end time. You can apply only one time range when you select multiple days in a shift.


Click Save. The shift details are visible in the Define working hours section.

  • To edit a shift, click the name of the shift. The Add Shift pop-up window opens. Edit the details and click Save.

  • To delete a shift, click the name of the shift. The Add Shift pop-up window opens. Click Delete Shift.


In Additional settings, choose a holiday list from the drop-down list, if it is available. This is optional to select and is available only if a holiday list is created based on business needs. For creating holiday lists, see Create holiday lists.


Choose an override from the drop-down list. The override that you create is available here for specific timezones. Only overrides matching the timezone of the working hours are applicable. For creating overrides, see Create overrides.


Click Create. The new working hours are available on the Working hours page.

What to do next

  • After creating working hours and adding shifts, you can create and apply holiday lists to working hours. For more information, see Create holiday lists.

  • You can create and apply overrides to working hours. For more information, see Create overrides.

  • For managing shifts, see Manage Business Hours.

  • During non-business (off) hours, you can configure the business hours activity to play an appropriate message to convey customers about the next agent availability.

Create holiday lists

You can define holiday lists for your organization and associate it to working hours. Use holidays to define the non working days based on your business requirements. When you associate a holiday list to a working hours schedule, the holiday list is applied for that specified schedule.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Navigate to Services > Contact Center .


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Customer Experience > Business Hours.


In Holiday Lists section, click Create new holidays.


In General settings, enter a name and description of the holiday list.


In Holiday lists, click Add More to add a row. You can enter details for the row.


Provide a name for the holiday.


Select the start and end date range for the duration. Holiday applies for an entire day. Time range of start and end time is not applicable.


Select the check mark to save the holiday.

  • You can add multiple holidays to a list.

  • You can edit and delete a holiday from a list.

  • You can't overlap the duration of holidays in a list.


Click Create to create the list of holidays.

What to do next

To manage holiday lists, see Manage Business Hours.

Create overrides

You can define overrides for your organization and associate it to working hours. Use an override to define exceptions to shifts or working hours, based on your business requirements. Associate an override to a working hours schedule to map the duration that can be exempt from the defined business hours, such as emergency hours.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Navigate to Services > Contact Center .


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Customer Experience > Business Hours.


In the Overrides section, click Create Overrides.


In General settings, enter a name and description of the override.


Choose timezone details from the drop-down list.

When creating an override, ensure that the override and business hour are in the same timezone. Also, you can't change the timezone after selecting it.


In Overrides, click Add new override. Enter the override details in the new row.

  • To add multiple overrides in a list, click Add new override.

  • You can edit and delete an override from the list.

  • You can create multiple overrides with similar or lesser duration. With use of the toggle, you can only activate one override at a time.

  • The default state for an override is inactive.

  • If you activate an override while an active override exists, an error message displays. You can deactivate the existing override and then activate another override.


Provide a name for the override.


Select a start and end date and time range.


Toggle the state to active or inactive based on when you want to apply the override.


Select the check mark to save the override.


Click Create to create the override.

What to do next

Manage business hours

You can view and manage business hours entities such as working hours, holiday lists, and overrides in the respective sections. You can search for specific working hours, holiday lists, and overrides from the list of entries. When you edit a business hours entity, there's an impact on the associated entities and flows.


Sign in to Control Hub.


Navigate to Services > Contact Center .


From the Contact Center navigation pane, select Customer Experience > Business Hours.


Go to Working hours, Holiday lists, or Override, based on your requirement.


In the search field, enter the name of the entry. The search results appear based on the inputs.


In Filter, use the check box to select the time zone. The search results appear based on the selection.

  • You can't use a filter for holiday lists.


To sort entries in ascending and descending order, click the Name, Timezone, or Last Modified header sections. Sort the entries with multiple clicks.


Choose an entry to open and edit.


Edit the fields and click Save.

  • In General Settings > Referenced by, click Reference list to view the list of entities associated. You can also export this list as a .csv file.


To delete a working hours, holiday list or override on the detailed page of the entry, click the delete icon on the right side of the page.

  • If working hours are associated with other entities, you can't delete them. Remove references to all the associated entities and try again.


To delete an entry from a list within a holiday list or override, click the delete icon on the right side of the row.


A pop-up window displays a message to confirm the deletion. Click Delete.

  • During deletion, if the holiday list is associated with other entities, the system deletes all references to associated entities.

  • During deletion, if the overrides are associated with other entities, the system deletes all references to associated entities.

What to do next

  • To access working hours, holiday lists, and overrides in your flow and manage your business-specific routing behavior, see the Flow Designer article.