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How Do I Test and Fix ActiveX?

How do I test and fix ActiveX?

How can I determine if ActiveX is working properly?

VBScripting is not working.

Technical and up-to-date information on these manual processes can be found in the MSDN Developer Library.

In order for the installer to successfully launch, two files will need to be registered on the your computer:


  • vbscript.dll
  • msjava.dll

Follow the steps below to troubleshoot:

  1. Before making any changes on your computer, determine whether the issue is network-related or workstation-specific by testing connectivity using a different computer on the same network or, if possible, by bypassing any network security such as a firewall.
  2. If the issue cannot be duplicated on other computers, then it is reasonable to conclude that it is isolated to only your computer.
  3. Test your browser Active X capability by going to the BrowserHawk Test Page. Follow directions on the test page to verify your ActiveX functionality. If ActiveX is not working, see these instructions to enable ActiveX.or refer to your Windows operating system documentation.

If the above steps do not resolve the issue (see article: WBX3129 - Browser Hangs at One Moment Please, without Errors).

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