View this article for a list of App errors for Webex meetings on iOS devices.
Where can I find a list of app errors for Webex Meetings for iOS (iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch)?
Where can I find a list of iPad error codes?
I am receiving an error message or number when joining on an iPhone.
Unable to start or join a meeting from an iPod Touch.
iPhone error list.
Errors related to displaying a list of meetings on your site or verifying account information:
Error Code | Problem Description | Customer Action |
100000 | An error has occurred with the Webex XML API server. | Re-install the app if the issue persists. Submit a ticket to Webex Support. |
100002 | Unable to view the list of meetings from your iPhone. | You do not have a Webex account. Contact your Site Admin to have an account created and add the account information to your profile page. |
100003 | URL used for your account profile may be incorrect or the network may be down. | Check your account on the profile page and try again. |
100004 | There is a problem with the data. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
100005 | You may be using the Webex iPhone app on an older version of the Webex service. |
Hosts ~ Contact your Site Administrator to submit a site upgrade request. Attendees ~ Inform the meeting host of the difficulty you're encountering. |
100006 | Meeting number not found. | Re-enter the meeting number in the invitation email. If the issue persists, submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
100008 | The meeting is in progress and cannot be deleted. | End the meeting, then try to delete it again. |
100009 | There is a problem with the meeting you are joining. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
100050 100051 100052 100053 100054 | An error has occurred with the Webex XML API server. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
100100 100101 | The site you are using has expired. | Hosts ~ Contact your site administrator and advise them to contact sales to have the site renewed or a new site created. Attendees ~ Inform the meeting host of the difficulties you're encountering. |
100102 | The account site name configured on your profile page is invalid. | Verify the site name configured on your iPhone is the same as you would use on a Windows or Mac machine. |
100103 100104 | The site is using an unsupported feature. | Hosts ~ Contact your Site Administrator and inform them of the trouble you're having and advise them to contact the sales for more information on supported features. Attendees ~ Inform the meeting host of the difficulties you're encountering. |
100150 | The account username is invalid. | Check your account information on the profile page to ensure it's correct. |
100151 | The account username is invalid. | Re-enter your password on the profile page to ensure it's accurate. |
100152 100153 100154 100155 | Your account information was rejected or is locked. | Contact your site admin to ensure your host account exists and is active. |
100156 | Your account password is no longer valid. | Login to your Webex website and change your password. |
100157 | Your account password has expired. | Login to your account on the Webex site and update your password. If you are unable to update your password, contact your Site administrator to have your password reset or the expired status changed |
100158 | Your account password has been reset. | Update your account profile with the new password information. |
100159 | Invalid ticket. | Contact your Webex Site administrator to have your account updated. |
Unable to start or join the meeting:
Error Code | Problem Description | Customer Action |
100200 | This error may occur if you are trying to use the application on a non-supported service. | Connect to the meeting using a computer. |
100201 | Proxy error | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
100202 100203 | There is a problem connecting you to your meeting. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
100204 | Meeting password is incorrect. | Re-enter the meeting password located in your meeting invitation. If the issue persists, contact the meeting host for the updated password. |
100205 | Meeting number invalid. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
100206 | Account email address is invalid. | Check the email address on your profile page and ensure it's correct. |
100207 | Account username is invalid. | Check your account information in the profile page to ensure it's correct. |
100208 100209 | User account is inactive or locked. | Contact your site admin to ensure your host account is active or to have an account created |
100210 | Account password has been reset. | Update your account profile with the new password information. |
100211 | Account password is invalid. | Login to your account from a Windows or Mac and change your account password. |
100212 | Your password has expired. | Contact your site administrator to have your password reset or the expired status changed. |
100213 | Pay-Per-Use meeting is not supported. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support. |
100214 | Pay-Per-Use meeting is not supported. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support. |
100215 100216 | Audio-only meetings are not supported. | Only Cisco Webex Meetings Online accounts and Webex Meetings Suite meetings with subscription (named host accounts) are supported. Contact Webex sales to change your account type. |
100217 | Unable to join E2E meeting. | Upgrade the Cisco Webex Meetings app on your iOS device and try to join the meeting again. |
100218 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support. | |
100219 | Unable to join: Meeting hasn't started. | Try joining the meeting again after it has started. |
100220 | Unable to end the meeting | Ask the host to end the meeting. |
100221 | iPhone access has been blocked or is not enabled. |
Hosts ~ Contact your Site Administrator and request to have the iPhone feature enabled. Attendees ~ Inform the meeting host of the difficulties you're encountering. |
100222 | The meeting type you are trying to join is not supported by the app. |
Connect to the meeting using a computer. |
100223 | You are connecting to the meeting using an unsupported app version. | Upgrade the Webex Meetings app on your device. |
100224 | You are connecting to the meeting using an unsupported app version. | Upgrade the Webex Meetings app on your device. |
100225 | You have exceeded the number of meetings you can conduct at one time. | End one of the existing meetings, then start the new meeting. |
100226 | The Webex site may be experiencing technical issues or the Cisco Webex live online demo is not ready. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
100227 | Live product demo is offline. | Live demos are available between 6:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Pacific time, Monday through Friday. |
100228 | You must have a host account on the Webex site to join a meeting. | Contact your Site administrator to have a host account created for you. |
100229 | The specified meeting duration is greater than the maximum for the chosen meeting type. | Change the meeting runtime. |
100230 100231 100300 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
100301 | You must enter a meeting password when scheduling a meeting. | Enter a password for the meeting on the scheduling screen. |
100400 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
100401 | Search for meetings by host or topic is not supported on this site. | Contact the meeting host to obtain an invitation to join the meeting. |
100801 | SSO Error. | Disable Wifi and try to connect via 3G/4G. If the issue persists, Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
Unable to start or join the meeting or reconnecting to the meeting failed:
Error Code | Problem Description | Customer Action |
5001 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5002 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5003 | If not host, do not permit to set one as presenter | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5004 | If not host, do not permit to close conference | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5005 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5006 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5007 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5008 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5009 | Start or join meeting twice | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5010 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5011 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5012 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5013 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5014 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5015 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5016 | Create or join conference failed, the reason may be the conference is locked or not exist | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5017 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5018 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5019 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5020 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5021 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5022 | Connect to meeting failed | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5023 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5024 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5025 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5026 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5027 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5028 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5029 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5030 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5031 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5032 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5033 | Connect to server timeout | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5034 | Other side who connected directly close connection | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5035 | Meeting disconnect because protocol is incorrect | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5036 | Cannot find current user | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5037 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5038 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5039 | Conference name not set | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5040 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5041 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5042 | Ping server not set | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5043 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5044 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5045 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5046 | Ping retry exceed limited times (16) | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5047 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5048 | Meeting disconnect because SSR write error | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5049 | Meeting disconnect because SSR read error | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5050 | Meeting disconnect because SSR read EOF | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5051 | User be ejected because license is too many | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5052 | User be ejected by other reason (except license is too many or same registry ID) | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5053 | User be ejected because same registry ID | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5054 | Join meeting failed because all kinds of PKI related error | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5055 | Join meeting failed because host unavailable in PKI meeting | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5056 | Not used | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
5057 | The meeting host has locked the meeting. | Contact the meeting host for further assistance. |
5058 | The meeting you are trying to join has either ended or cancelled. | Contact the meeting host for further assistance. |
N/A | Unknown error %d | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
0 | Success | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
1 | Invalid parameter | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
2 | Out of memory. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
3 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
11 12 | Internet connection is offline. | Check your network connection and then try again. |
20001 | Problem generating log file. | Try again or Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
20002 | Problem contacting log file server. | Try again or Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
20003 20004 | Problem sending log file. | Try again or Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
20101 | Account site URL is invalid. | Verify your account and site URL are valid. |
20102 | Your display name is incorrect. | Update your account information. |
20201 | The call-in number obtained from the user's iPhone app was incorrect or blocked by the network. | Dial into the conference manually. |
20210 | Meetings with forced recording aren't supported. | Disable the automatically record all sessions using Network-Based Recording in Site Administration. |
20211 | You cannot join a meeting without an audio conference. | Schedule and start a meeting with an audio conference. |
20221 | A topic has not been entered for the meeting. | Enter a topic for the meeting and try again. |
20222 | This occurs when the iPhone is configured with a non-Gregorian calendar format. This may also occur if you are attempting to schedule a meeting before the current time. | Schedule the meeting at a future time. |
Cisco Webex Meetings errors
Error Code | Problem Description | Customer Action |
100900 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
100901 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
100902 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
100903 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
100904 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
100905 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
100906 | Unable to join the meeting before the host arrives. | Wait until the meeting has started to join. |
100908 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
100909 | You do not have privileges to schedule meetings. | Contact your Site administrator for assistance obtaining meeting privileges. |
100910 | You have exceeded the number of meetings you can conduct at one time. | End one of the existing meetings, then start the new meeting. |
100911 | Unable to join the meeting before the host arrives. | Wait until the meeting has started to join. |
100912 | There is a problem with your host account. | Sign into your account using a computer for additional information. |
100913 | You have exceeded the number of meetings you can conduct at one time. | End one of the existing meetings, then start the new meeting. |
Meeting Handoff errors - Meeting Handoff is no longer supported on SSO sites. On non-SSO sites it is still supported.
Error code | Problem Description | Customer Action |
1411 1412 1421 | An error has occurred on the Meeting Handoff server. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
1431 | You have lost your internet connection | Check your network connection and try again. |
1450 | An error has occurred on the Meeting Handoff server. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
1451 | Cannot connect to the Meeting Handoff server. | Check your network connection and try again. |
1452 | The Meeting Handoff server is unavailable. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
1453 | Webex Desktop App is disabled on your Webex site. | Contact your Site administrator for assistance enabling Webex Desktop App. |
1454 | Your meeting site does not support Meeting Handoff. This feature is available on sites that utilize Single Sign-On (SSO). | Login to your Webex site and join the meeting. |
1455 | The Meeting Handoff feature is disabled on your Webex site. | Contact your Site administrator for assistance enabling Meeting Handoff. |
1457 1458 1459 1460 | An error has occurred on the Meeting Handoff server. | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. |
1473 | You are already in another meeting on your computer. | Leave the meeting on your computer, then try to use the Meeting Handoff feature again. |
1474 | An error has occurred on your computer. | Check your computer for details. |
1475 | Meeting Handoff has timed out. | Try to hand the meeting off again. |
1476 | The Webex Desktop App application is not running on your computer. | |
1477 | You are already in the meeting on your computer. | |
1478 | Meeting Handoff has timed out. | Try to hand the meeting off again. |
1479 | You have lost your Internet connection or the Meeting Handoff server is down. | Check your network connection and try again. |
1480 | Submit a ticket to Webex Support on the issue. | |
20241 | You do not have a valid host account. | Register for a host account on your Webex site or contact your Site administrator to request an account. |
If you are receiving an error that isn't on this list, Submit a ticket to Webex Support for further assistance.